Home healer - money tree. Medicinal properties and contraindications for use

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

Although serious scientific studies of the chemical composition and pharmacological properties of the Crasula have not yet been carried out, traces of arsenic compounds have been found in it. This circumstance is the main limitation for the use of crassula by official medicine.
However, ancient doctors quite widely used arsenic for a wide variety of diseases. Flavonoids found in Crassulaceae help strengthen the vascular wall. Treatments for Crassula practiced in folk medicine are associated with its anti-inflammatory, regenerative, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antipruritic properties.

About the benefits and medicinal properties

It has been noticed that the money tree is able to be friends with its owners and support them in difficult life situations through an energetic connection, taking on some of the negative energy. Reviews from amateur flower growers confirm that if there is a sick person in the house, the leaves of the crassula begin to turn yellow and wither.

The plant has been noted to have a beneficial effect on the family atmosphere; in such cases it is said that life is easier with it. In folk medicine, the fleshy leaf of the crassula is most in demand; its healing properties are associated with the presence of a high arsenic content in the juice.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Despite the generally accepted opinion that arsenic is a poison, it has been used in small doses for a long time; traditional medicine continues to use it with caution at the present time. Crassula is most widely used to improve hematopoiesis, in oncological practice, dentistry, treatment of fever and nervous diseases.

When using the plant, do not forget the main thing, it contains arsenic, therefore an overdose is fraught with serious consequences. It is categorically not recommended to take the plant internally without the supervision of specialists; when using it externally, you should be careful.

Important information: an overdose of arsenic can lead to poisoning, which is manifested by characteristic symptoms - diarrhea, vomiting, weakness and even loss of consciousness.

Beneficial properties of juice

Money tree sap is most often used for treatment. It is applied to a gauze bandage and applied to the sore spot. Popular is the pulp of the plant pulp, which can be obtained by grinding the leaves of the fat plant, without allowing loss of liquid.

Money tree sap exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, and an antifungal effect. These qualities are widely used in folk practice.

Beneficial properties for the skin

Crassula juice is most in demand for the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, lichen, and allergies. This is where the medicinal nature of the plant manifests itself most powerfully. Let's consider the treatment procedure :

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  • Wash and chop a few leaves of the plant.
  • Carefully wrap the pulp in a gauze napkin without losing any juice.
  • Apply to the affected area of ​​skin. After 4 hours, the bandage must be changed.

You can lubricate the places where the rash appears with squeezed fatty juice. In the same way, contusions are treated, bruises and injuries are eliminated. The juice is used to treat the bite areas.

Another, less well-known name of the plant, callus, was obtained according to medicinal successes. For treatment, the leaf is peeled and attached to the callus with an adhesive plaster overnight.

Healing properties for hemorrhoids

Such an unpleasant disease of modern man as hemorrhoids can be treated with the help of a plant. A mixture of juice and liquid petroleum jelly is used. The resulting liquid is moistened with a tampon and applied to the hemorrhoidal lump.

When using, you should consider several features of the recipe:

  1. The procedure is applied only to empty bowels.
  2. You should first wash the area of ​​the future lotion.
  3. Action time is from 15 to 20 minutes.

A good effect can be obtained if the nodes are periodically lubricated with freshly squeezed juice. According to reviews, briefly applying the leaf to the sore spot immediately provides relief.

Contraindications for use

The main danger of the money tree is the arsenic compounds it contains. Pregnant women should beware of them: you should not take risks and use a composition based on this plant - you can harm the unborn baby. For the same reason, nursing mothers should not be treated with fatty acids - unhealthy substances may get into the milk. Drugs from this plant are prohibited for children under 16 years of age.

In addition, during the treatment process, it is possible to develop an allergy to the money tree or individual intolerance to its individual components. If this is detected, other drugs should be chosen for treatment.

But even a person who is not included in these risk groups should not use Crassula compositions for too many days in a row and in no case exceed the recommended dosage, otherwise you can get poisoning, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

You can be treated with money tree-based compounds prepared at home for no longer than 2 weeks, otherwise the process of accumulation of arsenic salts in the body will begin.

What does money tree cure?

In folk medicine, this plant is used in the same way as aloe. In most cases, cut fresh leaves or juice squeezed from them are used in treatment. If you don’t have this plant in your house, then for therapy you can take a few leaves from friends or relatives, placing them for storage in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, after wrapping them in clean paper.

Before use, the leaves of the fat plant must be washed and dried with a paper towel, then cut or finely chopped with a ceramic knife. You can also grind them in a ceramic mortar using a wooden pestle.

The use of metal objects leads to the oxidation of many valuable components, as a result of which the drugs lose most of their medicinal properties and benefits. If you need to make juice from fatty mushrooms, you need to do the following:

  • The leaves need to be thoroughly crushed or ground;
  • Squeeze out the liquid part through a cloth or gauze folded in several layers;
  • Pour into a bottle.

The container with the preparation must be left in the refrigerator for 2–3 days, then shaken, allowed to settle, and then carefully strained into a clean container.

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For the treatment of some diseases, it is recommended to use an alcohol tincture of the plant, for which you need to chop the leaves, take 5 tablespoons of the resulting pulp and pour 250 ml of alcohol or high-quality vodka into it.

The bottle must be tightly sealed and left in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. The tincture retains all the medicinal properties of the original plant. A special ointment based on Crassula is also used in folk medicine. It can be used to treat joints, treat wounds to speed up their healing, burns and infections, and various rashes.

To make an ointment, you need to take 5 full spoons of lanolin, add 3 spoons of Crassula juice prepared in advance and 50 grams of Vaseline. The container with this mixture must be heated in a water bath, stirring continuously until the consistency becomes homogeneous.

After this, the ointment must be transferred to a jar with a lid and placed in the refrigerator door for storage. The ointment is quite simple in composition and preparation, but at the same time retains all the medicinal properties of the money tree, due to which it is very often used in folk medicine.

Money tree helps get rid of hemorrhoids

This disease is familiar to many modern people, especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or do office work. At the same time, most patients know about their illness, but do not take any measures, do not go to doctors, feeling awkward, and resort to traditional medicine methods only when an exacerbation occurs and the condition needs to be alleviated.

Crassula can help get rid of hemorrhoids, for which you need to prepare a simple but very effective remedy:

  • To do this, you need to take pre-prepared plant juice and mix it in equal quantities with Vaseline;
  • Mix the mass thoroughly until completely homogeneous;
  • The finished ointment should be applied to a cotton or gauze swab and applied to the problem area for half an hour;
  • Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

This remedy is effective at any stage of hemorrhoids, including when the cones are damaged and bleeding begins. For internal hemorrhoids or a serious stage of the disease, tampons with ointment can be inserted into the anus.

Money tree is used for a runny nose

If any disease occurs that is accompanied by a runny nose of varying intensity, you can prepare a simple and effective remedy from the leaves of Crassula for a runny nose:

  • To do this, take a fresh large leaf of Crassula, chop it and squeeze out the juice;
  • Then dilute it with cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1:2.

This remedy helps not only to relieve a runny nose and restore the ability to breathe normally, but also, thanks to the medicinal properties of the plant, to inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora, accelerating recovery.

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To do this, you need to chop 10 leaves, squeeze the juice out of them and add 150 ml of boiled, cooled water to it. The procedure should be carried out 3 times a day.

Treatment of acne with Crassula juice

Since the leaves of the plant have pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory medicinal properties, products based on them can be used to treat acne and other cosmetic problems.

Small pimples that have recently appeared on the surface of the skin can be lubricated with fatty acid juice or a fresh leaf cut in half. If the pimples are large and have purulent contents, then it is recommended to grind a fatty leaf into a pulp, wrap it in gauze and apply it to the problem area overnight, attaching it with a band-aid. The same method also helps in the treatment of boils.

To eliminate excess oily skin, you can prepare an effective face mask from fatty acids:

  • Beat the white of one egg, adding to it a full spoonful of carefully crushed crassula leaves and a spoonful of oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder;
  • Apply the product to washed and steamed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, for 15 - 20 minutes, daily, for 1 week.

Traditional medicine, like home cosmetology, has many effective products for skin care and solving various problems. With the help of Crassula, thanks to its pronounced medicinal properties, you can:

  • Normalize the level of facial oiliness;
  • Get rid of dryness and inflammation;
  • Get rid of symptoms and manifestations of irritation;
  • Get rid of signs of aging, significantly rejuvenating and healing the skin.

Use of the plant for cough

For all types of diseases of the throat and respiratory system, you can use money tree for coughs of varying intensity:

  • To prepare it, grind 10 freshly cut leaves of Crassula;
  • Squeeze the juice out of them and dilute it with a glass of boiled warm water;
  • The prepared solution should be used to gargle, performing the procedure 3 times a day.

If necessary, you can use the solution for rinsing and also for douching the nasal cavity.

Crassula can help with toothache

Due to the pronounced medicinal properties of the plant, in folk medicine there are many recipes based on the money tree for a variety of ailments. For example, when an inflammatory process occurs in the gums, the entire oral cavity, and toothache, healers recommend using money tree according to the following recipe:

  • Take a fresh leaf of the plant;
  • Wash it and chew it thoroughly;
  • The procedure can be repeated 3 times a day, but extreme vigilance should be exercised.

For this reason, when chewing the leaves of the plant, you must be careful not to swallow the juice and saliva . The medicinal properties of the plant will help eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and relieve toothache, but if you swallow its juice, you can get very serious poisoning.

Treatment of gastritis with money tree

In folk medicine, you can find recommendations that with the help of fatty acids you can treat gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system, including ulcers. This statement is based on the medicinal properties of the plant and on the fact that when applied externally, the plant juice helps to quickly heal damage to the skin and mucous membranes, for example, the nasal and oral cavity.

However, if it penetrates inside the body, the juice of the fat plant can cause serious food poisoning caused by arsenic contained in the leaves. For this reason, such traditional medicine cannot be used for internal treatment.

Crassula helps with pain and inflammation in the joints

To eliminate inflammatory processes and pain in the joints, crassula can be called an excellent traditional medicine, which is quite effective. The juice of the plant, due to its medicinal properties, is capable of:

  • Quickly eliminate joint pain;
  • Reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • Free the tissue from swelling.

For treatment, you can rub the juice of fresh leaves into the area of ​​sore joints, performing the procedure several times a day. You can also grind fresh leaves and apply the resulting pulp to problem areas in the form of healing compresses. This treatment will be effective for arthrosis, gout, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

The use of Crassula against varicose veins

Due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and other medicinal properties of the fat plant, it is considered a very effective traditional medicine against varicose veins.

For treatment you need to do the following:

  • Fresh leaves must be washed, dried thoroughly and crushed into a paste;
  • The finished product should be distributed over clean gauze and applied as a compress to the problem area, secured with a bandage;
  • In the daytime, such a compress can be left for an hour, performing the procedure twice;
  • Or apply the product under the bandage overnight. In this case, there is no need to carry out the procedure during the day.

Eliminating foot fungus with money tree

The medicinal properties of the money tree make it possible to use it to treat fungal infections of the skin and nails. Traditional medicine has a considerable number of recipes for effective remedies in this direction. One of the most effective methods of treating foot fungus in folk medicine is the following:

  • Before carrying out the procedure, feet or hands with nails affected by fungus must be steamed in a decoction of celandine or a solution of laundry soap;
  • After which the nails should be carefully trimmed without damaging the skin;
  • Next, you need to cut off leaves from the plant in an amount equal to the number of diseased nails;
  • It is necessary to remove the skin from the washed leaves (only on one side) and apply it to the affected nail plate;
  • You need to put a piece of bandage or a cotton pad on top and secure each bandage with a bandage;
  • It is recommended to carry out the treatment at night, leaving the compresses until the morning.

Using Crassula Leaves for Herpes

When herpes rashes appear, the leaves of the plant can be called a real salvation, because thanks to their medicinal properties, products based on crassula can quickly defeat the disease.

Why you should cut a fresh leaf of the money tree, peel it and apply it to the rash overnight, attaching it with a band-aid. A piece of leaf can be replaced with cotton wool soaked in juice.

You can simply lubricate the affected area with the juice of the leaves, treating it every half hour throughout the day. Traditional medicine recipes in this case are very diverse and each of them is highly effective.

Crassula plant: description, photo

Crassula is also called crassulla, coin tree, butterwort and tree of happiness. It is an annual, biennial or perennial plant with more than 300 species. Crassula's homeland is South Africa; now it is found in nature in almost all countries of the Southern Hemisphere.

Crassula leaves are juicy and fleshy, they have a unique property - the ability to accumulate moisture, which allows the plant to survive in drought conditions. The stem is hard, woody, and in most cases erect. The flowers are small, solitary or collected in inflorescences, white or pinkish in color.

The most common types of money tree that are grown at home are oval crassula, tree crassula, and Schmidt's crassula. Each has its own characteristics.

Oval Crassula is a perennial succulent tree that is distinguished by dark green oval leaves with a pale red edge. It grows to a height of 1 m. It rarely blooms.

Tree Crassula is a perennial plant reaching 1.5 m in height. The leaves of this species are gray with red edges. Tree Crassula flowers have a characteristic feature: at the beginning of flowering they are white, and over time they gradually turn pink.

Crassula Schmidt is an annual tree. Features of the species are bright coral flowers and pointed leaves.

Crassula is unpretentious, tolerates drought and heat well

It is not difficult to care for it, but it is important to follow the basic requirements

Medicinal properties of Crassula, recipes for tincture of leaves and use in folk medicine

The healing properties of Crassula are based on the antiviral activity of this plant and the bactericidal properties of the leaf juice. Even just being indoors, Crassula has a positive effect on human health, purifying the air and destroying viruses, thanks to its phytoncidal properties.

A multifunctional remedy is a tincture made from the leaves of Crassula:

  • it is effective for rubbing sore joints;
  • it can be used to disinfect skin inflammations;
  • to stimulate the resorption of hematomas;
  • rub into the scalp to heal hair follicles;
  • add to water and consume before meals to prevent and treat diseases of internal organs.

Scheme for preparing the tincture:

  1. Cut off a small amount of Crassula leaves.
  2. Chop with a sharp knife so that the juice does not leak out.
  3. The amount of the resulting raw material should fit into a heaped tablespoon.
  4. Pour the chopped leaves into a glass container and pour a glass of alcohol or high-quality vodka.
  5. Keep the composition for at least a week in a dark place, then move it to the refrigerator.

Traditional medicine offers many ways to use the money tree in the fight against ailments.

We invite you to watch a video about the medicinal properties of Crassula:

For hair

  • A decoction of Crassula leaves is effective for scalp skin diseases: dandruff, eczema, psoriasis.
    1. To prepare the remedy, you need to cut a handful of money tree leaves and chop them with a knife so that they release the juice.
    2. The resulting raw material is placed in a pan, filled with water and put on fire.

  • The mass is brought to a boil and kept for no more than a minute.
  • The fire must then be turned off.
  • The pan is covered with a lid and wrapped in a blanket to allow the broth to infuse.
  • Use the cooled infusion to rinse your hair daily.

  • The grounds remaining after preparing the decoction can be used as a mask for the hair roots and scalp. This procedure will heal the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. To obtain an effective product, you need to beat the grounds in a blender, add two to three tablespoons of kefir or whey. Apply the composition daily to the scalp.


  1. Freshly prepared gruel from the leaves and twigs of the money tree is applied to the sore joint, covered with gauze on top and left overnight. In the morning, the sore spot is washed with water and lubricated with cream. Pain should decrease after the first use. The procedure must be carried out every evening until the pain completely disappears.

  2. The product can also be used not as a compress. It is enough to smear the sore spot with freshly squeezed plant juice, wait until it dries a little and leave it overnight.

With a runny nose

  1. Every hour, one drop of Crassula juice, diluted with water in a ratio of one to two, is instilled into the nose; this remedy is a worthy alternative to pharmaceutical nasal drops.
  2. In case of a chronic course of the disease, you can rinse with water tincture of Crassula. To do this, the juice of five leaves is mixed with three tablespoons of water. The nose should be washed three times a day.

For acne

  1. Several leaves of the fat plant are thoroughly washed and crushed to a paste. The resulting mass is placed on gauze and applied to the inflammation for three to four hours.
  2. The washed Crassula leaf should be broken in half and the break point, where the juice is released, should be applied to the inflammation on previously thoroughly cleansed skin. The procedure must be performed several times a day.


To get rid of a cough, it is useful to rinse, the composition for which is prepared from one part of warm boiled water and half of the money tree juice.

Rinsing should be done five to eight times a day , depending on the severity of the disease.


  1. The cotton wool is moistened with fresh fatty acid juice and applied to the affected area several times a day.
  2. A compress of money tree sap is applied to the rash overnight and secured with an adhesive bandage.


  1. Crassula juice is mixed with liquid petroleum jelly in equal proportions. A tampon soaked in the resulting composition is applied to hemorrhoidal formations for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out three times a day, the last time before bedtime, leaving the tampon on overnight.
  2. Wash the fat leaf thoroughly, cut it and apply the pulp to the anus. Relief from unpleasant sensations occurs very quickly.

Fungus on nails

  1. A money tree leaf is applied to a pre-softened nail with the dead parts of the nail plate cut off, and a thin film is first removed from the surface. The plant is secured overnight with a bandage or adhesive plaster.
  2. Grind the leaves of the money tree to a paste. Add a small amount of sesame oil and apply the resulting mixture to the site of the disease. Carefully wrap the area with a layer of gauze and secure with cling film. Do not remove the bandage for at least six hours, but it is best to leave it overnight.


If you follow simple rules when growing, the plant can please the owner with its unusual flowering. Crassula blooms in early spring. Flowers resembling white and pink stars appear on the branches. They are collected in paniculate inflorescences and exude a subtle sweetish aroma. Flowering lasts about 2 months. The plant blooms at the age of 5 to 10 years.

In order for the tree to bloom, it is necessary to keep it at low temperatures for a month. And then start taking proper care of it: fertilizing, watering, intensively spraying the leaves with a spray bottle.

REFERENCE! Flowers appear on young shoots and also have beneficial properties.

Alcohol tinctures are prepared from them and are also used to treat joints and rheumatism.

You can add a little flower infusion to your hand cream and thereby enrich its composition with microelements.

Such a cream will more effectively care for the skin, providing, in addition to a softening effect, also an antiseptic effect.

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