Hoya: types and varieties, tips for growing at home

What does hoya look like and bloom in its natural environment?

In summer, hoya blooms with fragrant, porcelain-white, pinkish, yellow-greenish and other shades of bisexual flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences. Both the botanical description of the flowers of the Hoya plant and numerous photographs confirm that they have a star-shaped appearance, consist of petals and a central five-membered crown rising above them. The average diameter of flowers is from 1 to 2 cm, except for the majestic appearance (8 cm).

While the hoya plant is blooming, a pleasant perfume aroma prevails around the bush or vine. Representatives of certain species are even able to secrete nectar, which is attractive to many insects.

In its natural environment, the plant can reach 10 meters in length. Young shoots are immediately colored brown-violet, and as they mature, they acquire a rich green tint, and then gradually become lignified. The foliage is fleshy, oval, with a pointed apex. The average length of the leaves is from 5 to 15 cm, width - from 3 to 8 cm. Both the color and the leaves are dense, have a matte appearance, which gives the visual impression that they are cast from wax.

Familiarize yourself with some types and varieties of hoya from photos with official names to get a general impression of the plant before getting acquainted in detail:

Reproduction methods


The most labor-intensive method of propagation, which requires the creation of almost ideal greenhouse conditions for active seed germination.

The seed method of obtaining new Khoya Kurtisi has a significant disadvantage - the seeds retain the ability to develop only for a year, after which the chances of their germination are significantly reduced.


  • ripened seeds are dried and treated with growth stimulants;
  • sow to a depth of about 1 cm in a substrate of soil and moss;
  • the crops are covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse.

Plants grown from seeds bloom after 2-3 years from rooting.


Propagation by cuttings has a high percentage of rooting and is the easiest way to get a new plant.

Hoya curtisi

For cuttings, use old shoots up to 8 cm long, cut last season (in spring or canopy). They are cut at a distance of 2-3 cm below the location of the internode. They are rooted in a substrate for succulents or in sand, or placed in water, having previously treated the cut with a root former.

Rooting of cuttings takes 1.5-2 weeks.

The shoots are covered with glass or polyethylene on top, creating greenhouse conditions. The optimal temperature is 20C-22C. After the roots have formed, they are transplanted into a permanent pot.

By layering

Hoya is able to quickly take down aerial roots.

Hoya curtisi photo

Reproduction technology:

  • a cut is made on the stem;
  • the layering is fixed with a small amount of soil or moss;
  • As roots form, the shoot is cut off from the mother plant and planted in a separate container.

This method makes it possible to begin flowering a year after rooting, sometimes earlier.

Is it possible to keep hoya at home and the qualities of wax ivy

Many cultivars are grown indoors. This plant has decorative qualities and is often used for landscaping offices and offices. There are a large number of legends and superstitions regarding the issue of growing Hoya at home, many of which, oddly enough, contradict each other.

For example, according to one belief, this flower “expels” men from their homes (husband, sons). According to other legends, culture is able to pacify resentment and envy. Still other sources, when asked whether it is possible to keep hoya or wax ivy at home, say that this plant is a source of happiness in the family, so the ideal place for growing it is the marital bedroom.

Which version to take into account is an individual decision of the gardener. But whatever the choice, it will not cancel the fact that exotic flowers can captivate everyone with their beautiful color, even the most demanding florist.

Varieties and types of exotic hoya

This exquisite plant, originally from tropical forests, has successfully taken root in mid-latitudes. That is why the varieties and types of hoya amaze the imagination, and have long become favorite indoor flowers. The plant is widely used for landscaping living spaces to give it some tropical flavor. Housewives call it wax ivy or simply a climbing vine.

What is this exquisite evergreen plant? First, let's look at the general description, and then get acquainted with the varieties and types of hoya that are known today. This approach will help you fall in love with this cute wax flower and happily grow it at home. So, let's dare to go on this entertaining journey through the flower kingdom.

Botanical information about the plant

Hoya is an original climbing vine, which at home reaches up to 6 m in length. At first, the plant produces leafless brown stems. Sometimes they have a purple tint, but when aerial roots and foliage appear, they turn green.

Because Hoya is a climbing plant, older shoots become woody over time to support the weight of the new foliage.

The leaf blades of the plant are usually leathery in nature with moderate fleshiness. Each of them is coated with a substance resembling beeswax. The plate is painted green and strewn with small gray dots. Interestingly, different varieties and types of hoya have their own foliage size and shade. At a young age, the leaves have a gorgeous shine, but gradually become matte.

Hoya inflorescences are usually collected in umbrellas, which contain about 50 buds. They often differ in shape, although each of them has 5 rounded petals. The diameter of the bud is approximately 1 or 2 cm. Inside the flower there is a crown consisting of five original protrusions. She rises majestically above the delicate petals.

If you want to have a hoya with large inflorescences, it is advisable to pay attention to the “Imperial” variety. Each bud in it reaches approximately 8 cm.

Velvety inflorescences are often painted in the following colors:

  • brown;
  • white;
  • green;
  • pink;
  • burgundy

Interestingly, the blossoming buds remain in the inflorescence for approximately 21 days, after which a new one appears in its place. The plant begins to bloom in late spring and ends in mid-autumn. At the same time, it emits a pleasant aroma that fills the living space.

People who are sensitive to various odors should be judicious when adding wax ivy to their home.

Varieties and types of hoya - a journey into the kingdom of flowers

Modern biologists classify about 200 varieties of this cute tropical guest. Each of them has its own characteristics, beauty, aroma and originality. And this is not surprising, because in its natural environment the flower is found in the following areas:

  • Asia;
  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Australia;
  • Africa;
  • Polynesia;
  • Canary Islands.

The plant grows successfully in wet meadows near water bodies. It can be seen in open forest edges, jungles and even rocky areas.

The flower gained popularity thanks to the attentive English gardener Thomas Hoya, who identified it as a separate species. As a gift, the plant received his name.

Let's take a closer look at the popular types of hoya and varieties with photos, which often climb in the homes of our compatriots.


This variety of wax vine is found in Indonesia and Australia, where it was noticed by scientists around 1770.

Currently, a great variety of flower varieties have been bred, which are distinguished by their uniqueness. Hoya Australis, the photo of which is presented above, is a perennial plant that lives up to 10 years of age.

Its dense foliage is oval in shape, glossy and crimson in color.

Owners of this flower should prepare in advance stable supports for the massive shoots of the vine.

Inflorescences appear in the form of umbrellas consisting of many miniature buds. The maximum quantity is approximately 40 pieces. Each specimen, up to 2 cm in diameter, is painted pale white.

During lush flowering, it emits a rich herbal scent. The first time buds appear on hoya is in the second or third year after planting.

This period is repeated 2 times a year from the first days of summer until late autumn.

Liana does not like drastic pruning, so old or diseased leaves should be removed.

Today, many subspecies of “Australian” hoya are known. Here are some of them:

  • "Trail" (has the smallest buds);
  • “Forester et Liddle” (cream coloring of flowers);
  • "Bailey Hill" (yellowish-round foliage, white flowers interspersed with scarlet);
  • "Tonga" (large buds);
  • "Pextoni" (elongated leaf plate).

Popular types and varieties of indoor hoya plants: photos, names and descriptions

Today, approximately 200 species of hoya plant are known. For growing indoors, the most popular among them are:

Noua bella (hoya beautiful).

Noua carnosa (hoya fleshy).

The following types of this plant are cultivated much less frequently at home:

Hoya imperialis (majestic hoya).

Hoya longifolia (long-leaved hoya).

Hoya lacunosa (hoya concave)

Hoya pubicalyx (fuzzy cup hoya).

Hoya kerrii (Hoya Kerry).

Hoya multiflora (multiflorous hoya).

The type of hoya called beautiful is a low-growing, branched evergreen shrub, covered with small foliage (reaches a length of about 3 cm) and having drooping shoots (their length varies from 30 to 50 cm). The leaves have a fleshy structure, lanceolate-ovate shape, and a convex surface. The foliage on the shoots grows very densely. The flowers resemble small stars in appearance, the color of the petals is white and the core is crimson. The color is collected in umbrellas, each of which has from 7 to 9 “stars”.

Compare the description of the beautiful Hoya species with the photos below:

This is an epiphytic plant; in nature, its usual habitat is tree branches in tropical forests. In indoor conditions, it is grown as a hanging crop.

Within the species Noua bella, many bush-type varieties have been bred. The main difference between them is the color of the leaves.

Hoya flower - what the varieties Carnosa, Kerry, Bella, fleshy, Multiflora look like

Wax ivy, or hoya, is a shrub from the Kutrovaceae family. This is an evergreen vine with more than two hundred species. It grows mainly in the tropical forests of Asia, Polynesia and in the western part off the coast of Australia. The plant loves sparse forests, choosing a tree for itself, using it as a support. It can grow on rocky slopes instead of trees.

The name of the plant was given by scientist Brown in honor of friend and gardener from England T. Hoy. It was the gardener who was engaged in breeding various tropical plants in the Duke's greenhouses and devoted his entire life to this.

What is Hoya

Bush varieties of hoya and vines

Hoya bella var. Louis Buis is a beautiful hoya bush variety with leaves that have golden spots in the center and a reddening midrib in good light conditions.

Hoya bella Variegata is a plant with foliage with a thin edging of white or yellowish tint.

Hoya bella Wee is a variety of beautiful hoya with especially small leaves, which are placed in a whorl not in twos, as usual, but in threes.

Hoya fleshy has become widespread due to its unpretentiousness to growing conditions and ease of care. Unlike the previous species, this is not a bush plant, but an evergreen climbing vine.

Its length can be 6 m, so when growing a crop you should take care of support. The foliage of the plant is oval, thick, hard, dark green, has a shiny surface, reaches about 8 cm in length. The inflorescences are umbrellas, which contain 20 flowers with a strong, pleasant aroma. The main color of the petals is white, with a pink crown located in the central part.

Evaluate in the photo what varieties and varieties the fleshy Hoya has:

The images show those that are most popular in home gardening.

Hoya carnosa Variegata (hoya variegata) , in particular its variety called "Crimson Queen", which is famous for its unusually delicate cream-colored edging along the edges of its rich green leaves.

Hoya carnosa Tricolor (Hoya tricolor) and its variety with the original name “Exotic”, which is loved by many professional and amateur gardeners thanks to its scarlet flowers and green-pink-cream foliage.

The majestic hoya flower is also a climbing vine. It is densely dotted with lanceolate-oval foliage, the length of which reaches 15 cm and the width - up to 8 cm. The color of this plant is considered the largest among the known species: the diameter of the flowers is 8 cm. The peduncles are long, flower umbrellas are formed on them, in each of which contain from 8 to 10 smooth star-shaped flowers with deep red petals and a white central crown.

On the reverse side, the petals are decorated with an admixture of green or yellow. Hoya imperialis is widely known for its pleasant perfume scent.

Descriptions of popular varieties of this type of hoya with photos and official names are presented below - study and choose the green “pet” that is most suitable for your greenhouse:

Hoya imperialis var. rauschii features wavy-edged foliage and white-green flowers with pink and purple hues.

Hoya imperialis "Borneo Red" is popular because it grows very quickly and has purple flowers with a fruity, sweet scent.

Hoya imperialis var . Palawan is famous for its yellow-golden flowers with an original slightly reddish tint.

The photo below shows Hoya longifolia:

This is a climbing plant, the thin shoots of which contain a large amount of milky sap. The liana is densely dotted with lanceolate-shaped foliage, smooth edges, rich green color, and a fleshy structure without visible veins. The length of each leaf is approximately 13 cm and the width is about 2 cm.

The surface is without pubescence and is not shiny. Fragrant flowers in quantities from 5 to 12 pieces are collected in a spherical umbrella. The diameter of each flower varies from 1.5 to 1.7 cm, and there is pubescence on the surface. The color of the petals is white, the central crown is pale pink or pure white.

Find out what long-leaved hoya looks like in colorful photos.

Concave Hoya is an epiphytic plant, very branched, with flexible branches that look like very densely growing cascading lashes. The foliage is diamond-shaped, thickened, with edges turning inward, and rich green in color. The length of each leaf does not exceed 6 cm. The inflorescence is an umbrella, shaped like a fluffy ball. One umbel contains 15 to 20 fuzzy white or cream flowers with a white crown topped with a yellow center.

Read the description of popular varieties of concave hoya with photos below:

“Tova” is a hybrid with monochromatic foliage and a light green color.

"Eskimo" is a cultivar with leaves decorated with a marble pattern of a lighter shade.

Hoya flower - what kind of plant is it?

Depending on the type, the vine can be creeping, hanging or climbing. Some representatives of Hoya have specific antennae that allow them to cling to the selected support.

The leaves of the plant are large, oval. May be heart-shaped. Typically, most species have dark green leaves. But there are species with tricolor leaves, decorated with spots or specks. For example, a type of Hoya called compact (Hoya Compacta) has curled leaves.

For your information! At home, the most common hoya, the fleshy one, is most often grown. This is a vine with hanging shoots reaching a length of about 7 m.

Almost all types of hoya have leaves with a glossy surface. They may appear to be waxed, which is why the plant is called wax ivy. The flowers of this plant are very diverse and quite elegant. They can be pink, white, yellow in the form of stars.

How it blooms

Grown plants, with properly organized care and good daylight hours, bloom profusely and for a long time at home. In order for hoya to bloom and feel good in the apartment, it is necessary to place the pot with the plant on a western or eastern window. This vine grows well on southern windows in winter. In the summer heat, under the scorching rays of the sun, the leaves of the vine can dry out, and the growth of the plant will slow down as a result of overheating.

Wax ivy inflorescences can be white or pink, sometimes with yellow stars. They are collected in umbrellas and located on the rod processes. Flowers can be up to 2 cm in diameter. Some species, for example, Hoya imperial, can have flowers with a diameter of up to 8 cm. The center of each corolla is decorated with a five-membered crown, rising above the petals themselves.

Note! All hoyas have fragrant flowers and produce nectar to attract insects.

Home or indoor Hoyas are divided into several categories:

  • ampelous - hang down;
  • erect - look like a small bush;
  • ivy - wrap around the support.

How to properly care for Hoya at home

Caring for a hoya flower at home is generally not difficult and will not take much time, since the plant is considered not capricious. For a green “pet,” a well-lit location is suitable. The plant is tolerant of direct sunlight. Although caution in this regard will not hurt: due to exposure to direct ultraviolet radiation, burns may occur on the hoya. To prevent such a disastrous outcome, it is recommended to provide diffused light for the flower at noon by shading the window in one of the following ways:

  • Tracing paper.
  • Tulle.
  • Marley.

An eastern or western window sill is well suited for growing hoya flowers at home. You cannot place the plant on a window facing north: due to a lack of sunlight, flowering will not occur at all. If you purchased a bush or vine that was in a shaded place in the store, it is not recommended to immediately place it in a part of the room with intense lighting - you need to gradually increase the amount of light so that the plant can gradually, without stress, adapt to new conditions.

When it comes to the question of how to properly care for hoya at home, temperature conditions play an important role. Temperature: in summer the plant loves warmth (+18...+23 °C), in winter - a cooler atmosphere (+14...+18 °C).

Many species can overwinter even at + 10 °C, but hoya is more thermophilic: if it is not provided with a warm winter, it can completely shed its foliage.

Air humidity in general is not a significant factor in growing a plant. But, as in the case of temperature, the Hoya beautiful species requires special conditions - the flower loves a humid environment, grows better in it and blooms more profusely. In summer, during the period of shoot growth, bushes or vines should be regularly sprayed with a spray bottle.

Proper care for wax ivy hoya, organized at home, means that once every six months the plant needs to be bathed and completely immersed in water.

To do this, fill the bath with warm water (from +30 to +40°C) and place the green “pet” in it (even at the stage before the buds appear!) in a flowerpot for 40 minutes. After this time, the shoots must be lifted and “hung” to dry, and the flowerpot with rhizomes must be left for another 1.5 hours. You can do it a little differently: just lower the pot under water heated to the temperature indicated above for 2 hours, and give the foliage a warm shower. This procedure will help stimulate flowering.

Hoya: types, descriptions

Hoya care at home, diseases and pests

The most common varieties of hoya:

  • Hoya Curtisi, or snowy. The plant really seems to be covered with snow. It has small fleshy leaves with silver speckles. Flowers on a short stalk, quite large, have a brown tint.
  • Hoya Tsangi has small curved leaves. The flowers are yellow with a bright red center. They have an interesting smell, they smell like butter and honey. Grown in cool, shaded conditions.
  • Hoya Meliflua grows very quickly. Can reach 3 m even when grown at home. This variety requires frequent pruning for proper growth. The leaves are thick and strong. May vary in size. The flowers are pink with a strong scent.
  • Hoya Lobby reaches a height of 1 m. The leaves are strong with small inclusions. The flowers are red with a white center. Their smell is delicately sweet. It blooms for about 10 days.
  • Hoya Australis Lisa is one of the hybrids. The stems are long and heavy, so support is needed. The leaves are hard, green along the edges and yellow in the middle. When the plant is very young, the leaves may be burgundy. It blooms for about a week, pleasing the eye with pale pink buds.
  • Hoya Lacunosa Eskimo is a hanging plant variety. The leaves are slightly concave, the inflorescences hang on reddish stalks. The flowers themselves are white, sometimes with a hint of cocoa. It has one peculiarity: during the day it smells like cloves, at night it smells like incense. Flowering occurs at the end of spring. This hoya grows well only under artificial light. Even fluorescent lamps are suitable as a source.
  • Hoya Linearis is a plant for growing in a pot. It should be wide, since the vine quickly grows in breadth. The branches hanging down are densely covered with leaves. The inflorescences are pale pink. Good for hanging on terraces in summer. The length of hanging shoots can reach 2-3 m, so you must not forget about pruning.
  • Hoya Macrophylla grows well indoors. The leaves are large, up to 15 cm, dark green with yellow spots. Climb quickly up a vertical support. Pink inflorescences in the shape of stars. The smell is sweet, most noticeable in the evening.
  • Hoya Rangsan can be grown as both a vine and a bush. By trimming, you can form the desired shape. The flowers are small, pale pink. Blooms only in bright sunlight.
  • Hoya Buotti has a climbing stem. The leaves are elongated with a vein. The flowers are pale pink with a red center. They emit a scent similar to vanilla. Loves warmth and feels good in the heat. Moderate watering is required. It takes root well and quickly.
  • Hoya Biacensis has bright green foliage. The liana can be grown as a climbing plant or as a hanging plant. The flowers are bell-shaped. They have no smell at all. Loves being sprayed. The soil in the pot should always be moist. With good care it can bloom at any time of the year.
  • Hoya Publicalis. This variety has many hybrids. Common among flower growers. The leaves change color from reddish to green with silver spots. The flowers are two-tiered and red.
  • Hoya Lasianta, or woolly flower. Grown as a bush. The flowers are bright orange, very unusual, as if with fur. If you often loosen the soil and maintain moisture, the vine can bloom almost all year round. Due to its ease of care, it is suitable for cultivation by absolute beginners. Smells like tropical fruits
  • Very fast growing Hoya Sunrise. The leaves are pointed green with patches and turn purple when kept in a brightly lit room. It got its name from the ability to change the color of the leaves. Translated from English as “sunrise”. The inflorescences are yellowish and emit a strong sweet aroma.

Hoya Kerry

  • Hoya Kentiana. The main feature of this plant is that it blooms almost all year round. There is also variegated Kentiana. It differs from the usual yellow center of the leaves.
  • Hoya Cumingiana. While the plant is young, it does without leaves. As they mature, the brown shoots become overgrown with leaves. In an adult plant, the leaves become thin with a matte surface. Inflorescences are white-green.
  • Hoya Globulosa. The leaves are oval-shaped: glossy when young, becoming matte as they grow. The trunk is initially covered with a hairy edge; over time, the hairs fall off and the trunk becomes woody. The inflorescences last about two weeks. Gives off a pleasant spicy aroma.
  • Hoya Caudata, or tailed. The plant received this name because of the tails protruding in the center - anthers. With age, the plant becomes two-colored: reddish below, green with speckles above. Requires high humidity and bright light. It takes root very well.
  • Hoya Elliptica is rarely found among gardeners. The leaves of the plant are rounded with clearly visible veins. The aroma is weak, only noticeable at night. This hoya does not need to be installed in front of windows facing south. A window on the east or west side would be better. If the acquired hoya has been in the shade for a long time, it must be gradually accustomed to the light.
  • Carnosa Tricolor is the most common vine in home cultivation. In another way it is called fleshy. The leaves are dense and covered with a waxy coating. Inflorescences consist of 30 flowers. Droplets of nectar collect in the center. After flowering, the pedicels are not removed, since flowers will appear on them every year. It is distinguished by its original leaf color.
  • Minibel is a hybrid. Prefers cooler conditions than all other Hoyas. The flowers are larger.
  • Campanulata grows in the form of a bush, stretching upward. The leaves resemble bay leaves. Plant height is 50-60 cm. It emits a light lime aroma. The flowers look like opening parachutes. Colors can range from white to yellow. Quite difficult to care for.
  • Vilosa has the shaggiest leaves. Propagated by cuttings in water. Has a subtle spring aroma. Almost all hoyas have a very delicate aroma. Some, of course, have a stronger one. But they have one thing in common: the smell reaches its peak in the evening or at night. During the day, their aroma is almost inaudible.
  • Finlaysoni. This variety has strong, large leaves, as if traced. The flowers fall off after 24 hours. They emit a strong spicy aroma. Braided with additional stems. Grows well on support.
  • Shepherdy. Its leaves are concave inward, and from a distance they resemble hanging beans. Flower umbrellas are white with a pink tint. Blooms for a long time.
  • Beautiful, or Bella. This hoya is a symbol of love, as its leaves resemble hearts. Thanks to this, it has another name - Hoya Valentine. In winter it goes into a kind of hibernation. Watering is done no more than once a week. The temperature should not exceed 15-16°C.
  • Fitchie is a fairly large plant. At home it blooms wildly and for a long time. You should not touch the pot with the plant during flowering. As the trunk grows, it hardens, so the shape and direction must be given to the young shoots. It is not recommended to keep this plant for people with allergies. The strong smell of flowers contains allergens.
  • Pachyclada is a fairly large vine. Blooms from June to October. A single umbrella blooms for about a week. As the plant ages, it hardens; growth needs to be directed while the shoots are soft. Has a strong burnt caramel aroma. This smell is attractive to ants. Tolerates drought and heat well.
  • Gunung Gading is a hoya with beautiful leaves. Has a delicate perfume aroma. It is in high demand among flower growers.
  • Kerry has heart-shaped leaves. A little more difficult to care for than other home Hoyas. Therefore, only the most stubborn will wait to bloom. The flowers smell like caramel. Support is required, as the leaves are large and weigh down the entire plant. Flowering period is from June to October.
  • Imperialis. The leaves are strong with a clearly visible vein. This variety is curly only when young; at an advanced age, the stems become bald. It blooms with large (for hoya) bell-shaped flowers. It has a very pronounced perfume aroma. A large release of sticky nectar was noticed. Does not tolerate excess moisture. Very sensitive to lack of light. In winter it requires artificial lighting.
  • Erytrostemma has large leaves up to 10 cm. The flowers are pale pink, red inside with hairs. The peduncles are strong and short, holding up to 30 flowers in an umbrella. The leaves are covered with edges
  • Acute. The variety differs from its counterparts in the rounded shape of its leaves. They are not elongated, like most hoi, but wide with a sharp tip. Their color is dark green. There are up to 50 flowers in an inflorescence. They are also unusual: framed by backward-curved petals, there is a yellow-green shiny ball in the center. The flower lasts about five days. Citrus blossom aroma.
  • McGillevray. The surface of the large, fleshy leaves is covered with random dots. The main stem is strong. Young shoots have a copper color. The purple flowers look like crow's feet. They emit a very strong aroma.
  • Retuza is a narrow-leaved plant. Because of its small leaves that are unlike other vines, it is considered small-leaved. The leaves form a green cap from which inflorescences rise. The flowers are white with a red center. They bloom mainly in spring and autumn. The flowering period is 18 days. The vine spreads the scent of citrus.

Watering and fertilizing when caring for hoya (with video)

An important aspect of caring for a home hoya flower is watering: moderate in summer, even less in winter. A feature of the culture is its ability to tolerate moisture deficiency well. In the warm season, you need to water the plant as the soil dries out, but it is still better not to let the earthen clod dry out. In order for the vine or bush to enjoy abundant flowering next season, a minimal amount of liquid will be required during winter dormancy. If the soil is waterlogged, the plant may begin to shed both leaves and shoots. Water for irrigation should be used that has settled and is soft.

Feeding: during the growth period - from March to September - once every 2 weeks. Hoya needs to be fertilized with mineral compounds during the growing process.

The ready-made mixture “For flowering succulents” can be purchased at a flower shop, or you can make it yourself at home, taking into account the recommended ratio of components:

  • 2% magnesium.
  • 10% nitrogen.
  • 11% phosphorus.
  • 18% potassium.

The solution must be poured into the pot along the edge. During winter dormancy, the plant does not need to be fertilized. Also, fertilizing is not needed at all if the crop is transplanted annually into a new, not yet depleted substrate.

To learn how to organize proper care for your hoya, watch the video below:

Popular varieties

The following varieties are in great demand among gardeners.


Hoya Kerry, or Valentine (hoya in love), gets its name due to the shape of the leaf, which resembles a heart. To prevent hanging plant species from toppling over, the stems must be constantly tied up. The length of hard leaves can reach about 15 cm.

Kerry flowers are pubescent and collected in spherical umbels. The color directly depends on the amount of light in the room where the plant grows. The color of the flower changes as the amount of light changes.

Note! As the flowers begin to wilt, their color becomes darker, reaching deep pink and red as a result of the dark-colored nectar.


Bella is a true shrub with hanging shoots with small ovoid leaves. The flowers are perfect and seem like a real work of art. White stars with a purple crown are collected in small umbrellas. Depending on the variety, Hoya Bella leaves can be green or variegated.


Hoya fleshy, or Hoya carnosa, is a climbing evergreen plant that can reach a height of up to 6 m, so it requires support when grown. Its flowers are fragrant, white in color and have a pink crown in the very center. The leaves are oval, small, covered with a waxy coating.

Hoya fleshy is the most popular vine among lovers of exotic houseplants. There are several varieties - Crimson Queen, Tricolor, Compacta.


Hoya Multiflora is a climbing species. The leaves have an oblong shape. Multiflora inflorescences are yellow. A peculiarity during flowering is that the petals have arched spurs.


An attractive type of wax ivy - Matilda. It differs from its relatives in its small size. The leaves are variegated with small specks. Hoya Matilda blooms white with a greenish tint. The core of the flower is red. They are up to 2 cm in diameter. They produce nectar well and love plenty of sunlight. In order for the plant to always delight with its flowers, it is necessary to provide additional lighting. In winter, daylight hours should be about 14-15 hours.


A species of Hoya with diamond-shaped leaves colored dark green. They have a glossy sheen. The leaf blade of Hoya Lacunosa has small whitish-silver dashes. The flowers are white with yellow in the middle. During the flowering process it emits a delicate aroma. Lacunosa smells like an elegant feminine perfume.

Hoya propagation by apical and stem cuttings

There are three ways to propagate hoya flowers at home:

  • By apical or stem cuttings.
  • Seeds.
  • Sheets.

Propagating a hoya plant by cuttings is considered the least difficult and most reliable way to grow a new specimen. It is necessary to take into account two main characteristics of the cutting:

  • Age.
  • Size.

Both apical and stem cuttings chosen for propagation should not be too young - their tissues tend to rot when they try to root. Therefore, it is better to give preference to cuttings that are mature, but have not yet had time to lignify.

The size of the rooting material should not be long. It is better to take cuttings that have two nodes covering two pairs of leaves. If you plan to propagate plant species with large foliage, then you can make an exception and take cuttings, keeping one node at a time.

Flower care

This type of hoya has appealed to many gardeners. When grown at home, ring-shaped supports are provided, which it happily flies around. In its natural habitat, Hoya australis grows up to 10 meters, and in a room no more than 1.5-2 meters.


Hoya grows and develops well in bright light. Although less intense lighting is possible. Able to grow exclusively under artificial light. In open areas it tolerates partial shade. However, for future flowering, direct sunlight, at least a couple of hours a day, is certainly important. Prolonged exposure of the plant to such conditions can cause thermal burns on the foliage.


Thanks to the presence of the main characteristic features of succulents, Hoya australis is quite capable of storing water.
And after a certain time to remain without it. In hot weather, the plant should be watered abundantly, but flooding should be avoided. Otherwise, it may lose its root system. In winter, watering should be minimized; it is enough to moisten once a month. Keep the flower in a dry and cool room during the cold period.

Water procedures will not be superfluous:


During the active growing season, use fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus, but without nitrogen. With an excess of the latter, the flower becomes soft and watery. Mineral fertilizers are applied approximately 2 times a month.


Hoya, as you know, is not a pampered plant. All you need is well-drained, light soil. For drainage, it is better to choose a material of large gradation:

In this case, the soil should be rich in micronutrients. Experienced gardeners often choose a substrate for orchids, into which coconut shells are additionally introduced.

How to take hoya cuttings to properly root the plant

In the question of how to properly cut hoya, special attention should be paid to pruning the cuttings. The best place for roots to appear is considered to be the area located under the node itself. Therefore, you need to leave a couple of centimeters of the stem under it, and cut off the rest. After a new shoot appears from the axil of the first node, you can cut off the second node and also root it.

Rooting is possible in one of two ways:

  • Immediately in the substrate (at soil temperature +20...+25 °C).
  • In water (at a temperature of + 22 ° C).

The first option is considered to be more reliable. Before rooting hoya cuttings, you need to prepare the soil according to one of the “recipes”:

  • Mix equal parts of sphagnum moss (or peat), vermiculite (or perlite), fine expanded clay (or polystyrene foam).
  • Combine fine expanded clay (1/5 part), perlite or vermiculite (1/5 part), planting soil (3/5 part).

The prepared substrate must be breathable so that the cuttings do not rot. Perlite or vermiculite will help ensure this soil property. You should also take care of the proper soil moisture, but the higher the level of its breathability, the faster the water evaporates from it. This problem can be solved using a plastic bag (how exactly will be discussed later).

Before rooting, for 100% results, you can treat the cuttings with Kornevin, but this is not necessary.

Hoya propagation by cuttings


Hoya (wax ivy): growing a plant with magical and fragrant flowers

It is better to take cuttings for rooting in spring and autumn. A shoot with one or two pairs of leaves, and longer ones, is suitable.

You need to change the water once a week. If the cuttings are small, you don’t have to cover them, but if the leaves are wilted, put a bag on top. Rooting cuttings in vermiculite is also convenient, because this mineral maintains constant humidity. It is necessary to moisten the soil after drying, but so that the water does not stagnate.

Pour vermiculite into a transparent glass - when the cutting gives roots, you will see it. Cover the shoot with film to keep it warm and moist. The best temperature is 20-22°C.

Hoya can also be rooted in a light substrate. It’s easy to prepare: take equal parts sand and chopped sphagnum moss or peat. You can mix sand with ready-made substrate from the store. Pour the mixture into a glass, wet it, place the cutting there and cover it. When the mixture dries, moisten it again.

You will have to wait 3-4 weeks for hoya roots. When they appear, it’s time for the plant to pot.

Stem layering

The seed must be no older than one year. Dry the purchased seeds and plant them in loose soil. To ensure that the soil absorbs moisture well, mix pieces of artificial fabric - felt or burlap - into it. The seedlings will sprout in seven days.

During this period, the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged or dry out. Seedlings should be kept in a warm room with good lighting. After three months, when the sprouts have become stronger, they can be transplanted into pots.

Cut short cuttings, which should contain 2-3 leaves and several nodes. Place them in a jar, wrapped in foil to keep out the light. Fill with water at a temperature of 22 °C to 25 °C.

Place the cuttings in a shaded and warm place. To create greenhouse conditions, the cuttings can be covered with foil. In this state they will stand for two weeks and send out roots from the nodes. Then transplant them into pots with soil.

Soak the leaf stalk with the stimulant and plant it in a pot with moist soil at an angle of 45°. In a month the roots will begin to sprout. During this period, the leaf needs to be given a hormone for the development of shoots - heteroauxin. Apply a few drops to the base of the stem and within a week a shoot will appear.

Planting home hoya with cuttings and caring for the plant

Planting hoya using apical or stem cuttings is carried out as follows: the cutting is placed in a plastic bag filled with a slightly moistened substrate so that the lower node is covered with soil. The bag is then placed horizontally, and after 10 days it will be possible to observe the appearance of roots.

You can do it differently by planting the cuttings in a flowerpot. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, then a substrate is placed into which the cutting goes deep, as in the previous version. To maintain moisture, a transparent plastic bag is placed loosely over the pot.

After 14-21 days, you can get a germinated cutting, ready for planting in a permanent place of growth in soil prepared using one of the previously described technologies.

Rooting in water is done like this. The container with the liquid is wrapped in foil on all sides, and holes are made in the top of the wrapper for the cuttings. Planting materials treated at will with Kornevin are lowered into the vessel so that the lower node is under water. A plastic bag is also placed loosely on the container (to allow free air flow). Roots will appear after 14 days. You need to transplant the cutting into the ground immediately, since the roots will become very fragile and may break off.

Description of the plant

Botanical name: hoya caudata. This variety can be distinguished from others by several qualities:

  • stems are long, curly, 0.3 cm in diameter;
  • young shoots are reddish in color with dense pubescence; adults acquire a rich green color with slight hair;
  • leaves are located on thick cuttings, dense structure, hard, ovoid or elongated, measuring 9-14x4-6 cm;
  • young leaves are soft with a waxy surface;
  • the top of the leaf blade is covered with silvery spots, the underside is reddish;
  • during the budding phase, the plant forms several peduncles 3-4 cm long, at the top of each small flowers bloom, collected in flat inflorescences of 10 pieces;
  • petals are fleecy, pale pink in color;
  • in the middle there is a red crown with a white or burgundy center.

The lifespan of flowers is 7-8 days. During the flowering phase, hoya does not produce nectar and does not smell.

Popular decorative varieties of Tailed Hoya: Sumatra; Silver; Big green leaves; Splash; Red; Gold.

Hoya propagation by seeds and leaves at home

Hoya propagation by seeds at home is carried out using well-dried seed material in the year of its collection. The substrate can be prepared according to one of the above “recipes”. Shoots appear after 7 days.

As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to monitor the soil moisture: do not overwater it, but also do not let it dry out. The container with seedlings should be placed in a warm and well-lit place.

To prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat them with some preparation containing copper in accordance with the instructions on the package. After 90 days, the seedlings will already have several pairs of leaves - from this moment they can be transplanted into separate flowerpots.

Hoya propagation from leaves is considered the most difficult and lengthy process. It is recommended to take leaves of those plants that live in the natural environment. Therefore, breeders use this method. But amateur florists also have the opportunity to experiment with house plants. The leaf is planted in a loose substrate, maintaining an angle of 45 ̊. After 2-3 weeks, roots will appear. The problem with this propagation method is that a leaf that has taken root may not sprout for several years. To speed up this process, drop one drop of “Heteroauxin” onto the base of the leaf using a pipette.

Hoya diseases

Hoya does not bloom - the reason for this frequent phenomenon may be lack of light, high indoor temperature during wintering, large pot size, frequent watering, especially in winter.

To make the plant bloom, place it near a window or provide artificial lighting. In winter, move the flower to a cool room where the temperature is no higher than +15 °C. Transplant the hoya into a small pot with a diameter of no more than 20 cm. After watering, allow the soil to dry completely.

The leaves turn yellow - this is affected by a lack or excess of light. Some varieties are adversely affected by direct sunlight, which burns the foliage. Soil dampness also affects the yellowing of leaves.

The problem can be solved by moving the flower to a shaded place on the floor. If your variety loves a lot of light, place it in a bright room. In summer, water the plant no more than twice a week, and in winter once.

Hoya does not grow - if new leaves or shoots do not appear on your flower for a long time, check and eliminate the following reasons: the room is too dark, there is not enough fertilizer containing nitrogen, the pot is very cramped, the flower stalks are cut off.

You need to feed the flower twice a month with fertilizers for indoor plants. For varieties with fleshy leaves, you need to reduce the dose by half. Also transplant the hoya into a larger pot and hang it in a bright place near an east or west window.

soft leaves

Excess moisture and fertilizers. Both of these factors have a detrimental effect on the root system. A lot of fertilizers burn the roots, and dampness suffocates the roots and they rot. Without roots, the plant stops receiving moisture and nutrients. As a result, the leaves become dehydrated, becoming like a rag.

To solve this problem, reduce the fertilizing dose by half or temporarily stop fertilizing. Also monitor the soil moisture - it should always dry out after the next watering.

Leaf spots are an infectious disease caused by fungi or viruses. Fungal stains are easy to distinguish from viral ones. To do this you need to rub the sheet. If the stain is erased, it means it was a fungal coating. If you can see by eye that the stain has eaten into the leaf, it means that this is viral necrosis, due to which the cellular tissues of the leaf die.

These spots are the result of the activity of microorganisms that feed on cell sap. Therefore, you can kill them if you use antibiotics or fungicidal drugs.

How to transplant a Hoya into a new pot

The “plus” of growing the crop is that it does not require frequent replanting. It is carried out, if necessary, once every 1-3 years in the spring. Recommended substrate: flower soil mixture “For flowering succulents” or prepared independently according to one of the “recipes” discussed above.

Usually, the plant itself signals that replanting is necessary: ​​the root system protrudes from the drainage into the holes at the bottom of the flowerpot, the bush or vine does not grow, and the leaves become drooping.

Before replanting your home hoya, you need to choose the right new pot. If the goal is to get abundant flowering, then the container should not be much larger than the one in which the crop grew before. If it is necessary to stimulate the growth of a bush or vine, then the pot should be much more spacious than the previous one. You must not forget to place drainage at the bottom (pebbles, broken shards, stones measuring from 1 to 1.5 cm, foam chips).

Transplanting a healthy crop into a new container and fresh substrate is carried out using the transfer method - that is, an earthen ball entwined with roots is not destroyed, but is transferred to another container and supplemented with the required amount of soil. When planting, the hoya is not deeply buried; the transplanted plant requires standard care - as described above.

Features of care

All care for an exotic flower at home comes down to several activities.

Hoya caudata silver


Moisturize abundantly, but not too often, because the plant does not tolerate excess moisture. It is necessary to wait until the soil dries to a depth of 3-4 cm.

In winter, the frequency of moisturizing is reduced to once a month. Poor watering stimulates high-quality and long-lasting flowering. After this, the soil is loosened to maintain its moisture and breathability.


They begin to fertilize at the beginning of March, the last feeding is carried out at the end of August. They use ready-made mineral preparations, which include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

First, fertilize, then water abundantly. Moisture helps roots absorb nutrients faster.


This plant is characterized by intensive growth of shoots, so the growth of lashes must be periodically restrained. Every spring they are pruned to 15-20 cm in length. Additionally, branches that grow inside the crown or at an incorrect angle are cut out.

At the same time, a sanitary pruning is carried out - non-viable leaves and stems are removed.

After these manipulations, they are irrigated with Epin solution, which helps to quickly return to normal.


The purchased flower is replanted after the end of quarantine, since the store-bought substrate is not suitable for further cultivation. Take a pot a little larger than the old one and always have drainage holes. A couple of handfuls of vermiculite or expanded clay are poured onto the bottom, then a small layer of fertile and loose soil. The hoya, together with the earthen lump, is transferred into a new pot, all the voids are filled with earth, and watered.

Hoya caudata ed

Basic care includes regular replanting of home flowers:

  • young - after a year;
  • adults - every fourth year.

An unscheduled transplant is necessary for hoya whose roots have rotted. It is removed, washed of soil, all rotten parts are cut out, dipped in a fungicide solution for 2 hours, and dried. After this, the flower is planted in a new pot with sterile soil mixture.

Pruning and shaping hoya

An important aspect of caring for hoya when growing it at home is pruning. The procedure is carried out during transplantation. It is necessary to remove those shoots that are excessively long - this will promote abundant flowering of the plant. To make the stems branch, use the method of pinching the tips after the fourth leaf is formed.

To form the crown of vines, supports are used. If the shoots are flexible, then rings, hearts, arches, spirals, etc. are suitable. Branches are secured to windows or walls with threads. Hanging plants can be left hanging from the pots. The main thing is to make sure that the flowerpot is light, otherwise the risk of it tipping over will increase.


There are several attractive varieties that are adapted to home conditions.


Fleshy hoya with decorative foliage - the main tone is red, the border is snow-white. As the leaves grow, they acquire a yellowish tint in the center.

Krimson Queen

It blooms with small pale pink flowers with a pale pink edge. The buds are collected in dense umbrellas.

The stems of the Crimson Queen variety are green, curly, the leaves are fleshy, glossy, and emerald green.


Another unique decorative species with creeping stems densely covered with curly foliage. The color of the leaves is rich green, the surface is glossy.

It blooms with small flowers 2 cm in diameter, collected in dense umbrellas. The marginal petals on the buds are light pink, the crown is purple.

During the flowering phase, hoya thins out a pleasant honey smell.

Variegata *Variegata)

This variety is distinguished by variegated, curly foliage, densely covering the twisting stems. The leaf blade is fleshy, emerald in color, with a clear border of grayish, cream or white along the edge.

The shoots are purple and thin.

Suzi Q

This variety has curly, thin shoots, purple in color, and weakly leafy. The leaves are multi-colored - cream or beige with a lilac tint below, emerald on top with a thin white border along the edges.

Gray Host

Translated from English it means a gray ghost. Liana-like hoya with brown, thin, curly shoots. Dense, fleshy leaves with a glossy surface develop along the entire length of the stems. The color is dark green with a grayish tint.


The stems are thick, purple in color, completely covered with fleshy foliage of an emerald hue.

The leaves grow in different directions - concave inward or outward, giving the plant a curly appearance. The flowers are pale pink, with a purple crown, collected in dense umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 20-25 pieces.


A vine-like flower that can be grown with or without a support. It has decorative multi-colored foliage of lilac or light green tone with an emerald edging.

Unlike other varieties it grows very slowly - annual growth is 10-12 cm


The leaves of this plant are bright green, shiny, develop in different directions, and densely cover the climbing stems. The edges of the leaf blade are cream.

Wilbur graves

An exotic variety with variegated foliage. The leaf blade is of medium length - 8-9 cm, width - 3-4 cm. The surface is smooth, emerald, covered with light green spots, specks and streaks.

In adult specimens, the leaflets are dominated by a light green tone with elements of a dark green tint.


It is distinguished by its intensive growth - in a year the shoots can stretch up to 40 cm. The leaves are fleshy, 10 cm long. The main color is dark green with a silver coating.

The flowers are large - diameter 2.5-3 cm. Collected in loose inflorescences. The shape of the buds is in the form of bells in a beige shade, with a five-pointed burgundy crown located in the center.


Translated from English it means “stardust”. A very beautiful evergreen vine with light brown, dense stems that form a branch of numerous shoots towards the tip.

Each branch is covered with leathery emerald-colored leaves with light green elements.

Common Hoya Diseases and Pests

The majority of Hoya species are resistant to diseases and pests, but if the crop is not provided with proper care, it may be primarily affected by the following parasites:

Red spider mites.

Scale insects.


Root nematodes.

If the presence of any insects is noticed on flowers, leaves, or branches, it is necessary to treat the bush or vine with an insecticide (for example, Actellik). If indoor hoya flowers with fleshy and thickened foliage have suffered from pest attacks, you can simply wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol.

If the rhizome of the crop is affected by nematodes, you also need to replant it into a fresh steamed substrate and a new disinfected flowerpot.

Among the diseases of indoor hoya, the most common are:

Gray, black, root rot.


Powdery mildew.

If the soil is waterlogged, the room temperature is too low, the plant suffers from fungus. It leads to rot. The presence of the disease is indicated by spots - brown, gray - on the stems, leaves, buds, and wilting of the plant.

To cure the affected crop, you can use a soap-copper solution. If focal root rot occurs, then you need to remove the rhizome, treat it with Bordeaux mixture or colloidal sulfur and replant the vine or bush. If most of the root system rots, the plant will have to be destroyed.

The appearance of a white coating on a flower indicates the spread of powdery mildew. Humidifying the air in the room where the crop is grown, optimizing watering, and improving ventilation will help get rid of the disease.

Look at the photo to see what a Hoya flower looks like when it is affected by powdery mildew to be able to recognize the disease in time:


Improper maintenance conditions can cause a number of diseases in hoya. Since the plant does not like high moisture, excessive watering can lead to fungal diseases. The main fungal diseases of Hoya include:

  • powdery mildew - covers the leaves with a gray coating and spreads very quickly;
  • sooty fungus - the leaves become covered with a film, causing the plant to lack oxygen;
  • rust - the leaves become stained, the leaf margins become brown or red;
  • rot - can lead to rotting of the roots or other parts of the flower.

The main way to combat fungal diseases is to transplant the plant into a new substrate, having previously removed all the affected parts and treated it with fungicides.

Since the main problems that arise when growing Hoya kurtisi are associated with improper care, in order for this exotic ivy to delight you with its appearance for a long time, you should carefully study the simple rules of caring for it - just water it correctly and regularly inspect the plant in order to notice a disease or insect in time. pest

Landing rules

During planting, it is necessary to disturb the root system of the succulent to a minimum. Exceptions are situations where the roots of the flower are injured due to disease or insect activity. They try to place the neck of the plant at the same level relative to the ground surface.

Hoya pachyclada

The pot for the epiphyte is chosen to be small in size, on average 2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. In a larger container, the culture does not enter the flowering stage for an extremely long time, mastering the contents of the container.

Selection of soil and location

Hoya prefers light soils with a high degree of water and breathability. When choosing a universal substrate, preference should be given to modifications with a neutral or slightly acidic environment.

You can also compose the soil mixture yourself by choosing any of the most suitable options:

  • peat soil, crushed tree bark, coconut fiber, perlite in a ratio of 1:1:1:1;
  • garden soil, perlite, vermiculite, sphagnum at a ratio of 2:1:1:1;
  • turf, peat, plant humus, river sand, leaf soil - 1:1:1:1:2.

The optimal location for the flower is windows with a south-west or south-east orientation.

If it is possible to place a pot with an exotic beauty only on a southern windowsill, you should take care of shading the plant in order to prevent sunburn.

Flower design

Hoya Compacta is beautiful in its own right. But from a design point of view, it can be combined with other varieties of hoya, such as Hoya Kerry . Use the Hoya obovata variety with its snow-white inflorescences with other varieties. Combine different inflorescences, as the neutral white color that Hoya obovata has will dilute the variegated colors of other varieties. Also plant at the foot of other plants so that as they grow, they wrap around the trunk and cover the foot of the plant. If all conditions for caring for this beautiful plant are met, you can achieve abundant flowering and lush, dense foliage. This indoor plant will fit perfectly into the interior of your home. Your Hoya, which is not too labor-intensive to care for, will delight you with its beauty. Good luck to you.

Purchase and adaptation

You can buy one of the types described above in a specialized store. To get a healthy flower that will delight you with rapid growth and colorful flowering in the future, you need to carefully examine it.

The criteria for selecting a quality copy are as follows:

  • stems of uniform color, without cracks, breaks, growths;
  • the leaves are juicy, rich in color in accordance with the variety, do not contain yellow, black or brown spots or inclusions;
  • the substrate is slightly moistened, without mold or acidification on the surface.

It’s better to buy flowering plants, so you’ll probably know that this is exactly the variety you need. In addition, a flower with inflorescences indicates the absence of health problems.

After the purchase, the hoya is placed in another room - a three-week quarantine will do her good. During this time, she will get used to home conditions, and you will be able to determine whether she has diseases or parasites.

Conditions of detention

This tropical flower needs to provide several important conditions for full growth and flowering.


The optimal regime during the phase of active growth of green mass and flowering is 18-25°C. In the winter season, the flower does not enter the dormant stage, but at the same time stops growing. Therefore, it is better to provide it with coolness - 15-16°C.

Hoya compacta will feel comfortable at 10°C, but not lower.


Responds well to frequent crown irrigation. Young plants are washed with warm water from a spray bottle; adults are given showers.

  • In spring and summer, the frequency is every three days;
  • In autumn and winter - once a month.

Before spraying, cover the soil with film.

Sprinkling stimulates the development of new stems and leaves, prevents the appearance of parasites and washes away all dirt.


The optimal duration of daylight hours is 8 hours a day. This condition is necessary throughout the year.

During the growing season it is carried out by natural light, in the cold season it is supplemented with fluorescent or LED lamps. It is installed at a distance of 50 cm from the plant.

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