Planting lobelia seeds, when and how to sow seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar, growing at home

The lobelia flower is an elegant representative of the Campanulaceae family. The birthplace of the culture is South Africa. In its natural environment, the flower belongs to the perennial representatives of the flora. At home, the plant is cultivated as an annual. Lobelia is abundantly covered with milky, blue, red and lilac inflorescences throughout the summer and autumn. Mixed varieties are used to decorate flower beds, garden flower beds and terraces. Particularly popular are the ampelous subspecies in hanging flowerpots.

What varieties of lobelia are grown from seeds?

Thanks to the work of breeders, many varieties have been developed that can be easily grown from seeds at home. The most popular varieties are:

  • Riviera White;
  • White Lady;
  • White Palace;
  • Lilac Regatta;
  • Regatta Rose;
  • Reviera Rose;
  • Blue fountain;
  • Emperor Willy and others.

The varieties differ from each other in the color of their long-blooming flowers. They look great in flower beds and pots and bloom until late autumn.

Lobelia types and varieties

Lobelia is loved by flower growers for a reason: this perennial pleases the eye with its generous flowering from May almost until the first frost. There are bush and hanging varieties. The best varieties of lobelia:

  1. With white flowers:
    “White Palace”; "White Lady".
  2. With purple flowers:
    "Crystal Palace".
  3. With colors of blue and light blue:
    “Cambridge Blue”; "Sapphire"; lobelia syphilitica.
  4. With flowers in red, lilac and purple shades:
    “Cascade Red”; lobelia cardinalis; fiery lobelia.

Photo of lobelia flower

When to plant lobelia seedlings, in what month

At home, in order to get strong and healthy seedlings, you need to start sowing seeds in early February. This is the most optimal time to sow, because the seedlings will develop correctly, and the lobelia will bloom at the right time.

If you want to enjoy magnificent flowering earlier than usual, then sowing is moved to January.

In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to devote more time to the seedlings than usual. They will have to be additionally illuminated and ensure that they do not stretch out. Bushes grown in this way and experiencing a lack of light will not be lush and will lose their charm.

Basic rules for growing lobelia seedlings from seeds

  • Use seeds from this or the previous year of packaging for planting. Older ones may simply not germinate; they should not be planted.
  • When sowing seedlings, mix the seeds with sand.
  • Planting material should not be planted deep into the soil; it is better to sow superficially, otherwise the grains may not sprout.
  • Choose the right soil to sow lobelia. It can be universal or for seedlings.
  • If you prepare the soil mixture yourself, be sure to disinfect it by calcining it in the oven or using fungicides.

Planting lobelia for seedlings depending on the region

Despite the fact that there are generally accepted times when it is recommended to sow lobelia seeds at home, it is very important to take into account the climatic characteristics of each planting region.

  • In the southern regions, you can sow seeds already at the end of February.
  • For the regions of central Russia, there is no need to rush to plant; it is better to sow in early spring.
  • In the northern regions, the Urals and Siberia, seeds are sown in January and February. Since summer does not last long there, it is very important not to be late with planting in order to have time to admire the beautiful flowers.

What is lobelia: description and types

Lobelias are herbaceous and shrubby representatives of the Campanula family, common in the Southern Hemisphere (savannas of Africa and South America). They were brought to Europe in the 16th century by English colonialists, and were named in honor of the botanist Matthias de Lobel, who at that time held the position of head of the Royal Botanical Garden.


Now scientists count more than 200 species of these flowers, some of them can be found even in the steppe zone of Russia and Ukraine. But wild bushes are not as attractive as artificially bred varieties, and are almost invisible against the background of other herbs. The most popular among the 20 cultivated species is Lobelia erinus (urchin-shaped), which is represented by both annual and perennial specimens. They can be erect, spherical, ampelous and ground cover - it all depends on the results of selection, which determines the shape of the plants. Varietal characteristics also affect the color of the petals, the size of the inflorescences and leaves, and the length of the stems.


When to plant lobelia seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Experienced flower growers, in addition to the generally accepted dates for sowing lobelia, also take into account lunar cycles. Following the recommendations of astrologers helps to obtain magnificently blooming, bright bushes of an unpretentious plant.

Favorable days for planting lobelia in 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Among all the dates, astrologers have identified the following numbers as favorable for planting lobelia

MonthWhen is the best time to sow
Januaryfrom 5 to 7, 11, 15 and 17
Februaryfrom 2 to 5, 10 and 12, from 13 to 15
March3, from 7 to 9, 11, 14 and 15
April6, 7, 10 to 12, 15 and 17
May4, 7, 8 to 10, 13, 15

INTERESTING! Please note that the favorable days for sowing in 2022 were the first and second ten days of each month.

When is it not worth planting lobelia seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar?

Among the dates when it is better not to plant lobelia, learned astrologers have identified the following dates.

MonthWhen not to sow
January2, 18, 20, 22 and 25, 27, 30
February1, 16, 21, 23 and 24, 26, 28
March2, 18, 20, from 22 to 24, 27 and 30
April1, 16, 22, 25, 26 to 29
May16, 21, 23, 25 to 27, 30 and 31

On unfavorable days, you should suspend all work related to growing lobelia at home.

Lobelia erinus (L. erinus)

This plant from the Cape Province of South Africa is most widespread in ornamental gardening. Being a perennial, we grow it as an annual plant because it does not overwinter in open ground. The bushes are compact, spherical or wide, creeping, 10–20 cm high, with thin stems and dark green, sometimes with a reddish tint, leaves. During flowering, the bush is literally strewn with small beautiful flowers of blue, white, pink or reddish-violet. Blue flowers are considered the most valuable. Lobelia erinus blooms for a long time, all summer, and sets a lot of seeds. The plant is very unpretentious.

Now there are many varieties of different colors. White Lady and Schneebal are compact bushes with white flowers 10–15 cm high, with light green leaves. Variety Rosamond - carmine pink flowers, bush up to 15 cm high. Variety Cambridge Blue - delicate sky blue flowers, bush up to 15 cm. Kaiser Wilhelm - spherical bush 10–12 cm high, with very small leaves, bright blue flowers.

A very good mixture of low-growing ball plants up to 5 cm high with flowers of various colors is String of Pearls. These plants are often present at prestigious foreign exhibitions. Thus, in 2000, a special quality mark was awarded to the Lilac Dream lobelia variety with lilac flowers, and in 2002 - Horizon Light Pink, with soft pink flowers.

In recent years, taller lobelias (18–25 cm) have appeared: These are Blauer Edelstein with dark cornflower blue flowers and Crystal Palace with dark blue flowers and dark green small leaves with a purple tint.

+ There are even ampelous varieties on sale, for example, the amazingly beautiful Sapphire - highly branched, with stems 25–35 cm long, bright blue flowers with a white spot, and Cascade - a mixture of ampelous varieties with flowers of various colors and stem lengths up to 40 cm .

What you need to plant lobelia seedlings

Caring for lobelia while growing at home is quite simple, but getting strong, healthy seedlings will require a little time, patience and attention.

How to choose the right variety?

The choice of variety largely depends on the wishes of the grower. The choice of seeds for growing at home is huge, and each variety has its own characteristics in planting and caring for itself. Referring to the care requirements and their capabilities, preference is given to one or another variety.

How to choose seeds for planting lobelia

The highest germination rate is achieved by seeds from this or last year.

If last year's seeds are selected, you need to pay attention to their appearance and general condition. They must be dry, without visible damage and without mold. This year's seeds should also look healthy.

What soil is needed for planting lobelia?

For sowing seeds, it is recommended to choose a light, loose soil substrate with high moisture and air permeability. The acidity level should be neutral.

You can buy suitable soil in specialized stores or prepare it yourself.

For preparation, take 2 parts of earth, 2 parts of humus, 1 part of peat and 1 part of coarse river sand. Dolomite flour or wood ash can be added to the mixture of these components to neutralize acidity

ATTENTION! Before sowing, it is recommended to disinfect the substrate prepared independently! To do this, place the container with soil in an oven with a temperature of +90°C for 20-30 minutes.

How to prepare seeds for sowing seedlings

Since lobelia seeds are very small, they are mixed with sand before sowing. If this is not done, the seedlings will be dense, which will lead to a decrease in the decorative value of the adult flower.

Flower shops sell granulated seeds; in this case, there is no need to mix them with sand for sowing.

What not to do when planting lobelia

To be sure that the seeds will germinate well, the soil should not be over-moistened. This is the basic and main rule that must be followed when growing at home.

Lobelia propagation

Lobelia propagation: seed method and vegetative method

Propagation of lobelia by seeds

Lobelia reproduces by seeds, so for further cultivation they must be collected in time.

Lobelia seeds are very small and can fall off, so you need to monitor the condition of the flowers. When they have completely bloomed, the shoots are carefully tied together, after which the seeds are knocked off them onto white paper.

Collected lobelia seeds are stored in paper bags or containers.

Propagation of lobelia by cuttings

Propagating lobelias by cuttings is not a difficult task. To do this, you will need an old bush dug up in the fall at the end of last season.

Cut cuttings 5-7 cm in size to stimulate root growth, dip in Kornevin and stick into a damp mixture of vermiculite and sand (1:1 ratio).

Place the container with the cuttings under a transparent bottle with the bottom cut off, leaving the lid on. It turns out to be such a homemade greenhouse. Remove the cover periodically and ventilate the cuttings. In a couple of weeks they will put out young roots, and after a month and a half they can be planted in the ground.

Planting lobelia seedlings at home, step-by-step photos

Experienced gardeners use several successful methods for planting lobelia seeds.

With sand

Planted according to the following scheme:

  • a small amount of seeds is mixed with dry sand;
  • moisten the soil and sprinkle the resulting mixture on it;
  • scattered seeds remain on the soil surface.

In the snow

Sow as follows:

a thin layer of snow is placed on the top layer of soil;

Seeds are sown on top of the snow.

The snow melts and gradually sinks the seeds to a shallow depth into the ground.

Peat tablets

Peat tablets are often used when planting vegetable or flower seeds:

  • the tablet is soaked;
  • Seeds mixed with sand are planted on top.

IMPORTANT! When using any sowing method, the container with seeds is covered with glass on top to create a greenhouse effect.

How to choose lobelia

To purchase lobelia, you should choose a garden nursery with an unblemished reputation. It is advisable to take into account:

  1. Guaranteed compliance of seedlings with the declared variety.
  2. Packaging safety. It is preferable to choose a three-level container.
  3. Providing advice from an agronomist and the presence of an insert with instructions.

A packet of lobelia seeds “Blue Beads” (0.05 g) can be purchased for 12 rubles. Lobelia seedlings “Regatta blue” are on average valued at 50 rubles per piece. Pots with hanging lobelia are sold at a cost of 500 rubles.

How to care for lobelia seedlings

Caring for crops will not be difficult even for beginners in this matter. If certain rules are followed, the risk of seedling death is reduced.

Care immediately after sowing until lobelia shoots emerge

Immediately after sowing, the container is tightly closed with glass or any other transparent material.

The soil must be moderately moistened periodically. The container is placed in a bright, warm place, with an air temperature from +20°C to +23°C.

In order to prevent fungal diseases from developing, the accumulated condensation on the upper cover must be removed. The container is ventilated daily for 15-20 minutes.

Caring for lobelia after the appearance of entrances

After the emergence of seedlings, watering is carried out using a spray bottle with settled water at room temperature.

The container is positioned so that there is enough lighting, but direct sunlight does not fall on the seedlings.

The air temperature in the room should not rise above +25°C and fall below +20°C.

BY THE WAY! If these simple requirements are met, the first shoots will appear 7-8 days after sowing the seeds.

Caring for mature plants

Water and feed in a timely manner.

Water only early in the morning or in the evening, so that sun rays do not cause burns on wet plants, fertilize twice a season.

In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it with nitrogen; you need to pay attention to the percentage of its content in the fertilizer. Otherwise, a powerful green bush will grow without flowers (nitrogen is responsible for the growth of green mass).

Lobelia planted in pots or flowerpots requires more frequent feeding, since the minerals in a small amount of soil are quickly depleted.

Bush pruning

Lobelia must be pruned after the first wave of flowering to stimulate the formation of new flower buds. During pruning, all shoots are shortened to a height of about 5 cm from the ground. It is this haircut that allows the flower to grow new lashes, which will bush better and bloom longer. If you leave longer lashes, you may not be able to wait for re-blooming.

The second time, lobelia is trimmed selectively, shortening and cutting out only weak and damaged shoots.

To admire the beautiful flowers of lobelia until frost, the flower needs to be pruned again in August. Proceed as you did during the first pruning, completely cutting off all shoots. After this, the flower needs to be fed.


To collect lobelia seeds, you do not need to cut it a third time, otherwise the seeds will not have time to ripen.

How to care for lobelia seedlings

Young shoots are very tender and at risk; during this period, care should be very careful and careful.


To avoid damaging the tender lobelia sprouts, it is recommended to water with a spray bottle. It is important to ensure that the water is not too cold or too hot.

The frequency of watering depends on the condition of the substrate. Its surface should not dry out, but waterlogging also negatively affects the condition of the root system.

Top dressing

You can feed 2 weeks after the first shoots appear. As fertilizers, you can use water-soluble complex or mineral fertilizers, which can be bought in specialized stores.

Lobelia perennial

Lobelia purpurea - the stems stand straight, they are up to 1 m long. The inflorescences are in the form of a spike with bright scarlet flowers. These plants require large amounts of water and grow well in wetlands.

Lobelia purpurea or Lobelia cardinalis

These garden flowers can be planted on the banks of garden ponds, or even directly into the water. If you place them in shallow water, they grow to the surface and bloom. They have excellent resistance to frost.

Lobelia siphilitica - looks a bit like Lobelia purpurea. Only her flowers are bright blue instead of scarlet. It also likes to grow along the banks of water bodies.


lesbian lobelia

Fiery Lobelia has spike-shaped inflorescences, red flowers and burgundy leaves. It can be up to 1.5 m in height. For the winter it is transplanted into a cold greenhouse. But you can leave it in its place and mulch it. Perennial lobelia looks great in flower arrangements near a pond.

Planting lobelia in open ground

Despite the fact that growing lobelia in open ground using seeds is more difficult than growing and planting seedlings, some gardeners choose this method.

Which varieties of lobelia are suitable for planting in open ground?

Almost all varieties can be sown directly into a flowerbed. Bush varieties look great in flower beds: Blue Flash, Emperor Willie and others.

Ampelous varieties are good for growing in hanging pots. These include: Niagara, Sapphire, a series of Cascade varieties, etc.

When can you plant lobelia in open ground?

It is recommended to sow lobelia seeds directly into the flowerbed from March to April. Flowers planted in this way bloom a little later, but are highly adaptable to changes in weather conditions and highly decorative, as they form bushes in their natural environment.

How to plant lobelia in open ground?

Lobelia is sown immediately on the prepared area in two ways: sowing seeds and planting seedlings. Both growing methods have their own nuances and positive aspects.

Advantages of growing from seedlings

Flower growers do not always want to grow lobelia in their gardens because they are afraid of getting into a lot of trouble. After all, the plant has very small seeds, so planting it immediately in a permanent place really turns out to be difficult.

But lobelia seedlings will help avoid problems.

The florist has the opportunity to make a pick in order to weed out excess, weakened seedlings, and then plant as many as he needs in open ground

Also, the advantage of growing through seedlings is that as the flowers develop, you can take measures to strengthen their immune system and protect them from pests and diseases.

As a result, crops planted in a permanent place will be many times more stable than those sown directly in open ground.

Planting lobelia seedlings in open ground

As soon as the spring sun has warmed the ground and the lobelia has grown, it can be planted on the site. To preserve all the advantages of a magnificently flowering bush, you need to follow some rules.

How to choose a place to plant lobelia

You can use any area for planting; the plant does not have any special requirements for this and grows and blooms well, both in sunny areas and in the shade.

Where can you plant lobelia next to?

In landscape design, lobelia harmonizes perfectly next to marigolds, salvia, chamomile and petunia. Some varieties also look beautiful in single plantings.

How to prepare lobelia seedlings for planting in open ground?

Transplanting to a site is a painful undertaking. To quickly adapt, young plants need to be prepared.

With the onset of warm sunny days, the cups with them begin to be taken out into the fresh air for hardening. In the first days they are outside for 10-15 minutes, later their stay in the air increases to 10-12 hours. After this, you can already transplant from home to the garden.

How to prepare a place for planting lobelia outdoors

The area where it is planned to grow beautifully blooming lobelia is carefully prepared. Weeds are removed, the ground is dug up and, if necessary, fertilized.

ATTENTION! You should not get carried away with fertilizer; foliage will actively develop on fertile soil, and lobelia will bloom much worse.

How to plant flowers correctly, step by step

Flowers are planted according to the following scheme:

  • small depressions are made in the ground at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, slightly larger than the volume of the cup in which the planting material is located;
  • together with a lump of earth, young sprouts are planted in prepared holes;
  • the soil is well compacted and watered.

If the site is located in an open area, then the planted planting material must be shaded with tree branches or any other material.

Soil preparation

Ampelous lobelia takes root well in soil with different compositions. But the main condition is the choice of light soil with good looseness, so that oxygen is well supplied to the root system. Heavy clay soil is not suitable; the plant may begin to rot and die. For planting seedlings, ordinary peat tablets or peat are suitable. You can buy a ready-made mixture in the store.

To plant in open ground, you should mix garden soil with humus, peat, and river sand. The acidity of the soil should be neutral or very weak.

Planting seedlings in open ground or flower pots

When there are severe frosts outside, and the sun has already warmed the soil, then it’s time to transplant the lobelia seedlings into open ground.

Landing in the ground

The plant loves light very much, but also easily tolerates shade. This means that it can be planted in any area of ​​the garden. The main requirement is that the soil is not oversaturated with humus, otherwise the plant will bloom poorly and there will only be a lot of green foliage. Landing takes place in several steps.

First you need to make holes about 25 cm deep and at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Place a teaspoon of vermicompost and half a glass of ash in each hole. Pour some soil, mix and fill with water. Place lobelia, or a group of plants from a glass with seedlings, on the resulting mixture and cover with soil. Planting a plant in a pot is not very difficult, as many people think. The flower is planted in a pair of bushes, and the main thing is not to damage the root system of each plant.

Step by step steps of the planting process:

  • the flower is watered;
  • extracted in a group of a pair of seedlings;
  • placed in a pot for planting;
  • flowers with straight stems should be planted closer to the center;
  • fill the remaining space with soil.

Important! The soil must be added, taking into account that there is at least three cm left from the soil to the top edge of the flower pot. This will make it more comfortable to water the flower. But the main thing is not to overdo it with watering, as you can cause the development of some diseases. For proper flowering, you need to water once a week.

How many pieces to sow in a flowerpot?

How many seeds to sow in a flowerpot depends on its diameter. About 15 pieces can be planted in a pot with a diameter of 30 cm. Some gardeners like to plant more: up to 25 seeds in one pot. If there are not enough seedlings, then you can plant five of them, press the stems to the soil, and after a month and a half the bushes will form a lush head. Seedlings of lobelia flowers require less space than petunias.

Caring for lobelia after planting in open ground

Further care is practically no different from other flowering crops and involves moderate and timely watering, fertilizing and weeding.

Water as needed so as to prevent the soil from drying out.

Vermicompost is considered the best fertilizer for abundant flowering. It contains all the necessary microelements and contains a minimal amount of nitrogen.

Loosening and weeding are carried out depending on how contaminated and compacted the soil is. Loosening is carried out to a depth of 5-8 cm.

Planting lobelia seeds step by step

Sowing is easy to do. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  • a hole is first made in the container for drainage (you can buy ready-made pots);
  • soil is placed in the container, compacted, watered (to ensure rapid germination, various water additives are used, for example, phytosporin);
  • Place a handful of seeds on the paper and fold it into a corner;
  • lightly tapping the paper, carefully distribute the seeds in the ground;
  • It is prohibited to place earth on top;
  • spray the scattered seeds from a spray bottle with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • the container is covered with glass on top, for example, a jar, bag or transparent film;
  • Place the container in a warm place.

Depending on the gardener’s preferences, soil for growing can be purchased ready-made or made independently. Some people add vermiculite to the soil. This is a product that increases the porosity of the soil, which allows a large amount of oxygen to pass inside.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is the best substrate to sow seeds in?

Preference should be given to the one sold in specialized stores, since all the vitamins and microelements in it are balanced.

Seeds do not germinate, what should I do?

There may be several reasons for this: the seeds are old or affected by diseases, lack of sunlight, improper care. To solve this problem, the growing conditions should be reconsidered; this is most likely the reason.

Methods for sowing small lobelia seeds step by step with photos and videos

Let us immediately note that you should not worry about the fact that you will need to distribute small flower seeds over the surface of the soil at a certain distance from each other. Seedlings can grow in heaps, since they plant lobelia not one sprout per glass, but in bunches. This makes it easier to grow lobelia from seeds at home. However, it is not recommended to sow too thickly. Therefore, we offer planting options that will help you get friendly and not very dense shoots.

Attention! Lobelia seedlings can be planted in a common container followed by picking or in separate cups. In the latter case, there is no need to pick the plants.

Sowing in the snow

A very quick way to plant tiny lobelia seeds is to sow them in the snow. You only need to prepare a container, soil for seedlings and snow. The soil does not need to be pre-moistened. The snow is spread over it in an even layer and compacted a little.

The seed can be sprinkled on the snow, rubbing it between your fingers, or you can “dip” your finger into the seeds first and then run it across the snow. Dark seeds are clearly visible on white snow. If it seems to you that they are lying somewhere thickly, you can correct the situation with the help of a toothpick.

Watch a video that shows how easy it is to sow lobelia seeds in the snow.

Sowing with sand

When planting in the spring, in many regions there is no longer snow, so sand can be used to sow lobelia seeds for seedlings. We’ll tell you step by step how much sand you need for this sand and how to sow small seeds with it correctly with photos:

  1. Prepare containers with drainage holes.
  2. Pre-moisten the soil for seedlings. If you bought it in a store and just opened the package, then the soil in it is quite moist.
  3. Pour soil into a container or glass so that there is 2-3 cm left to the edge.
  4. Pre-heat the dry sand in the microwave, cool and mix thoroughly with the seeds. You need to take about two tablespoons of fine sand per bag of planting material.
  5. Spread the mixture evenly over the surface of the soil.
  6. Using a spray bottle, carefully spray the plantings with lukewarm water.

  7. Cover the container with a lid or cling film and place in a warm place.

It is important! After sowing, there is no need to sprinkle lobelia seeds on top with soil or sand, no matter how you sow them.

Before emergence, plantings should be in a warm place. The containers can be placed on a warm floor or radiator. But be sure to cover the heating radiator with a folded towel, otherwise the seeds in the soil will simply “cook”.

You will be interested to know: Planting aster in open ground in the fall before winter: when and how to plant correctly

If there is no sand or snow, no problem. Simply, rubbing the seeds between your fingers, try to sow them evenly over the surface of the moist soil. After this, also spray, cover and put in a warm place.

Another way to plant lobelia seedlings without sand, but it’s very simple, watch the video clip.

Planting in peat tablets

It is very convenient to sow and grow lobelia seedlings without picking in peat tablets. It grows in them before planting in the ground or flower pots. There is nothing complicated about sowing small seeds into peat tablets:

  1. Place the tablets in a deep container and pour warm water into it.
  2. After about 20-30 minutes, the peat will be completely wet, and it will be possible to begin planting work.
  3. To do this, you just need to dip your finger in the lobelia seeds, and then smear them, that is, sow them on top of the peat tablet.

  4. Cover the container with a lid or film and place in a warm place.

Attention! Before emergence, check the moisture of the soil, especially peat tablets, every day. It is also necessary to remove the cover to ventilate the soil and check whether seedlings have appeared.

Watch a video about sowing pelleted lobelia seeds in peat tablets.

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