To return love, I planted calathea at home - a bright and beautiful plant, according to signs, improves family relationships

This deciduous and ornamental plant, whose foliage resembles the plumage of rare birds or the wings of exotic butterflies, attracts gardeners with its unusual beauty. Many people gladly agree to grow it on their windowsill, but not everyone knows what signs and superstitions the tropical beauty Calathea holds to its credit. And there are not so few of them, and not all of them are groundless.

"Prayer" flower

One of the characteristics of the calathea is that at night it slowly lifts up and folds its leaves together. People even called this houseplant a prayer flower. It is believed that by folding the leaves, the calathea prays for the well-being, happiness and success of all family members.

According to popular belief, the plant is a real magical shield that reliably protects the house from damage, the evil eye and any unfavorable energy. Calathea is a flower that can literally fill the surrounding space with love and joy. The plant will never allow anyone to disturb the well-being established in the house.

It is worth bringing calathea into the house not only to protect existing warm relationships between loved ones. This flower can also help in case of cooling of relatives towards each other for some reason. Filling the atmosphere with love, calathea will revive faded feelings.

Where to put the flower?

Calathea is a symbol of peace and prosperity , however, for it to work, you need to carefully choose the place. Then he will not only enliven and decorate the interior, attract the attention of guests, but also become a real protector of the house from everything negative: quarrels, lack of money, losses.

Calathea Zebrina.

So, the ideal place is the east or southeast of the apartment. It is there that the flower will receive the amount of sun it needs and will be able to direct its energy—“prayer”—to your well-being.

Children and the elderly

In addition to the ability to protect and return love, Calathea, according to popular belief, has other positive mystical properties. For example, it is believed that, when planted in a nursery, this plant can become a real amulet for a child. A prayer flower will protect the baby, give him a good sleep, make him loving and obedient.

It is also believed that it is useful to place calathea in the room of elderly people. This exotic flower is believed to give old people health. Another positive quality of calathea, according to signs, is the ability to bring success to the owner in any desired area - creativity, love, career.

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Interaction with energy at home

Usually Calathea is chosen because of its appearance, without thinking about its meaning. However, for many, the question of whether this flower will bring benefit or harm to the house where they want to place it is relevant - especially for those who want to give it to friends or acquaintances. Let's understand together the theoretical symbolization and meanings of Calathea in the house.

Like any other plant, it can be viewed from two sides: both positive and negative. It is best to first get acquainted with both, and then draw conclusions for yourself - after all, all people are different and what will be useful for one person may be harmful for another. Calathea is a symbol of happiness created by family, it is believed that it brings calm and peace to the house as it can absorb aggressive energy and because of this it can be called one of the best flowers for the home. If you keep Calathea at home, thanks to it, the owners of the flower will be able to set goals that they will achieve without hindrance and without conflict, and will find activities for the soul. Family gatherings and gatherings with friends will become more fun, lively and positive.

Kalathea Varshevich

This variety is a spreading bush with velvety dark green leaves covered with a light pattern. From below, the leaves of Calathea Varshevich have a red-purple color. This type of plant helps you find your way in life and achieve success, and also promotes family happiness.

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Feng Shui meaning of a flower

The teaching allocated quite an important place for calathea in the house. According to him, this is a symbol of the Sun and Mars, from which it feeds on fiery energy. This is how the plant “warms” the inhabitants of the house: it improves health, protects the body from diseases, fills the heart with love and warmth and prevents quarrels and negativity.

In addition, calathea has been associated with an effect on the human blood and heart: it normalizes the functioning of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

The South American guest has a positive effect on personal life and work. Quiet, shy people will become bolder, find a purpose in life and achieve their goal. And for those who are self-confident, it will help them not to go astray and reach the end.

According to Feng Shui, Calathea loves homes with a large family. This way she can do more good, impact more lives.


This calathea is also called saffron. The birthplace of the flower is the Amazon. Lovers of indoor plants are attracted to the crocat by its very unusual appearance. This variety looks like an artificial flower. When young, crocata leaves have a rich green color. With age they become dark brown or brown.

Folk signs regarding crocata are associated primarily with its flowering. The blossoming of buds on a plant, according to legend, portends success in all matters for family members.

Calathea signs and superstitions for women

If we talk about what signs calathea has in relation to representatives of the fair half of humanity - for women, this exotic promises harmonization of relationships. And in particular, this applies not only to relationships with men - this includes relationships with children and older generations, superiors at work, and so on. Regarding the last point, this flower should be placed in your workplace.

If the plant is in your and your spouse’s bedroom, this will harmonize the couple’s relationship and protect you from envious eyes, since it is considered the guardian of family happiness and hearth. So our ancestors believed that next to him the love of a husband and wife becomes stronger, and if a marriage is on the verge of collapse, then calathea can save him. The peperomia flower has the same signs.

The main thing that all owners of this amazing plant should remember is that a little attention, care and love will be the key not only to its beautiful growth and flowering, but also to the harmonization of relationships in the house. And with such help as this plant provides you in return, no troubles or misfortunes are scary.

Why does calathea bloom?

Calathea blooms only when the duration of the sunny day is minimal, that is, in late autumn or early spring. But esotericists believe differently: flowers appear when there is a seriously ill person in the house or vice versa, during a period of maximum well-being for all household members .

Calathea blooms for problems, troubles, or vice versa, its color symbolizes that there will be only favorable changes in life. More detailed interpretations are as follows:

  • Yellow color symbolizes some small obstacles or interference.
  • Calathea blooms white - to changes that will delight you.
  • Red color - you make the right decisions, follow the right path.
  • Black color warns you of possible illness.
  • Brown - to the betrayal of your husband (wife).

Signs about the location of a flower in the house

According to popular beliefs, calathea symbolizes happiness and well-being in the family. A flower will not only add color to the interior of the apartment, but also protect the home from negative energy, ensure an influx of finances, and harmonize relationships with others.

To extract as much benefit as possible from the magical properties of a plant, it must be placed correctly.

According to signs, it is advisable to place the calathea on the east or southeast side of the apartment.

This will provide better living conditions for the tropical beauty, and the inhabitants of the house will feel its beneficial influence.

Which zodiac sign is best suited?

Calathea influences the creation of a strong character, so it is suitable for many Zodiac Signs, but this plant is especially considered the flower of Aquarius. However, it is undesirable for such Zodiac Signs to have Calathea: Aries: for Aries, it can disrupt the energy of the room and cause discomfort; Gemini: For Gemini, she is a poorly compatible plant. Leo: for this sign it can disrupt the energy balance and increase the negative impact, which can become destructive. It is especially contraindicated for Leos to keep Calathea in living rooms.

Calathea for the home: signs

An indigenous inhabitant of humid tropical forests, always shrouded in light twilight, Calathea is very capricious in care. But if you have patience and provide it with all the necessary conditions, it will bring not only beauty into your life, but will also become a kind of amulet for your home and its inhabitants.

If you don’t like plants and don’t know how to care for them, or you simply don’t have time to take care of them, you shouldn’t get a calathea. It definitely will not take root in your home.

Experts who study the bioenergetic properties of plants believe that the energy of calathea is directed outward. This means that it brings the greatest benefit to a house where a large family lives, each member of which is constantly engaged in active activities. Calathea flower neutralizes aggressive energy, helps to achieve success in collective affairs, helping to ensure that everything started is completed peacefully, without disputes, quarrels and misunderstandings.

According to another statement by the same experts, calathea allows people to find a life goal and set priorities: it gives courage to the shy and indecisive, and helps those who don’t know what to do in life find a profession or hobby they like. Thanks to this plant, a person can gain inner strength and understand what exactly he wants. Whether to believe it or not, everyone decides for themselves.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui also ascribes to Calathea signs and superstitions for the home, indicating the positive influence of this plant on the harmonization of space. It is believed that it not only has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the room, but also has a beneficial effect on the well-being of people, including those whose energy is weakened due to old age or illness. Perhaps for these useful qualities, and not just for the leaves that seem to be folded in prayer in the evenings, people called the calathea “prayer flower.”

Like all amaranthaceae, to which this plant belongs, the leaves of the calathea fold at night or during rain. In the homeland of the Kalatei, in the evenings you can sometimes hear the friendly rustling of leaves as they rise in the evening.

Interaction between human character and plant type

In the language of flowers, Calathea does not have a special meaning, so you can give it to friends who have family problems and whom you want to help solve them, or to already happy families to increase their happiness. However, if the owners do not like to care for any plants, you should refrain from giving such a flower - due to the fact that Calathea is difficult to care for, you can upset the person, harming his self-esteem. For people who do not have enough time to care for flowers, it is better to give paintings depicting them - this way you can convey the wishes associated with flowers, as well as the energy of the depicted flowers.

Hand-drawn paintings will cope better with this, but if ordering a painting is too expensive for the donor, you can also order a photograph printed on canvas - the main thing is that the photograph is created with good intentions and pure thoughts.

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Fertilizer and feeding

The first feedings should begin in early April and continue until autumn. This is a period of intensive growth when the plant needs additional nutrients.

Use special fertilizers for home flowers without calcium and nitrogen. Apply to soil that has been well-drained with water, otherwise the roots of Makoi may be damaged. Do this once every two weeks. In winter, the amount of feeding is reduced to once every two months or not fed at all. Fertilizers such as Agricola, Gilea, and Master are suitable.

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