Winter-hardy water lilies: taxonomy and description of species

Water lilies, water lilies or nymphs, are a plant with floating lobed leaves and showy flowers. The water lily adds a magical ingredient to any body of water. The Latin name nymphaea comes from the Greek word nymphe, meaning water spirit, which is exactly what this wonderful plant is. Long, elastic stems rise to the surface of the water from fleshy rhizomes buried in the sediment. Can be grown in a yard bathtub or in any size pond. They grow from tubers planted in pots underwater and emerge with rounded leaves and star-shaped flowers that float on the surface of the water. The leaves are fairly round in shape (10 to 30 cm in diameter) with a narrow circular cut (or axil) cutting the circle between the two (often overlapping) petals. The notch between the petals extends to the stem on the underside of the leaf. The lobes are straight or sharply pointed, with tips that gently flare outward. The tops of the leaves are leathery and green; the underside is reddish-purple. The strongly scented flowers are large (7 to 20 cm in diameter), with numerous white petals arranged in a circular cluster around a thin cluster of yellow stamens. Flowers are produced on individual flower stalks arising directly from the rhizome.

Snow-white water lily

The snow-white water lily (Nymphaea candida) got its name due to the lighter color of its petals compared to the previous species.

Other differences: the base of the calyx is not round, but almost quadrangular, as well as a low stigma of orange color.

The diameter of the flowers is about 15 cm. The snow-white water lily blooms at the end of May.

Ponds and shallow lakes where the snow-white water lily grows are located in the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Water lily, plant description

The nymphea flower is a perennial aquatic plant with a long stem and a well-developed root system, hidden under a layer of silt and water.
Water lilies stay on the water due to powerful root processes with which the plant clings to the ground and wide floating leaves. At the nodes of a long, strong stem there are buds, from which, during the growing season, large leaves develop, some of which may be in the water, revealing only the uppermost and largest green “plates.” The leaf size varies from 25 to 35 cm, the plate is dense, dark green in color.

Nymphea blooms begin in the spring, revealing large water lilies in white, pink, pale yellow, purple and blue colors.

One of the interesting features of the water lily is its ability to close at night and go under water, restoring the freshness of the flower for a new day. The flower petals are very delicate, oval-pointed, cream, red or pink in color. Inside the bud are the stamens and pistil. The size of the flower is about 15-25 cm. The fragrance of the blooming nymphea covers an impressive territory.

When a water lily is pollinated, a fruit appears on the peduncle in the form of a seed capsule; it reaches full maturity under water, opening there and producing seeds. Water lily seeds first stay on the surface thanks to a thick slimy secretion, then, washed with water, they become heavier, sink to the bottom of the reservoir and grow.

The yellow core of a large flower of the Nile water lily was considered the temporary refuge of the sun god Ra, from the flower he showed the sun to the world. The Egyptians' belief in mystical legends prompted the priests to use the blue lotus in mummification rituals.

When opening the sarcophagus of Ramses, the remains of flowers were found (the mummy was showered with them), which turned out to be water lilies.

Water lilies are decorative in nature and are highly in demand for decorating artificial reservoirs. Gardeners often think about planting a water lily on their site, but they doubt whether they will be able to create conditions for the growth and development of the flower. Speculation is easily dispelled, thanks to the ability of the water lily to grow even in small (artificial) reservoirs with suitable temperature and soil.

Thanks to its presentable and memorable appearance, the water lily has long won the hearts of true connoisseurs of natural beauty. Flower growers all over the world breed water lotus as an ornamental crop.

Egyptian water lily

The Egyptian lotus (Nymphaea lotus) with its flowers resembles a white water lily. This plant is native to North Africa. It was with them that the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs were decorated.

Today this water lily can be found in water bodies of Asia, North and South America.

Through the work of breeders, many varieties and hybrids of water lilies have been developed, from dwarf to large-flowered ones, with a wide variety of petal colors. That's why gardeners and landscape designers love them so much.

Planting lilies and replanting them

It is best to purchase and plant water lilies in early May and before the end of June. Plants can be planted in the ground immediately, but it is better to initially plant it in a plastic container with a volume of about 5 liters.

  • For planting, it is good to use a 2-3 cm layer of peat, placing it at the bottom of the vessel.
  • Next, use a mixture of compost, garden soil, and sand in equal proportions. After planting a water lily, you should not bury the growth bud.
  • Afterwards the soil is compacted and covered with pebbles so that the plant does not float up.
  • Then the vessel is carefully placed in the pond. The appropriate depth depends on the plant variety. For dwarfs it is 15-20 cm, for tall ones it is 70-100 cm from the surface to the growth bud.
  • In the spring, to speed up the development of plants, it is better to place the container with the lily in shallow water, while the leaves have not yet formed. After they grow back, it is necessary to carry out deeper placement. Plants that are planted early may have time to take root and bloom in the first year.

Pond for the garden (video)

Growing from seeds

Water lily seeds look similar to coffee beans, but are slightly larger in size. Before planting, check the seeds for damage. Only a whole and not expired seed will turn into a plant. As for the shelf life, nymphea seed can be stored for up to 5 years. To germinate, just place the seeds in a transparent container with settled water, pouring a two-centimeter layer of sand on the bottom. The sand should cover them. Use soft water, preferably not from a tap; hard or salt water causes irreparable harm to a plant that has not yet matured. Place your container in a warm and well-lit place.

If you follow all these rules, you will be able to see the first leaves within 5-7 days. The water lily leaves should always be on the surface of the water. Therefore, when your flower grows, move it to a deeper container. If you have several seedlings, then each should have its own dishes.

The best time to move plants to a permanent reservoir is the end of May. How to plant (plant) a water lily (nymphea) in a pond: buy soil for aquatic plants, plant each flower in a separate container and place it at the bottom of the pond. The pond or other body of water in which this beauty will live must be under the sun, otherwise you will not get flowers. The first buds will appear only in the third year. Therefore, please be patient.

Water lily for a pond: species diversity


In the case of water lily breeding, this parameter becomes the leading one. Today, plant breeders have bred the plant in hundreds of variations. The main classification comes down to the size range:

  • dwarf;
  • small;
  • average;
  • large.

Caring for flowers and their reproduction capabilities may be similar, but planting will have a guaranteed individual method.

Dwarf nymphs with a circumference of 30–60 centimeters and a flower diameter ranging from 5–10 cm, are planted under water no deeper than 10–15 cm.

Dwarf nymph

Small water lilies, characterized by 10 - 15 centimeter flower cups and a total spreading of 60 to 120 cm, are buried 15 - 50 cm.

Small water lilies

Medium-sized plants, such as the snow-white water lily, occupy from one hundred twenty centimeters to one and a half meters of water surface and bloom with 15-18 centimeter flowers. They require a depth of 40-60 cm.

Medium-sized water lilies

The largest water lilies, with luxurious flowers up to 25 centimeters in diameter, spread out over 1.5 or even 2.5 meters on the water surface. Their habitat is reservoirs with a depth of at least half a meter. Planting them will be complicated by deep work, but the result will exceed expectations.

Large water lilies

Knowing this classification, you can easily select an assortment of ornamental plants for your country pond. If you don’t already have one, then first you need to figure out what type of water lilies you would like to grow, and prepare a foundation pit based on this.

Remember, you can only plant whatever your heart desires in a large body of water. Miniature varieties will also feel wonderful:

  • in a shallow pond,
  • tubs,
  • barrel

Small water lilies can be planted in a barrel

Varieties of water lilies (nymphs)

Let's take a closer look at some types (varieties) of nymphs:


One of the largest lilies, it is also popularly called nymphea “attraction”, although translated from English it will be “attractive or charming”. Suitable for deep reservoirs (they say that it grows successfully even from a depth of 4 meters), and 1.5 meters are “just seeds”, leaving a few meters to the sides, the bush will grow successfully. The rhizome is large and takes root easily. Very similar to Conqueror, only the flowers are larger, the tips of the petals are sharper, the color is darker (you can practically tell the difference if both species grow nearby). The leaves are dark red at first, then turn green. The photo clearly shows that this pink water lily is large and has whitish petals along the edges with a bright yellow center.

Nymphea Attraction blooms for 5-6 days, closer to autumn, individual flowers can bloom up to 10 days or longer, but after 5 days they stop closing at night. Flowering begins later than in early varieties of lilies, but actually finishes blooming last. Some buds remain overwintered under the ice. It is very rare, but you can still see an overwintered flower bloom in the spring. True, it will be much smaller than those that bloom in summer, white and not fully opened.

To summarize, large, undemanding, quickly spreading, a real “attraction”, sometimes it can pleasantly surprise with its deviations, such as prolonged flowering, and the blooming of last year’s flowers in the spring.


This species can be planted in mid-summer, even when flowering. It will take root without problems, although it will not bloom again that year. Next year it will delight you with beautiful flowers, although not too abundant. If it were not for the very pleasant yellow tint that enlivens the appearance of the pond, this lily would be rather dull. Blunt lines of the petals, light yellow color (this can be seen in the photo), flowers are smaller than the water lilies we previously described.

Blooms more moderately than Conqueror, Rossenymphe or even Colorado. There are rarely more than 4 flowers from a bush at the same time. Blooms for 4 days, quite consistently.

However, this lily has very beautiful large burgundy spotted leaves. Even without flowers, Moorei looks very decorative. The bush itself is quite compact, not prone to overgrowth, the leaves grow in closely knit groups.

It feels better at a depth of one meter and adapts to water fluctuations. As the water level rises (after rain), the flowers open under water. True, then they become almost white and do not fully bloom; they wither after three days. But the appearance of a flower opening under water is no less decorative.

Winters well. In the spring it is one of the last to awaken, begins to prepare for winter early, and stops blooming. Looks very nice in small ponds.


The dwarf nymphea is exactly like an ordinary white lily, only much smaller. The leaves are green, the petals are flawless white, the stamens and stigma are bright yellow. There are few leaves, the bush is not very lush.

In the first year, flowering is weak (2-3 flowers). Flowering begins towards mid-summer. If the summer is hot, it blooms for only 3 days, although many online stores describe them as long-flowering lilies that can be grown in a tub, font, especially in a composition with Pygmaea Rubra. This may be true; most likely, long-term flowering requires a less hot summer. And although this water lily is dwarf, this pure white plant is intended, first of all, for shallow reservoirs, and especially for tubs, in which it can be grown on the balcony.

How to plant a water lily

You should not try to dig up a water lily from a forest pond; it is unlikely to take root in an artificial reservoir. It is better to buy a hybrid seedling adapted for planting in your region: frost-resistant or drought-resistant.

The main thing is that your pond is illuminated by the sun, and the rules for planting water lilies are very simple:

  • as practice shows, it is better to root the first plant not in the bottom soil, but in a wide, shallow container, for example a 5-7 liter plastic basin;
  • We lay a 2-3 cm layer of peat on the bottom, on top there is a special substrate for aquatic plants or a mixture of compost, sand and garden soil in equal proportions;
  • We place fertilizer under the roots of the seedling, for example a mixture of clay and meat and bone meal;
  • we plant a water lily, leaving a growth point (bud) on the surface;
  • To prevent the soil from being washed away, sprinkle it with a layer of pebbles.

Now we lower the basin into shallow water, and when leaf plates appear on the surface, we move the container to the depth recommended for this variety. If the pond does not freeze, the water lily overwinters in the pond. Otherwise, the basin is transferred to the cellar until spring.

A properly planted plant blooms in the first year. For propagation, you can use a piece of rhizome with a bud or seeds. When several plants appear, a pond with water lilies will look very impressive.

Secrets of care

The use of decorative water lilies is an excellent solution for small ponds. They grow best in a well-lit, open place, but can also grow in slight shade. In full shade the plant will not die, but you may not see flowers. To prevent the entire surface of the water from becoming covered with vegetation, 1-4 m² of reservoir must be allocated for each specimen. Water lilies grow best in still, calm water or with little current. Constant seething is contraindicated for them, so plants near the fountain will die.

Planting is carried out in May-June. Although you can place the root directly on the bottom of the reservoir, it is more convenient to plant the nymph in a bucket or large plastic container. For the winter, the plant can be removed so that it does not freeze in a shallow, completely frozen pond. The soil mixture is made up of the following components:

  • peat;
  • garden soil;
  • river sand;
  • compost.

The growing point should remain on the surface when planting. To prevent the soil from floating up and the seedlings from being washed away, the surface is weighted with pebbles. The depth of immersion depends on the height of the particular variety. It can be only 20 cm or reach 1 m. First, the container with the plant is placed in a shallow part so that leaves appear faster. As they grow, the water lily is immersed deeper and deeper. Such movements are possible only during the growing season. With the appearance of buds, fluctuations in water level are contraindicated.

Nymphea needs feeding. Bone meal can serve as a fertilizer for it. It is mixed with clay and formed into balls. They are immersed in the soil near the roots.

When planting, it is necessary to take into account the degree of winter hardiness of the varieties. Some of them are preserved even in severe frosts. Most often these are tall varieties in a spacious reservoir. Otherwise, the container with the water lily is removed and transferred to a fairly cold and dark room, and in early spring after the ice melts, it is returned to the pond. Rare night frosts will not harm the plant.

Water lilies are not afraid of diseases; they have a very strong immune system. In extreme heat, aphids can settle on a plant in a body of water that is too shallow. The harm it does to the entire water lily is small, but the flowers may fall off without opening. The succulent leaves also attract snails. The use of insecticides can lead to poisoning of the entire reservoir, so it is better to use mechanical methods to remove pests. The snails are collected, and the aphids are washed off with a stream of water.

Caring for water lilies during wintering

The most difficult thing about growing water lilies is preserving them for the winter. In each case the approach is individual. The plant can be left in place over the winter if it is located at a depth of 0.5 meters or more. In this case, the reservoir must be large and not freeze. If this is not the case, then it is better to remove the containers with water lilies and place them in a dark, cool place. You can read the material about fish for the pond.

Water lilies leave their sleep in the spring, after the water warms up. It is at this time that you need to return the plant to its place. If there is little melt water in the reservoir, then it is worth adding tap water. After a while, the water may turn cloudy green. Don't worry and change it, everything will be back to normal in a week.

For frost-resistant species, spring frosts will no longer be scary.

How to propagate water lilies?

Water lilies most often reproduce using cuttings of rhizomes. Usually the rhizomes are highly branched and have dormant buds. To propagate a plant, you need a piece of root with a bud. The cut is sprinkled with ash or crushed charcoal. The division process should not be drawn out too much, since the leaves and roots do not like drying out. The material about an aqua flower bed for a pond will also be interesting.

Diseases and pests of water lilies

Nymph disease or insect attack is rare. But sometimes summer residents are faced with the appearance of fungal infections, rot and pests:

AphidWash off colonies mechanically
Pitcher leaf beetle, marsh mothCollect individuals by hand, cut out damaged leaves
Leaf spot, powdery mildewLeaves covered with black round spots should be cut out. Treat affected plants with antifungal drugs

The most dangerous disease for nymphs is black rot. It starts from the root system and affects the entire plant. The main signs of infection: blackening of the roots, yellowing leaves, unpleasant odor. An infected specimen can only be saved with a medicinal bath:

  1. Remove the container with the nymph from the pond and place it in a fungicidal solution.
  2. When the exposure time of the drug is over, replace the solution with clean water.
  3. Keep the water lily in quarantine for 20-30 days.

If during this time the signs of black rot disappear and the plant begins to recover, it can be returned to the pond. Otherwise, the sick nymph will have to be destroyed.


The reproduction process occurs thanks to rhizomes and seeds. Even with a strong drop in water level, it will bloom and bear fruit. There are several conditions for a water lily to live:

  1. Bright places.
  2. Fresh water.
  3. Silty soil.
  4. When in water, it will easily overwinter and survive other weather disasters.

Reproduction of water lilies is possible by divisions, rhizomes, and seeds

Note! White water lily is grown in artificial ponds for use in the production of medicines. It is also a valuable ornamental plant.

Giant water lily in an artificial pond


It is possible to grow a water lily in artificial conditions, but it is not easy. Experts in landscape design of underwater gardens share tips:

  1. The water lily has a pronounced dormant period - winter.
  2. Transplantation and planting can be carried out from May to October.
  3. Lilies should be placed on an area of ​​0.5 to 4 square meters. m depending on age and size.
  4. In order to contain entire collections, you need a large reservoir. Optimal conditions are a 60% free reservoir.
  5. If the pond is not drained for the winter, you can plant the water lily directly in the ground.
  6. If drained reservoirs are used for cultivation, then the plant must be placed in containers with holes for drainage.
  7. The substrate is silt, which is taken from the bottom of the river. If this cannot be done, then use compost and garden soil with sand.

Water lily from seeds

The pure white water lily is not one of the most decorative species, but at the same time it has a number of advantages: it is unpretentious, and is not affected by diseases characteristic of yellow-flowered water lilies and hybrids. At the same time, the plant blooms tirelessly from late May to August. In addition, growing a water lily yourself is not at all difficult.

The species pure white water lily Nymphea came to me five years ago and settled in an old bathtub dug in the open ground. I planted it in a plastic basket lined with sphagnum moss and filled with garden soil (sandy soil).

In the “reservoir” the water never “bloomed”, although green algae settled on the walls of the bathtub, and green threads of mud appeared on the basket (I removed them once every two weeks). It always remained transparent, and through its thickness one could observe the development of the plant.

In winter, the plant is completely frozen into the ice along with the basket, but in the spring the ice melts, and the water lily annually pleases not only with leaves, but also with flowers, starting from the end of May.

Obtaining seeds

The flower is suitable for pollination only on the first day, when it has a drop on the stigma where the pollen must fall. However, the pollen of the opened flower ripens on the second day, which prevents self-pollination. The flowers open in the morning, and in the evening they close and sink under water. The fruits are multi-seeded, berry-like, green, ripen under water and are destroyed.

Ripe water lily seeds float to the surface and are easy to collect

I don't remove the ovaries. After about a month, the “jugs” crack and seeds float to the surface of the reservoir. They are enclosed in transparent shells filled with air, which allows them to float on the surface of the water. If the shell is broken, they drown easily. To collect them, it is convenient to use a container, which, when partially immersed in water, is filled with water and the seeds are placed in it.


Nymphaeum seeds are not afraid of dry storage and remain viable for up to 5 years. After storing the seeds for a week, I divided them into 3 parts. I lowered one into the water and put it in the refrigerator, because I assumed that the seeds of cold-resistant nymph species needed stratification. The second one was also dipped in water and frozen in the freezer (perhaps in nature they freeze into ice?).

The third part was divided into two more and sowed superficially in transparent containers. Clay soil was poured into one, sandy soil into the other. Filled with settled tap water. I left the crops on the glassed-in loggia. In the fall the seeds did not germinate. During the winter, the water in the containers was sometimes covered with ice, sometimes it thawed completely. In the spring, the seeds that were stratified on the loggia sprouted. But neither one nor the other sprouted from the refrigerator. Perhaps the germination of nymphal seeds requires temperature changes during the stratification period, as well as a gradual increase in temperature after its completion.

Planting plants in the ground

The result was puzzling. The underwater “thickets” resembled a lawn. In the sandy substrate, the seedlings developed much faster than in the clay substrate. I had to replant everything in sandy soil, after which the young plants began to grow.

I placed my “water garden” on a sunny glassed-in loggia right next to the glass. With the onset of warm sunny days, a dense “carpet” of algae began to develop in the containers, which had to be removed regularly.

The water remained clear all season, but the “carpet” covered the seedlings and deprived them of light. Weekly “weeding” helped to cope with the situation. It is, of course, impossible to “water” the seedlings, but they can also tolerate drying out.

In the spring, with the onset of warm days, the nymphs woke up. In the second year, floating leaves appeared. I gave away the bulk of the young plants to friends, and kept two seedlings for myself, deciding to create a mini-pond on the glassed-in loggia. In August, I transplanted the nymphs into a container with a capacity of 50 liters.

Nympheas are easy to grow yourself from seeds

In the third year, the plants grew noticeably. I transplanted them into purchased soil “Scarlet Flower”, to which the nymphs responded with rapid growth.

When replanting annually, I add slowly dissolving fertilizers . I use a light mechanical soil mixture with the addition of humus or a purchased one for indoor plants.


To maintain the purity of the water in the reservoir, I planted Elodea. And with Elodea I accidentally brought in snails that live in aquariums. Snails turned out to be malicious pests . The leaves of the nymphs became like a sieve. Their mechanical removal has not yet brought results, and they are not afraid of cold wintering.


Some water lilies bloom early, already in May-June, and many varieties delight with their beauty until the first frost.

The water lily flower, as if floating in water, really resembles a lily in its shape. The diameter of the inflorescence is from 5 to 20 cm. The shade of the petals can be white, snow-white, pink, lilac, red, violet or cream. In the center, the carpels are clearly visible, forming a pistil with a stigma.

The sepals hold the petals and are invisible to the eye. They form a cup, which can be round or quadrangular. There can be from 3 to 5 sepals.

After sunset, the petals of the water lily close and hide under the water, and at dawn they bloom again. One flower lives for about 3-4 days, but thanks to the abundance of buds on the stem, the flowering is quickly renewed. Water lilies smell nice. The aroma of some is barely noticeable, while others are more pronounced.

Now you know what a water lily looks like. Compare it with the egg capsule in the photo below and do not confuse it.

Let's take a closer look at the most famous of the 44 types of water lilies.

Types of water lilies

The water lily has become widespread throughout the world and has absorbed about half a hundred species. The palette of shades of petals and the size of buds of nymphs is varied. The Victoria water lily is considered the largest of all; with its impressive size and remarkable appearance, it has won the hearts of many gardeners. The closest relative of the water lily, the water lily, is less noticeable, but is not inferior to it in decorative qualities and popularity.

White water lily

Inhabits all of Eurasia, as well as Africa. The large water lily has impressive foliage of about 35 cm and large, milky flowers, reaching a diameter of about 20 cm. The root system is strong, located on the surface of the soil, tenaciously grasping the silt with long root processes. The root length is about 65 cm. The white water lily has underwater stems that form an entire bush. One water lily can cover quite a lot of free space in a pond. The white nymphea begins to bloom in the summer and lasts about three weeks, releasing large white water lilies with a yellow core to the surface.

Red water lily

It has a beautiful shade of flowers from dark pink to red, medium buds.

Blooming water lilies exude a pleasant, lasting aroma.

The root system is shallow and well developed. It has one main stem and several additional ones. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 12 to 20 cm. The leaves are fleshy, bright green, and reach about 25 cm in size.

Blue water lily

One of the very first and famous species. In another way, a species is an evolutionarily established collection of individuals characterized by a single... called the Egyptian lotus or Egyptian lily. The blue water lily inhabited the coastal zone of the Nile River, then began to spread throughout Africa, India and Thailand. The foliage of the plant is sinewy, large, about 35 cm long. Flowers with such large foliage seem small, reaching a size of 16-20 cm. The shade of the petals varies, from sky blue to cornflower blue, lilac and blue.

Tiger water lily

It is distinguished by large dark green leaves, uneven tiger color.

The distinctiveness of the tiger water lily is created by the pattern of the leaves (brown and red spots). It is seasonal, does not tolerate frost well, and is suitable for growing in aquariums. Africa is considered the birthplace of the tiger nymph. The flowers are small, white or cream in color. The root system is well developed and does not tolerate fast currents and cold water bodies.

Water lily Victoria Regia or Amazonian nymphea

Another speciesA species is an evolutionarily established collection of individuals characterized by a single... impressive size. The Victoria water lily was discovered by the German botanist and naturalist Eduard Pelling in the 19th century. The Amazonian water lily blooms only once a year, blooming only at night, and sinks under the water before dark.

The shade of perhaps the largest flower changes during the flowering process from white to pink. When in full bloom, the Amazonian water lily can reach 35 cm. Victoria Regia has a persistent, noticeable aroma, and its foliage can support the weight of a teenager.

Yellow water lily

Yellow water lily is a perennial, with a well-developed root system lying deep in the ground. It has underwater small foliage with jagged edges, on short petioles.

The above-water floating leaves are ovoid, large, up to 20 cm in diameter. The flowers are large, green on the outside and yellow on the inside. They reach a size of about 17 cm. Flowering occurs in June and lasts almost until September.

water lily

Water nymph, from the water lily family. Botanically, it is similar to the white water lily; it has medium-sized floating foliage and small underwater leaves. The flowers are emergent, reach medium size, have a cream color and a bright yellow center. Water lily is used in pharmacology, and starch is obtained from the roots.

The most popular varieties of water lilies among flower growers were recognized as:

Alba (large, snow-white flowers), Gold Medal (yellow flowers with a large core), James Brydon variety (very beautiful variety with large, fluffy, burgundy corollas), Blue Beauty (has memorable blue flowers with a yellow core), Rosea (pink flowers, with a bright purple cup).

Rules for planting nymphs

You can purchase a nymphaeum seedling at a garden center or online store. When you decide to grow a water lily, you need to remember the basic rules for planting it.

Best time to plant

Leaf spotting is caused by a fungus.

When purchasing a seedling, you should pay attention to the absence of signs of disease and rot. The nymph should be planted immediately, without waiting for the soil in the container to dry. The optimal time for planting is May or June.

Place in the pond and water

Water lilies love sunlight and refuse to bloom in low light, so the plants should be placed in an open space. During the midday hours, partial shade from closely growing trees and shrubs is allowed. For normal development, the nymph must see the sun for at least 5-6 hours every day.

The chemical composition and acidity of the water do not play a special role - the water lily will feel great both in a silted pond and in a tub of tap water. Pools with fountains are not suitable for growing water lilies: splashes of water that constantly fall on the leaves will interfere with air exchange and cause rotting and death of the plant.

Choosing a pot and soil

The rhizomes of water lilies grow not in height, but in width, so for planting you need to choose wide containers made of materials that do not rot or oxidize under the influence of water. The best option is pots, containers, baskets made of plastic or stainless metal. Containers with a height of 15-25 cm are best suited; the diameter can be any (within reasonable limits).

To grow nymphs, experts advise using not mesh baskets, but basins and boxes without holes. A closed container will prevent the leaching of nutrients from the soil and prolong the growing season of plants. There is no need to be afraid that the substrate and rhizome will “suffocate” in a solid container. The main root of the flower is located on the surface of the soil, so its rotting is excluded.

When preparing a substrate for water lilies, it is recommended to use garden soil enriched with humus or rotted manure at the rate of 100-300 g per 10 liters of soil. You can add river sand, clay and peat, but not more than 1/3 of the total volume of the mixture. For active growth and abundant flowering, experienced nymph growers advise placing any long-acting mineral fertilizer on the bottom of the container:

  • Ava;
  • Apion;
  • Basacote;
  • Osmocote;
  • Fertika station wagon;
  • Plantella.

To prevent nutritional supplements from being washed away by water, it is better to roll them into clay balls or wrap them in thick paper.

Landing algorithm

Planting a nymph.

Even a novice summer resident can cope with planting a nymph:

  1. Fill the plastic container with soil so that 3-4 cm remains from the surface of the substrate to the edge of the container.
  2. Make a depression in the center, place the main root of the nymphea in it and sprinkle with soil.
  3. Cover the surface of the substrate with a layer of pebbles, river sand or clay. In reservoirs inhabited by fish or amphibians, it is preferable to use pebbles, gravel or granite crushed stone. After all the manipulations, the growth point (the place from which young shoots appear) should remain above the soil surface. If you bury it, the water lily will die over time.
  4. Place the pots at a depth of 10-20 cm from the growth point, and then gradually move to the desired depth.

To fulfill the conditions of the last paragraph, you can act in two ways. In the first case, when regulation of the filling of the reservoir is impossible, you will have to make a stand for the container from available materials - ceramic bricks or large stones. In pools and tanks, where the height of the water layer can be easily adjusted, you need to increase the water level by a few centimeters every day.

In deep reservoirs (≥ 1 m), where in winter the water does not freeze to the very bottom, the nymph can be planted in the bottom soil and secured - press the root with a stone or secure with wire staples.

Water lilies or water lilies - Plants for decorating a pond! How to plant water lilies?

Water lilies or nymphs

Many pond owners are thinking about buying water lilies for their pond.

Let's figure out what they are and what is better to choose!

their name from one of the water nymphs. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of ​​water lilies is associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid.

According to ancient Greek myths, the water lily was once a white nymph, but then she died from love for Hercules, who remained indifferent to her, and turned into a beautiful flower. The water lily nymph is also called the “child of the sun”: its beautiful flowers open in the morning and close at dusk.

Description: the genus includes a large number of species of aquatic plants growing in temperate and tropical regions of the globe - from the equator to Scandinavia and Canada. Many of them are already presented in our catalog.

Water lily pure white, or snow-white – White Sensation

Usually found in Central Russian natural reservoirs .
In the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, it develops a powerful rhizome with a tuberous surface, reaching 5 cm in thickness. White cord-like roots extend down from the rhizome, and flexible, succulent petioles and peduncles rise to the surface of the water. Flowering of water lilies begins in May-June and sometimes continues until the first frost, the peak of flowering occurs in July-August .

At this time, ponds are covered with beautiful wide glossy leaves floating on the surface. They are 20-25 cm in size, with a rounded outline and a deep cut at the base, and snow-white flowers with a delicate aroma, reaching 10 and sometimes even 15 cm in diameter.

The flowers have 4 green sepals on the outside, and on the inside there are numerous white petals arranged in several rows, turning into stamens in the center.

After flowering, the peduncle curls and the fruit develops under water. When the capsules are ripe, they open, seeds spill out of them, they float for a while, and after the mucus is destroyed, they sink to the bottom and germinate. This is how aquatic plants reproduce in nature.

White water lily – Nymphaea alba – Nymphaea alba

Homeland - freshwater reservoirs of Eurasia and North Africa.

A rhizomatous perennial with rounded leaves floating on the surface of the water on long petioles. The leaf blade is up to 30 cm in diameter, noticeably unequal, entire-edged with a heart-shaped base. Young leaves are reddish, mature leaves are dark green above and reddish-purple below.

The flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter , slightly fragrant, milky white, with petals gradually turning into numerous stamens with flattened and expanded stamen filaments. The fruit ripens under water and then blooms on the surface with beautiful flowers. As a rule, they are always in stock!

Dwarf water lily – Nymphaea pygmaea

A tiny white water lily , possibly of hybrid origin, with flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter and oval dark leaves, beet-colored on the reverse side.

It grows at a depth of up to 30 cm, just like its varieties: white “Alba” (small green leaves, propagated by seeds), yellow “Helvola”, red “Rubra” (leaves with brown spots).

Other interesting species:

Orange Colorado “Colorado” Salmon pink flower Another species that is found in some bodies of water. It is quite miniature, the bright flowers exceed 10 cm in diameter.

Tuberous water lily (tuberosa) is a large North American water lily with horizontal rhizomes on which there are tuberous outgrowths. The flowers are white. Its varieties are: “Rosea” with pink flowers with red stamens and “ Nymphaea Gladstoniana ” with exceptionally large snow-white flowers lying on light green leaves.

Fragrant water lily (odorata) - from North America. The flowers are white, up to 15 cm in diameter, with numerous sharp petals, fragrant, in accordance with the name.

The leaves are bright green, purple when young, and usually reddish below when mature. Planting depth is 40-80 cm. There are a number of varieties with pink, yellow, cream flowers. Interesting dwarf ones: white “Minor” and yellow with spotted leaves “ Norma gode ”, both of them are suitable for ponds 30 cm deep.

Hybrid water lily – Nymphaea hybridum

Types of water lilies

There are two large groups of nymphs - winter-hardy and tropical. Most of the tropical species are too thermophilic and can only grow in greenhouses or winter gardens, since their development requires a water temperature of at least 25°C.

But winter-hardy varieties can be grown in open reservoirs in the northern regions of the European part of Russia and Siberia. Of course, the main advantage of hybrid nymphs is their amazingly beautiful flowers, symbolizing absolute perfection. But these beauties are decorative not only during flowering.

Some are grown for their incredibly showy leaves. Depending on the variety, the leathery, heart-shaped leaves differ in size and color. In some plants it is light green, in others it has a burgundy tint, and sometimes it can even be marbled-spotted.

The predominant number of water lily varieties are of hybrid origin. In particular, the varieties K. Laydekeri (laydekeri) and K. Marlik (marliacea).

White. "Caroliniana Nivea" - large fragrant flowers, depth 30-80 cm, "Virginalis" - large flowers and leaves, depth 20-80 cm. " Texas Dawn " - unusually double flowers, clearly organized, depth up to 100 cm.

Marliacea "Alba" - pure white, powerful, profusely flowering variety, depth 20-60 cm.

Marliacea “Albatros” is an even more powerful variety, for depths up to 2 m.

Pink.Fire Crest ” – bright pink, abundant flowering, depth 20-60 cm. “Caroliniana Perfecta” – salmon pink.

Marliacea "Carnea" - the calyx and outer petals are pink (brighter than the inner ones), the central ones are completely white.

A powerful variety for depths up to 2 m. marliacea “Rosea” – large flowers, pink calyx, paler petals, depth 20-100 cm. “Rose Arey” – pure pink flowers with narrow petals, rising above the water, depth 20-40 cm.

Yellow and orange tones. "Charlene Strawn" - flowers of pure golden color with narrow, numerous petals. Grows at a depth of up to 100 cm. "Comanche" - copper-orange flowers and leaves with a brown pattern, blooms profusely.

Immersion 15-30 cm. marliacea "Chromatella" - numerous, pale flowers, leaves with a brown pattern, a powerful variety for ponds 0.3 - 1.5 m deep.

Red and crimson. “Attraction” - crimson, immersion up to 200 cm. “James Brydon” - intense cherry color, double flowers, compact, with rounded petals, depth up to 150 cm.

All types and varieties of water lilies are good, without exception. However, many of them have their own characteristics that determine the final choice.

For example, of the yellow varieties, 'Chromatella' , which also has variegated leaves, grows and blooms better than others in partial shade. The profusely blooming bright pink 'RoseArey' has flowers with long, pointed petals, while the soft pink 'Carnea' has very large flowers.

'Escarboucle' is good because its huge flowers (up to 25 cm in diameter) are in no hurry to close when evening comes, and the dark burgundy-red color of the petals has no analogues, it is so bright and rich. White 'Gonnere' is unique with its super-double flowers.

Among the most powerful varieties is 'Gladstoneana' with snow-white flowers of fantastic size.

In the southern regions, hybrid forms of the Cape water lily - capensis Thunb - are widely used. and red water lilies - rubra Roxb., with a variety of flower colors.


Water lilies prefer a sunny location - in full shade they bloom little and produce small leaves. water lilies to bloom well, a few hours of sunlight is enough . There should be gaps between groups of plants of different colors. It is clear that a large number of water lilies cannot grow in a small pond.

Often the desire to have a good collection of aquatic plants determines the size of the reservoir already during its design and construction. But the splendor of the nymphs is worth it.

Planting and transplanting:

The time to purchase and transplant water lilies is from the beginning of May to the end of September.

Plants can be planted directly into the ground at the bottom of the reservoir, and in small pools it is much more convenient to place them in various containers - pots, boxes, baskets, bowls, etc.).

In this case, it will be convenient to remove the plants for the winter or move them to another place. For planting, it is better to choose low but wide containers with drainage holes. If the holes and crevices in their walls are too large, the inside of the containers can be lined with burlap or perforated plastic film.

Usually, to plant nymphs, they try to take silt from the bottom of some reservoir, but this does not make much sense. It is much better to use old compost with the addition of coarse sand and garden soil.

Bone meal is an excellent fertilizer for water lilies. But it cannot be scattered on top of the substrate - it will be immediately washed off with water.

You can mix it with soil, but in this case it will quickly mineralize, the nutrients will dissolve in the water, will no longer have a beneficial effect on the nymphs and will lead to flowering (greening) of the water.

a special aquatic plant fertilizer under their rhizomes when planting or as needed

How to plant water lilies (water lilies, nymphs)?

1. Place the plant in the ground without deepening the growing point.

2. To prevent the newly planted plant from floating up and the soil from being washed away, sprinkle the surface of the soil with gravel or small pebbles.

3. Compact the soil well and water the container.

4. Carefully place the container in the pond at such a depth that the leaves of the nymphea float freely on the surface (they may be curled, over time the leaves will straighten)

The roots grow on one side, which should be the bottom when planting. They are pressed down with earth so that the plants do not float up. Large cuttings are planted horizontally. The rhizomes are half covered with substrate. Growth points cannot be buried. Small cuttings can be planted vertically. If newly planted plants float, they need to be pressed down with stones.

When planting water lilies in large bodies of water, you can tie a stone to pieces of rhizomes and throw them into the desired place.

The optimal depth to which the container is lowered depends on the variety. For dwarf nymphs, 15-25 cm is enough, for vigorous ones - 70-100 cm. For most varieties and species, the ideal depth is 50-80 cm. By this we mean the distance from the growth bud to the surface.

In spring, nymphs develop faster if they are brought closer to light and warmth. For this purpose, while there are no leaves, the plants are placed smaller - at half the specified distance. After the leaves grow, the nymphs are lowered to the recommended depth. The leaves will drown, but after 2-3 days they will reappear on the surface of the water.

Water lilies can be planted in the soil at the bottom of a reservoir if it is up to 30 cm thick. To prevent the rhizomes from floating, they are attached with wire or, similar to planting in a container, the ground is pressed down on top with crushed stones and small stones. Plants planted early have time to take root and bloom quite luxuriantly in the first year of life in a new place.

Plants can remain in their places in winter if they are at a depth of half a meter or more (counting from the growth points to the surface of the water), and the reservoir is very large. In this case, there are no problems with wintering water lilies: they winter well without special shelter.

If the reservoir freezes to the bottom, then the containers with water lilies should be removed, placed in containers with water and placed in a cool but frost-free place.

You can leave the water lilies in the pond, but to do this they will have to be covered with peat and covered with a layer of leaves, sawdust or sand on top. This should be done when your pond is left without water in winter.

Many types of water lilies are plants of tropical and subtropical climates. They live in reservoirs, the water level in which during the dry season is greatly reduced, and the bottom in places becomes bare and dries out. In such unfavorable conditions, water lilies are preserved thanks to their tubers, which contain eyes and renewal buds.

Some tropical types of water lilies can be grown in temperate climates , but for the winter they must be removed from the reservoir and stored in containers with water in a warm, bright place.

Nymphs awaken in early spring, when the ice melts and the water begins to warm up. At this time, it is time to return plants that have spent the winter outside the reservoir (in a frost-free basement) back into the pool. Containers from the basement or greenhouse are transferred to the pool and installed at the required depth.

By this time, it may be filled with melt water, which does not need to be drained to install containers. If there is not enough water, the pool is filled with tap water. A few days will pass, and the water will “bloom”, becoming cloudy green. And in a week it will be crystal clear, but only under one condition - do not change the water.

Spring frosts no longer pose a danger to frost-resistant species, even if a crust of ice forms again.

Diseases and pests:

Water lilies, as a rule, do not get sick and do not have malicious pests. However, in dry, hot years they can be damaged by aphids. The plants themselves are not affected, but some buds do not open and die. What to do if holes appear on the leaves of water lilies, the leaves turn yellow and rot? Anti-aphid drugs are used.


pieces of rhizomes and seeds. Seeds are planted in the ground at the bottom of a reservoir, or in containers with soil, then immersed in water. Under our conditions, hybrid water lilies are not regenerated by seeds; they can only be propagated by dividing the rhizomes. The rhizomes of water lilies are branched and have dormant buds. For propagation, you can use any piece of rhizome with a bud. It is usually recommended to sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal. Pieces of rhizomes without buds are not suitable for propagation - they can only be thrown away.

Of course, roots and leaves do not tolerate drying out , so do not prolong the process of dividing and planting rhizomes and keep them in damp paper or cloth until planting. If the water lily grows directly in the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, then the main thing when dividing the bush is to properly dig up the rhizome.

Using a sharp shovel, cut out a marked square of approximately 20 x 20 cm at the base of the rosette and carefully pull the leaf petioles. Once the main rhizome is cut, the plant will drag itself out of the water with little effort.

The leaves of the dug up water lily are separated from those remaining in the water and, if there are a lot of leaves, they are partially removed. The plant is placed in a container with water and in this form is transported to the planting site, and is also stored for several days.

The best time for planting is May-June . When choosing a species or variety, focus primarily on the size of your pond. It is better to use special containers for planting. Old leaves are removed and the top of the rhizome is placed just above the soil level.

We could talk about the soil for nymphs for quite a long time, since this is a matter of constant search and debate. In short, the substrate should be based on a viscous component, for example, white clay with the addition of silt. Such a substrate will not allow the rhizome to float up after planting, and the container itself will be quite heavy and stable at the bottom.

Nymphs are offered for sale in various versions: small containers with rhizomes, which need to be planted later, or already planted plants in containers of various sizes.

The first option is the cheapest, but it is more convenient to then transplant the plant into a large pot of 3-5 liters, which can be ordered on our website. The plant will have enough nutrients for a long time before the question of replanting arises.

The plants are replanted (more precisely, transferred) when the rosettes extending from the rhizome become crowded.

The new container should be 1.5-2 times larger than the previous one. For abundant annual flowering, it is recommended to divide the nymphs every 4 years. There is already positive experience of growing them in the Moscow region.

However, even winter-hardy nymphs cannot tolerate freezing of the rhizome. Therefore, it is necessary to plant them in a sufficiently deep (freezing-free) place in the reservoir. Shallow water species should be grown in containers at a suitable depth and moved to a deeper location for the winter.

The most reliable way to preserve a nymph until spring is as follows: the rhizome of the plant in the same container in which it was during the growth period is kept in the basement at a temperature of +5-8 ° C.

The container is placed in a container of water so that the water reaches its upper edge. You can also bury the container with the rhizome in the ground. In this case, the layer of soil above the pot should be at least 20 cm. During the winter, you need to ensure that there is a constant snow cover in the burial area.

You should study the issue of suitable fertilizing in advance..

Creating a pond and growing nymphs is not too expensive and exciting. Believe me, it’s worth the effort to watch with bated breath all summer how these divine flowers float to the surface in the morning and open under the rays of the sun.

⇒ View the full list of nymphs from the nursery

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