Folk signs about violets: can they be kept or grown in the house?

Vampire flower

There is an opinion that Saintpaulia is a real vampire who sucks vitality and energy out of people at night. This is partly true. During the day, the grass produces oxygen, and at night, carbon dioxide. Having inhaled air containing a large amount of gas, owners who have one or more plants in their bedroom may feel weak, headache, and nausea in the morning. This is the result of minor poisoning. Therefore, it is recommended to move the viola to another room or kitchen to avoid side effects.

Where better not to put them

It is not recommended to keep violet in the bedroom. According to legends, this plant is a vampire. The flower draws vital energy from its owners.

It is also worth remembering about comfortable conditions for the flower. Avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures.

Does violet give off negative energy?

Some people believe that the perennial brings negative energy into the house; they call violets cemetery flowers, since they often decorate graves. Indeed, some unpretentious varieties, especially pansies, can often be seen in the cemetery, but beliefs have nothing to do with it. Violas are simply beautiful, do not require special care, grow well in the open air, so they are often planted on the graves of loved ones.

Both according to flower growers and signs, violets can be kept at home; they do not emit any negative energy. For example, in the East they believe that Saintpaulia protects peace in the family and creates a harmonious, cozy atmosphere. In Western countries it is called “the calmer of hearts.” It is believed that the delicate flower helps owners become softer and more tolerant of others.

Esotericists believe that perennials are able to absorb external negativity and aggression. However, they do not have strong energy, so in an apartment where people with a difficult character and bad thoughts live, violets do not grow, they die one after another. Another explanation for frequent deaths is a serious illness of one of the family members. According to legend, green pets take away the owner’s illness and maintain his health and vitality.

Is it worth believing in this?

Signs are the result of observing the world around us. Some of them have eventually found a scientific explanation, others are still waiting for proof or refutation.

It is generally accepted that plants sense human energy. If a girl is open to communication, then a young man will definitely appear. If she subconsciously does not allow love into her heart, then Saintpaulia will support her in this, her personal life will be destroyed .

Whether to believe in omens about a husband on a windowsill is something everyone decides for themselves. Our editors believe that only much more compelling reasons than a flower on the windowsill can destroy a relationship, but it is better to discuss such reasons with psychologists, not with astrologers =). Read more about the opinion of our editors at the end of the article.

Do these flowers have negative energy?

The violet is credited with vampiric qualities - supposedly it draws positive energy from the house and its inhabitants. This is also why you should not buy it from a stranger; it can transfer his bad energy to you. That is, in this case, not only your personal life will be destroyed, but also your well-being.

Positive energy

With proper care and careful handling, violet harmonizes relationships in a couple. According to the flower horoscope, she is under the influence of Taurus and the Moon. The constellation Taurus is the embodiment of a cool mind and inner peace. The moon, in turn, is responsible for warm feelings and positive emotions.

Does the flower have magical properties?

It is impossible to reliably determine the presence of magical properties in Saintpaulia. It is possible that she may react to a change in the aura of the house - she takes on the negativity and fades. She is credited with a prophetic gift - the violet blooms for significant events.

Have you felt the magical effects of Saintpaulia?

Yes, it's strong enough


No, a flower is like a flower


I read the material, think about it, and, it seems, I begin to feel


Voted: 4

Bad omens

Certain folk signs about homemade violets have a negative meaning. Most of them are related to personal life, but there are others:

  1. If you see someone watering violets at home, then, according to the sign, you will soon experience melancholy.
  2. Throwing away a healthy, strong plant means illness.

Some people claim that in a room where there are many violets, quarrels often occur, and people often get sick. However, neither esotericists nor experienced flower growers who grow a huge number of different varieties at home confirm this.

For singles

People believe that a lonely girl should not plant Saintpaulia at home. Our ancestors noticed that their owners cannot meet their soul mate for a very long time, get married, and sometimes remain alone forever. Modern lovers of exotic beauties refute this statement, saying that plants did not prevent them from creating a happy family. But if a girl believes in signs, then, for her own peace of mind, it is better for her to choose another green.

This is interesting! It is believed that signs about violets in the house also work in the opposite direction. A single man who is interested in breeding perennials risks being left alone, since it will be difficult for a girl to live in a home filled with someone else’s feminine energy that they emit. In addition, the man becomes weak-willed and weak-willed.

Flower "mozhegon"

Some mystics believe that the graceful violet has a pronounced feminine energy. In the house where she lives, the man feels uncomfortable and tries to escape as quickly as possible. That’s why Saintpaulia is sometimes called “husband.” But it is worth noting that since ancient times such properties have been attributed to climbing indoor plants and vines, while Saintpaulia is a herbaceous perennial. Therefore, before blaming her for being alone, you should pay attention to objective reasons and, perhaps, reconsider your behavior, learn to find compromises, and negotiate with your loved one. Read also: What signs are associated with ginger cats?

How violets affect your personal life

There is an opinion that exotic indoor beauties are a symbol of loneliness and sadness. However, many women and unmarried girls think differently. The housewives noted that with the appearance of Saintpaulia in the house, peace and mutual understanding reigned in the family, and the home itself became brighter and more comfortable. Many flower growers have entire compositions of different varieties on their windowsills, but family life is all right.

Of course, if the housewife believes in the superstition that indoor violets are dangerous for women and bring loneliness, there is no point in growing them. Indeed, in this case, the woman will worry and, perhaps, set herself up for negativity and failures in her personal life. In addition, she will subconsciously experience hostility towards her pets, which can negatively affect their appearance and growth. Untidy, wilted flowers will not be able to decorate a room or fill it with bright energy.

Is it true that violets on the windowsill are muzhegony, flowers of loneliness, destroy your personal life?

There is a popular belief that if a woman grows violets, she will not meet her betrothed. But as practice shows, among violet lovers there are many single and married ladies. Accordingly, this is simply a myth. The reason for loneliness should not be sought in violets. Even if you throw away or give away all the flowers, a man will not appear in the house without the desire of the hostess.

Is it true that violets on the windowsill are muzhegony, flowers of loneliness, destroy your personal life?

Good omens about violets in the house

Fortunately, there are many more good signs associated with finding violets in an apartment than bad ones.
It is believed that a beautifully flowering perennial fills the house with joy, good mood, and happiness. In addition, it has been noted that herbal has a positive effect on children. A small child who spends a lot of time in the same room with Saintpaulia is less likely to be capricious and sick, and the teenager calmly goes through the difficult period of adolescence. However, the viola should still be removed from the room at night. There are other superstitions about indoor violets:

  1. If you put a few coins in the pot when replanting, there will always be prosperity in the house.
  2. The more magnificent the violet blooms, the stronger the love between spouses, according to legend.
  3. If the housewife discovers that one inflorescence is different in color from the rest, it means she will soon be pregnant.
  4. A lonely person who picked a bouquet of wild violets before dawn on Monday and brought it home will soon meet his soulmate.
  5. If conflicts often arise in the work team, you need to put a pot of white or purple viola in your office. Usually after this, relations between employees improve.

Flowering perennials also bring practical benefits. Our ancestors noticed that they repel moths, flies, ants and other insects. This quality can still be used today.

Signs and superstitions

For unmarried girls

Is it possible to give?

Opinions about the dangers or benefits of indoor violets among a large group of flower growers are equally divided. Some people believe in superstitions and omens, while others consider them nonsense.

But you should still understand that some signs about violets in the apartment have developed due to many years of observations and beliefs.

So in ancient times, young unmarried girls were not allowed to grow violets at home in order to get married on time and successfully.

But receiving a snow-white Saintpaulia as a gift from a married friend or relative was considered a good omen.

This was explained by the fact that the beneficial energy of the family well-being of the former owner would pass on to an unmarried girl or woman. And according to the sign, as soon as the first buds appear, positive changes will begin in your personal life, with the appearance of a promising groom on the horizon.

Flower "mozhegon"

“Muzhegonami” are flowers that drive men out of the house . According to long-standing superstitions, indoor violets are also considered such flowers. According to this superstition, violet, which creates a purely feminine atmosphere in a room, does not allow a man to “survive” in it.

Of course, one plant will not do any harm, but a row or collection of violets creates such a powerful feminine atmosphere and energy that a man would feel uncomfortable being in such a room.

It is great human stupidity to blame an unfortunate tender and beautiful plant for all its misfortunes and troubles. The superstition, which has come to us since ancient times, is completely refuted by a large group of collectors and lovers of home floriculture.

Violets are in no way “husband-catchers”.

Advice! Love your plants, nature, people, and not a single plant in the house will become a “husband” that interferes with family happiness.

Dreams and their interpretations

A tender and beloved violet seen in a dream warns of an insidious person who seeks reciprocity . Under no circumstances should you trust this person, because over time his feelings will cool down, and the bitterness of his memories will remain in your heart for a long time.

As for unmarried girls and women, the interpretation of a dream about a violet in a dream does not bode well. The dream foreshadows your boyfriend's betrayal or serious deception.

If you dream that you decorate your head with a violet flower or a wreath made from it, then the dream promises that those around you will be completely delighted with you.


The indoor violet is delicate, beautiful, not very demanding to care for and will always thank the grower for his attention and care with lush, harmonious flowering.

A harmoniously blooming violet is a harbinger of favorable events and positive energy in the room.

What can such a beautiful, gentle creature tell us:

  • a healthy, cap-blooming Uzambara violet will bring happiness to the house;
  • sprouts with fleshy leaves will bring material wealth to the owner;
  • located near the baby’s cradle will help strengthen his immune system;
  • if you pick a flower on the first day of the week, before sunrise, it will help single people find a groom soon;
  • A gift of a violet from a happily married woman to an unmarried friend or close relative is considered a favorable sign;
  • finding a flower of a different color in a cap bloom predicts an early pregnancy;
  • The violet is often called a peace-making plant. In everyday life or in the workplace, a healthy and fully developing Uzambara violet is able to extinguish quarrels, scandals, and restore relationships between colleagues;
  • Saintpaulia growing indoors repels harmful insects such as ants, cockroaches and other insects.

The existence of folk signs or superstitions serves as a warning to us about any changes in the future. And, of course, we should not take seriously what our ancestors came up with in ancient times. Each subsequent generation becomes smarter, more enlightened and wiser. But you should believe in good omens and hope for the best.

Health effects

The herbaceous plant is a medicinal plant and is used in medicine, perfume production and even cooking. People have known for a long time that viola has a positive effect on health. Today it has been established that leaves, flowers and roots contain a large number of elements necessary for the body, containing essential oils and plant acids.

Based on parts of the plant, decoctions are prepared that have a mild diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic and analgesic effect. Flower tinctures help cope with inflammation, migraines, swelling, and insomnia. The juice of the stems helps to liquefy and remove phlegm during colds, and soothes sore throats. Classic recipe for violet decoction: pour dried parts of the perennial (30 g) with boiling water (250 ml), leave for 60 minutes. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

Important! You can use traditional medicine recipes only after consulting a doctor.

Petal color meaning

Monstera - why you can’t keep it at home and its effect on humans

Beliefs also affect the color of the blossoming buds.

Red attracts material wealth to your home and improves your financial situation. The second option speaks of passionate love, but provided that the violet was purchased a long time ago and bloomed on its own.

Red violet

Purple refers to indicators of mutual understanding and love. Makes character stronger, pushes towards spiritual development and growth, helps sharpen intuition and the gift of foresight.

Important! Such a flower cannot be placed in the room where the children's bedroom is located.

purple violet

The blue flower prefers to grow in people with creative inclinations. The plant forces its owner to create masterpieces and helps overcome boredom and despondency. The flower is suitable for children's rooms, school classes, studios and clubs. It helps to find harmony and develop creative abilities.

Blue violet

White brings balance to the home, suppresses strong emotions and clears the room of evil thoughts and accumulated negativity after quarrels. After a difficult day at work, it relieves fatigue and emotional stress, eases mental anguish and makes you forget dark thoughts. Snow-white beauties are usually placed in children’s rooms, as they prevent illness and improve sleep.

White violet

Pink is intended to maintain health, prevent diseases of the endocrine system and throat, and prevent excess appetite. For the owner, such a flower easily lifts the mood, restores optimism, and helps to feel joy. Pink beauties are recommended for people with many unresolved problems.

If the owner is lonely, then a flower displayed on the windowsill calls for finding a soul mate and starting a family. In pessimistic people, violet awakens a love of life and activity.

Pink violet

Important! A delicate flower with any shade of petals requires a caring attitude. Watering and fertilizing are not enough for it. If a plant does not feel love for itself, it will quickly wither. Why grow an unnecessary decorative element if it does not evoke a response in the soul?!

Signs about flowering and what the color of the petals means

It has been noted that the inhabitants of housing in which perennials often and abundantly bloom rarely get sick and do not succumb to blues and depression. There are about 500 varieties of decorative violets that can be grown at home, and the interpretation of signs varies based on the color of the petals.

  1. White. The snow-white viola has bloomed - there will be a romantic date. It is also believed that these varieties clear the room of negativity and prevent quarrels. Light flowers drive away bad thoughts, help you recover after a busy day, relieve fatigue, and relieve melancholy.
  2. Pink. If pink buds have opened, you should wait for funds to arrive. In addition, pink Saintpaulia is recommended for people who are overweight. It is believed that it can moderate appetite and strengthen willpower.
  3. Purple and blue. The blooming of blue, blue, violet, lilac buds portends important changes in life. These varieties help clear the mind and find a solution in a difficult situation. According to legend, flowers of such shades absorb aggression and negativity well. The purple viola helps to reveal talents, so it is recommended to place it in rooms where a person learns something new, as well as in schoolchildren’s rooms and classrooms.
  4. Pansies. These are tricolor violets with bright, eye-like centers. Such flowers fill the house with optimism and joy, helping to cope with a bad mood. Inhaling the aroma clears the airways and helps reduce headaches.

Read also: Is it possible or not to keep ivy in an apartment according to signs

Meaning in the home: facts and beliefs based on the colors of the buds


The purity and innocence of white violet is great for the well-being of children. White color is, first of all, the personification of something new, bright, clean. It is not for nothing that in Rus' it was customary to personify the bride’s attire in white.

White violets are a symbol of purity.

White color naturally makes the owners of the house keep it clean and tidy. Clears bad thoughts, smooths out conflicts and neutralizes quarrels . In addition, white color has a calming effect, helping household members smooth out mood swings, nervous breakdowns or various kinds of experiences.

Recommendation! Where is truth and where is fiction? Each owner of an indoor violet must figure it out for himself and sort out the fiction from the scientific basis.


Pink or red color will help get rid of bad or obsessive thoughts and resist bad desires for carnal pleasures. It is a silent assistant in the fight against excess weight. Pink or red violet inflorescences can make even the laziest people stop idleness.

Pink violets give energy.

Also, according to legend, Saintpaulias of pink or red shades are credited with the ability to boost immunity in household members.

Blue or purple

The purple color of the petals helps improve the atmosphere in the house by absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positive. The color purple inspires the inhabitants of the house to take a philosophical look at problems in the house, remove misunderstandings, excessive aggression, competition and increase resistance to life's troubles.

Purple violets put you in a philosophical mood.

The blue colors of indoor violets are capable of:

  • increase creativity;
  • inspire creativity;
  • reveal talent.

This will help you learn to draw or play musical instruments much faster. Blue color also helps fight boredom and melancholy . Adds positive emotions, makes you want to be with your family more often and talk about warm, emotional topics.

Folk signs about garden violets

Garden violets growing on the site are absolutely harmless plants; there are no bad omens associated with them. One look at these beautiful flowers charges a person with positivity. It is believed that Saintpaulias planted near the house protect the home from external negativity. In addition, they develop curiosity and creative thinking, are able to revive fading love, and have a positive effect on the human nervous system.

However, if a girl of marriageable age lives in the house, it is not recommended to plant garden violets under her bedroom window. According to legend, this can interfere with a happy marriage.

How do violets affect human health and family life?

There are many beliefs regarding Saintpaulia. Many people believe that the plant brings bad luck, but some do the opposite.

Health effects of violets:

  • They absorb oxygen . This plant produces oxygen during the day and absorbs it at night. Therefore, do not rush to grow the crop in the bedroom. You will often feel unwell after sleep if Saintpaulia grows in the bedroom.
  • Helps you lose weight. Pink violet reduces appetite, so if you want to lose some weight, place a violet in your kitchen.
  • Calms the nerves. If your work involves nervous shock, get a white Saintpaulia. It improves your mood and inspires optimism.

Impact on family life:

  • Violet is considered a muzhegon, so unmarried girls should not grow such plants. But there is a belief according to which a married woman can give a violet to her unmarried friend. This is for success and the wedding of a lonely girl.
  • Violet helps you get pregnant. For this purpose, white Saintpaulia is grown. It saturates the air with oxygen and positive energy. An ideal option for couples who dream of conceiving a child.
  • Saintpaulia can warn about incidents and various events in the life of the hostess. If a flower appears that is different in color from the others, then this is a sign of pregnancy. If all the Saintpaulias have wilted, this indicates damage to the owner. Plants took away negative energy.

Is it possible to keep violets in the house?

Both experienced flower growers and esotericists believe that growing violets at home is not only possible, but even necessary. They do not emit toxic substances, do not provoke allergic reactions, and do not have dangerous thorns that can cause injury. That is, from a biological point of view, they are absolutely safe. In addition, Saintpaulia, like any plant, purifies the air, absorbs harmful electromagnetic radiation, and releases oxygen during the day. Mystics are sure that it fills the house with positive energy, protects against negativity, and promotes a positive attitude in the inhabitants.

The prejudiced attitude towards this beauty is caused only by superstitions. For example, according to legend, unmarried girls should not keep violets at home. Whether to believe this, everyone decides for themselves. However, in any case, a green pet should evoke only positive emotions in the owner. If for some reason the plant is not to your liking, it is better to give it away to those who want it.

Is it possible for an unmarried girl to keep and breed indoor violets at home or in an apartment?

Yes, according to signs, the plant is a muzhegon and can interfere with a girl’s happiness. But there are a number of clarifications:

  • An unmarried girl should not buy Saintpaulia from a stranger. That is, do not purchase crops from a flower shop or spontaneous markets.
  • It is best to ask a married friend of yours for a leaf or plant. In this case, you need to leave a few coins in return. This will help protect you from all bad omens.
  • Buy violets from men or ask your married friend to give you a plant. In such cases, culture will bring happiness to the home.

Is it possible for an unmarried girl to keep and breed indoor violets at home or in an apartment?

Where to place according to the teachings of Feng Shui

Feng Shui masters agree that all varieties of Saintpaulia have beneficial properties for the owner. If a person is too emotional and wants to learn to control his feelings, he should place flowerpots with red flowers in the southern sector of the house. To develop creative abilities, you need to place white violets in the western part, and white and blue Saintpaulias in the northern sector will contribute to career growth.

Feng Shui experts are sure that perennials help you get through a bad period in life. If hard times come, you need to place a violet of any color in the southeast. Living plant energy will help a person find a way out of any situation, and no difficulties will be able to break him.

Reviews from violet owners


Valentina. “I’ve been growing violets for about 30 years. Recently my husband and I celebrated our silver wedding. We have been living in harmony for 25 years. I sincerely believe that with proper care, plants will not harm their owner, but will only bring harmony to their personal life.”


“I have several pots of violets on my windowsill. I never paid attention to esoteric issues. I recently got a new job. I didn’t join the team right away, I was a black sheep. Some time later, she decided to decorate her workplace and brought a white Saintpaulia from home. After that, communication with colleagues improved, and the boss gave a bonus.”


“I am a mother of two children. The eldest suddenly fell ill - coughing non-stop. Doctors did not find out the reason. We moved to our parents in the village, we thought the problem was the dirty city air. My mother has a large flower garden, including Saintpaulias. A week after her arrival, several of her violets withered, but the child stopped coughing. Upon returning to the city, no symptoms appeared.”


“Recently I was given a Saintpaulia in a pot. I knew about the superstitions associated with her, but I couldn’t refuse. A short time later, quarrels with the guy began. I read the advice and planted a tangerine at home, also on the windowsill. And then everything returned to normal, although it seemed to me that the relationship was already completely destroyed. So don’t believe in omens after this.”

Is it possible to give violets?

Most women love to be given flowers. A violet received as a gift is said to bring happiness to the recipient in her personal life. If a happily married lady gives a viola to an unmarried girl, the girl will soon meet her future husband. Other signs associated with the gifted flower:

  1. If the spouses are given a white violet in a pot, the omen promises the couple a calm family life, the relationship will be full of love and mutual trust.
  2. The violet could be a secret sign. If a guy gave a girl a red or pink flower, it was believed that in this way he confessed his feelings to her. The girl could tell fortunes on the donated perennial, asking him about the true intentions of the gentleman. A lushly blooming viola testified to true love, but if the violet, with proper care, died, it means that the young man’s feelings are not serious.

Read also: Is it possible or not to keep a ficus at home according to signs

According to the superstition, you should not give someone a violet purchased from a single woman. This can bring failure in your personal life.

Pink violets

Such flowers are considered talismans in the field of health. They help young people find their other half. At the same time, they relieve obsessive thoughts associated with carnal desires. In addition, pink flowers are recommended for people who want to lose weight. You can even place them on the kitchen table. Pink violet with a purple tint, i.e. two-color Saintpaulia will have a beneficial effect on even the laziest family members, and will also improve the well-being of the household.

Signs according to the condition of the violet

The condition of the plant can be used to judge the general atmosphere in the apartment. A fading Saintpaulia symbolizes that the situation in the family is too tense, and the delicate flower is no longer able to cope with the surrounding negativity. The owners need to calm down and try to improve the relationship.

If the violet received the necessary care, but still died, most likely one of the household members was sick, and the viola tried to help cope with the illness by taking it upon herself. In this case, it is recommended to purchase several new perennials.

A lushly blooming violet indicates a favorable atmosphere and good health of those around you.

If you gave a flower...

There are several beliefs associated with receiving violets as a gift. Firstly, if a girl is given such a flower, it may foretell a meeting with her beloved. You need to “talk” to the plant every day. And if you want to know if a wedding is waiting for you in the near future, ask a flower. If new buds appear, you can select a wedding dress.

If a violet is given to a girl by her boyfriend, the plant will feel how the couple’s relationship is developing. If, for example, a flower gets sick or starts to get stuck, it means that the lovers have quarreled or will soon separate.

How to care for a violet so that it brings good luck

Only a healthy and strong plant can fill your home with good energy and attract good luck.

Fragile violets are quite unpretentious and easy to care for. Perennials love warmth, humidity and soft light. They feel good on light window sills, but do not tolerate direct rays of the sun; it is better to cover the window with a light curtain. Water them once every 5-6 days, in the cold period - once every 8-9 days. In this case, it is necessary to take care of drainage, since stagnation of moisture will lead to rotting of the roots. Any complex fertilizer for beautifully flowering plants is suitable for feeding. In spring and autumn it is applied twice a month; in autumn and winter, a single feeding once every two months is sufficient.

Important! Saintpaulia does not like large containers. The diameter of the pot should be 2-3 times smaller than its rosette.

Why are muzhegon flowers called that?

For a long time, there have been many legends and superstitions that improve or, on the contrary, darken the reputation of various plants. It is believed that muzhegon flowers expel men from home by creating unfavorable conditions for them that are unbearable for the stronger half of humanity. They can also prevent a man from appearing in the house of a free and young girl.

Ivy Wax is often blamed for loneliness

Cacti, ivy and various types of vines are notorious.

Young girls who believe in omens and want to get married are better off not keeping muzhegon flowers in their house.

It is also worth noting that this group of colors is conditionally divided into two groups:

  • flowers that prevent you from finding family happiness . These include monstera, fern, ficus, liana, etc.;
  • plants that survive men from home . They are believed to promote divorce or cause an accident. Typically, ivy, scindaptus, birch, aglonema, etc. are considered such flowers.

Should I believe omens?

Whether to believe signs, everyone decides for himself. Of course, it’s quite simple to say that the cause of all failures in life is one or another houseplant. But it is important to understand that in most cases the source of troubles is the person himself.

Pros and cons

Belief in omens has both pros and cons. The advantages include:

  1. Respect for the beliefs that have come down to us from our ancestors. There is no point in completely breaking away from traditions and arguing with every sign. In some cases, observation and caution will not hurt.
  2. Belief in your own strength. If the omen is favorable, the person becomes more confident.

There are also disadvantages. These include:

  1. Programming yourself for bad things. If a sign promises trouble, a superstitious person does not even try to take any action; he subconsciously waits for negative events, because he is sure that they are inevitable.
  2. Stress. Fearing that a bad omen will come true, a person begins to worry and get nervous, which can negatively affect his health.
  3. Quarrels with loved ones. Superstitious people who live by signs often try to impose this belief on their loved ones, which often causes conflicts.
  4. Lack of analysis. Any incident is attributed to the action of a sign. For example, an ordinary viola can become your worst enemy and the cause of loneliness, although in most cases you just need to analyze and change your own behavior.

Owners of beautiful violets should remember that all negative signs will crumble when met with sincere and firm faith in all that is good. The main thing is to love your green pet and provide him with appropriate care. In this case, the delicate flower will definitely thank its owners and not only decorate the house, but also fill it with harmony and comfort.

Why does violet bloom?

Constantly blooming viola is a sign of good care. This means that the owner regularly waters the plant and fertilizes the soil. Signs say that if a violet blooms, all residents of the house will have good health. It is useful for active individuals to be near a blooming beauty to normalize energy balance.

Signs associated with the flowering of viola of different colors:

  • purple promises important events that will soon change your life;
  • white – love date;
  • lilac - a fateful meeting;
  • red – passion, love;
  • pink – respect among family and friends.

Violet in dreams

If a person dreamed of a viola at night, then this fact can be interpreted in any direction :

  1. Decorating your head with a wreath of Saintpaulia flowers is to the admiration of others.
  2. A violet in the hands of a friend is a warning about the possible deceit of this person; you should be careful with him in reality.
  3. Seeing a viola in the hands of an unmarried girl is a sign of betrayal by your other half or serious deception.
  4. Attaching a flower to clothes means love will soon meet.

Violet as a gift

There are some signs associated with a flower given from the heart:

  • a pot of Saintpaulia for a lonely girl - quick marriage and family happiness - as an inheritance from the donor;
  • for a melancholy person, a lushly blooming violet will bring the missing energy, increase efficiency, and balance the state of mind;
  • purple buds - “improving” the home atmosphere;
  • a pink flower will make the new owner popular among friends, adding sociability and determination;
  • If you were given a violet, you should give a few coins as a guarantee of good flowering and the positive impact of the flower on a new place.

Journey into history

Now Saintpaulia is being actively planted and new varieties are being developed. Violet is quite common all over the world; its beautiful flowers evoke tenderness. But to understand why the viola is called a symbol of loneliness, it is worth taking a short excursion into the past. It turns out that our ancestors noticed a long time ago that each plant has its own energy. A number of crops can positively or negatively impact the lives of their owners.

The cultivation of violets occurred more than 100 years ago. While the perennials were taking root at home, they managed to acquire new superstitions. New opinions have been added to the old signs, which are mostly based on subjective observations and assessments.

People from all over the world may notice that beliefs about violets are not always clear-cut. Some people consider a houseplant with double leaves to be a source of happiness and longevity. Others will say that violet is the main cause of eternal quarrels and discord. You need to figure out what’s what and which opinions are correct.

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