Calendar of indoor plants and flowers for 2022: favorable days

The popularity of indoor plants is due to their decorative qualities. They attract attention and cause admiration. Flowers with their bright shades can decorate and enliven any interior of a room and give it sophistication.

In addition to decorative functions, they can improve the microclimate in the room, moisturizing and purifying the air, and have a positive effect on a person’s well-being, helping to fight stress and relieve nervous tension. In order for house plants to delight you for a long time, it is important to carry out all necessary agrotechnical measures in a timely manner, including replanting.

The influence of the Moon on the growth and development of plants

Since ancient times, people began to notice that flower seeds that were planted during the waxing Moon germinate well. And bulbous plants planted on waning soil develop better and bloom more luxuriantly. A pattern was also identified between different works on caring for plants and the phases and signs of the Zodiac in which the Night Star was located, following which it was possible to achieve better development of flowers and ornamental crops. Based on this information, they began to compile special tables, which indicated in which phase of the Moon it was optimal to carry out certain work.

Therefore, planting flowers should be done based not only on the time of year and climate conditions. It also matters what phase and sign of the Zodiac the Moon is in. It has a strong impact on all living things.

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