What does Aichrizon (the tree of love) bring into the house: signs and superstitions

Why is aichrizon called the tree of love?

This is an unusual decorative home succulent, which is not only an apartment decoration, but is also capable of attracting love and prosperity into the home with its positive aura and energy.

The pubescent green leaves are heart-shaped. It is not for nothing that people call this exotic culture the tree of love.

Since ancient times, it was customary to give aichrizon to newlyweds on their wedding day. According to signs, it was believed that he would bring love, mutual understanding and prosperity to the spouses. For young people, such a gift became a talisman of fidelity and love. In addition, according to signs, the original shape of the foliage suggests that aichrizon will certainly bring happiness to its owners in love and help them find family peace and tranquility.

Botanical description

Aichrizon is a succulent evergreen perennial. It forms a spherical bush 20-30 cm high. In its natural environment it grows on rocky cliffs and in rock breaks. The rhizome is highly branched and located in the upper layers of the soil.

The succulent stems have a flexible base and are covered with smooth, bright green skin. Each sprout produces many lateral branches. The shoots become woody after many years. Thick leaves are located in pairs or groups at the ends of the stems. They have a pubescent dark green surface. Sometimes whitish, yellowish or red blotches are added to the main color. The shape of the leaf plate can be diamond-shaped, heart-shaped, oval or cylindrical. The damaged leaf produces juice containing volatile substances with a not very pleasant odor.

At the end of spring, paniculate inflorescences consisting of small star-shaped flowers bloom on the shoots of aichrizon. The highly branched peduncle is 10-20 cm long. The lanceolate petals can be colored red, cream or yellow. The diameter of a regularly shaped star is usually 6-16 mm, it consists of 6-12 petals with a pointed edge.

Flowering requires a lot of energy from the aichrizon, so it sheds most of its foliage. It is very difficult to influence this process. After flowering, part of the shoot dies off along with the peduncle.

It is important to remember that all members of the Crassulaceae family are poisonous. If it enters the stomach, symptoms of food poisoning occur. The plant should be kept away from animals and small children.

What signs and superstitions are there associated with aichrison?

There are many superstitions and signs associated with the attractive exotic tree of love. A tree of love and happiness is placed in a house to improve the psychological microclimate and maintain harmony in the family.

Signs associated with aichrison:

  1. Flowering indicates that understanding and harmony reign in the house. Withering, on the contrary, signals problems in the relationship between spouses.
  2. If the leaves begin to fall off the aichrizone, it is better to remove it. According to superstition, falling leaves can bring poverty and cool relations between spouses into the house.
  3. If you take good care of the aichrizon and keep it in good condition, there will never be cheating in the couple.
  4. Abundant flowering for unmarried girls and unmarried men predicts the approach of a wedding. Fading indicates that separation may be approaching.

ATTENTION! In order for your family to have peace and comfort, you need to take good care of the aichrison and monitor its condition.


Aichrizon is a picky crop, but in order for the plant to bloom and be healthy, a number of rules must be followed.

Table of general content recommendations

Criterion Description
Lighting Direct sunlight can leave burns on the leaves, so the lighting should be bright but diffused. It is recommended to use light curtains. In order for the crown to develop evenly, it is recommended to rotate the pot around its axis
Air humidity Aichrizon blooms when the air in the room is humid. But the plant also feels comfortable in dry air. It is allowed to place a small container of water nearby. It is prohibited to spray the crop abundantly, especially in cloudy weather - rotting will begin.
Air temperature From mid-spring to mid-autumn the air temperature should be around +23°C. A fluctuation of 2 points is allowed. If the room is hot, it needs to be ventilated often. During the rest of the year, the plant is in a dormant phase, so the temperature should be no more than +10°C

These are the basic conditions that must be met in any situation.

Features of watering, fertilizing, shaping and transplanting

In addition to the above conditions, the following points are also important for aichrison:

  • Watering. It shouldn't be abundant. The portions of water are small, the interval is 3-5 days. In the cold season - even less often.
  • Feeding. During the growing season, you need to water the crop once every 2-3 weeks with a complex fertilizer intended for succulents. It differs from conventional universal formulations in its low nitrogen concentration.
  • Transfer. It should be carried out as needed. But you shouldn’t disturb the plant too often. Transplantation must be done before flowering begins.
  • Crown formation. Carried out to maintain the appropriate appearance. The crown of plants is usually square or round. When it has already been done in advance, pruning is much easier. It is necessary to remove old and weakened shoots and shorten branches that are too long.

Thanks to correctly performed actions, the plant will be healthy and long-flowering.

Problem solving

Sometimes the following problems arise, which can be easily solved.

  • The branches are severely exposed. Usually associated with too warm a winter. It is required to do rejuvenation: cut off the top and root.
  • The leaves are wrinkled. Associated with lack of water. It is necessary to water the plant more often.
  • The stems are strongly elongated. In this case, the lack of light affects. It is necessary to move the crop to another place or use additional lamps.

What does the “Tree of Love” mean to women?

Signs indicate that single women need to buy a love tree for their home. Aichrizon is recommended for single women or those who are not happy in their marriage.

In accordance with the signs, married women, in order to attract prosperity and health to their families, should also take a closer look at the state of the aichrizon, this will also help improve the energy state of the household.

IMPORTANT! The young shoot must be bought or obtained secretly. If you have been given aichrizon, it is important to thank you for it with a coin.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of aichrizon is carried out by cuttings or sowing seeds. Seeds are sown in small boxes with a mixture of leaf soil and sand to a depth of 5 mm. The greenhouse is sprayed with water and covered with glass. It is kept at a temperature of +16…+20°C. The crops must be ventilated and sprayed daily; seedlings appear quite quickly by the end of the second week. After 3-4 leaves appear, they are picked into separate pots. You can plant several plants in one container at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in March-April. It is necessary to cut the stems 7-9 cm long and dry them in air for 24 hours. Rooting is carried out in sandy or sandy-peaty soil. Otherwise, you can root the cuttings in boiled water by adding activated carbon to it. After 12-18 days, thin roots appear at the end of the stem and the plant quickly begins to develop. Grown seedlings can be moved to small pots with soil for adult succulents.

All parts of the aichrizon are suitable for reproduction. If it is impossible to get a cutting, just break off a leaf and press it into moist, fertile soil. It will take root pretty soon.

Signs associated with aichrison for men

Superstitions say that if there is aichrizon in the house, it is also important for men to pay attention to its condition. Guys who have not yet found a couple for themselves should definitely place a love tree in their home.

If the plant begins to bud, you can prepare for the fact that a companion will appear in the lives of single men.

If the heart is not free, and the aichrizon has bloomed profusely, it is time to prepare for the wedding.

But a fading love tree suggests that the relationship may be a warning sign.

Plant symbolism

Aichrizon is divided into 15 species, and originates from the Canary and Azores Islands, southern Europe and Morocco. Our compatriots can boast of growing in their homes sedum-leaved, loose, dotted and convoluted species of this plant.

Particularly common is homemade aichrizon. Translated from Greek, the name of the plant itself means “eternally golden.” Indeed, the plant blooms for a very long time with small yellow flowers that look like stars.

The height of the plant is no more than 40 cm. The leaves of aichrizon are large, dense, heart-shaped, strewn with fine hair. Due to the shape of its leaves, aichrizon is called the love tree or the tree of happiness.

Why does the “Tree of Love” bloom?

According to signs, the flowering of aichrizona anticipates pleasant surprises. For example, in professional activities this would be a bonus for good work, a change of position, a marriage, or an unexpected cash prize.

Abundant, long-lasting flowering indicates that positive energy and good relationships reign in the apartment where aichrizon grows.

For single people, a flowering plant portends a meeting with a partner and a long-term relationship that will definitely end in a wedding.

What energy does a flower bring to the house?

The magical aichrizon is endowed with predominantly positive energy. Here are the most powerful of its properties:

  • improves relationships between household members and strengthens marriage;
  • strengthens the energetic connection between lovers;
  • enhances mutual attraction;
  • protects household members from diseases;
  • neutralizes negative energy;
  • adds strength;
  • creates a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom.

IMPORTANT! A flower exudes positive energy only if there is careful and adequate care.

Is it good or bad to keep aichrizon at home?

According to existing superstitions, aichrizon emits only a positive aura. Heart-shaped leaves are another proof of this.

A magnificent perennial will decorate the interior of your home and provide a cozy and warm atmosphere. It is recommended to place a succulent in every home. Superstitions claim that this flower is able to attract financial flows, as well as establish harmony in all areas of life.

Who shouldn't keep aichrizon at home?

The magical abilities of the flower harm anyone, so in this regard, aichrizon is completely safe.

In accordance with superstition, families with small children should not rush to purchase airborne products. The reason is that the juice of the plant, if it comes into contact with the delicate skin of a child, can cause irritation.

A damaged plant emits an unpleasant odor, which can also cause an undesirable reaction.

If there is aichrizon in the house, then it needs to be removed away from the baby.

Diseases and pests

If the aichrizon is provided with proper care, then during its growth it will be possible to almost completely avoid problems. The plant must be given a diffuse color , which should not be too bright, and also provide infrequent watering and winter rest. If these conditions are not met, a spider mite, mealybug or scale insect will settle on the bush. As a result of improper watering, rot often appears.

Often, aichrizona loses its leaves. If this begins to appear in summer or winter, the reason for this is the complete drying of the earth, stagnation of moisture in the soil, or exposure to bright rays of the sun.

If the problem makes itself felt in winter or autumn, then the container with the flower needs to be moved to a room without heating. During flowering, leaf fall may also occur.

Why do you dream about a flower?

If you do not have this exotic plant, and you dreamed of aichrizon, you should think about purchasing a tree of love. Most likely, this is a signal that the energy at home and family relationships needs to be improved.

If you have a plant that you dreamed of, take a close look at your green pet. According to superstition, such a dream often indicates that the succulent lacks care or is affected by some kind of disease.

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