All the secrets of Zamioculcas: signs and superstitions, benefits, harm and energy of a guest from the tropics

Signs associated with Zamioculcas (dollar tree) need to be examined “under a magnifying glass.” The flower has been in culture since 1996; from an esoteric point of view, this is very little. So statements like “as experience shows” or “according to belief” should not be taken seriously. Especially if the predictions are bad - psychologists say that thoughts are material, and people expecting troubles attract them themselves. But a positive attitude allows you to achieve success.

Summary: you need to believe that the dollar tree attracts money to the house. There is no need to worry that the plant is a muzhegon: there is no evidence.

Is it possible to keep it at home: the energy of a flower

Esotericists, even without knowing the signs associated with a plant, can determine its energy by its appearance. In the dollar tree it is tough, more offensive than defensive in nature. I see:

  • on dense plant covers;
  • rachis - the central axes of the leaf, which are mistakenly taken for stems, resemble an arrow pointing upward;
  • the segments are shiny, leathery, as if varnished, with a sharp tip.

The harsh energy is softened by a short underground shoot, of which only a small part protrudes above the surface, and resembles rounded nodules. This means that not everything is so bad, and you can “make peace” with the plant.

According to signs, zamioculcas loves the same things as other indoor flowers:

  • so that the owners take care of him correctly, and not as they please;
  • admired;
  • talked;
  • treated as a living creature, and not a piece of furniture;
  • did not quarrel in the presence of the dollar tree.

Then a hard aura will be beneficial:

  • the arrows of the rakhis will not wound the owners, but their ill-wishers;
  • the sharp tips of the segments will delay and make malicious witchcraft safe for the home;
  • the underground part will collect, neutralize, transform accumulated irritation into positive negative energy, and quickly extinguish conflicts.

Zamioculcas, according to signs, improves the character of cats and dogs - makes them more obedient.

But the main purpose of the dollar tree is to attract large financial flows. This does not mean that you need to spend your last money on zamioculcas, sit between them, and wait for wealth to fall on your head.

According to signs, the flower subtly senses the mood of its owners; due to its tough energy, it is not inclined to pity or indulge in lazy people. It will only benefit hard workers who are unlucky - zamioculcas will string problems onto sharp leaves and connect the owner to the egregor of wealth.

Zamioculcas: benefits and harms, what science says

It is recommended to grow the dollar tree at home, as the plant is good for health:

  • moisturizes and purifies the air from harmful impurities;
  • releases phytoncides that destroy bacteria and microbes or inhibit their growth.

Zamioculcas, especially large specimens, attract the eye due to their exotic appearance and shiny leaves. And the green color has beneficial properties - no signs, proven by science:

  • improves vision;
  • activates brain function;
  • helps to concentrate attention;
  • increases appetite;
  • relieves negative thoughts;
  • has a positive effect on sleep;
  • gives strength.

The importance of the fact that zamioculcas is an excellent interior flower cannot be underestimated. A beautiful room in itself gives positive emotions, which is good for mental health and the cardiovascular system.

The harm Zamioculcas poses to humans is greatly exaggerated. If you don’t chew it, and when it starts to bloom, put it out of the bedroom. Even allergy sufferers or people with sensitive skin need not be afraid of negative consequences from ordinary contact with an intact plant.

Most gardeners work without gloves when transplanting or pruning a dollar tree, and then simply wash their hands with soap. Of course, if it gets on the mucous membranes, the juice can cause a burning sensation and even visual disturbances in the eyes.

First aid is copious rinsing with water. Prevention - do not touch your face while working with zamioculcas. It is especially dangerous to lick dirty hands or rub your eyes with them.

Pets do not usually bite the dollar tree. The most harmful cats may try to knock down a segment with their paw in order to play, but this can only be done with old vegetative organs that are ready to fall off on their own.

Children need to be taught that houseplants should not be put in their mouths from a tender age. Zamioculcas is not the first on the list among the poisonous ones. It is much worse if the child decides to try euphorbia or another flower that secretes milky juice. Cute azaleas, cyclamens, primroses, and clivias contain toxins, but for some reason their owners are not afraid of them.

How to care?

Rules for caring for Zamioculcas:

  • It is believed that Zamioculcas will feel best on a windowsill facing south. In this case, the plant should receive enough light, but not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • this succulent does not need frequent watering: once a week is enough in the cold season and twice in the hot season;
  • the temperature regime should be similar to that inherent in the flower’s homeland. It feels good at temperatures from 20 to 38 degrees Celsius, but may begin to hurt when the room thermometer drops below 18 degrees;
  • You should not “overfeed” the flower with fertilizers: it is enough to introduce them into the soil 1-2 times a month in the cold season.

Signs and superstitions

Whether good or bad omens will work depends on the condition of the dollar tree. Healthy - thanks the owners for their care, improves material well-being, attracts an influential groom. The abandoned one is not “greedy” either - he generously shares his misfortune with the inhabitants of the house.

If, with proper care, the zamioculcas does not take root, according to signs, the owners need to conduct an audit of personal values. And take it seriously.

Why does Zamioculcas cry?

Araceae have a property - water accumulated in the vegetative organs at high humidity appears at the tips of the leaves in the form of droplets. Since Zamioculcas is a succulent, this may be the first warning that the plant is overwatered; the root cannot cope with so much moisture.

The only correct sign why Zamioculcas is crying is that it will rain soon.

If guttation occurs, there is nothing to worry about. Esotericists also see nothing wrong with living barometers. If the soil becomes waterlogged, you need to reconsider watering.

Why does Zamioculcas bloom?

An opinion has taken root among people - if a dollar tree blooms, this is a good omen.

Esotericists believe that you need to wait not for a small pleasant surprise, but for something significant:

  • large cash receipts;
  • receiving an inheritance;
  • the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy;
  • successful marriage;
  • career advancement.

It’s easy to believe in such signs, since zamioculcas blooms every few years, and this is in the best case. Only old specimens that have reached 7-8 years old produce buds. To bring a dollar tree to this age, you need good care, careful attitude, and moderate watering.

Zamioculcas as a gift: signs and superstitions

The high price and spectacular appearance of a mature dollar tree make it an excellent gift. But signs advise giving the flower carefully, only to close people, and be sure to give it back - take a coin or small bill from the new owner.

There are two indoor plants that cannot be “stealed” - discreetly pinch off a leaf for propagation. This is the money (crassula) and dollar tree. Signs claim that both owners will suffer financial losses:

  • the old one allowed his property to be “stolen”;
  • the new one is trying to acquire wealth through dishonest means.

Among the signs associated with giving are:

  • a woman who wants to arrange her personal life should receive a plant from a married friend or relative;
  • Gifts for the New Year, housewarming, and anniversary have special power.

Signs and warnings:

  • zamioculcas can be presented as gratitude, but not as a bribe;
  • You cannot re-gift a flower; all people involved in the chain will suffer.

How to strengthen good and weaken bad omens with the money tree

If the zamioculcas is well-groomed and healthy, negative signs should be taken as a warning, not a prediction. The effect of positive ones is weakened by the deplorable situation of the plant.

The worst thing is if the zamioculcas died. This is a flower with strong immunity, rarely gets sick or suffers from pests, but is sensitive to waterlogging of the substrate. According to signs, the owners should begin to experience a bad streak.

To reduce the negative impact, you need to root a healthy segment or part of the rachis. As soon as the cutting starts to grow, the situation will begin to improve.

There are other signs associated with care. From a botanical point of view, they will not do any harm:

  1. Watering with “money water”. A few coins are thrown into the container where the liquid settles.
  2. Yellowed leaves are a bad omen. But the laws of nature cannot be changed; the lifespan of vegetative organs is not infinite. Drying segments are cut off immediately so as not to spoil the aura of the plant. “Bald” rachises still participate in photosynthesis. The wrinkled tip is gradually trimmed and the pot is turned so that the central axis of the bare compound leaf is hidden from view.
  3. During care, you need to talk to Zamioculcas.

Signs advise asking for help from the dollar tree on the waxing Moon on Tuesday.

Caring for the dollar tree.

Where to put it?

The indoor plant Zamioculcas is absolutely unpretentious and slow-growing. By the way, you can read about other indoor plants that do not require increased care in my article by following the link.

It grows well in ample indirect light, but can also thrive in somewhat shaded conditions. The most successful place for Zamioculcas is the window sill of a south window, although it will not wither on the north side. True, in this case its leaves will be smaller, and you will have to water it much less often.

In summer, it is advisable to take the plant out onto the balcony.

How to water?

Zamioculcas loves very moderate watering. Therefore, in the summer it needs to be watered as the earthen clod dries out, and in winter it is rare: 1-2 times a month.

Excessive watering, especially at low temperatures, can lead to root rot and plant death. It's better not to top up than to overfill.

It tolerates dry indoor air well, without requiring additional spraying. Although it won't do any harm.

How to fertilize?

Do not get carried away with fertilizing indoor zamioculcas.

The main conditions for its healthy and full growth are: a bright location and a properly selected substrate.

You can carefully fertilize in the spring and summer with special fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

Which substrate to choose?

The main requirement for soil is breathability and easy wettability.

A quarter of the volume of fine expanded clay, sand or other baking powder is added to the ground.

Young plants are replanted as they grow, and adults - once every five years. Since Zamioculcas grows slowly, it does not need frequent replanting.

You can get some good tips on replanting indoor plants in my article by following the link.

Where is the best place to place a plant according to Feng Shui?

First of all, you need to think about safety, not signs. If there is a child in the house who is inclined to put everything in his mouth, the zamioculcas is placed so that he does not reach the plant. It makes sense to take a large interior flower into a room where the baby does not have access.

According to Feng Shui, zamioculcas is located in the southeastern sector, which is responsible for financial flows.

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