“Matchmaker” plants: 5 indoor flowers that men flock to like flies to honey

Do you want to know which plants help unmarried women arrange their personal lives? There is practically no woman who would not want to get married. And it doesn’t matter whether she wants it for the first time, the second or the fifth. And all because female nature is not designed for life without a partner.

While a girl is young, she does not think much about “additional” means leading to marriage. But more mature ladies no longer rely on their feminine charms alone and rush to use all sorts of tricks. For example, they begin to turn to magic or study botany more closely.

Plants for unmarried women

You can believe it or not, but there really are plants that can both “lure” the groom into the house and “expel” him from it. Our ancestors knew about this and made great use of it. Thanks to their knowledge, today we can identify several flowers that will certainly create an aura of love and desire from a man to a woman in the house. So…

Plants vital for the bride-to-be are as follows.

  1. Spathiphyllum (“female happiness”) + Anthurium (“male happiness”). It is advisable to purchase these flowers, endowed with masculine and feminine energy, together and keep them together.
  2. Hibiscus (Chinese rose). This rose is considered a “love magnet” that really works.
  3. Camellia. Flower of love and happiness. Maybe its heart-shaped petals are to blame for this?
  4. Cyclamen (amaryllis). A flower that radiates wisdom and modesty, attracting love and happiness.
  5. Pelargonium (geranium). A plant that can awaken feelings of love, especially if it has pink flowers.

It is impossible not to mention in a separate line the flowers that it is advisable to keep both at home and on the street - chrysanthemum and young ones (“hare cabbage”, “stone rose” and even “all the grooms come to us...”). It is believed that these plants perfectly attract all potential suitors in the area!

It is also important to know that shape and number matter - it is advisable that there are no flowers in the house with sharp and prickly ends and that there be an equal number of plants with round and oblong leaves.


Hibiscus is a herbaceous plant with powerful stems, beautiful large flowers and bright green foliage that can grow up to 3-5 meters long. Hibiscus is called Chinese rose. In Hawaii, it is considered the national plant, the flower of love or the flower of beautiful women.

Beauties decorate their black hair with bright pink-red flowers, attracting fiery and temperamental men who simply flock to them like moths. In India, hibiscus is used to decorate wedding ceremonies; wedding wreaths are woven from it. In Brazil, the flower is called "princess earrings" because the flower is very similar to an earring due to its long stalk and dissected petals.

Plants to stay away from

Do you want to get married and can’t bear it? Then we quickly get rid of all kinds of vines, climbing and climbing plants already in the house! Because they are more suitable for people who have already found their family happiness - it is noticed that they “wrap around” and preserve the good they already have. But lonely people are “intertwined” with their loneliness.

These include:

Plants endowed with heavy energy and vampiric abilities should also be evicted from the apartment:

  • violet;
  • monstera;
  • Sudanese rose;
  • ficus;
  • hoya;
  • begonia;
  • tradescantia;
  • orchid;
  • cactus.

Oxalis - flower of family happiness

The oxalis flower (oxalis), in addition to being a beautiful and not particularly demanding plant, has many healing properties.

However, the most important thing for us is that oxalis helps lonely hearts meet true love. And after acquiring pure love, sorrel helps to preserve and strengthen it.

  • Therefore, people know oxalis as the flower of family happiness, and recently it has also been called oxalis - the flower of love or the winner of loneliness.

Various popular names only confirm the powerful influence of the plant on relationships between people.

We believe that sorrel strengthens family happiness and helps to find true love. Oxalis undoubtedly brings benefits and positive energy to the home.


Oxalis (Oxalis)

Botany for unmarried people - what and how

All flowers love care and affection. And therefore, so that they do not get sick and die, you need to look after them, talk to them and... love, love, love.

It is not enough to follow all the rules for proper care of a plant (place it in the right place, water it on time, wash the leaves, fertilize, etc.), you also need to be able to “hear” it and communicate correctly. This may seem like nonsense to some, but it really is so. After all, when you give someone your tenderness, time and love, it is so easy to get it all back. And even in two or three times the size - this is exactly how the boomerang method works.

If you agree with what has been said, then make it a rule:

  • say hello to plants every morning and goodbye every evening;
  • talk to them kindly and sincerely, sharing your joys or sorrows;
  • find a few minutes a day to sit silently or stand next to them, performing a mutual energy exchange.

These are the most popular and “working” plants for unmarried women. What do you think about this?

Indoor plants not only make your home cozier. First of all, they are a piece of nature that can have a magical effect on a person.

Below we will look at what flowers can become friends for an unmarried girl and help her find a good husband.

Anthurium: indoor flower “Male Happiness”

Anthurium in many countries is a symbol of “male happiness”. That many people don’t even know its official name, but simply call it the “men’s happiness” flower.

  • According to ancient legends, anthurium increases “male strength” and helps a man become more self-confident in a relationship with a woman.

According to experts, the maximum beneficial effect of the flower is achieved when a man consciously desires to make his woman happier. Anthurium acts as a catalyst and invisible support.

The plant itself is poisonous, so you need to take some precautions and not place the “male happiness” flower in the kitchen.


Types of indoor plants for marriage

It has long been noticed that different types of indoor plants have a special effect on the person caring for him, as well as on the other residents of the house.

Some flowers can improve relationships between family members, others can help attract the attention of a young man she likes to a girl or provide home comfort. There are also those who, despite caring for them, only bring harm.

What flower should an unmarried girl choose to help improve her relationship with the opposite sex, and what plants should she not keep in the house at all?

Anthurium - love and reciprocity of feelings

Cupid's arrow, mother-in-law's tongue—many terms are used to define this plant. However, what is common is the interpretation and the meaning attributed to it. Rumor has it that this flower, given to a loved one, promotes love and evokes mutual feelings. This may be why many men buy them for their significant other for Valentine's Day or other special occasions.

If you want to add some warmth to your interior and create a happy, cozy atmosphere, find a place for an elegant anthurium. Characteristic red flowers, reminiscent of hearts pierced with an arrow, will bring a touch of magic and mysterious romance to your home.

What flower brings bad luck?

Not all house flowers contribute to harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman. Some of them can have the opposite effect:

  1. Ivy is not recommended to be placed in the newlyweds' house. It is believed that it can cause misunderstandings and discord in the family.
  2. The ficus was nicknamed the “flower of widows” because often men did not return from the war to the houses in which it stood.
  3. Violet is not recommended for single girls to grow, as it can prevent her from finding her lover.

What colors should you avoid?

When looking for plants that can bring happiness, abundance, energy and love, it is very easy to make the mistake of making the opposite decision.

Among indoor flowers that bring misfortune, cacti predominate. These are the best symbols of suffering or a failed relationship, especially if they are in the bedroom.

You should also not consider purchasing ivy as it is believed to have a negative impact on relationships.

When arranging your new house or apartment, you should make sure that it contains plants that will have a positive effect on the development of relationships or on the work area. Stop at specimens that have brought harmony, peace and happiness for years.

How does the sign work?

Despite the skepticism about signs associated with indoor plants, an explanation can be found for them. The flower tended by a young girl is a symbol of her desire to improve relationships with the opposite sex or maintain mutual understanding with her partner. At the same time, the plant acts as an indicator of her efforts - by how comfortable it feels, how it blooms and grows, one can evaluate the efforts of the owner.

Location in the house

Each plant has specific lighting requirements that must be met. Therefore, you cannot place indoor flowers wherever the housewife wants.

It is best to follow the care rules recommended for a particular type of plant. If shade is required, there is no need to place it in a brightly lit living room. Light-loving species need to choose a place where there is more sunlight.

Proper care

Other aspects of care should be approached accordingly. Don't water the plants too often. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended standards. However, the attitude of the hostess towards the flower is very important. If cared for with love, it will have a positive impact on the life of its owner. He also feels a careless attitude and can contribute to the deterioration of the atmosphere in the house.

Conversations are important too

Indoor flowers are living beings. Therefore, they need to be treated the same as a person. They are believed to understand not only the meaning of words, but also the feelings with which they were spoken.

From a psychological point of view, when talking to a houseplant, the housewife is looking for help. By talking about her problems, she admits mistakes. In reasoning, the only correct decision comes.

The practice of the ancient Chinese method of Feng Shui helps a person to live in nature, not destroying it, but creating and enriching it. Feng Shui is the ability to live in balance with the outside world, to use energy flows for your own benefit. Home is a place where you want to comfortably rest and unwind after work.

Many people like to decorate their home with plants. Some people love flowers, while others are attracted to trees and cacti. What indoor plants bring happiness and prosperity to the house according to Feng Shui?


Spathiphyllum is a flower that the goddess of love Astarte gave to an earthly girl. The ancients believed that her gift brings blessings to all women, which is why it is called the “Flower of Brides” and “Women’s Happiness.” Signs say that it helps in finding a soul mate and finding true love.

Spathiphyllum, which grows in the house of an unmarried woman, enhances the feminine energy of the hostess, making her desirable to men, and helps to meet her chosen one. The magical power of a flower manifests itself with the first blossoming bud.

If a woman already lives with her beloved, but he is in no hurry to propose, you need to give her spathiphyllum. Its beneficial effects will help you hear the desired words. The gift must be made by a male blood relative or a married sister. You cannot give your own flower - this way you are transferring your happiness into the hands of others.

Houseplants and Feng Shui

Not everyone knows that Yin and Yang flows play an important role in creating a cozy atmosphere in the home. If one of the energies predominates, discomfort appears. Flowers bring balance to the flow of energy, add comfort and coziness.

If you have the optimal combination of Yin and Yang flows, they grow well, bloom, and have healthy stems and leaves.

Trees and flowers represent the Wood element; pots made of ceramics and porcelain - the element Earth. Feng Shui advises keeping them in the East or the Southeast, without prohibiting other sectors. When placed correctly, such plants will bring happiness and well-being to the home; they harmonize marital relations and improve health.

Exhibited in the Northern part will help you advance your career. The rules do not recommend placing plants in the toilet room and bedroom.

The role of flowers and trees in the house is enormous:

  1. They add beauty and complement the interior.
  2. The air is filtered and oxygenated.
  3. Harmonizes the flow of Qi.
  4. They add their Wood element and increase the quality of energies.

Flowers are beneficial, but some should be avoided. Plants that have sharp leaves with needles, like cacti, carry a negative Sha flow.

According to the teachings of Chinese sages, the carriers of positive energy are:

  • alpine violet (cyclamen);
  • cranebird (geranium);
  • flowering begonia species;
  • ficus;
  • orange and lemon trees;
  • amaryllis;
  • Crassula tree or money tree;
  • camellia;
  • indoor chrysanthemum;
  • arrowroot (praying grass);
  • hibiscus.

Heavy energy is carried by:

They are unusual and beautiful in their own way. They can be placed indoors and successfully combined with other colors, eliminating harmful energy.

Many people love bonsai, but not everyone knows that artificially stopping the development of a tree will slow down the flow of energies in the room. This will hold back your development and stop your cash flow.

When buying indoor flowers, you need to pay attention to the size, shape of the leaves, and color. It is better not to buy a plant with drooping leaves; they ground the energy flows.

It is better when the plant stretches upward. Leaves should be round and not have sharp ends.

Let's take a closer look at the various names of flowers with photos that bring happiness and prosperity to the house.


It is considered a flower with a female soul; she, like a woman, needs care, love and careful treatment. The orchid enhances the feminine principle, reveals the femininity of the hostess, attracting worthy men.

It is believed that the flower prolongs life, helps maintain youth and improves health. The energy of the plant protects the living space from negativity, lifts the mood and reveals creativity.

To create a home space filled with love, trust and harmony, Feng Shui experts recommend growing red orchids. If you place them on the southwestern side, then quarrels will disappear from the family, a reverent attitude towards each other and lost passion will return.

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