The mysterious plant Zamioculcas. Signs and superstitions for the home

Beginning flower growers and people with experience should pay attention to Zamioculcas. This succulent will not take much of your time, and will diversify and decorate the interior of the room. The Zamiev family is classified as Aroid plants, but unlike other representatives, this one is able to accumulate water inside, so it does not need frequent watering.

From the tuberous root, glossy massive leaves of a pinnately dissected shape tend upward. They are capable of stretching up to 1 m. However, you will have to wait for this for more than one year, since the plant grows very slowly.

Why is Zamioculcas called the dollar tree?

According to popular beliefs, Zamioculcas is endowed with very strong energy, which can influence people's lives, both positively and negatively. Most likely, this influence depends on how a person perceives this plant.

Zamioculcas is popularly called the dollar tree. We did not find a clear explanation for this name. Some people believe that the leaves of the plant are like paper money, most likely like dollars, and they sincerely believe that the flower can increase cash flow if you keep it in your home, office, or study.

Another guess why Zamioculcas received such a name. He came to us from abroad, where dollars are used. Therefore, a persistent sign has been established that Zamioculcas became a magnet for currency.

Signs and superstitions

The appearance of a plant in a home is associated with improved financial flow, improved family relationships and a number of other favorable events.

Why is it called the dollar tree?

According to a common version, the dollar tree got its name precisely because of its characteristic rounded leaves, which to some resemble coins in shape.

But why isn’t any other flower with round leaf blades associated with money? The point is the following features:

  • The energy of the plant itself speaks of earning and accumulating profits, because it is a succulent that stores water and nutrients;
  • After drying, the leaves fall off, but at the same time they look like jewelry, as if showered with silver or precious stones. They sparkle brightly in the sun and create the impression that there is a real treasure under the tree. Most likely, this is where all the folk superstitions came from, and zamioculcas is still called “money”.

According to another legend, keeping this flower in the house was previously the privilege of the rich, since it was brought from Zanzibar and was not cheap.

Ritual to attract wealth: a dollar bill is rolled into a cone and the top of the pyramid is attached to a plant, and a coin is placed in the tray.

The currency can be replaced, if necessary, from American to any other.

For irrigation, you should prepare special money water (any water in which coins are dipped for two days).

Note! You cannot remove money from the watering can until the container is empty.

Why is it called women's happiness?

Superstitions associate zamioculcas not only with money - it helps to attract female happiness. A woman who has this plant at home will find love when it blooms.

When flowering has begun, you need to whisper words asking for personal well-being and thank the plant for its help.

Flower of celibacy and muzhegon

Some are afraid to start a zamioculcas at home, because people also call it “husband” and consider it a symbol of celibacy.

An unmarried girl should not keep it because of the masculine energy of the plant (it simply does not tolerate other men).

Zamioculcas is often confused with the real “female happiness” - spathiphyllum. The latter just helps to improve your personal life.

What to do to make the dollar tree attract your loved one and not drive them away:

  • A girl should not buy it - this is how she gives away her luck and attracts the energy of celibacy. It would be better to give a flower.
  • It needs to be well looked after.
  • You should not throw away a wilted plant, although this wilting is in itself a bad omen. You should immediately begin treatment or purchase a second copy and place it next to the sick person to exchange energy.
  • If the green talisman has blossomed, then a favorable period begins for finding a groom. Romantic encounters can easily turn into strong, happy relationships.

Loss indicator

Falling leaves portend a financial crisis

Signs and superstitions say that if the leaves of the money tree wither and fall off en masse, although the care remains the same, then you need to expect large-scale financial losses and even a crisis.

If there is a foul odor coming from the ground, this may indicate that a serious illness is likely to develop.

In any case, there is no need to panic, because you can have time to prepare for a streak of bad luck, although many flower growers do not advise believing in negative omens.

Why is it called women's happiness?

Who came up with the idea of ​​calling Zamioculcas “women’s happiness” and why is it good for women? It turns out that if a woman is given this flower, then she will begin to have a light streak on the love front, and the shape of the flower says a lot.

If zamioculcas blooms in the house of an unmarried girl, then there is a sign that a guy with serious intentions will soon appear on the doorstep.

Few people observed flowering. In order for Zamioculcas to bloom, you need to care for it according to all the rules.

Having a dollar tree at home, you can believe in omens: an unmarried girl will meet her beloved, and a married woman will begin her honeymoon again. A woman who could not get pregnant for a long time will definitely wait for this feminine happiness.

Only the flower should be given as a gift, and not bought at a flower shop. A purchased zamioculcas, on the contrary, will bring failure in love affairs. Of particular value is the flower that is grown from a stolen shoot.

Pests and diseases

The plant can suffer from microbial and viral diseases, but rarely. This often happens when you over-clean your dollar tree. In this case, the process of rotting begins, and to avoid it, it is necessary to remove the zamioculcas from the pot and remove the damaged roots. Diseases can cause anacrosis, powdery mildew and sooty fungi, which are caused by pests such as aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs. To solve this problem, you must first get rid of the insects and then begin treatment. If a dollar tree's leaves turn yellow, this is not always an indication of disease. This happens during its active growth. Also, the yellow color may appear due to the nest of the plant.


The plant may be infested with pests if it has already begun to wilt. Most often, aphids attack diseased leaves. You can get rid of it only by using special pesticides.

If you notice that your dollar tree's leaves are turning pale and distorted, inspect the plant and begin pest control immediately.

Wilting foliage

Most often, such problems arise due to improper care of zamioculcas. Try changing the location of the plant, water or fertilizing.


It happens that dollar tree leaves fall due to the influence of mealybugs or mites. If you notice that dark spots and cobwebs have appeared on the surface of the plant, and the leaves have begun to fade, then most likely an insect has settled in the flower. Once you find a problem, clean all stems and leaves with a sponge and soapy water. To kill the larvae, spray the dollar tree with tobacco spray and rinse with water after 30 minutes. Specialized substances will help in a difficult fight.

Flower of celibacy and muzhegon

Many believe that there is a sign: the purchased zamioculcas will begin to drive away all the men living in it from the house. For this reason, names like “husband” and “flower of celibacy” were attached to it.

If you believe in this sign and are afraid of its fulfillment, then nothing good will happen. The plant is hardly to blame for love failures. But to believe or not to believe various signs or myths, everyone decides for himself.

There is another sign: a well-groomed, tall, healthy, beautiful zamioculcas is endowed with such a strong magnetic effect that it will begin to attract men to the house.

If you notice signs of wilting foliage and branches, do not rush to throw away the flower. We must restore it by any means necessary:

  • Check for diseases and pests.
  • Get a healthy plant, let them give it to you and place it next to the sick one so that it shares its energy.

If you look at the signs and superstitions, they are so contradictory that they prevent many gardeners from starting this luxurious bush.

Folk beliefs associated with the “dollar tree”

  • If you decide to place a zamioculcas in your home, then in the near future you will experience an improvement in your financial situation. A flower can attract money to the house. Bury coins, preferably foreign currency, or dollar bills rolled into a cone.
  • If you accept this plant as a gift, it is worth giving a few coins in return. This will allow you to pay off the negative energy that the dollar tree brings into your home.
  • In order for you to have success in business, you need to properly care for the plant. Falling and yellowing leaves are a bad omen, which indicates an imminent deterioration in material condition.
  • If the plant does not take root well in the house, then the household members have false goals in life.
  • For the dollar tree to work effectively, talk to it like a person. Water it as the soil dries out and at this time have gentle conversations with it. Ask for wealth and prosperity. Make requests for help during the waxing moon on Tuesdays.
  • There is a belief that the flower needs money water. Pour a small amount of cold liquid over the coins and let sit for two days. Water the tree with this water. Until the water runs out, do not remove the coins from the container.
  • If the plant withers, this is considered a bad omen. You can't throw it away. Either cure it or buy the same flower. A healthy plant will share its energy with a sick tree.
  • A flower given for New Year, Christmas, housewarming or birthday has a hundredfold energy to attract wealth and good luck.

Why is he crying?

Coming from tropical forests, the dollar tree is accustomed to alternating periods of rainfall and prolonged drought. In such conditions, tropical plants have learned to store water for future use, which is why they have such fleshy, thick leaves.

When dry times came for them, they used up their own water reserves to continue living. The anticipation of new rains made the leaf blades thinner.

At home, such differences do not happen, but what is inherent in nature cannot be altered. Therefore, Zamioculcas continues to stock up on life-giving fluid.

If you have a zamioculcas growing, then it will tolerate temporary drought more patiently than stagnant water in a pot. That is, it is necessary to water moderately, without flooding the tropical guest with water.

With excessive watering, drops of liquid may appear on the leaves of the flower, as if the dollar tree is crying about lost opportunities.

Why does Zamioculcas cry? The bush simply gets rid of excess water received during irrigation. It can receive excess moisture not only from excessive watering, but also from air humidity that forms in the atmosphere before rain.

This sign became a harbinger of rain. If drops appear on the leaves of Zamioculcas, then expect good rain.

Drops on the leaves are also a good warning that you need to water less often when the lump in the pot becomes dry.

Is it possible to keep a flower at home?

Zamioculcas is considered a poisonous plant. Its leaves and shoots contain poisonous juice - this is its protection against pests. At home, toxicity can cause food poisoning in furry pets and children. Even a drop of poisonous juice can cause redness and itching of the skin.

The flower must be placed so that children and animals cannot reach it. Adults should also wear gloves when pruning or replanting a flower.

The bedroom is not the place for a flower, the living room is the best place for Zamioculcas. The bush will clean the air well in any room and replace bad energy with beneficial energy.

It is not recommended to move it often, otherwise it will shed its leaves. But the flower lives for more than 10 years, and during this time you can change many transplants and places of residence. When you replant, place a few coins at the very roots of the flower to increase wealth in the house.

How long and how often does a dollar tree bloom at home?

The rare flowering of this plant even in its natural habitat led to another name - “celibacy flower”. The main reason for rare flowering is the living conditions of the plants. In a dry steppe climate, plants lose a lot of energy to form flowers, so they require a long recovery period.

The dollar tree enters the flowering phase at the age of 4–5 years. Flowering lasts only 2–3 days. The plant will be ready for the next flowering only after 4–5 years. At home, the plant may not enter the flowering phase at all. It is more attractive to gardeners as a decorative foliage succulent.

There are several signs that explain how to understand that a succulent is blooming:

  • from the lower part of the plant, right from the rhizome, a short stem begins to stretch;
  • at its end a peduncle covered with a veil is formed;
  • in about a day the blanket opens an ear studded with small spherical flowers;
  • after 24 hours, the erect stem begins to dry out and bend towards the soil under the weight of the peduncle.

Important! Leaves of mature plants, reaching a length of 12

15 cm, under their own weight they begin to fall apart on the sides. To maintain the shape of the dollar tree, you can use special decorative frames in the shape of a cone or cylinder.

Who can you give it to?

You can give to everyone. A good reason to give a dollar seedling would be events related to renewal in life:

  • Wedding;
  • Housewarming is a wonderful occasion to give a luxurious flower;
  • Buying a home;
  • Career advancement;
  • The birth of children in a family;
  • A significant purchase.

The positive energy of the flower will increase many times, attracting new good luck.

A sign for your own Zamioculcas: you cannot re-gift it, so as not to lose good luck and material well-being.

To give a luxurious bush as a gift, you need to buy it, take care of it a little, and then give it away, taking a small fee for it.

Do not give a flower if there is only a small sprout growing in the pot or if it has not lived in your home. This will bring losses and failures, both to the donor and to the one to whom it is given.

Why does it bloom

Zamioculcas can bloom for the first time 3 years after planting. The dollar tree blooms when it has gained enough green mass and a large supply of nutrients. To maintain a fairly large peduncle, the plant needs to spend a lot of effort.

Experienced flower growers recommend creating such conditions for the flower so that it will bloom. It is believed that if you let it bloom, more luck and money will come to your home.

Conditions for flowering:

  • Extend daylight hours using a fluorescent lamp;
  • Do not over-moisten the soil when watering the plant;
  • Try to create a temperature of 20-26 degrees in summer, and 16-18 in winter;
  • Replant a young plant every year, increasing the volume of the flowerpot by 2-3 cm, an adult plant - once every 3-5 years;
  • Feed once a month;
  • Place 1 tablet of succinic acid in the water for irrigation and spray with Epin solution once a month.

If there comes a time when Zamioculcas blooms, then this is a good sign. The flowering of a tropical guest foreshadows the onset of pleasant changes in life, a successful marriage, receiving an inheritance, or promotion.

Feng Shui about Castle Mulcas

According to Chinese Feng Shui philosophy, zamioculcas attracts the energy of success and wealth to where it grows strong and healthy. It is important to care for it properly, find a place for it in the south-eastern part of the house, and help it begin to bloom.

This flower can be planted for those married couples who have a strong relationship and great love. Just don’t place it in the bedroom, so as not to cause quarrels and disagreements between spouses.

Many people recommend placing a dollar tree in the bedroom. It is better not to do this because of its powerful energy.

Is it possible to keep Zamioculcas in the house?

Due to contradictory signs, not everyone decides to grow a dollar tree in an apartment. Much depends on the room in which the plant is located.

Why is Zamioculcas dangerous?

Many members of the araceae family are considered toxic plants. Zamioculcas is no exception. Its stems, leaves, and roots contain poisonous juice. Getting on the mucous membranes and skin, it provokes redness and irritation.

Zamioculcas juice causes the greatest harm when swallowed. The victim's skin becomes covered with a rash, a cough and runny nose develops. Possible intestinal disorders, nausea, diarrhea. If it gets into the eyes, a burning sensation occurs and vision deteriorates.

It is important to keep this plant away from children and pets. When working with it, you must wear protective gloves.

Where is it good and where will it be bad to place a flower?

Despite the rare flowering, Zamioculcas readily grows in a city apartment. Growing it is good for health. The plant releases oxygen and purifies the air. A dollar tree can be placed in the kitchen to help eliminate odors. A tropical plant would look appropriate in living rooms or in the living room. There it promotes relaxation and relieves stress.

It is not recommended to place zamioculcas in the bedroom of an unmarried girl to avoid troubles in her personal life.

Where is the best place to place it on your desktop?

If Zamioculcas is grown in the office, a suitable place for it is the south-eastern sector of the office. A small plant can be placed on your desktop, to the left of your laptop or monitor.

His energy will help you make profitable deals, move up your career ladder, and earn more money.

According to feng shui

In Chinese teaching, the dollar tree is used as a tool for attracting wealth. Feng Shui states that to open money channels, it is important to find a suitable place for the plant and care for it properly. Zamioculcas will work in full force if it is placed in the southeast. It is advisable to place a three-legged frog under it, which is a symbol of wealth. You can hang a bunch of three Chinese coins on a red ribbon on the branches. According to legend, they attract money.

Clues about losses

The flower may hurt, wither and dry out. To avoid losing your dollar tree, you need to monitor its health. Whatever happens to it, do not throw away the flower, but try to revive it.

If it is sick, then transplant it into a new pot. Place the broken branch in water so that it produces roots.

A completely drooping flower will be revived by a new seedling, the pot of which should be placed next to the fading specimen. Always keep a young specimen to revive a diseased plant.

Don't make your dollar tree cry by setting a certain watering schedule. Watch when the lump in the pot dries out, then water it. But even such a moment can deceive. The soil may remain dry at the top, but moist at the roots. It is unacceptable.

Rituals and rituals to attract money

With the help of Zamioculcas, you can attract money into the house if you perform the following rituals:

  1. Roll the dollar bill into a conical pyramid. Attach the top to the branch and make sure that the money does not fall.
  2. Place at least one cent in the tray of the pot.
  3. Water with money water. Put a few coins in the water, let it sit for a couple of days and water the dollar tree. Do not remove coins from the water until it runs out.
  4. Having received zamioculcas as a gift, give the giver a few coins so that someone else’s energy goes away.

Folk tips for caring for flowers

The most important care tip is not to overwater the flower. The succulent accumulates water in its nodules and will water itself during drought.

Choose the right substrate. The following soils are suitable for Zamioculcas: for cacti and succulents, a mixture of garden soil, sand and perlite. You can plant in soil prepared from humus, soil, peat with the addition of sand and perlite.

Flower growers advise choosing a longer pot so that the roots can freely grow deeper. Instead of spraying, the succulent should be held under a warm shower.

Poor health of a flower as a signal

To attract money and a man into the house for a single woman, a healthy looking succulent is of great importance.

A drooping and wilted plant is considered a bad omen for a woman and the family’s material wealth.

If zamioculcas withers, then urgently look for the reasons for this wilting. If you flood it, then urgently reduce watering; if it is in the shade, move it to a sunny place or place it on a sunny balcony.

Perhaps the zamioculcas was attacked by pests, wipe the leaves with a solution of laundry soap, and then bathe in the shower. Strictly monitor the condition of your green pet.

To transplant zamioculcas, prepare new soil. The soil after other green pets will lead to the death of the dollar tree, and further monetary losses will follow.


Since the flower naturally grows in arid areas, namely in the high plains of Africa, it is a succulent. Its thick leaves and stems are filled with moisture, drooping down and covered with a waxy shell. Thanks to this structure, evaporation is reduced. The indoor appearance also has these same properties, which is why it does not need frequent watering.

The flower can be placed on the south side of the house. However, you need to try not to expose it to direct sunlight, so that the plant does not get burned and the leaves do not turn yellow.

If Zamioculcas is placed in the shade, its growth will slow down a little. However, this will not cause much harm to the plant, although the leaves may droop and the bush will lose its beautiful appearance.

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