Houseplant croton: planting, propagation and care

  • February 15, 2019
  • Houseplants
  • Natalia Miroshnikova

If you are an inexperienced gardener and have just begun your acquaintance with indoor plants, then you should take a closer look at croton or codiaum. This attractive decorative deciduous compact shrub will decorate your interior, and caring for it does not take much time and effort.

Botanical description

This decorative deciduous shrub belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. And like most plants of this family, croton is poisonous. Therefore, when caring for him at home, do not forget to wear gloves. Otherwise, you risk being poisoned by the milky juice, which will lead to nausea, vomiting, contact dermatitis and diarrhea. For the same reason, the flower pot should be kept away from children and pets.

The Pacific Islands are considered the birthplace of the croton plant, but the flower is also found in Northern Australia, India and Southeast Asia. According to various estimates, up to 1200 species are included in the genus Codiaum. But at home, only hybrids of the variegated variety are grown.

Croton is an evergreen shrub up to 1.5 meters high. But at home, the size of the plant is somewhat more modest (35-70 cm). The elastic stems of codiaum are covered with large, leathery leaves of oblong, asymmetrical or broadly ovate shape. Depending on the variety, the tips of the plates are pointed or blunt.

Initially, the leaves of the plant are colored in light green shades with a yellowish tint. But as they grow, they acquire a bright color and can be either emerald or burgundy, but in any case they will have noticeable veins and spots.

The plant produces buds every year. But you hardly want to watch the croton bloom, because this spectacle does not add decorative value to the culture. Codiaum buds are small, inconspicuous, and they also draw juices from the crop. And if you do not plan to propagate the shrub by seed, then it is better to immediately cut out the flower stalks.

A few words about croton (Codiaeum), or the conviction of the unconditional benefits of the flower

The oval, slightly elongated, leathery leaves of croton attract with their density and various shades.
But few people know that “codeia” means “head” in Greek. Probably, in those days, when the Greeks first saw the codiaum, they were preoccupied with styling their voluminous and colorful hair! But this is humor, and the facts are as follows:

  • Croton can become a real tree with professional care. Its height can reach 1.5-4 m;
  • it has a positive effect on the nervous system, calming and uplifting. There cannot be depression where codiaum grows;
  • the flower disinfects the air, so it is simply necessary in the nursery.

Croton can disinfect the air in a room.
For these reasons, both beginners and experienced gardeners want to grow more than one specimen on the territory entrusted to them. And here they know exactly how to do it!

Interesting! Indoor oak, as croton is also popularly called, can be not only variegated. If you want only light green and yellow, choose the Sunny Star variety; the Variegatum variety will appeal to those who adore sangria, burgundy and Marsala in various shades, but the Mammy variety will delight you with its compactness and classic colors!

Where to keep the pot?

Croton is a light-loving plant, but prefers diffused light, since direct sunlight leaves burns on delicate foliage. In this regard, it is advisable to keep the pot on an east or west window. In summer, it is better to move the flower deeper into the room, to a northern windowsill, or at least shade the plant from the midday rays.

But in winter, croton may suffer from a lack of light, and this causes the variegated color of the leaves to fade. To avoid such problems, move the codiaum to a southern window sill or provide additional illumination with a phytolamp.

At any time of the year, regularly ventilate the room, because without fresh air, croton does not develop well. But make sure that the flower does not suffer from drafts - it absolutely cannot stand them. Therefore, when airing, take the pot to another room. In summer, take the pot out onto the balcony, but choose quiet places away from gusts of wind and direct sunlight.

Growing a flower from a cutting

This is the simplest method of propagating codiaum (croton), and it can be done at any time of the year. But it is still advisable to start this activity at the end of winter - beginning of spring. At this time, the plant begins active vegetation, which has a beneficial effect on the survival rate of new specimens. In addition, at this time there is already enough light, and you do not have to provide additional illumination for the plants with a phytolamp. And in winter, for example, you can’t do without this event.

To propagate codiaum, select strong branches from the main or side stem, and cut them into cuttings 8-15 cm long. Immediately after this, remove the lower leaves and rinse the workpieces under running water to wash off the milky juice. Then, sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal and let the cuttings dry for two hours.

Next, roll the top leaves into a tube and secure them with thread, and then plant the cuttings in containers or pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat. Be sure to disinfect the substrate before planting to destroy pathogens and pests living in the soil.

How to water a flower?

Croton is a moisture-loving plant, but you should not overwater it, because the flower does not tolerate both drought and stagnation of moisture at the roots. Therefore, you need to water the soil often, but in small portions. In this case, it is advisable to increase the humidity in the summer and reduce it in the winter. How do you know when it's time to water a flower? Test the soil; if it has dried to a depth of 2 cm, then it’s time to moisten the soil. As a rule, in summer you need to moisten the substrate once every 2-3 days. In winter, it is enough to water the flower once a week. In general, be guided by the conditions in your apartment.

Croton cannot be watered with regular running water. He could die from this. Therefore, use exclusively soft, filtered water and leave it for at least a day before watering.

Care at home.

The plant is demanding on environmental conditions, this is due to its tropical origin. For a comfortable stay, it needs light, high humidity, and warmth.

For active and successful growth, the plant needs loose, fertile soil. You should mix turf, nutritious leaf soil and washed coarse river sand in equal proportions. Or you can purchase a ready-made mixture designed for milkweeds.

The drainage layer prevents moisture stagnation in the root zone. Expanded clay or any other suitable drainage material is poured onto the bottom of the pot.

Croton flowers.

The flower is comfortable at a temperature of +20…+25 degrees. It does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. In winter, the codiaum is removed from the windowsill and moved closer to the heat source.

When the temperature drops below +18 degrees for a long time, the leaves lose their brightness and fall off. The edges of the plates become brown. The plant is afraid of drafts.

Codiaum needs bright, but diffused light. The most suitable place is at the western or eastern windows. With a lack of lighting, the bright color of the leaves is lost, becomes green, and the plant loses its decorative effect. Prolonged lack of light will lead to wilting and shedding of leaves. Do not allow such stress for the plant.

Bright colors of codiaum leaves.

Tip: in the cold, gloomy season, a good solution would be to use additional lighting.

Croton will have to be watered frequently and abundantly: this plant loves moisture very much. The guideline is the drying of the upper layers of the earth mixture. Codiaum will appreciate sprinkling with soft water. He also likes to have his leaves wiped with a damp cloth. A lack of moisture is indicated by the dry tips of the plant's leaves.

Important: a beautiful crown is formed by pruning. The upper part is removed when the croton grows to 10-15 cm, then every 15-25 cm. If there is no pruning, the plant will stretch and lose all its attractiveness.

From April until the end of summer, codiaum is fed once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

Yellow leaf croton.

At least once every 2 years, the codiaum should be transplanted into a slightly larger container. You should use a pot that does not absorb moisture through the pores of the walls - plastic or glazed.

We create optimal conditions

The croton plant prefers a humid environment, because under natural conditions it lives in tropical forests. And dry air is contraindicated for it. To create optimal conditions, place a special device next to the codiaum - a humidifier. If you do not have such a device, then you can make do with improvised means. For example, containers with water or damp moss placed next to the croton will help increase humidity.

When caring for a flower, do not forget to spray the foliage and wipe it from dust with a damp sponge. Carry out these procedures in warm weather at least every other day, and in winter at least once a week. In the summer, it is advisable to give the tropical beauty a warm shower. But during this event, wrap the pot in plastic to prevent water from getting into the soil.

Croton propagation by leaf

You can also try rooting a stem cutting with a single leaf, a dormant axillary bud and a small stem fragment. This method of propagation is often called propagation of croton by leaf or leaves. Such a cutting is obtained by cutting directly from the stem so that it contains one internode with an adult healthy leaf and an axillary bud.

Leaf propagation

Similar to propagation by cuttings, planting material is prepared for planting, rooted, and temperature, humidity and lighting are monitored. But, it is important to know that if you plant only a leaf in the soil or put it in water, and it even gives good strong roots, you will still not receive further development of the plant, because without a bud from which a new shoot, a young decorative one, would begin to grow you can't get a flower.

How to feed a plant

Croton needs regular feeding, because from a lack of nutrients its foliage loses its variegated color. To avoid this, apply fertilizer once every two weeks from late March to early November. For fertilizing, use liquid mineral formulations and apply them strictly after watering. Otherwise you will burn out the tender roots of the flower.

In winter, croton, as a rule, does not need fertilizer. But if you notice that the flower is “withering,” then feed it. But do not apply medications more than once a month.

How to care for cuttings

After planting, spray the soil with warm water from a spray bottle and cover the plants with plastic wrap or glass. If desired, you can use cut plastic bottles. Place the improvised greenhouse in a lighted place where direct rays of the sun do not reach. To ensure that the cuttings take root, maintain the room temperature within +19...+22 °C. Ventilate the greenhouse daily and wipe off condensation. And also do not forget to periodically spray the planting with warm water from a spray bottle, preventing the soil from drying out.

When the branches take root and begin to produce new leaves, transplant them into individual pots. At the same time, try not to damage the delicate roots of the flowers. To avoid this, transplant using the transshipment method.

How and when to replant a flower?

Indoor croton is a plant that develops well with proper care. And after a while he becomes cramped in the old potty. Therefore, it is advisable to transplant the flower into a larger pot. Such an event should be carried out at the beginning of spring, then the plant will more easily withstand the stress of the procedure. Replant young crotons annually, and adult specimens once every three years.

First, prepare a new pot. Please note that water will accumulate in a pot that is too large, which will lead to rotting of the roots. To prevent this from happening, choose a shallow container with a diameter 2-2.5 cm larger than the previous one. Moreover, the material of the pot does not play a special role. If your croton already “lives” in a flowerpot with a diameter of 25 cm, then do not replant it anymore, but annually change the top layer of soil to a depth of 3-4 cm.

As for the soil, croton takes root well in a universal store-bought mixture for decorative foliage crops. If you want to make the substrate yourself, then mix peat with humus, sand and turf soil in equal proportions. Be sure to disinfect the mixture before planting, otherwise the flower may die from pests and bacteria living in the soil. To disinfect, keep the mixture in a steam bath or bake in the oven.

Carry out the transplant itself using the transshipment method, that is, carefully remove the plant from the old flowerpot and, trying not to disturb the earthen lump, place it in a new pot. Then fill the voids with substrate, compact it slightly and water. Be sure to add a drainage layer of pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay to the bottom of the new pot. Please note that these materials should occupy ¼ of the volume of the flowerpot.

How to propagate croton by seeds

Croton seeds can be purchased at a flower shop, or you can collect them yourself. From the experience of breeders, to collect seeds of domestic crotons you need to have two plants of both sexes and cross-pollinate them. Seeds without such manipulations have poor germination, which is why this method is not successful.

Seeds obtained at home retain their properties throughout the year. But it is better to sow them immediately after ripening. Before sowing, it is important to treat against fungi and infections, for example, with epin. It protects the seed from pests and diseases, and also stimulates growth. Soak for two hours, and then immediately into the soil.

First of all, immerse the seeds in an aqueous solution of phytohormones for about 2-3 hours. Some amateur gardeners simply soak the seeds in very warm water (60 degrees Celsius), keep them there for 30 minutes, and then leave them to swell for 24 hours.

  1. Lay the soil in layers - expanded clay, then earth (peat is possible), and sand on top.
  2. Sprinkle the seeds on top with sand. We put the box in a warm place (the optimal temperature is 21-23 degrees above zero) and cover it with cellophane or glass. We make sure that the top layer of soil is always moist.
  3. Watering exclusively by tray method.
  4. Heating should also be from below, cover the top of the pot with film or glass, but ventilate every day.
  5. After 30 days, the seed material sprouts. When each of them produces 3 leaves, they need to be planted in different pots of small diameter - 5-7 cm.

Sowing depth is 10 millimeters.

After the first shoots, the time for ventilation should be gradually increased so that the sprouts get used to natural growth conditions. In just a couple of days it will be possible to evaluate the seeds for germination, as they wake up and begin to open.

The first leaves will appear only after a month, after the third leaf you can plant the sprouts in separate pots. The size of the cutting will be 10 cm no earlier than in 4 months.

Forming the crown

The croton plant, photos of which are given in the material, develops unevenly. And its side shoots grow more slowly than the main stem. Therefore, prune to form a lush bush. To do this, remove branches that are too elongated, weak or damaged. It is also helpful to pinch the top of the central stem. Carry out this activity for the first time when the height of the flower reaches 15 cm. Pinch the top again when the shoots extend by 20 cm.

Types of culture

Several varieties of crotons are used for growing at home. Flowers differ in the shape and size of the leaves, as well as their colors. The most popular species is the Variegated Croton. The plant has the shape of a bush, the height of which reaches three meters. The branches of the crop bear green-brown leaves. There are several varieties, the main difference of which is the shape of the foliage:

  1. Excellent variety. The plant has characteristic oak leaves, yellow-green above and red-burgundy below.
  2. Disraeli variety. The plants have lobed leaves, brick-brown underneath and green-yellow on top with characteristic veins and specks.
  3. Variety "Black Prince". This plant has a very exotic appearance. The black surface of the foliage has red and orange spots and veins.
  4. Petra variety. Plants of this species may have lobed, oval and pointed leaves of a dark green color with yellow veins and specks.
  5. Variety "Mrs. Iceton". The small trees have brightly colored foliage, which can be yellow-pink, dark burgundy with pink speckles, or golden with black dots.

Croton varigatum is no less popular among gardeners. The plant has the shape of a bush with a bare stem. The leaves of the flower are painted in green-brown tones. Varigatum is represented by several types:

  1. Flat-leaved croton has oval wavy leaves that reach a length of 30 cm and a width of 10 cm.
  2. Lobed appearance. Its distinctive feature is its three-lobed leaves, which can be monochromatic or variegated in color. They reach 22 cm in length.
  3. The adventitious croton has characteristic green and variegated leaves, which consist of several plates.
  4. Decorated codiaum is actively used by breeders to obtain new hybrids.

Growing from seeds

If you happen to see a croton bloom, then you can use this phenomenon to grow new specimens. Just collect the seeds and sow them in suitable soil. But keep in mind that this method of reproduction takes a lot of time. In addition, plants grown from seeds do not retain maternal characteristics. But in any case, it's up to you to decide.

Start sowing in mid-winter and first prepare the seed. To do this, dip the grains in water at a temperature of 60 degrees for half an hour, and then soak them for a day in a solution of a growth stimulator, for example, Epin or Zircon.

Heat the universal mixture for seedlings to +22 °C, fill containers or pots with it and bury the seeds 0.5-1 cm into the soil. In order for the grains to germinate, keep the substrate warm. To do this, place the seedlings on the battery.

Be sure to stretch polyethylene on top or put glass. Regularly ventilate the greenhouse and wipe off condensation, and do not forget to moisten the soil. But use the bottom watering method for this, that is, place the container in a basin with warm water until the ground absorbs moisture through the drainage holes.

About a month after sowing, the first shoots of the indoor croton plant will appear. How to care for seedlings? Move the planting to a brighter place and begin to acclimate the seedlings to normal conditions. To do this, gradually remove the cover for an hour, then two, and so on. Regularly spray the soil with warm water from a spray bottle; when the seedlings become stronger and a pair of true leaves appear on them, drop them into individual containers.

Pests and diseases of croton.

The leaves lose their cheerful brightness from a lack of light, turn yellow when water stagnates in the soil in the flower pot, and crack when there is an overdose of nitrogen fertilizers. The flower can get burned from direct, aggressive rays of the sun. Increased soil moisture combined with low temperatures will most likely lead to rotting. The best disease prevention is to create comfortable conditions for this generally unpretentious plant.

Dry air can cause pest attacks. If spider mites, scale insects or aphids settle on croton, the most effective and fastest way to get rid of insects is to use insecticides for indoor plants.

Advice: if you buy codiaum in a store, purchase mite mite, fitoverm or actara at the same time and carry out preventive treatment without waiting for the visual manifestation of pests.

Plant propagation by cuttings

Such an event can be held at any time of the year, with the exception of winter, when the plant rests. To propagate a croton plant, select the apical woody branches and cut them off with sharp scissors. Please note that each cutting must have a pair of leaves and at least one strong growth bud. Ideally, the length of the workpieces reaches 10–15 cm.

After cutting, place the cuttings for 2 hours in a bright, warm place so that the milky juice dries slightly. In the future, such preparation will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the leaves. Then heat the water to 25–30 degrees, add a few drops of a growth stimulator to it and place the cuttings of the homemade croton plant there.

How to care for plants? Try to keep the water warm and keep the container in a bright place out of direct sunlight. Add new water as needed, while diluting the growth stimulator in it.

The cuttings will take root in 1–2 months. When the roots reach 2-3 cm in length, transplant the young flowers into individual pots, and then provide them with normal care.

Propagation by part of the root

Croton has the ability to form basal shoots. As a rule, this ability appears in mature and well-developed plants. To get a new copy by dividing the root system, you should follow a certain procedure:

  1. The day before the procedure, the plant should be watered well. This will make it easier to separate the root system.
  2. After removing the plant from the pot, separate the basal shoots from the main root.
  3. The adult plant is transplanted into a new pot, and the young seedlings are placed in separate containers with a shelter installed on them.

This method is very effective. Its only drawback is that it is applicable only if there is a well-developed plant with basal shoots.

Growing problems

The flower is quite unpretentious, but if there are mistakes in care, the croton indoor plant begins to act up. And when growing crops, flower growers may encounter the following problems:

  • The leaves are falling. The lower leaves die off due to natural processes, but the top of the flower becomes bare if you keep the tropical beauty in a cool room, or it suffers from drafts.
  • The pattern fades. Lack of light leads to this. Move the pot closer to the window or light it with a phytolamp, and the croton will quickly restore its bright color.
  • Brown spots on leaves. Such damage is the most common sunburn. To avoid such troubles, do not forget to cover the plant from midday rays or move the pot deeper into the room.
  • The leaves are drying. This is how the plant reacts to low indoor humidity. To restore the decorative appearance of the croton, spray the foliage more often and place containers filled with water next to the pot.
  • The leaves dry out and brown spots appear on them. A similar phenomenon indicates that the plant is freezing on a cold windowsill, or you are watering it with cool water.
  • Croton grows poorly. Most likely, the plant suffers from a lack of nutrients in the soil. Don’t forget to feed the flower, and it will quickly grow green mass.

As you can see, growing attractive croton at home is not that difficult. It is enough to provide the tropical beauty with minimal care, and he will definitely reward you with rapid growth and an attractive appearance.

Common mistakes when breeding

Although the processes described above are not at all complicated, inexperienced flower growers often make mistakes that cause their flowers to grow poorly.

Did you know? When croton came to Europe, local residents believed that the flower could only be grown at high temperatures, so it was impossible to grow it at home. Accordingly, it was planted only in the southern regions in gardens.

Common mistakes include the following:

  1. Early separation of the mother leaf from the young shoots. There is no need to rush to cut it off, since it is a source of nutrition for the young plant - let the shoots grow and get stronger.
  2. Incorrect transplantation of young plants. When removing them from the soil, do not pull them, but rather dig them up from below so that the small roots remain intact. You can simply turn the container over onto your palm, then the earthen lump will crumble on its own, exposing the roots.
  3. Incorrect landing. The growth point cannot be deepened. Also, the first pot should be chosen to be the minimum size.

Why prune a croton flower?

If the leaves of the croton dry out and fall off, the crown develops poorly, or other unpleasant symptoms arise, you will have to prune it. Over time, croton blunts development. Stems and leaves that have not been renewed for a long time lose activity and become elongated. Pruning stimulates development.

Why trim croton at home:

  • Form the top.
  • Awaken the plant.
  • Stimulate side shoots.
  • Renew the plant.
  • Treat damaged areas.


To trim croton at home you will need:

  • sharp knife,
  • scissors or secateurs,
  • charcoal powder, or fungicide, alcohol,
  • gloves.

Rooting process and planting

For effective rooting of young plants obtained by cuttings, layering, seeds or division, certain conditions must be met.

Rooted cuttings

  • The seedlings are planted in nutritious and light soil. It is best to purchase it in a specialized store.
  • To speed up root formation, you should treat the cuttings or cut leaves with a preparation to stimulate growth.
  • After the young plants get stronger and begin to grow, they can be transplanted into a larger pot. After this, we can say that a new full-fledged croton has been obtained.

Features of caring for croton

The culture requires access to bright sunlight; in the morning and evening, you can expose the croton flower to direct rays. In summer, the most suitable place for a flower is a north-facing window, and in winter, a south-facing window.

It is beneficial for the bush to be in the fresh air in the summer in an area of ​​diffused sunlight. When there is insufficient light, the leaves become uniformly green. The temperature regime for good growth in summer is 22 degrees, in winter - at least 16 degrees.

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