Lunar calendar of indoor plants for May 2022

The weather in May finally stabilizes, and the flower garden begins to delight with an abundance of colors. There is a lot of work to be done this month, because... flowers need special care. In order for all actions to be productive, it is recommended to adhere to the Lunar calendar for May 2022. He will tell you which dates are best to work with flowers and which ones not, and what exactly to do on certain dates.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting flowers in May 2022

The table below shows favorable dates for working with flowering and ornamental plants, days on which planting is undesirable, and also favorable only for certain groups or at certain hours (see below).

ViewFavorable daysUnfavorable and prohibited
Annuals2, 12-14, 22-24, 27-291, 15, 16, 29, 30, 31
Perennial, biennial2, 5-7, 10, 11, 22-24, 27-29
Corms and bulbous2,1820, 27-29
Ampelous and curly27, 10-14, 17-18, 29, 31
Indoor12-14, 1820

Common mistakes

For any representative of the flora, changing growing conditions is very stressful. To make replanting into new soil painless, you need to follow certain rules and avoid making common mistakes.

  1. It is not recommended to place newly acquired plants next to those already living in the house for a long time. Very often, purchased flowers are infected with pathogens and viruses. It is worth placing them in quarantine (from two weeks to a month) away from other flowers. During this time, the manifestation of diseases is possible. Then you will have to treat only one representative of the flora, and not all your green pets.
  2. You need to choose the soil for your flowers very carefully. The substrate should not be too dense so that the roots can breathe and do not mold. If the purchased substrate turns out to be of a dense consistency, then it is worth diluting it with sand or fine perlite. If the soil is too loose (peaty), then you need to dilute it with heavier soil. Before transplanting indoor plants into a purchased substrate, be sure to open the package in advance to ventilate the soil.
  3. A common mistake when replanting is to leave old soil on the roots of the transplanted flowers. Old soil can harbor pathogens and bacteria. Therefore, you should remove as much old soil as possible and, ideally, wash the roots of purchased specimens in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. It is necessary to replant into an already moistened substrate, since dry soil can be compressed and in this case the roots will not receive oxygen.
  5. Under no circumstances should specimens be replanted in the active flowering stage, except in cases where emergency replanting is necessary. Since during this period the flowers are very vulnerable, because all forces are directed towards the flowering process, and transplanting into new conditions can be disastrous. Flowers may not survive a stressful situation.

Moon phases and days by zodiac sign in May 2022


  • «+» – good fertility;
  • «+/-» - average fertility;
  • «» - low fertility;
  • ◐ — waxing moon;
  • ◑ — waning moon;
  • ● — New Moon;
  • ○ — Full moon.

Moon phases in May 2022:

  • ◐ — 1-15, 31.
  • ○ - 16 (07:15).
  • ◑ — 17-29.
  • ● — 30 (14 h.31 m.).

Days according to zodiac signs:

  • ♉ Taurus - 1-2 (until 13:47), 27-29 (until 20:24)
  • ♊ Gemini - 2 (from 13:47 pm) -4, 29 (from 20:24 pm) -31.
  • ♋ Cancer - 5-7 (until 14:51).
  • ♌ Leo - 7 (from 14:51)-9.
  • ♍ Virgo - 10.11.
  • ♎ Libra - 12-14 (up to 13h 34m).
  • ♏ Scorpio - 14 (from 13:34)-16 (until 14:51).
  • ♐ Sagittarius - 16 (from 14:51)-18 (until 15:03).
  • ♑ Capricorn - 18 (from 15:03)-20 (until 15:53).
  • ♒ Aquarius - 20 (from 15:53 ​​pm)-22 (until 18:50 pm)
  • ♓ Pisces - 22 (from 18:50)-24.
  • ♈ Aries - 25, 26.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Why do you need to replant flowers in spring?

It is at this time of year that all greenery begins to actively grow; this requires nutrition and free space in the pot to build up the root system.

How to form a plant?

Some indoor flowers need shaping so that they do not grow, but have the shape of neat bushes (for example, pelargonium). Pinching the top just makes it possible to grow not upward, but wider. However, the formation process must be regular.

How to choose the right container for transplantation?

The pot should be selected based on the previous size, which has become small for the flower. The modern market is replete with options in both shape and material. You should choose based on your preferences and characteristics of the transplanted specimens.

IMPORTANT! If it is not possible to purchase a new container, then it is recommended to disinfect the old one before planting by pouring boiling water over it or soaking it for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Lunar calendar of flower growers' work for May 2022 by day

1.05-2.05 (until 13:47)

♉ Taurus, +, ◐, Root days.

It is not recommended to pick and replant, or loosen the root zone.

Although the sign of Taurus is favorable for sowing and planting, especially bulbous ones, this can only be done from 02.05 , but if the weather permits, since they do not like frosts, which still occur in May. True, you can cover the plantings with lutrasil.

The rest of the time, loosening the soil, preparing flower beds, installing metal or plastic border strips separating flower beds from the lawn, and carrying out preventive work to combat diseases and pests.

2.05 (from 13.47 pm) - 4.05

♊ Gemini, —, ◐, Flower days

Do not water or fertilize.

Planting ampelous and climbing flowers and ornamental plants (clematis, azarina, virgin grapes, climbing roses, kobei, zinnias and others). Installation of their support.

Climbing rose and clematis

It is possible to plant and replant chrysanthemums,

Grafting of beautiful flowering shrubs.

5.05-7.05 (until 14:51)

♋ Cancer, +, ◐, Leaf days

You cannot plant or replant hanging and climbing flowers and spray plants against pests and diseases.

Cancer is favorable for planting other types of annual and perennial crops, such as roses, hydrangeas, asters and others, as well as flowering and ornamental shrubs.

Tree hydrangea

Planting seedlings of calendula, marigolds among strawberries, onions and garlic.

Watering, fertilizing, pruning.

07.05 (from 14:51) - 09.05

♌ Leo, —, ◐, Fruit Day.

Watering and fertilizing, replanting, and picking are not recommended.

Equipment for support for shrubs, as well as their sanitary pruning. Spraying against diseases and pests.


Virgo +-, ◐, Root days.

It is not recommended to soak the seeds.

Planting seedlings of annuals, perennials, ornamental and flowering shrubs.

Reproduction by dividing the bush, cuttings, layering. Gartering the curly ones to the supports, removing excess stepsons. Fertilizing with dry fertilizer. Laying out flower beds.

12.05-14.05 (until 13:34)

♎ Libra, +-, ◐, Flower days

Plants should not be sprayed with chemicals against diseases and pests.

Planting annual seedlings, pruning and dividing plants. Caring for climbing roses and clematis.

14.05 (from 13:34 pm) - 16.05 (until 14:51 pm)

♏ Scorpio, +, ○, Leaf Days

16.05 at 07h. 15m. – Exact Full Moon.

The day before and after the Exact Full Moon, you should not sow, plant or replant plants, soak seeds, or prune.

Loosening flower beds with the addition of ash and compost, soil around perennial flowering and ornamental shrubs, weed control.

16.05 (from 14:51) - 18:05 (until 15:03)

♐ Sagittarius, +-, ◑, days of Fruition

Under the sign of Sagittarius, you should not water or fertilize, or do pruning or cuttings.

Planting corms, bulbous and climbing specimens. Rooting cuttings.

18.05 (from 15.03 pm) - 20.05 (until 15.53 pm)

♑ Capricorn, +-, ◑, Root days

Earth or root days are good for planting dahlias and other corms and bulbous flowers.

Preparing flower beds. Application of organic fertilizers. Sanitary and formative pruning.

20.05 (from 15.53 pm) - 22.05 (until 18.50 pm)

♒ Aquarius, —, ◑, Flower days

You cannot sow (especially if you want to get seeds from these specimens), pick, plant and replant all flower and ornamental crops, and watering and fertilizing are not recommended.

Aquarius is considered a sterile sign; these days you need to do weeding and cutting out wild shoots; they won’t bother you for a long time. Pest and disease control is possible.

22.05 (from 18.50) - 24.05

♓ Pisces, +, ◑, Leaf days

Under the sign of Pisces, it is a favorable time for sowing and planting seedlings of annuals (brachycoma, cornflower, godetia, sweet pea, dimorophoteca, iberis, calendula, clarkia, cosmos, lavatera, poppy, matthiola, nasturtium, sunflower, salpiglossis, scabiosa, eschscholzia, phlox Drumond and others, read below), planting all flowers and shrubs. Heat-loving ones should be covered for now. Sowing herbaceous plants: agrostis, brizu, bromus, lagurus, millet, setaria, ornamental barley, falaris.






Sweet pea





Oriental poppy



Decorative sunflower




Phlox Drummond

Reproduction of shrubs by layering. Abundant watering, adding organic matter.


♈ Aries, +-, ◑, days of Fruition

It is not recommended to water or fertilize.

Digging up faded bulbs. You can plant annual and perennial climbers, as well as flowers with bright yellow and orange flowers, such as calendula. Weeding.


Can be sprayed against diseases and pests.

27.05-29.05 (until 20:24)

♉ Taurus, +, ◑, Root days.

It is not recommended to pick and replant, or loosen the root zone.

Planting sprouted canna tubers and dahlias.


Watering and fertilizing.

29.05 (from 20.24) - 31.05

♊ Gemini, —, ●, Leaf Days

30.05 at 14:00 31m. – Exact New Moon.

You cannot plant, sow, or replant a day before or after the Exact New Moon.

Digging, loosening, mulching, weeding. Clearing the area of ​​debris. Spraying against pests and diseases.

How to care for flowers after transplantation?

Care after transplantation in May depends on the characteristics of the plant. It must be coordinated with the Lunar calendar, since the most favorable days for this can be found there.

If we are talking about unpretentious plants (yucca, dracaena), then you should not water them for a while. It is necessary to wait for them to adapt to the new place and substrate, and only then water them. As a rule, it takes 2-3 days.

If we are talking about moisture-loving, tropical flowers, then they should be watered as soon as the transplanting is completed.

If after the procedure the flower stops growing for some time, the main thing is not to panic. It simply redistributes its resources to adapt to new conditions and builds up the root system to fill the necessary space in the pot.

ATTENTION! If the leaves begin to turn yellow or wither, it is worth spraying with a solution of Epin or Zircon from a spray bottle. These biological products help improve immunity and reduce stress levels from changes in living conditions.

Flower growers' work in May

In the last month of spring, all the mistakes that were made when planting earlier become noticeable. Some of them will need to be replanted, some bushes will need to be divided.


Attention! Specimens that bloom in spring and early summer should be replanted with caution, using the method of transshipment with a large earthen lump. Only those flowers that open buds in the fall can be divided and planted.

If there are mistakes in the design of a flower garden, they can only be corrected by planting annuals.

May is a favorable time for sowing:

  • Tagetes thin-leaved (another name for marigolds) is the optimal solution for decorating the foreground. Its lacy greenery and yellowish-brown flowers will become a decoration. The plot can also be sown with larger varieties of tagetes, for example, deflected or erect.
  • Sanvitalia - shoots with flowers of warm colors fill all the free space around. They fit beautifully on paths and borders without interfering with the growth of other plants.
  • Japanese zinnias - snow-white, pink baskets will appeal to lovers of discreet, discreet beauty. They differ from other varieties in their miniature size. Each daisy-like flower stays on the stems for a long time.
  • Gypsophila graceful - looks great next to lilies.

These annuals will take the petunia a little into the background. However, there is nothing wrong with this, because... This flower is too bright, it will be pleasant to look at it at a short distance.


In May, the tulips are already blooming, so you don’t have to dig them up. Then you need to plant annuals between the bulbs that will cover the drying leaves of these flowers.

Watering will not harm the roots of the tulips; they will bloom again next season.

Bulbs can only be left in the ground as an exception. Still, it is better to dig them up after the leaves turn yellow and store them in a dark room so that they can be replanted next year. This is especially true for highly decorative varieties.

In their place, you can plant annuals and phacelia.

Phacelia is used as green manure

Note! Daffodils, crocuses and other spring flowers with small bulbs can only be dug up after they have formed a dense clump and are producing poor blooms. Read on our website how and when to dig up bulbs.


In May, flowers that were grown in indoor and greenhouse conditions can be planted in an open area. Before this, the seedlings need to be hardened, i.e. before planting, take it out into the fresh air for a week “for a walk,” gradually increasing the time. If this is not done, many specimens will die.

Those plants that were grown in a common container especially need hardening, because... their roots are disturbed before transplantation, the seedlings become weakened and will not be able to cope with sudden temperature changes.

It is recommended to pick flowers from containers in the evening or in cloudy weather. Cover with a covering material for a couple of days so that the May sun does not burn the tender greenery.

Helpful information! Additional seedlings can be obtained by thinning out the seedlings planted in April, without throwing away the sprouts, but by replanting them in another place. This must be done so that the flowers have a decorative appearance and do not form thickets.

Fertilizer application

In May, flowering plants need organic fertilizers (1:10 solution) and mineral mixtures (1 tbsp per bucket of water). Fertilizers are applied taking into account the age of the bushes; the older they are, the greater the amount of nutrients needed.

In the second ten days of May, you can add mixtures for planted dahlia seedlings.

For reference! For a five-year-old peony bush, 10 liters of organic matter are needed, the same amount is added for 3-4 young specimens. Smaller perennial plants (for example: phlox, astilbe, etc.) need 1 liter of nutrient mixture.


Regular watering is necessary:

  • daisies;
  • pansies;
  • aquilegia;
  • delphinium;
  • gladioli;
  • dahlias;
  • clematis.

Mallow and gaillardia can be watered less frequently.

Annuals also need varying amounts of watering. Sweet peas, lobelia, and nasturtium do not tolerate dry soil. Cornflower, verbena, dimorphotheca, purslane, eschscholzia, zinnia, and scabiosa tolerate drought well.


In May, you need to finish planting gladioli bulbs. For them, it is necessary to choose a site where they have not grown for several years.

At the beginning of the month, plant canna and dahlias. If they were grown in a room for seedlings, cover the planted bushes with non-woven material.

Dahlias in packaging

Lawn care

If the weather is hot, your lawn requires special care.


The lawn should be watered at least twice a week and actively growing weeds should be destroyed. In May it is time to trim the grass.

Read about spring lawn care. And in order not to look for information about the lawn, its planting, care, etc. from different sources, we advise you to read everything in one place. Our editors have launched the book LAWN WITH YOUR OWN HANDS, in which we tell you step by step how to get an excellent lawn. If you are interested in this, then read on>>>

Rose care

Cut out the rosehip shoots from grafted bushes. To do this, you need to slightly rake the ground away from the sprouted stems, pull the shoots out of the ground and cut them with pruning shears as close to the trunk as possible.

Read more about caring for garden roses on the Mister Summer Resident portal.

Caring for peonies

In May you need to prepare peonies for flowering. To make it lush, leave only one of the largest buds on each stem, and pinch the rest. If peonies will not be cut for bouquets, perform the manipulation only for the smallest flowers. They still won’t have time to bloom, they will simply dry out and take away nutrients.

If bouquets are to be made from peonies, they need to be cut when the buds are half-opened. At the same time, it is necessary to leave as much greenery on the bushes as possible. Without it, plants will not be able to accumulate in the rhizome the nutrients that are needed for the formation and formation of new buds.

Read more about caring for peonies on our website.

Installation of supports

Climbing plants need support; its construction cannot be put off until later.

Ipomoea (including quamoclite), sweet peas and other vines need support immediately after emergence. If this is not done, the plants will begin to cling to each other, intertwine and lose their decorative appearance.

Helpful information! For clematis and campsis, you need reliable support from reinforcement. For climbing annuals, you can use a specialized plastic mesh, which is sold in garden stores.

Balcony landscaping

On balconies and loggias in May, you can abandon the classic version of landscaping (petunias, pelargonium) in favor of aromatic herbs, for example, parsley, celery, basil. This will not only allow you to have a harvest of greenery, but will also look decorative.

Plants can be planted in separate containers and placed in a common box. Sprinkle the soil with sawdust or peat to prevent the root system from overheating in the sun. If the herbs are regularly trimmed without allowing them to bloom, they will remain decorative until the fall. Then the pots can be brought indoors for the winter harvest.

In May, you can bring indoor plants to the balcony. Impatiens, ferns, asparagus, fuchsia, eucharis should be kept only on a glassed-in loggia, shaded from the sun's rays. Crassulas, cacti, euphorbia, and aloe also need to be protected from ultraviolet radiation by providing diffused lighting. Ornamental plants will be more resistant to adverse environmental influences, diseases and pests. They will decorate the site for the entire growing season.

How to understand that indoor flowers need replanting?

It is impossible to imagine any home without flowers. In order for green pets to delight with their leaves and flowers, they must be periodically replanted, replacing the pot with a larger one, and the soil with a new, more fertile one.

May is considered ideal for this.

It is known that all house flowers need regular soil changes. Winter is a period of rest, spring is the beginning of plant awakening and active growth. Therefore, replanting indoor flowers is recommended in the spring.

REFERENCE. If a flower shows signs of illness at another period of time, then there is no need to wait for spring. In such a situation, the sooner you move it to another soil and container, the better.

There are several signs by which you can understand that it is time for a transplant:

  • The roots entwined the clod of earth and occupied the entire volume of the pot. This is easy to determine by carefully examining the root system. You can water the flower well and take it out of the pot. As a rule, if there are too many roots, it is immediately visible.
  • If the soil dries out quickly after watering, this indicates that the roots have grown too much and are taking water from the soil too quickly.
  • The frequency of transplantation is three years. It is believed that on average during this time all useful microelements from the soil will be consumed. Therefore, if the deadline has come, then it’s clearly time to move the flower to a new place or update the soil.
  • If your green pet starts to get sick, it is taken out along with the soil, the roots are thoroughly washed, and treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If planting occurs in the same container, the container is spilled with boiling water, thereby disinfecting it.
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