Home healer money tree - beneficial properties and uses of the flower. Is it poisonous or not?

Is it possible to keep a money tree in an apartment?

During the times of Ancient Rus', there was a belief among people that the Crassula was an earthly shoot of the sacred Solar Tree, which upon burial bestowed heavenly life in the afterlife.

To get to heaven, in earthly life you had to not only have a plant in your house and carefully care for it, but also be a very generous person. It was also believed that each family member should have their own tree, so the newlyweds were often given a fat tree for their wedding by the parents of the bride and groom, wishing them a long and rich earthly life and passage to heaven - in the afterlife.

In addition to signs, there are many other facts that support the fact that keeping a plant in the house is not only possible, but also necessary, in particular:

  • It is believed that with proper care and maintenance of the plant, it can attract prosperity, prosperity and good luck to the house;
  • Crassula perfectly cleanses the room not only of unpleasant odors by filtering the air, but also of various negative energies, creating a comfortable and healthy atmosphere;
  • If someone in the house is sick , then the tree begins to draw negative energy and illness onto itself, easing the patient’s condition, but at the same time begins to wither away on its own. However, after the patient has fully recovered, the fat woman quickly regains her strength;
  • Money tree is unable to cause allergies even in very sensitive people, so it is suitable for all people, without exception;
  • Crassula also has healing properties, in particular, it has a pronounced bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this, the leaves of the plant are used in folk medicine to treat many ailments.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

Although serious scientific studies of the chemical composition and pharmacological properties of the Crasula have not yet been carried out, traces of arsenic compounds have been found in it. This circumstance is the main limitation for the use of crassula in official medicine. However, ancient doctors quite widely used arsenic for a wide variety of diseases. Flavonoids found in Crassulaceae help strengthen the vascular wall.

Treatments for Crassula practiced in folk medicine are associated with its anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antipruritic properties.

Where should the plant be?

Of course, for a tree to grow well, please the eye and bring good luck to its owner, it needs optimal maintenance conditions, proper care and placement. According to beliefs, in order to attract good luck into the house, the fat plant should always be fresh, clean, healthy and beautiful.

It is believed that if the plant gets sick, then luck may turn away from the house and the owner himself. The fat woman loves light very much, so it should be placed in the sunniest place, so that there is at least 10 hours of daylight per day.

However, the rays of the sun passing through the window can burn the leaves of the Crassula, so placing Crassula on windowsills is not recommended. It is best to place the pot with the plant on a table or nightstand near the window, where the bright sun shines most of the day.

It is advisable to shield Crassula from direct rays with a light tulle curtain. In winter, the tree should be removed away from heating devices and provided with additional lighting.

Useful video

In these videos you can familiarize yourself with the medicinal properties of Crasula:

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Crassula, Crassula or money tree is a very popular plant in the home flower garden. It comes from South Africa. This is an extensive genus of succulents, which includes more than 300 species. Crassula (from the Latin “thick”) has a very dense trunk and leaves, reminiscent of the shape and size of a coin.

Why you can't keep a money tree at home

It would seem that with all the advantages, this plant cannot cause any harm, but there are also many beliefs and signs on this score, for example:

  • You should not keep Crassula in the house , since the death of this plant brings complete financial ruin to the house and can even drive its owners into poverty. However, some of the signs in this direction indicate that the death of a plant should be regarded as a warning of serious financial losses and troubles, but the tree itself is not the cause of their occurrence;
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui , Crassula belongs to plants that have “yin” energy, that is, to the female type. If there are no other plants in the house, if all the rooms are filled only with fat plants, then an excess of “yin” energy appears in the house, which has a very negative effect on the condition of the people living in it. In this case, people experience apathy, constant bad mood, pessimism, and passivity. This problem can be solved by adding other plants to the interior, mainly those that are of the male type and have “yang” energy.

Yin plants are distinguished by the round shape of their leaves and flowers, their tenderness and the presence of creeping shoots. “Yang” plants have leaves and flowers of sharp and elongated shapes, as well as thorns and prickles.

In addition, it is important to remember that the leaves of the plant contain arsenic in quite significant quantities. Of course, this poison does not evaporate or release into the air, but animals, as well as small children who accidentally eat a leaf, can suffer from the plant. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep a fat woman where there are pets and children.

Is the flower poisonous for an adult, harmful for children or not?

If used incorrectly, the plant can be dangerous. In case of overdose, the following may occur :

  • vomit;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • confusion.

Adult patients can eat Crassula in limited quantities. Medicines are taken in a strictly specified dosage and only after consultation with a specialist.

Important! The course of treatment is 10–14 days. With a longer period of use, arsenic compounds begin to accumulate in the body.

The oral use of money-related drugs in childhood is strictly contraindicated . Even a small amount of medicine can cause irreparable harm to the child’s body, causing severe poisoning or an allergic reaction.

External use of the products in children is safe.

The money tree does not require special attention or approach. But do not forget about the tropical origin of this succulent and provide it with warmth and sunlight. Read our materials about the types, diseases and pests of Crassula, and proper flower care. You may also be interested in learning about which flowers are similar to Crassula, how they differ, and why they are confused. Is it possible to grow a huge plant, and also see the description and photo of the record-breaking Crassula.

Is it possible to give and receive a fat plant as a gift?

In the old days, the tree was given to newlyweds for their wedding, with the purest thoughts, wishing them health, prosperity and happiness. At the same time, the groom's parents gave a tree to the bride, and the bride's parents gave it to the groom.

It was believed that every person entering adulthood should have his own amulet and talisman in the form of a crassula. Today, Crassula is also a fairly common gift. Of course, you can accept such a gift as a gift.

If the donor wants to emphasize his wishes for welfare and good luck to the recipient , then the tree trunk is tied with a red ribbon, and coins and bills are hung from the branches with red threads.

The fat plant should be placed on the south-eastern side of the house, caring for it and cleaning its leaves from dust with a soft, warm shower.

What does Crassula contain?

Crassula juice has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Antipruritic and antifungal agents for fresh plant pulp are known. The plant contains large quantities of various flavonoids and phytoncides.

The flavonoids that make up Crassula protect the body from viral diseases . They help strengthen the immune system and also develop an anti-inflammatory effect.

Phytoncides inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, which is why Crassula juice is used to treat sore throats, stomatitis, gastritis and kidney diseases.

But the most effective component of Crassula is arsenic . When used externally, it allows you to treat arthritis and arthrosis, helps fight inflammation and bacterial infections. May be toxic when used internally.

Secrets of caring for Crassula to attract good luck and money

Not every owner of this “magic” tree can boast that his financial situation has significantly improved. Traditional healers claim that this happens due to improper planting and care.

In order for a tree to attract prosperity and good luck, it must be planted correctly, following a certain ritual:

  • When buying a plant in a store , you need to give preference to the smallest specimen. You cannot purchase an adult plant; it will not bring good luck to its new owner;
  • However, the best way to attract money and good luck is not to buy a plant, but to steal its shoot or at least a leaf from a house where there is good income, and grow a new plant yourself;
  • If you have to buy a tree, then you need to pay for it with coins, not banknotes;
  • pot for the money tree , made of clay ceramics, red or burgundy;
  • In order for the new plant to receive the charge of the necessary energy , when planting it on the bottom along with the drainage, it is necessary to sprinkle coins of different denominations, there must be at least 7 of them;
  • In the future, you need to talk to the plant , telling it about your desires, while you can stroke its leaves, wash them in the shower, or carry out regular watering.

You cannot tell the money tree about your problems, especially financial ones.

All conversations should be only in a positive way and with a good attitude, for example, about what exactly is planned to be done when a certain amount of money appears. As the tree grows, it must be carefully transplanted into larger pots, ensuring proper placement and care.

Features of home care

In order for the fat woman not only to please her owner with her beauty, but also to bear offspring, it is important to provide favorable conditions for growth. If we talk about care, the money tree is not too whimsical. But, as with other plants, there are some things to consider.

In the first few years after planting, the succulent does not bloom.

Selecting a location

Crassula does not tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight, especially during the summer months. However, in warm weather the active growth phase begins, so the plant needs room temperature.

At this time, it is best to place the money tree near the window, but in the shade, but in winter, it should be moved to the hallway where the succulent can “rest.”

The money tree is a species of the Crassulaceae family.


During the summer months, the succulent enjoys an indoor microclimate with air circulation. In winter, it is recommended to keep the fat plant at room temperature 15-18 degrees.


The money tree, by its nature, accumulates water, so it does not need abundant watering; moreover, excess moisture can destroy the plant.

Irrigation is acceptable once every 1-2 weeks, but you should pay attention to soil moisture.

It is important to observe moderation when watering the fat plant, as excessive moisture has a detrimental effect.


Cactus food is suitable as a fertilizer. It should be added together with watering 2 times a month in the summer, and 1 time the rest of the time.


The succulent needs to be replanted every 2-4 years. The plant itself is not picky, so it feels great in one pot for a long time.

If you decide to plant a flower in a new container, then this must be done together with a lump of earth.

In order for the succulent to develop fruitfully, it is necessary to ensure that the plant is kept at rest from the end of autumn to the end of winter. To do this, the room temperature must be reduced to 14-18 degrees and the use of heating systems must be eliminated.

What does it mean if a plant starts to die?

If a plant begins to die, many people perceive this as a harbinger of financial collapse and destruction of wealth. In this case, you can try to save the plant by trying to replant it in fresh soil, while removing areas of damaged roots and sprinkling them with crushed charcoal.

If the leaves fall off, you can collect them and put them in your wallet, this will help strengthen the necessary monetary energy.

It is recommended to take several branches for rooting and growing a new plant. If the fat woman died, then according to popular belief, this indicates approaching troubles and financial losses.

Precautions when drinking Crassula juice

The most important thing is that before starting treatment with Crassula juice, be sure to consult your doctor. Before the first use, you need to check if there is an allergy to the plant. To do this, apply a small amount of juice to the crook of your elbow and wait a couple of hours. If even slight irritation appears, using the plant for treatment is strictly prohibited.

Begin treatment carefully, with small doses - for rinsing, it is better to dilute the juice with warm water, gradually increasing the concentration. For internal use, start with a few drops and see how you feel. If nausea, vomiting, or confusion occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately and the attending physician should be informed of the change in condition. In any case, it is not recommended to take more than three tablespoons of infusion (3-5 leaves per glass of boiled water) even if you feel great and have no allergies.

Thus, we examined the beneficial properties of the flower and contraindications for using juice from the leaves of the houseplant Crassula. Crassula is an extremely useful plant in the home flower garden due to its properties, which can reduce the number of viral diseases in the inhabitants of the house, purify the air in the apartment, help in the treatment of burns, provide first aid for insect bites, and cure a sore throat.

Useful properties of Crassula

Many people have repeatedly noticed that a fat plant in a house is a kind of indicator of the health of the people living in it. The tree absorbs negative energy, taking it away from the patient, as a result of which it begins to wither and become sick.

Moreover, after the owner recovers, the plant also begins to recover. The leaves of the indoor money tree plant have beneficial properties. They are distinguished by a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, due to which they are actively used in folk medicine.

The beneficial properties of money tree leaves are:

  • For treating cuts, minor wounds, scratches and burns;
  • For bruises and sprains, apply to sore spots;
  • For quick relief of all unpleasant symptoms of insect bites.

With the help of the leaves of the plant and their juice, you can eliminate sore throats, herpes rashes on the lips , and provide significant assistance with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The money tree is useful for people with diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. You can read about the beneficial properties of money tree and contraindications for using crassula in this article.

Is the plant poisonous or not?

Arsenic is a poison for any living organism. But the amount of it in the fatty acid is not very large. Is it possible to eat the pulp of the plant?

Can adults take the juice or pulp orally?

If an adult is careful and consults a specialist, the juice and pulp of the money tree in small quantities, strictly according to the prescription, can be used internally to treat stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, enhance metabolism, alleviate neurology, and kidney diseases.

It is very effective and efficient to treat sore throats, herpes on the lips, cuts and abrasions with Crassula infusions.

Why is it dangerous for children?

Is Crassula poisonous to children? It is strictly forbidden to give money tree juice and pulp internally to children . A child’s body is extremely sensitive to arsenic even in tiny doses, so even one leaf eaten can cause not only vomiting and diarrhea, but also loss of consciousness and severe allergies. External use of Crassula is safe for children.

How dangerous is the money tree for humans?

The composition of the plant has not been thoroughly studied to this day, however, a very significant content of arsenic and its compounds has been found in the leaves of the fat plant. This substance is highly toxic and poses a danger to human life.

In earlier times, arsenic was actively used in dentistry to kill nerves, but today doctors use other, safer drugs for this purpose. In itself, the plant does not pose any threat to humans.

Crassula does not emit harmful compounds into the air, but, on the contrary, cleans it and creates a healthy atmosphere around.

Is the money tree poisonous or not for humans? Crassula is not considered poisonous. Its leaves can be used to treat the skin and for external use to treat many diseases, but Crassula leaves and juice should not be consumed internally.

Contraindications and precautions

Crassula is not poisonous. However, it continues to cause ongoing controversy in the scientific and pseudo-scientific community. After all, the arsenic contained in it - even in such minute quantities - does not give reason to consider it a completely safe plant. You should be very careful about the advice to “ chew two or three leaves of crassula before eating .” Arsenic is a poison, its compounds - arsenides - can accumulate in bone tissue, and this sharply limits the use of fatty acids internally. In addition, it can cause individual intolerance. It's best not to let your beloved money tree be accidentally eaten by your even more beloved children and pets - in significant quantities this can cause symptoms of poisoning.

And you must first of all remember that it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, so at the first signs of a disease you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

In summary, I would like to say, dear readers, if you still don’t have this wonderful plant in every sense in your house - a true friend and healer , and extremely picky and very grateful - hurry up! Nowadays, crassula can be purchased at any flower shop. And if there is, but you are expecting something vague like cash flow from it, we are happy to tell you how to use this amazing plant wisely, specifically and with health benefits. After all, health is the greatest wealth!

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