Why can’t you keep a Crassula money tree at home?

Indoor plants perform a decorative function. Many of them serve as amulets that attract good luck and prosperity. The question of why you can’t keep a talisman at home—the money tree crassula—is of concern to those who dream of finding financial stability. Let's find out what the opinion is connected with.

According to signs, the tree brings material well-being to the house. But flower growers are afraid to keep the plant indoors. It poses a danger to the inhabitants.

The fat woman will fit perfectly into the interior of the apartment, but you need to be careful

What is the harm of the fat woman?

The question of whether it is possible to keep a fat woman is controversial. There is an opinion among the people that if the tree dies, then the family will face ruin and material decline.

The fat woman is the owner of feminine energy. Esotericists recommend keeping a flower with masculine energy in the house. This will help establish balance and prevent disharmony.

Flower growers also know that the plant is poisonous. You need to keep a tree at home correctly.

Money tree poison

Crassula is called the silent killer because the flower is poisonous - the leaves contain the chemical element Arsenicum (arsenic). The effect of poison on the human body can result in tragedy. But to do this you will have to eat the leaves of the indoor talisman. It is unlikely that this would occur to anyone. For safety reasons, it is recommended to keep the flower pot away from children and pets. Crassula should not be left in the public domain.

Crassula leaves have been found to contain arsenic

Even getting a small piece of leaf inside is dangerous. The risk of developing allergic reactions cannot be excluded. No chemical compounds are released into the air. There is no danger in this.

Magical properties of the flower

Magicians claim that the fat woman has magical properties. The appearance and condition of the tree indicates the state of the owner’s financial affairs:

  1. Death is evidence of ruin, bankruptcy.
  2. Illness, withering - unforeseen expenses, poverty.
  3. A healthy tree is a symbol of financial prosperity and wealth.

The fat woman is able to attract financial energy to the owner. The owner will not experience financial difficulties.

A diseased plant indicates material losses

Is it possible to keep at home according to signs?

Signs say that it is possible to keep a fat woman in your home. This will ensure financial well-being and help get rid of poverty and poverty. The flower is also credited with the following abilities:

  1. Attracts good luck.
  2. Cleans the house from negativity;
  3. Helps the owner cope with diseases.

Crassula leaves are a suitable remedy for insect bites and skin inflammation. If a person is stung by a bee or wasp, a leaf cut lengthwise will help. The sheet is applied to the bite site and secured. The pain subsides, the swelling subsides.

The juice of the flower is used to treat bruises and sprains. Injuries heal faster.

Precautions when drinking Crassula juice

The most important thing is that before starting treatment with Crassula juice, be sure to consult your doctor. Before the first use, you need to check if there is an allergy to the plant. To do this, apply a small amount of juice to the crook of your elbow and wait a couple of hours. If even slight irritation appears, using the plant for treatment is strictly prohibited.

Begin treatment carefully, with small doses - for rinsing, it is better to dilute the juice with warm water, gradually increasing the concentration. For internal use, start with a few drops and see how you feel. If nausea, vomiting, or confusion occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately and the attending physician should be informed of the change in condition. In any case, it is not recommended to take more than three tablespoons of infusion (3-5 leaves per glass of boiled water) even if you feel great and have no allergies.

Thus, we examined the beneficial properties of the flower and contraindications for using juice from the leaves of the houseplant Crassula. Crassula is an extremely useful plant in the home flower garden due to its properties, which can reduce the number of viral diseases in the inhabitants of the house, purify the air in the apartment, help in the treatment of burns, provide first aid for insect bites, and cure a sore throat.

As already mentioned, the fat plant is an unpretentious plant, but it has its own growing characteristics. Crassula can also be susceptible to diseases and pests. In addition, on our website you will find information about how and under what conditions the money tree blooms and what plants are similar to this flower.

How to plant correctly so that money appears

Monetary energy will enter the owner’s house only if the shoots are properly planted. It is important to comply with certain requirements:

  1. An adult plant is not replanted. You need a tree seedling or shoot.
  2. According to the signs, you need to steal a fat leaf from a wealthy family. Then the wealth will go to the “thief’s” house.
  3. When purchasing a sprout, you pay with coins.
  4. The pot should be red. You cannot save on capacity.
  5. Coins are placed at the bottom of the vessel. Only then fill the container with soil.
  6. It is necessary to monitor the growth of the plant and transplant it into a larger pot in time.
  7. When caring for (watering, dusting) the plant talisman, the owner must express desires for prosperity out loud.
  8. Decent care at home ensures the health of the flower. The death of the fat woman must not be allowed.

Any talk about poverty and poverty is prohibited near the fat woman. When making a profit, several bills are attached to the branches or trunk of a tree. It is better to do this with red ribbons.

Where should a money tree stand to attract wealth?

An important aspect in caring for Crassula is lighting. Therefore, in order for it to bring financial well-being, it should be placed in a bright place. The best option is a window sill on the southwest side of the house.

Also, the place where the money tree grows must be clean and spacious, otherwise the tree may become sick or its crown will be deformed, which will reduce the positive effect of the flower.

It is recommended to plant the fat plant in a red or scarlet pot, which symbolizes prosperity and nobility. Additionally, the tree trunk is tied with a ribbon of the same color.

According to feng shui

According to Chinese teachings, Crassula is an effective money talisman. It can relieve fatigue and fill you with vitality.

It is believed that financial energy accumulates in the leaves. This makes them thicker. To enhance the flow of energy, you need to dig several Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon into the plant pot.

You can place a dragon figurine in the branches. She attracts wealth. An owl figurine would be appropriate nearby for proper management of money. At the base of the succulent you need to place 3 red lanterns to enhance the magical properties.

Why does a tree bloom?

Crassula rarely blooms. The inflorescences are pale, collected from small flowers of 6 petals. The owners of flowering trees sincerely rejoice at their luck. They will have a rare opportunity to make a secret wish. It will certainly come true.

Blooming Crassula is a symbol of sudden enrichment.

Magicians say that flowering is a symbol of imminent wealth. The owner of a plant talisman will soon receive a large profit, an inheritance. Money seems to fall from heaven. The enrichment will be unexpected.

In order for the tree to bloom, you need to provide proper care: water and feed on time.

At home, the fat woman can grow up to 1.5 meters. The owner should take care of a suitable container.

The magical properties of Crassula

Currently, more than 200 species of money tree are cultivated. Flowers differ in size and leaf color. When Crassula is not watered for a long time, it does not die due to the accumulation of moisture in the leaves. This property is compared to a person's reserves for a rainy day.

A flower can reproduce and germinate even under unfavorable conditions. This is also considered a symbol of enrichment. From a small initial capital, profit grows in the same way.

It is believed that Crassula not only attracts wealth, but also gives the owner of the flower confidence and develops leadership qualities. Crassula is sometimes called the dollar or coin tree. According to signs and superstitions, Crassula symbolizes good luck and happiness.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

This is a strong money talisman. It relieves the owner from poverty and attracts money to the house.

A Chinese legend says that you need to shake the tree, and it will give the owner a “harvest” - coins.

Also, an indoor amulet restores strength and relieves fatigue. You just need to be nearby and the energy will fill the owner again. Things will go uphill, he will make the right decision.

A figurine of a dragon is often placed between the branches or a figurine in the form of an owl is installed. Additional elements are responsible for the owner’s thrift and economy. They will protect the owner from thoughtless, wasteful spending.

Three red lanterns are also installed near the flower. This is a guarantee of a powerful magical effect on the life of the owner of the talisman.

It is allowed to keep an artificial tree in the house. It can be made of metals or natural stones. The figure is also placed in the southeastern part of the apartment.

History of a flower

The homeland of the Crassula is the countries of the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, the plant, accustomed to hot climates and shady subtropical forests, was not known in Europe for a long time. In our latitudes, the Crassula appears only in the 18th century. After which it is successfully cultivated and becomes a frequent guest in homes and landscape design elements.

Scientists count more than three hundred species of Crassula, but the oval Crassula (ovoid) received the name “money tree”.

Perhaps it was thanks to this nickname that the plant gained such popularity on a continent foreign to it; the thirst for easy money was inherent in people at all times.

What does it mean if the fat woman died

Why the flower died is a separate question. What is more important is what consequences the owner of the fat woman faces. Signs speak of imminent poverty and ruin.

To avoid consequences, monitor the condition of the flower. If you notice that the plant is drying out or withering, take preventive measures. Make sure that the roots have not rotted, transplant into a large container, provide watering and fertilizing.

Timely steps taken to care for a sick tree will save it from death and the owner from poverty.

DIY money tree made from coins

Making a money tree is not as difficult as it might seem.

To make an amulet from coins, you will need:

  • foam;
  • scotch;
  • coins of different sizes;
  • glue for durable materials;
  • branch or small metal stick;
  • gold ribbon;
  • golden beads;
  • yellow rhinestones;
  • small flower pot;
  • decorative gold leaves;
  • alabaster;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • gold acrylic paint in aerosol form.

There are a lot of materials on the list, but despite this, coin topiary is made very quickly. Literally in an hour.

A topiary made from coins will serve as an original gift.

And now the master class itself:

  1. Roll a ball of foam rubber 8-10 cm in diameter, completely covering its surface with tape. This will help secure the ball shape.
  2. Using glue, attach the coins to the surface of the ball. Start from the top, working your way down in a circle. The round shape of the coins will not allow you to put them together into a whole picture without leaving gaps. Therefore, place the coins so that the edge of one overlaps the side of the other.
  3. Do not put the last coin on the bottom of the ball, leave a small space. At this point you need to pierce the ball and insert a stick or wire there.
  4. Coat the end of the stick with glue, and then insert it into the hole of the ball.
  5. Wrap the future trunk of the money tree with a gold ribbon, after lubricating the stick with glue. After this, you can use coins to cover the remaining space through which the color of the ball can be seen.
  6. Glue decorative leaves to the trunk, decorating them with beads and rhinestones.
  7. Now we prepare the pot. We cover it with paint and decorate it with leaves.
  8. Having mixed alabaster and sand with water, pour all this stuff into the pot and insert the stem. When the soil hardens, cover it with paint.
  9. Let's make a “collar” of ribbons. Cut even pieces of tape and fold them into droplets. Using a sharp corner, apply them to the coins near the barrel, securing them with glue. Make a collar in a circle.
  10. 10) The last stage is to cover all this beauty with varnish so that you can wipe the talisman from dust.

Where should the flower be?

The flower loves the sun, but is afraid of direct rays. The fat woman can get burned and die.

Experienced flower growers recommend installing a bedside table near the window on the south side of the house. And put the money talisman on the stand.

The window should be curtained with a light tulle curtain. The room must be ventilated, but there should be no drafts.

The money tree should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Crassula loves warmth. She is originally from South Africa. The owner should make sure that the room where the financial talisman is located has the required temperature. It is 23-27 degrees.

Harm of Crassula: what is the danger of an indoor flower for the owner

It turned out that Crassula is a slightly poisonous plant. If you grow it as a houseplant, there will be no problems. But when taken orally, an adult may experience minor unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

The tree is toxic to pets. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

The flower poses a much greater danger to pets (especially cats and dogs), as well as small children. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you remove the pot with the plant out of reach of them.

Chemical composition: arsenic content in leaves and stems

All parts of the Crassula are considered poisonous. Although the substance responsible for the toxicity of the plant remains unknown, it has been found to contain arsenic. Because of this, it is recommended to keep the leaves, flowers, stems and roots of the plant away from pets and children. It is also necessary to avoid contact with the juice; some people become allergic.

Symptoms of poisoning in adults, children and animals

If the plant sap comes into contact with the skin, the standard symptoms of an allergic reaction (redness, itching and burning) may appear. Ingestion leads to more serious consequences: from stomach upset to vomiting or diarrhea.

Cats can be poisoned by eating a succulent leaf. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

Children, cats and dogs have more severe symptoms. Crassula causes stomach upset with excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. In addition, weakness, spatial disorientation and loss of consciousness may occur.

This can cause pets to become more aggressive. In rare cases, symptoms of poisoning lead to seizures, decreased heart rate and impaired muscle function. Up to death (it all depends on the dose of poisoning received).

Money tree in the bedroom

A flower is placed in the bedroom if the room is sufficiently lit. The fat woman does not tolerate darkness.

It is believed that the magical plant can replenish the strength of its owners during night sleep. In the morning they will feel cheerful and energetic.

Crassula has the ability to disinfect the air. A representative of the Crassula genus kills pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, we can talk about the healing properties of the plant. The presence of a flower next to a person will have a beneficial effect.

Beneficial features

The benefits and harms of the fat plant, like any other plant, are relative. If used incorrectly, even medicine can become poison.

The leaves of the money tree contain substances that have antibacterial, antiviral, regenerating and soothing effects. Therefore, the pulp is used for health benefits. For example:

  • applied to wounds and burns,
  • juice is used to lubricate herpes rashes, abscesses and boils,
  • applied as compresses to joints to relieve pain.

The obvious benefit for the home is the release of phytoncides that disinfect the air, the production of oxygen and the decorative function performed by a neat, glossy green, like a toy, money tree.

And the unobvious benefits are based on the belief that the fat woman has the properties of a household magical item and is capable of improving the financial condition of its owners. With their participation, of course.

Is it possible to give or receive a Crassula as a gift?

A money tree with banknotes will be a good gift for newlyweds.
The tree is given as a wedding gift. The symbol of prosperity is tied with a scarlet ribbon and given to a young family. The talisman will ensure prosperity for the couple and relieve poverty and poverty.

It is acceptable to tie banknotes to a gift. Thus, the newlyweds will receive not only a talisman, but also real financial assistance.

When accepting a fat woman as a gift, it is better to pay with coins. Even a few metal coins are enough.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home?

Signs and superstitions for the home are very important if you want the amulet to work. It is important that the tree feels good. If it develops and grows, the income of your home will grow with it. Remove dry twigs and leaves. If you do not do this, the spirit of power may be offended, and luck will turn away from you.

Growing this bush at home is beneficial for various reasons:

  • there will be prosperity and good luck in the house;
  • negative energy will bypass the house;
  • household members will get rid of diseases, since the bush has quite active bactericidal properties;
  • does not emit allergic compounds.

It has long been noticed that a decoction of the leaves helps cure herpes rashes, sore throats, and is an excellent treatment for skin lesions and arthritis. In order for the fat plant to enhance its impact, it must be placed correctly in the room. Feng Shui teaches us how to do this. According to this teaching, the bush will gain maximum strength if it stands on the southeast side.

Make sure there is no trash near the money tree. The sign says that this reduces the effectiveness of the action, since ownerless things spoil the energy charge of the house. But you can place a few coins near the plant. Be sure to take care of the fat woman. She will only make a profit if she is “satisfied” with her life.

Fell or broke

The sign says that if the money tree has fallen, but remains intact, you should expect an increase in profits. But if the money tree breaks, financial income will be significantly reduced.

The second meaning of the sign is that when a plant falls and breaks, you will have to face a dangerous situation. To prevent a truly serious risk, you will have to work hard to restore your energy field. Then the danger will bypass your person or will not harm you.

When a fallen plant was not damaged, but the pot in which it was located was broken, there is a person in your immediate circle who is very jealous of your well-being. It is worth taking a closer look at the people who surround you. They can bring more negativity, harming the energy of your home.

Money tree blooms

By giving a flower, the money tree signals a white streak in the lives of the people in whose house this happened. Moreover, something truly extraordinary will happen, since usually the money tree blooms only in nature. In order for the money tree to bloom at home, the plant needs to be given really excellent care. It is very important to observe the temperature regime, the period of watering, fertilizer, etc.

If you notice a color on a tree, it promises:

  • a large and very profitable business deal;
  • making a major purchase that has been put off for a long time;
  • an old, cherished dream will come true.

The fat woman feels the vibes of positive energy and reacts to them.


If the money tree has died, this is not a good sign, but there is no good reason to become despondent. First you need to find the cause of death. Perhaps he was poorly looked after, not fertilized, or placed in a place where he was uncomfortable. You can tell what’s wrong by how exactly the bush died. If the money tree has rotted, the most likely reason is improper watering. It is strictly not recommended to overfill the fatty. Its root system is not adapted to such overloads, it begins to hurt and rots.

A rotten tree is a bad sign. But if the money tree crumbles, it’s a good sign. Especially if the leaves are dry. They take them and put them in the wallet. They are a symbol of precious stones and attract wealth and success in business to a person.

When the money tree quickly falls, it may not be worth taking measures to urgently restore it. Sometimes, to neutralize the negative meaning of a sign, it is enough to get rid of the diseased plant and start all over again - growing a money tree from a small cutting. You should be wary if the situation with a dying plant is constantly repeated. Perhaps someone in your environment is standing in the way of intrigues that are preventing you from getting rich. For example, a colleague spreads dirty gossip that prevents you from getting a new position with a higher salary.

Take a closer look at the tree - you can also find remarkable signs in the features of its poor condition:

  • The tree begins to noticeably mow to one side, fall, become twisted - in the near future you will have to deal with material problems.
  • The plant fell from a great height - favorable changes await the family. Both the family itself and its well-being will grow.
  • Not only did the plant die, but the pot in which it stood was broken - you will have to face numerous envious people and ill-wishers.

When the trunk was broken, the financial situation of the family would noticeably deteriorate. Difficulties will arise in different areas of life. Therefore, try to place the plant in a place where it will not fall. Choose relatively large pots for it so that the money tree does not tip over under its own weight.

Can I give it to other people or just throw it away?

Sometimes owners are forced to get rid of their plant pet. The reasons can be very different:

  • moving;
  • employment;
  • frequent departures;
  • diseases.

There is no point in throwing away the flower. Thank the money symbol for the help provided and give it to the new owners. They must pay for the gift with coins.

If the tree has become old, it can be thrown away. But before that, the talisman must be thanked for its work.

New owners should remember that an adult plant will not bring wealth. It will only serve as an interior item for landscaping the apartment.

Why can’t you keep a “Money Tree” at home? Is it possible to throw away Crassula?

Superstitious people may be afraid to get rid of the money tree. What if your material well-being begins to deteriorate? These fears are not unfounded, but the situation must be judged from all sides. Is the plant you grew with your own hands withering away and not gaining strength? It is not advisable to continue keeping him in the house. Not only does it not help you with your cash flow, but it also “spoils” the atmosphere of material well-being in the long term. In such a situation, it is necessary to return the plant “to nature.” Take it out of the house and carefully bury it in the ground. It is best to do this in a forest or steppe, away from the bustle of the city.

You can do otherwise if you brought the fatty from the store. Doesn't it take root and languishes? You can safely throw it in the trash before it harms your material well-being. If you feel sorry for the plant, then leave it in the entrance. Perhaps he will be “adopted” by passers-by.

So, in order not to harm yourself and your budget, when disposing of fat bags you should follow simple tips:

  • Leave the flower along with the pot in the entrance
  • Give it to someone who doesn't mind resuscitating it.
  • Bury it in the ground
  • Throw away the plant without mercy, leaving one of its shoots for yourself to grow.

Is it possible to give only shoots?

The shoots are given away only if they were originally intended for sale.

If you want to give a gift, it is better to plant a sprout and grow a young tree. Take care of this in advance.

You cannot give the shoots from your home talisman into the wrong hands. It is allowed to give only to close and trusted people.

Growing shoots at home

The fat woman will become not only a suitable talisman and amulet against poverty and ruin, but also a medicine that will help in emergency situations. It is important to follow the rules for the care and maintenance of the money amulet. Then there will be no health risk. Owners should remember that magical properties will only appear with hard work and effort. Dollar Tree doesn't like lazy people.

What to do to attract money

By the appearance of the fat woman, you can determine the financial situation of the family. If Crassula withers despite quality care, the reason is poor energy. Perhaps energy is leaving the house. Energy losses can be determined by indirect signs - light bulbs often burn out, bad odors appear for no apparent reason, doors and windows slam by themselves. Money tree rituals will help solve the problem.

Grooming rituals

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Do not place the plant near cacti - the succulents will suppress each other. A successful combination of Crassula with an orange tree or indoor chrysanthemums. Rituals will help increase your financial wealth; they can only be performed with a healthy plant:

  1. The ritual of transplanting the fat plant is performed on Wednesday night, on the waxing Moon. The ritual will require a new expensive pot, a crassula sprout, and 7 coins. Place coins at the bottom of the container, add some soil and say: “As Crassula grows quickly, so will my wealth increase. As I said, so it will be.” Plant the plant in a pot and say the spell again. Place the container on the window on the east side of the house. Read the spell every time you water.
  2. At midnight, place 7 green candles around the money tree. Read the plot: “Whether it will be good or bad for me, always be with me. With your height, I am rich, happy, lucky.”
  3. Flowering ritual. The ritual requires 7 church candles, 7 coins of any denomination, and a glass of blessed water. At midnight, light the candles, water the plant 7 times, bury the coins and read the spell: “I’ll hide the money in the ground, steal the wealth from the flower. Let poverty leave the house and never return to me.”

Rituals are performed on the waxing moon, full moon or new moon. Perform rituals only if you believe in magic.

What to do when landing

Buy a small shoot from the store, not an adult plant. The best way to attract cash flow is to steal a Crassula leaf from a rich person. You can make a symbolic ransom of the shoot - the owners need to give a few coins. Landing Features:

  • plant in a green pot;
  • Place coins of any denomination at the bottom of the landing container;
  • as the flower grows, plant it in a new pot, which is 2–3 cm larger in diameter;
  • While the plant is taking root, you cannot talk or think about bad things.


If you want to turn the fat plant into a money talisman, water it regularly and wipe the leaves from dust.

How to decorate to attract money

Decorate the plant with banknotes, coins and scarlet ribbons. To prevent stagnation of financial flows, attributes must be changed periodically. During the decoration ritual, talk to the tree, talk about your wishes in a positive way.

Crassula has many other benefits. The plant purifies the air, removes dust, and has bactericidal properties. Crassula fragments are used to treat tonsillitis and dermatological diseases. The leaf blades relieve redness from insect bites - to make the itching go away, just cut it and apply the leaf to the damaged area.

DIY money tree from banknotes

When making a money tree, use real banknotes, not souvenir ones.
When making a money tree, you can use other techniques. It is more complicated, but gives a more authentic result. In this version, the tree crown is made not from a ball, but from real branches. They are varnished, and real banknotes are hung around the edges, like fruits.

It is undesirable to use small bills, because then the talisman will attract only small amounts. It’s also not worth replacing real money with souvenir money, otherwise you won’t be able to activate money energy and start the money cycle.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting options for making a money tree from banknotes.

Money Tree

The process of creating a New Year's tree from real paper money is quite simple and even small craftsmen can do it. The money tree will serve as an original gift for family and friends.

To make a Christmas tree you will need a foam cone, a small bucket for indoor plants and, of course, the treasured banknotes.

  1. We fold the paper bill like an accordion.
  2. We secure the center of the accordion with a hair bobby pin. You will get a kind of butterfly.
  3. Let's spread the wings of our money butterfly.
  4. All that remains is to fix the paper moth on the tree trunk by sticking the invisible one into the green cone.
  5. We create a lush Christmas tree from banknotes. We decorate the top of the green beauty with a star.

Tree made from banknotes

The algorithm for creating such a money tree is also very simple and absolutely anyone can handle it.

To make a paper money tree you will need:

  • small flowerpot;
  • wooden stick for the trunk;
  • foam ball;
  • children's polymer clay.

  1. We string the ball onto a wooden stick;
  2. Fill the bucket halfway with polymer clay;
  3. We form a bow from a banknote;
  4. Using a hairpin, attach the bow to the foam ball;
  5. We proceed in the same way with the remaining bills, forming a tree with lush “foliage”.

We decorate the trunk with a decorative ribbon.

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