Folk signs about the orchid: why you can’t keep it at home, why it bloomed

Useful tips

The orchid is a favorite and most beautiful flower for many. The first mention of it appeared in the 7th century BC, but some experts studying plants claim that humanity became acquainted with the orchid much earlier. This is one of the oldest flowers, which has long been a symbol of harmony, purity, purity and perfection.

Even our ancestors considered the orchid to be the chosen flower,

it was given to loved ones, showing the purity of thoughts and expressing their respect. There are many superstitions about the orchid, some of which tell about the difficulties of artificial propagation of the flower, and some about the personal experience of our ancestors.

Why, according to popular belief, you can’t keep an orchid at home

Based on many years of observations of the flower, people classify the home orchid as an energy vampire.

Signs that do not recommend keeping a plant in an apartment:

  1. A diseased seedling in the house can bring trouble and misfortune to the family.
  2. If a person is weak-willed and characterless, then the plant can suck energy out of him.
  3. The presence of a large number of orchids in an apartment can cause a decline in vitality among household members. It is better for a person with a weak nervous system not to have an exotic plant in the house.
  4. The root of an exotic crop is not the same as that of other plants. People came to the conclusion that under the influence of the flower they ceased to feel interest in the future, vitality. Based on this version, a sign arose that phalaenopsis is a vampire.
  5. Observing the exotic beauty, scientists came up with a formula: it is impossible to take the plant away from the previous owner. The seedling gets used to its owner, separation from him “hurts”. Once in an unfamiliar house, the plant begins to produce negative energy, from which the new owners suffer. They often quarrel and conflict with each other.

There are many prejudices about the plant, all of them are based on the life observations of ancestors, so you should listen to them.

Signs about home orchids are scary, but this does not mean that the plant cannot be grown at home

For orchid bloom

1. Find out the age of the plant

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If you have purchased a plant that is not blooming, and it is not even going to shoot flowers, it is probably very young. Orchids of different types begin to bloom at the age of 1.5 - 3 years.

To understand that a flower is old enough, count the number of shoots. An adult plant that is ready to flower has 5 to 8 shoots. If an orchid begins to bloom earlier, then you should not always be happy about it. The thing is that after flowering, a young plant may need more energy to recover than it has. Because of this, the orchid may die.

2. Find a permanent place for the flower

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Many orchid lovers know that moving a plant is very stressful. The flower has a hard time surviving even the smallest movements. The plant is very sensitive to light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange the orchid, place it on the same side of the light source where it was in its previous place.

Signs about orchids depending on the color of the flower

There are beliefs, the interpretation of which depends on the color of the petals of a home orchid. The color of the plant affects the events occurring in the life of the owner:

  1. Receiving a variegated flower as a gift means that the giver hopes for a passionate intimate relationship and hints at a future together.
  2. Blue orchids are rare. If a man gives such a flower, it means he has serious intentions.
  3. Flowers in purple and red shades protect against inactivity. They should be purchased by ladies who have been planning to get in shape for a long time, give up bad habits, but constantly put off until later the day when they start implementing the plan.
  4. Pink flowers are suitable for women who need protection from negativity. Plants help develop creativity. They emphasize the attractiveness and beauty of charming ladies.
  5. An orange flower will give the owner activity and help replenish energy. A creative person will discover hidden talents within himself. During the flowering period, the owner’s ideas are successfully implemented.
  6. A plant with yellow petals is suitable for women who have set themselves the goal of getting rich or increasing their capital. When the plant blooms, it will attract cash flows into the house.
  7. According to signs, a blooming white or pale pink orchid flower will help you find peace and harmony. The mood will rise, the hostess will bring her plans to life without any extra effort.

Attention! The orchid provides patronage to its owners if it is properly cared for in the house.

Where should it be kept?

When growing an orchid at home, you need to pay attention to choosing its permanent “place of residence.” This elegant flower does not like to be moved and when frequently moved to a new place, it begins to wither and die. The location chosen for the plant must comply with the basic rules:

  • Lighting – daylight hours for 12-15 hours.
  • Temperature – 18°С-25°С in winter and 25°С-30°С in summer.
  • Humidity – optimally 80%, but not less than 60% and not more than 90%.
  • No drafts.

Do not feed the orchid during the flowering and dormant periods. Only water with soft, warm water.

On which window?

The orchid must be protected from drafts and direct sunlight. The ideal window for her is the eastern one, when the morning sun is still gaining strength and heat. If the window is western, then in summer it must be shaded so that the rays do not burn the leaves of the flower. When choosing a window that does not have enough natural light, you should provide the flower with artificial light.

Depending on the time of year

The conditions for keeping an orchid vary depending on the time of year. In winter and autumn, daylight hours are shortened, the heating is turned on, and there is a threat of drafts and frostbite to a plant standing on the windowsill. You can increase the photoperiod using a fluorescent lamp.

Too dry air from heating devices should be humidified by spraying the air around the flower. In spring and summer, the plant requires darkening and feeding.

What is the sign if an orchid blooms?

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the Phalaenopsis orchid. If there is a friendly atmosphere in the house and the plant is provided with proper care, then flowers may not appear on it for years. This exotic beauty produces buds only when she is under stress (prolonged lack of watering, temperature changes, change of environment). Therefore, there are no signs associated with the fact that the orchid has bloomed.

If a recently blossomed orchid suddenly turns yellow or withers, an illness awaits one of the household members

What is the energy of a flower?

The energy potential of this indoor plant is very rich. But in order for the energy to be directed in the right direction and bring positivity, it is necessary to ensure that the perennial falls in love with its owner. This is not difficult to do; all you need to do is pay maximum attention to the phalaenopsis and properly care for it.

In this case, the orchid will absorb the negativity present in the house, and in return it will only have a positive impact on the life of the household.

Having become a reliable friend, the orchid is able to recognize the enemies of its owners. It causes them headaches, malaise and anxiety.

ATTENTION! To avoid problems in the house, it is recommended to grow only one copy of the exotic plant, since the orchid does not treat its competitors very well.

Signs and superstitions about orchids for women

According to popular belief, an orchid should be kept in the house as a talisman. The flower gives ladies charm, attractiveness, feminine strength, harmony in the family, maintains health and charm.

The plant helps its owner to unlock her potential. According to signs, this means that an orchid flower in the house helps a woman feel more confident and realize herself in different areas. A flower that is properly cared for cleanses the house of negative energy and protects household members from troubles and misfortunes.

A man presents an exotic beauty only to the woman for whom he has serious intentions. An exotic culture gifted to a married couple will help strengthen family ties. The flower will give a woman strength and inspiration, which will have a positive effect on the couple’s relationship.

A home orchid takes away a woman’s energy and can therefore cause infertility.

There is a sign that a flower in the house protects against people with bad thoughts. If a person comes to visit and has negative emotions towards the owners, the plant will do everything to make him leave the house as quickly as possible. The plant will worsen the mental and physical well-being of the envious person, which will be expressed in headaches or fever.

It is not advisable to accept an orchid as a gift from a subordinate. If the donor dislikes the boss and harbors a grudge in his soul at the moment of presenting the gift, the plant will cause insomnia, bouts of irritation, and difficulties in his personal life.

Women who experience moral exhaustion and fatigue during work are recommended to place an orchid in the room, the petals of which are painted scarlet. This will help you overcome difficulties faster.

Cut orchids

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The bouquet of orchids is beautiful. But, unfortunately, flowers do not live long, and not every type of plant is suitable for cutting. Let's figure out which orchids are suitable for bouquets, and what we can do to extend the life of such a bouquet.

Orchids suitable for standing in a vase and maintaining freshness for a long time are Cymbidiums, Phalaenopsis and Paphioopedilum. These orchids will last for several weeks and sometimes even a month. Cut orchids of other species will not last even one hour, withering right before our eyes.

If you purchase cut orchids, pay attention first to the sepals and petals. They should be very hard and shiny, as if they were covered with wax. This flower will last a long time.

The effect of orchids on men

Some ladies believe that the plant drives a man out of the house, but this is not true. Signs say that a home orchid acts as an energy vampire. This especially applies to representatives of the stronger sex - the plant reduces their capacity and endurance. The presence of an orchid in an apartment changes a man’s character, he becomes timid, indecisive, and vulnerable.

There is a belief that a domestic Phalaenopsis orchid can cause discord in the family.

It is not recommended to place an exotic beauty where a man spends most of the day. For the flower, you should choose a place in the house where they will not meet or reduce the time of their contact as much as possible.

Signs advise giving a home orchid to a strict, demanding male leader. Within a few days, subordinates will feel that their boss’s attitude towards them has become softer and more benevolent.

How to extend the life of a bouquet of orchids

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When you bring the bouquet home, be sure to update the cut by trimming the stems diagonally. Carry out the procedure under running water, and update the sections every 2-3 days. The water in which the cut orchids will stand must be clean and softened; you can use boiled or filtered.

Don't forget to change the water to fresh one. Cut orchids, like potted orchids, are very sensitive to temperatures that are too low or too high. Protect them from bright sun and drafts.

According to signs, where is the best place to place a flower in the house?

Signs say that an orchid can be grown at home, it brings benefits to humans. The plant protects household members from troubles, adds strength, and harmony and harmony reign in the family. How effectively a flower will influence the energy field of its hosts depends on the location of the orchid:

  1. In the southwestern part of the house - it will protect and strengthen the family, return sensuality and passion to relationships.
  2. In the southeast of the house - it will help increase material wealth, bring well-being and prosperity.
  3. The northwestern location of the flower promises a quick restoration of fractured relationships.
  4. Maintaining culture in the northern part of the house will help owners move up the career ladder. People living in the apartment will be accompanied by luck and success in work and business.
  5. A pot with a plant placed in the eastern part of the house will return the patient to good health, good spirits, and improve health.

Placement of a flower in the dining room, living room, kitchen is welcome

The plant feels comfortable in these parts of the house, so it will not harm the owners during their rest.

Is it possible to put a flower in the bedroom according to signs?

According to signs, a home orchid placed in the bedroom will cause inconvenience to household members. Active life processes of a flower occur at night, when a person is especially vulnerable.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you keep an orchid in the bedroom.

The flower worsens the emotional state and affects well-being.

Beneficial and harmful properties of indoor plants

Does an orchid have beneficial and harmful properties, if you do not take into account its energy characteristics? Considering the chemical composition of these plants, we can confidently say that the orchid does not contain harmful substances or poisons in any of its organs.

Its roots, leaves and flowers are absolutely harmless to humans. No type of orchid is poisonous. These plants can be taken with bare hands and cared for without any protective equipment.

When orchids bloom, they do not release any harmful compounds into the air. Some species have fragrant flowers.

But this smell is not heavy and suffocating, but pleasant and light. It cannot affect the sleep of a healthy person. Even being in a room with a large number of blooming orchids for a long time, a healthy person does not experience discomfort, much less a headache.

Orchids in the house can also bring certain benefits. For example, they very effectively absorb carbon dioxide and saturate the air with oxygen.

The peculiarities of the photosynthesis process of these plants are such that they can absorb almost all carbon dioxide from the air.

Further, with a lack of carbon dioxide, they do not proceed to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, like many other plants. They expect the appearance of this gas from the life activity of people and animals.

Some types of orchids also have a healing effect. Preparations from the lady's slipper orchid are good for cardiac and neurological diseases. These drugs are also used in psychiatry.

Are orchids edible? Most of their species are not used for food. However, the vanilla vine orchid has long attracted people's attention with its fragrant flowers and fruits. A well-known seasoning with a unique aroma is made from vanilla seed pods. For information about the beneficial properties, signs and superstitions about orchids in the house, watch the video:

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