Chrysanthemum flower and its amazing magical properties

Perhaps chrysanthemum is one of the most beloved flowers in Russia. Interestingly, the culture of growing chrysanthemums dates back more than 3,000 years and originates in ancient China. Translated from Greek, “Chrysanthemum” means “Golden Flower,” which, according to botanists, most accurately describes the ancient species of this plant - small and golden yellow.

The variety of modern chrysanthemums can turn your head. Each color is a separate message, carrying its own special meaning. To teach you this beautiful floral dialect, we will look at the meaning of each shade and also tell you what occasions it is best suited for.

The meaning of chrysanthemums in different countries

In the West

While chrysanthemums symbolize a sea of ​​positive emotions, learning is another (perhaps not so pleasant) meaning of the flower in the West. This makes chrysanthemums an excellent gift to congratulate a new school year, remarkable academic achievements, or the start of a new project. In addition, chrysanthemums are the official flower of Mother's Day in Australia.

However, in some parts of Europe the flower symbolizes death, and is used exclusively at funerals. Therefore, be careful when sending such a bouquet to Europe as a romantic or holiday gift.

In the East

Chrysanthemums were first grown in China, and, of course, Eastern culture endowed them with deep symbolism. Flowers are believed to signify long life and prosperity, as well as rebirth, making them a popular gift for birthdays or the birth of a baby. In addition, in Japan, the chrysanthemum is an imperial flower that symbolizes the highest power and is the official emblem of the country.

What do pink and lilac flowers symbolize?

Pink and lilac chrysanthemums are considered a symbol of love, romance, and tender feelings. Buds of light pastel shades are given to young girls and girls . Adult ladies are presented with flowers in rich, bright colors.

Expressing your feelings during the candy-bouquet period, you can, without hesitation, give pink chrysanthemums

Lilac and purple chrysanthemums will tell your best friend how valuable she is to you.

Lilac individuals with fancy colors, bred by modern breeders, symbolize originality, creativity, and originality.

The meaning of chrysanthemum shades

  • White - sincere and pure love, honesty.
  • Yellow - friendship, fun and wishes of good luck in all endeavors.
  • Purple - wealth and prosperity.
  • Red - a declaration of deep love.
  • Green - natural purity, health and vitality.

Chrysanthemums are one of the best flowers for your bouquet, not only because of the rich variety of varieties and shades, but also because of their bright and positive symbolism. A bouquet of these fragrant beauties will be an excellent gift for a birthday, anniversary or any significant event in the life of your recipient.

Why are white chrysanthemums given?

White varieties are presented as a sign of love, tenderness, and purity. They symbolize honesty, sincerity, loyalty and devotion .

White chrysanthemums represent open and honest intentions

They are presented to loved ones, as well as in cases where they want to emphasize the high moral qualities of the person to whom the bouquet is given.

Characteristics of the species

Chrysanthemums are considered an ancient crop. This plant came to Russia only at the end of the 19th century.

And now these flowers are very popular among florists and gardeners. Varieties can be:

  • large-flowered;
  • small-flowered.

Small-flowered chrysanthemum is also called “oak”.

This plant is a perennial. Only the above-ground part dies off every year. The stem has thin, thick and wide leaves. They can grow up to 7 cm in length and 4 cm in width.

The shape of the leaves of these flowers resembles those of oak.

But large-flowered ones have wider and longer leaves. They can grow up to 15 cm in length, that is, almost 2 times larger than small-flowered ones.

The upper side of this plant has a rich green color and a smooth texture. But the lower one is thick, fluffy and has small light hairs.

Each variety emits its own individual aroma. For example, pleasant and subtle or, conversely, sharp and rich.

The rhizomes of chrysanthemums are branched and produce many shoots into the root shoots.

Blue chrysanthemums as a gift

The blue color is an achievement of breeders, and therefore has only a modern interpretation.

Like other exotic colors, it symbolizes originality and the bright individuality of the person to whom such flowers are given . They emphasize his special position in the life of the giver. Gifted to male colleagues, partners, friends.

If you want to emphasize the wisdom of your chosen one, your wife, then buy blue chrysanthemums

Another meaning of blue is wishing success in service . They are presented when seeing off military personnel, as a sign of fidelity during a long separation.

Chrysanthemum is a flower of joy, a symbol of the sun. Focusing on the beautiful romantic “language of flowers”, you can express your innermost feelings and attitudes . It is important to show imagination, attention, your emotions and preferences of the person for whom the bouquet is intended. It is not necessary to follow stereotypes; you can create new images. The main thing is sincerity and creativity.

What does color say?

The meaning of a chrysanthemum flower is not all that you should pay attention to in the process of composing a bouquet. It is also very important to know what the color of the plant you choose symbolizes. Let’s take a closer look at in what cases it is worth giving flowers of certain shades in order to clearly understand the “language of flowers.”


Many girls are probably afraid of such a bouquet. Everyone knows the stereotype that the color yellow is a sign of separation, because it has been preserved due to the attitude towards tulips of a similar color. However, in this case the meaning will be completely different.

What a yellow flower means is love and seriousness of intentions. Moreover, this bouquet can be presented to his beloved by the one who decided to propose marriage.

If you received yellow plants as a gift, this means that the person who gave them has tender, fiery feelings for you.


It is preferable to give white chrysanthemums if you want to tell a person about his sincerity and innocence. This flower also symbolizes tenderness and honor. You can give it to a dear friend or loved one. Such a bouquet is presented as a sign of love and fidelity. If you want to praise the noble qualities of a person, white flowers are the best choice.


All shades of red (wine, carmine, burgundy) speak of fiery love and passion, and this plant is no exception. If you want to emphasize the beauty and grace of a person, give him a bouquet of red plants.

They should also be presented as part of some flower arrangement. Such a bouquet will be most appropriate when you need to choose flowers for your other half, parents and loved ones.


Pink flowers mostly symbolize love. If you want to tell the person you like about your feelings, give him a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums as a gift. The buds of this shade speak of youthful love, romance, and sincerity of intentions.

If you need to choose a suitable gift for a girl, give preference to pink chrysanthemums, and thus emphasize her beauty and girlish charm. As for older women, it is better to choose flowers in slightly more saturated shades.

What do yellow flowers say?

The traditional symbolism of yellow varieties is a wish for longevity, health, wealth, power, wisdom, and greatness.

The modern interpretation of the solar plant is a declaration of love, an assurance of friendship, openness and sincerity. The giver communicates his desire to be with his loved one and maintain a trusting relationship with friends.

Yellow chrysanthemums mean your intentions to confess your most sincere feelings to your soulmate, love

It is appropriate to present yellow chrysanthemums to both women and men in official ceremonies. In this case, they express gratitude and wishes for success in business and well-being.

Once upon a time, only members of the imperial family could afford yellow varieties . Later they were allowed to be used in marriage ceremonies. Since then, it has been considered acceptable to give yellow species during a wedding.

Chrysanthemum flower and legends about it

One of the most common legends is the legend about the Emperor of China and the Chrysanthemum:

One day, the cruel Emperor of China found out about a plant called Chrysanthemum. He learned that the juice of the flower could give vitality and longevity. But it grows somewhere on a desert island in unknown waters. The emperor decided to contact a healer to find out where to find the unusual plant. The elder warned the bishop that there is one rule here. This magical flower could only be picked by a kind person with a pure heart. Otherwise, the plant juice will simply be useless. And so, by decision, the emperor sent three hundred young men and women to search for an unknown island where this flower grows. But none of them returned, so it is unknown whether they found Chrysanthemum or not. It is still believed that young boys and girls found a mysterious island, decided to stay on it and created their own country in those parts. This is how Japan appeared.

Another equally popular legend about the white dragon:

The lizard wanted to devour the Sun in order to destroy all life. When he tried to do this, the Sun burned his paws. This enraged him and the monster began to tear apart the earthly body. Nothing worked out for him, and the Sun only threw sparks on the Earth. The sparks in turn turned into beautiful white chrysanthemums.

Propagation of perennial chrysanthemum

Garden crops are most often propagated by cuttings and dividing an adult bush. The choice is due to simplicity and efficiency. Using these methods, you can preserve all varietal characteristics. Seeds are used quite rarely.

A significant reason for refusal is:

  • The complexity of the process.
  • Lack of relevant knowledge and experience.
  • Possible loss of important characteristics.
  • The risk that the seeds will not have time to ripen.

It is necessary to take into account that perennial chrysanthemums planted in this way will bloom only the next season.

The bush from which the cutting is taken must be healthy. Planting material is taken in the spring. The optimal air temperature is +20 ˚С…+26 °C. The height of the shoots suitable for processing is about 15 cm. Planting material is placed in previously prepared soil.

It is kept moist. The box is placed in a room that is regularly ventilated. Chrysanthemums take root quite quickly. Usually 2-3 weeks are enough. After this period has expired, the gardener can begin planting sprouts on the plot.

It is recommended to replant the bushes at least once every 3-4 years. This is necessary in order to renew the root system and ensure abundant flowering.

Dividing the bush is also carried out in the spring. Chrysanthemums are dug up using a pitchfork. The root system is divided using a sharp knife. The treatment is carried out using a solution of potassium permanganate. After processing, the separated parts are planted in accordance with the chosen scheme. In this case, the flowering period begins at the end of August.

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