Is it possible to keep a fern at home? Folk signs, benefits and harms

What does the flower symbolize?

Fern is one of the most ancient plants, appearing on earth thousands of years ago. The modern flower takes root well and grows at home. There are indoor and garden varieties.

Legends were formed about the bush and various myths circulated. Popular beliefs were described by Nikolai Gogol. People believed in the sign that if you pick a flower on the night of Kupala, you will be able to find a treasure that belongs to evil spirits. And those who grow a bush at home will be lucky enough to attract good luck.

The bush is a relict plant and dates back 350 million years. It increases vibrations and restores the aura. Leaf collection usually begins from July to September due to the appearance of spores. It is the disputes that indicate the acquisition of magical power, which is necessary for rituals. The leaves are also used to make amulets that are worn on the body to protect against the evil eye. These amulets can be placed in different parts of the house to attract good luck.

The bush grows in many countries, which gives rise to conflicting signs. The Slavs identified fern with Perun and actively used it in various rituals.

People have different attitudes towards house fern, which is due to their culture and traditions. There is a sign that the house fern will definitely bring happiness, good luck and health. The plant also allows you to improve your material well-being.

Important! The flowering fern is of particular value. Anyone who finds such a fern on the night of Ivan Kupala, as the sign says, will have great luck.

Many cultures have a positive attitude towards house fern. The plant is placed in an apartment because of a well-known sign according to which the leaves are able to ward off evil spirits. It was believed that the house fern has a special magical power that can pass to the owner.

In a number of countries, house fern has bad omens. It is widely believed that the flower is capable of attracting evil spirits. And since the plant can often be seen in cemeteries, the fern also symbolizes death.

According to negative signs, house fern draws strength and good energy. The plant should not be placed in the bedroom. Otherwise, the person will suffer from insomnia, increased nervousness and excitability.

The benefits and harms of the plant

The presence of fern in the house not only adds coziness to the surrounding space, but also purifies the air. Its medicinal properties are also widely used in folk medicine for the following purposes:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • relief of pain syndromes;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • cleansing the body of radionuclides;

Medicines are prepared based on the plant, the action of which helps in the treatment and prevention of pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, diabetes, pneumonia and other diseases.

In addition to traditional medicine, in a number of countries parts of the plant are used in cooking and confectionery. So, in Japan, fern is fried, salted, and also consumed raw. Sauces and salads are prepared on its basis, and crushed and dried roots are used in the preparation of sweets.

Despite the obvious benefits, indoor flowers are not as safe as they seem. Inhaling its spores or getting them on the skin often causes asthma attacks or allergies. Harmful substances present in the plant can cause poisoning. Fern-based preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, kidney and liver diseases, anemia and tuberculosis.

In terms of energy, an indoor flower can absorb human vitality, provoke headaches, malaise and oxygen starvation. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep the plant near resting and sleeping areas.

The benefits and harms of home fern directly depend not only on its type, but also on the body of a particular person. Growing the plant to purify the air rather than for consumption will not poison the body. And following the rules for caring for indoor flowers and knowing folk beliefs will help bring good luck into the house and get rid of negativity.

Magical properties of the plant

The nature of magical properties varies depending on countries and different cultural traditions. Since ancient times, people have believed in the following magical properties of the house fern:

  • smoothing out conflict situations;
  • positive impact on a person’s character;
  • assistance in gambling.

It is noteworthy that avid gamblers were recommended to take a leaf of house fern with them to the casino (to the hippodrome or horse races). According to signs, the magical plant brings good luck and fortune.

The growth of house fern must be monitored. The good condition of the plant indicates the absorption of negative energy.

Attention! According to the signs, if a person constantly feels nausea, weakness or headache, fern should not be grown at home. These symptoms indicate that the houseplant is taking away strength from the owner.

Experts also highlight the medical properties of the home bush:

  • wound healing;
  • elimination of hemorrhoids, rheumatism, pneumonia;
  • prostate treatment.

Esotericists consider the bush a symbol of the purity of the human soul.

Rules for caring for a flower

It is important to remember that proper storage conditions must be observed for ferns in the house. If the conditions are not met, then this will not end well. The flower will stop coming to your aid and will begin to have a negative attitude towards the person. The main conditions of care should include certain points.

Important! You should pay attention to the fact that the fern leaves curl due to the absorption of a large amount of negative energy. The more negativity he absorbs, the faster his appearance will deteriorate. Based on this, it urgently needs to be placed in a place where nothing bad can happen.

Is it possible to keep an indoor fern flower at home?

For the ancient Slavs, the bush was a gift from the deity to man. And since the power of the Deity is preserved in the leaves, they can transmit power to people. However, it is not possible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to keep a bush in an apartment.

Signs claim that the house fern has magical properties. The flower suggests the location of the treasure, and the seeds bring good luck.

If fern is grown indoors, signs and superstitions can be positive or negative. Many experts believe that the plant has a positive effect on the atmosphere of the room. There is another opinion that predicts misfortune for the owner of the flower.

Important! Flower growers should not give up this beautiful and unpretentious plant. House fern tolerates shade well and takes root in any apartment.

According to the signs, the purer the soul, the more beneficial the influence of the bush on a person. The relic has the following useful properties when placed at home:

  • eliminating discord and misunderstanding, including between people of different generations;
  • protection from ill-wishers;
  • increase in wealth.

Who and why should not keep ferns at home?

This spectacular plant is not recommended to be kept at home due to its properties. According to signs, the flower is considered an energy vampire that takes a lot of energy from the surrounding space.

Important! You can try to neutralize the bad properties of a house plant. For this purpose, the flowerpot is placed in an unfavorable place from an energy point of view. You can place the potty near the TV.

For a long time, fern was considered a mysterious plant because of its growth in dense forests. The sign said that if you bring beautiful leaves from the forest, you can expect failure and trouble.

People believed in quick illnesses and constant fatigue if you placed a flowerpot at home. However, there is a medical basis for the malaise. Allergic reactions may occur due to spores on the underside of the sheets. In the morning, you often have a headache due to the active absorption of oxygen at night and the release of carbon dioxide.

Attention! You should pay attention to your well-being when placing a flowerpot at home. The plant may not be suitable for a particular grower.

Why is fern really dangerous?

The fern can indeed pose a certain danger. Some of its varieties can be classified as mildly poisonous plants. If leaves or rhizomes enter the food tract, it can lead to indigestion.

If there are small children or overly inquisitive pets in the house, then it is better not to have ferns or, as a last resort, place them in the most inaccessible place

On the underside of the leaf blades of this flower there are reproductive organs with spores, which, when inhaled with air or contact with the skin, can cause an acute allergic reaction or an asthma attack.

Fern spores can cause a severe allergic reaction

Therefore, for sensitive and allergy-prone people, as well as for children, fern in the house is contraindicated.

You should not have a fern if you have children and allergies in your family.

Even if your household does not suffer from allergies, you should not place a fern in the children's room or bedroom; it is better to place the flower in the hallway or living room.

Signs and superstitions about indoor fern

Signs indicate positive changes that occur with the appearance of the house fern. The flower eliminates excessive temper and aggressiveness. The owner becomes more friendly and reserved. Leaves have a good effect on the air and atmosphere of the room, helping to improve relationships among household members.

House fern should be grown if family members have different temperaments and do not get along well with each other. The flower is called the golden mean plant. House fern balances and promotes potential.

Flower growers are promised luck and success in various matters. The plant is favorable to people who are fond of gambling. House fern has a positive effect on financial well-being. It attracts wealth and protects against waste.

Forest fern as a houseplant

All ferns growing in forests in the CIS are adapted to the harsh climate.

All wild ferns change the color of their leaves in the fall; the same will happen with a forest plant, even if you bring it home.

For normal life, they require a period of rest, which begins in the autumn-winter period and passes at low temperatures. It is impossible to provide such wintering in an apartment, but when kept on an open balcony, some gardeners successfully maintain the cyclical development of plants .

For indoor keeping, you need to purchase ferns whose homeland is the tropics and subtropics.

Signs and superstitions about ferns in the garden

There is a famous legend associated with the fern, which tells about its flowering on the night of Kupala. According to superstition, a flower is always picked by an invisible hand, and a person cannot find it. People who go looking for the flower are frightened by the spirits.

The sign is probably related to its protective properties. It is noteworthy that a withered flower is considered a symbol of averted misfortune. However, not all experts recommend growing ferns at home.

Garden fern is endowed with signs and superstitions. Some people grow it in garden plots, fearing negative effects. Sometimes the reason for growing a plant in the garden is its significant size.

A garden flower has the same properties as a home flower. It protects the family from strife and strengthens material well-being. Growing ferns in the garden is an excellent solution for a gardener with allergies. It is believed that the location in the garden helps the owner find the treasure.

The garden bush has a positive effect on other plants. There is a sign that if the leaves are facing down, then the bush needs to be transplanted to a more suitable place. This phenomenon indicates unfavorable conditions for growth.

People grow the heirloom for its beautiful lush greenery and certain magical properties. The appearance of spores in a garden bush is the time of fulfillment of cherished desires. In addition, the bush preserves the entire harvest.

Attention! Signs promise trouble if you tear the bush from its roots.

Where is the best place to put the plant?

Ferns can be placed either in an apartment or grown in a garden. In a house or apartment, the bush should be placed where there is a maximum concentration of people. It will fill your home with positive energy and prevent unpleasant conversations and quarrels.

The bush can drive away bad thoughts. Signs indicate that the plant guides the owner on the true path, increases the chances of success and well-being.

At home, the flowerpot should be placed close to electronic devices. The sheets purify the air and absorb negative radiation. Placement in the bedroom is not recommended to prevent headaches and allergic reactions.

Flowerpots with ferns can often be seen in the buildings of public organizations. A pot on your desk can transform energy for good. In addition, such localization contributes to career growth and improvement of financial situation.

What signs are associated with the house fern?

  • If you start it in your own apartment (house), it turns out that the plant will begin to correct the local climate in the room. There will be fewer arguments in the family, outbursts of rage or anger will gradually fade away. And the larger your family (and it turns out that the more “cockroaches” get together every day, arguing about everyday topics), the more you need such a pet.
  • Do you have a fiery character, and your spouse is an ordinary phlegmatic person (or vice versa)? You cannot do without a fern: it will help you find compromises.
  • In addition, this plant can become an assistant to entrepreneurs and business people. Esotericists talk about how people whose business didn’t work out for a long time planted a fern in a flowerpot - and suddenly earned a lot of money. And all thanks to the adventurous “spark” that this plant generates in the soul of a business person.
  • Also, this “greenish friend” is acquired by players hoping to hit the jackpot in casinos or card games. But in this case it does not always help. The fact is that the plant knows how to protect its owner from thoughtless spending. But this is exactly what buying chips in a casino is considered to be!
  • Modern sorcerers say: in the garden, near the house, this moderate bush is a living idol. It protects the yard and house from evil spirits and the tricks of evil witches. If it grows near your home, a malicious person will not be able to cast dark spells on it (and you).
  • If the bush (even despite care and constant watering) began to wither and eventually withered, it did not die for nothing. This means that damage has already been sent to you, and he took it upon himself.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

To prevent unpleasant consequences, you should make friends with the house fern. It is necessary to choose the right location for the bush, which will attract good luck and cash flows into the house.

The bush will bring good luck and happiness only if it is properly cared for. Flower growers note that care includes several features:

  • Localization in close proximity to home appliances. This arrangement is necessary to absorb negative energy. Otherwise, the bush will take energy from the person.
  • The location in the bedroom is not suitable for the flower. If this condition is not met, you can expect headaches and insomnia.
  • The color of the leaves is essential. Green leaves are a good omen.

Attention! Poor leaf condition indicates the absorption of a significant amount of bad energy.

When growing a home flower, you need to maintain an optimal temperature of 10-22 °C. The bush does not like direct sunlight. Watering is carried out with settled water. The leaves need regular spraying.

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