Why you can’t keep orchids at home: good and bad omens, effects on health

Negative signs and superstitions

The orchid is called the “energy vampire.”
Many people believe that the Orchid takes all the energy, reduces the performance and activity of all household members. Some believe that these plants absorb male energy and drive men away from home. But this is not true. This is truly a feminine flower - it gives a woman more femininity and beauty. But for men, it is harmful on one hand: it makes a person too soft and gentle.

As a rule, women are much more superstitious than men, so they pay much more attention to such things.

A flower of incredible beauty that causes a lot of controversy

Impact on men

In short, keeping an orchid in a house where a man lives is strictly prohibited, since it is a sophisticated, fragile and delicate plant, and also has the property of giving the same traits to the people around it. Therefore, if a man is constantly at a short distance from the plant, he can become more feminine.

This flower will be useful as a gift to a man only if he is some kind of despotic boss, for whom this plant will help become softer and kinder to others.

For your information! Women who have a son or a male partner should not buy an orchid.

Impact on women

Any representative of the fair sex simply needs to buy herself an orchid, as it is a symbol of:

  • beauty;
  • femininity;
  • charm;
  • inspiration.

It wouldn't hurt any girl to have these qualities.

Positive signs about the orchid

In addition to superstitions about the negative impact of epiphytes on humans, there are signs about orchids in the house that show them in a more rosy light.

Aura saturation

In India, there is a special attitude towards the orchid. Local residents believe that it cleanses the home of evil and drives away unkind thoughts and feelings. Keeping this flower in the house for them means maintaining a friendly family atmosphere, finding ways to mutual understanding and mutual respect between members of their family.

Impact on women

For women, keeping indoor flowers is, in principle, mandatory, and even more so orchids. This is a kind of amulet that protects health, both moral and physical, bringing inspiration, beauty, charm, femininity and other qualities necessary for every girl.

Orchid does not scare away men

By the way, there is a sign that occurred more likely due to twisting of facts than from real observations. They say that epiphytes can drive away guys, so the girl in whose house he grows risks being left alone.

All fans of orchids can calm down: this is not entirely true. As mentioned above, an epiphyte, with constant contact with a man, affects him as a woman, i.e. turns him into a pampered, perhaps even vulnerable, person, etc. But nothing more. The plant will not harm its owner, who loves and cares for it.

The right place for an orchid

It is quite logical to ask whether it is possible for married couples to keep orchids at home if the flower is not recommended for the male half, but for the female half it becomes a talisman. You can grow these beautiful flowers in every home, you just need to know where to put them.

For their location, you should avoid bedrooms, since at night the flower is especially active, like a vampire, and rooms where a man is most often.

Windows facing east or west are best. True, this is not connected with any beliefs, but with the specifics of cultivation. If you want your pet to bloom, provide it with enough sunny color. A room where the light is neither bright nor dim, but somewhat diffused, is a good choice.

For those girls who have not yet started a family, you can place epiphytes everywhere. The main thing is to look after them carefully and not ruin them, so your reverent attitude towards the plant will return to you a hundredfold.

Feng Shui about orchids

The popular eastern teaching of Feng Shui does not prohibit keeping orchids at home

Chinese sages only mention the importance of the color of a flower for one or another area of ​​our life and its location. As for the latter, we have already mentioned, the rules of Feng Shui are the same here: the bedroom is not suitable as a permanent habitat for a flower

In addition, there are some other tips:

  • plants are placed in the eastern part of the house to improve health or to recover faster when you are already sick;
  • in the north - for career success;
  • in the southeast - so that you can implement your plans;
  • in the southwest - to light a spark in a cooled relationship;
  • in the northwest - for peace in the family.

The history of the orchid

It first appeared on our earth 130 million years ago. The first to see the unusual flower were the inhabitants of Ancient China. It received its name from the philosopher Theophrastus. The scientist compared paired bulbs (rhizome) with male testicles. As a result, the culture was named "orchis". Translated from Greek as “testicle”.

In Europe, the first orchid bloomed in 1731. It was brought by an unknown missionary from the Bahamas. At the beginning of the 19th century in England, the plant began to be used as packaging material. But the gardener, who became interested in the plant, planted it in a pot, and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Farms began to massively export the crop from its natural distribution. For a long time they asked for huge amounts of money for it.

Important! Today, there are 30,000 species of wild orchids, and 150,000 species of hybrids.

The benefits and harms of orchids

In general terms, everything is also ambiguous.

Orchid has such negative properties as:

  • strong odor that can cause anxiety, headache, nausea and panic;
  • although the orchid is not a poisonous flower, some of its varieties can cause allergies;
  • if a person cuts himself on its roots, his wound will heal for a very long time, accompanied by unpleasant pain;
  • Some tropical varieties of orchids can be deadly, as they provoke the development of cancer cells.

Note! All of these negative consequences can be avoided by simply talking to the seller before purchasing and replanting the plant while wearing gloves, as well as keeping it away from animals and children.


The orchid also has useful qualities:

  • she is very beautiful and can decorate any room;
  • there are several varieties of orchids that Mexicans add to their food, and the French decorate ice cream with them;
  • Tincture from the lady's slipper orchid is an excellent remedy for headaches, and it also has a good effect on the functioning of the heart, copes with stress and the effects of depression.

If a flower falls in love with its owner, the negativity will go away, and positive energy, on the contrary, will fill the room. Orchid blossoms will have a positive impact on different aspects of life.

The orchid will become a reliable friend: it will protect you from a person who is planning evil and will make him feel bad. The enemies of her mistress will experience headaches, anxiety and various disorders.

In India, it is believed that the flower cleanses the room of evil intent, bad thoughts, and maintains friendly relationships in the family.



First of all, orchids literally attract everyone with their attractive appearance. It carries a number of positive properties. The benefits of a flower depend on the specific variety (find out what unusual varieties there are that are striking in their appearance and give positive emotions). For example, Laelium is actively used in Mexico. This flower is used as food; in France, ice cream and cream producers add leaves of this plant.

The Lady's slipper variety provides invaluable health benefits.

. It is widely used in folk medicine. To prepare the decoction, take a part of the plant that grows above the ground. An infusion of this color copes with migraines, loss of appetite, and insomnia. In addition, this composition perfectly strengthens the organs of the cardiovascular system and normalizes its functioning.



: Despite all its beauty and benefits, the flower also has negative sides. Sometimes it can become a deadly danger. But this rule does not apply to all varieties of orchids. Some representatives of the flora contain dangerous components that lead to the development of cancer cells.

So it is better to keep the plant away from children, who cannot yet be aware of their actions and eat the flower leaf while adults are absent. also important to be careful when transplanting an orchid; it is better to use gloves.


There is an opinion that wounds caused by cuts by roots cannot heal for a long time, and they are also life-threatening. A wound from a cut with an ordinary leaf can remain inflamed for a long time, bleed and not heal for a long time. But this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Orchid in an apartment - good or bad

Many people who are not particularly familiar with the topic often wonder why they can’t keep an orchid at home.

Domestic varieties of this crop raise many doubts

Folk signs

Folklore says that an orchid is an energy vampire that steals the vitality of its owners. This happens because the plant sprays pollen, which has the following properties:

  • slow down human reflexes;
  • cause drowsiness.

The vampiric properties of the flower are especially aggravated at night, so if a person works at night, then this feature of the plant will cause him a lot of inconvenience.

For your information! This is a purely female plant that can harm the relationship between a guy and a girl if given to a representative of the stronger sex.

Although the orchid is a very capricious flower, if you care for it, following all the rules, it will give:

  • happiness and harmony in the family;
  • well-being.

By daily contact with this plant, many women can discover talents in themselves that they had not previously noticed. Also, the beauty of a flower can enhance the love of art. But in order for the orchid to begin to provide all this, you need to constantly and carefully take care of it. The plant should not be allowed to wither due to illness or lack of care.

Some signs say that this plant can also:

  • extend life;
  • rid women of wrinkles;
  • improve health and beauty;
  • cheer up;
  • get rid of negative energy at home.

It is also known that orchids can serve as protectors in the home. If the owner has a guest who is planning something bad against him, then the enemy may have a headache, a rise in temperature and a worsening state of mind.

For your information! Most scientists who study plants claim that the orchid affects each person differently. It depends on how one or another person cared for the plant; taking this into account, the color of the flower changes.

For example, an orchid with a purple color helps cope with laziness. This plant will be an ideal choice for women who decide to play sports or get rid of some bad habit.

Plants with orange and yellow flowers symbolize success in career and material wealth. Orchids of this shade are ideal for creative people, as they can awaken inspiration.

Orange orchid is an ideal gift for a creative person

Plants with white and pink flowers help their owners find inner harmony. Flowers with such shades will help you get out of depression and feel like a charming and attractive woman.

Orchid in the bedroom

When asked whether an orchid can be kept in the bedroom, scientists who study plants answer in the negative. This plant emits a specific odor that has a bad effect on the health of the sleeper and can also cause:

  • depression;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability.

Note! If the florist, even when he found out why you can’t keep an orchid in your bedroom, still wanted to do it, then it will look stylish and elegant on a bedside table or ottoman. But you will definitely need to buy a lamp for it, otherwise the orchid will wither from the lack of sunny color.

Each gardener decides for himself whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home or not. In any case, you need to take into account everything described above, since scientists do not take their conclusions out of thin air, but obtain them as a result of long and painstaking work.

Where allowed to use

It is clear that according to Feng Shui, an orchid should not be placed in the bedroom. The best place to grow this flower is a winter garden, a glazed balcony, a loggia. Philosophers say that this plant encourages deep thoughts about the meaning of life. Therefore, orchids can be used to decorate monasteries, meditation rooms, and houses of prayer. If you are a lover of this delicate plant and do not believe in its destructive effect, place the orchid in places where it will bring the greatest aesthetic satisfaction.

  • Orchids in the bedroom interior will look great on the windowsill. A sufficient amount of sunlight and warmth in the room will allow the plant to smell fragrant all year round.
  • Women love these flowers very much. Therefore, a good solution is to place the orchid on the cosmetic table. It will serve as inspiration for creating a romantic image.
  • For a happy married couple, no harmful influence of orchids is scary. And if you consider yourself one of such people, but are wondering whether it is possible to keep an orchid in the bedroom? We will answer that it is possible. For spouses with a stable relationship, a delicate flower located on the bedside table will add tenderness and charm to everyday life.

Useful and healing properties of orchids

Both the health benefits and harms of orchids have been known since ancient times. Healers used the rhizome as the main ingredient to treat diseases. Representatives of orchids have a number of positive properties.

Common types and their beneficial effects on the body:

  1. Crepidium acuminatum - medicines are made from this terrestrial orchid to strengthen the immune system, the plant stimulates sperm production and is used as an aphrodisiac.
  2. Calanthe triplicata – the benefit is to obtain a medicine to reduce swelling of the hands. Healthy orchid flowers serve as a pain reliever. The root of this species will help get rid of diarrhea.
  3. Anoectochilus regalis – leaves are beneficial for the whole body. Medicinal oil is made from the flowers to help with diseases.
  4. Acampe papillosa – the root has beneficial properties. Often used for gynecological diseases, syphilis, rheumatism, neuralgia.
  5. Corymborkis veratrifolia is a useful but rare species of orchid that helps to cope with fever in a child (the juice from the young leaves is used).
  6. Dendrobium nobile is a common species; a medicine for pain is made from the leaves and roots to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Orchid is a useful flower used to treat many ailments due to its unique properties. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Aztec leader was prepared with a special drink for sexual activity, which helped to please his 600 wives. It consisted of orchid, vanilla, hot pepper and cocoa beans. The benefit also lies in the content of medicinal substances in the plant organs.

How to care for an orchid in an apartment

When buying an orchid, you need to understand how to care for and where to place this plant. If you keep a flower in the wrong place or care for it poorly, it may wither or not bloom.

An orchid looks stylish in any room.
Although an orchid needs a sunny color, you should not place it near a window where the sun shines from morning to evening, as this can destroy the flower. The optimal solution would be to place it on the western or eastern side of the house.

And if there is no other choice but to place the flower on the northern part of the apartment, then you will have to resort to artificial lighting so that the plant does not wither from lack of sunlight.

Important! The conditions for keeping orchids may vary depending on the variety. So, for example, in one place a light-loving vanda may feel comfortable, but a phalaenopsis may die from an excess of light.


The optimal temperature also varies for each type of flower, but if you average it, you get about 25-30 °C in the summer and 20-25 °C. The difference between morning and night temperatures should not exceed 5°.

Air humidity

Air humidity should be no less than 60% and no higher than 90%. If such conditions cannot be maintained, you can use one trick: put expanded clay in a tray under the flowerpot and fill it with water.

The use of orchids in cooking

For women

Representatives of the fair sex are recommended to keep orchids in the house as a talisman that preserves health, gives inspiration, charm, beauty, charm and other qualities.

The benefits for the skin are obvious: wrinkles and inflammation disappear as if by magic. The flower will definitely give feminine strength and beauty.

There is a belief that this flower drives men away from women. Therefore, if there is an orchid in the house, then the fair sex will be left alone. But some experts believe that this is not entirely true: with frequent contact with a flower, a man can become tender, sensitive and that’s all. The flower will not harm the owner.

Why does it bloom?

If an orchid has bloomed, you definitely need to pay attention to the color of the plant, because petals of different colors predict different events:

  1. You can find harmony and tranquility when a white or soft pink orchid blooms. Depression will go away and it will be easy to be positive.
  2. An orange flower will increase the productivity and activity of the owner. It will give a creative person inspiration and reveal his potential. If you need to replenish your vital energy, this flower will definitely help. During its flowering, all ideas will be realized.
  3. Anyone who has decided to get rich or increase their wealth should stop at the yellow orchid. When this flower blooms, it will attract money.
  4. A talisman that helps protect against idleness - red and dark purple orchids. They will help you take decisive action. These plants need to be purchased by women who are planning to fight with themselves for a healthy lifestyle, who are trying to improve their figure or give up bad habits. These flowers will help strengthen your strong-willed qualities and certainly achieve results without putting off until tomorrow what you were going to do today.
  5. Pink flowers are friends of attractive and charming women. If you need to protect yourself from negativity, develop your creativity and highlight your beauty, then you should definitely buy orchids of this color.
  6. The plant is a rare color - blue - unique, so it is suitable for expressing serious, deep feelings.
  7. Motley - denotes an offer of intimacy and passion. Give to your beloved woman, with whom a future together is possible.

If given

A man who gives a bouquet of orchids will be considered unapproachable and cold by the people, because the flower symbolizes incomprehensible beauty. However, people admit that they are always overcome by envy of both the giver and the recipient of this gift, because the splendor of the flower simply amazes the imagination.

Orchids are given as a gift to girls if a man is confident in his feelings. If given:

  • for women – they want newness in relationships;
  • mother - as a sign of deep respect.

Orchids are also given as gifts for weddings. This expensive flower emphasizes respect for the recipients of the gift, highlighting their status and talents and as a wish for a long, happy family life.

It must be remembered that the plant must be purchased and not taken from home, otherwise it will take revenge for betrayal.

If a flower was given by a subordinate who treats you without due respect, this is a bad omen. The flower will reflect the thoughts of the giver and will definitely cause harm. It can induce anger, cause insomnia and cause difficulties in the intimate sphere.

When an orchid has a shoot on its stem or a baby, it is a great success. This is an exotic plant, so it is very difficult for it to reproduce in our conditions. The appearance of a baby means happiness, fulfillment of desires, finding harmony and peace. It can also mean an addition to the family.

  1. If an orchid was brought from someone else’s house, then it experiences stress and begins to spoil the atmosphere in the house. Conflicts escalate, quarrels develop, peace and tranquility leave the family.
  2. If you are constantly overcome by fatigue while working, then you need to put a red orchid on the windowsill and it will become easier to deal with difficulties.
  3. When your boss is very strict, you should give him this elegant flower. Subordinates will immediately feel the loyalty, sympathy and calmness of the boss.
  4. Did you give an orchid to a girl? This means there are serious intentions towards her, if the spouses should expect a surge of passion and love.

Our ancestors, who knew about the harm and benefits of every wild plant, actively used the leaves and rhizomes to treat colds, relieve pain after a burn, treat abscesses, inflammation and sexual disorders.

Important! It is prohibited to use traditional medicine recipes without consulting a doctor.

Popular recipes:

  1. Tonic tincture. Grind the dried orchis tubers (a representative of the orchids) to a powder. Pour 1 tbsp. l. warm boiled water (10 tbsp). Stir and let it brew for 15 t. Add 90 tbsp to the mass. l. boiling water, bring the mucus to a watery state. Use 40 g once a day. The benefit is to increase vitality and improve muscle tone.
  2. Infusion for impotence. Pour red wine (a glass will be enough) 2 tbsp. l. crushed tubers of Lyubka bifolia. Leave for 2 weeks, stir the mixture daily with a wooden spoon. Take 4 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. Harm from the infusion will occur with uncontrolled treatment.

In our country, dried yarysh tubers are most often used. The medicinal powder helps with diarrhea, inflammation of the gallbladder, impotence, hemorrhoids, and diabetes. It won't do any harm. The main treatment is to carry out according to the instructions or recommendations of the doctor.

Dendrobium (Dendrobium) is a common representative of orchids in cooking. The aromatic leaves are used in Malaya to season rice. The culture is added to salads. In some Asian countries, they are fried in batter and added to various sauces, the benefits of which increase significantly. Chefs from European countries decorate desserts with Dendrobium flowers.

Due to their aroma and beneficial properties, many types are used as an additive to tea. Vanilla is made from the fruit of Vanilla planifolia. The spice is known in cooking and perfumery. The species grows in Africa, Central America and Mexico.

Seasonal rules

In addition to the basic rules for caring for an orchid, you also need to take into account the influence of the seasons on the flower, since it has periods of summer growth and wintering.

During the winter season, the sun shines much less often, which has a bad effect on the flower. To avoid this, you need to additionally organize artificial lighting for the orchid.

Important! When using a fluorescent lamp, you need to maintain a distance between it and the flower, it should be about 20-30 cm.

It would also be a good idea to check the window sill for drafts. If they are, then it is better to move the plant to another warmer place to avoid possible frostbite.

If there are radiators or heaters near the orchid, you will need to additionally humidify the air by spraying it with water from a spray bottle. This is important because the air near heating systems becomes much drier.

Note! During spraying, water should not be allowed to fall on the leaves, as this may cause them to rot. You only need to spray the air around the plant.

During this period, the orchid may get sunburned, so it will need to be moved into the shade periodically. In addition, after the winter season, you need to increase the brightness gradually so that the plant can adapt.

An orchid on a windowsill should not be exposed to a draft, otherwise it will die

In the summer, the orchid will feel great on a well-lit windowsill or glassed-in balcony. Places close to heating systems negatively affect it not only in winter, but also in spring, as the plant weakens and becomes easy prey for scale insects, spider mites and other pests.

Important! If the plant is placed on a windowsill, where cold air falls over the window, this can cause it to become hypothermic and rot. The best solution in this situation would be to insulate the windows.

If the choice of location for the plant was wrong, then this can be understood by several signs:

  • the plant will dry out;
  • the orchid will become covered with mucus;
  • the flower will shed its buds.

In some cases, once these signs are detected, the plant cannot be saved, since even a few tons of hypothermia can kill the plant. But in most cases, with the right approach, it is still possible to revive the flower.

Orchid is afraid of sunlight, cold wind and excessive watering

Although many people consider the orchid to be too capricious a flower, in fact most plants require slightly less attention and care. The orchid is considered a finicky plant only because domestic varieties of this plant must be kept in completely different conditions than where they are grown. One way or another, in order to understand whether growing an orchid in your home is bad or good, you need to check rather than listen to others.

Is this plant predatory?

Mostly no. However, there is a miniature predator orchid native to South America . Externally, Porroglossum is a plant with fleshy green leaves, decorated with silvery streaks and growths. The size of its flower is about 1.5 cm, and the total size is 12 cm (what is the largest orchid in the world?).

On each peduncle, lowered to the bottom, there is one yellowish-golden flower with petals curved in the form of narrow processes. Pollination of Porroglossum occurs in a way that is unusual for most species. The petals of this plant are sensitive to bright light and also to any influence and contact (what does a gardener need to know about their structure?).

Therefore, when small insects land on the orchid's moving lips, they become trapped. The flower folds, and the closed lip presses them to the column with the polyline. Regardless of the intentions of the insects, this plant is pollinated at their expense in this way.

Reference! This plant cannot be called a full-fledged predator, since after 20-30 minutes the porroglossum releases its captives to catch other insects and continue the self-pollination cycle.

Negative signs and superstitions

With proper care, the Orchid is completely safe, but too whimsical and capricious. If you love to take care of it and comply with certain conditions, this indoor plant will give you happiness and harmonize the atmosphere in the family.

Don't put this flower by the bed

After all, the Orchid is a real talisman for a woman. By contacting her, you can discover your hidden talent, feel your limitless potential and start making art. The main thing is to take good care of the flower and care for it properly.

The flower can improve women's health and beauty, and also lift their spirits. A little more benefit: all negative energy will leave your home.

Recommended reading: What do Orchids symbolize - different flowers have different meanings

This beautiful flower can serve as a protector of the home. If there is a person in your life who wishes to harm you, this plant will rid you of him. According to legend: she undermines the enemy’s health with headaches, poor mental health and fever.

Scientists who study these plants believe that Orchids affect each person differently. It all depends on the intensity of care for the plant, its variety and color. For example, red and purple flowers will help cope with laziness. These shades are ideal for women who are on a diet. They also help you quit smoking and start exercising.

This home flower can decorate any interior.

Yellow and orange buds help increase material wealth and career success. They promote an active lifestyle and are ideal for creative people, awakening inspiration.

White and pink flowers help achieve inner harmony. Plants of these flowers are suitable for people suffering from depression. Pink flowers will make you feel attractive and charming.

Orchid in Feng Shui

According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, this flower is one of the most powerful talismans that attract good luck.
It is allowed to place this plant in any part of the house. The properties of the talisman and energy in different areas will be different:

  • A flower located in the northern part of the house will attract material wealth.
  • Place it in the east of the apartment and it will bring peace and get rid of diseases.
  • In the southeastern part, this talisman will help attract good luck and bring cheerfulness to residents of an apartment or office.

Overall, the Orchid is a wonderful flower to grow at home. Any girl next to him will feel beautiful and feminine.

This plant will protect against negative energy, as well as ill-wishers and evil looks. Just try to care for it properly, and then you will experience all the wonderful sides of this truly mysterious flower. We wish you good mood, love and good luck. Be happy!

Much is already known about the benefits, harms and medicinal properties. Orchid is endowed with a huge number of components that have a beneficial effect on the body. But there are superstitions regarding growing flowers in an apartment. Some people are sure that it can cause harm and will disrupt the peace and quiet in the family.

In the Middle Ages, people thought that orchids could only be kept by special people, the talented, the most developed, that is, those who stand out from the crowd. Flowers were presented to beloved, most beautiful girls to express admiration for their appearance.

Culture is endowed with human traits. It is believed that the plant is beneficial if you learn how to properly care for it. The orchid should not be allowed to wilt or become diseased. If you treat her with love and attention, then it will “thank” the owner and be beneficial.

If a person who is hostile or wants to cause harm comes to the apartment, then the orchid is able to drive him away. There is a superstition that its properties will make the enemy feel bad: they will get sick or dizzy, and nausea will begin.

Its color is of great importance for the plant. This is one of the most important properties of a plant that can affect the home atmosphere. Many people advise taking into account the principles of Feng Shui.

The flower is called an energy vampire. There is an opinion that representatives of the family draw out all the strength and energy from people. The owner feels a relationship between a bad mood and the state of culture. Everything comes from flower pollen, which acts as a sedative so much that a person does not suffer from insomnia.

This superstition is not true. Suspicious women shift all responsibility for family relationships onto the flower and believe that it causes harm in interactions between lovers.

Some types serve as a talisman for girls, endowing them with talent and inspiring creativity. With proper care of a flower, it will give a woman beauty and youth, improve health, mood and increase attractiveness. The magical properties of the orchid will drive all negative energy and anger out of the house.

Can you grow it at home?

This plant has been grown in homes for a long time; it is considered a symbol of wealth and well-being, so keeping it indoors is not forbidden.

There are many positive signs associated with the flower:

  • in Ancient Greece this culture was considered a symbol of perfection; the Greeks believed that next to such a plant a person would improve;
  • in Thailand they are sure that it brings peace to the home;
  • has a particularly beneficial effect on women: it develops intuition in them, the desire for harmony and literally rejuvenates them.

Caring for a flower requires daily care and attention from its owner. This disciplines a person, creates a certain daily routine and forces him to constantly keep himself in shape: a sick, infirm owner will have the same pet.

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