Reasons why the money tree is leaning or has completely fallen. What countermeasures should I take?

Why does the fat woman bend over and fall?

  • The crown of the plant is formed incorrectly. If the money tree stands with the same side to the light source, the crown may form one-sidedly, which can have a bad effect on the plant. It is recommended to periodically turn the money tree to the light source in different directions, then the growth of branches and leaves will be uniform. If this has already happened, you need to cut off the heavy branches and pinch out the branches of the fat plant or put up a support.
  • Weak roots. Since the fat plant belongs to the genus of succulents that accumulate moisture for future use, abundant and frequent watering is strictly contraindicated for it.
    If there is an excess of moisture, the roots begin to rot, which negatively affects the plant, and this may be the reason why it fell and died.
  • Leaves are too heavy and watery. The money tree stores moisture from watering in its leaves, so if overwatered, they can become too fleshy and heavy. It is also worth considering that the root system of the plant is shallow and may not support a crown that is too heavy.
  • Weak trunk. The trunk can soften with excessive watering, which, together with heavy leaves, can lead to dire consequences.

Why did the Crassula fall on its side and the trunk bent under the weight of the leaves?

When your Money Tree's foliage and stems are drooping or your Crassula appears to be dying, improper watering is often the cause. In spring, summer and the first half of autumn, keep the soil slightly moist. Closer to winter, the plant pauses to rest, so it needs less water.

A fallen tree. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

Overwatering in winter is the most common cause of death of Crassula. This happens because the roots of the flower begin to rot from the large amount of moisture that they cannot absorb.

The stems of the tree may become elongated due to lack of light, or the plant may grow so large that it simply bends under its own weight. In these cases, you need to prune the tree, and also take measures to thicken the stem.

What measures should be taken and how to strengthen the trunk?

If you notice that the money tree is just starting to lean or is almost falling from the weight of the crown, you need to take the following steps:

  1. reduce watering (in summer it is recommended to water 2 times a month, in winter - reduce watering until the soil dries completely);
  2. pay attention to the pot in which Crassula grows and, if necessary, replant it (there must be drainage holes at the bottom for the free flow of water, and there must be sand and small pebbles at the bottom of the pot);
  3. pinch the shoots (usually pinch the shoot after the fourth leaf) and/or cut off heavy branches, treat the cuts with activated carbon or ash;
  4. to form a strong tree trunk, it is recommended to pluck the lower leaves of the fat plant to about half the desired height of the plant;
  5. place a support for the trunk.

If the red rose grows upward and tilts

If the money tree continues to grow, but tries to lean on its side, you need to:

  1. Reduce watering according to the scheme indicated above.
  2. Replant in a heavy clay pot, as plastic pots are too light for the plant and it can easily fall. First you need to remove the rotten roots. The plant easily tolerates transplants, so there is no need to worry about an “unscheduled” move.
  3. Trim excess branches and pinch young shoots, sprinkle the pruning areas with activated carbon or ash. If you do this systematically, the crown of the Crassula will grow evenly and can be given any desired shape.

With these simple steps you can grow a healthy, strong plant with a neat and beautiful crown.

What to do if a fat cat falls on its side?

If the plant has already fallen on its side on the windowsill, then the first thing to do is:

  1. Place a support in the form of a stick or branch to the trunk.
  2. It is advisable to trim heavy branches.
  3. Cover the surface of the pot with cobblestones to secure the trunk.

If the above measures do not help, then you need to transplant the plant into a larger pot.


Compliance with the rules for growing Crassula ensures the harmonious development of the tree, its health and integrity.

Prevention of tilting, collapsing and breaking the trunk of a money tree:

  • Form a thick trunk. Unlike thin ones, it will be a strong and reliable support. Compliance with the watering and fertilizing regime helps to achieve results.
  • Correctly form the crown. If turning the pot towards the light source is not enough to achieve symmetry, it is necessary to trim the shoots that are too long. The second option is to place them on supports that are strengthened against the walls of the pot so that they do not touch the roots.
  • Prune the plant correctly. Do not carry out the procedure during the cold season - stress weakens Crassula and reduces photosynthesis. Trim no more than 50% of the shoots to prevent the tree from weakening. It is better to remove branches gradually so that the plant recovers evenly. If a branch appears that poses a risk of falling, remove it, regardless of the time of year. Pinching - pruning the tops of shoots, can also be done at any time: pinch the shoot when 4 pairs of leaves appear on it;
  • Be sure to disinfect the sections - sprinkle with crushed activated carbon.
  • Rotate the money tree pot regularly. Rotate it 45 degrees every week to ensure symmetry of the branches.
  • If you want to grow an asymmetrical Crassula, grow it in a heavy, sturdy pot. And be sure to cover the soil with pebbles. The trunk of such a tree must be extremely thick.

    What to do if the Crassula breaks?

    If such a situation occurs, then the first thing you need to do is inspect the plant for rot (here you will learn about all the reasons for the rotting of a tree). If the trunk is in good condition, then the upper part can be placed in water until it gives roots, and the remaining part can be sprinkled with coal. Soon it will give new shoots.

    If the money tree has already rotted, then it is necessary to cut off the top healthy shoots and root them.

    We invite you to read other articles on our website about various diseases, pests and problems that may arise in this plant. We will talk about:

    • why the leaves of Crassula turn yellow and fall off, become soft and wrinkled;
    • the tree withers, dries, crumbles, and a white coating appears on it;
    • Crassula slows down in growth and does not bloom.

    Thus, if the above conditions are met, you can avoid the repetition of unpleasant situations and grow a beautiful, strong money tree that will delight you all year round.

    What does it mean when a money tree falls?

    I bought this flowerpot in the same month in which I deposited a small amount into a savings account in the bank. The deposit grew, and with it the Crassula (aka Crassula, also known as the money tree) grew. A few years later, a full-fledged tree 55 cm high grew green on my windowsill.

    But it had to happen that as soon as I took money from the bank to fill an unplanned hole in the family budget, the flowerpot suddenly began to crumble. Leaves flew onto the windowsill day and night... And if I previously did not believe in the superstitions regarding this plant, now I understand - they are true!

    Crassula is losing its leaves - why would that happen?

    If a plant suddenly begins to lose leaves, this indicates that there is bad energy in your home. First, try moving the pot and flowerpot to another window sill, to another room - maybe the energy field is better there.

    In general, esotericists really like Crassula. They believe that its thick leaves emit positive energy, “healing” the space around them. That is, if a tree is sick, then the negativity in the house or room is so strong that even it cannot cope.

    And if the Crassula is tall and branched, that is, as strong as possible, you need to think about whether you are living in constant quarrels and scandals. After all, even if the flowerpot gets sick from this, what can we say about the children!

    In addition, in most cases, falling Crassula leaves warn you of impending financial losses. It is not the green, but the silver leaves that speak especially about spending.

    Some people say: fallen leaves should be counted. How many pieces fall, your income will decrease by that percentage.

    What if the tree died completely?

    It's bad: you'll be bankrupt. But this interpretation is only possible if you have been caring for the fat woman for a long time. In this case, the tree has completely connected with your energy and can predict the future.

    If the plant was purchased a month or two ago, its death indicates only one thing: it simply did not take root in your home (or maybe you have not fully understood the rules of caring for succulents).

    Important! When throwing away a dead tree, do not forget to remove the coins buried near the roots, otherwise you will “throw away” your income along with them.

    But while you have the opportunity, try to treat the diseased plant. Maybe you will still be able to get it out - along with the tree, you will improve your financial future.

    This video will tell you about the diseases that the fat woman suffers from, as well as their treatment:

    Sometimes the fat woman “withers”, bending under its own weight. This sign says: your income will not dry up, but its flow will become smaller.

    Did the tree fall? Did it break? If yes, it means waste or loss of income.

    Well, if someone knocked down a tree, but it was not damaged, then everything is fine! Your income will increase. Not even that - they will take off!

    However, if the tree remains intact, but the pot is cracked or the soil has spilled out of it, the increase in income will be associated with troubles.

    Other signs associated with the money tree

    • The flower needs to report on its expenses and income every week (on Wednesdays). You need to talk alone with the flowerpot. This will help protect against unplanned expenses and achieve what you want.
    • To prevent the tree from getting sick and to multiply your profits, bury exactly three coins near the roots of the fat plant. But don’t forget: money is the source of many microbes and bacteria that even plants are afraid of. Therefore, before the procedure, wash the coins well with soap, or even better, put them in a cup of boiling water. In addition, the plant can be tied with a red ribbon. But check it from time to time - the trunk is growing, and the ribbon should not dig into it.
    • To move money, you need to hang large denomination bills on tree branches. But they should not become just a silent decoration of the house. From time to time, take them off and spend them, and put new ones in their place.
    • Did they give you a Crassula? Which one? If it sprouts, it means profit, but it will “appear” only in the distant future, and to get it, you don’t need to sit idle. If the gift is a large and well-groomed tree, you will receive profits (and considerable ones) soon. Well, if, when examining the gift, you notice that the tree is sick (spots on the leaves, leaves and trunk are rotten or broken, pests are crawling on them), if possible, do not accept it. Such a gift will lead to a lot of financial problems.
    • Someone furtively broke off a branch of your tree: this person, most likely, simply fell victim to the superstition “a stolen cutting will take root more easily.” True, along with the cuttings it will bring home part of your well-being. So it’s better not to place a pot with a tree where guests are sitting.
    • Which tree will be the strongest money magnet? Personally grown from a leaf that you steal. In order not to “rob” your friends, it is better to pinch off this leaf in the “government house”. For example, in the corridor of a hospital - you can often find such plants there. However, signs do not prohibit buying Crassula.
    • Throwing away a healthy fat plant is a bad omen. It’s better to give it to friends or sell it on the Internet for “three kopecks.” True, if you grew a tree for the sake of a money magnet, you should not sell it. But you can give it to people whom you wish well-being (grandmother, parents, children).

    All the positive qualities of a living plant are carried in an artificial flowerpot (say, a crassula made of beads, coins or plastic).

    True, for it to “work”, you need to treat it like a living flower - water it occasionally or at least wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. This, by the way, is not a completely pointless activity - you definitely shouldn’t allow dust to collect on your plant.

    Crassula has bloomed - that's good

    If you have been growing crassula for a long time, then you know that not everyone has this plant blooming.

    Have you still seen white flowers on your tree? I sincerely congratulate you: a streak of wealth and happiness is coming in your life! Use it wisely - don’t waste money on nonsense and definitely don’t take out loans, hoping that you will have such income for many years.

    It’s better to buy something expensive, but “long-lasting”, or put a certain amount on a deposit - this way you will have a small passive income (interest on the deposit) and a “financial cushion” for the future.

    Dollar Tree - Another Green Money Magnet

    In this case we are talking about two types of flowerpots.

    Zamioculcas zamifolia is a plant popularly called the dollar tree. It is often grown by economists, bankers and accountants. It is also believed that if Zamioculcas does not grow in a jar, then it is not such a good jar.

    People believe that this plant helps increase income.

    In addition, some magicians advise: if you dream of saying goodbye to poverty and getting rich, you should decorate the interior of your home with a dollar tree, creating it yourself from real currency. At first it may be “skinny,” but you don’t stop, adding new pieces of paper, that is, leaves, to the crown of the tree every month.

    The trunk of this decor is made from any available materials (golden wire is unrivaled).

    If there is no money at all, instead of real banknotes you can use fake ones - for example, purchased dollars (they are sold as bookmarks), or simply pieces of paper with a drawn dollar sign, which you can make yourself.

    Hanging pieces of paper on a tree, they say: “Grow up, little tree, money after money, let my income give me freedom.”

    Let's summarize...

    • The money tree is an indicator of your wealth. If it is healthy, your income is normal. If it crumbles, you cannot avoid spending. Well, if it dies, you'll have to seriously tighten your belt.
    • To make the tree a magnet for money, bury three coins near the roots and/or tie a red ribbon around the branch (trunk).
    • If living flowerpots do not take root in your home, start an artificial money tree - made from beads, coins or real dollars.
    • The fat plant’s “colleague” is considered to be the plant Zamioculcas, the so-called dollar tree. It also increases the income of its owner.

    Do you want your fatty to grow healthy and plump and never fall off? The tree needs to be properly cared for. This girl will teach you how to do it. Proof that she knows how to handle Crassula is her well-groomed, flowering plant:

    Why does the money tree (crassula) fall?

    A rather strong tree of Crassula suddenly began to lean to the side, and quite noticeably. Watering is normal, replanted last spring. I feed it periodically. What could be the matter? The leaves are plump and fleshy and do not fall off.

    If you are sure that the fat plant is healthy, the trunk and roots are not softened, not rotten (you need to be careful with the roots, especially don’t overdo it with watering!), then most likely it just tilted under the weight of its weight. This happens to them, because they are extremely fleshy.

    At the same time, due to the delicate root system, it is not recommended to bury them to prevent rotting. So they bend over sometimes. This happens to some of mine too.

    The solution is to make a support. To begin with, you can simply substitute something homemade (a stick or a tightly rolled piece of paper of the required height), and then purchase the dough in the store (look for it in gardening goods, although sometimes in unexpected places, for example, in Fixed Price).

    And further! Do not forcefully tilt the plant directly in the pot; you will tear off the roots. But I think this is already clear)

    Crassula - this is Crassula or by another popular name - money tree, in fact it is not a whimsical plant, it does not cause any difficulties in growing.

    But. if in your case, the tree begins to lean to the side, then there may be several options; this is not correct watering; the crown of the tree is not formed correctly; did not turn the pot towards the light source.

    I personally grow Crassula, so from my own experience I can say that the tree does not like special and proper attention, private watering, prefers to grow well and sag - if they don’t remember about it, unless they forget to water it and turn it correctly to the light source.

    As for proper watering, the fat plant prefers rare, not abundant watering, or rather, it is advisable to water as the soil dries completely.

    I personally water it in the summer - once or twice a week, in the winter - and even less often, once every 2 months. If the plant dries out, it’s not a problem, the plant stores moisture inside the leaves.

    If you water the tree more often (in your case, you water it more often), perhaps for this reason the tree will lean to the side; if at this moment the roots and trunk do not rot, replanting it in fresh soil will help.

    Another supposed reason is that the crown of the tree is not formed correctly - under the weight of the leaves, the tree may lean to the side, in which case - by the way, pruning.

    Well, the last reason, maybe the tree is simply reaching for the light, it’s good if you turn the pot and make a temporary support.

    Happy growing to you.

    I will express my assumption about the tilt of the stem to the side. Most likely the stem bends under the weight of the crown. that is not formed strong and fleshy cannot withstand the weight of the leaves . You yourself have already partially answered this question - you water too often. Crassula is a succulent plant, that is, it stores moisture in its cells. Dry periods cause the plant to store more and more moisture, thereby increasing the presence of storage cells, thereby increasing the diameter of the stem and its strength. For a succulent that receives water on time and without drying out the soil, there is no point in storing water in full. At the same time, the leaves grow and increase the load on the “leg,” which over time simply cannot stand it and begins to bend.

    In winter, the fat plant is watered when the soil in the pot is completely dry . This is hardly possible in three days. In general, professionals specially grow this plant for 2-3 winter months at +10 without watering to set buds, but this also contributes to the accumulation of moisture and strength of the plant.

    Now put up a support as a temporary solution, but water after the soil has completely dried.

    In spring and summer, complete drying out and delayed drought is not required, but watering even in the hot summer months will be more than once every three days, the gap between watering will be longer. Try to determine how dry the soil is by the weight of the pot. As light activity decreases in the fall, locate the plant closer to the window frame, where it is cooler (without drafts) and water much less frequently, in small portions, and slightly delay the dry period. The cooler it is, the less water the plant will spend, the less it will be needed.

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