Signs and superstitions about cyclamen in the house. How does it affect women and men how to place a flower correctly?

05/28/201905/28/2019 Irina Malinina 0 comments

Most indoor crops prefer to bloom in the warm season, but if you are tired of the autumn grayness and winter frosts, then pay attention to the indoor cyclamen flower, the flowering time of which begins in November and ends in April. Caring for it is not easy, but this plant is worth your efforts and will definitely delight you with its abundant lush flowers.

Today you will learn about how to care for cyclamen at home, all the subtleties and nuances of cultivation and breeding.

Cyclamen flower - botanical description

The cyclamen flower, Drakva or Alpine violet, belongs to the Primrose and Myrsingaceae families. The homeland of cyclamen is the hot countries of the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, North-East Africa, the Krasnodar Territory and part of the Caucasus. This natural area has hot summers and fairly cool winters, and cyclamens love the cold, winter well under the snow, and then “peck” through it and bloom in bright islands.

Alpine violet blooms in autumn, when the air temperature drops below 15 ° C, and delights with its flowers until April. Prefers well-drained soil, but thrives on Alpine rock. As temperatures rise to summer temperatures, the leaves die off and cyclamens go dormant until the fall cools.

The root system is tubers, round-shaped modified roots that can accumulate a supply of nutrients. In cyclamens, the tuber is hard, fleshy, and can reach fifteen centimeters in diameter.

The leaves are petiolate and begin to grow immediately from the ground, that is, the plant does not have a main stem. The surface is leathery, the shape is heart-shaped. Their coloring is quite bizarre and variegated. They can be different shades of green with a silver pattern on the outer surface. Leaf diameter is up to 14 cm. The petioles are short, red-brown in color.

The flowers are very bright, appearing at the ends of fairly long (up to 20 cm) bare peduncles. They are shaped like a butterfly. They have five pointed petals growing backwards, that is, bent back. They can be either simple or terry. The length of one petal does not exceed five centimeters. The floral range is all shades of white, pink, red and purple.

The lifespan of one flower is no more than ten days, but during the entire flowering period, only one cyclamen bush can boast of producing from fifty to seventy flowers. Due to the fact that the buds replace each other, the alpine violet blooms continuously for several months in a row. And what is most valuable is the winter months, when we simply physically demand bright gifts from nature.

After flowering ends, the fruit-box ripens, containing many small seeds.

Energy of flowers according to Feng Shui

For the correct placement of cyclamen according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to take into account the energetic properties of these flowers:

  • the plant has a cold aura and belongs to the elements of water and earth. The flower is protected by the zodiac sign Taurus, which in turn obeys the rhythms of the planet Venus. For this reason, cyclamen petals are most often bright, giving an attractive appearance;
  • Cosmic bodies that give unusual properties to the plant include the Moon, Mercury and the Sun. These objects, due to their location, feed flowers with cosmic power, which in turn have a positive effect on a person, allowing him to self-organize, cultivate feelings and stabilize the nervous system;
  • rat and monkey are symbols of the eastern calendar that correspond to this bright plant;
  • The type of character of a person for whom cyclamen is ideally suited is sanguine.

Popular types and varieties

Currently, botanists count two dozen species of alpine violet.

Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • standard – the height of the bush reaches 30 cm;
  • medium-sized - about 20 cm;
  • dwarf - maximum height of peduncles - 15 cm.

Let's look at some of them.


Thanks to its large flowers, gardeners prefer to grow this species as a houseplant. Based on the Persian cyclamen, many ornamental varieties with various colors of leaves and flowers were bred.

It has large round-flat tubers. Very meaty and quite firm. The heart-shaped leaves are dark green, “painted” with a beautiful silver pattern, and reach fifteen centimeters in length.

Peduncles are tall, red-brown. Together with the blossoming flower, the height of the plant is about thirty centimeters. The palette of shades is very diverse, from white and pink to red and purple.

It blooms very luxuriantly and so beautifully that breeders still use Persian cyclamen to obtain new hybrid varieties.


Another popular species that is often grown at home. But its flowers are much smaller. It's like comparing lush Persian lilacs with ordinary ones.

European cyclamen has tiny leaves - only three to four centimeters in length. On top they are light green in color, and on the “wrong” side they are purple. The flower petals are short, two centimeters, while those of the Persian cyclamen are twice as large.

The main feature is the “wrong” flowering period. It begins in early May and ends in September, that is, the plant is more summer than winter. There is no dormant period as such, the leaves do not die and grow all year round. Caring for cyclamen at home is much easier; it does not require strict temperature conditions, the main thing is not to allow the temperature to exceed 25 ° C and provide diffused light.

But despite such tempting conditions, this type of alpine violet is not very popular due to its inconspicuousness and small flowers.


Already from the name it is clear that this type of cyclamen grows exclusively in Crete. The dimensions of the flower are very small, barely reaching fifteen centimeters. Blooms with white and pale pink flowers.

The leaves are very distinctive - heart-shaped with jagged edges. On a green background there is an olive pattern and a scattering of spots.

Prefers a humid environment and does not like direct sunlight.


Habitat: Syria, Turkey, Mediterranean, Caucasus, Krasnodar region. It grows on poor rocky soils, so it barely reaches ten centimeters in height. Winters well under snow cover.

Flowering begins in late winter and early spring, when the snow melts. The flowers are tiny, dark purple at the base, gradually turning into a lighter shade, the tips of the petals are white or slightly pinkish.

The leaves are round in shape, variegated above with a light pattern, and burgundy-purple below.

This species is listed in the Red Book of Russia and is very rare in our country.

Ivy, or Neapolitan

Its main difference from other species is that pedicels with white-pink bright flowers appear first, and only then leaves grow. It is grown both in open ground and as a house plant. It is characterized by incredible frost resistance, withstands temperatures down to -28 ° C.

The leaves resemble ivy. They can be of different colors - from rich green to bright with a silver pattern.

Flowering begins in early autumn. The corollas are small, the petals are from 1.5 to 3 cm. The color is pale pink, but with a clearly defined purple V-shaped spot at the base of the petal. Decorative varieties also have a white color.

Signs according to the state of the flower

Cyclamen is a capricious plant. If not properly cared for, it will die within a month. But it happens that a flower dies with absolutely proper care, which is a sign: the cyclamen has died - a person’s self-esteem has fallen. It is necessary to analyze your life over a certain period, change your attitude towards many things, stop indulging the whims of others, sacrificing personal time.

The dead plant is immediately disposed of. The soil in which it grew is not thrown away, since the energy of the flower could be preserved in it. After this, a new cyclamen is purchased.

Growing and care at home

Cyclamen loves cool, fresh air, which is quite difficult to provide in an apartment. It is this condition that is considered the most difficult to achieve, especially in the presence of central heating, which we cannot influence. Otherwise, the plant is very unpretentious. Let's take a closer look at how to care for cyclamen and what requirements it places on its owners.


The most favorable temperature regime for a winter-flowering plant is 14-16 °C. It is especially important to observe it during the flowering period. To do this, cyclamen is protected as much as possible from heating sources with a protective screen, placed on a cool windowsill or taken out onto a glassed-in loggia.

The maximum temperature is +25 ° C with high air humidity, but in this case the flower may not bloom, but shed its leaves and go into hibernation.

In order for the plant to bloom magnificently, it is recommended to harden it by artificially lowering the temperature, spraying and frequent ventilation. Cold and dew only strengthen the leaves and root system.

If you turn the flower upside down and place it on the leaves, they should not bend. If the petioles cannot stand it, then the plant is not strong and hardened enough.

During flowering, the room temperature should be maintained no higher than +15 °C and fresh air should be provided as often as possible by ventilation.

Lighting and humidity

The cyclamen flower is very light-loving, but does not tolerate aggressive sunlight directed directly at it. The ideal place for the plant is a cool window sill facing east or west. When the sun rises and sets, the rays fall obliquely and do not harm the delicate leaves. And in the midday heat you can protect the flower with shading.

In winter, when daylight hours become short, cyclamen can be moved to a southwest or southeast window.

Alpine violet should be sprayed as often as possible, especially if the air temperature exceeds 17-18 °C. But at the same time, you must try to prevent droplets of water from falling on the delicate petals of the flowers. Humidify the air around the pot with a fine spray bottle, or better yet, place the pot in a container with wet expanded clay. The water will evaporate and create a cushion of water around the plant, creating the necessary moisture. Just make sure that the bottom of the pot does not come into contact with water, otherwise the tuber will begin to rot.


How to water cyclamen so that it has enough moisture, but at the same time does not rot? Regardless of the age of the plant, whether it is very young or already mature, watering is carried out according to the following scheme. In summer, the soil is moistened with settled water at room temperature no more than twice a month, since the tuber is at rest, and in winter, especially during the flowering period, as the top layer of soil dries.

Try to prevent water from getting into the rosette of leaves; it should be directed from the tuber to the edges of the pot. Remember, cyclamen cannot tolerate dampness; excessive moisture can cause rotting of the roots.

The flowering plant is moistened using the method of bottom watering - water is poured into a pan and the remainder is drained after half an hour. If the pot is clay, then it can be dipped in water up to the neck for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Through the porous structure of the clay, water will well moisten the soil throughout its entire volume.

Top dressing

It is necessary to fertilize the cyclamen flower from the appearance of the first leaves to the withering of the leaves, that is, during the period of bud formation and flowering. Any liquid mineral fertilizer intended for beautifully flowering domestic crops is suitable for feeding.

Fertilizing is applied twice a month some time after watering. During the dormant period, the tubers do not need feeding.

Soil and replanting

The soil for cyclamen should be well-drained and loose. Alpine violet prefers slightly acidic or neutral soil. To do this, take equal quantities of turf and deciduous soil, peat and coarse sand. But a self-prepared mixture may turn out to be of poor quality and infested with pests, so it is recommended to buy a ready-made substrate for tulips or universal soil at a flower shop.

Now let's look at how to transplant cyclamen. This is done in the fall, after a period of dormancy, when the first leaves have already appeared. In order not to damage the root system, it is best to use the transshipment method, when the roots are not completely freed from the old substrate.

Get a new pot. It should be several centimeters larger in volume than the previous one. They are guided by the width of the root system and add two centimeters so that there is room for the development of roots. A larger pot is not suitable - the alpine violet will not bloom until it has mastered the entire underground part of its territory with its roots.

Make sure the pot has a drainage hole, add a layer of large pebbles or expanded clay and cover it with fresh substrate. Now carefully remove the cyclamen from the old pot and carefully examine the roots. If they are healthy, then the earthen ball is carefully lowered into a new container, and the voids are filled with soil.

If you find that the roots are rotten, then they are removed and the cut is treated with crushed activated carbon or ash. In this case, the earthen lump will almost certainly be cleared of old earth. The plant is planted completely in the updated substrate, but it will need much more time to adapt.

A recently purchased plant in a store also requires replanting; in this case, more peat must be added to the soil to ensure enhanced root growth.

Young cyclamens up to the age of five require annual replanting, and more mature ones - once every two to three years.

All types of cyclamen, except the European one, are planted in such a way that the tuber rises two-thirds above the surface. The European one can be sprinkled with earth, but it should not be buried deep.


Dried leaves and faded flowers must be removed. Firstly, it improves the appearance of the plant, and secondly, this procedure increases the flowering period and promotes the formation of new buds, since cyclamen does not waste energy and nutrition on supporting fading “body parts”.

Just do not pick or cut off the leaves and flower stalks under any circumstances. They need to be “unscrewed”. This way the tuber itself is not injured. If a “wound” does form, it is sprinkled with wood ash or activated carbon.

Care during the rest period

As you already understand, the cyclamen flower prefers cool weather. It blooms in late autumn and, under favorable conditions, can bloom throughout the winter and part of spring. As soon as the temperature rises to 25 ° C, the plant goes into hibernation. At the same time, the leaves dry out and die.

It is advisable to move the pot with the tuber to a cool, dark place - a basement or cellar, and in apartment conditions, many gardeners place it under the bathtub. But watering, even at rest, is necessary, although it is very meager, in small portions and no more than once or twice a month. Any additional feeding at this time is completely excluded.

Folk signs and superstitions about cyclamen

Signs associated with cyclamen have been noticed by people all over the world due to its powerful energy. Most of them have a positive effect and only a small part have a negative effect. The pink and white petals of the plant have the greatest power, and bright red ones help in love.

Family happiness

The flower balances the atmosphere in the house and absorbs stress. This property allows you to resolve any conflicts. Cyclamen in an apartment will help several generations of a family get along. The problem of relationships between mother-in-law and bride, son-in-law and mother-in-law, grandfathers and grandchildren will become a thing of the past.

A flowering plant will attract love into a person’s life, strong feelings, and make its owner romantic. But for this you need to carefully care for your green pet.

Material well-being

The plant is often used in magical rituals to make a person rich. Money is attracted into the life of its owner by white petals that sparkle with a silvery color, and essential oils that have a pleasant smell. If you put at least one small flower leaf in your wallet, or drop cyclamen extract into your wallet, material well-being will come into your life.

For men

There is a rumor among people that cyclamen has a negative effect on men. But that's not true. A flower with powerful energy will greatly change your life for the better . If a person is overwhelmed by depression, the plant will quickly relieve him of nervous tension.

The aura of cyclamen will reveal in an insecure person a fighter and the arbiter of his own destiny. The opinions of the people around him will not be important to him - the main thing in life will be family and the fulfillment of his deepest desires.

Another unusual property of the flower is getting rid of impotence.

For women

Cyclamen is ideal for girls. The aura around the flower will help reveal attractiveness and release sexual energy. Moreover, changes will occur gradually and imperceptibly. One day, a woman will feel that she has become softer and more feminine, and men will more often pay close attention to her. If a girl is married and the feelings between the spouses have faded, the plant will help restore the relationship to its former novelty.

If a woman has experienced a breakup with her man, yearns for her past love, or has found herself infertile, you need to carry with you a dried flower or cyclamen petals that will soothe dull feelings. The energy of the plant will perform a miracle, and the girl and her boyfriend will be able to conceive the long-awaited child.

Reproduction methods

There are two ways to get new plants - tubers and seeds. The first one is used exclusively at home, it is simple and does not require much effort. The second is mainly used for scientific and commercial purposes. Breeders develop new varieties in this way, and flower farmers grow cyclamens in large quantities for sale. This method is quite labor intensive.


During the dormant period, dig the tuber out of the pot and cut it into several pieces. You can get as many of them as there are growth points.

The sections are slightly dried in fresh air, and then treated with a growth stimulator and disinfected with activated carbon or ash. Unfortunately, this does not always help, and the tuber may rot due to a fungal infection, to which cyclamen are very prone.

The tuber pieces are each placed in its own pot. If you are lucky and the cyclamen does not die, then in the fall you can expect the first leaves.


Growing cyclamen from seeds at home is quite difficult; this process is labor-intensive and requires care. The best time for sowing is May and June.

The seeds are planted in deciduous heather soil and the container is covered with film or glass. This creates a greenhouse effect with constant humidity and temperature. Place the container on a warm, sunny windowsill, but avoid direct rays - the light should be diffused. The ideal temperature for germinating sprouts is 18-20 °C. Moisten the soil regularly, removing the glass for ventilation for a while. If all conditions are met, the first shoots will appear in three to four weeks.

After the seedlings get stronger and acquire two leaves, and this will happen no earlier than in a couple of months, they are picked, that is, transplanted at a distance of several centimeters from each other. In this case, the soil should be changed to peat or the same deciduous heather soil should be used, but fresh.

Further care for young plants does not change - the same greenhouse effect and temperature are about twenty degrees. The soil is regularly moistened, but not allowed to overflow. The light should be diffused, slightly shaded. The sprouts are sprayed with a spray bottle twice a day, and ventilation is carried out at the same time.

The seedlings dive for the second time when they already have four leaves. This usually happens in mid-September. The distance between planted plants should be six to seven centimeters.

In winter, young cyclamens are provided with a temperature of +10-12 °C, moderate watering and spraying only on sunny days. It is imperative to loosen the soil to ensure air exchange.

The third dive occurs in January. The seedlings are placed even further apart - eight to ten centimeters. And only in March the young plants are each transplanted into a separate pot. The pot is chosen to be small, up to 10 cm in diameter, and the ratio of width to height should be 1:0.6, that is, ten in width and six in height. A little turf soil mixed with wood shavings is added to the deciduous heather soil. The amount of additives should not exceed one fifth of the total volume of the pot.

The temperature in the greenhouse rises to 22 °C. From this moment, active growth of the plant begins, the foliage extends beyond the pot, so the cyclamens are placed further away so that they do not interfere with each other. They must be shaded from the bright sun and sprayed at least four times a day.

To get strong and strong plants, cyclamens are replanted at least three more times, each time into a pot several centimeters larger than the previous one. The first time this is done is in May, then in June and at the end of July. Moreover, in the first two cases it is necessary to apply fertilizing for cyclamens, but in the latter it is not required.

When transplanting in May, make sure that the substrate is very loose. For subsequent ones, it should be of medium density. In June, the tubers are freed from the soil by only a third, and in July - by half. If this is not done, there is a risk of rotting in the autumn and winter months.

Appearance of the plant

Cyclamen is a small flower suitable for indoors. It grows slowly and reproduces by seedlings. The bud resembles the drooping leaves of a wild violet, only pink. The leaves are green, round with a pointed end.

The flower is quite capricious and requires special conditions. There are several types of house plants. They all love warm and slightly humid air.

There is a beautiful legend. One day, King Solomon was looking for the most beautiful crown in the world. Not a single master could please him; even the garden plants did not please the ruler. But Solomon immediately liked the proud and beautiful cyclamen. He decided that his crown should be in the shape of this flower.

Diseases and pests

Alpine violet is often attacked by parasitic insects; they like its taste and eat it with pleasure. The most common pests are as follows.

  1. Thrips . Small long bugs that feed on plant cell sap. After their “feasts,” dry yellow spots remain on the leaves, which then turn into holes. The plant stops growing and, if measures are not taken, quickly dies.
  2. Aphid . Prefers to settle on buds, sucking flower juice. Pests are clearly visible due to their large numbers.
  3. Gray moth caterpillars . They eat leaves, forming holes on them.

A plant affected by insects is first sprayed with a strong soap solution made from hot water and brown laundry soap. The caterpillars must be collected by hand. Wipe all leaves with a soapy sponge.

Then any insecticidal agent is purchased at the flower shop. It is used to treat cyclamen according to the instructions, spraying several times at a certain interval depending on the type of parasite.

Very often, alpine violets suffer from fungal diseases. Infection occurs through contaminated soil, which is why it is recommended to purchase ready-made substrate from flower shops.

If the leaves begin to rot, they are cut off and the “wound” is treated with wood ash or crushed activated carbon. To be sure to get rid of rot, mold and mildew, cyclamens are treated with fungicides.

Fungal diseases of cyclamens are as follows.

  1. Dry rot. The leaves turn yellow, very often on one side of the plant.
  2. Wet rot. The leaves wilt and darken, accompanied by an unpleasant putrefactive odor.
  3. Gray rot. A gray coating of pollen appears on the leaves, which is spread around when the air blows. Often develops at low temperatures and high humidity.
  4. Root rot. Dark spots appear on the tuber, and the leaves turn pale and wither.
  5. Anthracnose. First, the flower stalks are affected, dropping their buds and drying out. Then comes the turn of the leaves. The fungus develops well in warmth and excessive humidity.
  6. Sooty fungus. Black spots on the leaves that clog the pores, after which the leaves dry out.

How to behave and what to do if a flower fades?

  1. In order for the magical properties of cyclamen to fully manifest themselves, it must be carefully looked after. It is better not to approach cyclamen in a bad mood.
  2. At the first signs of fading, perhaps it makes sense to look into yourself and reconsider something in your own life.
  3. If the flower nevertheless withers and cannot be saved, it is necessary to get rid of the plant, saving the soil for new plantings.

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Despite the whimsical disposition and reverent attitude towards oneself, cyclamen, possessing such powerful energy, will definitely take its rightful place in the heart of its caring owner and will not disappoint her. It can be a wonderful gift and a wonderful symbol of simple human happiness.

Problems with cyclamen

Alpine violet can cause a novice gardener a lot of difficulties and headaches. Either it drops its leaves, then it refuses to bloom, or some other misfortune will happen. If you are new to growing indoor flowers and are not familiar with the characteristics of cyclamen, then this cheat sheet will help you make the correct “diagnosis” and adjust your care.

ProblemReason and solution
Brown spots on leaves.There is not enough humidity in the air.
Provide more frequent spraying or place the pot in a tray with wet expanded clay. The same problem can also arise due to too bright sunlight or direct rays hitting the leaves, causing burns. Move the pot to a more suitable place or shade it.
Cyclamen dropped the buds that had already formed.Failure to comply with temperature conditions. Most likely the flower became hot.
Sparse flowering.Perhaps the pot is too big. The plant is busy “capturing” a new territory and increasing its root mass. He has no time to be distracted by the formation of buds.
The leaves turn yellow and wither.If this happens after the end of flowering, then this is a normal phenomenon - the flower is preparing for a period of rest.
In other cases, overwatering was most likely the culprit. Rotting has begun - the plant urgently needs to be saved. Remove the tuber from the pot and remove all damaged parts of the root system. Treat the sections with ash or activated carbon. Plant the flower in a new substrate. Take care of proper watering.
Cyclamen does not bloom.The apartment is too warm. The optimal temperature for budding and flowering is +15 °C.

Gift meaning

Receiving cyclamen as a gift is a sign that a person wants to bring a piece of peace and warmth to your home. The plant will help you forget sadness and sadness and drive away various negative emotions from you.

  1. If a young man gave you cyclamen, then you should think about his possible desire to replenish his family. After all, it is this flower that helps a woman with having offspring.
  2. For a man, such a gift will help get rid of problems with potency.
  3. If you give cyclamen to a family where the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are quarreling in the same house, then after a few weeks you can see how their relationship improves.

If you see this cute flower in a store, you can confidently purchase it as a gift for yourself or loved ones. After all, now you know what it means to give cyclamen.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Since ancient times, cyclamens have been used for medicinal purposes. With their help, purulent skin diseases and boils were treated. Back in the sixteenth century, they tried to induce labor and intensify contractions. And the ear-shaped leaves gave hope that the plant could treat otitis media.

Currently, the plant extract is part of such a well-known drug as Sinuforte. It is used in pharmacology for the manufacture of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, and antimicrobial agents.

The plant juice can be harmful if used incorrectly and in excess of the dosage. Therefore, refrain from traditional methods of treatment with cyclamen. It is strictly forbidden to give it to children, expectant and nursing mothers, or people with allergies.

If there are animals in your house, especially cats that walk on their own and can easily get onto the windowsill, then know that cyclamens are poisonous to four-legged pets.

Cyclamen in family relationships

The plant that we are considering today is capable of improving relationships in the family, as well as avoiding unnecessary conflicts between representatives of different generations.

Cyclamen will be especially useful for girls who cannot establish relationships with their mother-in-law. According to signs, after this flower appears in the house, the mother-in-law will be more gentle and respectful towards her daughter-in-law. The same applies to the relationship between son-in-law and mother-in-law.

The benefits of cyclamen for family relationships

Buying and choosing a place for a flowerpot

The bedroom is considered a good place to place cyclamen. The potty is placed on the cabinet at the head of the bed on the right. At such a distance, it can influence the mental state, improve sleep, and improve relationships between spouses. The first positive effect appears after 7-10 days.

Some useful tips:

  • must be kept 2.5 m away from other species;
  • the radius of the flower's magic is about 5 m;
  • outside the radius of cyclamen a person is not protected;
  • The field of view clears away slight evil eye or envy.

You can purchase an adult plant or a small sprout. The main thing is to carefully care for it and make sure it doesn’t wilt. All family members can do this. After purchasing it, they bring it home and place it in the central room of the house or apartment.

First the flower gets used to it. Then you need to look at it carefully for 3-4 minutes, thinking about what positive emotions the plant evokes in you. After energy charging, the cyclamen is placed in a permanent place.

Spells and evil enchantments do not work in the field of effect of the flower. Previously, it was believed that the view protected the home from natural disasters, the machinations of bad weather, or destruction at the hands of enemies. In folk tradition, cyclamen is a combination of wisdom and modesty.

In addition to energy instructions, you must comply with the requirements of gardening: replant, water on time, choose a lighted and warm place for the plant. Then it will delight you with its bright blooms, and for the superstitious it will become a home amulet or talisman. To fully experience the magical effect, you must take care of the flower yourself.

Healing properties

The main advantages of keeping cyclamen in the house in terms of energy are that it cleanses the atmosphere of the home and enhances it, introducing:

In a family where cyclamens are bred, no one quarrels, there is no generational conflict. Usually, culture has a beneficial effect on fertility - families have many children. The plant also enhances a man’s potency.

Negative influences are absorbed by the cared for cyclamen. The plant ricochets damage, the evil eye, and black envy. Increases self-confidence, helps fight unreasonable fears and mental anguish. Normalizes sleep, improves mood.

It is considered a reliable antidepressant. If a person has accumulated bad thoughts or worries, he should take care of the flower: water it, wipe the leaves. In the process, they often come up with original ideas that are successfully brought to life. Alone with him, you will be able to throw off imposed stereotypes and masks in order to understand what you really want at a particular moment.

Is it possible to keep cyclamen at home?

One legend speaks of King Solomon, who immediately after the construction of the temple desired to receive his crown. Many craftsmen offered the ruler a variety of crowns, but he did not like any of them.

Saddened, Solomon went for a walk in the hills, where he saw a colorful carpet of flowers. Flowers offered themselves to the ruler as a crown, but he refused these “complacent” plants. Returning from a walk, Solomon noticed a small pink cyclamen .

The king liked this flower, and he decided to make a crown from it. According to Solomon, wisdom must be combined with modesty. He believed that it was these qualities that cyclamen reflects.

Known superstitions about the species

There are several common signs about the home flower cyclamen.

  1. A house where there is a plant is an unfavorable environment for men. They feel uncomfortable and do not show love to the woman. If you buy cyclamen while married and bring it into the house, this will lead to a strong quarrel or even divorce.
  2. At the same time, for unmarried women and young girls, it has a good effect on the emotional sphere and sensuality. Cyclamen reveals sexual potential and helps to achieve harmony with oneself.

To some extent, superstitions contradict each other. Folk sages get out of the situation this way: if a girl keeps culture before marriage, then it will not affect the relationship. And if the spouse decides to breed cyclamen, then expect trouble. Especially if the husband is not confident in his abilities or is going through a crisis.

The validity of the assumption about the plant is debatable. Therefore, everyone acts at their own discretion. In addition to the above signs, there are others, more positive and associated with the magical properties of an indoor flower.

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