Violet: signs and superstitions, the meaning of the flower, is it possible to grow violets at home

Good omens

Let's start, perhaps, with those beliefs that reveal Saintpaulia from the positive side.

  • If the culture blooms luxuriantly, then happiness will come to the family. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited replenishment or improvement in income.
  • If small sprouts have fleshy leaves, then positive changes will affect your family well-being.
  • To strengthen the immune system of a newborn, you need to place a pot of violets by his crib. This will have a beneficial effect on his health.
  • Single people who want to quickly find their soulmate can pick Saintpaulia on Monday, but this must be done before sunrise.
  • A girl who discovers a flower different from other violets will soon experience joy: she will become pregnant.
  • Culture helps to establish relationships in large teams.
  • The plant repels cockroaches, ants and other harmful insects from the home.
  • Red violets help improve your financial situation.

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To the listed signs and superstitions about violets, one more fact should be added. If you love your flower very much and take good care of it, but it quickly withers and dies, this may mean that the plant has diverted a serious illness or damage from you. It is difficult to say whether the health of a plant is really related to the well-being of its owner, but this point of view has become widespread. Flower growers note that most often violets die due to root rot.

Diseases and pests of violets

Sometimes home Saintpaulia is affected by diseases and pests, which can appear on any part of the flower and cause loss of decorativeness or even death of the plant.

Among the common diseases of Saintpaulia are:

  1. Powdery mildew - damage to the ground part of a flower with a white coating. The cause of the disease is problems with lighting, keeping in a cold and damp room. For treatment, the drug “Fundazol” is used; a solution based on it is sprayed on the flower, which allows you to overcome the disease. Preparation of the solution and processing of the flower must be carried out in accordance with the instructions for the drug.
  2. Late blight - rotting of the root collar of a flower, the appearance of brown spots on the leaf plates. The cause of the disease is regular drafts and waterlogging of the soil. It is very difficult to fight the disease; most often, the affected plant dies soon after infection. You can try to save the flower by treating it with Fitosporin, according to the instructions.
  3. Botrytis (mold) - appears as a fluffy gray-brown coating on leaves or cuttings. The disease is fungal in nature and develops due to improper care, high humidity and low growing temperature. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is possible to save the flower by treating it with Teldor according to the instructions. If the plant has more than 50% of affected leaves, the likelihood of saving the violet is greatly reduced.

The pests that most often attack violets include:

  1. Spider mites are small insects that cause leaves to turn yellow and fall off. You can determine that a plant has been infected by a mite by the presence of a thin web on the leaf blades. The reason for the appearance of insects is dry air and high temperature in the room. You can save the flower by treating it with Fitoverm, according to the instructions.
  2. Thrips are small insects that attack leaves and cuttings. To combat the pest, use Actellik according to the instructions.
  3. Mealybug is a pest that settles in the soil and feeds on plant sap. The mealybug can only be detected when replanting the plant. With a large number of pests, the plant begins to turn yellow and wither. Mealybugs can be overcome by treating the plant with Aktara, according to the instructions.

Vampire flower

The beauty of violets was appreciated by the ancient Greeks. They grew flowers in their homes to decorate their surroundings. But since time immemorial, there has been a belief that this flower is a real vampire. Thus, it is believed that it gradually drains the vitality of people who sleep in the same room with this culture. This opinion has a basis, and it is scientifically substantiated.

The fact is that flowers produce oxygen during daylight hours through the process of photosynthesis (and this occurs only under the influence of sunlight), and at night, like people, they absorb it and release carbon dioxide. If the room is small and the violet has grown, then the person inhales a large amount of carbon dioxide. This can lead to mild poisoning, which in the morning is manifested by muscle weakness, migraine and general malaise. The problem can be solved very simply: you need to move the flower from the bedroom to another room where no one sleeps.

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How do violets affect human health and family life?

There are many beliefs regarding Saintpaulia. Many people believe that the plant brings bad luck, but some do the opposite.

Health effects of violets:

  • They absorb oxygen . This plant produces oxygen during the day and absorbs it at night. Therefore, do not rush to grow the crop in the bedroom. You will often feel unwell after sleep if Saintpaulia grows in the bedroom.
  • Helps you lose weight. Pink violet reduces appetite, so if you want to lose some weight, place a violet in your kitchen.
  • Calms the nerves. If your work involves nervous shock, get a white Saintpaulia. It improves your mood and inspires optimism.

Impact on family life:

  • Violet is considered a muzhegon, so unmarried girls should not grow such plants. But there is a belief according to which a married woman can give a violet to her unmarried friend. This is for success and the wedding of a lonely girl.
  • Violet helps you get pregnant. For this purpose, white Saintpaulia is grown. It saturates the air with oxygen and positive energy. An ideal option for couples who dream of conceiving a child.
  • Saintpaulia can warn about incidents and various events in the life of the hostess. If a flower appears that is different in color from the others, then this is a sign of pregnancy. If all the Saintpaulias have wilted, this indicates damage to the owner. Plants took away negative energy.

How do violets affect human health and family life?

Unfamiliar shops

There are several other signs and superstitions about violets that reveal the negative side of the flower. For example, it is a common belief that buying violets from strangers or in an unknown flower shop can lead to a dark streak in life, and this is accompanied by failures and bad mood. Additionally, strangers may put the evil eye on you by selling the flower, which will create negative energy around the plant. This problem can also be solved: if you want to grow violets at home, then purchase the plant in trusted stores and from sellers you know.

If you are single...

The meaning of violet for unmarried girls is negative. There is a fairly popular opinion that people who want to start a family should not cultivate this plant. It is believed that violet repels potential suitors from girls. This superstition has roots in ancient times. Several centuries ago, girls were forbidden to grow Saintpaulia on the windowsill, as it “pushed” men out of the house.

Isotericists explain this as follows: violets have feminine energy, and they release it into the surrounding space. And in a family, feminine and masculine energy must be present in equal quantities so that the house is a full cup. Representatives of the stronger sex may feel oppressed if there is too much feminine energy. Young people in whose homes Saintpaulia is already growing often cannot find a girl, because young ladies feel feminine energy in their homes and feel superfluous. All this makes the violet a flower of loneliness.

However, flower growers consider such signs and superstitions about violets in the house to be unfounded. Experienced gardeners assure: a small beautiful flower cannot in any way interfere with the personal happiness of its mistress or owner (only if the pot does not fall on the head of the boyfriend or chosen one). It is impossible to say that life on the personal front does not work out precisely because of violets. In most cases, the cause of loneliness is a person’s attitude towards the opposite sex and his psychological attitude.

Violets on the windowsill ruin your privacy

For people who want to find family happiness, one of the signs strictly prohibits growing violets of any kind. People call this flower “husband”. That is, Saintpaulia will not allow the young housewife to arrange her personal life and will drive away any man who crosses the threshold of the house of a girl of marriageable age.

Hearing about this stupid superstition, many women who grow violets on their windowsills claim that violets will only strengthen their marriage or romantic relationship. This flower is able to create an atmosphere of comfort and love in the house.

It all depends on the mood of the girl, who may simply be afraid to build a love relationship and is subconsciously determined to spend her life alone. In this case, even a violet thrown out of the house will not help the pessimist.

Therefore, psychologists advise girls to fall in love with this flower, like a living being, then Saintpaulia will repay you in the same coin, and pleasant changes will occur in life.

White Saintpaulias

The white violet flower is the enemy of quarrels and negative thoughts. It relieves nervous tension, fatigue and anger. Such a plant will instill in the housewife a desire to maintain comfort in the house, will help get rid of bad thoughts, as a result of which conflicts in the family will begin to arise less frequently. The flower is recommended to be grown in families where one of the household members is subject to sudden mood swings.

In addition, it is recommended to cultivate indoor violets (the signs were presented above) in homes where there are small children. The fact is that this shade symbolizes purity and innocence, kindness and new beginnings. The children's well-being will be excellent if you have a white Saintpaulia at home.

Benefits and harms in the home

Like any other plant, violet has both positive and negative qualities.


  1. If you don't take care of the violet, it will get sick and die. A fading flower will cease to benefit a person; a stunted Saintpaulia will not be able to give positive energy to the house. But of course, the person himself is to blame for this.
  2. It is better for superstitious and suspicious people not to have violets at home. Such a blooming neighbor will provoke negative thoughts that can come true.
  3. Trouble will happen to pets and small children if, out of curiosity, they decide to feast on bright, attention-grabbing flowers.


  1. If Saintpaulia stands on the windowsill, then there will never be ants or cockroaches in the house.
  2. The plant has a very good effect on the psyche of young children. They become balanced and obedient.
  3. Violet charges the house with positive energy, charged with which people are able to move mountains!
  4. Fortunately, there are a lot of types of Saintpaulia in different shades in stores. By choosing the right one, you can decorate your interior with natural beauty.
  5. There is a violet consisting of three colors. People call it pansy. Stunningly beautiful plant! This flower is used in cooking, as well as to treat skin and lung diseases.

Pink violets

Such flowers are considered talismans in the field of health. They help young people find their other half. At the same time, they relieve obsessive thoughts associated with carnal desires. In addition, pink flowers are recommended for people who want to lose weight. You can even place them on the kitchen table. Pink violet with a purple tint, i.e. two-color Saintpaulia will have a beneficial effect on even the laziest family members, and will also improve the well-being of the household.

Red is the color of fire and love

Red violets will look no less beautiful on any window. Feng Shui experts recommend purchasing them for those who feel that they have become depressed or have lost interest in life.

The color red allows you to feel content again and want to do something. Therefore, as soon as you notice that a nervous breakdown is approaching, be sure to pay attention to violets with red flowers. Or give them to someone who is experiencing deep depression. After some time, you will be surprised at the changes that will occur in the mood of a once oppressed person.

Blue Saintpaulia

These violets are ideal for creative people. They fill work on large projects with pleasure, and also help to realize all your ideas. There is no place for melancholy and sadness in a house with blue flowers. The plant clears space of negative energy and helps to reveal inner talents in people. Learning to play musical instruments, drawing and other types of creativity will speed up significantly, you will stop being bored and sad, and you will also feel the desire to spend more time with loved ones.


This is the name of the tricolor violet. The beauty of this plant is that it contains all the positive qualities listed above. Therefore, if you cannot give preference to Saintpaulia of any one color, purchase pansies. An interesting fact is that with the help of this culture they even treat respiratory diseases and skin ailments.

If you gave a flower...

There are several beliefs associated with receiving violets as a gift. Firstly, if a girl is given such a flower, it may foretell a meeting with her beloved. You need to “talk” to the plant every day. And if you want to know if a wedding is waiting for you in the near future, ask a flower. If new buds appear, you can select a wedding dress.

If a violet is given to a girl by her boyfriend, the plant will feel how the couple’s relationship is developing. If, for example, a flower gets sick or starts to get stuck, it means that the lovers have quarreled or will soon separate.

Is it possible to grow violets at home?

The signs listed in our article reveal violet not only from the positive, but also from the negative side. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves whether they want to share their personal space with this beautiful plant. However, experienced flower growers do not believe in signs and superstitions about violets in the house and advise purchasing Saintpaulia. The flower has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. It not only decorates the room, but also improves energy, absorbs negativity and calms household members.

But remember that violets are very sensitive, so you can buy them only if you are ready to care for your “green neighbor” and devote a lot of time to him.


Energy of violets Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, all fresh flowers are considered a symbol of harmonization of space. They activate positive energy, which helps balance the energy in the house. Uzambara violets or, in other words, Saintpaulias deserve special attention. These beautiful flowers can amaze everyone with their variety of varieties, shapes and colors. And for the home where they were brought, they become a living symbol of good luck, friendship and love.

In a house where violets live there will always be joy, laughter and a friendly atmosphere. Violets are such amazing flowers that they even help strengthen partnerships. Many people noticed that when they started violets at home, especially when they grew them themselves), relationships with their spouse improved significantly, and the love that had gone away returned to the house again.

The importance of violets in Feng Shui is difficult to exaggerate: just looking at these beautiful flowers lifts your spirits. These multi-colored, fluffy lumps of inflorescences can turn the head of anyone who decides to become their owner.

The meaning of violets depending on the color of the flowers

As you know, violets come in different colors, and depending on the color, their impact on your living space will be slightly different.

White violets are very delicate. In general, white color is a symbol of purity and liberation, peace. White violets carry purity, peace, and relaxation. Looking at such flowers, the mind calms down, negative thoughts disappear, and the body relaxes. People prone to neurosis and depression absolutely need to have or grow several pots of white violets at home - this will quickly improve their condition.

White violets also have a very beneficial effect on children, they reduce children's aggression and hyperactivity, so a couple of pots of these lovely plants can be safely placed on the windowsill in the children's room. And if you have a holiday at home and you need to decorate the festive table with flowers, white violets are perfect - in the center of the table, chic flowers of white violets will look simply amazing.

Red and pink violets can eliminate depression, as they increase the feeling of satisfaction and give a feeling of fullness in life. If you are a pessimist and rarely smile, place several pots with red or pink violets in your house or apartment - when you look at them, you will begin to smile more often and attract favorable Qi energy into your home.

Also, the effect of violets with red and pink flowers is aimed at clearing space from thoughts and feelings associated with carnal needs and instincts, such as excessive satisfaction of the needs of the flesh, financial situation, hoarding. These flowers can inspire a sense of satisfaction with what the owners of the house already have.

A violet with blue flowers inspires creativity - it is a symbol of creativity, the creation of beauty. Musicians, poets, artists, and all creative people simply need to have blue violets at home.

Blue violets have a subtle effect on creative processes in a person’s life and motivate development in art, so it is useful to keep them in various creative studios. They are also useful for individuals who are often bored.

Blue violets can also reduce hunger, so for overweight people or those on a diet, blue violets are faithful helpers.

And if you want to advance in your career, plant blue violets in the northern sector and complement them with white flowers.

Purple is the color of higher spirituality, learning and development. Therefore, violet violets will feel the best in the home of teachers, psychologists and writers - the flowers will inspire and contribute to understanding the deep essence of things. Purple violets carry the energy of wisdom, self-improvement, contemplation and deep development. If you are an intellectual, then beautiful purple violets are made just for you.

Purple violet clears the atmosphere of the energy of misunderstanding and rejection. And therefore it is simply necessary in a house where the residents cannot understand each other, and there is no spiritual unity between them. Thanks to her, people with different views on life will feel much better together.

Also, violet violet can develop earthly wisdom in a person, strengthen character, and make a person spiritually strong. It helps sharpen intuition and help develop the ability to see clues in various life situations that surround us throughout our lives.

Suitable places for placing violets in the house

It is good to place violets in a composition, placing several flower pots side by side, combining them by color and shape with a design approach. It is good to “dilute” dark varieties of violets with lighter varieties; single-color varieties can be placed in compositions with multi-colored ones. You can also play with different foliage colors, alternating violets with dark light and variegated foliage in the composition.

Feng Shui experts recommend placing the Usambara violet in the southeastern part of the house, the most comfortable part of the world for many indoor plants. By placing flowers in the south (mostly red and orange shades), you will pay attention to your position in society; and by placing white flowers in the west, you will emphasize creativity and support for children in the family.

Violets can be used to stimulate chi energy in the corners of rooms and to enliven unused space, they are ideal for smoothing out rough edges and reducing negative impacts. The best rooms for these plants would be the living room and dining room. But in the kitchen and bedroom, a selective approach is recommended.

According to Feng Shui, all violets contribute to material wealth and support the strength of the owner. But the effects of violets do not appear immediately; these plants are consistent and unhurried.

Along with all its amazing qualities and benefits, violets also have antiviral properties - they reduce the likelihood of catching colds and sore throats, calm the nervous system, reduce tension in the senses, promote relaxation and protect against stress.

Violet is a fairly common indoor plant; it is valued by gardeners for its elegant appearance and delicate flowers of various shapes and colors. But not everyone knows that the unobtrusive energy of this plant increases vitality, awakens love of life and optimism, and eases the energy of the home. That is why their presence in the house creates comfort and a feeling of complete harmony.

In the Home Collection section you can get acquainted with the varieties of violets that are or were once in my collection, learn about the characteristics of the variety, the difficulties of growing and care recommendations.

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