Do you need to fertilize the fat plant? What and how to feed the money tree at home?

Category: For flowers and indoor plants Reading time: 7 min · Views: 5,749

Crassula. Crassula. Money Tree. Under these names, this ornamental plant, a native of southern Africa, is known to many lovers of growing exotic domestic plants. The origin left its mark not only on the appearance of Crassula. The peculiarities of plant life in the savannas of Africa are such that the period of active growth, as well as nutrition, occurs only during the rainy season. At this time, the money tree actively accumulates moisture and nutrients in its trunks, roots, and most importantly, in its leathery, fleshy leaves. When and how to feed the money tree, read our article.

Why does the fat woman need feeding?

Any plant needs additional nutrition, but unlike the main ones, this species requires phosphorus and potassium for normal development, but nitrogen is practically not needed, since this nutrient will only harm it.

A group of succulents grows slowly, and nitrogen, on the contrary, stimulates plant growth, which harms the stem.

Due to nitrogen overdose:

  1. The leaves are crushed, the skin on them will crack.
  2. The tree will begin to rot and deteriorate.
  3. The stem will not thicken and the plant will die.

For normal development, it still needs nitrogen, but in small proportions.

  • Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the root system. Without it, the plant will not be able to develop normally, and if it is not positioned correctly - the lighting is not maintained - then it will not bloom or this will happen rarely. In addition, the money tree may stop growing or lose its leaves.
  • Potassium normalizes the growth and development of the plant, helps it form strong stem protection - the skin. It protects the stem from excessive sun exposure. When the fat plant does not have enough potassium, it changes the color of the leaves from bright to pale.

When does a flower need fertilizer?

Feeding depends on the season. In order for the money plant to develop, it is necessary to apply complex mineral fertilizers in the following proportion: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - 5-10-5, or another ratio, for example: 20-30-30. It is recommended to use the resulting mixture in a diluted state of one to four.

As soon as the plant fades, it needs to be fed with a composition of mineral substances in equal proportions, diluted.

All activities for feeding the fat woman should begin at the beginning of spring - in March . The prepared solution is applied at the root of the plant twice a month so that the soil has time to dry and ventilate.

The temperature of the room where the money tree stands must be eighteen to twenty-two degrees Celsius, otherwise it will not actively grow. During this period of time, fertilizing should be carried out regularly until the end of summer.

In the fall, they are done less frequently, as the plant will prepare for winter, during which it is dormant. Starting from October and until the beginning of spring, it is no longer fed or watered. In rare cases, at this time of year it can be watered once a month with warm water, but only if the money tree decides to give color.

Pest Control

Unfortunately, despite high-quality fertilizer and careful attention to the money tree, it is not immune from small insect pests. Here are some of the enemies:

  • Scale insects are insects that attack plants. Laying eggs on leaves and stems, females form brownish-brown “shields” around them with their bodies. females are little mobile; attached to the plant, they feed on the juice of the flower, thereby can destroy the Crassula. You can notice the appearance of scale insects before the eggs are laid; if the insect “has taken a fancy” to the plant, it becomes sticky. You must first get rid of the pest mechanically, using a soap solution and a cotton swab (soft brush). Carefully remove each growth (adult), then treat the plant with an insecticide. In addition to the plant itself, you need to spray the chemical on the place where it stood.

  • Spider mites are small insects that are initially difficult to detect, but they multiply quickly, especially in dry air. Since the mite feeds on the juice of the fat plant, it is a matter of time for it to destroy the plant. A tick can be detected by a change in the color of the leaves (the appearance of brown spots), small cobwebs on the inside of the leaf. You can save the money tree from mites by spraying it with chamomile or garlic infusion, and also treat the leaves with soapy water.

  • Mealybug (hairy aphid) is a white coating on the trunk of a plant, similar to snow or cotton wool. Collect insects with a dry sponge, treat the area where the bug is found with garlic infusion or alcohol, then spray with warm water.

It is not difficult to notice any pest at the inception stage and to avoid severe damage to Crassula, pay attention to the inside of the leaves and stems.

How to fertilize in spring, winter and other times of the year?

In order for your plant to grow and develop, it is best to use proven means: both folk remedies and specialized ones that are produced in factories. Fertilizers contain a balanced mixture of essential microelements:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen.

When purchasing, you must carefully study the labels and make sure that the content of the proportion of microelements is as follows:

  • 1 part nitrogen;
  • 2 parts phosphorus;
  • 4 parts potassium.

When purchasing an all-purpose fertilizer, make sure it doesn't contain a lot of nitrogen. The presence of a vitamin complex is welcome.

Among the specialized fertilizers, the following are distinguished.


This is a complex fertilizer in liquid form, which contains all the microelements necessary for plants of the succulent group. It is perfectly absorbed, making it stronger and providing an incentive for further growth and flowering, which will last longer and more powerfully. It is best to fertilize in the evening, after the sun has set.

"Bona Forte"

This complex is also balanced and suitable for all types of cacti and succulents. The fertilizer contains succinic acid, which has a stimulating effect on the growth and flowering of the fat plant. It helps him withstand adverse conditions.

Feeding is done once a week . The drug has only one minor drawback - an unpleasant aroma. But it quickly disappears.


In addition to the elements necessary for the money tree, this product contains vitamins B1 and PP, which have a beneficial effect on the root system of plants. The drug also promotes abundant flowering of the plant and gives its foliage a healthy appearance and beauty.

Due to the duration of action, fertilizing is carried out 2.3 times a year. The only drawback is the high price, but the drug is very effective and economical.


A balanced and ideal preparation for succulents. Reduces the risk of plant disease, supplies it with all the necessary substances, thanks to which it blooms for a long time and vigorously. Before feeding, it is important to water the plant, and then add the prepared solution in small portions.


The drug is rich in all possible microelements: phytohormones, amino acids, minerals. They promote rapid growth, abundant and long-lasting flowering. In addition, they give the plant a healthy and beautiful appearance.

In addition, there are ways to feed the money tree at home.

How to grow a money tree

Burns form on the leaves of the flower from the rays of the sun. But it is better not to place the plant in the shade.

Crassula roots grow in breadth, so for planting it is better to choose a wide, heavy, but not deep pot. Be sure to provide the succulent with good drainage. A crumb of brick is suitable, and a little clay is placed on top. Stagnation of moisture should not be allowed.

To prepare soil for planting a money tree, you need to take turf soil (4 hours), humus (1 hour), deciduous soil (1 hour) and sand (1 hour). You can add a pinch of ash, it is necessary to obtain a slightly alkaline composition.

Dust constantly accumulates on the leaves of the fat plant; you need to wipe them with a damp cloth. Once a week, a pot with a flower is placed in the bathtub and a refreshing shower is given to it. Only cover the soil so that it does not wash away.

Succulents are transplanted no more than once every three years. But if the plant stays well in the pot, there is no need to replant. For normal growth, the money tree requires a temperature of about 21 degrees, in winter - no higher than 12°C. You cannot use too cold water for watering, otherwise the leaves will begin to fly off.

It is the leaves that can tell the grower if something is wrong with the plant. For example, brown spots indicate fungal infection. It is necessary to remove damaged leaves and shoots, and treat the plant with a fungicide. If the stem begins to rot, you will have to replant the flower in a new pot. The stem takes on an ugly shape when there is insufficient light.

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What folk remedies can be used for feeding?

There are fertilizers that experienced gardeners have been using for years. Here are some of them:

  1. Egg shells . It is rich in calcium, which is so important to Krasulla. You can prepare several types of fertilizer from it, for example: tinctures, use drainage or in dry form. In all three cases, pre-wash and then heat in a frying pan or in the oven.

      Tincture. Take ten egg shells and grind them. You should get a powder that needs to be poured into a jar and poured with a liter of boiling water. Afterwards, we put the resulting mixture in a dark place for two weeks, after which we use it as ordinary water for irrigation.
  2. Dry feeding. Take two teaspoons of the resulting powder, sprinkle it on the ground, and cover it with soil. Fertilizing is done before planting the plant.
  3. Drainage system. The shell powder is mixed with drainage and poured onto the bottom of the pot in which the plant is planted.

  4. Ash. An excellent fertilizer for the money tree, thanks to the large amount of minerals necessary for full growth. This type of feeding can be used no more than twice a month.

      Dry feeding. The ash remaining after burning deciduous plants is sprinkled into the soil and mixed.
  5. Liquid supplement or tincture. Take 200 grams of ash and pour boiling water over it. It is placed in a dark place and infused for a week, after which it can be used instead of watering.

  6. Sugar. Ideal feeding in winter, because the plant also lacks glucose, which promotes the healing of damaged plant tissues and the further growth of new shoots. To prepare it, you need to dilute a tablespoon of sugar in one liter of boiled water. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the soil will begin to rot and insects will appear that will only harm the Krasulla.

Thus, we see that any plant needs care, even such an unpretentious one as a money tree. To make it please your eyes with its beauty and health, keep an eye on it and don’t forget to feed it.

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