Feng Shui plants: impact on the energy of the home

September 29, 2020 Category: Feng Shui Author: admin

Feng Shui teachings. It is multifaceted and affects all aspects of human life. You can believe or not believe in this philosophy. But an interesting fact is that our traditions largely overlap with the rules of Feng Shui. Accident? Most likely, this is a pattern. The pattern is that you need to build your life in harmony with the world around you, with nature. In the modern world, we do not notice our connection with nature. But following the teachings of Feng Shui, we tune ourselves to this connection. According to Feng Shui, flowers in the house are an important moment in a person’s life!

We try to create flows of favorable energy in our home. One of the ways to attract positive energies in your home or apartment is by placing indoor plants. After all, it is well known that there are plants that have a good effect on humans, and there are those that cannot be placed in the house. The placement of indoor flowers according to Feng Shui is a very large and interesting aspect in this teaching. Properly selected and correctly placed indoor flowers can not only bring comfort and coziness to the apartment, but also bring health, wealth and happiness to the owners. According to ancient Chinese teaching, flowers attract positive Qi energy, on which the well-being of the family depends. With the help of colors you can influence and control energies. What flowers in the house according to Feng Shui are for happiness and wealth?

  • Houseplants and Feng Shui How to choose flowers in the house according to Feng Shui for happiness and wealth?
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  • Overview of Feng Shui plants
      Zamioculcas or dollar tree
  • Crassula tree or money tree
  • Geranium
  • Begonia
  • Ficus
  • Citrus trees
  • Bamboo
  • Azalea
  • Myrtle
  • Aucuba flowers in the house according to Feng Shui
  • Feng Shui cacti
  • General rules for growing house plants according to Feng Shui

    What rules should you follow when choosing and growing indoor plants?

    • At the stage of selecting plants, you need to pay attention to the sprouts: it’s good if they are directed upwards. These plants are perfect if you want a positive atmosphere to reign in your home. It is believed that plants with drooping sprouts, on the contrary, attract negative events and are a kind of “energy vampires”;
    • if we talk about the shape of the plant, then round leaves are preferable, sharp ones bring negativity;
    • In Feng Shui it is believed that plants are divided into male and female. Therefore, it is especially important to place plants that are suitable for the owner of the room based on gender;
    • It is not recommended to place dry plants in the house. If you like ikebana, give it a separate space in your summer cottage;
    • Do not place too many plants in the bedroom, in particular, near the bed;
    • Feng Shui experts believe that large plants have more powerful energy than small ones. Therefore, in cases where you urgently need to change the atmosphere in the house, it is recommended to choose large flowers;
    • Most often, negative energy accumulates in hard-to-reach places: corners, shelves, storage rooms. This is where it is recommended to place plants to restore a harmonious atmosphere;
    • Especially moisture-loving plants should be planted in red pots.

    Selecting indoor plants based on their energy properties

    Plants with active energy

    : yucca, cactus, coconut palm, anthurium. They have no place in a bedroom or nursery; place them, for example, at the entrance to a house or apartment, and they will protect you from evil forces.

    Plants with calm energy:

    aloe, begonia, camellia, guzmania, hoya, soleirolia.
    They will give you self-confidence, put you in a peaceful mood, create harmony, and promote good sleep .

    : ficus benjamina, ivy, monstera, philodendron, nephrolepis (fern). Eliminate bad energy or transform it into beneficial energy for a person.

    Resuscitating plants:

    bamboo, crassula, cyclamen, bougainvillea, cyperus. They restore strength, promote a good mood, and give vigor. Bamboo influences a person’s character, endowing him with its main qualities - the ability to “take a hit” and remain evergreen, that is, young.

    © Ogudin Valentin

    How to place indoor plants in your home according to Feng Shui

    By understanding the patterns of flower placement according to Feng Shui, you can skillfully control the energy flows in the room. Houseplants can block the negative effects of Sha energy or stop excessively intense Qi energy. If the Qi flows are too powerful, it can negatively affect the atmosphere. Sha energy originates where there are too many sharp corners. Plants will help minimize the effect of negative flows in your home.

    Feng Shui includes 5 basic elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal. Each of the elements has specific characteristics and, accordingly, each requires individual space in the house. Plants belong to the Wood element, so the most successful option for their placement is the east side (or southeast). In Feng Shui, a tree symbolizes financial and life well-being, the realization of dreams, health and personal growth.

    But there are flowers that are classified as other elements. For example, purple, pink, and red flowers belong to Fire, which is why the southern sector is considered the most successful location. Shades play a huge role in the science of Feng Shui, so it is recommended to pay close attention to the color of the plants you choose and their future location. When flowering starts, it is worth moving the Fire plant to the southern part of the room. This will activate the Chi energy and improve the atmosphere of the southern sector. The location of the plant can affect its effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully place flowers around the house:

    • It is recommended to place plants only in their appropriate parts of the house. It is recommended to plant a money tree in the wealth zone. In any other zone it will lose its effectiveness;
    • in the bedroom you should adhere to the principle “the less the better,” especially near the bed;
    • Do not place pots between doors or between a window and a door. This location is considered unfavorable;
    • You should not plant thorny plants where you rest: they can interfere with the restoration of vital energies. Placement in the southwestern sector is not recommended: it may adversely affect personal life;
    • Fruiting and flowering plants are perfect for the kitchen;
    • for the western sector, white flowers will be the best choice. Such placement will ensure understanding and harmony between generations and create an ideal atmosphere for creativity;
    • It is recommended to place cacti in the northern sector of the house.

    Favorable plants for the home according to Feng Shui

    In order for the plant to act as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to choose it rationally in accordance with individual needs and the location where you plan to place the flower.


    This plant can be an excellent donor of creative energy. If you constantly feel tired and exhausted, it is worth understanding which plants will restore vigor and vitality. Azalea will give a “second wind” and inspiration to those people who are tired just after waking up. Azalea revives its owner and develops empathy. The subtle aroma of the flower provides concentration, the ability to focus on what is important and ignore the less significant. Physically, it helps improve the condition of the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation. You should be very careful and caring with azalea.


    This green plant has long, thin leaves. Guzmania provides a good mood and prevents depression. It is recommended to place the flower in the eastern or southwestern parts of the house. Guzmania gives peace, tranquility, harmony in relationships, the red color helps to retain love feelings. A yellow flower will provide financial enrichment and good luck. By placing a diploma next to Guzmania, you can become more successful in the professional field.

    Calla lilies

    According to Feng Shui, different plants perform different functions. Callas protect the house in which they are located. They help preserve love in marriage, give youth and external attractiveness. This plant will help get rid of stress and encourage you to take important actions. Not only the flower itself, but the image with it, is endowed with powerful power.


    This plant is called the money tree, which has power. Crassula can influence financial well-being, giving success in all areas. It is recommended to place these flowers in the south-eastern part of the house. It is best to grow a tree yourself so that it feels the love of the owner and recognizes the atmosphere of the room. You can place coins or ribbons on it, placing it on a red or purple napkin with hieroglyphs denoting financial well-being.


    A tree of incredible beauty, with a subtle heavenly scent with white-yellow and crimson petals. The plant symbolizes eternal life and victory over death. In Thailand, it is customary to place the plant near holy places and churches. The tree has gained great popularity in Hawaii and is endowed with a sacred meaning. It is recommended to place plumeria on the south side of the room; the tree is perfect for the bedroom. In addition to its aesthetic characteristics, the plant has the ability to give home owners health and prosperity.


    The Brazilian shrub produces beautiful orange flowers. Placed in an apartment, Nematanthus plants will ensure the health of other green friends indoors. Planted near nematanthus, even seriously ill plants get a chance to recover. A friend from Brazil will give a person health and mental balance, as well as financial prosperity. The most important thing is to provide the plant with care so that it remains in good condition.


    Violet is associated with Yin energy. The flower attracts financial well-being and physical health. Red pink flowers give vitality, and white flowers give peace and confidence in the future. Blue flowers provide motivation and inspiration.


    The aroma of the plant provides a calming effect, relieves stress, gives success in endeavors, good luck in all areas of activity. The flower is related to Yin energy. The smell of geranium repels insects. It is not recommended to place geraniums where the owners are most often.


    If you often have guests, begonia will prevent negative energy flows from entering the house. The room will be filled with beneficial energy.


    The tree will relieve negative emotions and aggressive manifestations and give peace. Capable of imparting energy, concentration, and enthusiasm. Drives away depression. It is important to know that it is not recommended to place a ficus in the marriage zone: located in this sector, it can spoil interpersonal relationships.

    Date palm

    Often grown from seed. This plant has positive energy and brings happiness to the room and family members. Helps you focus on what is most important, relieves you of sadness and negative emotions, and gives you hope for the best.


    Perfect for rooms with negative energy, as they feed on negative currents. It is not recommended to be placed in a room with a sick person.


    They promote advancement at work, in particular, improve relationships between partners. Great for offices and work areas.


    Many people believe that cacti carry negative energy, but with a rational approach they can rid the room of electromagnetic waves. They are beneficial when placed next to technical devices. If you plant a cactus on the windowsill, it will prevent theft in the house.

    dollar tree

    Gives financial well-being. Feng Shui experts advise planting a tree yourself by placing coins at the bottom of the pot. When the tree grows, you need to wrap the branches with ribbons and coins and place the pot in the southeast zone.


    They have a good influence on children: they help with their studies and promote the development of mental abilities. Perfect for a children's room.

    Feng Shui and flowers

    In addition to beauty and aesthetics, flowers have many useful features.

    • Firstly , they renew the air we breathe.
    • Secondly , the green color of their leaves has a beneficial effect on mental activity, calming and adjusting the entire human nervous system to work.
    • Thirdly , constant proximity to them gives a healing effect for the body as a whole.

    Each plant goes through its own life cycle. This small innocent creature, at the same time, has a powerful influence on the world around it. Without flowers, humanity would not be able to fully exist.

    Life would not bring joy, and instead of colorful and bright petals, dullness and callousness would reign around. Flowers feel our feelings, they help us cope with difficult moments.

    Artificial flowers in feng shui

    Feng Shui believes that all house plants carry a positive charge. It is only recommended to avoid poisonous flowers and dried plants. Plants that have dried out take away energy and vitality. Artificial flowers are in no way inferior to real flowers in effectiveness.

    Feng Shui experts believe that artificial specimens have positive energy and are perfect for those sectors where it is not advisable to place fresh flowers. For example, a wet bathroom or areas close to fire can be lethal to living plants. In this case, the use of artificial specimens may become relevant. It was stated above that it is recommended to place as few living plants as possible in the bedroom: this is due to the fact that a sleeping person is vulnerable to the rotting processes that occur in plant pots. Therefore, artificial plants are great for the bedroom. Feng Shui supports the idea that artificial specimens are relevant for wet rooms, the head of a bed or in the kitchen. The most powerful flowers in terms of energy are: peony, orchid, magnolia, chrysanthemum and lotus.

    Images with flowers in the teachings of Feng Shui

    The science of Feng Shui interprets drawings with flowers and paintings as unique portals that can endow the room in which they are located with powerful energy. Indoor, forest, and mountain plants are great for images placed in living rooms, guaranteeing a flow of happiness and good luck. Each flower is endowed with a hidden meaning:

    • peonies and poppies will give an important meeting, and provide understanding and harmony to the married couple;
    • lotus guarantees authority, respect and well-being;
    • white lily and lily of the valley symbolize purity and balance in the home;
    • an orchid guarantees mutual understanding and many children;
    • chrysanthemum balances the heart and mind;
    • Roses give life to positive energy and give prosperity in love.

    For paintings depicting flowers, the southwestern sector of the room is best suited. If you need to restore mutual understanding in a married couple, it is better to hang a picture in the bedroom. When you need to improve relationships between family members, it is worth placing the picture in the living room, between employees in a team - in the office. It is rational to place an image with a plant favorable in Feng Shui exactly where it is necessary to restore harmony and agreement.

    Nice plants


    It is considered a source of Yin energy.
    Growing geraniums in the house will bring good luck to its owner and help in achieving goals and endeavors. The smell of the plant will help relieve stress and calm you down, and will also repel insects. But you should not place geraniums in those rooms where you spend a lot of time.


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