[Plants in the house] why doesn't the money tree bloom?

There is a fairly common reason among people: every person’s house must have a money tree, because it brings material well-being. Not every plant has become so widespread among the people. This flower has a rather attractive appearance - glossy leaves that really resemble coins. Unfortunately, this flower rarely blooms. To please yourself and bring prosperity into your home, you should provide the flower with proper care.

Interesting. In addition to a lot of superstitions, this flower also has healing properties. The flower releases a lot of useful substances into the air, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. That is why this flower should definitely be placed on the window.

How to make a tree bloom?

A blossoming money tree is truly a rarity, and a truly pleasant phenomenon. To achieve the desired result you will have to be patient. This plant is native to Africa, so it is quite easy to find flowering in natural conditions. That is why the tree necessarily needs sunlight and high air temperature. However, in this case, you should not cross the fine line, otherwise an overabundance can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the plant. The ideal place for a flower is a windowsill.

It is necessary to organize proper tree care starting from planting. To begin with, you should purchase special soil from the store and mix it with regular street soil. In such soil the plant will feel great. The flower always takes root well in a new place.

What should you do to make the plant bloom?

Some people are very surprised when they hear that the money tree is blooming at all. Others are intrigued by this and try to see how true it is. If you want your green pet to grow up beautiful, healthy, and show its blooms, you need to know a few basic points. In general, knowing them makes care easier.

This "money" plant is not fussy, it is easy to grow and grows quickly. But it blooms rarely, you will need to wait for the flowering period. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Crassula is a South African plant. In those parts it is found at almost every step and blooms wild, as in the photo.

This culture loves warmth and light. Its growth, development, and general condition directly depend on sunlight.

In the tropics there are long daylight hours, regardless of the time of year, unlike our latitudes. In winter, our days are shorter, and this does not have a very good effect on the money tree. In a room for a tree of prosperity, you should choose a sunny window sill. The plant will need to be protected from direct sunlight to prevent burns on the leaves.

Proper care begins with planting. Crassula takes root well in almost any soil and grows well. There are practically no problems with landing either. Even a leaf can become a seedling, which will quickly take root and delight you with its intensive growth.

Crassula can take root even without soil. It is worth placing the stem or its cut part in water, and soon you will be able to see new shoots on it.

Rules to help you care for a flower

So, in order for a flower to feel comfortable and at the same time please it with flowering, it is necessary to provide it with the most comfortable conditions:

  • temperature regime. This plant loves fresh air incredibly much. The flower needs fresh air, but only in the warm season. In winter, you should carefully ensure that the plant is not exposed to drafts.

  • watering. The plant loves moisture, but excessive watering can seriously harm it. If there is an excess of moisture, the plant significantly slows down its growth, and the root part begins to rot. It is best if it penetrates into the first layer of soil. If the flower begins to bloom, then watering should definitely be increased.
  • feeding The tree needs regular fertilization and has an extremely positive attitude towards it. In order for the tree to please with its flowering, fertilizing should be done several times a month. You can use cactus fertilizer as additional nutrition.

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Useful tips

Why the symbol of prosperity rarely pleases anyone with its blossoms, no one knows the exact answer. But in order to see the money tree bloom at least once, you should simply follow simple procedures:

Water well and regularly. This green pet loves water, but does not take well to excess moisture in the ground. You can get used to watering the flower as the top layer of soil dries. More water for irrigation will be required when the indoor tree begins to bloom. It is better to use room water rather than cold water for irrigation. If you notice that the plant's growth is gradually stopping, try reducing watering.

Fertilize and feed. The Tree of Wealth is a member of the succulent family. They usually tolerate feeding very well. Crassula is no exception. You can feed the tree once or even twice a month. The same fertilizers as for cacti are suitable for this flower.

Take it outside. In the fresh air, the “profitable” flower feels great. That is why in the spring, when the frosts have passed, the plant should be “relocated” outside.

You should not expose the Crassula tree to stress, which can be caused by a sudden change in temperature.

It is better to wait until it becomes almost as warm outside as in the room where the plant was before. By the way, for wintering, fat women choose a cool place in the house, so that the temperature there is 10 - 15 degrees.

Transplant. Crassula grows quite quickly. Therefore, you need to monitor the growth of the indoor tree. When it grows, it immediately needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. Try not to disturb the roots too much. Even if soil remains on them, it’s okay. The main thing is that the soil into which the flower is transplanted does not differ much in composition. Select a pot that is approximately the size of the top of a money plant.

The nuances of plant transplantation

This plant grows quite quickly, so it requires timely replanting. To choose the right pot for replanting, be sure to focus on the size of the top of the tree. Replanting should be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the root system.

The new soil should be the same in composition as the previous one.

How to plant or replant a money tree?

In order for the tree to develop and bloom well, the diameter of the planting container must be equal to the size of the crown. It is not at all necessary to choose a tall pot, since the root system of the tree increases in width and not in depth. To plant crassula, it is best to choose ready-made soil, which is intended for cacti. Some gardeners purchase a special soil mixture for succulents at flower shops.

The plant propagates in most cases using cuttings or shoots, which must be immediately rooted into the ground. Planting material, immediately before planting, must be dried for two hours. You can also propagate Crassula using leaf blades, but this is too complicated a method. You need to place the bottom side of the leaf in damp moss and leave it in a warm place until roots appear.

Mistakes when growing and caring for a money tree that destroy the plant

Daily care

If the money tree does not bloom for a long time, this does not mean that this miracle will not happen. In addition to the above nuances, it is important to take into account the subtleties of daily care, namely:

  • the room where the flower is placed must be well ventilated;
  • You should promptly get rid of dried leaves;
  • use stem supports;
  • wipe leaves from dust.

Well, with proper care, the tree will really bloom and will delight the owners of the house.

Why doesn't the MONEY TREE bloom? How to make a Crassula bloom (1 video)

Why doesn't Crassula bloom?

In most cases this happens for several reasons.

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  • The tree is too young. Crassula begins to bloom after 5 years.
  • Crassula prefers slightly acidic soil. For fertilizer you need to use phosphorus preparations. It will not bloom in street soil due to lack of nutrients.
  • The flower does not like bright sunlight, and blooms more readily in conditions where daylight hours are short. Most often, the “money tree” blooms in winter or autumn.
  • Since Crassula is a succulent, it does not require frequent watering. It is enough to water it once every 5-6 days. If there is excess moisture, dropsy may form on the leaves in the form of pinpoint light brown tubercles.
  • If damaged by pests, the plant will not produce flowers. You need to regularly inspect the leaves and stem. Drying leaves indicate the presence of spider mites and aphids. The scale leaves behind oval brown tubercles. Light white fluff on the leaves indicates the presence of a mealybug. In these cases, the fat plant needs to be treated with a solution of laundry soap or special chemicals.
  • Fungal infections can also prevent a tree from flowering. Treatment with fungicides, removal of damaged parts, replacement or disinfection of the flower pot and soil will come in handy here.

Flowering tree: what needs to be done to achieve Crassula flowering at home

In addition to proper care, the flowering of Crassula depends on three main factors: dormancy period, lighting and ambient temperature.

Small snow-white flowers. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

This Succulent does not go dormant, but does require a period of rest to form buds. As the days get shorter, reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

  1. In autumn, you need to place the flower in a room with a night temperature of about 12°C (be careful not to freeze the plant). Inflorescences should begin to form around the shortest days of the year.
  2. Small flowers are produced in clusters at the tips of branches, but unfortunately are short-lived. Once the flowers have faded and the stem turns brown, you can cut it off.
  3. Normalize watering frequency and air temperature as spring approaches. Closer to summer, move the Crassula to a well-lit place, protected from direct sunlight.
  4. Money trees like close quarters and don't grow very quickly, so they rarely need to be transplanted into a larger pot. However, without fertilizing, they need to renew the soil every 3 years. Replant the flower in the spring, after the flowers have faded.

In spring and summer, you can feed the plant so that Crassula blooms again. But you should not expect annual flowering from the plant; the Money Tree needs time to accumulate sufficient energy to produce new buds.

Some interesting facts about the money tree

Many house plants, including the money tree, are capable of producing a biologically active substance - phytoncide, which can suppress the growth of various bacteria and fungi in the air.

  • Traditional medicine suggests using money tree leaves to get rid of calluses. To do this, you need to remove the film from the leaf, apply the pulp to the callus and seal it with a band-aid overnight.
  • When working with the money tree (pruning, replanting), be careful, since its foliage contains arsenic and various toxic substances, which, if they come into contact with the mucous membrane, can cause irritation or cause quite serious poisoning.
  • In Europe, the crassula is called a family tree because it is similar to the diagram of a family tree, on which each, even the smallest leaf, can represent a family member.

Money tree absorbs many unpleasant odors, so most housewives keep it in the kitchen, thereby combating unwanted odors during cooking.

Methods for propagating Crassula

Many people are interested in how to plant a money tree so that it takes root. There are two options:

  • buy seeds and grow them at home, accustoming them to certain conditions;
  • cut off the cutting and root.

The first method does not always end successfully - the seeds germinate poorly, and not all sprout. Even fewer fatworts grow to adulthood, when they could theoretically bloom.


Cuttings are a method of propagation by a separate branch cut from an adult healthy plant. Before planting a money tree shoot in the ground, the cutting is placed in water with activated carbon and a growth stimulant to form roots, then placed in a pot with soil.

A leaf cut from a branch can also take root. It is buried 1 cm into the soil and the container is covered with film to control humidity.


Care for sprouts obtained from seeds is more thorough. To germinate the seeds, fill the container with cactus soil and scatter it on the surface. The container is covered with film or glass, creating greenhouse conditions. After 2 weeks , the seeds germinate and are periodically opened to let in fresh air. When a pair of leaves are formed, they are transplanted into pots and continue caring for the fat plant.

Transplantation: step by step process

The pot for the money tree is chosen to be wider than deep. This is due to the characteristics of the root system: it is superficial and branched, which is why the money tree is used for arranging bonsai.

Due to superficial immersion in the ground, the money tree often falls out of its place. Young growing specimens are replanted annually. Old - once every 3 - 5 years (depending on the variety and growth rate).

How to transplant a money tree into another pot at the end of March:

  • Prepare the soil for backfilling and place drainage in the new pot.
  • Remove the plant from the old pot. Inspect the roots. Cut off rotten and dried ones.
  • Sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal or treat with a fungicide. Leave in the air to dry, then you can transplant into a new container.

If the roots are healthy and intact, the plant along with the old soil is transferred to a new pot and covered with soil. After this you need to water the soil. Transplantation is a test for the root system of the money tree, so for 2 weeks to allow it to adapt.

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