The benefits and harms of orchids for the body. Is it possible to keep a flower in an apartment, is it poisonous or not?

The history of the orchid

It first appeared on our earth 130 million years ago. The first to see the unusual flower were the inhabitants of Ancient China. It received its name from the philosopher Theophrastus. The scientist compared paired bulbs (rhizome) with male testicles. As a result, the culture was named "orchis". Translated from Greek as “testicle”.

In Europe, the first orchid bloomed in 1731. It was brought by an unknown missionary from the Bahamas. At the beginning of the 19th century in England, the plant began to be used as packaging material. But the gardener, who became interested in the plant, planted it in a pot, and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Farms began to massively export the crop from its natural distribution. For a long time they asked for huge amounts of money for it.

Important! Today, there are 30,000 species of wild orchids, and 150,000 species of hybrids.

Positive influence

During research by Cherevchenko’s group, it was revealed that orchids may have phytoncidal properties. Benefits can be obtained from several varieties of this plant, for example, from the “Venus slipper”. The medicinal use of this plant helps reduce migraines, lower blood pressure and also helps with sleep problems.

First of all , plants containing phytoncides reduce the level of microbes in the air of an apartment up to 250 times per 1 m3 . These compounds also ionize the air and promote the deposition of dust molecules.

Useful and healing properties of orchids

Both the health benefits and harms of orchids have been known since ancient times. Healers used the rhizome as the main ingredient to treat diseases. Representatives of orchids have a number of positive properties.

Common types and their beneficial effects on the body:

  1. Crepidium acuminatum - medicines are made from this terrestrial orchid to strengthen the immune system, the plant stimulates sperm production and is used as an aphrodisiac.
  2. Calanthe triplicata – the benefit is to obtain a medicine to reduce swelling of the hands. Healthy orchid flowers serve as a pain reliever. The root of this species will help get rid of diarrhea.
  3. Anoectochilus regalis – leaves are beneficial for the whole body. Medicinal oil is made from the flowers to help with diseases.
  4. Acampe papillosa – the root has beneficial properties. Often used for gynecological diseases, syphilis, rheumatism, neuralgia.
  5. Corymborkis veratrifolia is a useful but rare species of orchid that helps to cope with fever in a child (the juice from the young leaves is used).
  6. Dendrobium nobile is a common species; a medicine for pain is made from the leaves and roots to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Orchid is a useful flower used to treat many ailments due to its unique properties. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Aztec leader was prepared with a special drink for sexual activity, which helped to please his 600 wives. It consisted of orchid, vanilla, hot pepper and cocoa beans. The benefit also lies in the content of medicinal substances in the plant organs.

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How is it harmful?


The orchid is a classic representative of the vampire flower . Is it harmful? Enchanting with its beauty, the flower practically makes you fall in love at first sight and thereby takes away all your vitality. The reason is the intoxicating aroma of the orchid, which intensifies at night and can have harmful consequences for the body. Because of it, a person develops the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • anxiety;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear.

IMPORTANT : At this time, all diseases of the nervous system may worsen.

Poisonous plant

So is it still poisonous or not? This question can be answered decisively in the negative; the orchid is not a poisonous flower . Only some of its types can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. But here everything depends on the individual sensitivity of a person. Learn more about the specific course of allergy to orchids in adults and children, as well as about prevention and treatment methods, in a separate article.

In addition, according to research conducted by Cherevchenko’s group, orchids may have phytoncidal properties. The statement that the orchid is poisonous can hardly be called truthful, since almost every person has consumed food and products with its addition.

The use of orchids in folk medicine

Our ancestors, who knew about the harm and benefits of every wild plant, actively used the leaves and rhizomes to treat colds, relieve pain after a burn, treat abscesses, inflammation and sexual disorders.

Important! It is prohibited to use traditional medicine recipes without consulting a doctor.

Popular recipes:

  1. Tonic tincture. Grind the dried orchis tubers (a representative of the orchids) to a powder. Pour 1 tbsp. l. warm boiled water (10 tbsp). Stir and let sit for 15 minutes. Add 90 tbsp to the mass. l. boiling water, bring to a state resembling mucus. Use 40 g once a day. The benefit is to increase vitality and improve muscle tone.
  2. Infusion for impotence. Pour red wine (a glass will be enough) 2 tbsp. l. crushed tubers of Lyubka bifolia. Leave for 2 weeks, stir the mixture daily with a wooden spoon. Take 4 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. Harm from the infusion will occur with uncontrolled treatment.

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In our country, dried yarysh tubers are most often used. The medicinal powder helps with diarrhea, inflammation of the gallbladder, impotence, hemorrhoids, and diabetes. It won't do any harm. The main treatment is to carry out according to the instructions or recommendations of the doctor.

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Why can't you keep a flower in your apartment?

This cannot be said with certainty, but you should take into account some features of the flower if you want to grow it:

  • he is considered an energy vampire, and not without reason: the pollen of some varieties has a calming effect and relaxes a person, this effect is especially active at night;
  • some gardeners do not recommend growing several varieties side by side: plants do not tolerate competition and spread negative energy, which also affects humans;
  • It has been noted that the flower has a particularly relaxing effect on men and even makes them feminine; in many countries this culture is considered feminine.

Important! For this reason, it is not customary to grow orchids in the offices of the stronger sex or in rooms where men like to relax or do household chores.

However, this statement is quite controversial: it is male breeders who successfully develop new popular varieties and maintain greenhouses. And the famous literary detective Nero Wolfe even claimed that he thought better in greenhouses with orchids.

Folk signs

There are many signs associated with orchids, some are very unique and not without real basis:

  • it is believed that their appearance drives evil people away from home, depriving them of negative energy and sending them headaches;
  • phalaenopsis in the house of a young married couple portends a long and happy life together, as well as the imminent arrival of a newborn;
  • but such a plant in the apartment of a widower or widow only increases the feeling of loneliness;
  • in the coniferous forests of Russia the terrestrial lady's slipper orchid grows; finding it for a young girl means she will soon meet her betrothed;
  • You should not have a plant in the bedroom; It is believed that it is at night that it manifests its vampiric energy essence; this, by the way, is understandable: at night such plants consume more oxygen.

Interesting! In Southeast Asia, it is believed that the soul of a beautiful girl who once died of unrequited love lives in an orchid. And the Thais are also sure that the flower wards off evil spells from the house and calms the souls of the dead.

Many peoples also believe that finding a wild liana in bloom in the forest is a sign of great love and wealth.

Signs with orchids of different colors

There has long been an opinion that the color and variety of orchids affect people differently:

  • red and purple activate a person and successfully fight laziness, increase performance and improve physical condition;
  • these same flowers help a woman lose weight, especially if she is on a diet;
  • yellow ones bring prosperity and help you make a successful career; it is recommended to keep such varieties in the workplace;
  • white flowers restore inner harmony;
  • orange supports creative people.

In addition, types rich in color help you quit smoking and get rid of bad habits. Some wives deliberately get such pets so that their husband, for example, stops drinking.

The use of orchids in cooking

Dendrobium (Dendrobium) is a common representative of orchids in cooking. The aromatic leaves are used in Malaya to season rice. The culture is added to salads. In some Asian countries, they are fried in batter and added to various sauces, the benefits of which increase significantly. Chefs from European countries decorate desserts with Dendrobium flowers.

Due to their aroma and beneficial properties, many types are used as an additive to tea. Vanilla is made from the fruit of Vanilla planifolia. The spice is known in cooking and perfumery. The species grows in Africa, Central America and Mexico.

Research by scientists

Chinese scientists have deciphered the genetic code of a wild orchid flower. It turned out that these green inhabitants began to populate the territory of the Earth thousands of years ago. These flowers have the same genetic scheme , and that is why they are always easily recognizable, regardless of the fact that there are a huge number of their varieties in the world.

IMPORTANT! Orchids are of great economic importance because their flowers are often used as a spice, vanilla.

Signs and superstitions of orchids in the house

Much is already known about the benefits, harms and medicinal properties. Orchid is endowed with a huge number of components that have a beneficial effect on the body. But there are superstitions regarding growing flowers in an apartment. Some people are sure that it can cause harm and will disrupt the peace and quiet in the family.

In the Middle Ages, people thought that orchids could only be kept by special people, the talented, the most developed, that is, those who stand out from the crowd. Flowers were presented to beloved, most beautiful girls to express admiration for their appearance.

Culture is endowed with human traits. It is believed that the plant is beneficial if you learn how to properly care for it. The orchid should not be allowed to wilt or become diseased. If you treat her with love and attention, then it will “thank” the owner and be beneficial.

If a person who is hostile or wants to cause harm comes to the apartment, then the orchid is able to drive him away. There is a superstition that its properties will make the enemy feel bad: they will get sick or dizzy, and nausea will begin.

Its color is of great importance for the plant. This is one of the most important properties of a plant that can affect the home atmosphere. Many people advise taking into account the principles of Feng Shui.

Orchid - energy vampire

The flower is called an energy vampire. There is an opinion that representatives of the family draw out all the strength and energy from people. The owner feels a relationship between a bad mood and the state of culture. Everything comes from flower pollen, which acts as a sedative so much that a person does not suffer from insomnia.

Orchid drives men out of the house

This superstition is not true. Suspicious women shift all responsibility for family relationships onto the flower and believe that it causes harm in interactions between lovers.

Some types serve as a talisman for girls, endowing them with talent and inspiring creativity. With proper care of a flower, it will give a woman beauty and youth, improve health, mood and increase attractiveness. The magical properties of the orchid will drive all negative energy and anger out of the house.


Due to the fact that some varieties are poisonous, if handled or consumed incorrectly, they can cause harm to the body. Tropical orchid species can have a negative impact on human health. Therefore, the best solution would be to keep these plants away from pets, as well as children who are not aware of their actions.

When transplanting a flower, you should also be careful, since many gardeners have noticed that wounds caused by cuts by roots cannot heal for a long time (how to plant an orchid?). A cut from an orchid leaf may remain inflamed for a long time , bleed and not heal for a long time. But this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Attention! If you injure your skin while working with a flower, you should immediately wash the wound and disinfect it.

Is it possible to keep a Phalaenopsis orchid at home according to Feng Shui?

The Eastern teachings of Feng Shui characterize the orchid as a very useful plant for humans. This flower is not only possible to keep in the house, but also necessary. The powerful energy of an orchid can protect the owner of the house from many troubles and bring harmony and success into his life.

According to Feng Shui, the energy effect of this plant largely depends on its placement in the house. Here are some examples of the placement of an orchid and its effect on people living indoors:

  • The northern location of the orchid will allow its owner to achieve career growth, he will be accompanied by a successful business, success in all endeavors;
  • By placing the plant in the northwestern part of the room , you can count on a quick restoration of damaged relationships with your family and friends;
  • If a person in the family is seriously ill , you need to place a flowerpot with an orchid in the eastern part of the house. The energy of the flower will help cope with illness, improve health, restore good spirits and good health;
  • The southeastern location of the orchid will bring success and good luck in business, as well as increase wealth;
  • An orchid in the southwestern side of the house protects and strengthens the family, restores lost understanding and passion.

According to Feng Shui, an orchid is considered a wonderful gift. But you need to give these plants wisely; their color is decisive here. So it is better to give flowers in red shades to your loved one. Lilac, pink and white orchids are more suitable for relatives and friends.

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