Is it possible to keep a ficus in the house - signs and superstitions

What does the flower symbolize?

Various signs and superstitions are associated with the ficus flower. This is partly due to the fact that ficus is considered a common indoor flower. However, many flower growers only superficially know about the signs and superstitions that are associated with it.

According to well-known signs and superstitions, not every plant can be kept at home. Especially if there are children in the family. Some couples carefully study superstitions or omens before planning a pregnancy. Beliefs also apply to ficus.

Important! Ficus benjamina is grown in homes and public places.

Under natural conditions, the tree reaches a height of several meters and survives drought and rain. During drought, the ficus sheds its leaves to reduce its need for moisture.

Where can't you put a flower?

Despite all its positive energy, ficus can be capricious. So the flower does not like to be in the center of the room. Because of this, there will be quarrels and scandals in the family.

The bathroom and toilet are also not the best places. Your money will flow away like water.

Ficus also does not like to be close to other flowers. This plant loves space and comfort.

ON A NOTE. The southwest and northeast corners of an apartment or house should be avoided. For ficus, these are energetically unfavorable zones.

Ficus at home: good or bad

Since the tree has been grown for many years, there are many signs and superstitions associated with it. Experts have proven the positive effect of the plant on health. A small tree purifies the air, acting as a kind of filter.

The Benjamin variety helps eliminate germs, negative particles in the air and saturate it with oxygen. The flower can be grown in residential areas of large cities.

What ficus brings to the house

Initially, the Slavic peoples did not give preference to the beautiful plant. It was believed that ficus awakens negative emotions in a person. The tree was a sign of gossip and envy.

The influence of other countries contributed to the change in signs and superstitions. Currently, it is believed that the plant brings goodness and happiness and strengthens the family. A small tree improves the energy of a house or apartment.

Is it possible to keep a ficus at home for an unmarried girl?

Ficus Benjamin, located in the house, according to superstition, scared men away from girls. An unfavorable omen warned that the girl growing the tree would not marry.

It is noteworthy that ficus, for example, Benjamin, had a negative effect on men. Given common superstitions, people were reluctant to grow the tree.

Who and why should not keep ficus at home?

In addition to signs and superstitions, it is necessary to take into account individual allergic reactions that are caused by the presence of milky juice. If you have severe allergies, keeping ficus at home is not recommended. Ignoring severe allergic reactions can lead to asthma.

Attention! Allergies are manifested by fever and deterioration of general condition.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

Ficus requires respectful treatment. According to Feng Shui, it should be placed in a visible place. Preferably in the south-eastern part of the house or apartment.

Then the flower will bring more benefits to its owner.

If you have several rooms, then place the ficus in the one where you welcome guests. Here he will create a friendly atmosphere of friendly conversation.

IMPORTANT! In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the ficus likes its place. These plants do not tolerate drafts. They like warmth, bright but diffused sunlight.

Magical properties of the plant

In some countries (China, Thailand), ficus benjamina is considered a sacred plant. The owner of a beautiful flower will experience happiness and good luck. It is a source of comfort and a pleasant atmosphere. In addition, a beautiful tree can cleanse a person’s home of negative emotions.

Ficus benjamina is often purchased for the purpose of adding to the family. Signs and superstitions for the home associated with the ficus say that for successful conception you can even borrow a ficus. However, the sign is valid only if the plant is well cared for. To conceive, you need to treat the tree like a child.

Positive signs

  • Strengthening the family hearth.
  • Solving problems in all areas.
  • Success.
  • Financial stability.
  • Cleansing the house from black forces.
  • Harmony.

In Asia they believe that this is the most successful amulet for a family. In the most populous country in the world, they believe that thanks to the plant you can solve everyday problems, make repairs and even buy a new vehicle. The plant can cleanse the house of negative energy. This is a memorable gift for the elderly; by giving it, you show your care and attention to them.

The people of Egypt take special care of the plant. The flower is quite difficult to maintain due to unfavorable climatic conditions, but despite this, it is found in every home.

There is an assumption that if a pot with an inflorescence is placed in the kitchen, then its inhabitants will never need money and will always be well-fed.

Another superstition says that ficus is a “sedative” for pessimistic people; it absorbs negativity, in return giving people peace of mind and enthusiasm. It is noted that the plant has a positive effect on people with speech impediments and stutterers.

Varieties of ficus: photos, names and signs

The plant is a member of the Mulberry family and is also known as the “crying tree.” Ficus includes many varieties. Experts count about 900 plant species. A significant part of ficus trees grow in the subtropics and tropics. The following varieties are grown at home:

  • rubbery;
  • Robusta;
  • Melanie;
  • Kinky.

Important! The most common type is Ficus Benjamin, which is given special importance in the home.

Signs and superstitions about Ficus Benjamin

It is believed that it was the leaves of the ficus Benjamin that Adam and Eve covered themselves with after their expulsion by God from the Garden of Eden. Thus, superstitions and signs about ficus Benjamin (variety “Natasha”) also developed as a result of various historical events.

Ficus benjamina is more often grown at home. It is an evergreen tree, growing up to 20 m (in the wild). Beautiful green leaves have a smooth surface.

Popular varieties of Ficus Benjamin include:

  • exotic;
  • goldenking;
  • starlight;
  • Natasha.

Signs and superstitions about Ficus Benjamin are related to whether the tree can be grown at home. The health benefits of the plant are also significant.

Signs and superstitions about rubber ficus

People's opinions about this variety are divided. Some signs say that the rubbery species brings happiness. While according to other superstitions it is not recommended to grow a flower at home or in an apartment.

There is a sign that the rubber-bearing variety can be called muzhegon. Thus, men do not live long in a house where this flower grows. If it is given as a gift for a wedding celebration, the marriage will not last long. It is undesirable not only for married couples, but also for single girls to keep the rubber variety in the house. The flower will scare away potential suitors.

According to some superstitions, the rubber-bearing species attracts money. It should be started by people who urgently need to resolve a money issue. For the omen to come true, the tree is placed in the office or on the table. This localization helps increase income and career growth.

You can place the rubber variety in the kitchen to attract wealth and prosperity. An unpretentious flower helps to get pregnant and bear a child, as well as facilitate childbirth.

Signs and superstitions about ficus Robusta

Ficus elastica, for example Robusta, is considered common because of its beautiful appearance and good omens. The plant differs from Ficus Benjamin in its large, dense leaves of a dark green color. Due to the large leaves, the flower looks quite impressive. That is why it can often be found in apartments and office buildings.

Leaves absorb bad energy like a sponge. Experts say that the flower not only purifies the air, but is also beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. This arrangement helps to accumulate positive energy. The atmosphere in the apartment and house becomes calm.

Attention! In order to achieve good omens, the pot should be placed so that the leaves are turned to the west.

Signs and superstitions about ficus Melanie

This is a relatively new variety that grows in a compact bush. The plant is recommended for inexperienced gardeners because of its unpretentiousness. The disadvantages of the variety include the almost complete absence of flowering at home. To eliminate fatigue, the potty is placed near the desktop. To attract guests, the Melanie variety is placed in the corridor.

The Melanie variety restores the harmony of intimate relationships when localized in the bedroom. It should be taken into account that it is not advisable to place the tree in the center of the room.

Signs and superstitions about the ficus Kinki

This is a dwarf form of the famous Ficus Benjamin. The height is up to 40 cm. Small narrow leaves are colored light green. Caring for the flower is simple. You can easily form a bush from it.

Attention! The Kinki variety does not like permutations.

The Kinki variety is considered an excellent gift. The flower has the power to ward off evil forces from its owner. It is recommended to place the tree in the bedroom when planning pregnancy.

Where is the best place to place ficus trees to attract good luck?

The influence of the flower on a person depends on where the pot with the plant is located.

  • Study. The plant increases productivity and helps improve relationships with colleagues.
  • Corridor. The flower will become a guardian who will not allow evil forces to enter your doorstep.
  • Living room. People will come to visit you more often. Moreover, these will not be annoying visitors, but welcome friends.
  • Cabinet or shelf. Home energy protection.
  • Bedroom. Resolving sexual problems of a married couple, strengthening marriage.

REFERENCE. A good idea would be to place a pot with a plant in the kitchen. There is a belief that the inhabitants of the house will always be well-fed and will not need money.

Who can I give a flower to?

A Benjamin ficus as a gift is the best option for purchasing a tree. If it is given by good friends, it will bring luck and good fortune into life. Popular superstitions say that it is very good to give a ficus tree when it blooms. In general, flowering indicates the fulfillment of hopes and wishes, increasing prosperity.

The Benjamin variety can be given to everyone without exception. The tree often becomes a gift for married couples dreaming of adding to their family.

Important! The plant will be able to reveal its potential only with proper care and proper care.

Help during pregnancy

Ficus with fleshy green leaves has a beneficial effect on a lady who wants to become a mother.

Rubber ficus helps to conceive a child. The beneficial energy of a flower affects the following parameters:

  • Physiology of a woman.
  • The menstrual cycle is normal.
  • The health of an already pregnant woman.

As we have already found out above, ficus is the personification of family and home comfort. If you dream of having children, install the plant in the bedroom where you can retire with your spouse.

How to properly use the plant for pregnancy?

  1. It is not necessary to have a plant in your home; it is enough to walk around a pot with an inflorescence naked.
  2. If you don’t want to take care of and grow a plant, you can simply borrow it from a friend, mother, mother-in-law, etc. for a while. But the plant will still need care, because indoor flowers only help those people who do not allow them to wither.
  3. Borrow a ficus cutting from people who have children.
  4. Cherish the plant like a child and then you will receive a baby as a gift.
  5. If a flower blooms, then expect replenishment.

Where is the best place to put the plant?

There are also signs for the home associated with the Benjamin ficus. The location of the tree in the living room is important.

The flower can be placed on the east and south sides. Proximity to light is important so that the energy of the tree can fully unfold. This will bring harmony and peace to the house.

In China, trees are placed on windows. People are convinced that the flower harmonizes the home and gives comfort.

This plant is especially useful when placed in the kitchen. According to superstition, residents will not have to experience need for food. For this purpose, it is recommended to bury a coin in a pot. As the tree grows, its welfare increases. The family will always be loving and happy. There will be prosperity and a comfortable atmosphere in the house.

Ficus Benjamin, located in the kitchen, will help improve relationships between relatives. It is believed that any variety will help cope with germs in the kitchen.

Attention! A plant located in the kitchen helps reduce appetite.

Signs also relate to Ficus Benjamin and pregnancy. If a woman is planning to conceive a child, the plant should be placed in the bedroom. To make a man confident in his abilities, the tree is placed next to the bed.

There is a superstition that walking around a tub with a tree promotes conception. You can also ask a family with children for a scion.

A small tree growing in the bedroom improves sleep and eliminates nightmares. If the plant is in the living room, it attracts important people into your life.

Different types of unpretentious plants can be grown in office premises. A tree growing at work is a sign of a good mood. Flowers help to focus and concentrate.

Is it possible to give a ficus for a birthday as a gift?

Is it possible to give a ficus for a birthday as a gift?
Feng Shui experts say that ficus improves the material well-being of the owners of the house where it grows. To do this, as mentioned above, the flower needs to be placed in the kitchen. If you have problems with your business, place this plant in your office and your finances will increase.

But is it possible to give a ficus as a gift for a birthday? It all depends on the character of the person being gifted and his preferences. If a person does not believe in omens, then he will really like such a surprise. It is important that the person being gifted loves to care for flowers.

Advice: Before giving a ficus, find out if the person has asthma or allergies.

In order for indoor plants to please, they must be purchased while in a good mood. Therefore, a birthday is an excellent occasion, especially for the birthday boy, to acquire such a green friend as a ficus. Feel free to give ficus for birthdays and other occasions. Positive emotions and a charge of good mood are guaranteed!

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Sometimes gardeners prefer not to grow a beautiful plant, fearing superstitions and signs. Experts say that first of all, it is necessary to conscientiously take care of the tree and not be negative. Only in this case, Benjamin's ficus will bring happiness and good luck.

To prevent bad omens, you need to choose the right location for flowers in the house. According to superstitions, a small tree should not be placed:

  • away from windows and sunlight;
  • on the north side;
  • on the windowsill near the west window.

These places are unfavorable for growth. Located in the wrong place, the flower spends all its available energy to maintain its vital functions. Thus, he will not be able to help create harmony and a friendly atmosphere in the house.

Attention! For good omens to come true, you need to properly and diligently care for the flower.

The most common folk beliefs

There are a lot of varieties of this tree, but the most common among housewives are Benjamin, Melanie, Natasha, Robust and Elastica, and many signs are associated with them.

  • Have you decided to put a flower in your office? Then, soon you will experience an increase in your performance, obtain a new position, and the working atmosphere in the team will improve.
  • Place a flower in the hallway of the house, and it will protect the energy that reigns in the family.
  • If a flowerpot with a flower is in the guest room, then the house will be filled with happiness and a friendly atmosphere. You will experience the joy of communicating with people close to you.
  • Placing a flower in the dining area in the kitchen means abundance and money. There is an opinion that leaving ficus in the kitchen reduces appetite, and therefore promotes weight loss.
  • The woman decided that the flower belongs in the marriage room? So, expect children to appear! In addition, your sleep will normalize and you will stop suffering from insomnia.
  • It is not the best decision to place the plant in the center of a living space or office. This is an unfavorable zone, so the plant can have a negative effect.
  • If you use a flower in your home to protect your home from negative energy, then place it on a hill: a shelf, a closet.
  • Did you see fleshy green leathery leaves on the flower? This means there will be peace and prosperity in your home.
  • Have you noticed the white inflorescences? - a symbol of wealth, as well as anticipation of the birth of a baby.
  • You cannot move the plant closer to other flowers, because it will not have enough space for life and energy.
  • The placement of plants on windowsills on the south side is prohibited.

Don't keep vines at home!

It is believed that many climbing plants are “muzhegon” flowers. This statement is explained by the fact that they look like a road or a beautiful forest path. Do you have tradescantia or ivy in your house? Take a closer look. They really resemble paths winding among fields and forests. Many women, having learned that there is a flower-husband, what it looks like, do not even try to find out. For what? We throw the vines out of the house, and everything will be fine. It is worth noting that this is not entirely traditional, but it is radically correct. Lianas of all kinds “push” male representatives out of the apartment. Sons quickly fly out of the nest, and their fathers return there with increasing reluctance, until they completely forget the way. However, the described approach does not suit many lovers of indoor plants. Let's respect their pleasant and useful weakness.

How does rubber ficus differ from other species?

This variety of ficus is characterized by a powerful, erect trunk, up to 180 cm high, and large oval leaves. Their length reaches 25 cm and width 8 cm. The leaves are fleshy, dark green, with a smooth surface. During germination, the leaf blade has the shape of a thick red needle. In the axils of the leaves, the perennial forms branches - stepsons. They are convenient to use for propagation; shoots easily take root in clean water.

A thick white sap is released from the cut of a leaf or branch. It's poisonous. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, it causes irritation.

Medicinal properties of ficus

Each of the ficuses, regardless of the type, including Benjamin, has beneficial and medicinal properties. Plants contain biologically active substances. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the flower are widely used not only by traditional healers, but also by pharmacologists. Infusions, decoctions, ointments, and juice are prepared based on ficus.

What are the benefits of ficus for humans:

  1. A decoction of ficus leaves relieves pain from hemorrhoids and also helps to reduce nodes.
  2. The same decoction can remove warts.
  3. Ointments and juice based on a healthy flower help heal some skin diseases and relieve back pain.
  4. You can use the medicine for problems with the motor system and mastopathy.
  5. An infusion or decoction is useful for coughs.
  6. Alcohol-based infusions are an excellent remedy for relieving toothache and for rinsing the mouth (removes unpleasant odor).

For some diseases, decoctions, infusions and juice are taken orally. But most often the healing agent is used externally in the form of ointments and balms.

What does ficus look like?

Ficus is a representative of the Tutov family. Evergreens are native to hot countries. Ficus plants with a height of no more than 2 m are more suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Benjamin,
  • Benedicta,
  • Bengal,
  • Lyre-shaped,
  • Dwarf.

Despite the fact that the flowers may differ in appearance, they do not tolerate cold, shading, or drafts.

Attention! Plants with beneficial properties are difficult to tolerate relocation, as they get used to one place.

The stem of an adult plant is woody. But young shoots are flexible. For indoor ficus plants planted nearby, you can intertwine the stems, as in the photo below. The shape of the bush needs to be shaped and trimmed so that the ficus does not grow one-sided.

The leaves of the plants are often round in shape with a waxy coating. There are patterns on the green leaves. Ficus blooms rarely and only if it is cared for with love.


So we came across an indoor flower - muzhegon, which at first glance stands out from the general description. However, it only seems so. Take a closer look at aloe. The same thick leaves, pointed at the end. The juice is medicinal. And although the plant does not climb, it looks like the same vine, only “frozen.” Maybe due to some differences from the other members of the “group”, aloe is considered a not very harmful muzhegon. It is not recommended only for young people. They say that it drives away gentlemen from girls of marriageable age. Family ladies should not be afraid of aloe. Quite the contrary. Keep it in the house. After all, three-year-old leaves are useful in treating colds. Aloe has an antiseptic effect.

The meaning of a flower during pregnancy

There is a belief that a woman who wants to have a child should get a ficus. To carry out the ritual, they use a small bush, preferably grown with their own hands from a cutting.

The plant is installed in the bedroom and cared for like a small child:

  • water and wipe the leaves;
  • feed;
  • give the flower a name and talk to it.

For your information! In India and Asia, women seeking to become pregnant perform a special ritual. On the new moon, they undress and walk around the tree in a circle. It is believed that this gives strength to fertility and promotes speedy procreation.

Where should you not place rubber ficus?

Since the plant can grow right up to the ceiling, there is a temptation to place it in the center of the room, making it an independent part (dominant) of the interior. This cannot be done, because the large size will interfere with the free circulation of energy in the room.

You cannot place a ficus in the bathroom, even if all the conditions for the development of a perennial are created there. Since the flower is, according to many beliefs, a symbol of wealth, positive energy can go down the drain along with the water. As a result, the likelihood of real financial losses increases.

To add to the family

Separate conversation: ficus and children. Not existing ones, but potential ones. It is considered very useful for people who want to become parents , especially mothers (because it requires more effort and sacrifice from women). The omens speak especially well of the rubber-bearing ficus.

Positive energy helps:

  • cope with diseases of the reproductive system (ovaries, uterus);
  • regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • get pregnant;
  • maintain your health during pregnancy.

A donated ficus works best to improve reproductive status. A product purchased on your own will also work, but the effect will be somewhat less noticeable and faster.

In the East, it is considered to have a positive effect on male strength . Not the one that moves furniture, but the one that gives pleasure and makes children.

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