Is it worth keeping geranium in the house: signs and superstitions about the white, red and pink flower

Modern people, due to lack of time, have flowers in their apartment less and less often. So the undeservedly forgotten geranium was expelled from the windowsills, but in vain. This plant not only enriches the room with oxygen and pleases the eye with its beauty, but can also become a good amulet against dark forces for all family members. The sign of geranium in the house promises many interesting and favorable events in the life of its owner.

What does the flower symbolize?

Among the people, the iconic plant received several additional names: pelargonium, crane grass. Geranium represents beauty, health, love, the desire for self-improvement, vigor and inexhaustible vitality. The flower is also used as a component for the preparation of medicines.

Pelargonium at home signifies:

  • harmony, idyll, mutual understanding between spouses. Geranium as a gift to newlyweds on their wedding day will help maintain a happy marriage;
  • crane bird smoothes out conflict situations;
  • geranium can become a good friend, a psychologist, it blocks negative energy, prevents depression, helps cope with stress after a hard day at work, like ivy leaves, which are able to absorb negative emotions;
  • a pleasant aroma repels evil spirits, protects the house from external negative influences, slander, and damage.

Ancient beliefs and signs say that the more often and more abundantly a sacred plant blooms, the more negative impulses accumulate in the apartment. If pelargonium is in no hurry to bloom, this is a good sign. This means that peace and prosperity reign in the family.

Contraindications for use

Products based on this plant, like any other traditional medicine, have certain contraindications that must be taken into account before taking the drug. For example, such drugs should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, elderly people and young children. It should also be borne in mind that pelargonium can cause a serious allergic reaction, so before using any product based on it, it is necessary to check the body for the presence of individual intolerance.

Remedies from this flower are contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and low blood pressure, as well as for patients with thrombophlebitis or other diseases associated with high blood viscosity.

The author of the video will provide additional information about the beneficial properties of geranium.

Magical properties of the plant

The crane bird originally appeared in South Africa and only came to Europe in the 17th century. The magical flower is easy to care for and has the ability to improve mood, as well as other positive qualities.

  1. Geranium helps lonely hearts meet true love, a worthy chosen one and enter into a reliable and happy marriage. According to an old legend, young ladies carried dried pelargonium leaves in a bag under their dress, thereby attracting their future spouse.
  2. Strengthens family ties, helps maintain harmony, comfort and well-being in the home.
  3. Protects from external negative influences of bad people (envious people, gossipers).
  4. A symbolic flower, like a money tree, attracts wealth and financial flows into the house, and increases capital.
  5. Stabilizes the emotional background in the apartment, blocking aggressive impulses and outbursts of anger.
  6. Purifies the air from harmful impurities, gets rid of annoying insects in summer (gnats, mosquitoes, flies cannot stand the smell of geranium).
  7. Helps improve well-being, relieves symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, lowers blood pressure, reduces irritability and fatigue. Flower tinctures provide health benefits (in the treatment of ARVI, toothache, radiculitis).

Is it possible to keep geraniums at home?

All interpretations of the sign of geranium in an apartment have a positive aspect. They promise improved relationships within the family, protection from negative energy flows, smoothing out conflict situations, and improved overall health. But you shouldn’t place geranium in every room, as it has a fairly rich aroma. If the geranium has bloomed, folk signs speak of well-being in the house. Family ties are reliably protected from homewreckers.

If the leaves of a pelargonium have turned yellow, it has begun to wither and fade, pay attention to your surroundings. Someone wants to harm you. Try to remember after which person’s visit the flower began to die. He is the one who is your enemy.

Also an indicator plant is the Chinese rose (hibiscus), the fallen leaves of which predict an imminent illness for one of the family members.


According to the sign, the color of the buds determines which area of ​​life the beneficial effect of the iconic plant will be directed to. White geranium represents purity of soul and body. It symbolizes purity, tenderness, fidelity, and the birth of a new life. This color helps people find their other half, save their marriage, and promotes the birth of a long-awaited child. If an infertile couple places a sacred flower in their bedroom, the omen marks the imminent conception of a baby.

The crane tree has a beneficial effect on the work environment, helps to conclude lucrative contracts, and attract new clients and sponsors. You can enhance the effect of the sign by rubbing the leaf of the plant before an important meeting.


Red geranium is a symbol of crazy passion, sexual attractiveness and violent temper.
This instance helps couples who cannot establish relationships with each other. It extinguishes bad emotions and blocks negative energy. Also, red geranium prolongs youth and beauty for the fair half of humanity. The sign indicates the need for women over 40 to get a plant; it will help cope with age-related changes in the body. Esotericists have found that the aroma of a sacred plant relieves nervous tension. Office employees are advised to carry a bottle of geranium oil with them.

Pelargonium, like ferns, can be placed in a children's room; it will help establish relationships between generations.


Pink geranium is associated with a romantic mood, slight love, and infantility. If you bring a plant into your home, a long-awaited person will soon appear on your doorstep. If you give an old maid pink pelargonium, she will soon find feminine happiness. The sign also speaks of the magical protection of the home from damage, the evil eye, and the effects of black magic.

To help a young lady get married quickly, place a geranium flower in her bedroom.


The purple flower symbolizes respect and helps to establish friendly relations between relatives. Intense flowering indicates new, unselfish acquaintances. A friendly meeting will eventually develop into a strong friendship. Zhuravelnik helps to improve the educational process and establish trusting contact between student and teacher. Therefore, signs indicate the need to place the plant in classrooms. In this regard, in its magical properties, pelargonium is very similar to the “pike tail” flower (also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue”).

Signs about the smell of geranium

The smell of geranium has a special effect. It has a positive effect on a person’s physical and moral condition. Plant oil is used to treat insomnia, psychological disorders, and prolonged depression. A drop of this oil on your wrist will ensure a good mood for the whole day. A scented amulet will protect you not only from negative thoughts and negative energy, but will also block attacks from energy vampires.

Folk tales and omens also note the rejuvenating effect of the oil. If you add an aromatic component to your daily skin care products, then after just a few days of use you will be pleased with firm and elastic skin.

Benefits and harms

The beneficial substances that make up geranium are widely known for their beneficial effects on the body. They perfectly relieve pain and inflammation, are used as a preventative against colds, and also normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Figure 2. Benefits and harms of the plant

But this amazing plant also has some properties that can cause negative consequences for the body.

The harm of geranium is as follows:

  1. The plant is a strong allergen, and if individual intolerance is present, it can cause severe swelling.
  2. The substances that make up the flower strongly thicken the blood, so drugs based on them are not recommended for people with thrombophlebitis or other diseases associated with high blood viscosity.
  3. Products from this culture are contraindicated for elderly people, young children and pregnant women.

In general, we can conclude that this is indeed a very useful flower, but before taking any drugs based on it, you should definitely consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of individual intolerance.

Effect on the body

Not only geranium essential oil, but also the plant itself as a whole can have a positive or negative effect on the body. The most pronounced effect is observed for the circulatory and nervous systems.

For example, if you place this flower in the bedroom, a person will have a better rest at night and will not suffer from insomnia. In addition, essential oil can be used to scent rooms and as a preventative against colds. Infusions based on pelargonium strengthen the heart muscle, and you can quickly normalize blood pressure by simply applying a fresh leaf to your wrist.

Who can I give a flower to?

Beautiful pelargonium can be given to almost every person who does not suffer from allergic diseases. According to signs and esoteric observations, such a gift is relevant for:

  • people suffering from nervous disorders, insomnia, apathy, blues;
  • lonely hearts in search of a second half, married couples to maintain harmony in the home;
  • people seeking to improve their financial situation, advance their careers, and achieve respect in society;
  • For childless couples, like ficus, the plant helps to acquire offspring;
  • The crane bird promotes perseverance in restless children;
  • For office workers, the flower helps improve the microclimate in the team;
  • geranium protects the house from envious people and magical influences. Cancers, Scorpios, Aries, Pisces, thanks to their sacred proximity, will be able to disconnect from all problems.

Where is the best place to put the plant?

Eastern sages recommend placing pelargonium in the following places:

  • on the southwest side, the zone helps improve love relationships;
  • in the southeastern part of the house, in order to stabilize the financial situation and increase cash flow;
  • on the western side, it belongs to the creativity zone, and also personifies a favorable children's island.

Advice from esotericists on placing geraniums in an apartment.

  1. It is better to place the red flower on the windowsill so that it can be seen from the street. Then he will protect your home as much as possible from uninvited guests with bad intentions.
  2. Pelargonium in white, pink and purple colors can be placed in any part of the house. She will bring only positive changes to the lives of all family members.
  3. If a pot with a plant is placed next to a Decembrist cactus or an azalea bush, the beneficial effect will be doubled.
  4. Placing flowerpots on both sides of the porch will bring many joyful events and reliably protect the house from external negative energy flows.
  5. A crane bird in a flowerbed in front of the house will also be an excellent amulet.

Recipes for infusions, decoctions, tinctures, compresses

For treatment, it is best to use pharmaceutical geranium, since its raw materials have been processed according to all the rules. Homemade pelargonium leaves can be used to prepare decoctions, treat small wounds, bruises, compresses, and aromatize.

Use of geranium in folk medicine:

  1. Gastritis is treated with astringent and relaxing decoctions: pour 1 tablespoon of boiling water. crushed leaves, keep in a water bath for 5 minutes and strain. Use a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. The same decoction will save you from diarrhea and intestinal colic.
  2. An infusion drunk before bed will calm the nervous system: steep pelargonium leaves in boiling water for an hour (10 small leaves for 1 glass). Take 1/3 cup.
  3. Ear pain will be soothed by geranium oil, which is enough to drop two or three drops into one ear.
  4. Warm compresses, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, can help treat gout, arthritis, rheumatism, and radiculitis. Prepare compresses from 10 geranium leaves, 25 ml of camphor alcohol and flour. They make cakes that are applied to the inflamed area, wrapped with film and a towel. You can simply pour boiling water over geranium leaves, soak gauze in the broth, apply it to the sore spot and wrap it up.
  5. For a runny nose, use oil, a few drops of which are instilled into each nostril.
  6. To treat a cold, an infusion is prepared, which is used to rinse the nose and gargle: pour a glass of boiling water over 20 g of crushed fresh leaves. Leave in a thermos for 8 hours, strain, and use as directed.
  7. A decoction of geranium roots will remove kidney stones. Before using it, be sure to consult your doctor. Recipe: pour 250 ml of cold water over a tablespoon of chopped leaves, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. If the resulting decoction is less than 250 ml, add boiled water. Use after meals three times a day, a third of a glass.
  8. Purulent wounds are treated with leaves, which are washed, applied to the wound and tied with a bandage or secured with an adhesive plaster.
  9. Geranium oil is used in home cosmetology. They use it to strengthen hair or make masks based on oil. Recipe: pour 50 g of medical alcohol into ½ cup of chopped leaves, pour into a jar, close the lid tightly and place in the sun. After two weeks, add ½ cup of olive oil to the tincture and leave for another two weeks. The finished oil is filtered and used to prepare cleansing or nourishing masks, treat migraines, and disinfect wounds.

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