Lunar calendar for plants by day for September 2022

Useful tips

The September weather is no longer pleasant with warm evenings and nights, but during the day the sun can still be quite hot

. Such temperature changes can be dangerous for some plants. There are already frosts in September, watch the weather!

Autumn time spoils you with bright colors, delicious vegetables and fruits. This is a good time to harvest

, fruits of medicinal plants, and also wander through the forest in search of mushrooms. But this month is also perfect for different plantings. The best days to plant different plants can be found below.

Read more about the influences of the planets in the article: General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for September 2021

The most successful period for harvesting, especially if you are going to send it for storage or make canned food, is expected during the waning Moon, this month: from 1 to 5 or from 21 to 28 September 2022.

When the Moon is in the sign of
Cancer, Pisces or Virgo,
harvesting is not recommended, as the fruits will not be stored well.
During the following days, try not to pick fruits or make canned food: September 1, 2, 6, 7, 19, 20, 29, 30, 2022.

When to plant plants in September 2022 according to the lunar calendar?

Flowers (planting and replanting): lilies, clematis, peonies, phlox, primroses – September 8, 9, 17, 18, 2021;

Flowers (sowing seeds): lumbago, swimsuit - September 8, 9, 17, 18, 2021;

Biennials (planting seedlings) – September 8, 9, 17, 18, 2021;

Bulbous (planting bulbs in the ground): muscari, scylla, pushkinia, crocos, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips – September 8, 9, 17, 18, 2021


Onion sets, winter garlic, radishes – September 4, 5, 21-25, 2021;

Root vegetables (before winter): carrots, beets – September 4, 5, 21-25, 2017;

Fruit trees and shrubs (1, 2-year-old seedlings): gooseberries, raspberries, currants, apple trees, cherries, pears, winter-hardy cherries – September 12, 14-16, 2021;

Garden strawberries, blueberries – September 12, 2021;

Greens and herbs (lettuce, spinach, arugula, mustard, watercress, dill, basil, parsley, coriander, green onions and others) – September 19, 2021;

Green manure (mustard, peas, clover, phacelia, oilseed radish, rapeseed, etc.) – September 12, 2022.

© Marcin Jucha

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for September 2022 section:

Lunar beauty calendar for September 2021

Lunar hair cutting calendar for September 2021

Lunar calendar for various matters for September 2021

Lunar calendar of operations and dangerous days for September 2021

Lunar calendar of health, nutrition and conception for September 2021


SEPTEMBER 1, Wednesday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 23:18. GEMINI
CANCER from 08:25
Moon without course until 08:24

If the foliage has not yet fallen from the trees and shrubs, but the crops have already been harvested, it would be a good idea to treat them against pests

, while the insects have not yet had time to go underground until the next season.
Choose products that are suitable for this season, as when the leaves fall, you may need other products to treat. to fertilize greens or lawns
on this day .


: in September, move the flowers to warmer rooms if they were kept on your open balconies and terraces. But watch the temperature conditions. If the temperature at night does not drop below +10 °C, then the plants can still be left. After bringing the plants into the house, it is necessary to wash the pots well with soapy water to prevent pests from entering the house.

What's better not to do?

collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; plant trees and shrubs; do pinching.


: an excellent time for watering is after 08:25; It is better not to water the plants in the morning. Some types of plants require abundant watering during this period, including cabbage. But everything, of course, will depend on weather conditions and humidity.

SEPTEMBER 2, Thursday. 25th lunar day. CANCER
Watch the weather forecasts: temperatures can now fluctuate greatly during the day, and the first frosts may already appear at night. In case of cold forecasts, prepare special covering materials

for beds, close the greenhouses at night and leave them to ventilate during the day. You can start trimming hedges.


: some flowers, however, benefit from being a little cool (up to +7 ° C) to begin budding.
For example, zygocacti, Kalanchoe, Crassula, and euphorbia
can be left on the balcony for now. Today is also a good day to control pests of indoor plants.

What's better not to do?

collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; plant trees and shrubs; do pinching.


: Great day for watering.

© Oksana Krasiuk

SEPTEMBER 3, Friday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:15. CANCER
LEO from 18:58
Moon without course from 08:37 to 18:57

It is good to fertilize the greens in the morning. It is best to harvest after 19:00, when the Moon has time to move into the sign of Leo

, or within the next two days. These are quite good days for picking any vegetables and fruits that are now ripe.


: Morning is a good time to fertilize plants with lush leaves. Although the plants slowly begin to go dormant in September, they can still be fed, but gradually reduce feeding and watering.

What's better not to do?

until 19:00 - collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; plant trees and shrubs.


: Great day for watering, especially before 7:00 p.m.

SEPTEMBER 4, Saturday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:26. LEO
Today and tomorrow are excellent times for harvesting

and sending it for storage.
In September, late varieties of apples and pears, rowan berries, plums, root vegetables, cabbage
, etc. After harvesting, care should be taken to properly store it. Now you can dig up late potatoes and root vegetables. If the potato tops have dried out, the tubers have stopped growing and should be dug up as quickly as possible, as they can be damaged by underground insects.

A good time to prepare holes for future plantings

trees and shrubs, which you can implement in a couple of weeks. Apply appropriate fertilizer to the holes.


: You can apply fertilizers for indoor fruit bushes. This day is also suitable for preparing plant cuttings for further rooting and planting.

What's better not to do?

mow lawns.


: acceptable if necessary.

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SEPTEMBER 5, Sunday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 02:47. LEO
Moon without course from 17:22

The first half of the day is suitable for purchasing any goods

related to growing plants.
Also on this day you can remove weeds and growth from trees. Do not leave trunk circles and beds with perennial plants overgrown with weeds in the colder season, as the weeds will still grow before winter. This day is also suitable for harvesting root crops


: You can apply fertilizers for indoor fruit bushes. Monitor temperature conditions. Before purchasing a plant, it is best to study the conditions in which it grows naturally. Also, some plants require temperature changes or cool temperatures to bloom.

What's better not to do?

mow lawns.


: acceptable if necessary.

SEPTEMBER 6, Monday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:19. LEO
VIRGO from 02:06
Moon without course until 02:05

The energy of the Moon is now quite weak: the Moon has disappeared from view, only to reappear in the sky in a couple of days. There is no need to start anything important today. You can apply fertilizers to fruit trees.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today.

What's better not to do?

plant and replant any plants; engage in pruning of trees and bushes and other complex types of work; collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; mow lawns.


: acceptable if necessary.

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Flower growers' work in September

The beginning of autumn is considered the most favorable time for planting small-bulbous specimens. Wilting crocuses, scillas and other species will be hidden behind rapidly growing perennials.

Planting primroses

They will look good around the tree trunks and on the lawn. Shallow planting holes can be made with a thick stake. Place the bulbs inside and sprinkle with fertile soil mixture.

If there is a separate place for small-bulbous plants, then such planting is preferable.

Step by step steps:

  1. Clean an area with light and fertile soil so that the plants develop better and bloom lushly.
  2. Add 1 tbsp of compost or humus to a bucket. l. superphosphate and calcium sulfate.
  3. Dig to the depth of a spade bayonet. This will allow you to get to the roots of perennial weeds.
  4. Dig grooves with a depth equal to three times the size of the onion.
  5. Pour sand into the bottom and place planting material in it. The bulbs need to be planted close to each other to create a beautiful curtain. However, it is important to consider that the bushes will have to be replanted frequently.
  6. Sprinkle fertile soil mixture on top.

If there are a lot of bulbs, you can plant them in pots for winter forcing. For planting, you need to select the largest and healthiest specimens. A medium-sized container can hold 5-6 onions. Leave the pot in the garden until November, and then bring it home. You can admire the primroses already in the middle of winter.

Lily propagation

It is recommended to plant nests that are more than 3 years old, if this was not done in August. They will have time to grow and strengthen their roots before winter. Thanks to this, they do not have to be additionally covered.


Seating step by step:

  1. If the soil is heavy, dig it up with compost or humus (no more than 1.5 buckets per 1 sq. m). If you add too much, the plants will begin to grow green mass to the detriment of flowering. The bulbs will be more susceptible to infections and will lose winter hardiness.
  2. Dig up the planting material, remove rotten scales, too long or dead roots.
  3. Plant to a depth equal to 2-3 bulb sizes. This applies to all varieties except the snow-white lily. It needs to be deepened by 2-3 cm. If the soil is heavy, water the holes or furrows and add sand to the bottom.
  4. Place the onion inside, straighten the rhizome and cover with finely lumpy soil mixture.
  5. Mulch with compost or humus. This will retain moisture and protect from freezing, and in the spring the organic matter will saturate the plants with nutrients.

Helpful information! If for some reason the bulbs cannot be planted immediately, it is recommended to store them in damp sand or sawdust, but not for long.

Lily can be propagated by bulblets. They just need to be collected in September.

Their maturity is evidenced by the ease of detachment from the stem and the beginning of the development of adventitious roots.

The bulbs are sown in furrows 5-6 cm deep in a pre-prepared bed with light soil. When autumn frosts occur, crops are mulched with dry leaves, peat or humus.

Lilies grown in this way will bloom in the third year.

Planting and replanting perennials

If perennials have grown greatly, they must be replanted in September. Before you start digging and dividing the bushes, you need to prepare a place for planting, taking into account the lighting and soil requirements for each species.

The divisions must have at least 1/3 of the above-ground part. Thanks to this, they adapt better to a new place and have time to get stronger before the onset of winter. Planted bushes need to be watered and the soil around them needs to be mulched.

At the end of the month, cuttings of awl-shaped phlox and grass carnations can be planted in an open area. Cooler weather will help plants establish faster. They will bloom next spring.

Planting clematis

The place for this plant should be chosen so that the shoots are in the sun and the roots are in the shade.

How to plant:

  1. Dig a hole 60*50*60 cm.
  2. Place drainage on the bottom, for example, expanded clay, pebbles, small stones.
  3. Pour compost or humus, 2-3 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate.
  4. Fill with soil to create a small mound.
  5. Place the seedling on top and straighten the roots.
  6. Cover with nutritious soil mixture so that the root collar is 5-10 cm below the surface of the earth. If an already mature plant is planted, it needs to be buried 10-12 cm.
  7. Water, mulch.

If all necessary conditions for development and proper care are provided, clematis will bloom in 2-3 years.

Sowing biennials

At the beginning of the month you can sow biennials:

  • Turkish cloves;
  • viola;
  • alyssum.

Before the first frost, the seedlings will have time to grow and become stronger. In the spring they will bloom flowers.

Collecting seeds

Now is the best time to collect seeds and seedlings, if this has not been done previously. They need to be dried in a room with good ventilation and packaged in paper bags, with inscriptions on them with the names of the plants.

Features of feeding

The last time you need to apply fertilizer. They should not contain nitrogen, because this element promotes active growth, which is undesirable before winter. Autumn fertilizing consists of phosphorus and potassium.

Phosphorus-containing fertilizer

Potash fertilizer

Under the gladioli add 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate per 10 sq. m. Wilting flower stalks must be cut off. This will allow the bushes to put their energy into ripening the bulbs.

1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate should be applied under dahlias (dosage per 10 sq. m).

They will bloom until frost. To avoid freezing, the bushes must be hilled.


By September, ficus, hibiscus, palm trees, and dracaenas had already been fed and replanted. All that remains is to examine them carefully. Trim shoots that are too long and remove dried branches. Additionally, it is recommended to add complex nutritional mixtures again. This is especially necessary for specimens that continue to bloom: pelargonium, fuchsia, hibiscus.


You can start rooting cuttings of hanging plants. For example: tradescantia, ivy, cissus. They will be a wonderful decoration for the winter garden.

It is necessary to bring indoor plants into the house that were placed on the balcony or terrace in the summer. This can be done later, but then the flowers will experience stress due to the sharp temperature change.

For now, it is recommended to leave lemons in the fresh air, but this only applies to the southern regions. A slow decrease in temperature is even beneficial for them.

Most experienced gardeners recommend adhering to the above Lunar calendar tips. Thanks to this, it will be possible to grow healthy plants and achieve lush flowering in the next season.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

YOUNG MOON from 03:52

SEPTEMBER 7, Tuesday. 1st lunar day from 03:52, 2nd lunar day from 05:38. VIRGO
NEW MOON at 03:52

Moon without course from 22:23

Today is the day of the new moon, so it is better to postpone especially complex types of work. Today is a good time to make plans for the next month, especially since you already have a lunar calendar until the end of September 2021

. More detailed information about gardening or vegetable gardening can be found in the day descriptions. At the end of this article there is a table with the main types of work and the best days for them this month.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today. You can plan flower care tasks for the next month.

What's better not to do?

plant and replant any plants; engage in pruning of trees and bushes and other complex types of work; collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; mow lawns.


: acceptable if necessary.

SEPTEMBER 8, Wednesday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:06. VIRGO
LIBRA from 06:21
Moon without course until 06:20

A good time to plant a variety of flowers, including bulbs

On this day you can also go for calendula officinalis
and others. At this time, mostly herbs, roots or fruits of medicinal plants are collected, but some of them are still in bloom.


: Today is a good day to plant indoor plants. If you would like to grow them from seeds. You can also go shopping for new flowers and accessories for growing them. After you bring a flower from the store, carefully inspect it again so as not to bring home uninvited guests - pests.


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

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SEPTEMBER 9, Thursday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:35. LIBRA
A good time to plant bulbs and propagate perennials in your flower garden. It's good to divide bushes

and plant
phlox, rudbeckia, astilbe, solidago
and others in a new place.
You can also plant small bulbous plants: muscari, crocuses, chionodoxes
and others.
This month, the most successful days for planting bulbs
September 8, 9, 17, 18, 2021
. Plant plants that take longer to develop roots earlier.


: This day is less harmonious than the previous one, but it can also be used for planting or shopping.


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

10 , Friday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:04. LIBRA
SCORPIO from 09:05
Moon without course from 07:48 to 09:04

mowing your lawn today

. Before colder weather sets in, lawns should be mowed, all debris and plant debris removed, and if the early fall is dry, properly watered.


: after 09:05 you can start planting greenery on the windowsill. It can be planted all year round, but with the arrival of autumn, watch the light regime: some types of plants may already need additional lighting.

What's better not to do?

plant root crops; trim trees and shrubs; cut down trees; do pinching.


: Great day for watering, but best to water after 09:05.

© Mnstudio

11 , Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:36. SCORPIO
If the weather is dry, you should aerate the lawn

Every 30 centimeters,
the lawn should be pierced with a pitchfork to a depth of about
10-15 centimeters
. After this, you should not walk on the grass for at least a couple of days.


: today the recommendations of the previous day will apply, since the Moon in its waxing phase will move through the water sign of Scorpio. This is also a good time for spraying and washing leaves from dust.

What's better not to do?

plant root crops; trim trees and shrubs; cut down trees; do pinching.


: Great day for watering.

12 , Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 13:09. SCORPIO
SAGITTARIUS from 11:35
Moon without course from 08:33 to 11:34

Not a bad day for planting peas and other green manures, as well as any green manure. Green manure will have time to grow before the cold weather, thereby preventing weeds from growing

Green manures are plants that enrich depleted soils and act as living fertilizer. , mustard, peas, clover, phacelia, oilseed radish, rapeseed
and other plants that do well in the colder conditions of autumn have proven themselves well After cold weather, you can simply leave them in the beds or cover them with soil.


: in the afternoon you can start planting homemade fruit bushes, including
lemons, oranges, tangerines, avocados
, etc.
at home .
Read more about growing lemons here: How to grow homemade lemons?

: Excellent time for watering remains until 11:35. Watering in the afternoon is also acceptable, but if you did not have time to water in the morning.

© Scopio Images

WALKING MOON from 23:39

13 , Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:40. SAGITTARIUS
First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 23:39

Since the Moon is changing phase today, the day is not very suitable for landings (landings during a weak Moon are undesirable). Today you can go mushroom

, or collect vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, herbs for quick consumption. It is better to make canned food during the waning moon.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today.

What's better not to do?

plant and replant any plants; engage in pruning of trees and shrubs and other complex types of work.


: acceptable if necessary.

, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 16:00. SAGITTARIUS
CAPRICORN from 14:34
Moon without course from 13:57 to 14:33

Today you can start whitewashing trees. Autumn whitewashing is necessary so that trees are not damaged

. It is best to take care of this now, because it is not always possible to say exactly when the thaw will occur at the end of winter; you may simply not have time to whiten the trees in time, and they may be damaged. If you whitewash in the fall, you won't think about whitewashing in the spring.


: in the afternoon, after 14:35 - a good time for replanting indoor plants, working with soils, and also loosening the soil in pots. Also in the afternoon you can go shopping for new plants or any accessories for caring for them at home.


: acceptable if necessary.

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The influence of the Moon on a person

The lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days, going through the four main phases of the moon: new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter. Since ancient times, these phases of the moon have been celebrated in all lunar calendars. The first lunar day is counted from the moment of the new moon. And each time the new moon begins in a new zodiac sign. Taking this into account, our Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants for September 2022 has been compiled for favorable days .

Different phases of the Moon have different effects on the surrounding nature and humans. The new moon, full moon, days of the first and last quarters of the Moon are times of intense interaction between the Sun and Moon. During these phases of the Moon, it is better not to plan important things and not to start anything new. These are unfavorable days.

It is best to start new things on the waxing Moon, preferably soon after the new moon, and complete things on the waning Moon, but in such a way that you have time to complete them by the new moon. The most favorable lunar days are considered to be the days when an aspect of 60 (sextile) or 120 (trine) degrees between the Sun and the Moon is formed in the sky. The influence of the Moon on a person is determined by its position, that is, the Phase, the Lunar day and the Zodiac sign in which it is located.

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners

SEPTEMBER 15, Wednesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 17:02. CAPRICORN
Today you can start planting trees and shrubs. You can now find young seedlings in large quantities, but you should buy them in specialized nurseries. About two weeks before landing

It is worth preparing holes in which fertilizers useful for plants will be placed, and also have nutritious soil mixtures for planting. Just before the cold weather sets in, the plants will have time to recover from the stress of planting and the roots will be well strengthened.


: replanting, transshipment of plants, and replacement of top layers of soil are allowed. You can prepare soil mixtures for future plantings. In September, you can still replant some types of plants. If this is necessary, but closer to winter it is better not to injure the plants too much so that they feel normal.

What's better not to do?

trim hedges.


: acceptable if necessary.

SEPTEMBER 16, Thursday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 17:45. CAPRICORN
AQUARIUS from 18:23
Moon without course from 08:40 to 18:22

Today is a good day to take care of soils and soil preparation.

for future seedlings that you will plant in late winter - early spring. Don’t forget to take care of this now, because after the ground freezes well, in the spring it will be much more difficult for you to dig the soil for seedlings. You can also save money by not buying soil for seedlings in the store. Place the bags of soil in a dry place, such as a basement, and also prepare other ingredients for the mixtures (sand, humus, peat, etc.) now.


: Recommendations from the previous day apply.

What's better not to do?

plant any plants under the Moon without a course.


: acceptable if necessary until 16:25.

© halfpoint

SEPTEMBER 17, Friday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 18:13. AQUARIUS
Good time to plant bulbs

to enjoy their blooms in spring and early summer. You should choose a planting location that is well lit by the sun. The soil must be loosened and nutritious. Do not plant the bulbs very close to each other.


: Today it is acceptable to plant indoor flowers that bloom beautifully if you want to propagate them by seeds. Buy only high-quality seeds from trusted manufacturers and carefully observe all sowing conditions, temperature and light conditions.

What's better not to do?

plant leafy vegetables.


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

SEPTEMBER 18, Saturday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:32. AQUARIUS
PISCES from 23:23
Moon without course from 12:14 to 23:22

In the first half of the day it is also good to start planting and propagating perennial plants in your flower garden. Shrubs can be divided for propagation

, carefully cutting the rhizome into several parts, each of which has a growing point. Some transplanted plants may not bloom the next season; this should be taken into account when planning a flower garden.


: This day can also be used to sow beautifully blooming indoor flowers. But it’s better to finish sowing before 12:15. After 12:15 the Moon will be without a course, and landings on an “idle” Moon are often unsuccessful.

What's better not to do?

plant leafy vegetables.


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

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19 , Sunday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:46. PISCES
This day can be used to collect leaves and herbs

medicinal plants.
During this period , stinging nettle, great plantain, shepherd's purse, yarrow, fragrant chamomile, nasturtium
and many other herbs are collected. After collection, the leaves should be immediately sent to dry in a dry and well-ventilated area.


: a good day for different water treatments for flowers.
You can shower the plants or spray them. But remember that not all indoor plants like spraying. For example, Saintpaulias
and other plants with villi on their leaves do not really like getting water on them; they should not be sprayed.

What's better not to do?

collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; plant root crops; plant and replant indoor plants; trim trees and shrubs; do pinching.


: Great day for watering.

SEPTEMBER 20, Monday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:57. PISCES
Recommendations from the previous day apply.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today.

What's better not to do?

plant and replant any plants; engage in pruning of trees and bushes and other complex types of work; collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; do pinching.


: Great day for watering.

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WANING MOON from 02:55

SEPTEMBER 21, Tuesday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:06. PISCES
ARIES from 06:13
Moon without course from 02:55 to 06:12

FULL MOON at 02:55

You can perform sanitary pruning

trees and shrubs, get rid of unnecessary growth, dry and damaged branches.

You can remove the tendrils
on garden strawberry of remontant raspberries
after harvesting.

It's good to dig up heat-loving flower bulbs

, which have already bloomed, and then send them for the winter.
Now is a good time to dig up tubers and bulbs of gladioli, cannas, dahlias
, etc.
After digging, they should be treated in a solution of magrants to avoid the spread of diseases
, and then sent for drying and storage.


: today after 15:35 you can start propagating plants using cuttings.
For example, Saintpaulias, Streptocarpus, Tradescantia
and other plants are easy to propagate using leaf cuttings. Today you can cut cuttings and leaves and send them into water for roots to appear. With the waxing moon, in a couple of weeks it will be possible to start planting.


: acceptable if necessary.

SEPTEMBER 22, Wednesday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:15. ARIES
It's good to collect the last harvests. For example, you can already collect the last tomatoes

, after which the tops must be removed from the site: healthy ones should be composted, sick ones should be burned.
If the tomatoes are not yet ripe, it doesn’t matter: they can be canned
even green; there are many delicious recipes. Or you can leave the fruits on a warm windowsill to ripen on their own.

Today you can start pruning vines

(clematis, honeysuckle, honeysuckle and others). At the end of the month, they can already be removed from their supports and covered so that these heat-loving plants do not suffer from lower temperatures.

Collect berries from medicinal plants today: viburnum, cranberry, laxative buckthorn, mountain ash, rosehip



: the day is suitable for fertilizing fruit bushes if you grow them on a windowsill.


: acceptable if necessary.

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SEPTEMBER 23, Thursday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 19:24. ARIES
TAURUS from 15:38
Moon without course from 05:05 to 15:37

Today you can start removing weeds and overgrowth

, and then it won’t hurt to loosen the soil in the beds and in tree trunk circles. It is a good idea to mulch the treated soil with compost, sawdust or other materials. In the afternoon it is good to clean the greenhouses, especially if the crops have already been harvested. It is necessary to dig up the soil, carry out disinfection, ventilation, and, if necessary, minor repairs. This will save you from this work in the spring, when you may have very little time when populating the greenhouses with new seedlings.


: the second half of the day is suitable for protecting plants from pests or for various preventive works.
Carefully inspect the plants and take action if necessary. Among the insects that can settle in your home flower garden can be spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, scale insects
and many others. Do not allow insects to multiply, as in the early stages of infection they are easier to control.


: acceptable if necessary.

Moon phases

There are four phases of the moon. The first two refer to the waxing moon, the last two to the waning moon. Thanks to numerous studies, we know that the new moon is the quietest time, while during the full moon the number of crimes increases sharply, children's academic performance drops, and more conflicts occur. The calendar reflects centuries of experience in observing people’s behavior in different phases of the moon, and, as can be seen from the new data, the developed system is quite reliable. The most dangerous time is in the third phase.

Should I be concerned about the monthly full moon?

Anxiety, on the contrary, will complicate the task of maintaining a stable emotional state. It is the restless and easily excitable who are at risk: at this time they often experience increased irritability, sleep problems, and impulsivity. In addition, the full moon has a strong influence on children. You should walk more, only noisy and active entertainment, give preference to quiet leisure with the most comfortable conditions. Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants for September 2020; favorable days are different in each phase. That is why it is very important to choose favorable days.

I phase of the Moon (1-7 lunar days)

This period is characterized by a gradual increase in human energy. Time to plan activities and draw up business plans. Clearly imagine what you want to achieve and gradually begin to move towards your goal. Physical stress on the body should be increasing; do not overload yourself right away.

II phase of the moon (8-15 lunar days)

Human energy continues to increase and will reach its maximum during the full moon. This is a period of active action, plan the bulk of your accomplishments for these days (does not apply to Full Moon days). Physical activity on the body before the full moon should gradually decrease: from medium to low.

III phase of the Moon (16-22 lunar days)

The energy begins to decrease. It’s worth getting things ready for completion. You can also start new things, provided that they can be completed before the new moon. Physical activity can be increased.

IV phase of the Moon (23-30 lunar days)

The energy continues to decrease. The period of completion, summing up, analysis and putting things in order. It’s worth “cleaning up the tails” and putting everything in order. Sort out the correspondence and search for information. Physical activity should be moderate, and should be reduced closer to the new moon.

Lunar planting calendar for gardener and gardener

SEPTEMBER 24, Friday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 19:35. TAURUS
The soil has become depleted over the season, especially after harvest, so the trees may require additional fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. During this period, it is no longer advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers, so as not to cause vigorous leaf growth. Choose fertilizers that are suitable for the fall season



: Today until the end of the month is a good time for pest control. It is especially worthwhile to carefully examine the plants that you move from the street or open balcony. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to wash the pots and leaves with soapy water. In case of infection, it is better to use stronger agents.


: acceptable if necessary.

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SEPTEMBER 25, Saturday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 19:49. TAURUS
Moon without course from 16:09

Good job cleaning up the garden

, you can remove all the hunting belts from the trees, destroy the pests stuck on them, treat the trunks from
moss, lichen
or any growths. All garbage should be burned immediately.

Today is a good time to collect the roots of medicinal plants

(it’s better to send for them late in the evening).
Among them may be the roots or rhizomes of plants such as horse sorrel, wild chicory, burdock, valerian officinalis, peony, horseradish, dandelion
and many others.


: A good day to loosen the soil in pots to allow air to penetrate more easily to the roots. It is good to loosen the next day after watering.


: acceptable if necessary.

26 , Sunday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 20:07. TAURUS
GEMINI from 03:36
Moon without course until 03:35

After harvesting vegetables, it would be a good idea to treat the soil with special agents against fungi, diseases and pests that can easily survive in the soil until the next season. Rot, scab, spotting

and other diseases can be defeated
with biological products
, which are sold in specialized stores.

When the moon begins to wane, it's time to start composting.

or forming high beds. The warm weather of September will allow the process of compost decomposition to begin, especially since after harvest there is enough plant waste that is suitable for this purpose.


: If you have plants that bloom this season, you can feed them with fertilizer.

What's better not to do?

plant leafy vegetables;


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

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SEPTEMBER 27, Monday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 20:32. GEMINI
Good to collect seeds

flowering plants for future plantings.
For example, during this period they produce seeds of zinnia, cosmos, marigolds, asters
and others. After collection, the seeds should be dried and placed in labeled bags. Today you can also clean flower beds of dry leaves, stems and wilted flowers so as not to attract pests.

Plants in flower beds require fertilizing with fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium, magnesium

It is good to apply fertilizers at the end of summer, as well as at the end of September - beginning of October.

: Reduce watering for plants that are going dormant.
For example, achimenes and caladiums
do not need to be watered at all during this period.

What's better not to do?

plant leafy vegetables.


: It’s better not to water the plants today.

SEPTEMBER 28, Tuesday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 21:08. GEMINI
CANCER from 16:34
Moon without course from 07:18 to 16:33

Since on this day the Moon is slightly weakened by a change in phase

, today it is better not to plan complex and important types of work, especially planting or pruning. It is better to rest more on this day or do simple work. For example, it is useful to do a walk through the garden, get rid of pests, or treat the beds and trees with special preparations.


: It’s better not to deal with plants today.

What's better not to do?

plant and replant any plants; engage in pruning of trees and shrubs and other complex types of work.


: It is worth watering after 16:35, when the Moon moves into a water sign. In the first half of the day it is better to refrain from watering.

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OLD MOON from 04:57

SEPTEMBER 29, Wednesday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 21:58. CANCER
III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 04:57

of cabbage can still grow in the beds

If the fruits have not yet been collected, pests can feast
, so regularly inspect the heads of cabbage and remove
caterpillars and slugs
on time!
It is good to repel pests with ash


: We continue to fight pests. In addition to insects, plants can also be affected by diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. With regular inspection, you will be able to notice the disease on the leaves and stems in time. It is better to get rid of the affected parts of the plant before the disease spreads too far.

What's better not to do?

collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; plant trees and shrubs; do pinching.


: Great day for watering. Gradually reduce the amount of watering. If the weather is humid and cloudy, the periods between watering may be longer than in the previous month. If you water your plants rarely, for example every 10 days, then it is better to choose a day for watering when the Moon is in a water sign, like today.

SEPTEMBER 30, Thursday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 23:03. CANCER
Moon without course from 17:48

In the last days of September it is still good to carry out preventive work against pests and diseases after harvesting. You can compost

, water the plants during the dry month. But today it is extremely undesirable to harvest the crop and send it for canning. Mold can quickly form in jars and something can go wrong. In addition, the taste of fruits and vegetables collected during the days of the Moon in Cancer will be less intense.


: by the end of the month, the temperature at night is usually below +10 ° C, so make sure that the plants on open balconies do not freeze.
Fuchsias, hibiscus, ficus, anthuriums, dicentras
and other heat-loving flowers especially do not like hypothermia

What's better not to do?

collect crops and send them for storage; do home canning; plant trees and shrubs; do pinching.


: Great day for watering.
If your area had a fairly dry summer, trees and shrubs may now need a lot of watering before the cold weather sets in. This will help them withstand winter frosts more easily. Large trees may need about 100 liters of water
. It is better to carry out such watering after leaf fall.

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Returning plants to your home

If indoor plants were taken out onto the terrace, veranda or balcony for the summer, most of them should be returned to the apartment in early September, when the night temperature drops below +10°C. This applies to anthurium, ficus, rheo, tambernemontana, dicentra, pentas, ixora, philodendron, hibiscus, gloriosa, gardenia, fuchsia.

Autumn coolness and shortening daylight hours promote the formation of buds in ripalis, ripsalidopsis, crassula, milkweed, kalanchoe and zygocactus. They can be left to breathe fresh air until the night temperature drops to +7 °C.

Plants with hard leaves: oleander, olive, fig, carissa, Lebanese cedar, bougainvillea can be returned to the cool loggia when the night temperature drops to +5°C. To avoid sudden temperature changes, choose a cool, cloudy day. It is advisable to wash the leaves and pots with warm water and soap.

To prevent aphids and whiteflies from infesting the house, before returning to the house, it is advisable to treat the plants twice with insecticides, wash the leaves with a solution of soapy water, then rinse them in the shower, and thoroughly wash the pots and trays.

Gardener's and gardener's lunar calendar table for September 2022

Watering: especially recommended days:1-3, 10, 11, 19, 20, 29, 30
Watering: days not recommended:8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27
Purchase of bulbs, seedlings, indoor plants:5, 8, 9, 14, 19, 25, 26
Pest Control:1-3, 24-30
Adding compost:1-6, 21-30
Fertilizers for the leaf system:1-3, 29, 30
Fertilizers for the development of the root system:6, 23-25
Fertilizers for fruit bushes and trees:4, 5, 21-23
Planting trees and shrubs:12, 14-16
Planting conifers:12, 14-16
Planting garden flowers:8, 9, 17, 18
Planting and replanting indoor flowers:8, 9, 14-18
Planting greenery:19
Planting garlic and onions:4, 5, 21-25
Planting root crops:4, 5, 21-25
Planting garden strawberries:12
Reproduction of fruit trees and shrubs:12, 14-16
Lawn mowing and aeration:10-12, 19, 20
Harvesting (canning and storage):4, 5, 21-23
Harvesting (without canning):4, 5, 12, 13, 21-23
Mushroom picking:4, 5, 12, 13, 21-23
Collection of medicinal herbs (roots):23-25
Collection of medicinal herbs (flowers):8, 9, 17, 18
Collection of medicinal herbs (leaves and stems):10-12, 19, 20
Collection of seeds and fruits of medicinal plants:4, 5, 21-23
Collection of bark of medicinal plants:14-16
Harvesting grapes:4, 5, 21-23
Prohibited days for harvesting and spinning:1, 2, 6, 7, 19, 20, 29, 30
Removing weeds and growth:4, 5, 21-23
Loosening the soil, hilling:6, 7, 14-16, 23-25
Whitewashing trees:14-16
Pruning branches of fruit trees and shrubs:4, 5, 21-23
Flower trimming:26, 27
Hedge trimming:1-3, 29, 30
Topping:4, 5, 21-23
General cleaning of the area:21-25
Unfavorable days for planting:6, 7, 13, 20, 28

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On what days in September 2022 is it better not to replant houseplants?

There are fewer unfavorable days for working with houseplants in September 2022 than good ones, but in terms of their energy they should not be ignored:

  • On the 1st and 2nd, you cannot replant or perform any other manipulations with house plants, as this may result in illness;
  • On September 4, it is not recommended to do transplants; the lunar day will not be the best, so such manipulations can cause harm to the plant;
  • On the 14th and 15th it is unfavorable to transplant and fertilize, as there will be a full moon. All manipulations will only be harmful to house plants;
  • 26, 27, 28 are unfavorable days that precede more successful ones for caring for plants: replanting and fertilizing will not give results.

Unfavorable numbers for working with house plants should be taken into account not only when replanting, but also when performing other work, as this can help avoid unwanted consequences and problems with flowers.


  • Lunar calendar

What is a lunar calendar and how to use it

The lunar calendar is a unique and simple guide to growing and replanting indoor plants. With its help, you can easily find the most suitable time to care for your favorite flowers. The moon has a gravitational effect on the moisture of the soil and plants, therefore, by choosing a suitable date for replanting flowers, you can be sure that they will not only take root in the new place, but will also grow strong and give good flowering in the future.

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