Positive and negative energy of flowers in the house - folk signs

Is it possible to give flowers in pots - negative signs

Some plants can make their owner happy, others, on the contrary, can drain all the juices out of him. It would seem that a houseplant in a pot would be a wonderful gift for someone who loves to make flowers, however, there are beliefs that such a gift would not be the best.

Negative signs do not always work, but in some cases, moreover, the same sign can be interpreted as both good and bad.

For example, there is no need to give potted plants to those who are sick. The sign is very gloomy - if a flower with roots is given, then it is as if they want the sick person to “grow into the ground.” On the other hand, it is believed that if this flower withers, it will take away bad energy.

Another sign warns that if the plant does not take root in the new owner’s house and begins to wither, then similar negativity awaits the new owner - troubles may begin in his life.

The next sign is to present a pot of damp earth. People are sure that the gift will attract illness and trouble to the new owner. You can neutralize this bad omen by buying a plant at a flower shop, which will not be in damp soil, but in a special soil mixture.

The last belief warns that a person giving a flower dumps his troubles and adversities on it. This means that the negative goes to the person who accepted the gift.

Houseplants as a gift are good omens

There is an opinion that if a person is given flowers in a pot (especially when there are several of them), they begin to act as talismans. At the same time, they protect both the person and the house in which he lives from damage.

The sign assures that if a plant suddenly withers (even if immediately), then it simply took away all the negativity that was on the owner and the house. At the same time, at the moment the room is completely cleared of negativity. As you can see, there is also a good omen associated with giving such a gift.

If a person is not superstitious or trusts only good omens, you can give him a houseplant. But if he is sure that the gift will bring him something negative, then this negative energy will be constantly attracted to him.

Symbolism of the wedding composition

A wedding bouquet is given to emphasize the importance of the moment, add an unforgettable flavor and make the newlyweds a little happier. Important! Each flower in the composition has a specific meaning.
Therefore, the selection of suitable plants should be taken with special care. Traditional wishes for love and a happy family life can be expressed by adding roses, peonies or lilies of the valley to the arrangement. In addition to love, future spouses are wished health and longevity. This can be done by including asters, freesias or dahlias in the composition.

What flowers are given to men and women?

Probably everyone knows that there are special plants that can attract happiness, luck, joy, wealth, and so on. Of course, there are also flowers that attract separation, betrayal, and deception. So that there is always happiness and joy in your home, and the possible negative impact of donated flowers in pots is completely neutralized, you can keep such plants in your home.

  • Spathiphyllum - it is often called Women's Happiness, as it allows you to neutralize negative energy in the house and restores warm relationships between spouses.
  • Violet helps not only to maintain family comfort, but also to improve relationships between children and parents, and helps people overcome mental torment.
  • The Chinese rose symbolizes peace, tranquility, comfort, passion.
  • Myrtle is an ideal gift for a young family, as it will attract peace, happiness and understanding. However, it is also suitable for single men and women, as it will help attract a soul mate.
  • Chlorophytum will help you be more focused, calm, and easier to endure the difficulties of life.
  • For those who want to achieve well-being and material wealth, you need Dracaena Sander .
  • Money tree , or crassula, will also be a wonderful gift for a friend who has long dreamed of improving his financial situation.
  • Geranium and Azalea plants will help you live a long life, have good health, nerves of steel and material wealth .
  • Ficus is an irreplaceable gift for a couple who cannot conceive a child for a long time. This plant attracts good luck, helps preserve the family hearth and guarantees fertility.
  • Orchid is a plant that will bring prosperity to the home.

Options for beautiful gifts for the bride and groom

Traditionally, it is customary to give delicate bouquets made in pastel colors for weddings. To stand out from the crowd and surprise the newlyweds, you can present them with an unusual composition made from non-standard materials.


If the wedding ceremony is decorated in a traditional style, you should refrain from non-standard and overly creative bouquets.

A small bouquet of lilies of the valley or cornflowers, tied with a satin ribbon, will be a touching gift for the newlyweds. You can add a zest to the composition using original packaging or unusual decorations.

As a memorable gift, order a bouquet with warm wishes or an image of the bride and groom on the petals.

From soft toys

An unusual and cute wedding gift is made from soft toys, and it is ideal for a young and romantic bride. Several teddy bears in a composition can be harmoniously combined with different types of flowers:

  • lilies;
  • roses;
  • dahlias;
  • orchids.

The bouquet is made after a careful selection of shades - flowers and toys should either match in color or contrast , for example, white rabbits are hiding in purple roses. To prevent the finished bouquet from looking tasteless, you should avoid using stones, rhinestones, sequins, bright flowers and ribbons in the decor.

From candy

A gift made from chocolates will make a lasting impression on invited guests and newlyweds. You can make such an unusual bouquet yourself, purchase it in a store, or order it from a professional pastry chef.

Advice! It is better to give a bouquet of chocolates in winter or late autumn. During warmer months, chocolate may melt due to high temperatures.

When decorating the composition with your own hands, the inflorescences are made from corrugated paper and chocolate candies are glued into them. Then they are attached to wooden skewers and a bouquet is formed.

In the process of composing a composition, it is important not to overload it with unnecessary details. Choose one color as the main shade and complement it with muted tones.

The decor for a candy bouquet is satin ribbons, bows, original wrapping paper, and bugle bead pendants.

Gave a flower in a pot, how to remove negativity

If someone gave you a houseplant in a pot and you are afraid that it will have a negative impact on you, or the person who presented it could be planning something bad, in the end the plant spoke to attract negativity to you, you can perform the following rituals.

Pay off. As with receiving a mirror as a gift, give the gift giver a few coins. This way you are already purchasing the item rather than receiving it as a gift.

Cleanse the plant of negativity . To do this, sprinkle it with holy water and read the Lord’s Prayer over it several times. Rest assured, this will help remove any possible negativity that could transfer to the plant. As a last resort, you can re-gift your gift. However, this method is quite cruel, because you will give away the negativity that the donor might have left on you.

In general, there is nothing wrong with such a present. There are negative signs associated with house plants, but there are also positive ones. In addition, many indoor flowers have a positive effect on both the owner and the overall atmosphere in the room. Therefore, if a person has nothing against it, feel free to give him such a gift.

Color spectrum

When choosing a bouquet for a wedding, we take the color scheme of the composition especially seriously. The most popular option is soft pink or white plants, as pastel shades evoke direct associations with weddings, purity and innocence. It is not customary to bring yellow flowers as a bouquet to a wedding, since for many people they are a symbol of separation.

When choosing, they also pay attention to the time of the ceremony.

In autumn, you should give preference to a warm range of shades. To decorate the bouquet use:

  • pink;
  • brown;
  • golden;
  • orange;
  • terracotta;
  • peach.

In winter, guests can bring bouquets of white or cream flowers. A composition made of roses in light colors looks very elegant and touching.

In a spring composition, delicate pastel colors, such as blue or pink, can be combined with lush greenery and bright accents. In addition, plants of soft lilac, azure, and cream colors are used.

In summer, almost any variation of shades in a holiday bouquet is appropriate. Starting with bright red poppies and ending with delicate peonies in light pink tones.

Advice! Flowers at a wedding can be presented as a gift not only to the bride, but also to the groom. In this case, choose plants with long stems. The bouquet is kept in green, blue, purple or red colors.

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