Myrtle (Myrtle tree). Magical and healing properties of Myrtle

What does the flower symbolize?

The first mentions of myrtle date back to the biblical chronicles. Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise, took a branch of this plant with them to Earth and planted it there. Therefore, the myrtle tree in many countries is considered a symbol of love, beauty and eternal youth.

In different parts of the world, the myrtle flower has received various signs and superstitions.

  1. In European countries, myrtle symbolizes a strong, happy marriage. It is believed that if a young couple grows this plant at home, then quarrels and scandals will not threaten the family hearth.
  2. In Asian countries, love, financial well-being and prosperity are associated with myrtle. People who grow myrtle trees attract good luck and wealth. In China, the houseplant is considered a symbol of fertility, and in Japan, the tree is recognized as a symbol of the Emperor.
  3. In the Middle East, Muslims do not recommend that young men and girls grow indoor flowers. According to local legends, the plant brings bad luck and loneliness to unmarried men and unmarried women.
  4. The Buddhist religion associates the myrtle tree with symbols of the purity and purity of a young maiden. Therefore, brides' wedding dresses in India are made using myrtle branches and flowers.

Blooming myrtle tree

Interesting! In England, palace bouquets are decorated with flowering myrtle branches. Among the Slavic peoples, a bride's bouquet of snow-white flowers of this plant traditionally brings family happiness and a strong marriage.

About propagating myrtle using cuttings

Myrtle must be propagated either by seeds or cuttings. If you prefer propagation by cuttings, then to do this, cut short cuttings on which bark has already formed, and cut off the lower leaves.

The prepared cuttings should be placed in a mixture consisting of peat and sand and covered with a jar or cut of a plastic bottle.

Place such a pot on a light windowsill. You can treat the cut with root. As soon as the branch takes root, you need to pinch its top, otherwise the myrtle will not branch.

By growing a wonderful myrtle in your apartment, you can not only enjoy its magnificent appearance and the aroma of its flowers. You can even make healing tinctures from it that prolong beauty and youth.


Magical properties of the plant

Over the long history of observing the plant, humanity has discovered a number of magical properties of the home tree.

  1. To have a prophetic dream, it is enough to place one sprig of myrtle under the pillow.
  2. A bracelet or necklace woven from myrtle branches will help you find peace and patience.
  3. For financial well-being, a twig or leaf picked from a plant is placed in a wallet.
  4. To maintain health and preserve youth, various decorations are made from myrtle branches.
  5. Wood neutralizes negative energy in the house and creates a comfortable and calm environment in the house.
  6. Identical myrtle amulets for spouses will protect the family from infidelity and divorce.

Bracelets made of twigs for a married couple

Important! To ensure that the baby sleeps peacefully at night, a bag of dried myrtle leaves is placed under the baby’s pillow. The pleasant, unobtrusive scent soothes and has a relaxing effect.

Where is the best place to place a houseplant?

Married couples are advised to keep Tradescantia in the bedroom: the plant helps to feel attractive and ignites passion in the relationship. And for single people, a herbal pet will help them start a family.

To improve relationships in the house, create a good mood and prevent conflicts, housewives place bowls of Tradescantia in the living room, where the whole family gathers in the evenings.

If you are going to add a purple variety of Tradescantia to your collection, then it is better to place it in a non-residential area of ​​the house.

Tradescantia Zebrina perfectly neutralizes the energy of envious and unkind people, so it is best to keep it on windowsills or at the entrance, using it as a screen from external influences.

Is it possible to keep myrtle at home?

In the Middle East, the myrtle tree is considered a symbol of loneliness, therefore it is not recommended for home cultivation for young people.

But in other countries, a home flower is endowed with an extremely positive effect on the home and family well-being.

Positive signs of having a myrtle tree in your home:

  1. A tree installed in a marital bedroom helps a married couple find understanding and harmony in their relationship.
  2. A pot with a plant at the entrance to a house or apartment will protect the home from the evil eye and damage, and purify the air in the room.
  3. In European countries, there is a superstition that the myrtle tree will help a lonely person find a soul mate and create a strong family.
  4. People who grow indoor flowers attract wealth, financial independence, prosperity and well-being into their home.

A reliable protector of family and home from adversity and troubles

  1. If a young couple wants the speedy birth of their first child, they need to plant a myrtle seed and take care of it.
  2. A myrtle tree will help a shy girl gain self-confidence, and a young guy will find true friends or a soul mate.
  3. The myrtle tree is a protective talisman for a happy and strong marriage, helping to avoid disagreements and strife.
  4. Children born in a house where myrtle grows develop faster than their peers, becoming smarter and more savvy.

Important! The myrtle tree is sensitive to negative energy and large crowds of people. The plant recognizes only a single owner and his immediate environment. That is why myrtle trees do not take root in public institutions.

Unfavorable signs:

The house tree is considered a rather demanding plant to care for. And if you do not follow the rules of agricultural technology, the myrtle quickly withers and dries up.

  • During this period, the plant takes away positive energy, luck and prosperity from the owner. Therefore, the myrtle tree should not be allowed to be beyond comfort.
  • Also, only a beautiful pot is selected for growing a tree. In an ordinary container, myrtle quickly fades and dries out.
  • The appearance of pests on a plant warns of possible problems with the home.
  • Yellow leaves signal a deterioration in family relationships.

Dried, yellowed leaves warn of possible exacerbations in family relationships.

  • If a plant withers and dries out for no apparent reason, you can expect trouble in the near future.
  • Too rapid flowering of myrtle warns the owner of unnecessary costs and expenses.

Do not forget about the increased secretion of essential oils from the plant. For people suffering from allergies and respiratory diseases, indoor flowers can cause significant harm to health.

Where is the best place to put it?

The myrtle tree grows and develops best in remote, rarely visited corners of the home. The plant requires good lighting and fresh air. In the warm season, a pot with a flower is taken out to a personal plot, balcony or loggia. In winter, the tree is provided with additional lighting.

Important! Based on signs and superstitions, planting myrtle and further caring for it should be carried out by a woman.

Possible difficulties when growing myrtle

If there is not enough light, the stems stretch, the leaves become smaller and turn pale, but if there is too much light, they become dull, turn yellow, and the edges curl. In a dark room with high temperature, the plant sheds its leaves.

The plant suffers greatly due to overdrying and overwatering of the substrate. If the plant has dropped its leaves due to dryness or waterlogging, the shoots should be cut to half and continue watering (in case of waterlogging, watering very carefully) and spraying. After two weeks, young leaves may appear.

If the placement is too warm and dark, leaves may fall off. If suddenly the leaves of the myrtle begin to fall off, then the problem is due to improper watering: it is either insufficient or excessive. In this case, it is recommended to immerse the overdried plant in water and replant the over-watered one. However, most often the plant cannot be saved.

Pests primarily attack old specimens. This is also facilitated by too high air temperatures in winter.

Healing properties of the myrtle tree

In addition to its magical purpose, the myrtle tree has healing and healing properties. In the Middle Ages, alchemists and scientists used myrtle to make cosmetics and perfumes. And in the last century, scientists discovered and proved the antibacterial properties of the plant’s essential oil.

A houseplant has a beneficial effect on the health of others. Household members get sick less often, and the immune system is strengthened.

  • Infusions are made from the leaves of the plant. A useful infusion is used to treat pulmonary, bronchial, viral and colds.

Infusions and decoctions of myrtle leaves

  • An extract from plants is used to make drugs used for diseases of the nervous system, for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and kidney diseases.
  • Preparations containing extracts from the plant are used in oncology, used for depression and insomnia.
  • Cosmetics based on the essential oil of the plant rejuvenate the skin and give it elasticity.
  • Aromatic essential oil is also used in perfumery.
  • On the basis of myrtle, medicinal ointments and creams are made, which are successfully used to treat skin and eye diseases.
  • Tea made from myrtle leaves is used for diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Decoctions and infusions from the plant are used to treat wounds and other damage to the skin.

Myrtle is also used in culinary arts. Seasoning is added to marinades for meat, vegetable and fish dishes. In Mediterranean countries, aromatic liqueurs are made from the berries and leaves of the plant.

Myrtle berries

How myrtle has conquered indoor gardeners

In the Mediterranean, myrtle is a tree up to 4 meters high. All parts of it are healing, it’s not for nothing that the name is translated as balm. Indoor myrtle has retained its beneficial properties. Only he has become shorter in height; he cannot rise more than a meter in height in room conditions. But obedient branches can be directed according to the designer’s idea and even grow a small grove of trees on a tray. Common myrtle, a flower, you can look at photos of its compositions endlessly.

Many years will pass, jewelry work will be required before the master will create such a miracle from the bush. This is art. But even a simple fragrant myrtle bush is not easy to grow. In Germany, every girl used to take care of her own tree from a very young age. When she got married, the flower became the talisman of the young family. The more beautiful the bride’s myrtle, the more marital happiness was predicted for this family. The subtext could be such an understanding. If a girl has already found an approach to a flower, she will also understand her husband, tame her, and there will be happiness in the family.

Myrtle is known as a cult plant not only in ancient Greece. It is a symbol of marital fidelity, peace and quiet in the home now. Wedding wreaths made from myrtle and rose ropes symbolize the fidelity of the spouses.

Myrtle brings health to the house. The leaves of the crop emit a pleasant smell, the flowers are fragrant. Scientists have determined that a small bush destroys up to 80% of microbes flying in the air. The smell of the flower has a calming effect on all inhabitants of the room - it pacifies!

For colds, steam inhalation with myrtle leaves is useful. And when the plant blooms with white and pinkish flowers, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. Its dried berries are a spice.

Who can I give a flower to?

A myrtle flower can be the best wedding gift for newlyweds. According to legend, the plant promotes the prosperity of love and fidelity, strengthens marriage and helps avoid quarrels and disagreements.

For a young, unmarried girl, an indoor tree will also be an excellent gift. Thanks to the flower, a modest, shy girl will gain a stable character and find her other half.

Great gift for a young girl

Also, a home plant as a gift is suitable for families where mutual understanding has been lost. Myrtle will help reconcile spouses and take their relationship to a new level.

Magic rituals with myrtle bush

To enhance the magical properties of a plant, there are several interesting rituals that help attract positive events and energy into the life of the owner of an indoor flower. If a girl grew a flower on her own and gave each guest a sprig of plants during the wedding ceremony, the marriage for the newlyweds will be joyful, long and happy.

Myrtle as a gift from a mother-in-law or mother-in-law will bring mutual understanding and harmony to a young family. A gifted plant will prevent any quarrel or conflict in a young, fragile family.

Important! The myrtle tree symbolizes fidelity and eternal love between spouses. In houses where a magic tree grows, joy, happiness and prosperity always reign

Fortune telling for the betrothed

In order for a girl to meet her future husband, the essential oil of the plant is used. To do this, add a few drops of oil to the water when taking a bath. According to signs and superstitions, the aroma of myrtle will definitely help in finding the chosen one.

Myrtle essential oil

Love spell

To strengthen a love connection, beautiful bracelets are woven from tree branches. The jewelry is made for the girl and her other half. As long as lovers wear jewelry, their feelings will intensify and will definitely lead to marriage.

Ritual to attract money and good luck

There are several ways to use an indoor flower to bring wealth and good luck into your life.

  1. To forget about financial problems and poverty, gold jewelry is placed next to the tree at night.
  2. A myrtle leaf or branch in a wallet will help the owner of the flower forget about lack of money and financial problems.
  3. Plant flowers are used to attract finance. The collected flowers are placed in a fabric bag and always carried with you. The ritual attracts material well-being and protects a person from making wrong decisions and various scams.

Myrtle tree flowers
Myrtle bushes are considered an excellent amulet for the home and life of people who care for them.

Folk beliefs associated with milkweed

It is believed that indoor spurge protects the house from negative energy, but only if you find a suitable place for it.

The best option for its placement is the hallway. In addition, this plant perfectly absorbs electromagnetic waves that are emitted by household electrical appliances. Therefore, the ideal solution would be to place it close to the computer or TV.


  1. Euphorbia in the house - to warm relationships and mutual understanding within the family. Family and friends will be charged with positive energy from it, as incredible life force flows through it.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to place a plant in the bathroom, even if space allows, otherwise positive energy will leave the house.
  3. It should not be placed in the matrimonial bedroom or children's bedroom. The energy emitted by the plant can negatively affect the relationship between husband and wife and even harm the health of household members. Euphorbia is not needed in a child's room, as it is poisonous. If the plant juice gets on the skin, burns may occur. But that’s not all: if it enters the human stomach, milkweed poison causes severe poisoning.
  4. The flowering of milkweed is considered a good sign - happiness will come to the house, and finances will come to the wallet. During the flowering period, it is better to place the pot in the living room.
  5. If a flower is grown by an overly emotional person, he will find peace.


Our ancestors believed that if the triangular euphorbia withered and died without obvious reasons, then it took on the negativity, while protecting the house and its residents from troubles and diseases. The flower does not spare itself to protect households, but do not forget that it is poisonous and can itself cause misfortune if its juice accidentally enters the body or onto an open area of ​​skin.


Mil's milkweed is popularly called "crown of thorns", perhaps due to the abundance of thorns on its branches.

The plant blooms with small flowers, but bright enough to be noticeable. The leaves are oval, reminiscent of sansevieria. This spurge is perfect for girls who protect their innocence until marriage.

According to popular belief, keeping a plant with thorns in the bedroom or recreation area is a sign of family troubles. Conflicts may arise between spouses, and if spurge grows without proper attention, the negative impact can increase significantly. The inhabitants of such a home will face misfortune and illness.

If you believe the signs, then Mil's milkweed is simply necessary for people suffering from chronic diseases. The powerful energy of the flower increases the body's defenses and gives the family a good mood.

Like trihedral, Mil's milkweed is poisonous, so a pot with it should not be placed in a children's room, where the bright leaves of the plant can attract the attention of children.


Of all the species of this plant, white-veined euphorbia has the most beneficial effect on humans. Housewives often have no idea what an unusual flower they are growing. It brings material wealth and peace of mind to the house, protects the home from the attacks of evil spirits.

White-veined milkweed is able to protect children from the unkind glances of envious people and the bad intentions of others towards them.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Any negative impact can harm the plant:

  1. A tree requires communication and care. You need to talk to him and look at him as often as possible.
  2. In public places, myrtle grows poorly and loses its magical properties altogether.
  3. The tree should be cared for by the same person; the plant responds best to female energy.
  4. If you abandon the tree and throw it away, luck and prosperity will immediately leave the life of the former owner of the flower.
  5. Quarrels and strife in the house will lead to the rapid death of the plant, which will bring even more trouble to the family.

It is also necessary to avoid negative statements and actions towards the plant.

By following the rules for growing and caring for a myrtle tree, there will always be a great mood, love, happiness and health for all family members in the house.

How to care for Myrtle at home

The plant has very good health, it is not characterized by any special diseases, most often if it is sick, it means that there were some care errors (usually overwatering or drying out). Therefore, it makes sense to immediately provide the plant with proper care. What conditions are necessary, what kind of feeding, how to carry out formation at home - you will find out below.

What to do after purchase

Do not rush.

First you need to water your bush generously. Then put the new plant in its own place, away from other green plants if you have any, and watch what happens. If the bush feels good in store-bought soil, perhaps there is no need to rush into replanting, especially if now is not the right time for it (the best time to replant a myrtle tree is winter).

If the bush looks lethargic, it is better to transplant it into more nutritious soil.

Before moving it to other plants, it makes sense to inspect all green pets for pests. As already mentioned, myrtle is not prone to diseases, but it suffers from pests. It will be inconvenient if the pest jumps from a flower you already have to a new one or vice versa (you never know what they did to it in the store).

Next, of course, you need to carefully choose the place where the new pet will now live, and then put it there. You need to choose taking into account the following characteristics:


Moderate. The bush prefers to be in the shade, without direct sunlight; only diffused light is desirable. When it is hot and sunny, you should move the pot away from the light, and it is recommended to water more frequently.

Content temperature

The optimal temperature is 22-24 degrees, and the shrub loves fresh air, so it can be placed near a window or taken out to the balcony. In winter, the temperature should not rise above ten degrees, so it can be kept on the balcony.


Sufficiently high humidity is preferable, so you should not place the flower near heating devices, and on hot days it is advisable not only to water, but also to spray.

How to water a myrtle tree

Apply liberally, preferably daily, so that the top layer of soil always remains slightly moist. However, it is important to water with high-quality water: settled, room temperature. Tap water can make your bush sick because it contains hard minerals that are harmful to the plant.

In summer

Watering is done more abundantly, since myrtle does not tolerate heat very well. The top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out. It is also advisable to add spraying.

in winter

Watering is reduced, since the combination of humidity and low temperature has a bad effect on any plants - these are ideal conditions for root rotting. An exception is that if you don’t remove the bush anywhere in winter, it remains in the apartment, under the same conditions.

Fertilizer and feeding

Only needed if you want to grow a large bush to grow in the garden, in a tub. Then you can buy a universal complex fertilizer, as well as cow manure extract.

They feed after every fourth watering, but only in summer-spring, and in winter-autumn, feeding stops.

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