Magical herbs and plants: list, methods of use in magic. Magical properties of wormwood, lovage, thistle, indoor plants: description, use in magic

Witches' magical herbs - water lily, garlic, verbena, iboga root, henbane, wormwood: scope of application

Very often it is plants that are used by witches to perform rituals. Below you can see the plants that witches use during their rituals and spells.

Witches' magical herbs, scope of application:

  • Water lily. This is a plant that is used to reduce sexual arousal.
  • Garlic is used to remove the witchcraft effect when intoxicated with love. That is, if the spell was cast on love.
  • Verbena . This is a plant that is used to attract health and happiness. Especially, amulets are often prepared from it, or a bundle is carried with oneself. In India, the juice of this plant was considered to give immortality.
  • Iboga root. This plant is used in Africa to enhance erection and overcome fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Henbane . The plant is used to stimulate a person, to instill faith and fighting spirit in him.
  • Sagebrush. This herb is used not only in the preparation of amulets and spells. Very often, packages with this plant are attached to the belt. This is a kind of amulet that helps relieve pain in the back and also heals painful sensations. It is believed that this herb has the ability to expel demonic entities from the human body.

Herbs for witches

Magic candles with herbs: composition

Candles for magical rituals are prepared exclusively from natural beeswax. Under no circumstances should paraffin be used for these purposes.

Magic candles with herbs:

  • Candles are made from thin sheets of foundation. During the process, the grass is simply poured onto the leaf itself, which is rolled up.
  • If these are dipped candles, then the wick for these purposes is simply dipped into wax, into which dry herbal additives have previously been added. Simply put, it is powder or fine shavings.
  • If a poured candle is made, then magical herbs are simply added to the mold.
  • If these are molded candles, then they are made from melted wax into which magical herb powder is added.
  • It is worth noting that various herbs are used in certain rituals.


Lovage herb: magical properties, uses

Since ancient times, lovage has been used to perform magical rituals and love spells for love and passion. Nowadays, many people who practice magic have this particular plant growing in their gardens. The most interesting thing is that it was usually used not only in magic, but also in folk medicine, since it is distinguished by choleretic properties, as well as the ability to give beauty to women.

Many people believe that this plant is a phytoestrogen, so taking the decoction stimulates the reproductive system, improves a woman’s libido, and allows her to blossom. At the same time, lovage is widely used in love magic.

Lovage herb, magical properties:

  • Strong love spells. Usually carried out if a person does not show any sympathy for his partner.
  • If it is necessary to return an unfaithful husband from his mistress to his wife . Lovage also helps with this, it saturates a woman with new light, and allows her husband to take a closer look at her and see her in a completely different image.
  • Since ancient times, it has been recommended to plant this plant near your own home. This meant that love and mutual understanding would always be present in this housing.
  • Grandmothers often put dried grass under their granddaughters' pillows. It was believed that this would help them find beauty, true love, and fidelity. In addition, such linings saturated the air with useful components and allowed babies to sleep better.



By bringing an orchid into your home, you can fill it with healing energy. She is able to bring the disturbed energy of both home and household into harmony. To put the thoughts of relatives in order and to arouse the thirst for life.

The orchid is a vampire plant, but it only absorbs negative energy. But it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom, since the plant exhibits amazing activity at night, which can negatively affect a person’s sleep. In addition, it is believed that with its tenderness the flower changes the character of the male half. It makes boys and men effeminate, unwilling to make firm decisions and dependent on their mothers or wives.

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It is better to find a place for an orchid in an office, living room or bathroom with a window. The color of the plant is important. For example, a red tint improves performance, while a yellow tint awakens imagination and creativity. An orchid can also warn of an imminent crisis in the family - it begins to wither and hurt.

And a luxurious flower can save a woman from loneliness, making her more mysterious and attractive. There is a belief that if you add dried orchid petals to tea, whispering your secret desires, it will become a love potion.

However, when choosing a plant, you need to remember that some of its species are poisonous. Therefore, you should first consult with a professional.

Wormwood grass: magical properties, use in magic

Wormwood has an unusual taste and bitterness. It helps restore harmony, and also, with a sufficient concentration of smoke, allows you to reunite with a parallel world. Often used in magical rituals.

Wormwood grass, magical properties:

  • They are tied around the belt, which helps protect a person from damage.
  • Allows you to avoid the evil eye.
  • If you put wormwood leaves in your shoes, it will help reduce fatigue during serious physical activity.
  • Hanging the bundle on the rearview mirror of your car will help prevent accidents.
  • If you store a bouquet of wormwood in the hallway, it will help drive demonic, evil forces out of your home.
  • A wormwood wreath will help drive out evil spirits and demonic entities from your home and bring good luck. The plant is used to create amulets against ghosts, damage, the evil eye, and envious people.

Basically, wormwood, unlike lovage, is used to create amulets and as protection.

Use of wormwood in magic:

  • A bun over the bed helps to achieve harmony in personal relationships and drives out demonic thoughts.
  • Helps improve sleep. It is believed that if you sleep on a pillow filled with wormwood, you can see prophetic dreams, thereby protecting yourself from unpleasant consequences and incidents.
  • If dried wormwood is set on fire and the room is smoked with the resulting smoke, this will help drive out demonic entities and will also become a kind of protection against evil spirits. Often, rituals are performed with the help of this herb to protect against the evil eye and damage.
  • The plant will help attract wealth, get rid of problems and failures. If you put a twig in your wallet, you can protect yourself from robbery. If a person steals such a wallet, he will receive serious punishment.
  • If you hold money over the smoke obtained from dry wormwood, you will attract wealth into the house, and no one will be able to worsen financial well-being.


Let's take a look at your flowers in the house.

You have probably been growing a crassula or “money tree” . Remember, it was given to you with the wish that the money would be found and that it would be a long time ago. It has a lot of branches, but the leaves are tiny. Here is the answer - there was no money, and there is no money, only small change rings.

It's time to transplant it. They say that you need to take a red pot, put coins in the bottom and replant the fat plant. If the fat plant does well, it will grow large leaves, then expect wealth.

plentranius too . Together, it will be easier for them to solve all your financial problems.

But on the windowsill there is an Uzambara violet and, if not for its amazingly beautiful flowers, no one would have noticed it - that’s good, don’t touch it.

This flower, if it is positioned correctly - away from prying eyes, preserves your family happiness, the happiness of your children and takes care of your health.

Nearby there is a wonderful geranium . Talk to her, because she knows how to listen. They say that such communication with geranium is better than going to a psychotherapist, because you don’t have to pay money.

And she will listen, and give strength, and save you from the blues. Your wings will grow and with new strength you will rise above the bustle of life.

Here is your favorite oxalis . It’s not for nothing that they say that this is the flower of love. As soon as he appears in the house, the problems of personal life go away, and a beloved man appears on the horizon.

Hibiscus or “Chinese rose” has the same remarkable property . And if you don’t already have a hibiscus, try to buy one, it will add a sea of ​​passion to your love relationship.

Well, if, suddenly, the problems of your intimate relationships are associated with excessive shyness, buy an avocado, plant its seed and your sexual problems will go away.

And here is ficus - a flower with very strong positive energy. This noble flower is said to create a good atmosphere, prosperity and tranquility in the family.

If there is a ficus in your kitchen, thank it for your comfortable and well-fed life. And if you want to give birth to a baby, put a ficus in the bedroom and it is better if it is a small-leaved ficus.

Well, if for some reason you don’t like ficus, because it takes up quite a lot of space, then chlorophytum .

People call this flower “family happiness” or “champagne splashes”.

This tree with bright sunny fruits - lemon - . According to popular beliefs, it is believed that growing lemon and all citrus fruits will reward you with good luck and prosperity.

Your priority is work, a career, then it’s understandable why you have bamboo . After all, bamboo has long been considered a powerful symbol of financial well-being and good luck. If bamboo feels comfortable in your place, then your life will be truly comfortable.

a cactus on the desktop next to the computer . And that’s right, cacti absorb harmful computer radiation. But you need to know that cacti also have properties that can lead to undesirable consequences for you.

A prickly miracle in your home can lead to alcoholism of loved ones or problems with the marriage of a young girl.

Thistle plant: magical properties, use in magic

Thistle has been used since ancient times to protect the dead from devils. Translated it means - scares the devils. Accordingly, the plant scares away spirits, demonic entities, and will help protect against damage and the evil eye.

Magical properties of thistle:

  • Used as amulets to protect a person from illness. It is often used among pregnant women to ensure successful childbirth, with the birth of a healthy child. Helps in grief, with the loss of a loved one. A decoction of this plant is often used to relieve the pain of losing a loved one.
  • For fumigation of premises. The procedure helps to expel demons from the house, and allows you to fumigate the entire house with an unpleasant odor. Improves mutual understanding in family life and restores relationships. It removes damage and the evil eye, and often helps the souls of dead people get to the next world, protecting them from devils and demons. It was for this purpose that thistles were planted on the graves of dead people. It was believed that sorcerers and magicians would not be able to do anything with such a grave.
  • Charms were made from thistle. To do this, they wound a dried flower around their hair in case of damage to a person. It was necessary for the person who was damaged to cut and dry the plant himself. A year later, such an amulet was made again, and the old one was disposed of.
  • If a person has been damaged or the evil eye has been cast, his house must be fumigated with smoke.
  • The pillow was filled with thistle. This is done to remove damage and the evil eye. In order to remove the effects of sorcerers, it is enough to sleep on such a pillow for one day.
  • To remove the love spell, you need to make a doll and stuff it with thistles. Such a doll was considered a talisman or an amulet. Similar toys can be given to children. This will also help cleanse their aura, and drive away the evil spirits that always wander around children.


Indoor plants by zodiac sign

Aries. The best option for fiery Aries will be plants that are in harmony with their violent temperament. Bright azaleas, roses or begonias are great choices for Aries.

Taurus. Representatives of the earth sign Taurus prefer expensive and unique plants: for example, varietal Saintpaulias or lilies. Taurus attaches no less importance to containers that contain flowers. Pots must certainly be richly decorated and expensive.

Twins. Gemini is ruled by the changeable air element, and therefore the best option would be unusual and original plants: orchids, vines, palm trees. Fickle Geminis have difficulty with routine, so it is better to choose plants that do not require complex daily care.

Cancers. For Cancers, traditional plants that decorate the house are suitable. Such, for example, as ficus, Kalanchoe, Sansevieria. You don’t need anything pretentious or flashy; cozy and cute flowers are the best choice for Cancers.

Lions. For Leo, you need to select the most luxurious and bright flowers. No half measures. Chinese rose, camellia, and calla lilies will completely satisfy Leo with their thick greenery and large bright flowers.

Virgos. Virgos are a very practical sign, and therefore will prefer plants that bring benefits. For example, bringing in the harvest or purifying the air. A wonderful gift for Virgos would be a lemon tree or chlorophytum.

Scales. Representatives of this sign are famous for their taste and excellent sense of style. That is why only the most sophisticated and elegant plants are suitable for Libra. Orchid, hibiscus, hydrangea will fit perfectly into the interior decorated by Libra.

Scorpios. The heavy energy of Scorpios often overwhelms everything around them. Indoor plants are no exception. It is necessary to select plants that are comparable in energy to Scorpios, for example azalea.

Sagittarius. Active Sagittarians have difficulty getting along with calm and strict plants. Rather, they will prefer more exotic flowers. A good choice for Sagittarius would be clivia and indoor lemon.

Capricorns. The earthly element dictates the choice of long-lived plants that do not require care. For example, such as yucca and ficus. However, the capricious azalea also favors the sign of Capricorn.

Aquarius. Lovers of everything unusual, Aquarius, will prefer plants with a twist. Arrowroot or abutilon will feel great next to the Aquarius owner.

Fish. For the water sign Pisces, beautifully flowering plants with a pleasant aroma are suitable, pleasing not only the eye, but also the sense of smell. Such as orchid, hyacinth, azalea

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