When to replant indoor flowers and plants in November 2022 favorable days according to the lunar calendar

How to understand that an indoor flower needs to be replanted?

How can you determine when it’s time to transplant a flower into a new container? There are several signs that your green pet needs a repot.

First, slower growth. This applies mainly to young specimens that need regular replanting. If you notice that the flower has stopped growing green mass and does not bloom so profusely and brightly, then it needs to be replanted.

Secondly, there are roots sticking out of the pot or drainage holes. This is a clear sign that the root system has completely mastered the soil. If this happens, then it is not recommended to delay planting work, since the plant will have nowhere to get nutrients from and diseases may begin.

Thirdly, water stagnates in the container. This happens if you have not made a drainage system or poured too much water. Almost no plant likes stagnant water, as it causes putrefactive processes. Excess moisture is also harmful to stems, shoots and leaves.

If you accidentally flooded a flower, it urgently needs to be replanted. In this case, the root system is completely cleared of soil.

Fourthly, replanting is carried out if you notice pests or signs of disease on the plant. In this case, the diseased specimen not only needs to be replanted, but also isolated from other inhabitants of the home flower garden, and also treated with insecticides and fungicides.

ON A NOTE. In addition, do not forget about the planned transplant.

The best days to replant indoor plants

Waxing MOON from 15:46

11 , Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:49. AQUARIUS
I quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 15:46

Moon without course from 22:52

The following types of work are permitted

: covering flowers.


: no specific recommendations.

What is better not to do

? engage in any planting; trim trees and shrubs; prepare cuttings for propagating indoor plants; replant indoor plants.


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

12 , Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 15:05. AQUARIUS
PISCES from 10:53
Moon without course until 10:52

The following types of work are permitted

: planting greenery; purchases.


: after 10:55 you can go shopping for new plants or any products for their propagation. After you bring a new plant into the house, carefully inspect it to ensure that it is free of pests, and also keep it separate from other plants for the first week.

What is better not to do

? preserve vegetables and fruits.


: before 10:55 - it is better not to water the plants; after 10:55 is a good time for watering.

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13 , Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:16. FISH
The following types of work are permitted

: planting greenery.


: a good time to plant greenery on the windowsill. Although greenery does not grow as actively during this period as in summer, you can still achieve a good harvest if you create the appropriate conditions in your apartment. In particular, additional lighting will now play an important role.

What is better not to do

? preserve vegetables and fruits.


: good time for watering.
As a preventive measure against pests, it is useful to give the plants a shower approximately once or twice a month and wash off the dust. In addition to the shower, you can spray the leaves of plants (with the exception of plants with fluffy leaves - Saintpaulia, Gloxinia, Peperomia,
some types
of begonias
and others).

14 , Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:26. PISCES
ARIES from 18:48
Moon without course from 08:40 to 18:47

The following types of work are permitted

: planting greenery (until 08:40).


: Today is also a good time to plant greenery, but it is best to do this work before the Moon becomes “idle” - before 08:40. Watering is acceptable almost all day.

What is better not to do

? engage in lunar landings without heading.


: good time for watering, especially before 19:50.
Today is also a good day to give a plant a shower. For plants with sessile leaves, including orchids
, try to remove excess water from the rosettes. It is also better to leave orchids for a couple of hours, immersing the pot in water, but then drain all excess liquid. If water stagnates in pots, moss can easily grow in them, which is not a very good neighbor for orchids.

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15 , Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 15:34. ARIES
The following types of work are permitted

: digging compost; planting and replanting trees and shrubs; lawn sowing; mushroom picking.

Today is a good time to sow lawn grass before winter, weather permitting. the air temperature should be about 0 °C, but not more than +5 °C. After sowing, it is good to cover the lawn with mulch that contains peat. In spring it will be a good fertilizer for seeds.


: monitor lighting, humidity and temperature conditions in the rooms where plants are kept.
Some species should be kept at a temperature of +10..+14 °C, including ivy, adenium, tetrastigma
and others.


: acceptable if necessary.

16 , Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:43. ARIES
Moon without course from 18:51

The following types of work are permitted

: digging compost; planting and replanting trees and shrubs; lawn sowing; mushroom picking.


: fuchsias and oleanders generally do not like high temperatures in winter, so these plants can be kept in a dry and cool room at a temperature of +2-6 °C.


: acceptable if necessary.

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Florist's planting calendar for November 2022 for every day, table

For convenience, we have made a lunar planting calendar for you for the entire November. We have collected all the information about favorable and unfavorable days in November 2022 in one table. Here is information on lunar phases, zodiac constellations and brief recommendations on planting and replanting flowers. In November 2022, favorable days according to the lunar calendar were distributed as follows.

NumberLunar phaseZodiac signRecommendations for transplantation
1DescendingVirgoNeutral time according to the lunar calendar. It is recommended to perform only emergency transplantation.
2DescendingScalesYou can replant corms from home flowers.
3ScalesIt is acceptable to transplant irises, hippeastrums, lilies, etc.
4DescendingScorpionThe last day of the waning moon. Planting new seedlings and replanting adult specimens is not recommended.
5New moonScorpionTransplanting and planting seedlings is prohibited.
6GrowingSagittariusThe first day after the new moon. Planting new seedlings and replanting adult specimens is not recommended.
7SagittariusNot the most favorable time for a transplant according to the lunar calendar.
8GrowingCapricornThe day is not suitable for planting work. Transplantation is allowed for emergency indications.
9CapricornBad time for planting.
10GrowingAquariusInfertile sign. Flowers will not take root well.
11AquariusInfertile sign. Flowers will not take root well.
12GrowingFishOne of the best days in November to transplant.
13FishIt is allowed to replant any indoor flowers, except those in the flowering stage.
14FishYou can safely plan a transplant.
15GrowingAriesIt is better to postpone planting events.
16AriesNot the best time to land.
17GrowingTaurusThis is a good time to plant flowers in new pots.
18GrowingTaurusThe last day of the waxing moon. Planting new seedlings and replanting adult specimens is not recommended.
19Full moonTaurusTransplanting and planting seedlings is prohibited.
20DescendingTwinsThe first day after the full moon. Planting new seedlings and replanting adult specimens is not recommended.
21DescendingTwinsNeutral period.
22DescendingCancerGreat for planting events. Especially for bulbous crops.
23CancerIvy and bulbous crops can be replanted.
24CancerTransfer allowed.
25Descendinga lionBad day to plant flowers in new pots.
26a lionUnfavorable period to replant plants.
27DescendingVirgoEmergency transplant work can be carried out.
28VirgoIt is better to prepare all the instruments for transplantation, but not carry out the procedure itself.
29DescendingScalesNot the best time to replant.
30DescendingScalesIt is allowed to plant harvested new cuttings.

ON A NOTE. We have highlighted the most favorable days for transplanting in November in green, and those on which it is better not to plant in red. The remaining days - as they say, replant "according to indications."

Temperature conditions for indoor plants in November 2021

Of course, housewives do not mind the extra temperature for their favorite plants. But!

Not all varieties benefit from temperatures above 22°C. For example, aglaonema, asplenium nest, gardenia, gloxinia, dendrobium, cattleya, pachyra or howea feel comfortable at temperatures from 12 to 15 ° C. It is advisable to place the listed and other types of flowers in November on cool loggias or, having collected them in a rectangular aquarium, place them on the windowsill close to the window glass. Otherwise, literally in a month the housewife will receive consequences in the form of: excessive growth of shoots, shredding of leaves, loss of decorativeness of the plant.

At the same time, many flowers develop normally during abnormal temperature changes. We are talking about monstera, chlorophytum, passionflower, Antarctic cissus, fatsia and other plants. They rest well in both heat and cold.

How does the moon sign affect the replanting of indoor flowers and plants?

Lunar phases have a direct impact on the transplantation process, or more precisely on how the flowers will tolerate this agrotechnical event.

During the growing phase of the lunar calendar, the flower that you decided to transplant will be better accepted in a new place and will quickly begin its growing season.

Planting work is not carried out during the full moon and new moon, as this has a bad effect on the general condition of flowers grown at home. They begin to get sick and become vulnerable to pests.

During the waning phase of the lunar calendar, flowers are accepted more slowly and require additional feeding and more careful care.

Some gardeners focus not only on the lunar calendar, but also on the signs of the Zodiac, dividing them into fertile and infertile.

  • Aries belongs to rather unfavorable constellations. These days it is better to refrain from planting and transplanting.
  • Taurus is a favorable sign to replant flowers in November. You can also propagate some flower crops by cuttings.
  • Twins do not have any effect on flowers when transplanted.
  • Cancer is considered the most suitable zodiac constellation for transplantation.
  • Leo is one of the not-so-favorable signs for transplanting indoor flowers into new containers. They often get sick and begin to bloom worse.
  • Virgo and Libra are considered neutral zodiac constellations. However, if desired or necessary, planting can be carried out on these days.
  • Scorpio in November favors replanting all flowers, not just cacti and succulents.
  • Sagittarius is not considered a favorable period for transplantation activities.
  • Capricorn is a good time to prepare planting material for propagation of your pets that have been growing for a long time.
  • Aquarius - do not carry out any landing or transfer work.
  • Pisces is a favorable period for transplantation work.

How to properly water indoor flowers in November 2022

Reducing watering to once a month in November is a prerequisite for the healthy well-being of indoor plants of literally all varieties and types. Traditionally, settled water at room temperature is used.

Some plants, such as cyclamen, are just beginning to bloom. Flooding a tuber pot is tantamount to death. However, it is generally forbidden to water cyclamen. Experienced housewives moisten the soil through a string inserted into the drainage hole of the pot. In this case, water is poured into a tray filled with pebbles. At room temperature above 15 degrees, it is advisable to humidify the air, but cyclamen does not need spraying.

As for dry air due to the incessant operation of heating devices, this is an autumn-winter disaster for all plants (the level of air humidity in some rooms drops to 30%). Think about these numbers! The acceptable percentage of humidity for tropical representatives is 65%, and the ideal is 90%. Well, how not to dry out in conditions of 30%? Almost impossible.

There are three ways to minimize inconvenience:

  • weekly washing of leaves with a damp cloth
  • daily spraying of greenery
  • inclusion of appropriate technology.

If desired and if there is free time, water procedures are carried out simultaneously.

Attention! Dry air is a favorable environment for the development of pests that come into the house from the street along with the soil. Don't give insects a chance to survive and reproduce. Carefully check indoor flowers for uninvited guests.

Common mistakes

  • Use of already used soil. The old substrate is depleted by the flower during cultivation. In addition, it may contain pathogenic microorganisms and eggs of pests. Therefore, when transplanting or planting new cuttings, the soil substrate needs to be updated.
  • Too much watering after transplanting. After completing the transplanting activities, you need to water the flower just a little. This is due to the fact that the roots need to take root, and until this moment they will not be able to properly absorb water from the substrate.
  • In November, plants are replanted in the flowering phase. It is generally better not to touch flowering plants, since they spend all their energy on forming and preserving buds. But after flowering ends, the flower stalks are cut off and can be replanted.
  • During the planting process, no drainage system is provided. Drainage is very important to remove excess moisture. It is done simply: holes in the bottom, a saucer and expanded clay or broken brick. But excess moisture in the pot is harmful not only to the roots, but also to the above-ground parts of the plants.
  • Negligence. Transplantation should be done very carefully, without damaging the roots.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants 2022

6 , Saturday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:52. SCORPIO
SAGITTARIUS from 03:52
Moon without course until 03:51

The following types of work are permitted

: whitewashing, planting and replanting trees and shrubs; lawn sowing; mushroom picking.

As the Moon grows, it is good to start planting trees, if weather conditions permit. Buy trees and shrubs from nurseries, make sure the plants are strong and healthy. Today you can plant coniferous shrubs, including evergreen thuja

. This plant is not too fussy and takes root well if planted in November.


: plants may not have enough daylight during this period, especially those that love light, so take care of additional lighting, especially if the plants are blooming (for example, orchids and other species may continue to bloom during this period).


: acceptable if necessary.

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7 , Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 11:28. SAGITTARIUS
Moon without course from 16:44

The following types of work are permitted

: whitewashing, planting and replanting trees and shrubs; lawn sowing; mushroom picking.

In November you can go to the forest to pick mushrooms. During this period, you can find mushrooms that thrive in colder temperatures, for example, Polish mushrooms, champignons, umbrella mushrooms, and autumn mushrooms.

and others.


: if you don’t have an additional lighting system, then place light-loving flowers on south or southwest windows.
Some species, for example, Pereskia agave americana, chlorophytums, episcia, aloe tree,
need good lighting.


: acceptable if necessary.

8 , Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 12:50. SAGITTARIUS
CAPRICORN from 04:03
Moon without course until 04:03

The following types of work are permitted

: hilling, mulching; planting and replanting trees and shrubs; planting, replanting and transferring indoor plants; pickling cabbage; preparation of soil mixtures; cleaning the garden.


: A good day to work with indoor plants. If necessary, replant them, but it is better to replant or simply replace the top layers of soil. In November it is already too late to do transplants, so this should only be done if absolutely necessary.

What is better not to do

? trim hedges.


: acceptable if necessary.

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9 , Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 13:48. CAPRICORN
Moon without course from 20:51

The following types of work are permitted

: hilling, mulching; planting and replanting trees and shrubs; planting, replanting and transferring indoor plants; pickling cabbage; preparation of soil mixtures; cleaning the garden.


: Today transplants are also acceptable (if urgently needed). You can also replace the top layer of potting soil, especially if it has become moldy or compacted too tightly.

What is better not to do

? trim hedges.


: acceptable if necessary.

10 , Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 14:26. CAPRICORN
AQUARIUS from 06:03
Moon without course until 06:02

The following types of work are permitted

: planting flowers; shelter of flowers.

Sowing flowers before winter is a good way to get early flowering. During this period, you can plant lupins, phlox, chrysanthemums

If quite cold days have already arrived, but there is no snow yet, sow poppies
. Remember that when sowing at this time, more seeds are needed (twice), because only the strongest ones will sprout.


: no specific recommendations.

What is better not to do

? replant indoor plants; plant greens.


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

© cavanimages

Answers to frequently asked questions

How to determine the day I need according to the lunar calendar?

Transplantation according to the lunar calendar is carried out on a waxing moon, excluding the first day after the new moon and the last day before the full moon. You can choose any of these days, giving preference to those that are in favorable zodiac signs.

If the day is lucky according to the zodiac, but not according to the lunar calendar, what should you do?

Sometimes it happens that there is a discrepancy between the lunar calendar and the signs of the Zodiac. In this case, the most successful days are considered to be those when both factors are positive, then we focus on the lunar calendar. If the day is suitable, you can plant; if not, then we postpone the transplant.

Sometimes it happens that you cannot choose a good day, then the main thing is not to land on the full moon or new moon.

Is it possible to replant in soil that was brought from the garden?

Only in the garden - you can’t. But you can make a soil substrate based on garden soil by adding peat, sand, and leaf soil.

Moon phases in November 2022

The effect of the Moon on plants is cyclical. As the planet moves along its trajectory during the lunar month, it enters different phases and has varying degrees of activity on indoor plants:

  1. On the waxing Moon, crops are replanted in different ways (cuttings, dividing the bush). During this period, the flow of sap from the roots along the stem to the leaves, buds and fruits is activated, i.e. from bottom to top, the above-ground part develops quickly, nutrients are concentrated in it. It is worth sowing seeds and watering the soil abundantly.
  2. During the full moon, the vital activity of indoor flowers reaches its peak; the flowers collect the maximum amount of useful elements. A favorable period for planting seeds that have a long germination period. It is recommended to carry out mineral fertilizing and spraying.
  3. During the waning moon there is a decline in activity. The moisture level in the cells decreases. Nutrients accumulated earlier begin to go into the roots. This is a good time for rooting cuttings, forcing bulbs and sprouting tubers. Pruning is necessary to slow growth. Watering is limited to prevent the roots from rotting.
  4. During the new moon, power is concentrated in the underground part, and the flowers need peace. You should take care of the plants, because any action can harm them. This is a favorable period for fighting diseases and pests.

Is it possible to replant indoor flowers during the new moon?

Everyone, as they say, knows that plants cannot be touched on the new moon, full moon and the days closest to them. After the invasion of their lives during these forbidden days, the plants begin to get sick and wither. Or they might even die.

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