When to replant flowers in February 2022, favorable days according to the lunar calendar

Do we determine that an indoor flower needs a transplant?

Home flowers are constantly replanted. Young specimens are replanted every year, and already grown ones - once every 3-4 years.

Regular transplantation is carried out for the following reasons:

  • Soil depletion. No matter how you feed the flowers, sooner or later the soil resource in the pot will be depleted. Therefore, the flowers will need to be replanted so that they continue to grow and develop normally. A sign of depletion of the soil mixture is slower growth, frequent diseases and poor flowering.
  • Development of the root system. Like any living organism, a flower grows and gains mass. The root system develops and gradually entangles the entire earthen ball. This can be understood by the roots that protrude over the edges of the container or through the drainage holes.

But there are reasons why you need to transplant a flower into new soil urgently and without delaying the procedure:

  • Overflow. You need to water your home flora regularly, but do it in moderation so that the moisture does not stagnate in the pot. The lack of drainage holes is also dangerous. Stagnation of moisture causes the roots to rot, and pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply in the soil.
  • Diseases and pests. If you find signs of fungal diseases or pests on a flower, then it must not only be treated with fungicides or insecticides, but also transplanted into a new container. In this case, it is necessary to completely clean the roots from old soil, in which parasite larvae or harmful microorganisms may remain.

ON A NOTE. In case of illness, infected specimens must be removed so as not to infect other crops.

Planting vegetation, relative to the Lunar calendar

Gardeners and flower growers believe that the Moon directly affects the condition of plants. Based on this, there is a suitable time for planting plants, and there is an inappropriate one. It is determined based on the phases of the Moon, or rather the constellation in which it is located.

  • The least favorable periods are considered to be the period when the satellite is in the constellation Leo, Aquarius and Aries.
  • The most optimal period for replanting ornamental plants is when the satellite is in the constellation Libra, Pisces, Virgo, Cancer or Capricorn.
  • It is worth rooting cuttings at a time when the Moon is in the constellation Libra, Pisces, Virgo, and Sagittarius.

It is believed that the most unfavorable days for replanting indoor plants are new moons and full moons.

Reference! Three days on which you should beware of manipulating plants: the day before the new moon, the new moon, and the day after it.

When the Moon is in its full growth phase, plants are very sensitive to any interference. If the gardener does not want his pets to get sick or not to take root, then you should not touch them during this period.

What indoor plants and flowers are usually replanted in February?

In February, daylight hours continue to increase and, feeling the spring, some flowers begin to wake up after a period of dormancy.

At this time, violet, dollar tree, mother-in-law's tongue, streptocarpus, impatiens, Decembrist, and a variety of ivies can be transplanted into new pots.

In addition, in the same month you can plant various tuberous or bulbous crops in new pots. For example, gloxinia, begonia. In early February, you can start forcing hyacinths by March 8th.

February is also quite suitable for planting new cuttings of geraniums, cacti and other succulents.

Florist's lunar calendar October 2022

In October, all work on the site is usually completed due to rainy and cool weather. If you are delayed in planting bulbs, then have time to carry out the work in the middle of the month from October 17 to 21, the phase of the waxing Moon in Aquarius and Pisces. It is quite difficult to create such a calendar on your own. Professional astrologers take into account many factors: the position of the Moon and the Sun in the zodiac signs, lunar day, month. Feel free to use this table to plan work on your personal plot in the garden, vegetable garden, or flower garden. The abundance of moisture and low autumn temperatures will stop all work in the open ground; the gardener's main attention switches to indoor flowers. But, despite the change in climatic conditions, it is still possible to carry out pre-spring preparations in the most suitable period from the 17th to the 21st.

Favorable days for transplanting flowers in February 2022 according to the lunar calendar?

A good time to replant green pets is during the rising moon. It is best to start landing work when the earth's satellite passes through the constellation Virgo.

ON A NOTE. But the sign of Aquarius is considered unlucky for transplantation.

Therefore, plan your transplant on the following February dates: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18.

Florist's lunar calendar September 2022

In September it is time to plant bulbs for next year. Decorate the flower beds with edges so as not to trample them at the beginning of the next season and not to forget where and what was planted. For planting we choose September 20,21,22,23 or 24, the waxing Moon in Aquarius and Pisces. Any date is suitable for collecting seeds. In spring and autumn, plants in any case tolerate planting work better. Rooted cuttings should be designated for permanent residence during the warm season. If there is a need for replanting in the fall, carefully choose the date in accordance with the lunar calendar. The beginning of autumn among flower growers is considered the period of planting bulbous flowers. Thus, experts prepare for the upcoming season by dipping daffodils, tulips and crocuses into the soil. Planting these plants from the 20th to the 24th, when the new month passes the constellation Aquarius, will allow you to welcome spring in bright colors. September marks the mass flowering of chrysanthemums, which also need care.

Florist's planting calendar for February of the year for every day, table

February dayConstellationLunar day numbera brief description of
1Aquarius1, 2New moon. Any landing is extremely undesirable.
2Aquarius2, 3First day of the growing phase. Changing is highly undesirable throughout the day.
3Fish3, 4The moon is waxing. Pisces is a controversial sign for planting. If possible, refuse the transplant.
4Fish4, 5Waxing Crescent. Pisces is a controversial sign for planting. If possible, refuse the transplant.
5Aries5, 6Waxing lunar phase. You can transplant the flowers into new containers.
6Aries6, 7Waxing lunar phase. You can transplant the flowers into new containers.
7Taurus7, 8Growing phase. Suitable for cuttings of geraniums, kalanchoes and propagation of other home flora.
8Taurus8, 9The moon is waxing. Suitable for cuttings of geraniums, kalanchoes and propagation of other indoor plants.
9Taurus9, 10The moon is waxing. Suitable for cuttings of geraniums, kalanchoes and propagation of other indoor plants.
10Twins10, 11The moon is waxing. Neutral time, but since the moon is waxing, planting in new containers is allowed.
11Twins11, 12Growing phase. Neutral time, but since the moon is waxing, planting in new containers is allowed.
12Cancer12, 13The moon is waxing. Well suited for transplantation.
13Cancer13, 14The moon is waxing. Well suited for transplantation.
14Cancer14, 15The moon is waxing. Well suited for transplantation.
15a lion15, 16The last day before the full moon. Not suitable for planting events.
16a lion16, 17Full moon. Unlucky period.
17Virgo17, 18Despite the zodiac sign, the day is not suitable for transplantation, since it is the first day of the waning moon after the full moon.
18Virgo18, 19Despite the waning lunar phase, replanting indoor plants is allowed.
19Scales19, 20Waning phase. Neutral time. Flowers can be replanted in an emergency.
20Scales20, 21The moon is dying. Neutral time. Flowers can be replanted in an emergency.
21Scales21, 22The moon is dying. Neutral time. Flowers can be replanted in an emergency.
22Scorpion22Waning phase. A good day to replant cacti.
23Scorpion22, 23Waning lunar period. A good day to replant cacti.
24Sagittarius23, 24The moon is dying. It's better not to replant.
25Sagittarius24, 25The moon is dying. It's better not to replant.
26Capricorn25, 26The moon is dying. Neutral period for planting.
27Capricorn26, 27The moon is dying. Neutral period for planting.
28Aquarius27, 28The moon is dying. Unlucky constellation Transfer prohibited.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for 2018

Anyone can grow a beautiful home garden. Use the recommendations of the indoor plant lunar calendar to stay aware of the changing lunar energy. With its help, you will be able to create a unique winter garden at home, which will delight you with beautiful and healthy plants.

The influence of the Moon on plants is great, so they should be cared for on favorable days, when the energy of the night light is positive. Don't forget that not all plants can be kept at home. Some of them are poisonous and threaten health, while others have negative energy. You should avoid such flowers so as not to bring misfortune and failure on yourself and your family.


The winter month is suitable for moderate care of plants, most of which hibernate. Their growth slows down, so active care is not required. Set mineral fertilizers aside. They will enhance flower growth, but without active solar support your plants will be weak and may become sick from lack of light and heat.

January 1-2. During the first days of the month, the Moon is in its waxing phase and is in the constellation Cancer. This is the right time to take care of your plants. You can spray broad-leaved flowers, ridding them of dust and dirt, and loosen the soil to allow oxygen to reach the root system.

January 10-11. These days, the energy of the waning moon ensures good development of the root system. The influence of Scorpio is also positive, and these days you can devote to replanting overgrown flowers and planting new seedlings. You can purchase new plants that will decorate your home.

January 20-21. The growth of the Moon ensures rapid germination of plantings. Dedicate these days to caring for climbing flowers. Remove excess shoots and dried parts of plants. The constellation Pisces has a good effect on newly transplanted flowers, which will grow quickly, delighting you with new bright shoots.

January 25-26. The constellation Taurus in alliance with the Moon will supply the space with positive energy. These days you will be able to actively care for your winter garden, paying attention to those flowers that require care.

January 29-30. The constellation Cancer and the energy of the Moon these days will be favorable for caring for flowers that are gaining buds. They need additional feeding, otherwise they may lose color and not please you with bright inflorescences.


In February, plant care is no less important, because many of the flowers are already ready to bloom. Proper care of them on favorable days will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers and watch the development of newly acquired flowers. To always have harmony and comfort in your home, purchase plants of happiness.

February 6-8. During these days, carefully examine each plant. The Moon in Scorpio gives the space positive energy, and you will be able to cure diseased plants without hassle. Spray them with special products and move them away from healthy shoots.

February 12-13. Under the influence of Capricorn, plants develop well and therefore do not require special care. Limit yourself to watering, loosening the soil and wiping wide parts of plants from dust.

February 17-18. These days, the constellation Pisces and the rise of the Moon will allow you to start breeding new flowers with seeds. You can grow excellent seedlings both for your home garden and for planting plants in open ground. You can start planting bulbous flowers, such as lilies.

February 21-22. The energy of these days is favorable for any work with plants. Taurus has a beneficial effect on shoots, enhancing the growth of flowers and giving them good resistance to various diseases.

February 25-26. The moon is in fertile Cancer, which means it’s time for active work. If your flowers do not require care, start sowing lettuce for an excellent source of vitamins.


March is the time of awakening and active growth of plants. During this period, they need care and attention, as well as changing the soil and transplanting into new pots. Don’t forget about fertilizing, because in spring flowers begin to grow rapidly, and mineral fertilizers will help them make up for the lack of nutrients.

March 1-2. The Moon in Pisces is in the growth phase, which means attention should be paid to plants with a well-developed crown. Newly planted flowers will grow quickly, so they need to be supported. Feed the shoots so that they please you with their healthy appearance.

March, 6. The moon in Scorpio provides seeds with rapid growth, so you can safely soak the seeds, plant seedlings and begin work on outdoor flower beds.

March 20-21. The Moon in Taurus will give you the opportunity to actively work on your winter garden, move plants to sunnier areas, replant flowers and purchase new evergreen shrubs for your home.

March 22. The Moon in Gemini is a favorable time for working with terrestrial parts of plants. Do not disturb the roots and soil so as not to interfere with the active growth of your flowers.

March 25-26. Under the influence of Pisces, flowers develop quickly. Your care and feeding will allow ornamental trees to quickly form a crown, and fertilizing the soil of plants preparing to flower will allow them to form many buds.

March 27-31. Dedicate the end of the month to carefully caring for your plants. If weather permits, they can be moved to enclosed balconies to provide them with maximum sources of sunlight and energy.


In April, gardeners should take a closer look at the plants, move light-loving flowers closer to sunlight, but not to direct rays, so as not to damage the delicate leaves. Also this month you can “evict” cacti onto closed balconies. By hardening off these plants, you will get them to bloom abundantly in winter.

April 3. The waning moon moves into the constellation Scorpio. The root system of flowers is actively developing, so direct your energy to the upper parts of the plants. These days, you can spray the flowers or give them a shower, having previously protected the ground from erosion.

April 17-19. For a three-day period, the Moon will impart positive energy to the flowers. Her presence in Taurus and then in Gemini will provide an opportunity to prove herself as a breeder. Cross your flowers to create new colors.

April 21. On this day, the energy of the constellation Cancer allows you to replant existing plants, as well as purchase seeds and seedlings of new ones.

April 25-26. These days, the growth of the Moon and the zodiac Virgo provide plants with additional strength for active growth and development. If you plan to crown ornamental shrubs, refrain, since the sap is actively moving towards the leaves at this time.

April 29-30. The constellation Scorpio has a positive effect on flowers, and timely care, watering and processing of plants can safely begin these days.


The days of May provide the plants with sufficient light and sunny air, so you can safely take the plants outside. However, keep an eye on the changing weather so that your flowers do not freeze or break due to strong gusts of wind.

9th May. A day favorable for flowers will be under the influence of Pisces. On this day, you can safely start transplanting flowers into prepared soil and sowing seeds of new plants.

May 16-19. Four days of the positive influence of the Moon, which is first in Gemini and then in Cancer, should be devoted to actively caring for existing plants. It will not be superfluous to fertilize the soil.

May 24. The constellation Libra has a positive influence on plants, and gardeners can devote this day to actively caring for their garden.

May 28-29. During the Full Moon period, when the Moon takes its position in the constellation Scorpio, you can safely engage in plants. Watering and trimming dead parts of flowers will help them develop.


Favorable days in June will be enough for quality care of both flowering plants and tropical wonders. Pay attention to roses, which will be susceptible to attacks by aphids and other pests in the summer months.

June 7. The Moon in Pisces imbues the space with positive energy, which allows your beautiful flowers to develop quickly. On this day, take care of plants that require abundant watering and loosening of the soil.

June 14-15. The influence of Cancer these days can be used both for caring for existing plants and for planting overgrown flowers.

June 19-20. The waxing Moon moves into the constellation Virgo, which means your flowers are ready to be treated for parasites and to apply root fertilizers.

June 23-24. The positive influence of the constellation Scorpio allows you to soak seeds and plant flower seedlings both at home and in open ground.

June 26-28. The positive influence of the night light is suitable for active manipulations with plants. These days you can take care of capricious flowers, including violets. They can be planted and leaves taken to grow new shoots.


In July, plants receive the maximum amount of sunlight, so many amateurs and professionals put flowers outside to harden them off and give them a chance to develop in natural conditions.

4th of July. The waning Moon will be in Pisces on this day, which means it’s time to plant bulbous flowers and plants with an extensive root system. Under the influence of positive energy, germination increases.

July 17-20. For four days, the Moon will supply plants with positive energy, visiting Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Dedicate this time to caring for your plants, and they will delight you with strong and healthy shoots, gorgeous foliage and abundant flowering.

July 22-27. The development of flowers these days can be accelerated by watering them with nutrient solutions. You can make your own nutritional substance or purchase ready-made solutions at flower shops.


In August, the growth of many plants begins to slow down, and the most capricious of them require your attention. Tropical flowers should be kept in rooms without drafts and sudden temperature changes, which are not uncommon in August.

August 1. The first day of August, the Moon gives positive energy, which can be used to care for house plants and work in the garden or on a personal plot.

August 9. The constellation Cancer on this day has a positive effect on the growth of flowers. Timely watering and loosening the soil will help them develop properly and form lush crowns.

August 14-18. A long period of influence of the night luminary will charge you with optimism, and give plants an additional impetus for growth and development. At this time, you can safely do any work with flowers both at home and in open flower beds.

August 21-23. The moon moves into the constellation Capricorn, which has a positive effect on plant growth. Newly planted flowers quickly take root and are resistant to temperature changes.

August 26, 28. The constellation Pisces will help you deal with pests and provide good care for the plants: wipe the leaves and remove excess shoots to form the correct growth of ornamental trees.


In September, proper care of evergreens will help them prepare for the winter period and endure it without any problems. Many plants can no longer be left outdoors, as heavy dew can negatively affect their health.

September 11-14. Energy-favorable days can be devoted to caring for plants that need to be transplanted into larger pots. Modern manipulations will preserve their roots, and new containers will allow them to actively develop.

September 18-19. The growth of the Moon in Capricorn is favorable for watering and loosening the soil, as well as for planting newly acquired plants.

September 23-24. The moon is growing in the constellation Pisces, and this is a good time for caring for citrus fruits. They can be safely trimmed to form a crown, and young bushes can also be grafted with cuttings from other plants.


In October, plants do not need active watering, except for moisture-loving flowers, so the month can be devoted to loosening the soil and keeping the flowers in optimal conditions for their development.

October 2-3. The Moon will spend these days in Cancer. Plants do not require close attention. You can start growing new seedlings.

October 10-12. This period is favorable for sowing flower seeds, as well as for actively caring for plants that are preparing to bloom.

October 15-16. During this period, active plant care should not be carried out. Start selecting new flowers for your winter garden. Astrologers recommend paying attention to plants that have the function of purifying the air.

The 20th of October. On this day, the Moon in Pisces will help your flowers gain strength. A little fertilizing will be appropriate for those plants that continue to actively grow.

October 30. Pay attention to citrus trees. They are starting to get ready to bloom and need extra care and watering.


In November, pay attention to the microclimate in your winter garden. Central heating dries out the air, so plants will need to be sprayed with water at room temperature.

November 8. This time will be favorable for sowing flowers, including annuals. Thanks to the influence of Scorpio, they will sprout quickly and in the middle of winter will delight you with beautiful inflorescences.

November 11-13. These days, the influence of Capricorn will ensure rapid germination of bulbous flowers. If you plan to please your loved ones with a fresh bouquet, then plant tulips or other spring primroses.

November 16-18. Planting and replanting flowers these days is possible due to the influence of the zodiac Pisces. At this time, plants quickly take root, avoiding diseases and forming strong shoots.

November 21-22. These days the energy of the space is positive, but the plants need rest. You can limit yourself to minimal watering or generous spraying of flowers.


The end of the year is important for caring for tropical plants, which not only grow actively in winter, but also often delight owners with flowering flowers. You can also safely buy or accept new ornamental plants as gifts.

December 4. On this day, you will be able to loosen the soil of palm trees and wipe the leaves of dracaenas and ficus trees from dust.

December 9-10. All plants that require direct access of oxygen to the roots will require care on this day. The moon is growing in Capricorn, so all the juice goes into the shoots. You can safely engage in root tillage.

December 14. On this day, go shopping to buy new interesting plants. Pay attention to flowers that attract money luck.

December 19-20. Plants that overwinter or slow down do not need to be replanted, but for other flowers, watering or loosening is sufficient.

Plants are important not only for decorating rooms. With their help, you will create a unique energy of coziness and comfort in your home and fill the space with the delicate aroma of flowers. In addition, flower lovers can start selecting creative pots, flowerpots and other containers that will become additional decor in your home.

The influence of the moon sign and phase on the transplantation of indoor flowers and plants?

According to the lunar calendar, the success of flower transplantation is influenced not only by the lunar phases, but also by the zodiac sign.

If the night star increases day by day in the night sky, then this is the most favorable period to transplant flowers in February. Favorable days according to the lunar calendar occur in the first half of the month.

If the night star gradually decreases, then this is rather a neutral time. You can only replant if you are unable to carry out planting work during the growing phase. But in no case should it be replanted under the signs of Pisces and Aquarius.

The full moon and new moon are the worst times for transplantation.

Now let's talk about the zodiac constellations.

  • Aries – this day is not the most favorable day, but under the waxing moon you can replant flowers.
  • Taurus is a good period for cuttings from indoor plants.
  • Gemini is a neutral period.
  • Cancer is well suited for transplantation, especially in the growing phase.
  • Leo is a neutral period.
  • Virgo is a good time to transplant flowers in February 2022. According to the lunar calendar, days under this constellation are considered favorable in any lunar phase except the full moon and new moon.
  • Libra is a neutral constellation.
  • Scorpio is a generally neutral constellation, but on this day, prickly succulents tolerate replanting well.
  • Sagittarius is not a very favorable constellation for planting in new containers.
  • Capricorn is a favorable sign for transplantation during the waxing moon.
  • Aquarius is the worst constellation for landing events.
  • Pisces is an ambiguous influence. While it is possible to transplant on a waxing moon, it is strictly prohibited on a waning moon.

Features of plant care according to the lunar calendar

One of the important factors influencing the life of indoor flowers is watering. Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes because they water the plants incorrectly. Seasonal differences, individual characteristics of crops, temperature, air humidity provide for different levels of water consumption by flowers. Increased watering and spraying are necessary when:

  • a period of active flower growth begins;
  • crops have thin and tender leaves (Dieffenbachia, asparagus, etc.)
  • the pot has a small volume of relatively green above-ground mass of the flower;
  • the home garden is indoors with central heating;
  • a ceramic pot is used to grow a flower;
  • culture originating from wetlands (water fern, scirpus).

Watering will be effective if it is carried out on “watery” days, when the Moon is under the signs of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. It is not recommended to water and spray flowers on the “airy” days of Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. This may result in green pets being attacked by pests. The lunar calendar provides the necessary information about favorable days for the necessary actions to care for indoor flowers.

Common mistakes

  • The soil is not updated. During planting work, new soil must be used. First, the new soil has more nutrients. Secondly, the old substrate may be infected with parasites or fungal spores.
  • No drainage. The drainage system is very important. It prevents excess water from accumulating in the pot. When planting a flower in a new container, it is important to make drainage holes and add fine expanded clay or pebbles.
  • Planting work is carried out inaccurately. When replanting, you must act very carefully so as not to damage the roots or break the stems of the flower. If the plant has grown deeply into the container, it is better to carefully cut it than to try to pull the flower out of the pot.

Unfavorable days in March 2022

Unfavorable days are considered to be those in which the Moon is in the new Moon phase or is approaching this state. Typically this is three days:

  • The day before the new moon.
  • New Moon.
  • The day after the new moon.

These are unfavorable days for any actions with plants. It is not recommended to carry out any soil work in them; when fertilizing, the flowers will also not take everything they need. When loosening the soil, the roots will be severely damaged and will take a long time to heal; when treated with chemicals, the plant can suffer greatly.

On what days is it not recommended to carry out any work with flowers and soil:

  • Dates when transplantation cannot be performed: 1, 2, 3, 18.
  • Moon phases when earthworks are not recommended: Aquarius, Leo, and Aries.

On all other days you can work with flowers, and even need to. But it is better to familiarize yourself with the readings of the Lunar calendar in more detail.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I use soil from an old pot?

Some gardeners add old soil when planting. This is not entirely correct, since by the time of transplantation the substrate can no longer provide the plant with the required amount of nutrients. That is why new soil is always poured into the pot.

Is it possible to use garden soil for replanting?

Many domestic flower crops come from hot countries. Our soil is too dense and heavy for them. Most flowers require a light, loose nutrient substrate, often containing peat or sand.

Therefore, it is better to buy flower soil in the store and replant it into it.

Most favorable days

During the arrival of winter cold, most of the vegetative processes that occur in house flowers slow down. This leads to a reduction in maintenance work. Gardeners especially try to avoid replanting seedlings in winter, so as not to harm them in any way. According to the lunar calendar of flower growers for the month of December 2022, the following favorable days are highlighted for working with them:

  • sowing flower seedlings: 3, 9, 10, 19;
  • planting climbing indoor crops: 3 and 21;
  • planting bulbous and tuberous crops: 2, 3, 4, 10 and 30;
  • Favorable days for rooting cuttings: 3, 9, 10 and 19;
  • The best days for transplantation are: 9, 10, 14, 19 and 28.

Only thanks to proper and timely care will indoor flowers delight you with their appearance even in winter. Don't forget about feeding them. The most favorable time for applying fertilizers will be days from 18 to 24.


In May the weather is already sunny and warm. Therefore, many people plant their indoor beauties in a garden flowerbed during the flowering season. It is best to carry out this procedure between 18 and 21.

The lunar calendar for indoor flowers (2018) for May contains the following recommendations:

  • spraying, watering and showering - 1, 8–11, 16–17, 25, 27, 31;
  • fertilizing - 4–6, 8–11, 17, 27, 31;
  • transshipment and reproduction – 4, 6, 8–9, 16–17, 19–20, 22–23, 26–27;
  • pruning, preventive spraying, therapeutic actions - 5, 10–11, 27–28;
  • soil loosening – 2–3, 7–8, 11, 13, 28–30;
  • any actions cannot be carried out on 14, 15 and 21.

Impact and influence of the moon

The growth of the Moon is the period when the movement of juices goes from the roots to the stems. It is during these days that the entire above-ground part develops rapidly, the stem and foliage grow, buds and inflorescences form. When growing, the luminaries are not replanted and formative pruning is not carried out. Don't start feeding. You can carry out hilling, weeding, loosening, because the roots are less injured. Watering is recommended, as there is intensive growth of the above-ground parts of the plants.

The decline of the Moon is the period when the movement of juices goes in the opposite direction, along the stems into the root system of plants. You need to start transferring them to a permanent place of growth, or from pot to pot, just before the start of the new moon. Because the roots are not yet vulnerable, and after a couple of days they will begin to be abundantly supplied with nutrients and will take root well.

When they decline, it is recommended to carry out formative pruning and fertilizing. This is the best period for planting flowers with bulbous and tuberous root systems.

The period from the appearance of the New Moon until the emergence of a thin crescent is not recommended for carrying out any work with flowers.

The period from the entrance of the Full Moon into the sky until its departure is suitable exclusively for collecting seed material, controlling pests and weeds, and applying fertilizers.

The movement of the night star occurs over 28 Earth days. This period consists of phases and quarters. Each day has its own zodiac patron. As a rule, its influence extends for two or even three days.

  • It is not recommended to perform any work under the influence of Aquarius.
  • Aries and Leo are considered absolutely sterile.
  • Neutrals include Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius.
  • It is recommended to carry out all types of work under the auspices of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn.

Lunar planting calendar for gardener and gardener

16 , Sunday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 06:54. CANCER
The day is suitable for planting greenery of any kind

in the ground, in greenhouses or under film, depending on your weather conditions.
It is also good to mow the grown lawn if you want to see lush and thick grass. You can collect leaves and needles of medicinal plants ( leaves of lingonberry, birch, wild strawberry
, etc.)


: Today you can start watering, spraying or washing the leaves and stems of plants in the shower.


: Great day for watering.

, Monday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 07:56. CANCER
LEO from 15:43
Moon without course from 09:23 to 15:42

Until 09:25, while the Moon still does not have “free movement,” you can continue planting greenery, as well as mowing the lawn.

When the Moon is without a course, refrain from landing work. After 15:45 is an excellent time to plant vegetables, trees, fruit bushes (if they have a closed root system).

Houseplants: Make sure your plants have adequate lighting, but be careful not to expose flowers to direct sunlight.

Now it is important not to overheat the plants, because the May sun during this period is already quite active and can harm the plants. Use sliding shade on south-facing windows to prevent plants from getting burned


: a better time for watering is before 15:45.

, Tuesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 09:09. LEO
Today is a good time to plant vegetable crops that have “ground” fruits

For example, you can plant tomato
in the ground or in greenhouses. To reduce the likelihood of disease, tomato bushes should be planted so that the lower leaves do not touch the ground.


: A good day to plant any fruit bushes, such as
lemons, avocados, pomegranates
You can even grow bananas
from seeds on your windowsill! Also in the first half of the day it is good to go shopping for new indoor plants or any accessories for growing them.


: acceptable if necessary.

WALKING MOON from 22:12

, Wednesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 10:29. LEO
VIRGO from 23:59
First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 22:12

Moon without course from 22:13 to 23:58

Today the Moon is weakened by a change in phase

, so if possible, postpone difficult types of work, such as pruning or planting.
It is better to rest on this day and not overexert yourself. You can harvest crops for quick consumption (for example, harvests of radishes, onions, herbs, salads
that you will not store for a long time).


: Today it is better not to deal with plants, the day of the lunar phase change.


: acceptable if necessary.

, Thursday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 11:53. VIRGO
Today and tomorrow are good times to work with soils

and various plantings, including planting trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables, etc.
If the weather in your region is not yet stable, stock up on covering materials and better cover your plantings so that they do not freeze. Today you can collect the bark
of medicinal plants.


: this season is perfect for planting and replanting indoor flowers, and today and tomorrow are good times for this work due to the fact that the Moon will move through the sign of Virgo. If you already replanted the plants last month, today you can loosen the top layers of soil a little, being careful not to damage the roots. This will help the water better wet the soil and reach the roots.


: acceptable, but it is better not to water indoor plants immediately after transplantation.

, Friday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:19. VIRGO
Moon without course from 22:56

Today is also a good time for different plantings (but it is better not to plant cabbage and root vegetables at this time). Before transferring seedlings to the ground, do not forget to prepare them - harden them off so that the plants do not have severe stress

from new conditions.
You can plant seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers
and other plants.


: Another good day for planting and transfers. If you have cuttings and leaves rooted in water, today is a great time to plant them in a permanent place in soil prepared in advance. After transplanting, try not to feed the plants for about a month so that they become stronger.


: acceptable, but it is better not to water indoor plants immediately after transplantation (wait at least 3-4 days).

, Saturday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:48. VIRGO
LIBRA from 04:35
Moon without course until 04:34


: Sowing indoor plants is permissible.


: It is better not to water the plants today, since the moon is in an air sign.

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