Earthworms in indoor flowers: benefit or harm?

Tell me, if there are worms in indoor flowers or pots, is this good or bad?

clinical blonde

Over time, they will begin to eat the roots of your flowers. . Get rid of it. It is necessary not only to change the soil, but also to scald the pots to get rid of the larvae..


This is bad. Replant the flowers.

Alexander Pushkin

If it’s rainy, it’s not dangerous, but if it’s roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, it’s a big deal!!!

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Earthworm Earthworm (Lumbricidae)

Length from 2-3 cm with thickness approx. 1 mm to 50 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Approx. 300 species, widely distributed; most numerous in forest and forest-steppe zones. They live in the soil, are nocturnal, and crawl to the surface during the day after heavy rains. Soil formers. 11 species are protected. Earthworms (the family of oligochaetes) are usually considered beneficial organisms, but in a small pot of houseplants they can be harmful.

Harmful effects Normally, they feed on plant debris, but in a pot, when there is a shortage of fresh organic matter, they easily switch to living plant roots and underground shoots and rhizomes. Earthworms spoil the soil in flower pots with their liquid sticky secretions, clog the drainage, causing the soil in the pot to turn sour. If there are earthworms in the earthen coma, characteristic lumps of earth appear on the surface, thrown out by them from their passages. If there are earthworms in a pot, the plant becomes lethargic and stunted in growth.

Control methods Soil from the street can contain not only adult individuals, but also eggs. Therefore, it is better to sterilize garden or forest soil in one way or another before use. If plants are taken outside in the summer, place the pots only on pallets and so high that earthworms cannot climb into them. At the same time, worms rarely appear and successfully reproduce in pots with indoor plants due to the peculiarities of preparing soil mixtures and the watering regime. But if they have already appeared in the pot, you need to immerse the pot with the plant in warm water for half an hour - the worms will either crawl to the surface, where they can be easily collected, or drown. It is also quite easy to collect large worms when replanting. You can water the soil in the pot well with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Natalya Kalantyr

They gave you a very good answer, I didn’t have time. Indeed, all flowers must be replanted, be sure to wash them with a solution of potassium permanganate. Otherwise they will devour all the roots and the flowers will die. Good luck!


bad, change the soil, it’s better to buy it in a store, there definitely won’t be any larvae there.


don't change anything. just scrape the Mashenka chalk above the ground in the pot, it is designed to fight flies and ants. tested by my own experience, all creatures disappear.


if it’s rain, then it’s good, thanks to them the roots breathe, but if there’s maggots or something else, replant...


This is bad! And if you have lice in your head, will you also be here to find out whether this is good or not?


Earthworms in flower pots are good! They process the soil and fertilize it; some people specially plant them in flowers if it is not possible to replant and you want to renew the soil!

love it

earthworms in a pot are a disaster - this year I experienced the hard way of their eviction, and I always buy land - I don’t save, one of the packages was with... (under the ellipses read the bad words) arrowroot almost disappeared, until I realized that now there is only one small leaf sitting, and in order to remove them I had to completely wash off the soil from the roots, all other methods did not work, the Amazon lily had dying coencentric circles on the leaves, it was not possible to save my favorite rose, I suffered all summer and to this day I am not sure that I managed it everywhere , I soaked myrtle 4 times - it’s big and a complete replacement for the earth, it’s like death for him, and potassium permanganate makes him feel bad, show me that idiot the cat puts them in there on purpose


And I put an earthworm in each pot. The flowers and I are happy, the worms, I don’t know, but they’re alive.

Irina Kirilova

It’s bad for flowers, but I don’t know for you.

Lyudmila Otradnaya

Any worms (even earthworms) are very dangerous for indoor plants: the plant slows down its growth and then dies. It is urgent to change the soil, wash the roots with running water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before planting, roast the pot in the oven and cool.

How to get rid of earthworms in indoor pots using non-chemical methods.

One can argue for a long time about the benefits or harm of earthworms in pots of indoor flowers.
Some amateur gardeners claim that they consume earthen organic matter and structure the soil, providing oxygen access to plant roots, and in general, what is useful in nature cannot harm indoor flowers. Others object that in cramped conditions of flowerpots, earthworms, on the contrary, only compact the soil and damage the root system of domestic flowers. In old books on floriculture, it is noted that the results of the vital activity of earthworms pollute the drain hole of the flower pot, as a result of stagnation of water, leading to rotting of the root system of the flower. I am also inclined to believe that they can only be considered useful organisms in the garden and while fishing, and only house plants should live in flower pots. In addition, it is not always possible to accurately determine the type of worm; some of them are certainly not useful. While fresh soil is full of useful substances, they may be harmless, but over time they will begin to feed on root organic matter along with root hairs or can simply damage them mechanically. Or maybe the problem is purely psychological, it’s somehow uneasy to think that there is someone crawling there on the windowsill.

Few amateur gardeners breed worms on purpose. But they can independently come to us as part of ready-made soil mixtures. How to get rid of earthworms in indoor pots, without replanting flowers and replacing all the soil, which does not guarantee the appearance of new living creatures.

How to get rid of earthworms overnight.

This method is inspired by nature. We have all repeatedly observed how, after rain, many worms crawl to the surface. That's why they were called rain ones. Let's simulate the situation at home. To get rid of earthworms, it is often enough to place the flower pot in a container of water for one night. One necessary condition: the pot with soil must be immersed in water to the top. You can choose a bucket or basin as a container. By morning, due to lack of oxygen, all the worms will crawl to the surface. All that remains is to wash them off or remove them in another way.

For prevention, after changing the soil, I recommend carrying out a water procedure once every two months, immersing the flower for 1-1.5 hours in water heated to 60˚ Celsius. Hot water will also help get rid of soil nematodes and enchytrea (small whitish soil worms). Therefore, it is necessary to periodically add hot water.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not worth extending the time of such a procedure to guarantee it. The flower already received an excess amount of moisture. Therefore, in order to prevent the root system from rotting, you should refrain from watering for some time.

Another popular way to get rid of earthworms.

Place the pot with the indoor flower in a larger container. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of dry mustard in 1 liter of warm water. Thoroughly stir and water the pot with the patient, trying to evenly distribute the watering over the entire surface of the soil so that the moisture is absorbed evenly throughout the entire volume. The worms themselves will begin to leave the ground.

Symptoms of earthworms.

Earthworms often crawl to the surface

If, after replacing the soil, your flower begins to wither instead of the previously confident growth, if crushed, grain-like soil spills out through the drainage holes, then these are reasons to think about how to get rid of earthworms in indoor pots. Moreover, this non-chemical procedure will not take much time, will cost no money and will not harm your plants. It should be noted that if there are other types of worms in flower pots, then you cannot do without chemical methods.

There are earthworms in the pots of indoor flowers, what should I do? Is this harmful or good for the flowers?

Klava Ivanova

an earthworm in a flower pot is a disaster, this year I received this gift with purchased soil - in the bulbous ones I first discovered that strange spots appeared on the leaves, they curl up at the bottom and chew and chew..., I had to replant them a second time, but not all the plants you can completely clear the old soil without loss... in some varietal fuchsias I discovered it too late and even the cuttings could not be rooted; a solution of manganese and immersion in water up to my ears also does not always work.... I sympathize - take action, I advise you to start rooting delicate plants again = while there is somewhere to take cuttings from


what passions you tell! the soil was visible from the garden... from the dacha... buy ordinary soil for indoor flowers and replant!

Ildar Iskandarov



useful, loosens the soil

Yuri Vasilievich.

very helpful

Andrey Neizvestny

They won’t grow on their own, apparently they were in the ground. There is nothing terrible, throw away the dead ones (or fry them). Flowers will only say thank you.


Just say so: my little man is a famous fisherman...

Anastasia K********

I would like to know if you have meter-long flower pots or if you have children who make fun of you????

Natalia Sidorova

My earthworms ended up chewing off the roots of the bulbous flowers and they all died, so it’s best to change the soil. Worms are good in the garden, they loosen the soil there, but at home they are parasites!

Anastasia Mazanko

Worms do not appear on their own in indoor pots; ask your husband if it was his doing.

Anna Vasyukova

My flowers died after the worms appeared; after all, they feed on the roots.


biting! get mirror carp. You will have phosphorus in almost unlimited quantities. Feed the worms with squeezed tea leaves. Forget about flowers - they don't bring happiness...


that’s the thing: if there are a lot of them, they are harmful!!! and they came from purchased soil, but this is not the only gift that can be bought along with the soil

Lyoshka the stove maker

Dilute potassium permanganate until pink and water the flowers. If once doesn't help, repeat. Only pink solution! Don't burn the roots.


While there are few worms and the pot is large, they eat old leaves and roots, just like in nature. Once there are a lot of worms and a small pot, the worms eat everything they come across. I got into a lot of trouble last winter when flower pots from the garden were brought into the house, and in the garden worms entered the pots through a hole at the bottom and took root. This summer, I lined the bottom of the pots to keep out worms and ants with cloth or plastic mesh, then with stones to drain water, then with soil. There were no worms in such pots, and in 2 pots I did not close the loophole and now I had to urgently save 2 flowers (calla lilies), the roots were all eaten by worms. Of course, in the garden they have a lot of food and they don’t attack my plants that much, but at home in flower pots they are big pests.

Andrey Zhurba

They feed on dead roots!! ! Perhaps you are shifting Your blame onto the worms? “Worms excellently prepare the soil for plant growth... They sift the soil so much that no dense mineral particles remain in it... They thoroughly mix all the soil, like a gardener preparing crushed soil for his most exquisite plants” (C. Darwin). While soil microorganisms and plants fix soil chemical elements in their cells, earthworms and other soil invertebrates help remove these elements from plant organic matter and microbial biomass, thus providing food for new plants. In this cycle of substances, earthworms, these little tireless workers, act as regulators of the activity of microorganisms, enriching the soil with natural nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, balanced among themselves. Also especially valuable is the fact that worms absorb and digest not only humus, but also bacteria, algae, fungi with their spores, protozoa of the animal world (including nematodes!) - these are real deodorizers and orderlies, soil improvers, disinfecting pathogenic soil microflora.

Earthworms pass a large mass of dead plant matter through their intestines, in which the plant tissues are finally destroyed, digested and then mixed with the soil. Thanks to the activity of earthworms, the compost “matures” faster, turning after their processing into a loose, loose, consisting almost exclusively of granular excrement of worms, an environmentally friendly and extremely useful fertilizer (vermicompost), which is easily absorbed by plants. It is also especially important that plant residues processed by earthworms acquire unique and valuable properties for the soil, since they are transformed into water-resistant, water-intensive, fertile structures.


I also asked this question, look at my answers; This is how my cheflera died; I wasted away for no reason, no matter what I did; then I noticed that the earth was being sifted into the pan, I dug up a flower - there were so many worms that they were literally swarming; didn’t save the flower; I think they got started with the purchased soil


I had them too. Nasty!! ! I felt so disgusted that I threw it away along with the flower. And I washed the pot with “Whiteness” soap.

How to get rid of earthworms in indoor flowers

I heard that worms sometimes appear

in soil fertilized with California worms. Therefore, I bought another land for my flower, otherwise you never know.

Girls. This is the California worm!

That's how I started breeding him. We came to a ficus with purchased land. She picked them out of the ground and multiplied them. That's it. :))) The purchased land contains not only eggs. come across, but also small individuals. Do you need them? It's up to you to decide. I have in all my pots. There is. And nothing . The plants have been alive and healthy for two years now. Maybe the palm tree died because it did not survive the transplant?

Almost all flower pots contain a certain amount of earthworms; if large ones catch my eye, sometimes I remove them, sometimes not, but I often see small ones there and I have not noticed any negative impact on the growth of my pile of flowers. In my opinion, their danger to indoor plants is greatly exaggerated.

earthworms appeared in indoor flowers.

Well, I don’t know, in all the books and on the Internet they are described as pests of indoor plants. After transplantation, the palm tree stood beautiful for several months, but suddenly it began to slowly dry out, sweating. I accidentally noticed these worms, I had to take it out of the pot and there were a lot of them there and they were already quite large! In short, my husband and I caught them, washed them, washed the roots, replanted them in other soil, but that didn’t save it :-((( So now I just hate them and decided to pour boiling water on all the purchased land - I don’t need any more such losses, especially Moreover, my husband gave me a palm tree for my birthday :-((

Tell me, is it interesting to catch fish on these Californian ones?

the fisherman said that it was quite possible :-)), one fig – rain ones; but they bite better on some newfangled German ones. I'm serious :-)).

Of course, if there were plenty of them there, then it is quite likely that this meanness was the work of their mouths. They shouldn’t eat themselves. Sorry. For some reason I like earthworms, but I like palm trees much more

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