HB-101 for indoor flowers and plants, how to use

Why do indoor plants need HB-101?

HB-101 is an environmentally friendly growth stimulator. It activates various mechanisms of indoor flowers: more active absorption of nutrients from the soil substrate begins, and the elements included in the preparation transform “food” into a more accessible and easily digestible form.

This accelerates the transport of nutrients, improves their penetration into plant systems, and improves the process of photosynthesis. The flower uses the resources of the soil and environment more efficiently, which has a great effect on all its vital indicators and, of course, its appearance.

Effect on soil and plants

For the development of the above-ground parts of plants, light and carbon dioxide are needed, which are absorbed through green leaves. The remaining components are absorbed from the soil through the root system. Soils are different everywhere, often essential minerals are found in solid form, which does not pass through cell membranes. If there are microorganisms in the soil that can convert minerals into ionic form, plants will absorb the nutrients. The necessary substances reach the leaves and fruits through the stem; this requires strong vessels and healthy cells with strong membranes.

The drug contains minerals necessary for plants in ionic form, they are easily absorbed and assimilated. Such fertilizing gives not only a one-time effect: microorganisms are activated in the soil, which process soil components into a form suitable for absorption. Now these “cooks” will constantly prepare the necessary food for the plant. To make bacteria work harder, HB 101 saturates the soil with saponin, which contains oxygen. In a favorable environment, microorganisms are in the right ratio, actively multiply and make the soil loose and soft. The drug strengthens plant cells, the vessels and membranes of the stem work with maximum efficiency, and nutrients flow to the leaves, clusters of flowers and fruits.

"НВ 101" is safe for any living organisms, so it does not destroy fungi and viruses. Pay attention to plants in nature. Weak and depressed specimens are affected by rot and are eaten by pests. A strong, healthy flower grows nearby - it seems that it is under a spell: both diseases and pests avoid it. The drug gives your plants strength and immunity so that they can cope with all problems on their own.

Action and properties of the drug

The action of the drug is aimed at developing and strengthening the vegetative-root system of indoor flowers and plants. The use of HB-101 is capable of:

  • strengthen the immune system of plants and, as a result, reduce the negative impact of viral diseases and pests;
  • ensure increased protection of plants from the negative effects of environmental conditions (temperature changes, humidity), increase their adaptive resistance;
  • improve the appearance of plants, promote abundant flowering.

What is included in the composition and chemical formula of fertilizer

The main component of the vitalizer is silicon dioxide. It is extracted from long-lived trees. Dioxide activates all processes that affect crop growth. However, the stimulant formula also includes other substances. So, the drug contains the following microelements:

  • sulfur;
  • nitrogen;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon.

The composition also includes plant extracts:

  • cypress;
  • pine;
  • cedar;
  • plantain

Composition of the drug HB-101

HB-101 contains natural ingredients, forming a protein-mineral mixture. In the manufacture of the drug, extracts of cypress, plantain, pine and Himalayan cedar are used. These plants have a long life span and strong immunity.

The composition also contains the following elements and compounds:

  • Calcium – 33 mg/l;
  • Nitrogen – 97 mg/l;
  • Sodium – 41 mg/l;
  • Sulfur, manganese, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium - < 5 mg/l;
  • Silicon dioxide – 7.4 mg/l.

Composition and mechanism of action

HB-101 granules
The drug HB101 (hb-101) was created by Japanese scientists in 1982. First used for bonsai cultivation. Over time, it was introduced to other countries. Came to Russia 24 years later.

The product was called “vitalizer”. The literal translation of the word – “life activator” – best reflects its essence.

This is a concentrated organic product that supports and stimulates the growth of weak crops. It is produced from plant extracts, so it is environmentally friendly and safe.

There are 2 types on sale:

  • liquid (6 – 500 ml, 1 l);
  • granulated (10 g, 300 g, 1 kg).

hb-101 contains extracts:

  • plantain;
  • evergreen cypress;
  • European pine;
  • maple-leaved sycamore;
  • Himalayan cedar.

These are long-lived plants adapted to harsh conditions. Their mixture makes a wonderful nutritional cocktail.

HB-101 also contains additives. The set of components differs depending on the release form:

  1. Liquid – nitrogen, sodium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, iron in an easily accessible form, biologically active organic compounds (terpenes, saponins).
  2. Granulated - in addition to the indicated macro- and microelements, it is enriched with rubidium, yttrium, strontium, zirconium, barium. The basis is zeolite - a natural crystallized mineral of volcanic rock. It absorbs beneficial compounds and gradually releases them into the soil.

Silicon increases the ability of plants to absorb useful elements; activates defense mechanisms; increases resistance to cold winds, drought, frost, shading, high humidity, heat, disease; accelerates the development of roots and leaf mass.

During the application of the vitalizer, the soil is additionally fertilized, but the nitrogen concentration is reduced.

If plants signal an excess of the substance with overgrown dark leaves, then they are fed exclusively with phosphorus and potassium.

Release forms NV-101

Growth activator HB-101 is available in two forms:

  • liquid concentrate: bottles with 6-1000 ml of concentrate are available for sale, 6 ml of concentrate is enough to prepare 60-120 ml of solution, 1 ml = 20 drops.
  • granular composition: packages with 7-1000 g of the drug are available for sale, 1 g of granules is enough to treat 1 m2.

Types of fertilizer and their features

Currently, the vitalizer (this is how the stimulant in question is classified) is available in two forms: liquid and granular. The first type is a highly concentrated solution intended for dilution to the desired consistency, which directly depends on what work is planned to be carried out. Thus, just one milligram of the drug is enough for at least 20 liters of the mixture ready for processing, while in total the ampoule contains 6 such ml, that is, a potential 120 liters of working solution.

As for granular powder, its use does not require preliminary preparation, which is very convenient in practice. And all that needs to be done to apply the vitalizer in this form is to mix it with a small amount of clean river sand or soil taken from the same area and scatter it on top of the beds.

It is noteworthy that further actions with this method of applying the drug do not involve digging, since all the components contained in it will be able to penetrate deep into the soil and nourish the root system during the watering process.

And this feature only simplifies the task, requiring gardeners to put in minimal effort.

How to dilute HB-101 for indoor flowers and plants, instructions

When using HB-101, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions in order to achieve maximum effect when treating indoor flowers and plants.

HB-101 in the form of granules

The product in the form of a granular composition is intended for long-term effects. The shell of the granules is made of volcanic ash.

The granules are used in dry form, spread evenly on the soil, with the calculation of 4-5 granules per 1 liter of soil substrate. The granules are renewed after 5-6 months, during which they completely decompose.

HB-101 as a liquid concentrate

A working solution from liquid HB-101 is always prepared by diluting 1-2 drops of concentrate per 1 liter of water. Let's look at how and when to use the working solution.

  • In winter and autumn, to increase the resistance of indoor plants to unfavorable environmental conditions, watering and spraying with a working solution are carried out;
  • In autumn, flower bulbs are soaked in a working solution before planting in order to speed up their further development and facilitate wintering after sowing;
  • In spring, seeds are soaked in a working solution for 3-12 hours to improve germination and speed up the germination process;
  • In summer, balcony flowers begin to be sprayed weekly with a working solution (for 3 weeks) to facilitate vital processes in conditions of drought and winds.

INTERESTING! Adding HB-101 to water will extend the life span of already cut flowers.

Fertilizer HB 101 in granules and in the form of liquid concentrate, application rules

The drug is sold in two forms:

  • in granules;
  • in the form of a liquid.

The granular substance is available in packages weighing ten and three hundred grams. The liquid is packaged in bottles of six, fifty and one hundred milligrams. The smallest dosage is intended for caring for indoor plants. One hundred milliliters are used for vegetable gardens and gardens.

Recommendations for applying granules:

  • This type of fertilizer is added in the autumn. If you plan to use other organic and mineral products, you should add them first, and then use this stimulant. It is important that it is located on the surface and does not come into contact with other minerals (it is prohibited to use additional oil-based subcortex and urea).
  • HB 101 is mixed with sand, vegetable or garden soil, and in rare cases mixed with compost. Subsequently, the fertilizing is evenly distributed over the planting soil. It is not recommended to dig the soil after this.

Rules for adding liquid substance:

  • This option is the most economical. One milligram (twenty drops) is twenty liters of the finished solution. To measure the required proportion, you should use a special measuring pipette, which is sold complete with the drug.
  • For house plants, it is enough to apply a couple of drops of the substance; for vegetable gardens, the volume is calculated depending on the hectares of land. The instructions will be indicated on the bottle.

The fertilizer is safe, so no special protective measures are required when administered. It is enough to wear rubber gloves and avoid letting the product touch the nasal cavity and eyes.

You can learn more about the HB-101 fertilizer by watching the video:

Tips and tricks for gardeners

  • Many growers note higher efficiency in the form of a liquid concentrate;
  • You can significantly reduce or completely eliminate organic and/or mineral fertilizers if you combine them with the application of HB-101;
  • Seed treatment with HB-101 will increase the percentage of seed germination and shorten their growing season;
  • Choose the release form of HB-101 so that it is more convenient for you to use it in the future (based on your own needs: would you like to spray the flowers with a solution or simply put granules on the soil).

Reviews and recommendations

The Chinese vitalizer hb 101 is valuable for its qualities and properties. Experts recommend using it for regular results. Users talk about the high effectiveness of the drug.

Vitaly Ivanovich. The high efficiency of HB 101 does not require these tests, which were carried out by the creators of the drug. Once you use the product, you can stop searching for a unique immunomodulator and growth activator. I buy NV for strawberries, tomatoes and radishes, which I grow in greenhouses for sale. Appearance, taste of a high level. Turkish products don't even hold a candle to the crops I grew.

Alena Sergeevna. I didn’t buy the granular product. But I really liked it in liquid form. I recommend it for watering flowers. I use it regularly for home and garden purposes. And at the same time I also treat mini fruit trees. Rating: 5 plus.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to mix HB-101 with Epin or Zircon?

Some gardeners claim that adding small amounts of Epin and Zircon can significantly improve the effectiveness of the growth stimulator, but many are of the opinion that this does not make sense.

How to check the authenticity of the drug HB-101?

This growth stimulant is produced in Japan. Each product has a personal identification code printed on it. Using it, you can check the authenticity of the drug through Internet resources.

Is HB-101 used as an "emergency" for plants?

Yes, in addition to periodic treatment to maintain the general health of indoor plants, HB-101 is capable of urgently resuscitating plants dying from stress factors.

Root vegetables and bulbs

(potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, cruciferous vegetables, tulips, lilies and other bulbous flowers) 1. Soil preparation
Irrigate the soil with HB-101 (1-2 drops per liter of water) 3 times before sowing or planting seedlings.
2. Preparation for planting
Before planting, dip the bulbs/tubers for 30 minutes in the HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water).
3. Further treatment
Irrigate the soil with HB-101 solution (1-2 drops per liter of water) once every 10 days.

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