What indoor plants can be grown from seeds?

Any summer resident wants to get a rich harvest on his plot. Proper planting and growing seeds are the main stages in this difficult journey, and the final result depends on how seriously the gardener approaches this issue. Of course, you can purchase ready-made seedlings, but this does not guarantee the yield and good growth of the purchased varieties.

You can easily organize the process of growing seedlings at home

You don’t need to have any special knowledge or skills to grow beautiful, strong and healthy plants. It is enough to have a little idea of ​​how to properly grow seeds in order to avoid a number of mistakes that can affect the quality of the seedlings, and subsequently the entire harvest.


The fruits of this exotic plant taste like pineapple and apple. By planting a medlar seed, you will be able to harvest in 4-6 years, provided proper care and conditions that are comfortable for the plant. Japanese medlar is more common and is more often found in stores.

  1. After purchasing the fruit, you need to take out the seeds and dry them for 3 days;
  2. then the planting material is scarified with sandpaper and soaked in warm water (if you skip this step, it will take longer for seedlings to emerge);
  3. Next, the seeds are placed in containers filled with fertile soil to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Caring for medlar involves protecting against sunburn and keeping the plant at a temperature of +18°C and above. In winter, she prefers a cool environment with a temperature of +5...+10°C. The plant needs high humidity and moderate watering, fertilizing 2 times a month.

Which seed varieties should you choose: regular or hybrids?

Seeds marked F1 will give a more stable harvest , but they are not suitable for planting next year. Ordinary varieties can be replanted and they will retain their positive and negative qualities. A variety of hybrids can be selected based on the growing area.

Pre-sowing treatment . Many gardeners and gardeners skip the pre-sowing stage, but this will not only improve their germination, but also protect them from various diseases. As a rule, in stores you can purchase seed that has already undergone this procedure, but if you prepare the seeds yourself, then you will have to take the process seriously.

Disinfection (etching)

To destroy pathogenic microorganisms and prevent various diseases, the seeds must be soaked in potassium permanganate (1% potassium permanganate solution) for 20 minutes or use baking soda dissolved in water. Hydrogen peroxide heated to 40 degrees is also suitable for pre-treatment. The seeds are soaked for 7-10 minutes.

Using the hydrothermal method, it is possible to process seed material without the use of chemicals. To do this, you need to pour hot (about 50 degrees) water over the seeds and soak for at least 20 minutes, then water them with cold water.

Treatment (disinfection) of seeds for growing seedlings


To select empty seeds, they are calibrated. To do this, prepare a 5% soda solution, pour seeds into it, mix thoroughly and let it brew for about 5 minutes. Everything that remains on the surface is drained, and those seeds that have settled at the bottom are washed with water and dried.

Advice! Very small seeds are calibrated with an electrified plastic stick. The stuck seeds are removed, and the remaining ones are prepared for sowing.

Calibration of seeds before planting

Stratification and hardening

Stratification is carried out so that seedlings appear at approximately the same time. To do this, the seeds are soaked and kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius. Small seeds can be spread on a cotton pad. On the site, the soaked seeds can be placed in one foam tray, covered with another and immersed in the snow.

Some heat-loving crops require additional hardening . This will help increase their endurance to temperature fluctuations and other vagaries of nature. Seeds that are ready to germinate and are already swollen are alternately exposed to high and low temperatures. To do this, for several days every 12 hours the temperature is changed from 18-20 degrees to -2 degrees. After the procedure, the seed can be kept at normal home temperature.

Stratification and hardening of seeds

Warming up

This stage is intended for processing pumpkin seeds and other representatives of this family. It will help increase germination and the number of female buds.

The planting material is wrapped in a bandage or gauze and placed next to a working battery or in the oven, maintaining 50 degrees, then raising the temperature to 60 degrees. They are kept for about 2-4 hours and stirred occasionally.

Warming up the seeds should not be too long, otherwise they can be damaged

Nutrient Fortification

Some seeds have a small supply of nutrition, so the procedure is very useful for them. This activates the seedlings and their metabolism.

A few days before sowing, prepare a solution of fertilizers containing minerals, macro and microelements. The temperature of the liquid should be at least 40-45 degrees. The seeds are kept for 24 hours and dried.

Microelements have a beneficial effect on the quality of planting material


Before sowing, to speed up the appearance of seedlings, the seeds are soaked. Ordinary tap water is not suitable for this; it is better to stock up on melt water, rain water, or purchase still water at the store.

The seeds are sprinkled in a thin layer on a cloth, then placed in a shallow bowl or plate, a little water is poured in so that the seed is in the water but does not float, and covered with a cloth. The dishes are put away in a warm, dark place.

Seed soaking process

It is important to constantly keep the fabric damp and add water at room temperature as needed. The temperature must be at least 20 degrees. Different types of plants require different soaking times. Some seeds need to be soaked for 12 hours, while others will need to be soaked for 2-3 days.

Time for sowing seeds

An experienced gardener who has been growing seedlings for many years already has some idea of ​​when to plant seedlings in the ground or in a greenhouse . Beginners in this matter sometimes have a hard time. On the Internet you can find a huge amount of information about when it is worth sowing a particular plant variety.

To determine the optimal time for sowing and planting seedlings , it is important to pay attention to many factors that influence the growth and development of plants. Today you can see a huge variety of varieties on sale, differing not only in external characteristics, quality and quantity of fruits, but also in growth rate, so it is impossible to name a universal planting date for them.

Seeds are planted at different times, depending on the type of crop.

Growing season

The growth of a plant from planting to fruiting and harvesting is usually called the growing season. Some varieties are characterized by rapid growth and begin to bear fruit soon after planting, while others simply do not have time to grow. Therefore, information about the speed of maturation is often indicated on seed packaging. Plants with a longer growing season require early planting, while early maturing varieties can be sown later.


Orange seeds planted at the end of February germinate in 1-1.5 months. Select the largest seeds from a healthy and beautiful fruit, wash them thoroughly and soak in water for 10-12 hours. After this, place the planting material in individual containers, deepening it 1 cm.

For comfortable orange development, a universal soil is suitable. Both a lack of moisture and its excess are harmful to the plant. In summer, the tree should be placed on the balcony, and in winter, daylight hours should be extended to 12 hours. Maintain high humidity and fertilize 2 times a month.

The seed will grow into a wild plant that can bloom only after 10 years. And the number of fruits on it is unpredictable.

Selection of planting material

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of seed. The fact is that indoor flowers, such as violet or petunia, and seedlings of outdoor plants, such as wisteria, marigolds or lavender, and fresh herbs (mint, dill, parsley, green onions) can grow in a pot. Also, seeds of many vegetables, such as tomatoes, sweet peppers and others, are planted in the pot.

Whatever garden crop or flower is planted, when choosing, you should consider the following:

  1. Manufacturer's company. Of course, many are trying to save money. But when buying cheap seed, there is a risk that the seeds will not germinate and you will have to buy them again. When purchasing seed, it is better to give preference to well-known companies that have proven themselves well in the market. If you have no experience in choosing seeds, you can consult on this issue in a specialized store. Experts will tell you which variety to choose and what you should pay attention to.
  2. It is better to take seed material in paper bags. © https://ydoo.info/qa/kak-posadit-semya-v-gorshok.html Now you can see how seeds are sold from bags, but this is wrong, since the container does not create the necessary conditions for storage. It is in paper bags and in small portions that seed material is best stored. In addition, the growing season and other useful information for gardeners are indicated on the packaged seeds.
  3. Yield parameters. This point must be taken into account when planting vegetable crops. The fact is that high-yielding varieties, as a rule, are more demanding to care for and are susceptible to diseases, and therefore do not always produce the amount of fruit that the gardener expects. Seeds with low yields are more adapted to external factors and are also less likely to get sick, which means you can harvest a good harvest from them. It will be nice if you plant different seeds. During the growing process it will become clear which ones are better.
  4. Seed type: regular or hybrid (the latter are marked F1). If planting will be done in the near future, it is better to buy ordinary varieties. In the case when seeds are purchased in advance, it is better to give preference to hybrid ones. It is worth noting that hybrids are considered higher quality seed. They germinate well, they flower early, and vegetable crops also bear good fruit. You don’t even need to buy ordinary varieties, but collect them from plants already growing on the site.

When choosing planting material, you should take into account all the parameters, since this often determines what the harvest will be like.


The Chinese plum is an ideal houseplant. Its development is slow, and fruiting is possible only 10 years after planting.

If you have a lychee seed, plant it as soon as possible. Over time, its germination potential will become less and less. Lychee does not require much space; several seeds can be placed in one container at once.

Then the plantings are covered with film and moved to a warm room. The film is removed when sprouts appear. This process takes about 2 weeks.

The transplant will not be necessary soon: only when the lychee grows to 20 cm.

What flowers to sow for seedlings in March

  1. In March, annual flowers are sown for early flowering : ageratum, alyssum, annual asters, arctotis, pansies, venidium, verbena, gatsanias, helichrysum, sweet peas, sweet tobacco, gillyflower, lobelias, snapdragons, cleomes, penstemon, petunias, salvias, cineraria, celosia, Drummond's phlox.
  2. Perennial flowers: carnations, cornflowers, cornflowers.
  3. Indoor plants: hippeastrum, dwarf pomegranate, gloxinia, coffee, laurel, citrus fruits, lemon eucalyptus, palm trees. These crops can be sown all year round, but in March the duration of natural daylight increases, which makes it possible to do without artificial additional lighting. In addition, seedlings that grow from seeds sown in March manage to get stronger by the fall, which allows them to survive the next winter without loss.
  4. Plants suitable for potting and gardening: balsams, brovallias, coleus, kufei, pelargoniums, schisanthus, fuchsias and others.


The goal of gardeners planting avocados is not to collect fruits, but to gain new experience. It is unlikely that this plant will bear fruit at home.

The simplest and most obvious way to grow an avocado is to germinate the seeds in a container of water.

  1. To create a supporting structure, 3-4 toothpicks are placed in the blunt part.
  2. And the bone itself should be only a third immersed in water.
  3. After a few weeks, young roots will form, and then a strong sprout.
  4. When it stretches to 5 cm, it’s time to place the seed in a container with soil.

The plant needs a moist environment and bright light. Too high a temperature is detrimental to avocados; optimal conditions are +16...+20°C. During the period of active development, it is necessary to apply fertilizers and pinch out the upper parts of the shoots.


Even a novice gardener can cope with growing a tangerine tree. This citrus fruit holds the record for the fastest germination rate. Having created all the conditions for the plant, you will notice sprouts already 3-4 weeks after planting.

The plant needs an abundance of moisture and light, transplanting into larger containers as it develops. An alternative to replanting for mature trees is to change the top layer of soil. Moving to a new pot can be very stressful for your plants.


An important step in planting grapefruit is choosing the seed. It should be large, and the fruit should be freshly cut. If the planting material dries out, there is a high probability that it will not germinate.

Caring for grapefruit is similar to growing other citrus fruits, and the gardener’s task is to create conditions similar to subtropical ones. This way the plant will feel comfortable.

Once grafted, you will be able to harvest from the tree.


The peculiarity of this option is the planting of a large number of seeds due to the low germination rate. October is the optimal time for planting apricots, and sprouts will appear only in May.

To properly nourish the plantings, moisten them from April. Young plants need a large amount of moisture in May and June, and after that the amount of watering should be reduced.

The timing of sowing seeds: what does it depend on?

There are not so many nuances: firstly, the period depends on the region of residence and the type of seed.
In the southern regions, seeds are sown in late spring, in May. The weather in the south already in spring pleases with warm weather.

Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are planted around the end of February - beginning of March, that is, about a month and a half before the intended planting in the ground.

Early ripening varieties are sown a couple of weeks later.

Basic information is always indicated on the seed packaging.


The advantage of the plant is excellent seed germination. They are collected in the summer, placed in sand for the winter and periodically ventilated. In spring it's time to plant cherries in containers. With proper care, which is similar to caring for cherries, the plant can serve as a rootstock or fully bear fruit.

Save the seeds of exotic plants and try planting them. This fascinating process is not complicated; it is only important to create comfortable conditions for the plantings and do not forget about fertilizing.

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