Is it possible to keep a ficus at home, good or bad, signs and superstitions

Ficus at home is good or bad. The meaning of ficus in the house

To begin with, the plant is completely unpretentious, but you need to take into account that it does not like too wet soil. So what, you ask, how does this information influence the topic of the benefits of ficus. Yes, it’s the most direct thing. The thing is that this dislike of high humidity suggests that ficus helps fight excessive sensitivity.

You yourself know that there are people who are constantly upset about every little thing, such people are very vulnerable and whiny. I’ll tell you a secret that I feel the same way about this type of people. And I was very worried about everything, I got upset if someone looked at me the wrong way or spoke rudely. I often cried and lately I have had great difficulty holding back tears when talking to people. That is why I decided to have a ficus in my apartment. As you understand, it is good to keep the plant in those houses where people live (or often have guests) who are too vulnerable and whiny.

But, fortunately, God cares about us, he sees and knows our needs, so he created plants for us that help us overcome emotional difficulties and experiences. Therefore, it is good to have a ficus where a person constantly needs frank conversations, compliments, praise, constant support and for the people around them to constantly approve of them. Or where people constantly complain about the troubles happening in life and expect pity for themselves.

Ficus care. The illustration for the article is used under a standard license ©

How to replant.

As you noted earlier, young ficus bushes will need to be replanted annually at an early age. This is best done in spring or summer. But adult plants will need to be replanted very carefully and only when necessary. This is usually done no more often than once every few years. If the soil in the pot is too depleted, it is advisable to change it. And don’t forget to put drainage at the bottom of the pot so that in the future excess moisture will move away from the roots. Each time the new pot should be several centimeters larger and deeper than the previous one. If the ficus bush is too old, then it is not advisable to replant it, otherwise the plant may completely die. Many gardeners believe that there is no need to replant the ficus if it is not crowded in the pot. In order to enrich the soil with useful substances, you can simply change the top layer of soil annually. Also, in order to enrich the soil with useful micronutrients, add peat, turf and leaf soil to the soil mixture. Suitable for structuring soil and sand. If you don’t want to bother with the soil, you can buy a ready-made mixture; it can usually be purchased at any specialized garden center or agricultural store. You can replant the ficus in universal soil, but do not forget to add a little sand there. It is also good to add some drainage to the pot. If you replant plants, do it using the transshipment method. It is recommended to fill the voids in the pot with fresh soil.

Where is the best place to place a ficus in an apartment?

Since ancient times, ficus has attracted flower growers; it has been used to decorate the interior, taking into account its magical properties. In order for the plant to be beneficial, you need to find it an ideal place in the apartment.

Where can a pot with a flower stand in the house:

  1. According to Feng Shui, the best place is the southeastern part of the house or apartment.
  2. Living room. Not only household members, but also guests gather in this room to talk and spend time together. The plant helps create a pleasant atmosphere and has a positive effect on friendly communication.
  3. Personal Area. People who dream of a career should place a flower with beneficial properties on the table in the office and in the workplace in the apartment. According to psychics, the flower emits positive energy that helps fight uncertainty.
  4. Ordinary room. If a person spends the most time in a certain place in the apartment, then this is where you need to put a pot with a useful flower. For people who react violently to any news and events, it is advisable to grow not one, but several ficus trees.
  5. Kitchen. This is a good place for a plant. The fact is that the kitchen room needs constant air purification and oxygen enrichment.

Attention! It is believed that a ficus standing in the kitchen attracts money.

Benefits for the home

Ficus is a plant that has beneficial properties and contraindications. Heat-loving, grows in tropical countries.

But in nature it can also be found in Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Crimea.

A plant can not only decorate an apartment, but also be beneficial and harmful to the home. Ficus - how is it useful?

Useful properties of ficus for the home:

  • rubber;
  • glucose, fructose;
  • medicinal raw materials;
  • tinctures and mixtures of ficus leaves and juice;
  • improves the microclimate of the room, purifies the air from harmful substances;
  • building material for house roofs and sheds;
  • rough fabrics;
  • food for animals, birds and insects;
  • "living bridge"

Interesting! A living bridge is created from the roots of a rubber-bearing ficus, such a bridge is more practical than a wooden one, it can support more than fifty people, the length can reach 30 m, it takes a long time to build - 10-15 years , but “living” bridges have existed for a long time, some for more than 500 years.

The reader planning to grow a ficus at home should know other important information about the plant:

  • Tips for propagating ficus at home.
  • Why do ficus leaves turn yellow, blacken and fall off and what to do about it?
  • Ficus care.
  • Planting variations of an elegant ficus.
  • Features of ficus transplantation at home.
  • The ideal plant for growing at home is ficus.
  • Ficus is a plant vulnerable to winter.

Where you can’t place a ficus, what the signs say

If you believe the signs and just gardeners, there are certain places where you definitely don’t need to put a flower:

  • in the northern and southern parts of the room;
  • in the center of the room.

If there is always a large crowd of people in the room where the ficus stands, this will not allow the ficus to fully reveal its energy potential and the plant may emit negative energy instead of positive vibes. The leaves are the first to signal that the ficus has become dangerous; they wither and become covered with spots. You will need to move the ficus into a separate room, nourish the roots and water it properly.

This unpretentious plant will delight you for many years, and whether or not to believe in signs is up to everyone, but it is better not to leave the ficus unattended, and then positive emotions and a charge of good mood are guaranteed to you.

Don’t remain indifferent, tell us how you care for your ficus, what you observed in your house after the plant took up residence in your home. With warmth, Antonina.


Ficus can be propagated in different ways. And the most common method is cuttings. Moreover, this method is considered the simplest and most effective. In order to get a cutting, you will need to cut off the top of the stem; the shoot should be no more than 15 cm in length. On each cutting, you will need to cut off all the leaves, leaving one pair of leaf blades. The sap oozing from the wound will need to be removed, the cut area should be washed with water, and this will need to be done until the sap flow stops. The cuttings are placed in containers with liquid, and in order to prevent moisture from evaporating from the surface of the foliage, it is recommended to roll them into a tube. You can fix them in this position with a regular rubber band. Of course, cuttings form a root system in water, but this process goes faster when the cutting is placed in a special mixture. In order to create a favorable microclimate, it is recommended to cover containers with cuttings with film or glass. Usually, from cuttings obtained in this way, full-fledged plants develop very quickly. There are no difficulties with acceleration. However, in certain subspecies of this crop, cuttings take root less well, so it is best to pre-treat them with a growth stimulant, so the root system is formed more intensively. You can also build a mini greenhouse for them, providing heating of the soil mixture from below. In some varieties, it should be noted, cuttings take root very poorly, so it is better to propagate them by other methods.

Many ficus subspecies are propagated using air layering. In order to grow new plants, you will need to make a special cut on the shoot, but not very deep. And to prevent the wound from healing, a match is inserted there. And after this, these places will need to be wrapped in damp sphagnum, wrapped with film and secured with tape. Usually, aerial roots begin to form in such places; through the transparent film you will be able to determine the time when the roots begin to break through. When the root system looks massive enough, it will be possible to separate this shoot below and plant it in a separate container. Ficus is often propagated by leaves. This method is considered not very simple, so experienced gardeners consider this propagation method not entirely proven. However, some researchers claim that this method is considered effective. Try cutting one leaf blade and placing it in a glass of water. Sometimes, after a certain period of time, roots begin to grow at the base. And after that, you can plant the plant in a separate pot, but very often the leaf plate does not have enough strength to form shoots, so such a mini plant will show off on your windowsill for many years, but a full-fledged plant from the leaf plate will never form.

Effect on pregnancy

If you place a ficus in the bedroom of a young couple, you can speed up conception. This is exactly what popular belief says. Such superstitions have helped many childless families acquire a long-awaited child. To get pregnant, you need to perform a certain ritual :

  1. purchase a young plant or steal a shoot from a house where a family with children lives;
  2. place a pot with a new “tenant” in the matrimonial bedroom;
  3. carefully look after him, cherish him like a child;
  4. As soon as the plant begins to grow and produces new shoots, you can expect a new addition to the family.

How to replant ficus robusta

It should be replanted in early spring before the growing season begins. In the first years of life, the root system of a tree actively develops. Therefore, until the age of three, transplantation is recommended annually. Older plants are replanted only as needed and no more than once every 2-3 years.

  1. An hour before the procedure, water the ficus generously. This will make it easier to remove the earthen ball from the flower pot. If possible, squeeze the soil from the walls with a knife with a thin long blade. Using gentle rocking movements, carefully pulling the trunk up, release the ficus.
  2. If everything is done correctly, the process will go smoothly. Who doesn't come out? Do not injure the tree, water it again and repeat all over again no earlier than after 1-3 hours.
  3. The diameter of the new pot should be 3-5 cm larger than the old one. The bottom must be covered with expanded clay. Otherwise, the roots may become sour.
  4. Do not bury the root collar under any circumstances; leave it approximately at the level of the ground surface.
  5. After transshipment, the earth around the trunk is lightly trampled down in order to eliminate voids. After 2-3 days, check the degree of soil filling. After watering, the soil will settle and the roots may come out unnecessarily. If this happens, add soil mixture to the desired level.

Can I keep it at home?

So, placing this flower in the apartment is not a problem. The only question is whether it is possible to keep ficus in the house. The answer is that it is both possible and necessary.

  1. Scientists talk about the benefits of ficus Ficus. According to their research, the plant is a good air filter.
  2. Popular beliefs in the West say that the plant helps strengthen family relationships and a harmonious atmosphere in the home.
  3. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that thanks to the flower, energy in the home improves.
  4. In Thailand, positive signs about the Benjamin ficus are so popular that it is even a symbol of the country and a sacred plant, endowing its owners with happiness and good luck.
  5. For the Chinese, the presence of Ficus in the house is a guarantee of comfort and a pleasant atmosphere. It is believed that the plant helps get rid of family and household problems. Provides an opportunity to attract money for spending related to family and home. For example, it helps to carry out repair work or purchase a new car.
  6. And in China they love the flower for its ability to destroy negative energy in any space.

Signs about indoor ficus

To understand whether it is possible to keep a ficus at home, you should read both positive and negative reviews about this plant. In many foreign countries, it is generally accepted that the flower has a beneficial effect on family relationships, strengthens marriage and brings harmony to the home, protecting it from destructive forces. For example, in Thailand, this representative of the flora has the status of a sacred flower, which is not only a symbol of the country, but also a talisman plant that brings good luck.

Indoor ficus

For residents of China, ficus is a flower that gives warmth and comfort and creates an atmosphere of tranquility in the home. Also, in their opinion, the plant has the ability to attract money. Many people decorate office premises with this flower, since it not only attracts profit, but also promotes better performance (which is often the key to major financial achievements).

On a note. Thanks to its lush greenery, the flower (especially broad-leaved varieties) serves as an excellent filter that purifies the air in the apartment: ficus actively absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. That is why it is so useful for people living in big cities, where the state of the environment leaves much to be desired.

It is generally accepted that if you place a flower in the kitchen, the family will never experience hunger or need money. Another belief says that the plant has a beneficial effect on the female body, helping to get pregnant faster. To achieve a better effect, the flower can be placed in the bedroom next to the bed.

There is an opinion that ficus has the ability to transform negative emotions into positive ones, relieves stress, suppresses anxiety and restlessness.

Interesting. For Buddhists and Muslims this flower is sacred. Sitting under this tree, Buddha achieved enlightenment. According to the Bible, it was the ficus (otherwise the fig tree or fig tree) that served as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve covered themselves with a fig leaf when they realized they were naked after committing the Fall. In a figurative sense, the stable expression “hiding behind a fig leaf” means an attempt to hide shameless actions and unsightly deeds. Ficus bengalensis (also called the world tree) symbolizes eternal life and rebirth.

Adam and Eve, the fig leaf was often depicted in ancient engravings and paintings

Ficus in the bedroom

Many flower owners are interested in the question of whether a ficus would be appropriate in the bedroom, is it possible or not to keep it next to the bed? The plant improves fertility. If a married couple is trying in vain to have offspring, it is recommended to place this miraculous flower near their bed.

In addition, the plant perfectly purifies the air, which has a beneficial effect on health and quality of sleep. Sleeping in such conditions is much more pleasant: rest brings pleasure, gives the body vigor and increases performance.

On a note. The plant does not emit toxic substances that poison the air.

Why you can’t keep ficus at home

There are not only positive beliefs regarding this flower. Unlike the inhabitants of the countries presented above, many Slavic peoples treat this flower with distrust. According to them, it does not at all maintain comfort and harmony in the house, and, even worse, it can scare away a potential groom, preventing the woman from creating a family union.

According to another negative belief, ficus has an adverse effect on the formation of male character.

Ficus in the bedroom

It is generally accepted that the plant attracts destructive feelings and emotions, including envy and the gossip it generates. This is why it is not recommended to keep the plant in an apartment.

Legends about ficus

Over the many years of growing the flower at home, many legends associated with it have developed.

The Chinese believe that ficus should be in every home. Therefore, they have a tradition of giving a pot of these plants at a wedding or housewarming. Ficus for the Chinese is a symbol of family.

There is a similar attitude towards the flower in Egypt. It is quite difficult to maintain such a plant among the sands, but Egyptians still try to buy it for their home.

In Thailand, the plant is even sacred. According to local beliefs, ficus is able to drive away evil spirits from the home.

But in the West they are more wary of the flower. For example, a plant is considered dangerous when its leaves become spotted.

Also, the flower does not like being constantly surrounded by a large number of people, especially strangers.

Is ficus poisonous?

For many years, the question of whether ficus is poisonous or not has remained open. However, not so long ago, experts managed to find out for sure that the flower is a poisonous plant. Despite this, ficus can be kept at home. To protect yourself and your household, you need to adhere to simple rules for handling crops.

Is it possible to keep an orchid at home: options why it’s good or bad

The flower is officially recognized as poisonous, which is why professionals use gloves in the process of pruning and shaping the crown.

The Elastic variety contains up to 40% rubber in its fabrics. If the juice gets on exposed skin, an allergy may occur in the form of itching and redness. Do not allow the juice to get on the mucous membranes, as this can cause severe irritation.

The flower is also unsafe for animals - pets often taste the flowers. Therefore, if there are cats, dogs, hamsters, etc. in the house, it is better to put the ficus in a place inaccessible to animals.

If one of the family members suffers from allergies (especially if there is a negative reaction to latex), purchasing a ficus is not recommended at all. The milk contained in the leaves of the flower can be released for two reasons:

  • Due to mechanical damage to tissue.
  • As a symptom of a disease.

Important! The sap of the plant is one of the most common irritants that provoke an allergic reaction.

Children love to touch, smell and taste everything, so they should also limit their access to the flower. Otherwise, there is a high risk of poisoning.

Medicinal properties of ficus

Each of the ficuses, regardless of the type, including Benjamin, has beneficial and medicinal properties. Plants contain biologically active substances. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the flower are widely used not only by traditional healers, but also by pharmacologists. Infusions, decoctions, ointments, and juice are prepared based on ficus.

What are the benefits of ficus for humans:

  1. A decoction of ficus leaves relieves pain from hemorrhoids and also helps to reduce nodes.
  2. The same decoction can remove warts.
  3. Ointments and juice based on a healthy flower help heal some skin diseases and relieve back pain.
  4. You can use the medicine for problems with the motor system and mastopathy.
  5. An infusion or decoction is useful for coughs.
  6. Alcohol-based infusions are an excellent remedy for relieving toothache and for rinsing the mouth (removes unpleasant odor).

For some diseases, decoctions, infusions and juice are taken orally. But most often the healing agent is used externally in the form of ointments and balms.

The benefits of home ficus for people

This flower is not just part of the interior; gardeners can tell a lot of interesting things about its advantages. Let's take a look at the main ones:

  • Purifying the air in the apartment, saturating it with oxygen, processing harmful substances into amino acids.
  • Healing properties in the treatment of oncology, diseases of the joints, back, female ailments, hematomas: a decoction is prepared from the leaves and, depending on the type of problem, it is applied to sore spots or taken internally. The rubber-bearing variety of the plant has the most healing properties in relation to human health.
  • Frozen juice from it is useful as a raw material in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • This is an excellent basis for alcohol medicines that treat diseases of the oral cavity and toothaches by rinsing.
  • According to popular beliefs, ficus is a powerful energy protection for the home from evil forces (according to popular beliefs).

Before external and internal use, be sure to consult a doctor. To prepare a decoction of ficus juice, roll 3 leaves through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. To prepare the tincture, pour the ground leaves into a glass of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. After straining, add egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. honey. This tincture should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 weeks.

Magical properties of the flower

The following properties are attributed to the plant:

  • Strengthens relationships even in the largest family.
  • Helps to overcome difficulties and solve any problems.
  • Calms and makes a person more reasonable.
  • Attracts success and luck into the home.
  • Helps you gain financial stability.
  • Protects the home and its inhabitants from the evil eye and the influence of dark forces.
  • If you suddenly decide to buy yourself this flower, then luck will soon turn your face.

But these are all positive properties. Some peoples believe that ficus has a number of negative traits.

For example, in Russia it is still believed that this flower is muzhegon. It has a bad effect on a man's character.

It is also believed that this plant nurtures envy, slander, and a craving for scandals and showdowns in a person.

Feng Shui meaning

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, ficus has positive energy.
It has the ability to relieve tension and transform negative energy, harmonize the overall atmosphere in the house, bring calm, balance the internal state and tune in to positivity and creativity, as well as fill with vigor and increase productivity. In a word, it can be recommended to people who are explosive, unrestrained in emotions and those who, due to the nature of their work, face constant nervous tension. On the contrary, ficus will help people who are insecure about themselves to feel the ground under their feet and tune in to achieve their goals.

Ficus is a symbol of Thailand, revered by the Thais for its extraordinary strength, and by the Chinese for its ability to free the house from negative energy. For healthy people who are far from superstitions, there are no compelling reasons not to have a ficus in their home. It is better for a superstitious person not to get involved with this plant, so as not to have to blame it for all his failures.

Positive aspects of the plant

Other peoples considered this flower lucky. He helped not only to have children, but also cleaned the energy at home. Ficus benjamina is considered by signs and superstitions to be a universal flower that brings good luck. It’s not for nothing that the people of Thailand have made it their symbol. Signs about the rubber-bearing ficus have so captivated all the peoples of the world that every person has decided to buy it. It is generally accepted that ficus is necessary in the house. But you need to remember a few basic rules.

  1. If you decide to buy a flower, then it is better to buy the “black prince”. It has more pronounced energy and brings good news. It is also aimed at ridding the house of bad energy. It also contributes to the emergence of financial profits. It is quite possible that you will even be able to save money for the car.
  2. Ask your friends to give you a ficus tree. By this they supposedly wish you prosperity and life's joys. It is believed that if a ficus is given to a person, it means that it will lead him throughout his life.
  3. Feng Shui experts say that it is necessary to get a ficus tree for the bedroom. This attracts not only happiness into family life, but also an addition to the family.

All peoples of the world, except for the Slavic countries, are confident that ficus can be kept in the house. It is only important to take good care of him and treat him like a member of the family. Everything possible should be done to ensure that an ordinary sprout blooms. This will mean that your requests have been heard and soon everything will be as you wished. This is an ideal choice for the office. It is believed to promote monetary gains. Beliefs say that if you grow a plant in the office, you can significantly increase your financial status. According to statistics, in an office where any variety of ficus grows, financial stability is much better.

How to trim.

As you remember, ficus grows quite intensively under favorable conditions. The leaf mass increases quickly. However, over time, the lower foliage begins to fall off. The bushes are pruned in order to curb the development of this crop. Many gardeners, in order for the ficus to form side shoots, pinch the plants upward; unfortunately, this action will not increase branching. Perhaps after this procedure the upper bud will begin to awaken, but side shoots will not form. Typically, several internodes are cut off during pruning. If the upper part of the bush stretches too much, you can remove it. But do not throw away this cutting, it is quite possible to root it and get a new plant from it. When, in your opinion, the shoots become as tall as possible (for your apartment), the upper part of the plant should be cut off again.

It is recommended to prune the bushes in early spring; if you do this later, the side shoots will not develop again, and the ficus will begin to grow upward again. Pruning tools should be disinfected before use. The knife must be sharp. It is advisable to remove the juice that will be released after this procedure. If you want to grow lush bushes, then you can plant several ficuses in one pot. At first, it is recommended to place the plants in slightly shaded places, and it is recommended to periodically turn the bushes so that the shoots develop evenly, are even and beautiful. And if you don’t do this, the bush will reach for the light, which means the plant may lose its decorative appearance. It is quite possible to plant a single ficus in a container. However, it can also be made more bushy. It is advisable to awaken inactive buds in time; to do this, try pruning the plants as we advised you earlier.

Sometimes the trunk is pierced to increase the splendor of the plant. Moreover, the depth of this puncture should not be more than 1/3 of the width of the stem. They begin to carry out this procedure from the top, ending with the base of the bush. Sometimes the top of a young plant is deliberately inclined to the bottom, fixed on the soil surface, thus the side shoots begin to awaken, which means the bush will be more lush, but as soon as you notice that the buds have become active, it is recommended to return the plant to its usual position, rest assured , side shoots will begin to actively develop.

The meaning of a flower during pregnancy

There is a belief that a woman who wants to have a child should get a ficus. To carry out the ritual, they use a small bush, preferably grown with their own hands from a cutting.

The plant is installed in the bedroom and cared for like a small child:

  • water and wipe the leaves;
  • feed;
  • give the flower a name and talk to it.

For your information! In India and Asia, women seeking to become pregnant perform a special ritual. On the new moon, they undress and walk around the tree in a circle. It is believed that this gives strength to fertility and promotes speedy procreation.

Is it possible to keep a ficus at home? Plant energy

Besides whiny people, there is another category of people who are constantly stressed. These people cannot concentrate on important things, take on too many responsibilities or work, and then realize with horror that they are not able to pull the load that has been placed on them. So, if you, or someone close to you, is such a person, then urgently purchase a ficus. In this case, the plant helps to correctly distribute your strength and rationally use your strength.

Good news for people who do not know how to express their thoughts and express their opinions. The fact is that ficus also helps improve the quality of a person’s speech. Therefore, the plant is suitable for people who speak slurredly, hesitate, swallow words, and even stutter. Ficus helps you learn to speak clearly and improve your diction.

Ficus rubber is very useful for people who do not have eloquence and on their way they constantly encounter an environment that does not perceive their speech. Thanks to the subtle influence of the plant, a person’s speech gradually becomes more intelligible, confident, understandable, and others begin to listen to the person.

Ficus is no less useful for people who talk and lie too much. In this case, the plant helps a person control what he says. As a result, a person speaks only to the point, specifically, giving others only the necessary information.

Ficuses in the house. The illustration for the article is used under a standard license ©

Trimming and pinching

In comfortable conditions, the tree grows quickly and chaotically. Therefore, it is impossible to do without trimming and shaping the crown. According to reviews from experienced owners, the procedure is quite simple and does not take much time.

When is the best time to prune and/or pinch? Ficus Robusta does not have a clearly defined dormant period as such. The period from September to the end of January is equated to it. It would be more correct to call this time of rest. The active growth phase occurs in the spring months. The beginning of the phase is mid/late February. It is this interval that is considered the best time to carry out work.

The rules of formation are simple. If additional side shoots are needed, cut off the top (10-15 cm). The result will be a bush-like form. To grow an even, smooth trunk, you will need to consistently cut off all the emerging lateral shoots. It is advisable not to leave stumps. In this case, we do not touch the top.

Be sure to disinfect the knife with an alcohol solution. Dry the area of ​​each cut with a paper towel and treat with activated carbon powder. This will help the wound heal faster.

It takes 3-4 weeks for the plant to adapt after surgery. After this, new buds and leaves should appear. In a healthy state, the Robusta ficus produces approximately 1-2 new leaves per week. The photo shows a formed bush 2 months after pruning.

Ficus and pregnancy - signs

Since ficus is a symbol of family well-being, its presence in the house helps a woman become pregnant.

According to folk superstitions, in order to conceive a child, you need to plant a plant in a pot with your own hands and communicate with it in the same way as with a child.

Moreover, you definitely need to put a ficus in the spouses’ bedroom.

There is a belief that says that a ficus helps you get pregnant if you walk around it naked several times a day. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to purchase a plant; you can borrow it from friends or acquaintances for a few days.

The more a woman cares for and ennobles her ficus, the more her chances of getting pregnant quickly increase.

It’s hard to say how seriously you can take this, but in the video the girl collected all the possible signs that can help you get pregnant, including our hero:

Let us note in parentheses, in all seriousness, that it is important to check whether a woman is allergic to ficus.

It would probably be correct to say that if the owner likes the plant and considers it useful, then the ficus will bring prosperity and positive emotions to the apartment. And if this plant annoys its owners, then it might be better to give it to someone.

Ficus has bloomed: sign

The ficus has bloomed: a sign
There are many superstitions associated with the flowering of indoor plants. But it is about ficus flowers that real legends circulate. In some peoples, the appearance of inflorescences of this plant indicates an increase in the financial status of the owner, while in others it indicates the addition of a family.

The sign associated with pregnancy is widely known to the Slavs and Eastern peoples. It is believed that if a ficus blooms, it means that its owner will soon become pregnant.

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