Bell flowers in the house. What signs and superstitions are associated with Campanula?

Campanula is a delicate houseplant considered one of the most beautiful inhabitants of the windowsill. It is also called the “Bride and Groom” flower due to the fact that most species are colored white and blue. But hybrids have also appeared that have a completely virgin white or azure blue hue.

The shape of flowers is similar to church bells, so they have long symbolized spirituality, decency, modesty, chastity, humility and love for loved ones. Their unobtrusive but exquisite beauty has become one of the reasons for their popularity. There are several signs and superstitions associated with these sophisticated house bells.

How to care for bride and groom flowers

Not everyone knows how to care for a plant. This herbaceous plant is very picky to care for. But its lifespan is no more than two years.

After this time, it begins to stretch and dry out, so it is better to renew it. There will be no problems with the way the bell reproduces.

It can be propagated by seeds and cuttings, without any abstruse tricks. You just need to collect round seed pods or trim shoots from a 2-year-old plant.

Regular universal peat soil will be quite suitable soil for planting campanula. Good drainage is mandatory because the bell does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Seeds are sown superficially when they are not covered with soil. Simply spray generously from a spray bottle and cover with film. Create a greenhouse effect. Sprouts appear in 3-5 days. Then the sprouts are picked and planted.

Saplings "Bride and Groom"

Advice. If the cutting method is used, then the cut shoots of the old plant are placed in water with “root” or any other preparation for the best root formation. On day 3-4, thin white roots will begin to form. This means that it can already be planted in the ground, creating a greenhouse effect after planting for better rooting.



Terry hybrids. The bush is small in size, with large double flowers. The stems are shortened, the leaves are densely arranged. This species was obtained by crossing the Carpathian bellflower and Campanula sparrowfolia.

Important! Terry forms of flowers are more unpretentious and do not take root with all amateur gardeners.

Carpathian campaign. A herbaceous bush up to 30 cm high. The leaves have an oval shape and are located below under the guise of a basal rosette. The flowers are painted in white, blue, lilac and violet shades, and are quite large in size. Flowering lasts from May to August. The flower grows in wild and domestic conditions. The street flower is found in the Carpathian mountains.


Like many house plants, Campanula needs propagation for rejuvenation purposes. The most effective way is cuttings. But the flower can also be propagated by seeds, green shoots and dividing the bush.


The petioles are cut off at the end of summer, when they are sufficiently strong and mature. For propagation, use the lower part of the plant with healthy cuttings of 10 cm. Such a strong cutting is cut off and placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After 6-7 hours in the solution, it is changed to clean water until roots appear. You can enhance the appearance of roots with the help of Kornevin. When roots appear, the flower is transplanted into a mixture of peat and sand and creates a greenhouse effect.

Flower growers recommend replanting several cuttings into one pot for density. To do this, use a glass jar or polyethylene cap. The optimal temperature under the hood is 20-24°C. In the morning and evening, the greenhouse should be opened slightly and sprayed with water. As the cuttings take root, the plant will need more and more fresh air. Once the roots have taken root, the greenhouse can be removed. In the spring, Campanula propagated from cuttings can bloom with proper care.

Important! For branching of the flower and additional shoots, pinch the tops of the shoots when they reach 7-10 centimeters.

Green shoots

Vegetative propagation carried out in spring. It is important that young green branches grow. Green shoots with a heel are separated from the flower and planted in a mixture of peat and sand. Next, cover it with a greenhouse made of film and put it in a cool place. The temperature should be between 12 and 15°C. The greenhouse is regularly sprayed and watered.


Small seeds are carefully removed and placed in prepared small containers with soil. It is advisable to cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil on top. During the germination period, a greenhouse made of polyethylene or glass is created for the seeds. Ventilation is regular. The seedlings sprout after the appearance of the third leaf. Pinch them for branching. The plants will begin to bloom in the second year.

Dividing the bush

The bush is taken out of the pot together with the earthen lump and divided into parts using a knife. The cut areas are treated with activated carbon in powder form. The cut parts are planted in new containers without going deep into the ground. The planted bushes are placed in a dark place and watered regularly.

Major diseases

The “bride and groom” are also very unpretentious in their care. Watering can be done once a week on a tray, because, given its density, it is almost impossible to water the plant at the root.

It is not advisable to spray the plant itself and the flowers, since the leaves and flowers of the bell are very delicate. Putrefactive spots may begin to form on the surface and gray rot may appear, which is very detrimental to campanula.

Lack of sufficient watering can lead to spider mites. Therefore, it is worth treating the bell with special preparations immediately upon purchase or planting.

Important. The plant does not require replanting for 2 years because it is renewable. Care includes plucking faded buds and watering.

Campanula transplant

Know! Campánula varieties used in indoor floriculture are mainly annuals. Therefore, the need for transplantation rarely occurs. However, if the selected flowerpot does not match the size of the growing bush, it may be necessary to replant it.

Under such circumstances, transplantation is advisable. But remember that it can only be carried out in the spring or autumn seasons. Proper transplantation of Campánula comes down to the following steps:

  1. Place a layer of drainage in the prepared flowerpot, and then a layer of fresh soil mixture.
  2. We carefully transfer the shrub into a new flowerpot without disturbing the earthen lump.
  3. Align the bush in the flowerpot.
  4. Using your fingers, carefully level the soil in the flowerpot.
  5. We water the transplanted specimen.

Correct lighting

Campanula feels great in street plantings. You just need to choose a place that is not too sunny and without direct rays. The same lighting principle should be followed at home.

It is better if the window for the bell faces west or southwest, then the flowering will become abundant and friendly. After all, even the leaves of a blooming campanula are not visible, it is so densely strewn with flowers.

This flower looks very impressive in the following places:

  • ampel plantings;
  • hanging flowerpots;
  • discounts;
  • flower beds;
  • curbs.

It harmonizes perfectly with petunia, matthiola and other garden flowers. The bride and groom also feel good in the Alpine slides. Exuberant flowering will undoubtedly decorate the entire composition.

Interesting. The name “bride and groom” began to be used because of the color of these delicate flowers. White and blue flowers are often planted in the same pot, where they intertwine and seem to gently hug each other.

At home, bellflower is one of the most unpretentious plants. Spectacular, very abundant flowering from spring to late autumn makes it one of the favorite indoor plants.

Caring for Campanula at home

Light and warmth

Bride and groom flowers grow in indirect sunlight. But despite this, windows to the north are unlikely to suit him. Due to lack of light, the shoots will stretch out and flowering will stop. The plant will lose its beauty.

Optimal lighting conditions are created near windows facing west and east. Campanula will bloom wonderfully next to them in hanging flower pots.

If the window faces south, direct sun will burn the tender leaves. In addition, the “bride” flowers will suffer from drying out soil. If there are no other windows, the plant must be shaded to protect it from the bright sun.

The heat is harmful for the campanula, while it loves open air very much. In summer, the flower will live perfectly on the loggia or in the country house. During the warm period, the favorable temperature should be about twenty degrees. In winter, the plant needs to rest and gain strength for the next flowering. Therefore, he is provided with a temperature of no more than fourteen degrees Celsius.

Soil preparation

Universal soil for decorative flowering plants can be purchased at a flower shop. You can also cook it yourself. To do this, you will need coarse river sand, turf, dry humus, compost and leaf soil. All components are taken in equal parts. After planting, it is very important to periodically loosen the soil in the flower pot, since the plant needs oxygen, which promotes the active development and flowering of the campanula.

Additional Information. The soil for growing campanula should be light and easy to loosen. Regular black soil is too heavy for such a delicate flower.

Choosing a pot

With the arrival of spring, the plant must be transplanted into a new pot, since over the year the soil in the old pot has become very depleted and has lost its nutritional qualities. In early March, the indoor groom or bride flower must be transplanted into new soil rich in useful components.

Flower pot with bride

An overgrown plant needs a new spacious pot so that the roots do not suffer due to cramped space. After transplanting or planting, the plant goes through an adaptation period, so it should be removed away from bright sunlight and not fertilized for one week.


Campanula is distinguished by its moisture-loving nature; therefore, watering should be abundant and systematic, especially on hot days. During the dormant period, watering is carried out very rarely, approximately 1 or 2 times every 30 days, but do not allow the earthen ball in the pot to dry out. Water the flower with well-settled water, which should be at room temperature or a little warmer.

Signs and superstitions

Often, regarding indoor plants, and not only, there are many superstitions and signs. And the campanula did not escape a similar fate. But unlike many other flowers that are expelled from homes for fears invented about them, campanula has received the most flattering reviews.

It is believed that if there is a “bride and groom” in the house, then the owners and members of their family are not in danger of damage or the evil eye. The bell is a symbol of the hearth and a talisman for family happiness. It is considered a good omen to give a “bride and groom” as a wedding gift, as a talisman for a young family.

Popular beliefs

  1. It is believed that if you give Campanula as a wedding gift, happiness, love and harmony will reign in the newlyweds’ home. She will become like “yin” and “yang” for spouses. This is a flower of family happiness.
  2. However, Campanula can be useful not only for married couples. There is a belief that with its help, an unmarried girl will be able to attract her betrothed. Previously, single ladies would tear off a bell at dawn and attach it to the window shutters. The belief is still relevant today, only instead of a shutter a window frame or door is used.
  3. If you hide one flower under your shoe insole, it will bring good luck. But one rule must be observed: tell only the truth. Campanula is an honest plant and helps those who do not deceive other people. Otherwise, you won’t even have to wait for a run of luck.
  4. Despite its resemblance to bells, Campanula does not make a sound. There is an opinion that only a select few are given the opportunity to hear its melodic ringing on the night of Ivan Kupala. Pleasant surprises prepared by fate await this lucky person.

What is an indoor flower “Bride and Groom”

People more often hear other names for the flower: “Bride and Groom”, “Bell” or “Flower of Family Happiness”.

The plant, due to its color and abundant flowering, carries positivity, joy, love of life and is associated with a wedding.

The species diversity of Campanula is great, but for growing at home, only one is most often used - equileaved, which is a perennial climbing plant with a stem up to 30 cm long.

The shape of the leaves resembles a bell, hence one of its names.

In addition to this variety, Campanula Karpatskaya, Campanula Blauranka and terry are available for indoor use.

“Bride and Groom” are unpretentious and do not require special care.

The plant has two bright colors - white and blue, so it is recommended to take a pair so that they complement each other and bring only a positive attitude to gardeners and give them their advantages.

Plant care

Bluebells prefer places where there is no direct sunlight, but the dark sides of the room are also undesirable. A space with good lighting, such as the eastern part of the house, is ideal.

The ideal temperature is 24 degrees. Watering should be done once or twice a day.

Excessive moisture can cause gray rot, a very dangerous disease for plants, and if rare, there is a high risk of spider mites.

Fertilizers are applied once every 15 days.

Faded inflorescences must be trimmed to keep the plant cheerful and well-fed.

Positive signs

“Bride and Groom” have a number of positive signs that characterize the plant as the most suitable for any gardener and any room.

With proper care, Campanula fills the home with positive energy.

The bride and groom are purchased as a couple, but in different colors, then there will be a good mood and a charge of energy for all residents of the house.

Bells are excellent collectors of negativity from the whole family.

The flower helps in relieving stress and solving stressful situations.

Campanula is a symbol of a happy family life, giving all household members positive energy.

When a flower suddenly disappears, nothing helps bring it back to life, which means it has taken damage or the evil eye from one of the residents of the house. When this happens, the plant must be thanked for its service and buried in the ground in nature.

If the newlyweds are presented with a flower of two colors, then the guests will bestow mutual love and happiness on the newlyweds, which will never leave them.

Negative signs

First of all, all gardeners study the desired plants for negative signs.

Everyone wants to get a leafy pet with excellent characteristics and numerous advantages, but they are completely afraid of acquiring a number of problems.

With joy for all flower lovers, the bride and groom are a positive plant and do not carry negativity, and no negative signs are insignificant for him.

If in other plants changes in appearance are characterized by something supernatural, then for Campanula it is not the right care.

When the leaves turn yellow or faded, the plant has a lot of bright light and needs to be moved to a shaded place.

The stems have become thin and elongated, but the flower, on the contrary, does not have enough light.

If the leaves are limp and the light regime is maintained, it is necessary to reduce the water level for irrigation.

Campanula is an original flower and should be on your windowsill.

The bell is a wonderful decorative element and a carrier of positivity, which extends to all its owners. Having no negative signs, it will be a wonderful find for all flower growers.

The Campanula plant is of European origin, but has a Russian soul. It is close to us due to its kinship with the simple field bell. This beauty can easily decorate our windows and garden and delight us with its blooms all summer long, because it is unpretentious in care and reproduction. You will see this by reading the article.

Feng Shui meaning

According to Feng Shui theory, thanks to Campanula, a favorable atmosphere is created in the house . Under its influence, creative abilities are revealed, money is attracted and retained, and the financial situation of its owners improves and stabilizes.

Before purchasing, you need to make sure the plant is in good condition. It should have a healthy appearance, elastic dark green leaves and stems, and bright flowers. If Campanula has rot and other signs of disease, it will not bring anything good to the house.

For Campanula, the eastern part of the house is optimal.

Campanula is a wonderful indoor plant that will bring prosperity and protection from evil spirits to the house, and harmony to family life. But there may be danger lurking in it, so you need to be careful when purchasing it.

Growing Campanula at home

Choosing the right place

The most suitable for growing Campanula will be the eastern or western side of the home. Placement method: hanging flower pots or stands. Due to the hanging stems, if possible, it is necessary to avoid placing them on simple horizontal surfaces such as window sills. During the summer months it is useful to move the pots to an open/indoor terrace or balcony. It is even possible to plant it in the garden or near southern windows, provided it is shaded from direct midday sunlight. The movement and rotation of the Campanula relative to the light source have a negative effect, since the plant spends a lot of energy turning the leaves; in addition, during this period the flower does not receive ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, may stop flowering.


It should be plentiful. Daylight hours during the flowering period of Campanula are recommended to last 14-15 hours. Under growing conditions in central Russia, these are real numbers, so additional lighting will not be needed. Direct sunlight can cause burns and leaf fall; lack of light leads to the plant stretching and loss of foliage brightness. Even in the winter months, during the dormant period and with a small number of branches, lighting is maintained at a high level: the plant is placed close to the windows, thus killing the second “hare” - the temperature is maintained at a low level.


Like other seasonal plants, the moisture regime is divided into 2 periods. From April to August, Campanula requires abundant watering: 1-2 times a day if there is good drainage.

Drainage is the bottom layer in a pot that allows you to separate the water in the pan and the main soil. Prevents stagnation of water in the pot and rotting of the roots.

From October, during the dormant period, watering is reduced to once a week in the fall, and once a month in the winter. A distinctive property of the Bluebell is its ability to tolerate short periods of drought painlessly. Depending on the humidity and temperature of the surrounding air, this period can last up to 14 days. Hard tap water is suitable. If there is chlorine in its composition, it still takes a day to weather it. Frequent watering results in abundant flowering and large green mass. And resistance to drought is provided by a massive root system.

Content temperature

During the period from spring to autumn, the temperature range can fluctuate between 20-35°C. In this sense, Campanula is unpretentious. In winter there is no need for warmth; a rest period at 10-14°C is desirable.

Soil and replanting

A universal store-bought mixture for flowering plants is suitable. For those who like to prepare the composition themselves, a recipe is offered: leaf soil, peat, sand, humus, mixed in equal parts. Campanula is transplanted annually before the period of active growth using the transshipment method. The pot is selected low, but large in diameter. The distance from the root system of the transplanted Bell to the walls of the new pot should be at least 2 cm. A drainage 1/3-1/4 high from the height of the pot is placed on the bottom.

Fertilizer application

Performed at intervals of 2 weeks throughout the entire season of active growth and flowering of Campanula. Complex mineral and organic fertilizers for domestic flowering plants are quite suitable for use.


It's no secret that the ringing of church bells scares away evil spirits. This plant has the same effect.

A campanula standing in a tabletop vase will be a good talisman against negative energy seeking to enter the house. All dark entities and unkind people will not fall into it.

Blue bells planted in a garden or flower bed will bring well-being and prosperity to the site, the house and its inhabitants. That is why they are often used in cultural plantings.

Diseases and pests

Campanula is susceptible to attack by spider mites, scale insects, and thrips. In the first two cases, insecticides are used (Fitoverm is the most widely used), in the third, fungicides. If the root system is always in waterlogged soil, gray rot or mold may appear. The signal will be brown or “snotty” leaves. In this case, it is necessary to replant the plant with revision of the roots and removal of damaged areas. With a lack of watering or excessive lighting, the leaves dry out and fall off. The solution is to change the conditions of detention.

What kind of plant

This delicate indoor plant, which many gardeners love so much, is popularly called the bride. This flower also has a completely scientific name. In the biological reference book it is called Campanula, which means “bell”.

White campanula in a pot on the windowsill

The houseplant campanula, or bride, is a small herbaceous perennial, about 15 centimeters in height. It has creeping, creeping stems on which there are long petioles with small (up to 5 cm) heart-shaped leaves. The surface of the leaves is light green with jagged edges.

The inflorescences are paniculate, the flowers are pale blue, lilac or white. The shape of the flowers is a five-petaled bell, the shape very much resembles a star. The size of the flowers is small - about 3 centimeters in diameter. In common parlance, the campanula with white flowers is called the bride, and its variety with blue flowers is called the groom. The period of abundant flowering lasts from the first days of June until the end of October.

Scientific name for “groom” and “bride”

In fact, the flower is a bell, so loved by everyone since childhood. And this is what the flower “bride” is called scientifically - it is a campanula, like, in fact, all known bells. The plant is perennial and herbaceous.

The “bride” or “groom” blooms at home almost without interruption. The “bride” will be especially delighted if you provide her with a little more comfort for life. And it’s worth it, because the “groom” and “bride” flowers are considered a talisman for the family.


Hybrid with lilac flowers

Campanula is a well-known houseplant that belongs to the bellflower family. It can be found in the wild in many countries of Southern Europe.

A significant number of species of this plant have been cultivated and are now actively used as indoor plants.

  • Campanula can be either annual or perennial.
  • Plants are varied in shape, flower color, size, and there are hybrid double forms.
  • Campanula equifolia is cultivated as an indoor crop. This plant is perennial, with thin shoots, sometimes creeping, in rare cases hanging down up to 25 cm long.
  • The arrangement of the leaves is alternate; the leaf blades are attached to the stems with the help of elongated petioles.
  • The leaf shape is heart-shaped or oval with small teeth. The leaves range in color from light green to dark green.
  • The flowers are collected in inflorescences of several pieces; after flowering, a small fruit appears in the form of a box.
  • Among indoor flower lovers, the most common hybrid is “Alba” (with white flowers) and “Maya” (with blue or purple flowers). People call them “the bride and groom.”

Hybrid "Alba"
All representatives of the bellflower family are not very demanding; they need the most basic things - watering, moderate lighting, and periodic feeding.

"Groom", "bride" and "lover"

Campanulas are equifolia primarily in color. This:


It is not difficult to guess that “Bride” is an indoor plant with white flowers. It looks gentle and cute.


“Groom” has a purple or bluish color. Blends perfectly with her snow-white friend.

"Lover" (bicolor)

A love triangle is incomplete without introducing the two-colored “lover.” The center of the flower is white, the edges are purple.

Within these groups of campanulas there is a division into varieties and species according to doubleness, shape of petals and type of shoots: ampelous (hanging) or semi-ampeloid). For example, a white “bell” can be either simple or double.

Types and varieties popular in indoor floriculture

Not all bred varieties take root in society. Some of them remain only in nurseries, but others are becoming very common and can be found on window sills in every city.


These include popular classic varieties - Alba (white), Maya (blue) . The length of the branches reaches 30 cm, and they hang freely from the pots. The leaves are slightly carved, with long green stalks.

Important! These varieties are the most common among gardeners. It was they who were given the popular names - bride and groom.

Campanula terry

This variety has more resistant branches, and they stretch up to a certain length and do not fall off. The leaves are slightly heart-shaped and light green. Breeders obtained the variety by crossing Carpathian and portenslag campanula.

The flowers are medium-sized, double, similar to small roses. The most popular colors are blue and white, but there are pink and pale blue. This variety is one of the most finicky, and therefore has limited popularity.

Terry mini

The length of the lashes is shortened, and they are always raised up. The leaves are small and usually dark green. The flowers are miniature, up to 1.5 cm, in the shape of small roses. Like regular terry varieties, they come in white, blue and light blue. Pink ones have also been bred, but they are difficult to buy.


It has several varieties, but they all have approximately the same appearance. Large leaves are located on relatively short stems (up to 20 cm) . This is one of the few varieties that can grow both in a pot and in open ground.

The flowers look more like stars, and some of them have no resemblance to bells at all. They bloom on a long peduncle, located along its length. The color is replete with a variety of shades: from white to blue with a purple tint.


Ground cover variety: the stems are short, growing up to a maximum of 10 cm. Single flowers bloom at the tops in the shape of an open bell, the petals of which are slightly curled. The leaves have long petioles, a jagged edge, and are round or heart-shaped.

Portenschlag blooms like a dome over the pot. The flowers are large (up to 2.5–3 cm), white or blue.

Carpathian (carpathic)

Can be grown in pots and open ground (resistant to frost down to –40 °C). The variety was discovered in the Carpathians and became one of the popular crops in floriculture.

The length of the branched, bristly stems reaches 40 cm. The leaves are heart-shaped, light green, fleecy, with a clear pattern of veins and a jagged edge.

The flowers are bell-shaped and vary in size, depending on the subspecies. Coloration varies from white to blue and purple.

Napoli and Atlanta

Low bushes with erect stems. The leaves are medium-sized, heart-shaped, light green.

The flowers are large, about 3 cm. The color of Napoli is blue, closer to a purple hue (it is called the groom). Atlanta, respectively, is white - this is a bride's indoor flower.

Campanula Blauranka

This plant is a low-growing variety of Campanula Pozharsky. The foliage of this plant is large, and the color of the flowers is bluish. The stems can reach about 20 centimeters in length. This flower can be grown both in the garden and at home.

Diseases and harmful insects

At home, plants are much less susceptible to diseases and pests. However, they are not 100% protected. If not properly cared for, a number of problems can arise.

Gray rot

With constant waterlogging of the soil, when there is no drainage in the flower pot, the water stagnates, which in turn leads to acidification of the soil.
Gray rot thrives in damp soil. When affected by gray rot, plants wither and the root system begins to rot.

An unpleasant odor appears in the room where the flower affected by gray rot is located. Sometimes, when the rotting goes very far, the flower can no longer be saved.

In any case, first of all, you need to cut off the rotten twigs and leaves and throw away the old soil. Transplant the flower into new light soil, reduce watering.


If temperature conditions are not observed, as well as in the absence of light, the viability of the plant decreases.
Sometimes fusarium can be observed on the “bride and groom” flower; it is accompanied by yellowing of the tips of the leaf blades. In severe forms, the leaves die and the shoots wither from the root.

Heart rot

If you find brown heart-shaped spots with a gray coating on the leaves, then it is likely that the plant has developed brown heart-shaped rot.
This disease is caused by pathogenic microscopic fungi. To combat them, fungicides are used, while watering is reduced and the plants are regularly ventilated.

Spider mites, aphids, scale insects

If the plant is in a dry room, aphids or scale insects may appear.
At the first symptoms of these diseases, treat the plants with insecticide preparations. A proven folk remedy against aphids and scale insects is a soap solution. Spider mites are the scourge of many indoor plants. Use broad-spectrum insecticides to combat it.

An effective drug against aphids

Most often, the companula is affected by aphids

Most often, companula is affected by aphids. Aphids multiply very quickly, so control should begin when they first appear. It is better to use systemic preparations that not only destroy the pest during treatment, but also continue to act for some time in the plants themselves.

There is a drug "Biotlin" designed to protect against sucking pests.

The treatment solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Penetrating into the plant within a few hours, the drug will protect it for at least two weeks.

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