What the money tree is afraid of, or how to keep the fat tree healthy

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Pruning Crassula

Callus, Crassula, money tree - all these are different names for the same plant - Crassula. With proper care and crown formation, this indoor flower can take on the appearance of a figured tree. And without proper care, attention and care, it will turn into a weed on the windowsill.

In order for the Crassula to take on the appearance of a tree with a strong trunk and powerful crown, it is worth considering some points when caring. The article discusses step by step how to correctly form a crassula at home and shows photos of a decorative flower.

Where to start forming a tree?

Selection of pot

The diameter of the pot is selected according to the size of the crown: slightly larger than its diameter. As the plant grows, the width of the container needs to be increased. A tree with a voluminous, fleshy crown will become more stable. Ideally, a money tree pot should be wide, heavy and flat. A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom.

Not every pot is suitable for a fat plant. Its root grows close to the soil surface. Therefore, a shallow pot for rooting is suitable. The tap root of a crassula in a deep pot tends downward, and the stem tends upward, while thinning and weakening.

The soil

The soil for Crassula is light, loose, and porous. The money tree does not like fertilized and fertile soil. The substrate for Crassula should include humus, sand, leaf and turf soil.

Home care

  • When forming the crown and growing the crassula, much attention is paid to lighting. Crassula prefers bright light, but direct sunlight will cause the leaves of the flower to turn red. If there is not enough light, the stem will stretch, the branches will bend, and the crown will lose its symmetry. For this reason, it is recommended to rotate the flower periodically. At the same time, do not forget about the fragility of the branches. Careless handling of the plant will lead to breaking off of the fleshy, heavy branches.


  • The tree-like fatty plant does not need frequent and abundant watering. The thick and fleshy leaves of the flower are able to accumulate moisture. Crassula is one of those plants that is better to underwater than overwater. It is more demanding when it comes to wiping leaves and general spraying. Clean leaves are saturated with oxygen and become elastic.
  • When grown in an apartment, Crassulas branch weakly and grow long and thin. Therefore, the crown and trunk of the money tree are formed.

Signs and beliefs

If a person believes that a money tree will bring him prosperity, he should know well how to care for it.

According to the superstition, only a healthy Crassula will be the key to wealth. A sick fat woman attracts financial failures.

Also, to increase wealth, follow 3 rules:

  • Crassula cuttings are asked from relatives or close friends and grown into an adult tree on their own;
  • Coins are buried in a pot with a money tree, they are placed on the bottom with the coat of arms facing up;
  • Crassula branches are decorated with coins, which are hung on red cords.

According to Feng Shui, the money tree is placed in the wealth zone, in the southeastern part of the apartment.

There is also a belief that the fat woman is an indicator of the atmosphere in the family. No matter how properly the money tree is cared for, it will wither if the owners constantly quarrel or if a seriously ill person lives in the house.

At the same time, many Crassula owners believe that it is able to smooth out a negative environment and fill the house with positive energy.

Several folk signs for the money tree:

  • Crassula flowering is a signal of a quick increase in family income;
  • give or throw away the fatty - lose money;
  • the plant loses leaves - to the collapse of the business;
  • a pot with a money tree fell - to a loss.

You can learn more about the signs and superstitions associated with the money tree from the video.

How to trim correctly to make it aesthetically pleasing?

To form the crown of the money tree, pruning is done. Reasons for pruning:

  1. Adding stability. As the tree grows, long, chaotically directed branches are formed, and the flower needs support. The plant is falling apart, shallow roots cannot support the massive crown. As a result, the tree may topple, damaging heavy, fragile branches.
  2. Formation of the central stem.
  3. Difficult care and transplantation.
  4. Improving decorative properties. If desired and skillful, you can shape the crown to suit any aesthetic taste.

It must be done competently and on time. The pruning method depends on the age of the plant and its condition.

How to give shape so that the fat plant grows beautifully?

It is advisable to start forming a beautiful Crassula tree while still young. The young plant is not pruned. She gets pinched. This procedure slows down height growth and promotes intensive growth of side shoots.

Pinch a young plant like this:

  1. Carefully inspect the top of the shoot. Find the growth bud. It is located at the very top, among the upper rosette of leaves.
  2. Without touching neighboring leaves, carefully pinch it off with your nails or cut it off with nail scissors.

Pruning an adult plant occurs as follows:

  1. Prepare your tools: garden pruners, sharp knife, long tweezers.
  2. Examine the tree and determine which branches do not correspond to the shape you have chosen.
  3. Carefully and gradually cut them, trying to keep the cut 1-2 cm above the bud. By doing this you stimulate the development of the plant, growth will become more active.
  4. When removing small branches, make cuts close to the trunk.
  5. There is no need to process the sections. Just let them dry and set.
  6. Try to leave miniature leaves at the ends of the branch, removing the rest.


  • Don't try to form a round shape in one go. Repeated pruning gradually stimulates the growth of nearby buds and the fat plant will eventually take the desired shape.
  • Don’t be afraid to cut off large branches - this way the plant rejuvenates, renews itself, and throws out young shoots.
  • Use long tongs or tweezers to remove cut leaves and branches from the crown.



How to rejuvenate if you are very overgrown?

If the tree is very overgrown, it may be wise to remove large leaves. This will open up access to light and improve ventilation of the lower and inner parts of the crown, on which young leaves will grow.

What to do for branching so that it is fluffy and beautiful?

In order for the fat plant to be fluffy, that is, with a large number of branches, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. Plant only one shoot per pot. Several plants in one pot form thickets, interfere with each other, and weaken.
  2. After 3–4 pairs of leaves grow on the branch, pluck out a bud between the outermost pair. Over time, 2–3 new buds will grow in this place. This is how the fat plant will begin to branch.
  3. If necessary, repeat this procedure periodically.
  4. Trim the long branch to the desired size.

How to cut it so that it acquires a rounded shape?

To create a rounded crown, you also need to pinch the upper growth buds of the lateral shoots. This way the crown will grow up and to the sides at the same time, forming a spherical shape.

How to pinch so that side stems appear?

If the trunk of the Crassula does not produce side stems, simply pinch off the top. A thick trunk of a money tree can be quickly formed by growing long branches. Long shoots have powerful bases. Once the branch has gained sufficient thickness, the length is removed. The leaves at the bottom of the trunk are also removed.

The formation of the crown of a money tree can be done at any time of the year, but the beginning of spring is considered optimal. At this time, active growth of the plant begins.

Tips for growing and caring

To grow a beautiful young bush, you need to not only water it, but also regularly pinch it, gradually forming the required crown shape. Young plants stretch to a considerable height and quickly lose their beautiful appearance. Therefore, the first pinching is done after the appearance of 4 leaves on the stem. Pinch the topmost leaf - the crown. The procedure is performed by hand without any special tools. Subsequently, all the tips of the emerging shoots are pinched.

Krasula reaches for the light, this is worth constantly remembering, since this desire for the sun's rays affects the shape of the bush and individual stems. Turn the pot about once a month. Otherwise, even an adult plant may bend unsightly and remain that way forever.

The pinched tops are treated with an activated carbon solution. If you used pruning shears when pinching, you need to make sure that they are clean.

Crassula is a very beautiful and at the same time unpretentious plant. It loves warmth, light and moisture. Prefers well-ventilated rooms and south-east windows. According to legend, the presence of a fat woman in a house provides its owners with financial well-being. The plant can be grown without fertilizers and fertilizing, it almost never gets sick, but improper care can lead to shedding of leaves and even death. To get a beautiful bush, you need to pay attention to the formation of the crown. To do this, pinching is used. The flower is propagated by seeds and cuttings.


Below you can see a photo of a beautifully decorated fat woman:

Further care after pruning

The fat plant is very unpretentious and takes root immediately after pruning. Therefore, during this period it does not require special care. It is enough to place it in familiar conditions. Over the next few weeks, you should not replant the plant; you need to give it the opportunity to recover.

The process of forming the crown of a money tree is quite interesting and fascinating. And if you follow the recommendations, it’s not difficult. But the result will exceed all expectations.


Why does the money tree turn yellow?

Crassula leaves come in different colors, sizes and shapes. They are quite fragile, so they are easy to break. A special feature of the money tree is that the lower leaves of the plant fall off naturally. Sometimes the fat plant begins to turn yellow, and gardeners try different methods to save the stem and its shoots.

Yellow leaves may appear due to lack of light

Crassula is quite unpretentious, although it reacts sharply to a lack or excess of care. The leaves tend to change color when there is a lack of sunlight. This problem often occurs among those who place the plant on windows that face north and northeast.

When buying a fat woman, you need to give it a separate place in the house, where there will be plenty of lighting and warmth. The most unpretentious plant in terms of cultivation is Crassula, the propagation of which does not require much effort. But sometimes the leaves can become wrinkled, the trunk can break, and the roots can rot. The problem can be solved without outside help if you figure out what is the cause of the poor condition and why the plant is sick.

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Why is pruning needed?

We would like to warn you right away that the article will contain such names for the money tree as Crassula and Crassula. Decide for yourself what kind of plant you want to grow and what shape it should have. This will determine whether it is worth cutting off the extra branches at all. The fat woman looks great in two versions:

  • in the form of a bush. In this case, pruning will not be necessary, and the flower will develop chaotically with many young shoots;
  • in the form of a tree with one trunk and an umbrella-shaped lush crown. In this case, it is necessary to prune the branches.

Pruning the money tree helps:

  • updating your home flower;
  • increased growth of new shoots and stems;
  • to give the desired shape to the crown;
  • to rejuvenate an old tree.

Preparatory stage

Let's begin to move step by step towards the main goal - the formation of one trunk. At the preparatory stage, the required pot has already been selected, large and deep enough. Let's reveal a little secret: when choosing a flowerpot, its diameter should be the same as you see the crown of the future tree, and one cutting should be prepared. After planting, keep an eye on every fallen leaf, keep in mind that it can immediately take root, and get rid of the uninvited neighbor in a timely manner. When four pairs of leaves appear on the seedling and a new bud forms between them, it needs to be plucked off. This is where it comes in handy to learn how to properly pinch a money tree. We will return to this issue a little later.

Answers to popular questions

How long does the fat woman live?

The average lifespan of one specimen is 20-30 years. With proper care, a money tree can live up to 50 years.

Is it possible to save a tree that has lost its decorative properties?

If the fat plant has shed its leaves due to a too warm winter, it will produce new shoots from which a new crown can be formed. If the reason for the loss of decorativeness is rotting and death of the roots, you need to grow a new specimen by cuttings.

Is it possible to leave the plant without care during the holidays?

Crassula can live for a month without watering, even in summer. Before leaving, water the money tree more abundantly than usual, mulch the soil, and place the pot in the shade.

Why can’t I form a round crown?

If the money tree is bent and stretched, this is a sign of lack of light.

Why doesn't the money tree grow?

There can be many reasons for this situation, from an unsuitable pot and improper watering to rotting roots and pest infestation. You need to replant the plant, make sure the roots are healthy, and use enough drainage. It is also necessary to adjust the watering regime. Stunting of growth is normal if it occurs in winter.

Why do Crassula cuttings not take root?

If rooting is carried out at the right time of year, then the main reason for the mass death of cuttings is their insufficient drying. In order for a Crassula leaf or twig to produce roots, they must be well “withered.” The cutting is ready for rooting when it has lost its shine and turgor and has become wrinkled.

Trimming procedure

What to do if, for some reason, the pinching process was not carried out on time, and the trunk became woody? In this situation, there is nothing else to do but cut off this part of the branch, leaving a small stump in its place. The cut site should be treated using one of the suggested methods:

  • activated carbon, turning it into powder;
  • young cinnamon;
  • wood ash;
  • garden pitch;
  • with a special balm purchased at a flower shop.

After trimming the fat tree and processing the cut, a little time will pass and a stump will remain, aesthetically smooth and healthy, and the tree will acquire unique beauty.

Young plant

A young small plant is not pruned, but pinched - this is the name of this process, which should be done very carefully. Thanks to this, the growth of branches in height slows down, and the side branches receive an incentive for active growth. So, we settled on the fact that on the sprout, at the place where four pairs of leaves were formed, a small bud of a new bud appeared.

Grab the edge of the bud with your fingers and rotate the bud around its axis. Perform this action with care, without damaging nearby leaves. After a short period of time, two or more new buds will grow in this place. They will be the first initial branches, on their basis the future large and lush crown of the Crassula will be formed.

For this method, it is convenient to use small manicure scissors, which can easily be used to pinch off the bud on both sides, making cuts towards each other. After the tree grows and you need to give it a rounded shape, you will perform the same operation on the upper bases of the side shoots.

Adult flower

An adult flower, which already has quite a lot of branches and shoots, requires complete pruning. It is better to cut off excess branches with pruning shears; a sharp knife will also do. How to form the crown of a crassula in this case depends only on imagination and desire. The only condition that should be adhered to is to trim the branches so that the cut extends 2 cm above the bud. This technique will stimulate intensive growth of Crassula. Don’t be afraid to cut off large branches - when trimmed, the tree receives a new impetus, and quickly regaining its strength, throws out new shoots, renewing itself and rejuvenating.

Place the remaining branches after cutting in water, wait for the roots to appear and plant them in new flowerpots, repeating the entire cycle of the completed scheme again. Decorate young money trees with a scattering of coins, turning the plant into an unusual gift for friends.

Now you know how to correctly form a money tree.

In conclusion, we would like to give one more piece of advice: do not combine pruning a flower with replanting it in a new pot. This way you can weaken it. We advise you to care for your houseplant with love, and the money tree will respond to your care, delighting you with freshness and beauty.


Crassula diseases

The fat woman rarely gets sick. This usually occurs due to improper watering or excessive lighting.

Table: why Crassula gets sick

Mold in the bowlHigh humidity, excessive watering.Humidity control, adjusted irrigation regime.Change of soil. Remove the plant from the bowl, clean the roots from the soil, rinse, and place in a new substrate.
Powdery mildew
  1. High humidity.
  2. Excess nitrogen fertilizers.
  1. Feeding mainly with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
  2. Humidity control.
  1. It is urgent to destroy the affected leaves and change the top layer of soil in the flower pot.
  2. Spraying with fungicidal preparations Topaz, Fundazol, Previkur (according to instructions).
  3. Half a head of chopped garlic is poured into 1 liter of water and left overnight, then filtered. The plant is sprayed with the tincture.
  4. 2.5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. Spray 4 times with an interval of 3 days.
Sooty fungus (niello)
  1. Poor ventilation in the room.
  2. High humidity.
  3. Presence of pests.
  1. Regular ventilation of the room.
  2. Humidity control.
  3. Inspection of plants for the presence of pests (scale insects, mealybugs).
  1. Heavily damaged parts of the plant should be destroyed, the rest should be washed with a sponge and soapy water (20 ml of liquid soap per 3 liters of water).
  2. Treat with Aktara (according to instructions).
  3. Dry the fat plant thoroughly so that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaves.
Gray rot
  1. High humidity in the room, stagnation of water in the bowl.
  2. Excess fertilizer.
  3. Pests: scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites.
  1. Humidity control.
  2. Well-established watering and fertilizing regime.
  3. Inspect the plant for pests.
  1. Destroy damaged parts of the plant.
  2. Treat the fat plant with Teldor.
  3. Transplant the plant into a clean bowl with new substrate.
  1. High humidity.
  2. Excess moisture.
  1. Humidity control.
  2. Moderate watering.
Treatment with Previkur, Skor, Fundazol (according to instructions).
Root and stem rot
  1. Stagnation of water in the bowl.
  2. Abundant watering.
  3. Heavy ground.
  1. Remove the plant from the bowl, shake off the soil, and wash the roots.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut off the rotten roots and powder with crushed activated carbon.
  3. Leave the fat plant for 2 hours without soil so that the roots dry out.
  4. Plant Crassula in a clean bowl with a new substrate, not forgetting about drainage.

If the stem rots, the fat plant cannot be saved.

Photo gallery: common money tree diseases

Crassula anthracnose is characterized by the presence of brown spots Powdery mildew loves humidity in combination with low temperatures Mold appears in the bowl due to excessive watering when the water does not have time to go into the soil Sooty fungus indicates the presence of a scale insect pest on the plant Rotting of the Crassula stem is an irreversible process, the plant cannot be saved Crassula roots may begin to rot if there is excess moisture. Gray rot appears on weakened plants if not properly cared for.

Table: how to save the fat plant from pests

ShchitovkaReaches a length of 5 mm, the body is covered with a waxy coating - a scute, and feeds on plant sap. The female lives for several months and lays eggs.
  1. Prepare a soap solution (20 ml of liquid soap per 3 liters of water).
  2. Soak a sponge in a soapy solution and carefully remove all pests from the plant.
  3. Treat the fat plant with the insecticidal preparation Aktara (according to the instructions).
Spider miteA very small insect (no more than 1 mm) is brown in color, loves dry air and high temperatures, attacks succulent leaves, feeds on their juice, weaves a web that prevents the plant from functioning normally. The fat woman gets sick and may die.
  1. Destroy all yellow leaves.
  2. Give the plant a warm shower.
  3. Dry the fat plant and treat both the plant and the window sills with the insecticidal agent Actellik (according to the instructions).
MealybugAn insect up to 7 mm long with an oval body covered with a white coating like flour. It feeds on plant sap. The waste product is white mucus, which clogs the stomata on the leaves and interferes with the respiration process.
  1. Treat the fat plant and window sills with a solution of Actellik, Aktara or Phosfamide (according to the instructions).
  2. Replant in a clean bowl with fresh soil.

How to prune old Crassula?

Old plants that have not been pruned and pinched grow long branches that can break from their own weight. The bush becomes too thick and requires tying to a support. Such fat plants require drastic pruning:

  1. 1. Choose the strongest trunk, which will be the central one.
  2. 2. Remove weak shoots from the bottom of the trunk.
  3. 3. Trim long thick branches, leaving 1-2 living buds. Pruning is carried out at a distance of about 1 cm above the bud. These “stumps” will subsequently dry out and fall off on their own. If you cut a branch too close to a bud, it will not wake up and produce new shoots and leaves. Erect branches that will form a tree-like shape are shortened less. If you have doubts about the location of the cut, you can first make a small pruning, see how the buds begin to grow, and prune the “money tree” again.
  1. 4. Remove small shoots that thicken the crown and large leaves.
  2. 5. Pinch the growing point of the remaining branches at least one internode. If you do not do this, then the unpinched shoots will develop more intensively, to the detriment of the awakening and growth of the “sleeping” plant buds.
  3. 6. It often happens that the trunk of an old Crassula leans during the process of growth. Then its direction is corrected by tying it to a support in the pot and trying to cut off those branches that contribute to the plant tilting in one direction.
  4. 7. Dripping cuts on thick branches are blotted with a dry soft cloth. All sections are disinfected - treated with garden varnish or balsam.
  5. 8. Water the soil abundantly.

When deep pruning, it is more convenient to cut thick stems with pruning shears. Hard-to-reach parts of the plant can be cut off with a sharp utility knife. If several crassulas are pruned at once, it is necessary to disinfect the cutting tool to prevent the spread of diseases.

Pinching and tearing off large old leaves stimulates branching of shoots. The first to be removed are those shoots that spread and point downwards, as they weaken the stability of the plant. When pruning, you need to leave a few leaves so that the large branch receives nutrition through photosynthesis, otherwise it will dry out.

Deep pruning is carried out before the plant begins to grow (in February-March or summer). It is not advisable to do this in winter, since cuts on thick shoots may rot. After the procedure, it is not recommended to immediately replant the Crassula, as this would be additional stress for it. After 2-3 weeks, new leaves will begin to grow from the “dormant” buds. If young shoots have formed again on the lower part of the plant, they can be left for a while, as they help thicken the trunk. Subsequently, these branches are pruned in order to obtain a tree-shaped crown of Crassula.

After radical pruning, the plant must be kept in its usual conditions so that it can recover. If the Crassula previously grew in partial shade, then the pot is also placed in partial shade. The plant, previously accustomed to the bright rays of the sun, can be placed in its old place.

If it is necessary to greatly change the crown of the tree, then all branches cannot be removed at one time, since with a weak root system and lack of photosynthesis, the “money tree” will die. It is better to repeat pruning later two or three times after the plant has grown a little with young shoots, leaves and gained strength. When re-pruning, the direction of growth of new branches is also taken into account. They should be directed outward from the plant and not compete with other branches. If necessary, shoots that have grown inside the crown are removed.


How to revive a money tree at home

There are several ways to help save a houseplant on your own. The most effective of them are described below.

  • Crassula transplant. This will allow you to restore the money tree, even if the root system has already rotted. This method is also suitable in the presence of pests that attack the lower part of the plant. It is necessary to cut off dead roots and sprinkle with crushed activated carbon. Expanded clay with a diameter of 2 cm should be placed at the bottom of the pot, which serves as drainage. The fat plant is placed in a mixture of sand, peat and soil in a ratio of 2:1:2.
  • Optimization of the irrigation regime. The soil is moistened moderately as it dries. In summer, one watering per week is sufficient. If there are no heating devices near the plant, liquid is added to the pot once every 1-2 months. If there is water left in the pan 3 hours after watering, it needs to be drained. Holes must be made at the bottom of the pot to allow excess moisture to escape.
  • Fighting diseases. New soil is necessary when the plant is affected by powdery mildew or fusarium rot. Additionally, the wood is treated with phytosporin and foundationazole.
  • Water. The liquid for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature. Cold increases the risk of fat plant wilting.
  • Sun burns. The tree should not be placed in direct sunlight. The sun causes the leaves to burn, turn black and drop. At the first such signs, it is necessary to move the pot into the shade.

Both chemicals and home remedies help against pests

It is also worth remembering that plants are often damaged by insects and what to do about it:

  • The scale insect is destroyed by wiping the leaves with a cloth soaked in kerosene, soap solution or alcohol. An effective drug is Fitoverm;
  • Spider mites can be removed by treating the leaves with phytoverm, actar, or agravertin. Folk remedies are also suitable - soap, infusion of tobacco dust;
  • Fitoverm will get rid of thrips by spraying with garlic infusion (add 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic to a glass of water);
  • for mealybugs, it is enough to wash all affected areas with alcohol, fitoverm, thiophos, and actara.

For your information! If the tree is in terrible condition and begins to wither, then after normalization of moisture and replanting it will need to be fed. Add zircon, rootin or epin to the water for irrigation.

How to prune Crassula and why to do it

Flower lovers who have Crassula or Crasula growing at home should know how to form a money tree and its crown. It is not difficult to grow, the main thing is to form the crown correctly. The Crassula plant, which many indoor plant lovers grow, can look different. It may look like a small tree with one thick, powerful trunk. It may also look like a bushconsisting of several thin trunks. A tree with a large trunk and spreading crown symbolizes monetary wealth coming to the house from one source. A bush with several thin trunks attracts money into the house, which flows into the house in weak streams in different ways.

Those who are well versed in Feng Shui know that the fat plant brings happiness and prosperity to the house because:

  • Its thick green leaves look like coins;
  • It absorbs negative energy and transforms it into positive;
  • A powerful trunk is the core on which family well-being rests;
  • Krasula has strong energy, which contributes to the materialization of positive thoughts.

However, all this can only be said about the beauty that is carefully looked after by its owner. If no one takes care of the crassula and the plant is left to its fate, the tree quickly takes on an ugly appearance and ceases to attract wealth to the house. This can be avoided if you prune and shape the crown in a timely manner. Pinching and pruning Krasula are the most important measures for caring for this tree .

How to prune a money tree at home

At home, the fat plant can either be trimmed or pinched. Both options are equally effective, the main thing is to trim or pinch correctly.

You need to form the crown of the money tree on time. This is usually done by pinching. Pinching is applied while the plant is still young. Older trees require full pruning.

Pinching is carried out as follows:

  • One young plant is planted in a separate pot;
  • Soon young green leaves will begin to appear on the fat plant. Leaves that fall to the ground in a pot must be promptly destroyed. If you are late with destruction, the leaves will soon take root, and instead of one powerful trunk you will get several weak ones;
  • Then you need to wait until eight leaves appear on the young tree;
  • A bud that sticks between the leaves is carefully removed. You can do this with your nails using a characteristic plucking motion. Hence the name - pinching;
  • This procedure should then be repeated several times, as necessary. Every time a bud appears between pairs of leaves, it is promptly removed. Thus, the fat woman will soon form one full-fledged trunk. If you do not remove the buds, more and more new shoots will appear on the fat plant, and instead of a powerful tree you will end up with a small bush.

If an indoor gardener is late with pruning, and the trunk of the money tree has already hardened, instead of pinching it will have to resort to pruning. Pruning should be done with sharply sharpened garden scissors or pruning shears. After the pruning is completed, the cut areas need to be treated with garden varnish so that the fresh “wounds” heal as quickly as possible. Pruning is a fairly effective method of crown formation, but much more troublesome and traumatic for the plant than pinching.

After pruning, the fat plant needs to be watered and fed so that the plant regains its strength. If the tree has grown too much, it may make sense to do a complete pruning not at once, but in several stages. Cut branches and leaves should be burned immediately, as they can harbor pests and parasites of indoor plants.

Practical recommendations

To correctly form the crown of a crassula, you need skill. It may not be possible to carry out the first pinching or pruning correctly. However, there is no need to panic: the main thing is practice, and experience will come.

When pinching, you need to act very pleasantly. The shoots and leaves of young Crassula are quite fragile. It happens that crassula leaves easily fall off even from a light touch. You need to move the leaves apart to pinch the buds very carefully.

During pruning, in no case should you break or bend branches with your hands that are subject to pruning, but are not amenable to pruning shears. Such actions are a strong stress for the plant. If the branch is very thick, powerful, and it is not possible to cut it with pruning shears, you can use a small handsaw. However, this happens quite rarely. Mostly, amateur gardeners do an excellent job of pruning with pruning shears.

After pruning, it is recommended to transplant the plant into a larger pot. After transplantation, the fat woman feels better and, as a rule, begins to grow much more intensively. Regular replanting promotes intensive growth and development of the plant’s root system.

In order for the fat plant to look beautiful , it is necessary not only to care for the crown of the plant, but also to regularly wipe the dust from its thick leaves. If the plant is very dusty, you can give the fat plant a real “shower” with a spray bottle. Regular spraying with water not only removes dust from the trunk and leaves, but is also an excellent prevention of pests and parasites.

Recently, it has become fashionable for amateur flower growers to hang various talismans and amulets on the fat plant in order to attract prosperity and wealth into the house. You shouldn't get carried away with this. Crassula is not a Christmas tree; the trunk and delicate leaves may not withstand the load of heavy gold coins and similar decorations. But you can hang New Year’s “rain” or tinsel on the red tree, and the elegant tree will immediately create a festive atmosphere in the house.

Helpful advice

In addition to pruning, we should not forget about other important measures for caring for the fat plant. Among these measures are timely watering, loosening the soil in the pot after watering, and, of course, fertilizing. If you neglect these measures, then no amount of pruning can give the tree a beautiful, well-groomed appearance.

You should take care of the formation of the crown immediately after a young or old money tree appears in the house. If possible, do not miss a good moment for pinching. If an amateur gardener nevertheless missed this moment, there is no need to panic, since competently carried out pruning is absolutely as safe for the fat plant as pinching.

The money tree is one of the most popular indoor plants among Russian amateur gardeners. If you sincerely believe that this small tree will bring prosperity and prosperity to your home, this will happen. The main thing is to properly care for the fat plant and prevent it from growing. One beautiful tree with a powerful trunk looks much more impressive than a bush consisting of several thin branches. Before pruning or pinching, a novice gardener can consult with more experienced colleagues.

What other problems could there be?

Let's figure out why the fat plant has limp leaves and what this can lead to, as well as how to deal with the problem.

  1. Leaves may dry out and fall off. The reason for this may be excessive watering, poor lighting, drying out, watering with cold water, or very frequent fertilizing.
  2. The leaves are turning yellow. The main reason is lack of light.
  3. Brown or black spots appear on the leaves. Most often this occurs due to sunburn, but sometimes it indicates a fungal disease.

    If it is a fungal infection, then the affected leaves must be removed and the plant sprayed with a special preparation. If necessary, the treatment must be repeated several times.

  4. The leaves turn red. The reason is very bright sunlight or moving the flower to another place. If the leaves turn red and slightly wither, then the tree should be “fed” with complex fertilizer and sprayed with a biostimulant. You can use “Epin” (“living water” for affected plants).
  5. The leaves become small. This sign indicates that the room is stuffy or the pot is cramped.
  6. A white coating appears on the leaves. This happens very rarely, but if it happens, it means that a parasite has appeared on the flower. This coating looks like pieces of cotton wool. In this case, the plant must be treated with special preparations. This is “Fitosporin” or “Fundazol” if, in addition to plaque, there is also the smell of mold. When there is no smell, the plants are treated with “Fitoferma” or “Aktara”.

Despite the fact that the money tree is hardy and not very whimsical, it is nevertheless susceptible to a wide variety of diseases. And so that the plant does not die, the fight against such diseases must be started on time, and then it will live for many years.

If necessary?

Many owners of a money tree assume that it does not need any procedures to form a lush crown and a thick trunk, that it has this appearance by nature.

But in fact, at home, the Crassula branches very weakly, grows long and thin, and the branches do not have time to form a hard bark before the formation of thick leaves. This causes the tree to bend and sometimes break in half.

To prevent such a course of events, the crown of the tree needs special shaping, which can be done independently.

A little history

The homeland of the Crassula is the arid tropics of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar. Difficult living conditions turned it into a strong and hardy plant, easily adapting to the microclimate of the apartment.

Crassula acquired its unusual name for an indoor flower due to the unusual shape of the leaves of some of its species. They are completely round and resemble gold or silver coins. According to beliefs, the presence of a money tree in a house has a positive effect on the well-being of its owners. To increase family income, it is enough to place the flower on the south-east window and water it regularly.

Interestingly, the only helpers in gaining financial stability are those that were grown independently. A store-bought flower will do no good. You can ask your acquaintances for a shoot or secretly cut it yourself (they are often used to decorate the window sills of educational institutions, offices and other public places).

It is traditionally believed that a shoot taken without the owner’s permission grows better. A carefully cut stem will not harm the mother flower, and the new owner will have a reason to rejoice.

The origin of the fat woman is also associated with the myth of the Solar Tree, which tells of a heavenly place to which, after the end of earthly life, everyone who has been generous to people will be able to go. The first mention of the money tree dates back to the reign of the Chinese Han Dynasty. When excavating the tomb of one of the emperors, archaeologists discovered an ornament in the form of leaves of this plant.

In nature, there are up to 300 varieties of Crassula, but only Crassula is grown at home:

  • Plautoid;
  • oval;
  • tree-like;
  • tetrahedral.

Schmidt's crassula is very popular. Its medicinal properties are widely known. In folk medicine, the juice of the plant is used to treat sore throat, herpes, wounds, scratches, abscesses and arthritis. The juice is obtained from the leaves, which are squeezed by hand directly onto the wound or chewed when it comes to treating a sore throat. The medicinal properties of Crassula are in many ways similar to the medicinal properties of aloe. She is affectionate and reacts sharply to the owner’s illnesses - she withers and loses her attractive appearance.

How to form a crown?

In order for the money tree to take the form of a tree, it is necessary to perform two main procedures - pruning and pinching. Such procedures need to be done when the money tree is still young.


Only long and very overgrown branches of the tree are subject to pruning. You need to trim so that there are about four leaves left on the branch. The procedure must be carried out with a sharp knife or pruning shears.

Be sure to make sure that the instruments are sterile, and the cut site must be treated with wood ash or activated carbon, otherwise you risk the plant rotting.


In order to avoid having to cut off the branches of the money tree, you can easily perform a procedure such as pinching at home. After three or four pairs of leaves appear on the branch, the bud that appears next will need to be carefully plucked out with tweezers or just your fingers.

It is best to do this using a rotating motion as you are twisting the cork out of the bottle. In a few days, several new buds should appear at the pinching site, which is a sign that the plant is beginning to branch.

In very rare cases, one kidney appears; if this happens, the procedure must be repeated.

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