Popular signs and superstitions about Zamioculcas - who is allowed to keep the flower

Among magical indoor plants, the dollar tree occupies a worthy place, about which there are many signs and superstitions. It is interesting to figure out whether Zamioculcas (the scientific name of the tropical alien) really attracts wealth, whether it lives up to its nickname “celibacy flower” or whether it attracts female happiness.

Signs and superstitions

The appearance of a plant in a home is associated with improved financial flow, improved family relationships and a number of other favorable events.

Why is it called the dollar tree?

According to a common version, the dollar tree got its name precisely because of its characteristic rounded leaves, which to some resemble coins in shape.

But why isn’t any other flower with round leaf blades associated with money? The point is the following features:

  • The energy of the plant itself speaks of earning and accumulating profits, because it is a succulent that stores water and nutrients;
  • After drying, the leaves fall off, but at the same time they look like jewelry, as if showered with silver or precious stones. They sparkle brightly in the sun and create the impression that there is a real treasure under the tree. Most likely, this is where all the folk superstitions came from, and zamioculcas is still called “money”.

According to another legend, keeping this flower in the house was previously the privilege of the rich, since it was brought from Zanzibar and was not cheap.

Ritual to attract wealth: a dollar bill is rolled into a cone and the top of the pyramid is attached to a plant, and a coin is placed in the tray.

The currency can be replaced, if necessary, from American to any other.

For irrigation, you should prepare special money water (any water in which coins are dipped for two days).

Note! You cannot remove money from the watering can until the container is empty.

Why is it called women's happiness?

Superstitions associate zamioculcas not only with money - it helps to attract female happiness. A woman who has this plant at home will find love when it blooms.

When flowering has begun, you need to whisper words asking for personal well-being and thank the plant for its help.

Flower of celibacy and muzhegon

Some are afraid to start a zamioculcas at home, because people also call it “husband” and consider it a symbol of celibacy.

An unmarried girl should not keep it because of the masculine energy of the plant (it simply does not tolerate other men).

Zamioculcas is often confused with the real “female happiness” - spathiphyllum. The latter just helps to improve your personal life.

What to do to make the dollar tree attract your loved one and not drive them away:

  • A girl should not buy it - this is how she gives away her luck and attracts the energy of celibacy. It would be better to give a flower.
  • It needs to be well looked after.
  • You should not throw away a wilted plant, although this wilting is in itself a bad omen. You should immediately begin treatment or purchase a second copy and place it next to the sick person to exchange energy.
  • If the green talisman has blossomed, then a favorable period begins for finding a groom. Romantic encounters can easily turn into strong, happy relationships.

Loss indicator

Falling leaves portend a financial crisis

Signs and superstitions say that if the leaves of the money tree wither and fall off en masse, although the care remains the same, then you need to expect large-scale financial losses and even a crisis.

If there is a foul odor coming from the ground, this may indicate that a serious illness is likely to develop.

In any case, there is no need to panic, because you can have time to prepare for a streak of bad luck, although many flower growers do not advise believing in negative omens.

Interesting facts for women: why is it called the flower of celibacy?

  1. If a girl is still looking for her soulmate and cannot get married or become a mother for a long time, then she simply needs to put a dollar tree in her room. Zamioculcas flowers have a phallic shape, which, according to popular belief, attracts male energy. The flowers of the plant can give a girl real feminine happiness.
  2. To attract a worthy man to your home, zamioculcas should be given to you by a close friend or a married woman who has a happy marriage.
  3. Popular beliefs say that zamioculcas scares away the male sex and is the creator of dissonance between wife and husband. The flower has a strongly expressed feminine energy, but it only affects couples who have problems in their relationships. Accelerates the process of moving them away from each other. If everything is stable in the relationship, then the roommate will not have a negative impact on their feelings and love.
  4. The flower is a friend of pets. It is considered not only a talisman against boredom and any worries, but also makes the animal more docile. The animal will become more faithful and kind (this applies to cats and dogs).
  5. For women, the flowering of this tree can also promise monetary gain or early marriage.

Attention! If an unmarried girl buys a tree on her own, she will not marry. It is believed that by giving money for him, a girl is giving away her happiness.

Can I keep it at home?

Zamioculcas is favorable for keeping in the house, because it helps to establish love relationships, dispels negativity, attracts money and neutralizes evil thoughts, and if you move away from the magical properties, it is an excellent air purifier.

Children and animals should not be allowed to play with the tree - this can cause allergies in household members, because its sap is poisonous to a certain extent.

It is better to place the pot at home in the southeast in a little shade. According to Feng Shui, you can place a money frog near the tree, and hang coins, including chocolate ones, on the shoots.

It is also good to place it in the room, because it purifies the air and helps improve sleep, restores vigor, and contemplation of bright green foliage relaxes and relieves stress.

But for unmarried women, it is better to avoid placing the zamioculcas in the bedroom - just limit yourself to the work area or living room.

Zamioculcas: benefits and harms, what science says

It is recommended to grow the dollar tree at home, as the plant is good for health:

  • moisturizes and purifies the air from harmful impurities;
  • releases phytoncides that destroy bacteria and microbes or inhibit their growth.

Zamioculcas, especially large specimens, attract the eye due to their exotic appearance and shiny leaves. And the green color has beneficial properties - no signs, proven by science:

  • improves vision;
  • activates brain function;
  • helps to concentrate attention;
  • increases appetite;
  • relieves negative thoughts;
  • has a positive effect on sleep;
  • gives strength.

The importance of the fact that zamioculcas is an excellent interior flower cannot be underestimated. A beautiful room in itself gives positive emotions, which is good for mental health and the cardiovascular system.

The harm Zamioculcas poses to humans is greatly exaggerated. If you don’t chew it, and when it starts to bloom, put it out of the bedroom. Even allergy sufferers or people with sensitive skin need not be afraid of negative consequences from ordinary contact with an intact plant.

Most gardeners work without gloves when transplanting or pruning a dollar tree, and then simply wash their hands with soap. Of course, if it gets on the mucous membranes, the juice can cause a burning sensation and even visual disturbances in the eyes.

First aid is copious rinsing with water. Prevention - do not touch your face while working with zamioculcas. It is especially dangerous to lick dirty hands or rub your eyes with them.

Pets do not usually bite the dollar tree. The most harmful cats may try to knock down a segment with their paw in order to play, but this can only be done with old vegetative organs that are ready to fall off on their own.

Children need to be taught that houseplants should not be put in their mouths from a tender age. Zamioculcas is not the first on the list among the poisonous ones. It is much worse if the child decides to try euphorbia or another flower that secretes milky juice. Cute azaleas, cyclamens, primroses, and clivias contain toxins, but for some reason their owners are not afraid of them.

How to activate the energy of a plant

  • In order for the Flower to attract money, it must be stolen from a rich house or received as a gift (but the donor must be given a symbolic payoff in coins).
  • Transplantation is carried out only on the growing moon. The waning moon will bring with it ruin and failure, and the tree itself will grow worse.
  • Communicate with the plant - it loves talking and stroking. It is enough to at least regularly say hello and talk while watering.
  • Do not quarrel in the house, especially if the zamioculcas has bloomed, as this will have a bad effect on the condition of the green pet. It may begin to wither and scare away your luck.

A flower must have its own owner. If everyone in the family wants to attract good luck, then everyone needs to have their own copy.

Care and affection will bring prosperity, but swear words and bad attitude will offend the plant. In the future, it may even take revenge on the owner or even lose its magical abilities.

Is it possible to take zamioculcas as a gift?

But there are no problems with accepting zamioculcas as a gift. This is definitely a good gift, for which you can thank the giver with a few coins, so as not to disturb his financial energy.

However, you should not refuse such a gift. This is a bad omen. The only thing is, if you have allergies, then, of course, it is better to politely refuse the gift, but you must explain why. The reason is again the same: so as not to disturb the energy of the plant and the donor.

Feng Shui meaning

According to Feng Shui, Zamioculcas is a talisman that allows you to achieve harmony and financial well-being. To do this, it is important to adhere to the following tips:

  • You need to place the pot in the cash flow zone in the southeast. For more precise placement, use the Bagua grid.
  • You can hang coins and silver jewelry on the branches, and you can put a dragon figurine on the top.
  • Yellow coins are placed at the bottom of the pot.
  • When replanting, you cannot take soil from another plant. The container must be clean, beautiful and intact.
  • It is customary to give a flower for the New Year, birthday and housewarming, that is, on days symbolizing the beginning of a new period.

Rituals and rituals to attract money

To increase the influx of banknotes, folk signs recommend caring for the dollar tree in a special way.

  1. The plant must be treated like a person. Zamioculcas is a big lover of moisture, but you don’t need to water it, but “give it water,” and talk affectionately, tell how you want to get rich, and ask the plant for help in this matter. To achieve the best results, such a ritual should be performed on Tuesdays when the moon is waxing.
  2. Take a $1 bill. Fold it into a triangle so that the money pyramid is visible. Attach the resulting paper symbol to the branch of a dollar tree - the wealth-attracting power of the plant will increase. Such a dollar triangle is a powerful magnet for money, it works without a zamiakulkas, but in the form of a leaf on a currency bush, and will even more so create the right energy. Watch carefully to ensure that the paper structure does not fall off the branch.
  3. It is customary to bury coins in a pot with a money tree (crassula). You can put American cents at the bottom of the pot or in the tray with zamioculcas.
  4. Some experts in omens and fans of magical rituals water the dollar bush with “money water.” It's easy to prepare. Place coins in a container with cold water for irrigation and let it brew for 2 days. Water the dollar bush with this “magic potion”. Do not remove the coins until the water in the container runs out.
  5. For Zamioculcas to bring monetary luck, it must be stolen, preferably from rich people. It is not necessary to take the plant out with the pot, just take a shoot or leaf. Please note that at the initial stage the plant develops very slowly, so it will not take a long time for a leaf to turn into a spectacular plant, and it will bloom no earlier than in 3 years.
  6. It's nice to receive a plant as a gift. The donor should be given a ransom in the form of several coins. Then the plant will bring monetary luck.

Who can you give it to?

Only an adult plant can be given as a gift.

Giving a tree should be approached with caution. It must be old enough, and a symbolic act of ransom must be carried out in the process.

Giving away a young plant will result in failure for both parties.

You can only give the plant into good hands and do not leave it unattended, otherwise it will take revenge on the old owner.

According to Feng Shui, you cannot give a flower on your birthday - you can give good luck. Also, shoots are not given - happiness is given.

Before you give a zamioculcas as a gift, you need to buy it yourself and care for it at home for a while. Do not re-gift your own copy.

Why is the dollar tree crying?

Many gardeners who grow dollar trees at home are faced with a situation where drops of water drip from the foliage of the plant. In this case, they say that Zamioculcas “cries.”

But don't be afraid. This is neither good nor bad. There are no bad superstitions associated with this phenomenon.

This happens due to the fact that too much moisture accumulates in the surrounding air, which Zamioculcas accumulates in its drops.

By the way, this is why they say that the tears of Zamioculcas promise rain.

Flower lighting requirements

Zamioculcas is one of those indoor flowers that thrive in light shade. In addition, direct rays of the sun are contraindicated for it, because they will spoil the decorative appearance of the luxurious deciduous hat. A bush standing in the sun all day quickly loses its attractiveness. Its leaves become spotted, turn yellow and lighten, burning out.

At the same time, complete shade is not for Zamioculcas. There it will grow poorly, form weak nodules, and the branches will begin to stretch. A flower needs a golden mean - diffused lighting.

If all your windows face south, place the pot not on the windowsill, but on a table or stand next to the window. A remote location and a curtain will protect it from the sun's rays. On the northern window, zamioculcas can form well only in the summer. During winter it will be gloomy there, which causes the leaves to grow very small.

It must be remembered that in addition to lighting, the room must have an optimal temperature. The dollar tree is characterized by an invisible dormant period, when the growth of the flower slows down, but the part located above the ground does not die off.

For real relaxation, you need to ensure smooth fluctuations in temperature depending on the period of the year:

  • in spring and summer – about 23°;
  • in winter – up to 18°C.

How to care for Zamioculcas to attract good energy

In order for the dollar tree to thank you with new financial flows, you need to take good care of the flower.

  • The air temperature is moderate: about 25 degrees in summer and 16-18 in winter.
  • Lighting should be sufficient, bright, but diffused.
  • It is necessary to water rarely as the soil dries out. The frequency of watering varies from 1 to 2 per month.
  • There is no need to feed often. During the active spring-summer growing season, 2 feedings per month are sufficient. Fertilizers will not be needed in autumn and winter.

Does the flower indicate ruin?

And although the dollar tree has many positive properties, as folk signs assure us, it can indicate to a person ruin and various difficulties in life.

In particular, you should be concerned if you find yellowed leaves of your plant. This symbolizes the onset of a “black” streak, as well as financial difficulties. The same thing means a tree withering before your eyes.

Of course, here you should, first of all, take care of the proper care of the flower. If you don’t water it enough, put it in the wrong place, or don’t treat it kindly, then the disease is designed to attract the attention of its owner to the plant. But, if all the conditions are met, and the zamioculcas withers and withers, then there is already cause for concern. You are probably facing lack of money, financial collapse, or complete disappointment in your amorous life.

And it happens that a tree seems absolutely healthy in appearance, but an unpleasant odor emanates from it. This is another bad omen. It is believed that in this way the flower warns the owner about the serious illness of someone close to them or even their death.

Diseases, pests and treatment

Domestic zamioculcas does not suffer from diseases. It can only be destroyed by excessive watering, which causes the roots to rot.

Amateur gardeners generally have only one problem - the foliage turns yellow. This phenomenon may be associated with errors in care: overflow or burns from direct sunlight. But in most cases, the foliage turns yellow and then falls off, for natural reasons - the plant simply sheds old leaves.

Zamioculcas and insects ignore it. It is extremely rare that scale insects, aphids or spider mites can crawl onto Zamioculcas from other indoor plants. A soap solution or commercial insecticides rid zamioculcas of parasites after the first treatment.

Description of the plant

Zamioculcas is the only representative of its species from the Araceae family, native to Africa. This is a perennial plant that looks very decorative without cultivation and takes root in a home flower pot without any problems.

Zamioculcas leaves are small, very dense, elliptical in shape with a pointed end. The color of the leaf blades is dark green. Zamioculcas does not have a trunk or stem; the leaves are located on petioles that grow directly from the root.

The plant is a succulent, which means it is able to store moisture in its parts and efficiently absorb it in dry times.

Zamioculcas produces very spectacular and unusual cob-shaped flowers.

The sap of the plant is toxic and may cause minor allergic reactions such as itching or redness of the skin.

The plant can live up to ten years. Moreover, its growth is very slow and adult zamioculcas rarely grows above 80-90 cm.

How to plant zamioculcas to make money?

In order for the dollar tree to help its owners, it must be planted correctly.

Such planting is practically a whole ritual, which must be carried out by the direct owner of the plant.

First, the cutting is placed in a jar of water so that it takes root. To speed up the process, you can add a growth or root formation stimulator.

Next, we place the seedling in a clay pot, at the bottom of which coins of the highest denomination are placed. The soil should be light and loose. The one used when planting cacti will do.

IMPORTANT! If you did buy a dollar tree yourself at a flower shop, then it would be good not to replant it for the first 10-15 days, so as not to expose it to additional stress.

By the way, in order for Zamioculcas to feel better, it is recommended to water it with water in which coins have been lying for several days.

ON A NOTE. Do not sell or simply give away cuttings of your zamioculcas to strangers. It is believed that this is how you give away your happiness.

Zamioculcas - flowers that bring happiness

Zamioculcas is a flower that was brought to Russia quite recently. It appeared in the country in the 1990s and immediately became popular among indoor plant lovers. It's all about its spectacular appearance and unpretentiousness. It can be grown both in residential premises and in the office, where plant care is not so thorough.

Zamioculcas are flowers that bring wealth and good luck to the house. The teachings of Feng Shui speak about this. This plant comes from Mexico and is therefore quite light-loving. However, if you place it some distance from the window, it will also feel quite good. But you should know that in good lighting, Zamioculcas grows much faster. It is also undemanding to the microclimate in the room itself - it tolerates dry air quite well.

If you want to grow this wonderful plant at home, you need to take into account the fact that zamioculcas are flowers that absolutely cannot tolerate stagnation of water in the soil. In this case, their roots immediately rot. Therefore, it is imperative to arrange drainage in the pot. You also need to water the flower correctly. In the summer, you should do this more often, but take a small amount of water. It is best to use soft and warm. In winter, watering should be reduced. It is necessary to moisten the soil under the plant only after the top layer has dried.

Zamioculcas are flowers that can grow well without the use of fertilizers. However, in order for the plant to look better and develop faster, it is worth feeding it with compounds for indoor flowers during the warm period. It is best to take mixtures intended for cacti or succulents. The frequency of fertilization is once every two weeks.

A young zamioculcas flower, the care of which also involves changing pots that have become cramped, should be transferred annually to a larger container. This means that the plant just needs to be carefully transferred to a new pot along with the old lump of earth, adding the missing soil. Real transplants are carried out no more often than once every two to four years and only for already mature plants. In this case, the soil mixture is changed completely. It is best to take garden and turf soil in equal proportions.

The indoor plant can be propagated by dividing the rhizomes or by leaf blades. In the latter case, the planting material will need to be rooted in a mixture of sand and peat. The pot must be placed in a warm, shaded place, and the leaf itself must be covered with polyethylene. After some time, a special tuberous formation will appear underground on the petiole. With the root method, the mother plant must be divided in such a way that at least one growth point remains on each daughter plant.

The owner of the house does not have to put in a lot of effort to get a spectacular decoration for the room. Apparently, this is why the plant has another name - “women’s happiness.” The Zamioculcas flower is also considered a “dollar tree”. This may be due to its rounded leaves. Or maybe with the meaning attached to it by the teachings of Feng Shui, mentioned at the beginning of the article.

As you can see, Zamioculcas flowers are not too difficult to care for. Although, of course, some effort, as with growing any other houseplants, will still have to be made. This wonderful indoor flower responds well to care and will definitely become an excellent interior decoration.


Reproduction of Zamioculcas

Dividing the roots

When transplanted, overgrown young bushes are divided into several parts and immediately placed in separate pots in the soil familiar to Zamioculcas.

Care of separated parts is carried out according to basic rules. The roots do not need to be completely covered with soil; a small part should remain on the surface.

By cuttings

To obtain cuttings, a leaf with a petiole is cut from the plant and, using a sharp blade, divided into 2-3 parts so that there is a piece of the petiole and leaf. The chopped petioles should air dry for about 60 minutes.

Dried cuttings are planted in a moist mixture of peat and sand and covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Rooting occurs within a month, and a couple of months later the cuttings will produce young leaves. After this, small zamioculcas can be planted in individual pots.


The plant fits perfectly into the interior of any home, official institution or office; it looks appropriate against the background of both classic and ultra-modern designs. But you should know that the leaves of the flower contain irritating, toxic substances, so it is necessary to limit access to the plant to children and pets.

In addition to decorative benefits, zamioculcas also has medicinal properties. Thus, traditional medicine recommends treating diseases of bones and joints using infusions from the leaves of the plant. Due to toxicity, medicinal raw materials can only be used externally in this case.

In addition to all of the above, homemade zamioculcas, thanks to its abundant foliage, cleans the air well, relieves it of dryness, and improves the microclimate in the room. It is useful to grow this flower if there are people in the house with diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs.

How to neutralize the negative meaning of a flower?

Let's say you're still worried about the bad omens and superstitions associated with your new green pet.

You can neutralize the negative meaning by simply replanting it in new soil. At the same time, no other flower crop should have been grown in the substrate before. We provide good care to the new seedling, and the bad value of Zamioculcas disappears, even if it existed.

Let's imagine a different situation. One of your zamioculcas is fading, which may have a negative meaning. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a new specimen of a flower crop and place it in the house next to the patient in order to cure it with positive energy.

IMPORTANT! Never throw away a diseased flower, so as not to incur more misfortunes. If the zamioculcas cannot be saved, burn it.

Little female happiness

Women who are unlucky enough to live alone should definitely try to get this tree for themselves. Zamioculcas signs agree that it promises female happiness. On the other hand, another superstition is associated with this plant: it attracts celibacy. What to believe?

  1. It also happens that a woman who gets herself such a flower is simply unlucky in life. Even the magical abilities of Zamioculcas cannot help. And the upset and disappointed woman begins to believe that it was this unfortunate tree that attracted her to celibacy.
  2. Sometimes Zamioculcas is simply confused with another flower similar to it - spathiphyllum, a famous muzhegon.
  3. Vera also contributes her penny here. If you don’t believe in the magical properties of the plant, or in your own charisma, there’s little help here.

When the tree blooms, large ears appear on it, resembling a phallus, hence the signs about women's happiness. The phallus in many cultures is considered a symbol of family and children. For the omen to come true, the flower needs to bloom, and this rarely happens even despite the best care. But, as they say, through thorns to the stars. One more secret - you must definitely trust your dreams to the tree.

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