Flower “Male Happiness”, signs and superstitions, can you keep it at home?

What signs and superstitions are there related to male happiness?

It is believed that anthurium is able to resolve and smooth out conflict situations. Gifted to an unmarried girl/unmarried guy, it will help you find a worthy spouse in the near future. When a man and a woman live together, the magic of “male happiness” will be enhanced by spathiphyllum.

Anthurium flowering is a good sign indicating an improvement in your financial situation. Long flowering with large inflorescences promises the owners a stable increase in money. Pay attention to the inflorescences and receptacle: if they are irregular in shape and have uneven edges, then, unfortunately, this is a sign of impending financial losses.


Sometimes owners of the “masculine” face other problems when growing.

  • If an adult specimen does not begin to bloom for a long time, pay attention to the size of its pot. Most likely, the tub is either too narrow or too large.
  • In addition, anthurium may not bloom if it is kept in the cold for a long time.
  • In summer, yellow spots on the foliage may appear due to too much light. If such a sign appears in winter, it means that the plant does not have enough lighting.
  • The lower leaves of anthurium may turn yellow due to a large amount of fertilizer or a sudden drop in temperature.
  • If large yellow spots appear on the leaves of a flower, it means it lacks nutrition.
  • Blackened tips of the leaves indicate a large amount of salts in the soil. In this case, the plant should be urgently transplanted into another soil.
  • If there are black spots on all the foliage, then the flower is cold. It needs to be moved to a warmer room.
  • If the leaves of “male happiness” dry out, the flower is in a draft or lacks moisture. The same “symptom” may indicate a lack of natural light.

The meaning of the flower “Male Happiness” for women

Despite its name, anthurium can have a good effect on the fairer sex.

“Male happiness” will help improve your financial condition and have a positive effect on attractiveness and relationships with the opposite sex if there have been troubles in love.

It is also believed that careful and caring care of the plant will give the girl love from her soul mate.


Flowers are formed on the shoots. Very rarely they are located alone. Much more often, flowers are collected in noticeable groups called inflorescences. The study of inflorescences began with Linnaeus. But for him, the inflorescence was not a type of branching, but a way of flowering.

Inflorescences are distinguished between main and lateral axes (sessile or on pedicels); such inflorescences are called simple. If the flowers are on the lateral axes, then these are complex inflorescences.

Inflorescence typeInflorescence diagramPeculiaritiesExample
Simple inflorescences
BrushIndividual lateral flowers sit on an elongated main axis and at the same time have their own pedicels, approximately equal in lengthBird cherry, lily of the valley, cabbage
EarThe main axis is more or less elongated, but the flowers are stalkless, i.e. sessile. Plantain, orchis
cobIt differs from the ear by its thick, fleshy axis.Corn, calligraphy
BasketThe flowers are always sessile and sit on the strongly thickened and widened end of the shortened axis, which has a concave, flat or convex appearance. In this case, the inflorescence on the outside has a so-called involucre, consisting of one or many successive rows of bract leaves, free or fused. Chamomile, dandelion, aster, sunflower, cornflower
HeadThe main axis is greatly shortened, the lateral flowers are sessile or almost sessile, closely spaced to each other.Clover, scabiosa
UmbrellaThe main axis is shortened; lateral flowers emerge as if from one place, sit on stalks of different lengths, located in the same plane or dome-shaped. Primrose, onion, cherry
ShieldIt differs from the raceme in that the lower flowers have long pedicels, so that as a result the flowers are located almost in the same plane.Pear, spirea
Complex inflorescences
Complex brush or whiskLateral branching axes extend from the main axis, on which flowers or simple inflorescences are located.Lilac, oats
Complex umbrellaSimple inflorescences extend from the shortened main axis.Carrots, parsley
Complex earIndividual spikelets are located on the main axis.Rye, wheat, barley, wheatgrass

What does the anthurium flower bring to men?

Many years of experience suggest that the name of anthurium “Male Happiness” is justified! It is believed that the flower can solve many problems associated with a man’s sex life:

  • accelerates recovery;
  • restores and maintains men's health;
  • has a positive effect on personal life in general.

In addition, anthurium will help get rid of various kinds of addictions (be it gluttony, addiction to alcohol or nicotine).

If you think you have lost your way, he will guide you on the right path in life. There is also a sign that it is useful to keep anthurium at home for representatives of the stronger sex, who often have to communicate with many people at work: it will restore mental health, maintain a good mood, and also give strength for the successful implementation of assigned tasks.

Useful and medicinal properties, chemical composition

Anthurium is often recommended for the home as an excellent natural air purifier . This flower is able to reduce the total number of microbes in the air by 70%, as well as clear it of ammonia, toluenes and reduce the formaldehyde content by 7.3%. Anthurium also perfectly humidifies the air.

The volatile secretions of the flower have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood, help relieve fatigue and quickly restore strength after a hard day. They also suppress the proliferation of bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus and streptococcus.

What is the meaning of a flower in Feng Shui?

Following the teachings of Feng Shui allows a person to find favorable energy flows for himself and use them to his advantage.

In addition to the fact that anthurium itself is a carrier of positive energy, according to Feng Shui it has many other interesting properties. According to Feng Shui, the red color of indoor plants carries the energy of wealth and prosperity.

This effect is enhanced by the combination of red and yellow, which is the inflorescence and receptacle. Thus, anthurium is able to attract money and financial well-being to the home.

Feng Shui also says that “male happiness” can sharpen your intuition, help resolve doubts, cope with fears and improve concentration when solving issues in the work area. Of course, there is also a place where, according to Feng Shui, it would be good to keep anthurium: the eastern part of the house will enhance the energy of anthurium.

Meaning and placement tips

The Eastern teachings of Feng Shui claim that indoor flowers in the house contribute to prosperity and a happy life. Living plants in pots have a positive effect on the atmosphere and family members, protecting and preserving them.

Anthurium in the house has the following effects:

  • cleanses of negative energy;
  • calms and sets the mood for positivity;
  • helps in achieving goals;
  • protects from bad thoughts and evil people;
  • improves intuition.

To make the flower feel cozy and help the owner, it is placed in the eastern side. You cannot place the pot next to electrical appliances, otherwise the devices will absorb all the positive energy of the plant.

Signs and superstitions about male happiness depending on the flower

Be attentive to how the plant feels in your home. The condition of the flower can tell you what to expect in the near future.

Male happiness does not bloom, what does this mean in omens?

If “male happiness” does not bloom at home, then this is a bad omen. A bad atmosphere in the house, negative people, a man’s weak character, lack of influence - all this leads to the fact that anthurium does not please you with lush flowering.

Anthurium blooms profusely

Abundant flowering of anthurium is certainly a good sign. During the flowering period, the positive influence of a flower on your life reaches its maximum. Peace and tranquility will reign in the family, people will feel good. A man in particular will experience a surge of strength and health.

Male happiness began to cry

If you notice the formation of small drops of dew on the leaves of anthurium, then your flower is “crying”. What does it mean?

Unfortunately, this is a bad omen. Be careful, because there is a superstition among people that such a sign promises deterioration in the financial sphere of life, as well as health problems for younger family members. The longer the flower “cries”, the longer the bad streak will last.

REFERENCE! In fact, the phenomenon of “crying” can be explained as follows: the release of moisture by a flower means that there is too much of it in the surrounding air or in the soil. Therefore, there is a superstition that if the anthurium begins to “cry”, rainy weather can be expected.

The flower of male happiness disappears

“Male happiness” is a flower that is especially sensitive to the situation in the house, the atmosphere, and the aura of the owners.

It is believed that bad people cannot keep the plant at home for a long time, since it does not get along with them.

If “male happiness” disappears in the house, then think about it, you could change for the better, work on your character flaws. Believe me, this will have a good effect not only on the condition of the flower, but also on you and your loved ones.

As one might guess, missing anthurium in the house will not lead to anything good: popular superstition says that your family is threatened by failures and troubles.


Despite the demanding care of anthurium, it is not very often exposed to diseases and attacks by insect pests. Most often, the owners of this plant are faced with the problem of rotting of the roots and stems of the flower. Typically, this occurs due to too low a temperature or excess moisture.

To avoid the appearance and treatment of rot, you should follow the correct watering regime and place the plant in a warm place. Damaged areas must be cut off and the bush itself treated with fungicides. You just need to do this after the soil and plant have dried a little.

As for pests, anthurium can be attacked by scale insects, aphids and mites.

If scale insects appear on your plant, you need to collect them manually. Then the bush must be washed with soapy water and sprayed with insecticides. “Akktelik” and “Fitoverm” are perfect for this. You need to fight ticks in the same way.

When aphids appear, you should use garlic or orange tincture. If there are too many pests on the plant, only insecticides will help.

Why do men dream about happiness?

The general interpretation of dreams in which anthurium is seen is as follows: such a dream means that in life you are connected with the partner of your friend, girlfriend, or simply envy their romantic relationships and feelings.

If a woman sees an anthurium in a dream, it means that she is full of hopes for personal happiness; for a man, such a dream promises a meeting with a beautiful girl.

But, as with many other phenomena and objects, what is important is how exactly you interacted with the anthurium in a dream, how you saw the flower in a dream:

  • smelling flowers in a dream means consolation and tranquility, you will be helped;
  • see in winter - to interference in life;
  • giving to someone or giving a flower in a dream - to parting, separation;
  • flowers in pots - to unexpected purchases;
  • a white flower is dreamed of for a wedding; it is possible to open a new business.

History of the appearance of anthurium and legend

The history of anthurium dates back to ancient times, when there lived separate tribes of people ruled by leaders. If you believe the legend, the young beauty became anthurium. In those distant times, there lived a very cruel leader who, while traveling, noticed a young, lovely girl. He wanted to make her his wife, but she was not happy with this prospect and therefore she rejected him.

Not wanting to put up with the refusal of his chosen one, the leader went to war against her tribe, won a victory and brought her to him against her will. On the wedding day, a large wedding bonfire was lit. However, the girl did not want to live with the unloved bloodthirsty leader, so at the height of the celebration, in her wedding red attire, she threw herself into the fire.

However, the gods took pity on her, because she passed away at a very young age, and turned her into a beautiful anthurium flower, as graceful and sweet as the beauty she was during her life. And the village itself, in which this all happened, was turned into dense and impenetrable tropics.

Drops of dew, constantly shining in the grass and on the leaves of trees, are nothing more than the tears of grieving parents who have not come to terms with the death of their beloved daughter.

Where is the best place to put an anthurium flower?

The effect a flower has on others determines where it is preferable to keep the plant in the house, and what flowers it may not be compatible with.

Is it possible to place anthurium and spathiphyllum together?

When deciding on the joint placement of anthurium and spathiphyllum, keep in mind the preferred light regime for each plant: anthurium is light-loving.

While spotiphyllum prefers dark places. Therefore, it will be difficult to find a place where both flowers can be kept at once. If we talk about the energy of plants, they calmly coexist together without suppressing each other.

INTERESTING! If the bright red anthurium is usually called “male happiness,” then the delicate white spathiphyllum is often called “female happiness.”

Is it possible to place anthurium in the bedroom?

When choosing a place for “male happiness,” many people advise giving preference to the bedroom or living room. But unmarried women need to be careful about this: placing anthurium in the bedroom can attract confusion in relationships with the opposite sex. For married women, on the contrary, it will bring good changes: the husband will spend time with his family more often.

Superstitions and their interpretation

The flamingo flower is known as a magical plant with unique properties and powers. For representatives of opposite sexes, abilities manifest themselves differently.

For women

Male happiness is a plant that favors the stronger sex. However, for women there are signs associated with it. Arrows of love help girls acquire calmness and poise, and improves communication skills.

Important! For single women, buying a plant means the opportunity to find love. To do this, the pot is placed next to the bed to attract the attention of men.

For men

Anthurium has a special meaning for men. For representatives of this gender, the flamingo flower will help:

  • increase performance;
  • increase potency;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • attract success and happiness;
  • create a strong and loving family.

For spouses

Superstitions recommend keeping male happiness in the house for family people who quarrel or suffer from excessive emotionality. The flower is able to absorb negative energy, clearing space and making room for happiness.

To enhance the effect, signs advise keeping spathiphyllum in the apartment together with anthurium - an elegant flower popularly called “women’s happiness”. Placed side by side, they will enhance the passion between spouses.

Who shouldn't have a flower for male happiness?

Despite such a beneficial effect on various areas of life and ease of care, “male happiness” is still not suitable for every person.

The fact is that anthurium is a tropical flower, therefore, like many tropical flora, it is characterized by the presence of protective mechanisms. In addition to a possible allergy to the pollen of the flower, it is dangerous due to its slightly toxic juice: its contact with mucous membranes or skin will lead to swelling, burning and irritation.

You should not start an anthurium if there are small children, animals in the house, or you are prone to allergic reactions.

How to care for anthurium at home

Tropical plants are not easy to care for at home. But proper care of anthurium allows it to be adapted to ordinary premises. The main thing is to take into account what he likes and follow the recommendations.

It is important to know that the anthurium flower (Male Happiness) is a poisonous plant. For this reason, you need to take care of it with extreme care. All manipulations must be carried out with gloves, and then you should wash your hands thoroughly.


The male flower loves warmth. The temperature for its favorable development ranges from 18-25 °C. During the spring-summer period of active growth, it should be above 20 °C, and for a short period in the winter months it is better to maintain 18-19 degrees.

In winter, it is recommended to move the anthurium to a cool room, or at least place it as far as possible from radiators and heating devices.


Anthurium flowers need fairly bright light throughout the year. In this case, exposure to direct sunlight should be excluded. Otherwise, the leaves of the plant will darken and curl, and the housewife will not be able to see how Male Happiness blooms with home care. That is, the light should be intense, but not direct.

Air humidity

Despite its heat-loving nature, the tropical plant cannot tolerate dryness. Caring for anthurium at home requires high air humidity. Help provide moisture:

  • spraying;
  • treating leaves with a wet sponge;
  • use of additional containers with water.

The smooth, leathery leaves are easy to wipe clean. This moisturizing procedure is indicated 2-3 times a week.

Colorful anthurium

A beneficial condition in caring for the Male Happiness flower will be placing vessels filled with water next to it. It is better if these are cups with a sufficiently large evaporation surface.

In summer, in damp weather, it is useful to move the potted anthurium to the balcony. Only in pursuit of natural moisture you need to remember that the plant is afraid of drafts. Find a protected place for it.


For spraying, use settled water at room temperature. It is advisable to direct more jets to the stems and aerial roots of the flower, as well as spray water around in the air. The drops will invariably fall on the leaves. Blot them with a napkin to prevent drip marks after drying.

Home anthurium


It is necessary to water anthurium at home so that the soil is always moist, but water does not accumulate in the pan. To do this, water Men's Happiness regularly and abundantly during the warm season (every 2-3 days), and a little less often in winter. Use only soft, settled water.

Excess water from the pan must be drained, and wet moss or pebbles are used to maintain soil moisture. It looks aesthetically pleasing if the pot with the plant is placed in a low but wide container with moistened filler. Anthurium can also be successfully grown hydroponically.

Feeding and fertilizer

You can feed anthurium at home with both mineral and organic fertilizers. Try to alternate them so that the flower receives balanced nutrition. Feed it every two weeks in spring and summer, and especially after flowering. At this moment, the plant begins to actively vegetate leaves, and it needs to stock up on strength.

Use mineral fertilizers with high nitrogen concentrations carefully. Excess nitrogen combined with constant high humidity can lead to root rot. At the same time, moderate nitrogen fertilizing is needed for anthurium to stimulate growth and prolong the flowering period.

In winter, feed Men's Happiness with complex solutions that contain phosphorus and potassium. This will strengthen the home flower’s resistance to adverse conditions and diseases.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Why do anthurium leaves curl?

The cause may be a draft, direct undispersed lighting or dry air, because “male happiness” loves a humid climate.

For anthurium to have a beneficial effect on life, does it have to be red?

No, all anthuriums (pink, red, blue) will “serve” equally well if you take care of their health.

Is it possible to place anthurium in the corridor?

There is a superstition that “male happiness” in the corridor will somehow protect the house from unwanted guests: a person who comes into the house with bad intentions will feel bad.

Description of the flower

The anthurium inflorescence is a spadix surrounded by a brightly colored dense blanket. The color ranges from white to red, sometimes even bicolor or changing from one to another, but most often yellow, orange. The flowers have a faint pleasant scent. From spring to early autumn, flowers appear on one plant one after another, which retain their beauty for a month or more. The plant should be located next to windows facing west or east

The original shape of the inflorescence suggested the name for the plant: translated from Greek, “anthurium” means “tail flower.” The nickname “flamingo” is justified not only by the soft pink color of the perianth, but also by the shape of the Anthurium Scherzer spadix, which gracefully curves like the neck of this bird.

Interesting: For the anthurium to bloom, water the plant several times in a row in February with warm water (+40-45ºC).

The inflorescences are so large that the flower stalks cannot withstand their weight and bend. In this case, you will need to tie it to a support.

If the flowers are not cut, the anthurium forms an ovary, and after 2-3 months the orange-red berries ripen.

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