Transplanting flowers in March 2022 according to the lunar calendar, find out when is the best time to replant indoor plants

It is necessary to transplant flowers in March 2022 according to the lunar calendar, starting from the second ten days of the month.
The procedure is simple; at this time, most indoor flowers that were in a dormant period wake up. Dear readers!
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How to understand that flowers need replanting

The indoor flower grows and develops, increases its green mass, increases the volume of its roots, and gradually the pot becomes too small for it. Therefore, transplantation is a natural process.

Usually the transplant is done in March, since after winter the plants begin to emerge from hibernation and actively grow. And for active growth they need space.

So, here are a few signs that a flower needs to be replanted in March:

  • The pot has become too small. Gradually growing, the roots entwine the earthen ball. As a result, they have nowhere to get nutrients for the above-ground part, and the flower begins to fade. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly replant it in a larger container.
  • The soil in the pot has become sour. This can happen due to poor-quality soil and regular overflow, as well as the lack of drainage holes. When replanting due to acidification of the soil, it is important to clean the root system completely.
  • Growth has stopped, there is no flowering. If your green pet is still young, but no longer grows or blooms, then it needs to be replanted. There can be two options: the roots have entwined the earthen ball, the soil has become depleted.
  • Diseases and pests. If you see signs of disease or the presence of pests on a flower, you must immediately replant it. In this case, the infected parts must be removed using a sharp and disinfected instrument, and the sections must be treated with a fungicide solution.

ON A NOTE. Don't be surprised if the flower grows slower after replanting. First, the root system develops, and only then the above-ground part.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

♉ MARCH 27
, Friday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:35. TAURUS
A good day to collect the bark of medicinal plants

For example, you can collect the bark
of oak, elderberry, viburnum, birch
and other plants. Bark should be collected from young trees, but it is better before leaves appear on them. Oak bark is well suited for treating various problems of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity, and it will also help in the treatment of burns.

Today is a good day for spring vaccinations



: A good day to tend to plants, prepare the soil, and plant and replant them. Follow the rules of planting, for example, do not replant flowering plants, they will not have much strength to recover. Also, immediately after transplanting, you should not apply fertilizers, this can be harmful.

What is better not to do

? there are no special restrictions.


: allowed.

MARCH 28, Saturday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:50. TAURUS
Good day for planting trees and shrubs

into pre-prepared pits.
By this time the soil should have thawed thoroughly. It is best to plant in areas with heavy and wet soil. peaches or apricots
now if late frosts have passed. Today it is worth planting only if the weather is dry and without precipitation.

Today is also a very good day for plant shopping

, seedlings, equipment or various supplies for growing plants.


: Another good day for planting, replanting or soil preparation. If the roots of the plants begin to rot, they can be transplanted into smaller pots in soil mixed with sand. Such transplanted flowers should be watered sparingly so that the roots have time to heal.

What is better not to do

? there are no special restrictions.


: allowed.

© ronstik

MARCH 29, Sunday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:09. TAURUS
GEMINI from 04:38
Moon without course from 02:05 to 04:37

This day is suitable for planting various beautiful flowering plants.

for seedlings or greenhouses. If you sow plants at this time, by the time they are transplanted into flower beds or flowerpots they will already produce buds. Annual and perennial plants are presented in a very large assortment. It’s up to you what kind of plants you would like to see on your site.

Today you can collect the first flowers

medicinal plants.
For example, willow flowers


: You can start planting any indoor flowers.

What is better not to do

? there are no special restrictions.


: It’s better not to water the plants today, it’s a bad time.

♊ MARCH 30
, Monday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 08:34. GEMINI
Moon without course from 18:10

At the end of the month, you can gradually remove the coverings
from roses, hydrangeas
and other heat-loving flowers.
First, the shelters can be slightly raised. Break the crust layer over bulbous crops, strawberries
and other perennials to avoid damping off. If the roots of perennial plants still have time to prop up, they should be replanted and then mulched well.

Today you can sow marigolds or asters

, cover with film and place in a warm room.
Asters are quite vulnerable to disease, so the soil for these flowers should be properly steamed
or watered with a special anti-


: You can start planting any indoor flowers.

What is better not to do

? start important things, the result of which is very important to you, with the Moon without a course (for example, start sowing).


: It’s better not to water the plants today, it’s a bad time.

© harmpeti

MARCH 31, Tuesday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 09:08 . GEMINI
CANCER from 14:43
Moon without course until 14:42

Today in the afternoon (after 14:45) you can sow peas

in open ground, if conditions in your area allow.
The seeds of this cold-resistant plant can germinate at temperatures of + 4-7 ºС
, and young plants can withstand night frosts down to
-6 ºС
Before sowing, it is advisable to soak the pea seeds. When planting, maintain a distance of 5-6 centimeters

The second half of the day is suitable for collecting buds of medicinal plants

, which are already beginning to appear in full swing.
For example, you can already collect birch buds and pine buds
hazel catkins
during the day .
If the first herbs have already begun to appear - dandelion, nettle, quinoa
and others, then it is also a good idea to collect them on this day.


: planting greenery on the windowsill is acceptable (in the afternoon - after 14:45).

What is better not to do

? plant trees and shrubs; prune fruit trees; prepare cuttings for propagating indoor flowers; make any home canned food; start important things, the result of which is very important to you, with the Moon without a course (for example, start sowing).


: A good time to water is after 2:45 p.m. It is better not to water the plants in the first half of the day.

How moon signs affect flowers when transplanting

Flower transplantation in March 2022 according to the lunar calendar is carried out in accordance with the lunar phases.

Below we will describe how each of them affects plants.

The new moon is not suitable for transplanting flowers, as this is the period of transition from the waning moon to the waxing one. During this phase, plants are very vulnerable to attack. Even a small wound during transplantation can lead to the death of the flower.

The waxing moon is the ideal time to replant flowers. The phase has the most favorable effect on the root system. The roots quickly take root and begin to draw nutrients from the soil.

The full moon is similar to the new moon in its effect on plants. Therefore, no actions are carried out during this lunar phase either. Especially when it comes to transplantation.

The waning moon is an ambiguous time. During this phase of the lunar calendar, tuberous and bulbous flowers can be transplanted. For everyone else, a transplant at this time is not advisable.

ON A NOTE. Of the zodiac signs, the most favorable are Virgo and Scorpio.

Favorable days

In March 2022, the florist's lunar calendar recommends the following days for planting flower crops and working with them:

  • annuals – 3-16, 20-21
  • biennials, perennials – 3-8
  • tuberous, bulbous, root-tuberous – 6, 8, 16, 17, 19, 20, 20-25

The following hours will be favorable for planting indoor plants: 6-13, 19, 20, 21-25

Unfavorable days

If for some reason you do not fall on one of the favorable days, land on any one, avoiding only the unfavorable ones.

These are the days of the full moon and new moon (12 hours before and after):

  • new moon (12 hours before and after its onset) - March 2 at 20:35
  • full moon (12 hours before and after its onset) - March 18 at 10:17 am

Aquarius is the most infertile sign of the zodiac and should also be avoided:

  • March 27, 03:56 a.m. – March 29, 07:34 a.m.

In addition to the recommendations of the florist's lunar calendar for March 2022, it is important to know the general rules for carrying out work this month.

Tips for caring for flowers in March 2022

March is the first month of spring. At this time, many indoor flowers begin their growing season. However, we must not forget about those of our pets whose flowering is in full swing. In the table below we have collected recommendations and tips for you on how to distribute your time caring for indoor flowers in accordance with the lunar calendar.

1Purchase of equipment and containers for transplantation
2Preventive treatment against diseases and pests
3Pinching, crown formation, watering and other daily care
4Transplantation of tuberous and bulbous flowers. Spraying leaves.
5-8Unfavorable time for loosening, watering and fertilizing
9-11Prevention of diseases and pests. Daily care
12Preparing containers and soil. Spraying leaves.
13Do not carry out any work
14-16Sanitary pruning, pest control, watering
17-18Transplanting flowers into larger containers
19-21Transplanting flowers into larger containers
22-23Pinching, crown formation, watering and other daily care
24-25Loosening the soil in the pot, fertilizing
26-27Transplanting flowers into larger containers
28Do not carry out any work.
29Purchase of equipment and containers for transplantation. Spraying leaves.
30Preventive treatment against diseases and pests
31Pinching, crown formation, watering and other daily care

ON A NOTE. This cheat sheet is compiled according to the lunar calendar, but is of a recommendatory nature. Focus on the condition of your plants and monitor them carefully.

How to care for flowers after transplantation

Most often, they are transplanted using the method of transferring an earthen coma, but there are other methods.

IMPORTANT! Transplantation is always stressful for flowers, even if it was carried out correctly and according to the lunar calendar.

After you have transplanted your green pet, it must be quarantined for a week, after thoroughly moistening the earthen ball.

ON A NOTE. If you replanted because of rot or because the flower was watered last time, then there is no need to water it.

In quarantine there should be shade and it should be cool.

There is no point in watering all this time. Only occasionally spray with water if the room is dry enough.

A week later, an examination is carried out. If the “patient” tolerated the procedure well, then he is returned to his usual place.

The question often arises about feeding after transplantation. So there is no point in feeding it in the next 3-4 months.

Firstly, first the roots will take root, and then master their new living space.

Secondly, the nutrients contained in the substrate will be sufficient for nutrition, and an excess of microelements will also be harmful, as well as their deficiency.

Of course, if the color did not tolerate the transplant well, it will need to be helped by adding growth and root formation stimulants to the water for irrigation. Then you need to carry out several fertilizing with liquid complex fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Common mistakes

  • The procedure is not carried out according to the lunar calendar. Once again, replanting is a very painful procedure, so the plants need help. Follow the lunar calendar to replant on the most favorable day.
  • Poor quality soil. The new substrate must be nutritious.
  • Using old soil. Of course, when you replant using the transshipment method, some of the soil will already be old, but the rest of the soil must be fresh. Otherwise, the roots will have nowhere to absorb nutrients.
  • Sloppyness. Damage to the roots can lead to the death of the plant.
  • The transplant is carried out too late. Never get to the point where you have to cut the pot open or have roots grow through the drainage holes.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How often should a transplant be done?

In general, it depends on the specific plant. But usually young, actively growing flowers are replanted every year, and already grown ones every 2-3 years.

What to do if the flower does not come out of the container?

You'll have to cut it. Just do it very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Is it necessary to apply fertilizers already in March?

If you have damaged the roots, then already in March you can add a root formation stimulator to the water for irrigation. The main fertilizing should be carried out after 3-4 months.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar

MARCH 22, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 06:32. PISCES
This day is also suitable for trimming hedges

Trimming is necessary not only to form a beautiful shape of plants, but also to make it denser and thicker, which is sometimes important in order to separate your area from the eyes of others. The cutting depth depends on the age of the plants and their size. For example, younger shrubs are cut at 1/3 of their annual growth


: It is good to fertilize plants with decorative leaves.

What is better not to do

? trim trees; prepare cuttings or pinch indoor plants; make homemade preserves; plant and replant indoor plants; pick plants; replant seedlings.


: allowed, very good day for watering. You can spray indoor plants and seedlings.

© mangpor_2004

MARCH 23, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:46. PISCES
Moon without course from 17:51

The last day of the lunar month is quite stressful; you shouldn’t plan anything serious on it. It is better to rest and relax on this day.


: The moon is approaching a new moon, so today is not the best time to work with plants, with the exception of watering; plant and replant indoor plants; pick plants; replant seedlings.

What is better not to do

? trim trees and any other plants; prepare cuttings or pinch indoor plants; make homemade preserves; plant and replant indoor plants; pick plants; replant seedlings.


: allowed, very good day for watering. You can spray indoor plants and seedlings.

YOUNG MOON from 12:28

MARCH 24, Tuesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 06:59; 1st lunar day from 12:28. PISCES
ARIES from 03:58
Moon without course until 03:57

from 12:28
The day of the new moon is the day of the weak Moon, so you should not plan planting, pruning, grafting and other complex types of work for today: plants planted today will not develop well! Instead, we advise you to start planning future affairs on this day ( preferably after 12:30

) for the next lunar month.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today, but you can plan things for the next lunar month.

What is better not to do

? leave plants in direct sunlight; engage in any planting and transplantation of plants.


: Allowed if necessary.


MARCH 25, Wednesday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 07:10. ARIES
The first day after the new moon is still not suitable for planting plants, as they will not grow luxuriantly. At this time, the moon's energy is still too low

. If you plan to plant vegetable seedlings, it is better to do it tomorrow. Today it is still good to plan things for the upcoming lunar month.


: Today is not a good day to work with plants. Protect your flowers from direct sunlight.

What is better not to do

? leave plants in direct sunlight; engage in any planting and transplantation of plants.


: Allowed if necessary.

♈♉ MARCH 26
, Thursday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:22. ARIES
TAURUS from 16:37
Moon without course from 10:16 to 16:36

Not a bad day to sow lawns.

of rolled grass
is also allowed . For sowing, it is necessary to prepare the site in the fall. It is best if the lawn is on the well-lit side, then the grass will be lush and dense. Seeds should be sown in loose soil without large lumps. After sowing, the soil should be rolled with a special roller.

This day is also suitable for picking up grown seedlings

, that is, planting plants from common containers so that young shoots do not interfere with each other’s development. When picking, you should immediately weed out weak shoots.


: in the late afternoon, when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, it is good to start planting and transferring.

What is better not to do

? leave plants in direct sunlight; start important things, the result of which is very important to you, with the Moon without a course (for example, start sowing).


: allowed.

© Kaspars Grinvalds

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