Zamioculcas (dollar tree): signs and superstitions, can you keep it at home

Zamioculcas is a new plant in indoor floriculture. While some species have been grown in houses and apartments since the 18th century, Zamioculcas appeared on the European plant market only at the end of the 20th century.

Since then, this plant, whose homeland is East Africa, has gained amazing popularity. Despite the fact that it is more suitable for spacious rooms and greenhouses and is quite expensive, many are happy to grow zamioculcas in small apartments. It is credited with unusual properties and is popularly called the dollar tree and the flower of good luck.

Why is Zamioculcas called the dollar tree?

It is not known for certain why Zamioculcas began to be called the dollar tree. Some say that this name stuck by analogy with the money tree (crassula). This version is supported by the fact that the leaves of these plants are very similar.

The second origin of the name is related to the shape of the foliage. The leaves look like sparkling coins. In addition, some people associate the rich green color of Zamioculcas with the color of the American dollar.

ON A NOTE. Zamioculcas is sometimes called the flower of celibacy.

Description and properties

The homeland of the currency tree is Africa; it is in this country that the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of the flower. An interesting fact is that this plant has gained incredible popularity in China and is even considered a symbol of the New Year there. Our amateur flower growers also appreciated how attractive and easy to care for this flower is.

Many claim that the energy of the plant brings financial success and stability to its owners, because the dark green leaves of the flower are associated with the dollar; and there is an opinion that in a house where this flower takes root, the financial situation will normalize and will improve with the appearance of each new leaf.

If, with the advent of Zamioculcas, changes for the better begin to occur in the house, then with a high degree of probability this home tree will become a real money talisman for its owners. There are many cases where people confirm that their financial affairs went uphill with the appearance of this flower. That is why this flower is so loved and popular.

But, in addition to the fact that this tree is considered a symbol of prosperity and good luck, some call it the “flower of celibacy.” Why did the plant receive this nickname? And does the flower really disappoint its owners?

Is it good or bad to keep a dollar tree at home?

In general, Zamioculcas is considered a flower with a good aura. There are very few bad superstitions. And even those are quite controversial.

In addition to good energy, the dollar tree is very useful in everyday life. It purifies the air by removing toxins from it. The flower also has a good effect on sleep and overall emotional state. No wonder Zamioculcas often decorate cafes and coffee shops.

In addition, we must not forget about the decorative properties of this culture. Zamioculcas looks advantageous in almost any interior. Whether it is made in high-tech style or in soothing colors of the bedroom or living room.

Signs and superstitions about flowers for women

There are several signs and superstitions about the dollar tree and women.

One of them says that zamioculcas can give a woman happiness and attract a beloved man to her home.

But for this you need to fulfill several conditions.

Firstly, the flower must be accepted as a gift. If you bought a plant in a pot, then this, on the contrary, is bad and entails problems in romantic matters.

Secondly, the dollar tree needs to be properly cared for and kept healthy and strong.

Thirdly, only a blooming zamioculcas will attract a man into the house.

IMPORTANT! But a wilting dollar tree in the house is very bad. This is a sign of separation and a broken heart.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The plant is almost not susceptible to diseases. But pests are quite common. Moreover, the set is quite standard - almost all of these insects cause problems for gardeners. First of all this:

  • aphid,
  • scale insect,
  • spider mite

A safe, affordable and proven method of combating them is tobacco infusion. Leave a tablespoon in warm water for a day, then add a little soap and spray all the leaves with the resulting mixture. After a day, spray again with clean water.

For prevention, it is enough to spray the leaves with plain water at least once a week - then pests will probably not appear.

So, zamioculcas or dollar tree can be a wonderful decoration for any home or office. And minimal care makes it even more attractive to people who don’t want to spend a lot of time fiddling with flowers.

Is a dollar tree in a pot a man?

Some people believe that the dollar tree is a real muzhik. Since the flower has a feminine aura, it does not tolerate other men at home.

Allegedly, the dollar tree causes discord in the couple and leads to the man leaving for another.

In fact, there is no evidence for this superstition, and the dollar tree can only “harm” those couples who are already not doing well in their relationship.

Most likely, this sign is due to the fact that Zamioculcas, unknowingly, can be mistaken for spathiphyllum, which is considered a strong muzhegon.

Flower of celibacy or female happiness

It is somehow not logical to call such a useful flower, which brings good luck and money to the house, a flower of celibacy.
Meanwhile, evil tongues have already dubbed Zamioculcas with this unflattering nickname. Where does this name come from? Most likely, this is what those who grew Zamioculcas poorly say, “offended” it and did not receive the coveted wealth.

Or maybe Zamioculcas is capable of not only bringing good luck, but also, on the contrary, punishing careless owners? Be that as it may, you need to be friends with this interesting pet and take good care of it in order to feel its support and help.

According to the testimony of some housewives of this flower, women's happiness comes to the house only after the zamioculcas blooms . And since it blooms very rarely, you have to wait a long time for happiness. However, very few people say this. Indeed, this flower protects the owner from adversity, brings income and good luck. And if you have luck and money, then happiness is just around the corner!

Now you know why the dollar tree blooms.

Why does Zamioculcas bloom?

Zamioculcas flowering is truly a good omen. This means that soon joyful events will happen in the life of the owner of the flower. For example, the conception or birth of a child, marriage, promotion at work or unexpected financial success.

Please note that the dollar tree blooms very rarely at home. Therefore, it would be a sin not to take advantage of such an event. If you have several copies of this crop, it will be good if you place them all next to a flowering plant. This is how the blooming zamioculcas will share its energy with its brothers.

Botanical description

Zamioculcas is a one-of-a-kind plant that has nothing similar in nature. Belongs to the Aronnikov family, which has about 3 thousand individual plants. Africa, namely Mozambique, is considered the birthplace of the dollar tree. The culture is an evergreen herbaceous plant with a fairly powerful tuberous root system. Zamioculcas also has lanceolate leaves of a complex pinnate shape with a glossy surface. In a healthy adult plant, they usually reach a length of one meter.

The inflorescence is quite unique and exotic, but not particularly beautiful. However, zamioculcas is most loved not for its exquisite fragrant flowering, but for its non-standard appearance, for which it can be quite difficult to find analogues. The flowering period occurs once every 5-6 years, and although the process is not anything special, it causes a storm of emotions, especially among novice florists. The inflorescence is represented by a small cream-colored ear with an unusual texture and pattern.

Why is the dollar tree crying?

Many gardeners who grow dollar trees at home are faced with a situation where drops of water drip from the foliage of the plant. In this case, they say that Zamioculcas “cries.”

But don't be afraid. This is neither good nor bad. There are no bad superstitions associated with this phenomenon.

This happens due to the fact that too much moisture accumulates in the surrounding air, which Zamioculcas accumulates in its drops.

By the way, this is why they say that the tears of Zamioculcas promise rain.

Zamioculcas care basics

Zamioculcas, unlike other representatives of the Araceae family, is not too demanding in care. He is not afraid of drafts and can withstand drought, but he does not forgive negligence.

Therefore, you need to know the basic rules of its content and adhere to them. And then the exotic guest from the tropics will delight the eye for many years!

Watering and spraying

The correct watering regime plays a very important role in care. Zamioculcas is drought-resistant and accumulates moisture in the tuber, so it is better not to top it up than to overfill it. Stagnant moisture can cause rotting and death of the root system.

In summer, watering should be moderate ; the next moistening of the soil should be done after the soil dries slightly. In winter, the earthen ball should dry out by about half; at this time of year, the plant needs to be watered once every 3-4 weeks. Use settled water at room temperature.

Because of their waxy coating, Zamioculcas leaves attract dust. In view of this, the plant should be periodically washed or warmed in order to maintain its decorative appeal.

Why does the plant die?

It is a bad omen if the zamioculcas begins to fade. According to a well-known superstition, this means impending financial troubles, problems at work and at home.

Another sign suggests that the wilting of the plant indicates that the owners of the flower are living incorrectly and setting the wrong goals in their lives.

ON A NOTE. But more often, withering means that poor care was organized. Therefore, before sounding the alarm, evaluate whether you have taken good care of your green pet.

Plants similar to Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas in the structure of the inflorescence-cob and the shape of the spathe is similar to its numerous relatives of the Araceae family - spathiphyllum, callas, monsteras (there are up to 3 thousand species).

  • In terms of the structure of the bush and leaf blade, Zamifolia is similar to Zamia, a tropical inhabitant of North America (the Cycad family).
  • Crassula or Crassula (popularly called Money Tree). The dense, plump (succulent), bright green coin-shaped leaves of the Crassula are identical in shape, but smaller in size.

In conclusion, I would like to note that flowers reflect our inner state. Nervous people, embittered by the whole world, will not take root in a single flower, even one as patient as zamioculcas. On the other hand, if you take care of your home flower, enjoy its growth and fragrance, vitality is restored, tension and irritability go away. As flower growers say: “Love flowers, and they will love you back.”

Is it possible to give zamioculcas as a gift?

To activate the magical energy of zamioculcas, it would be good to give it as a gift. Although some, on the contrary, are sure that in return they should get at least a couple of coins.

A gift of zamioculcas is a wish for success, prosperity and financial well-being.

ON A NOTE. Fans of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui believe that giving zamioculcas as a gift has a good effect on the aura. In this case, the energy of the dollar tree to attract wealth increases multiple times.

One small nuance. As mentioned above, there is a superstition that the dollar tree is a muzhegon. Of course, the sign is quite controversial, but some believe in it. Therefore, it is better to think about whether to give such a gift to a single girl or a woman in a relationship. So that in case of failure in love you do not become the culprit of a breakup or loneliness.

Is it possible to keep a tropical flower in the house?

The flower can be kept in your home room collection, as it attracts money and good luck. However, you should not put it in the nursery or bedroom. In addition, it will have a positive impact on all family members as a whole.

Important! If you believe in omens, hint to your loved ones or relatives about this flower. As a gift, it can bring you much more benefits.

Is it possible to take zamioculcas as a gift?

But there are no problems with accepting zamioculcas as a gift. This is definitely a good gift, for which you can thank the giver with a few coins, so as not to disturb his financial energy.

However, you should not refuse such a gift. This is a bad omen. The only thing is, if you have allergies, then, of course, it is better to politely refuse the gift, but you must explain why. The reason is again the same: so as not to disturb the energy of the plant and the donor.

Feng Shui meaning of a flower

From the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, holding a zamioculcas is a positive omen. The dollar tree attracts wealth, since the energy of money and this plant are very similar.

But in order to connect energy flows, it is recommended to perform several rituals.

Firstly, plant the plant only in new soil. It is very bad if you decide to use previously used soil.

Secondly, a coin is placed at the bottom of the pot to enhance the monetary energy of the dollar tree.

And finally, it would be good to place a pot of zamioculcas in the southeast corner of the house.

In addition, it is advised to communicate with the dollar tree as a person and praise it more. Then it will reciprocate and attract financial flows into the house.

How to propagate Zamioculcas at home?

It is not difficult to propagate Zamioculcas at home. But you should follow several recommendations for implementing the presented process, as well as “soberly” assess the possibility of using the method you have chosen specifically in your situation.

Leaf propagation

The presented method is the easiest to implement, but the longest. Here they resort to separating small leaves from the huge leaf of Zamioculcas, which grows from the soil and has an entire root system with a tuber.

Having separated a small leaf, it must be immediately planted in peat or a special loose substrate intended for planting seedlings.

Prepare a small container for planting leaves, pour expanded clay into the bottom and soil on top. Lightly moisten the soil and insert the leaves. Leave the peculiar seedlings for a long period, which can take at least a month and a half.

Sometimes the tuber matures within a year. Maintenance tips include periodic watering and installation near sunlight. You can also build a small greenhouse, which can significantly speed up the process of root growth.

Leaf propagation, video:

Reproduction by branch

Propagation by branches is used only in cases where the plant is already mature. On a branch suitable for propagation, you will notice how the lower leaves have fallen off, and a small bud has formed on the trunk of the complex leaf.

This branch is cut just below the bud and dug into peat or soil for seedlings. After some time, you can notice how the leaves of the “born” zamioculcas turned yellow and drooped. But this does not mean that it needs to be thrown away.

Wait some more time, you may soon see new shoots. Otherwise, look under the soil. Most likely there will be a tuber there

This should be done carefully, without damaging the new root system of the plant.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by dividing the tuber

As mentioned above, the indoor plant Zamioculcas can be planted in different pots, dividing the root system. This method should also be used during the reproduction process. Exceptions may be made when the tuber itself has to be divided. But there is a way out here too.

Pay attention to this material - Anthurium: care at home (flower of male happiness). By dividing the tuber, only an already mature plant should be propagated.

During transplantation, cut the tuber itself into several parts so that a bud remains on each of them. Transplant the plant into a pot with suitable soil and wait for the tuber to take root

By dividing the tuber, only an already mature plant should be propagated. During transplantation, cut the tuber itself into several parts so that a bud remains on each of them. Transplant the plant into a pot with suitable soil and wait for the tuber to take root.

How to plant zamioculcas to make money?

In order for the dollar tree to help its owners, it must be planted correctly.

Such planting is practically a whole ritual, which must be carried out by the direct owner of the plant.

First, the cutting is placed in a jar of water so that it takes root. To speed up the process, you can add a growth or root formation stimulator.

Next, we place the seedling in a clay pot, at the bottom of which coins of the highest denomination are placed. The soil should be light and loose. The one used when planting cacti will do.

IMPORTANT! If you did buy a dollar tree yourself at a flower shop, then it would be good not to replant it for the first 10-15 days, so as not to expose it to additional stress.

By the way, in order for Zamioculcas to feel better, it is recommended to water it with water in which coins have been lying for several days.

ON A NOTE. Do not sell or simply give away cuttings of your zamioculcas to strangers. It is believed that this is how you give away your happiness.

How to neutralize the negative meaning of a flower?

Let's say you're still worried about the bad omens and superstitions associated with your new green pet.

You can neutralize the negative meaning by simply replanting it in new soil. At the same time, no other flower crop should have been grown in the substrate before. We provide good care to the new seedling, and the bad value of Zamioculcas disappears, even if it existed.

Let's imagine a different situation. One of your zamioculcas is fading, which may have a negative meaning. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a new specimen of a flower crop and place it in the house next to the patient in order to cure it with positive energy.

IMPORTANT! Never throw away a diseased flower, so as not to incur more misfortunes. If the zamioculcas cannot be saved, burn it.

How to care for Zamioculcas to attract good energy

In order for the dollar tree to thank you with new financial flows, you need to take good care of the flower.

  • The air temperature is moderate: about 25 degrees in summer and 16-18 in winter.
  • Lighting should be sufficient, bright, but diffused.
  • It is necessary to water rarely as the soil dries out. The frequency of watering varies from 1 to 2 per month.
  • There is no need to feed often. During the active spring-summer growing season, 2 feedings per month are sufficient. Fertilizers will not be needed in autumn and winter.


• The dollar tree grows best in a bright place near windows facing west and east.

• In winter, place “your friend” closer to the window.

• After a cloudy winter, the plant should be acclimated to direct sunlight gradually to avoid sunburn.

• It is better to let the soil be dry than waterlogged.

• On summer days, take the plant to the balcony, garden, i.e. to the open air.

• Don't forget to wipe and spray the leaves of the plant.

• From April to August, every two weeks, the Zamioculcas plant needs feeding. (This can include fertilizers for cacti and succulents).

• It is better to choose a place for the plant where there is no direct sunlight, otherwise sunburn may appear on the leaves.

• Once every two years in the spring it is necessary to replant adult plants.

• If the plant has been “staying” in the garden or in the open air all summer, then it does not need to be watered; the “rain” baths it has taken will be enough.

• The soil must be enriched with mineral and organic substances, consisting of turf, peat, leaf soil and sand.

• The pot must correspond to the root system of Zamioculcas (i.e. be quite wide).

• Thick and fleshy stems need support, otherwise they may begin to collapse.

• For watering, use only soft, settled water.

Plant conditions

The temperature at which the plant feels normal is from 18°C ​​to 30°C. The plant tolerates heat and drought perfectly, but hypothermia is dangerous for it. A temperature drop below 16°C is critical.

The plant loves a lot of diffused light; there should be no direct sunlight. However, Zamioculcas will feel fine on the windowsill near the windows of any side of the house, as well as under artificial lighting.

Temperature and lighting

The indoor plant feels excellent at air temperatures from +22 to +28 degrees in the summer and from +16 to +18 degrees in the winter. The highest temperature is +38 degrees, and the lowest is +12 degrees. “Dollar Tree” loves light very much, but it also feels normal when exposed to direct rays of the sun. Although partial shade is an excellent solution for him. But if you place the plant on a southern windowsill at midday, its leaves may be damaged and burns may appear, so in this case it is better to use improvised means to shade the plant.

If Zamioculcas is kept in a dark room, then this will immediately affect its decorative effect. Its leaves will begin to thin and elongate. This plant needs fresh air; it cannot do without ventilation. To do this, you can take it out onto the balcony or into the garden in the summer. But in the cold season, it would be correct to place the pot with the plant near the windowsill, but you should avoid being close to heating devices. In winter, when daylight hours are short, a fluorescent lamp or phytolamp should be used.

Air humidity

Dollar tree grown indoors grows well at low air humidity, which is typical for living rooms. In this regard, it is not necessary to moisten the foliage. However, on hot summer days, it is recommended to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge or spray them with warm water from a spray bottle.


Optimal for Zamioculcas will be an abundance of bright diffused light - that is, windows of western or eastern orientation. However, it feels great on northern window sills, and even at some distance from them. Shading will only affect the dollar tree's growth rate, not its appearance. The leaves are protected from direct sunlight, especially when kept outdoors - when there is too much light, they fade.


Should be moderate. Stagnation of water and excess moisture are unacceptable. You need to water the flower generously, then pour the water out of the tray or flowerpot. The roots should not come into contact with water for a long time. The plant is watered 1-2 times a week, making sure that the top layer of soil is dry to a depth of 3 cm. In winter, less often.


. You don’t have to water it for 2-3 weeks; the plant will extract accumulated reserves from the tubers. But in this case, there is a danger that the plant will begin to prepare for a period of drought.


In indoor conditions, Zamioculcas rarely blooms.
To do this, create optimal care conditions for it, one of the main ones being compliance with the temperature regime in winter. If all goes well, the dollar tree will delight you with flowering.

The inflorescence is not quite ordinary - it is an ear, reminiscent of corn, white with a yellowish tint, bordered by a greenish blanket.

The bud comes from the base of the flower, from the ground itself, just like the leaves. From a botanical point of view, the structure of the flower is very interesting. The upper part of the spadix consists only of male flowers, and the lower part only of female flowers. Moreover, they are separated by several rows of sterile flowers. It is clear that with this arrangement, self-pollination of Zamioculcas is impossible.

How often does the dollar tree bloom?

Zamioculcas belongs to the genus Araceae and is represented by the only monotypic species of Zamioculcas - Zamioculcas.

The main decorative value of the flower is its leathery leaves. They are painted in a rich green color and, thanks to a waxy coating, have an attractive glossy shine.

With proper care, zamioculcas leaves reach impressive sizes, growing up to 1 m in length. Many owners of this indoor plant sometimes do not even suspect that the “dollar tree” can delight its owners not only with luscious foliage, but also with rather exotic flowering.

The Zamioculcas flower appears quite rarely; the first flowering can occur when the plant is 5-6 years old, provided that the flower is properly cared for and favorable conditions are created for its maintenance. If your dollar tree bloomed earlier and does so regularly, then you have created the most comfortable conditions for it

Please note that flowering may not occur even in an adult plant or it may not be regular.

Interesting! Thanks to its unusual flowering, there are many signs about Zamioculcas. Sometimes it is even called “Women’s Happiness”, some believe this name is associated with the unusual shape of the flower, and others with the resemblance of the flower to another plant called.


The period of active growth of Zamioculcas lasts from April to the end of August. To make the plant look healthier and lush, at this time it is recommended to feed it moderately by adding nutrients for succulents to the soil, according to the instructions for the selected preparation (about once a month).


Pruning zamioculcas is needed to form the crown of the plant, improve its illumination, and remove yellowed, diseased or bare branches.
Using pruning, you can give the crown of a dollar tree a ball shape.

It is best to prune during the period of active growth, in spring or summer. If you do this during dormancy, winter sleep, the branches will be weak and pale, and the appearance of the plant may deteriorate.

When and how to replant a dollar tree

If you buy a dollar tree in a store or borrow it from a friend, the plant must adapt to new conditions. Therefore, if you see that the pot is clearly small and replanting is inevitable, wait at least a week or two weeks so that the flower gets used to it.

The roots of Zamioculcas are strong and powerful; they can easily break a plastic container, so it is better to replant it in a ceramic or clay container. The pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. Be sure to put drainage at the bottom. The soil is either universal or for succulents. It is better to add fine expanded clay to the universal soil to make it more breathable.

Transplantation must be carried out using the transshipment method, planting the plant in a new pot along with an old lump of earth. But make sure that the upper tubers are slightly exposed, about a centimeter.

IMPORTANT! Dollar tree sap is poisonous and can cause skin burns, so use rubber gloves when replanting it.

Tuber division

You can wait quite a long time for the dollar tree to bloom. However, the beauty of this plant forces many gardeners to grow Zamioculcas for interior decoration. You can propagate this plant by dividing the tuber. To do this, you will need to divide the root system of the plant and replant it in separate containers. This is easy to do if the plant is already mature.

It is necessary to estimate the size of each rhizome. The size of the container into which the cutting will be transplanted should be a couple of centimeters wider than the tuber. In this case, you need to choose shallow containers.

How to choose soil for replanting a dollar tree

The soil for the dollar tree can be purchased, specially designed for cacti, or you can prepare it yourself. For this you will need: leaf and turf soil, peat and sand in equal proportions. The composition may be different, the main thing is that it is air- and water-permeable, loose, nutritious and neutral in acidity.

The soil must be well drained and moisture permeable

How does a flower reproduce?

The dollar tree reproduces in several ways:

  • rhizome;
  • leaf;
  • parts of rachis.

Propagation by rhizomes is the simplest method that does not require special skills from the grower. The tubers of the plant are divided during transplantation and placed in different containers.

When propagating by leaf, there is a greater chance of getting a new, full-fledged plant than when cutting rachis in parts. The entire plate is placed in water and waits for roots to appear, or it is immediately planted in the substrate.

When dividing the rachis into parts, the resulting segment is placed in perlite or sand.

Life stories

“I opened a small point selling coffee to go. I placed a zamioculcas in the corner of the counter. I don’t know if this is the case or if the coffee is delicious, but there are a lot of visitors,” Mikhail Nikolaevich.

“I’ve been growing zamioculcas at home for a long time. I constantly replant cuttings and give them to friends. There wasn't much more money. But I can’t even call Dollar Tree a man’s man. My husband is still with me all these years of growing the flower,” Alexandra Alexandrovna.

Meaning and Application

Until the end of the 20th century, Zamioculcas was practically not known as an indoor crop. But with the start of mass sales at Dutch flower auctions in 1996, it gained widespread popularity among both amateurs and professionals of indoor floriculture and indoor gardening specialists and is still popular today.

In August 2007, the first cultivar of Zamioculcas was presented - miniature, in appearance it does not differ from the usual one, only the bush is more compact (grows up to 60 cm) and the leaves are correspondingly smaller.

Zamioculcas (sometimes called the dollar tree) is an unpretentious plant that tolerates low air humidity and partial darkness, but for normal development it is advisable to keep the plant in a bright place, without direct sunlight. It reacts poorly to excessive soil moisture and stagnant water, so after watering you must drain the water from the pan. Zamioculcas does not have any special requirements for soil; turf, leaf soil and sand in a 1:1:1 ratio are excellent.

The plant reproduces by dividing the tuber and by rooting leaves or individual leaf blades.

The inflorescence of Zamioculcas is inconspicuous, not particularly beautiful and is a light cream spadix formed on a short thick peduncle. The light green blanket surrounding the inflorescence perfectly camouflages it among the green leaves, so you won’t notice it right away. In indoor conditions, Zamioculcas blooms very rarely.

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