Is it possible to keep a monstera in the house - the magical properties of the plant

» Signs » Is it possible to keep a monstera in the house - the magical properties of the plant



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Monstera in the house is a real exotic corner for relaxation and restoration. There are many signs and superstitions associated with it - positive and negative. Fortunately, the beneficial properties of vines are confirmed by experience and science, while the negative ones most often remain at the level of speculation.

What does it symbolize

In the East, this flower symbolizes longevity, good luck and good health. Along with anthurium and dieffenbachia, monstera is one of the most popular representatives of the araceae family.

A powerful vine with large leathery leaves with spectacular slits. At home, it grows up to 2-4 m and lives up to 15-20 years.

Its name translates as “bizarre” and “amazing”, and not “monstrous”, as is sometimes mistakenly believed.

People are often afraid of the impressive size of the plant, which is what most negative superstitions are associated with. However, Eastern sages consider it a protector from many misfortunes - physical, chemical and energy.

Monstera in the office - signs

According to superstitions, this plant helps improve concentration. And for this reason, it is recommended to grow it in offices and other similar public places. It happens that with a large crowd of people, it is quite difficult to concentrate on your task. And the presence of monstera in this case will be very useful.

It will enrich the air with oxygen, catch all the dust with its lush leaves, which will improve brain activity. In addition, such an atmosphere helps to cope with stress more easily and relieves tension.

If you are busy developing your business, Monstera will help here too. By quickly making important decisions, you can easily find a way out of any current situation and learn how to negotiate correctly. As a result, you will be provided with support from reliable partners.

This plant helps improve concentration

Can I keep it at home?

Monstera has acquired many superstitions, but most of them are false. In fact, it is perfect for keeping at home and brings nothing but benefits. Caring for it is not particularly difficult - it grows and reproduces well, although it does not bloom.

However, there is one unpleasant nuance - the poisonous juice in the leaves (they cannot be chewed or ingested). In houses where small children live, it is really risky to keep a vine, and as for pets, they intuitively avoid such plants.

A spectacular indoor flower, similar to a palm tree, looks decorative and exotic. It will decorate any room, as long as it is spacious. In addition, Monstera is well suited for keeping in an office, school, library and other public institutions. It can transform a dull hall, hall or corridor - the main thing is that there are no drafts there.

What does it look like?

Practitioners warn that any indoor plant will be harmful to physical and mental health if the owner cares for it without desire. So, if gardening does not bring you joy, it is better to donate the flower.

This amazing tropical vine has large green leaves covered with large slits. Thanks to its frightening appearance and decent dimensions, the evergreen plant has gained notoriety. The monstera trunk reaches 2-3 m, and therefore requires additional support when grown in an apartment. The vine has long rhizomes that peek out from the ground. Gardeners do not advise trimming them, as this can damage the health of the indoor flower. For each protruding root, it is recommended to create a pot or bag of fresh soil. Monstera produces white, elongated flowers, and with proper care also produces edible fruits, which are used for medicinal purposes in South America.

Beneficial features

A large indoor plant with large leaves releases a lot of oxygen, which people need for health and vital functions. It is more joyful to live in such a room, it is easier to remain calm and focused, to work fruitfully and to recover quickly.

Monstera helps maintain normal humidity and well cleans the air in the house from harmful impurities (for example, formaldehyde), suppresses the development of viruses and bacteria. As a result, people feel better and get sick much less often.

The leaves of the vine attract dust and soot - the particles settle on them and do not enter the respiratory tract of people. In addition, it eliminates unpleasant odors.

The flower also absorbs magnetic waves emanating from technical devices.

Where is the best place to put the plant?

It is better to keep an exotic plant in places where there are a lot of people and bustle. Liana can often be seen in offices, hallways and meeting rooms. And it is right. The special energy of monstera helps to organize thoughts, resolve conflict situations and make decisions. Suitable places in the house for monstera:

  • It is recommended to keep this flower in the living room, as the plant absorbs the negative energy of a person and the room;
  • to rid the house of external negativity, you should place a philodendron in the hallway;
  • if you place the plant in the kitchen, the residents of the house will forget about poor appetite and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is not recommended to keep the vine in the bedroom. The leaves of the vine are quite large; during the day the plant releases a huge amount of oxygen, and at night, on the contrary, absorbs it. Therefore, it is not recommended to place a flower in small rooms intended for sleep and relaxation.

Flower magic

  • The plant neutralizes negative energy and prevents scandals, quarrels and hidden irritation from flaring up.
  • Conflicts quickly fade away, but more often they don’t even get to the point - when you’re around him, you can’t remember evil or harbor grievances, and you’re simply too lazy to get angry and indignant.
  • People become more determined, persistent, and purposeful. It is easier for them to find a purpose and follow their own path, regardless of the opinions of others.
  • Monstera successfully fights the energy of chaos and promotes ideal order - in the home, in life and in the head. After spending a couple of hours next to her, a person gets rid of toxic thoughts and begins to think clearly, clearly and effectively. Strangely, there is no trash in the apartment, and most things usually fall into place.
  • The flower helps cope with panic and restores mental balance. Spend 20 minutes on care - you will definitely relax and realize that everything is not so bad.
  • In a house where there is this plant, people quickly return to normal after fatigue, stress, and tension. A magical green oasis calms you down and gives you strength: an hour of relaxation under its shade is enough to make you want new achievements.
  • The unique energy of the vine promotes digestion, good metabolism and weight normalization. By constantly communicating with her, you will not overeat and will begin to prefer light, healthy food.
  • In the East, they believe in the monstera’s ability to heal seriously ill people and drive away illnesses from their homes. If you place a flowerpot at the entrance to a patient’s room, he will quickly recover, and in the case of a viral or infectious disease, he will not infect anyone.
  • The flower attracts good luck and prosperity, stabilizes finances, creates a feeling of security and confidence in the future.

Benefits and harms

According to a common version, if you keep a monstera in an apartment, it will deprive its inhabitants of vital energy. When there is peace and tranquility in the house, the monstera will try to influence the situation, and not in the best way: it will absorb positive energy and give back negative energy in return.

People say that this tropical plant receives negative energy from household members when they are in conflict: during a quarrel, the monstera begins to intensively absorb a negative charge. And here this property is positive. But as soon as there is a lull, the monstera immediately tries to break it, filling the room with streams of negativity.

However, this harmful quality can be used to your advantage. To do this, place the flower pot in the place where it is necessary to reduce the harmful effects of radiation, for example, near a TV or microwave oven.

In fact, Monstera has many more positive qualities than negative ones.

  • Produces oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body of every person.
  • Enriches the air with ions, humidifies it and absorbs microparticles that pollute it.
  • Suppresses the growth of harmful microorganisms, bacteria and viruses.
  • Absorbs electromagnetic radiation in the room.
  • Absorbs formaldehyde contained in chemical industry products.
  • Monstera actively exhibits its beneficial properties during the flowering period.

Signs and superstitions

Monstera is often called a “crybaby” or a barometer. Before rain, air humidity rises and droplets of juice appear on the leaves of the vine - in the tropics this serves as a reliable sign of imminent precipitation.

Sometimes it is called a “vampire”, citing its ability to take energy: first the plant collects all the negativity, and then gets to the positive vibrations. However, it does not “drink”, but balances: it removes excess, normalizes, and brings it to an optimal state.

According to popular superstition, the monstera drives suitors away from girls and, as a result, its owner risks being left alone. There is no justification for this sign, but based on logic, it can be assumed that men with negative energy and dishonest intentions dare. A brave, sincere and loving person is unlikely to change plans because of a plant.

Its gloomy image was created by legends of travelers who found human skeletons in its roots. From the outside it seemed as if the monster had strangled the unfortunate man. However, the solution turned out to be simple: people in the jungle died from various causes (disease, thirst, wild animals, poisoned arrows, etc.), and the vine simply wrapped itself around them with stems and aerial roots.

The influence of a flower on a person

Esotericists agree that monstera is capable of absorbing energy. This explains why a person feels weak in the morning if this plant is in his bedroom. However, it is worth noting that people with sensitivity to changes in energy flows are susceptible to this influence.

There is also an opposite opinion, according to which, if you keep this indoor flower at home, it will help improve your well-being. Monstera relieves headaches and prevents the development of diseases during the cold season. Moreover, such an effect on humans is obvious, especially if we take into account such properties of the plant as ionization and air purification.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui masters recommend keeping this flower in your home or office to balance the energies of Yin and Yang.

They say that next to such a plant it is easier to come to an agreement, reach a compromise and a mutually beneficial solution.

It should not be placed in the nursery and bedroom, but it can be placed in all other rooms.

  • In the hallway, the liana will become a real protector - it will eliminate the negativity that penetrates through the front door, ward off thieves, ill-wishers and simply unpleasant people. If you have accumulated worries and negative emotions during the day, she will not let you take it all home.
  • If you keep a flower in the living room, mutual understanding and well-being of family members will improve. It will help you recover after a hard day, stress or illness.
  • in the kitchen - balances the fire element, neutralizes vibrations from appliances, soot and bad odors. Normalizes digestion and metabolism, encourages moderation in food and a healthy lifestyle.
  • In the office - promotes clear thinking, perseverance, concentration, creativity. A person works more efficiently and gets tired less. In addition, the energy of the liana activates cash flows and opens up new opportunities for earning money.
  • In the office - eliminates quarrels and misunderstandings in the team, humidifies and ozonates the air, neutralizes magnetic radiation from computers and office equipment, and prevents overvoltage.

Remember: only a healthy plant has beneficial properties, which is why regular care for it is so important.

Monstera for the home: good or bad

This exotic plant is perfect for growing indoors. Monstera is a real find for a home or city apartment, especially in a metropolis.

Monstera has the following beneficial properties:

  • humidifies and enriches the air in the house with oxygen;
  • absorbs small particles of dust, soot and dirt;
  • phytoncides secreted by philodendron inhibit the growth and development of bacteria;
  • absorbs formaldehyde released from construction and finishing materials;
  • absorbs electromagnetic waves emitted by household appliances (modern refrigerators, electric stoves, microwave ovens, TVs, computers and other electrical appliances);
  • can warn of natural phenomena; before a rain or thunderstorm, droplets of moisture appear on the leaves of the monstera.

Monstera is a kind of filter for harmful substances, pollution and electromagnetic radiation.

Myth No. 3. Monstera flower is poisonous

According to rumors, Monstera is a poisonous plant . In reality, monstera blooms in greenhouses and natural habitats. After which, seemingly appetizing fruits are formed on it. But you shouldn’t try them : because their pulp contains calcium oxalate crystals, which cause a tingling and a certain burning sensation in the mouth.

This vine does not bloom at home, so you have nothing to fear.

However, microscopic needle-like formations that cause itching and burning of the mucous membranes are also found in the leaves of the plant, so you need to make sure that children or pets do not pick off the leaves.

Myth No. 2. Monstera harms human energy

According to the following myth, this plant supposedly releases carbon dioxide , contributing to the development of suffocation. And that the monstera, like an evil vampire, absorbs a person’s energy and deprives them of vitality .

In fact, according to the ancient Taoist science of Feng Shui, these vines absorb precisely negative energy.

In particular, this vine relieves residents from dangerous electromagnetic waves. This is why Monstera “loves” places closer to the TV or microwave.

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