All signs and superstitions about Ficus Benjamin - positive and warning

Ficus in the house means positive energy and clean air.

Ficus is a beautiful plant that can be found in almost every home of indoor flower lovers. In addition, such a plant takes root well not only in residential apartments and houses, but also in offices.

  • Ficus has more than a thousand varieties. They are all very beautiful, sophisticated and graceful.
  • If you decide to have this flower at home or at work, the choice will not be easy.
  • People who grow indoor plants at home love ficus for its unpretentiousness.
  • But all green crops carry a certain energy - good or bad. Therefore, many people argue that it is impossible to keep ficus at home. In this article you will find answers to questions about the benefits of this flower. You will also find out what it symbolizes and why many ordinary people and even botanists claim that it is not recommended to grow ficus at home.

Ficus: what does this flower mean for home and office, what does it symbolize?

Ficus: what does this flower mean for home and office, what does it symbolize?
Biologists have been studying ficus for many decades. Research has shown that this plant perfectly purifies indoor air, saturating it with oxygen. Ficus is also capable of absorbing substances harmful to human health: phenol, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene. All these toxic impurities are converted into glucose and amino acids thanks to special plant enzymes.

But what does this flower mean for home and office, what does it symbolize? Here are some meanings and popular beliefs:

  • The ancient Slavs did not like to keep ficus in the house . They were sure that such a plant would encourage unpleasant conversations about people who live in the house where the flower grows. Ficus was considered a plant that gave rise to disputes and an unhealthy atmosphere between people in terms of relationships.
  • Many modern cultures consider such a plant to be a harbinger of happiness . It also symbolizes wisdom, calmness and prudence.
  • Ayurveda advises keeping ficus in the house , as it is the one that can restore positive energy, relieve anxiety and establish harmony between people.
  • Ficus at home or at work is wonderful . The plant does not contain toxic oils and does not harm people or animals. It can also grow in a home where there are small children.

But there is a certain type of ficus that asthmatics and allergy sufferers need to be careful with - this is the Rubber Ficus.

Is it possible to keep Ficus Benjamina, Rubber-bearing, Robusta at home: signs

Is it possible to keep Ficus Benjamin, Rubber-bearing, Robusta at home: signs
As mentioned above, Rubber-bearing Ficus should not be grown in an apartment or house in which an asthmatic lives. The plant releases rubber essential oil into the air, which can trigger an asthma attack. People with allergies should not keep this flower.

Advice: If you still want to have such a plant at home, then listen to your feelings and how you feel. if after its appearance in the house there are attacks of suffocation, a rash on the skin or a constant runny nose, then you need to get rid of the flower.

Many people have a question: is it possible, according to signs, to keep Ficus Benjamin, Robusta at home? A few beliefs and signs:

  • Ficus Robusta produces a lot of phytoncides, killing pathogens. According to popular belief, this type of indoor plant is a family talisman. Harmony appears between people living in the same house. The room is cleared of negative energy, becoming warm and cozy.
  • The Slavs have an ambiguous attitude towards this flower . They claim that men who live in a house where ficus grows may experience a change in character that is not for the better. Therefore, women are wary of starting such a plant at home.
  • Modern folk signs say that ficus in the house is lucky . If you place this plant in the kitchen, it will attract money into the house.
  • Ficus benjamina is a symbol of statehood for Thais. They are sure that this plant is endowed with enormous energy. Therefore, Thais worship it and grow this flower wherever possible: at home, in factories, in offices, on the street near the house.

Some peoples worship the ficus, others are wary of it. But only biologists are sure of its benefits for purifying the air in any room.

Medicinal properties

Ficus has the following medicinal properties:

  • Helps fight boils or boils (dense abscesses that have a round shape).
  • Used in the treatment of mastopathy and other female diseases.
  • Used for diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels.
  • Relieves inflammation of the back and joints.
  • Helps fight intestinal disorders and hemorrhoids.
  • Reduces toothache and is successfully used for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, herpes, etc.).
  • Eliminates the symptoms of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
  • Helps increase libido in men.
  • Eliminates pain in the heart.
  • Prevents cancer.
  • It has an analgesic, expectorant and tonic effect.

Therefore, healing tinctures, compresses and ointments are made from the juice of ficus leaves. However, consuming the plant internally is strictly contraindicated . For example, for pathologies of bones and joints, compresses with ficus juice are used, and a tincture of leaves is used to rinse the mouth. The course of home therapy lasts on average 2 weeks.

Important! Ficus should not be used for medicinal purposes by asthmatics, allergy sufferers, people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, as well as pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

Ficus Benjamin for the home: good or bad, what does it bring into the house?

Ficus Benjamin for the home: good or bad, what does it bring into the house?
There are indoor flowers that are called vampires. Bad omens are associated mainly with these plants. But Ficus Benjamin does not fall under this definition. However, before people get a flower, they ask themselves: is it good or bad for the home, what does this plant bring into the house?

  • One of the useful functions of ficus is the transformation of human emotions . Anxiety will be replaced by calmness, stress by positive emotions.
  • If you place a flower in the right place, it will bring happiness and harmony. The room should be bright, not too hot. The flower pot should be moved away from the window if direct sunlight falls into this place. There should be no draft, the plant does not tolerate this. The leaves need to be constantly wiped from dust, sprayed with water from a spray bottle and watered moderately.
  • The appearance of new shoots on the plant portends pregnancy.
  • It is believed that ficus secretes special phytohormones. Therefore, the flower has a positive effect on human reproductive function. In India and other eastern countries, ficus is worshiped by men, as it is believed that it improves potency.

Ficus benjamina for the home: good or bad?
The Chinese are sure that ficus removes negative energy in the house. It is revered by different peoples, and almost all the beliefs associated with this flower are good.

Benefits of the plant

It is better to start studying the benefits and harms of Ficus Benjamin with its positive properties. The juice and pulp of the leaves of this plant are used in both traditional and folk medicine. In addition, ficus trees also bring benefits in everyday life:

  1. They purify the air from harmful substances (for example, benzene and phenols).
  2. Filters out toxins.

However, the main strength of this shrub is its medicinal properties. The undoubted benefits of this species have been confirmed more than once by scientists and doctors from all over the world.

Not long ago, a new beneficial property of this plant was discovered - soil cleansing. If small insects have settled in the soil, you need to water the soil with a mixture of water and shrub juice (4:1 ratio) for 2-3 weeks. After this, the substrate is heated in the oven for 3-4 hours.

Medicinal properties

Ficus Benjamina has been used as a medicine for over five centuries. Tinctures and mixtures from the leaves are included in many antibiotics, and recipes for ointments and lotions are passed on by word of mouth among those who prefer traditional medicine.

Areas of application

Ficus Benjamina is used to treat a huge range of different diseases. Every year more and more medicinal properties of this plant are discovered. The most common problems that ficus helps to cope with are:

  1. Tumors. To combat them, lotions and decoctions from the leaves are used. Toxic substances found in ficus sap stimulate the stopping of tumor processes, preventing the development of new formations.
  2. This houseplant also helps women with mastopathy. The juice of this bush stops inflammatory processes, allowing other medicines to more effectively fight the disease. Ficus benjamina decoctions can only be used by non-pregnant women.
  3. Lotions made from roots and leaves, which have previously been boiled in oil for several hours, work well on bruises and contusions. The juice of the plant stimulates the establishment of proper blood circulation and accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.
  4. Benjamin helps activate the liver. For this, a mixture of milk and juice of this plant is used (no more than 1 teaspoon per glass). When an irritant enters the liver, it begins to work more efficiently to remove it from the body, and at the same time cleanse it of other toxins.
  5. The juice of the bush mixed with water helps to cope with headaches (about 1 tablespoon is used per 200 ml of water). The active substance in this case irritates nerve cells, which switch from painful sensations to the fight against harmful microelements.
  6. Poultices made from the pulp of ficus leaves help with rheumatism. If you apply them to sore joints every evening for two weeks, the latter will gradually learn to deal with irritants and become more resistant to the disease.

Ficus benjamina, rubber, Robusta and pregnancy: signs

Ficus Benjamin, rubber, Robusta and pregnancy: signs
It is believed that if a family cannot have children for a long time, they need to plant a ficus, of any kind. It will be better if this plant is given to you, but you can plant it with your own hands. To do this, you can use the sprout of any type of plant, for example, ficus Benjamin, Rubber or Robusta. Some tips:

  • It is better to steal a sprout from a house where a family lives and there are children..
  • If you already have a ficus growing, then you can transplant it into a larger tub . When new sprouts and shoots begin to appear, wait for pregnancy.
  • It is important that the plant variety is pleasant to you . If the ficus irritates, it will not bring any benefit.
  • A tub with a flower should be placed in the bedroom.
  • Monitor the plant and its growth carefully.
  • Treat the flower as a member of the family.

Interesting: There is a sign about pregnancy and ficus: you need to strip naked and walk around the tub with the plant three times.

This sign is suitable for people who have allergies or asthma and are not able to have a flower at home.


Ficus Benjamin includes many varieties that have not only different sizes, colors and shapes of leaves and growth rates, but also the structure of the trunk - it can be a multi-stemmed tree or bush, dwarf or, on the contrary, too tall.

The most popular varieties among Russian flower growers are Danielle, Daniella, Exotic, Monique, Barok, Natasja, Starlight, Kinky, Wiandi.

Ficus has bloomed: sign

The ficus has bloomed: a sign
There are many superstitions associated with the flowering of indoor plants. But it is about ficus flowers that real legends circulate. In some peoples, the appearance of inflorescences of this plant indicates an increase in the financial status of the owner, while in others it indicates the addition of a family.

The sign associated with pregnancy is widely known to the Slavs and Eastern peoples. It is believed that if a ficus blooms, it means that its owner will soon become pregnant.

Is it possible to give a ficus for a birthday as a gift?

Is it possible to give a ficus for a birthday as a gift?
Feng Shui experts say that ficus improves the material well-being of the owners of the house where it grows. To do this, as mentioned above, the flower needs to be placed in the kitchen. If you have problems with your business, place this plant in your office and your finances will increase.

But is it possible to give a ficus as a gift for a birthday? It all depends on the character of the person being gifted and his preferences. If a person does not believe in omens, then he will really like such a surprise. It is important that the person being gifted loves to care for flowers.

Advice: Before giving a ficus, find out if the person has asthma or allergies.

In order for indoor plants to please, they must be purchased while in a good mood. Therefore, a birthday is an excellent occasion, especially for the birthday boy, to acquire such a green friend as a ficus. Feel free to give ficus for birthdays and other occasions. Positive emotions and a charge of good mood are guaranteed!

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