How to save a money tree that is drying up and dying

How to save a money tree

Improper care of Crassula Morgana, a houseplant, increases the risk of ailments, which must be immediately addressed and quickly eliminated. You can save a fat woman if you know the reason for its poor condition. The most common problems that gardeners face are loss of leaf elasticity, a broken thin trunk, and the appearance of red, black or white spots on the flower.

For a tree to always be so majestic, it requires special care.

Why did the money tree start to fall and its trunk break?

There are several reasons why the fat plant loses its stability.

  • The crown of the plant is incorrectly formed. The money tree tends to grow. Growth is especially strong in spring and summer, causing the top of the Crassula to become excessively heavy compared to the rest of the plant. This not only spoils the appearance of the money tree, but also causes it to fall out of the pot.
  • One-sided position to ultraviolet rays. Active vegetation requires periodic turning of the pot so that the sun illuminates the flower from all sides. This will ensure that the Crassula grows upward and not to one side. If this is not done, the plant will begin to pull to one side, lose balance and fall.
  • Incorrect watering. The money tree does not like excessive moisture, especially since it comes from the hottest continent - Africa. With excess water, the root system begins to rot, as a result of which it is affected by fungus. Such watering negatively affects the leaves and stems, which become weak and soft. The plant changes color and eventually dies if not cared for.

The trunk sometimes cannot withstand the huge crown and breaks

Note! But how can you make a Crassula trunk thicker? It is recommended to plant the tree in a deep pot with holes in the bottom to prevent the flower from tipping over. For better stability, the width of the pot should be slightly larger than the diameter of the crown. If the trunk is too long, then only trimming and pinching will help.

Subtleties of caring for a fat woman

The soft leaves of the money tree are not very attractive. When healthy, they are elastic, large and quite thick. Proper and regular care will help maintain not only a beautiful appearance, but also the health of the plant.


Feeding the money tree is carried out only in the warm season. Fertilizers are applied in early May, if the plant has not been replanted in fresh soil before. A recently transplanted fat plant can be fed no earlier than after 3–4 months.

Follow a few basic rules for feeding the money tree:

  • carry out the procedure no more often than once every couple of months;
  • to feed the fat plant, use only fertilizers intended for succulents and cacti;
  • fertilizers for indoor leafy plants are suitable, but only in extreme cases, but reduce their concentration by half than indicated on the package;
  • the best option is liquid formulations, as they are easy to prepare for further use;
  • Apply liquid fertilizers for watering and strictly a few hours after the main moistening has been carried out;
  • Feed only for completely healthy trees, that is, if the fat plant has soft leaves or a trunk, first eliminate the cause of this phenomenon, and after restoration, apply fertilizer.

Rules for replanting a tree

Crassula transplantation is carried out in early spring before the beginning of the growing season. However, if the tree has a lot of soft leaves, an emergency transplant is allowed, otherwise the plant may die.

It is recommended to replant adult flowers every few years. Perform the procedure as follows:

  1. Select a container that should be no more than 1 cm wider than the old pot.
  2. Place a drainage layer of about 2 cm at the bottom of the pot.
  3. Replant the tree using the transshipment method and transfer it to a new pot along with the old lump of earth.
  4. Try not to expose the roots.
  5. Fill all voids in the pot with fresh soil.

For young trees, replanting must be done once a year.

The emergency transplant procedure has some differences from the planned one. If the tree has soft leaves and a trunk, be sure to inspect the root system.

Carefully clean the roots from the soil and immerse them in warm (but not hot) water for 20 minutes. Then remove the rotten areas to healthy tissue, and replant the plant in fresh soil. The first few days no watering is needed. Then begin gentle and moderate moisturizing.

How long does a money tree grow?

How to water a money tree at home

If the plant is recently planted, it will grow rather slowly. The older the money tree becomes, the faster and larger its crown grows. Basically, after planting and with proper care, Crassula at home begins to grow from 4 to 10 cm per month. Therefore, you should not expect the formation of a huge tree within 1-2 months after planting. The situation improves in the summer, when the soil becomes more saturated with useful substances and there is no shortage of sunlight and warmth. The fat woman loves this weather, so during this period its intensive growth and accumulation of green mass begin.

Causes of Crassula leaves falling off

There are often cases when the fat plant is not susceptible to the disease, but the green leaves of the money tree fall off. In what cases does leaf fall not pose a threat to the plant and is the norm that does not require outside intervention?

Crassula leaves are falling

Why does the money tree shed its leaves in the fall?

  1. In autumn, several lower leaves of the Crassula may fall off. This is a natural process, the plant is preparing to hibernate and sheds its “extra load.”
  2. Leaves may begin to fall after a sudden change in temperature or due to exposure to drafts.
  3. When moving to another house or apartment, the coin tree may also begin to shed its leaves.

Let's consider below why the money tree sheds its leaves and is it possible to revive the money tree at home?


The main reason why a plant loses leaves is improper watering. It is important to follow the watering regime, not to overwater the flower often, but also not to overdry the soil. In summer, several waterings per week are sufficient. In winter, you can water the flower once a month.

Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. No need to use cold or hot water. This can be stressful for the succulent. It is better to use melt or rain water for irrigation. Tap water can also be used, but you need to make sure all bleach and other contaminants are removed.


The plant dries out and sheds its leaves if it lacks sunlight or, conversely, has suffered a heat stroke. You need to choose a suitable place for the flower; it is better to place a pot of Crassula on the western or eastern side of the windows. On the north side, Crassula may lack sunlight, which can cause leaf fall. In winter, a flower may also experience an acute lack of light, so it is recommended to illuminate the plant with special lamps.


Crassula should be fed in a timely manner and with suitable fertilizers. From excess fertilizer, Crassula can wither, wither and begin to actively shed leaves. The flower needs to be fed in spring and summer. There is no need to feed the money tree in winter. To prevent soil acidification, you can add powdered charcoal or ash to the soil.

Evidence of oversaturation of a tree with fertilizers is a change in the color of the leaves to purple.


A common cause of yellowing and falling leaves may be infection of the fat plant with parasitic insects. What to do if the money tree withers due to pests? It is necessary to establish what pests have settled on the fat plant and exterminate them. Not every insect will live in the foliage of a money tree. What parasites pose a danger to the fat woman?

Feeding and pest control

How to plant a money tree at home

Most plant problems can be solved by feeding and normalizing the frequency of watering. With pests the situation is different. Here you will have to treat the leaves with soapy water, alcohol and special preparations depending on the type of insect. The most effective remedies are fitoverm, actara, thiophos, agravertine, which will not allow flowers to die.

The fat woman is not particularly demanding when it comes to feeding

Important! If brown spots appear on the leaves, it is worth reducing the moisture content of the Crassula. But a silvery coating indicates stress experienced, which was the result of a sudden change in lighting, temperature, and the addition of fertilizers in large quantities.

What to do if the fat plant has dry leaves?

Dried leaves of a plant most often indicate that there is insufficient watering. The plant does not have the strength to wilt for a long time and it simply dries up.

If such a symptom was noticed, then:

  • Immediately begin watering the tree at the correct rate. Perhaps the situation can still be improved.
  • When the leaves not only dry out, but also acquire a white coating, this means it may be fusarium rot, mealybug or spider mite. The plant must be treated with a solution containing fungicides.
  • If dry leaves and cobwebs appear, clean the tree and treat with garlic solution. You may have to replant if the roots are also affected.

It is worth starting to use antibiotics and other serious medications if the watering rules are not violated and the lighting for your indoor pet is chosen absolutely correctly.

Sometimes, to prevent drying, it is enough to simply change the water for irrigation to warmer or move the pot closer to the sun. The disease is indicated not by the simple drying of the crown, but by the appearance of atypical phenomena on it. For example, cobwebby lumps, warty growths, dirty brown or yellowish spots.

If the tree simply does not have enough water, then all this will not happen. The leaves will simply begin to dry out and fall off.

Is it possible to prune a money tree?

For the normal development and beauty of a houseplant, it must be pruned periodically. This procedure leads to increased growth of Crassula shoots and its renewal. The technique depends on the condition and age of the flower.

How to form a money tree at home

A young plant with small leaves should be pinched rather than trimmed. This will slow down growth in height, but increase the intensity of development of side shoots. First, the tree must be inspected. On top of the trunk there is a small bud, which is responsible for upward development and helps young leaves grow. The bud is carefully pryed off with a small sharp object, without touching the nearest leaves. After some time, shoots begin to grow on the sides of the stem.

Important! Tree pruning must be done at certain times, when the vegetative system is at rest. This will protect the flower from possible problems with further development and eliminate the risk that the flower will begin to disappear.

To make a mature money tree beautiful and well-groomed, full pruning is required. A sharp knife or pruning shears is suitable for this purpose. First, the plant is examined to understand which branches need to be removed to obtain the desired shape. The operation is carried out gradually, cutting off one unnecessary branch at a time.

Note! The cutting level should be located a couple of centimeters above the bud, which is at rest. Only in this case will the tree develop intensively and acquire a beautiful appearance.

Preventive actions

The fat woman needs proper care. The health of the tree is indicated by its green and fresh appearance. When pressed, the sheet should feel hard, not soft. There cannot be too many yellow, dry and black leaves.

Eliminating watering errors

If the fat plant floods and dries out, the situation can still be changed. Trim off any rotten roots and remove any dried leaves. Soak the living roots in potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes, and then transplant what is left of the tree into a new pot.

In the new location, water the plant properly. If the leaves lose their elasticity, it means overwatering. Usually in this case everything turns yellow and dries out, and the trunk itself may fall to one side.

When the lush crown dries out, you need to add moisture. Follow the watering rules: just moisten the soil or fill the tray with liquid. There is no need to flood the soil excessively.

Proper care

Crassula does not require too much care. It is enough to water the plant with settled water, monitor the health of the soil and provide moderate diffused lighting.

For good growth you need:

  • provide light, moisture and nutrition;
  • periodically turn the plant to the light with a new side;
  • choose the right pot;
  • initially buy a healthy plant.

The money tree is fed several times a month, but this is desirable, not necessary. With normal development, you can do without additional tricks.

How to revive a money tree at home

There are several ways to help save a houseplant on your own. The most effective of them are described below.

  • Crassula transplant. This will allow you to restore the money tree, even if the root system has already rotted. This method is also suitable in the presence of pests that attack the lower part of the plant. It is necessary to cut off dead roots and sprinkle with crushed activated carbon. Expanded clay with a diameter of 2 cm should be placed at the bottom of the pot, which serves as drainage. The fat plant is placed in a mixture of sand, peat and soil in a ratio of 2:1:2.
  • Optimization of the irrigation regime. The soil is moistened moderately as it dries. In summer, one watering per week is sufficient. If there are no heating devices near the plant, liquid is added to the pot once every 1-2 months. If there is water left in the pan 3 hours after watering, it needs to be drained. Holes must be made at the bottom of the pot to allow excess moisture to escape.
  • Fighting diseases. New soil is necessary when the plant is affected by powdery mildew or fusarium rot. Additionally, the wood is treated with phytosporin and foundationazole.
  • Water. The liquid for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature. Cold increases the risk of fat plant wilting.
  • Sun burns. The tree should not be placed in direct sunlight. The sun causes the leaves to burn, turn black and drop. At the first such signs, it is necessary to move the pot into the shade.

Both chemicals and home remedies help against pests

It is also worth remembering that plants are often damaged by insects and what to do about it:

  • The scale insect is destroyed by wiping the leaves with a cloth soaked in kerosene, soap solution or alcohol. An effective drug is Fitoverm;
  • Spider mites can be removed by treating the leaves with phytoverm, actar, or agravertin. Folk remedies are also suitable - soap, infusion of tobacco dust;
  • Fitoverm will get rid of thrips by spraying with garlic infusion (add 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic to a glass of water);
  • for mealybugs, it is enough to wash all affected areas with alcohol, fitoverm, thiophos, and actara.

For your information! If the tree is in terrible condition and begins to wither, then after normalization of moisture and replanting it will need to be fed. Add zircon, rootin or epin to the water for irrigation.

What to do?

If leaves become soft in large quantities, immediate action must be taken. First, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of this phenomenon, on which the scheme of subsequent actions depends:

  1. Severely dry soil. Assess the soil moisture level in the pot. If it has been dry for a long time, provide the tree with proper watering. At first, moisturize in minimal portions. Gradually increase the amount of water used for irrigation until the natural structure of the leaf is completely restored.
  2. Overmoistening of the soil. In this case, first let the soil dry thoroughly. Then begin gentle watering. The recovery process will take about one month. If after this time the leaves are still soft, replant the tree. This is necessary if the roots are damaged by a fungal infection. Be sure to inspect the system, remove the affected parts, down to healthy tissue, and soak in any antifungal drug for a day. Then replant and do not water for the first three days.
  3. Putrid lesion. The soft leaves and trunk of the Crassula are the main features. The damaged part of the trunk cannot be restored. Cut the bottom of the plant down to the healthy tissue. Then dry for several hours. Root the upper part in clean soil. During rooting, only light soil moisture is required. In most cases, the tree takes root easily and quickly, after which it grows well on new roots.

If you are replanting a money tree, it is important to completely replace the soil using clean and fresh soil.

Why the money tree has soft, limp leaves and what to do about it

Often people notice that the leaves of their plants become soft. The main reason for the problem is that the tree has a negative attitude towards watering, especially frequent. Gardening experts recommend watering a houseplant no more than once a month. As you increase the frequency of adding water to the pot, the Crassula will begin to die. Inexperienced gardeners immediately water it at the slightest drying of the soil, which leads to negative consequences.

Many people are interested in why the money tree has soft leaves and what to do about it in winter. In the cold season, it is better to stop watering; you can only spray the plant. The fragility of the leaves occurs due to hypothermia, drafts, and sudden changes in temperature conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to moisten the soil with extreme caution. In summer, the frequency of watering increases, especially if the indoor plant is in a dry room and receives direct sunlight.

If the fat plant still has limp leaves, what to do is check for pests. The plant is mainly exposed to spider mites and mealybugs. Chemical solutions that can be purchased at a specialized store will help you defeat insects. Another effective way to control pests is to wipe the leaves with a soapy sponge. These were the main reasons why the money tree has soft leaves.

Droopy leaves are a sign of overwatering

Why did the leaves of the fat plant become wrinkled?

Crassula comes from southern countries. Growing in Africa and Southern Arabia, it acquired the ability to accumulate moisture and nutrients in its leaves and easily tolerate hot, dry climates. That's why:

  • Over-watering of Crassula is one of the reasons why succulent leaves become soft.
  • Rare watering and drying out of the soil can also create discomfort for the flower - the fat plant will use up its entire supply of moisture, and its leaves will wrinkle.
  • Another reason for the deterioration of the flower’s condition may be hypothermia or watering with cold water. Even if, after moistening the soil, you open a window where the air temperature is 10-12°C, the roots of a heat-loving plant may freeze, which will immediately affect the condition of the leaves.
  • Despite the fact that the money tree has excellent immunity, it is sometimes susceptible to pests such as mealybugs and spider mites.
    Insects suck the juices out of the plant, the leaves on the fat plant become soft and wrinkled. The disease is identified by white deposits on the leaves, similar to lumps of cotton wool. If such signs are detected, help is provided to the flower immediately. Separately, you can learn about all the diseases and pests of the Crassula. This will help protect your beauty from death.

Why do the leaves of the money tree dry out?

If the leaves on the plant begin to dry out and fall off, then you need to quickly find the reason for this. The problem often occurs due to improper watering. It is worth remembering that Crassula is a succulent that accumulates moisture and does not require frequent irrigation. Watering not only causes the leaves to fall off, but also causes the root system to rot.

But here's what to do if the leaves of the fat plant are wrinkled. There may also be the opposite reason - lack of water. It occurs due to hot weather or being near heating devices. Dryness and dropping of leaves can occur due to direct sunlight. Flower growers often note the presence of pests, which deteriorate the condition of the plant.

For your information! Lighting should not be intense. If the leaves have fallen off due to the heat, they will soon grow again. In summer, Crassula needs to be removed from windows facing south. Do not allow the soil to dry out or become overly moist. When planting or purchasing a tree, it is recommended to take into account the existing conditions for its growth - the presence of heating, sun activity, humidity, room temperature.

What to do if the leaves fall off?

In order to help the succulent, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that led to the loss of the green crown. Measures to stop leaf fall:

  1. normalize the watering regime;
  2. provide proper lighting and fertilization;
  3. carry out prevention against insect pests and diseases.

Let's take a closer look at all the procedures that contribute to the comfortable and healthy development of Crassula.


The money tree propagates by shoots or cuttings . They can be planted in the soil into which the plant will take root. But there is another popular method in which the sprouts grow roots directly in the water.

The soil should consist of gravel and sand. It is possible to plant in universal soil, which must be provided with good drainage.

Often amateur gardeners plant a flower in a large pot. There is a lot of soil in such a vessel. And in a large amount of soil, the taproot of the Crassula will stretch down, and the plant itself will stretch upward. The tree will become thin and weakened.

It is better to transplant Crassula from such a container into a small and flat pot. When it grows up, it can be planted in a larger container (once every two years). In a wide pot the plant will grow comfortably and quickly .

Humidification correction

If a succulent loses leaves, and this is due to flaws in the watering regime, then it is necessary to correct it.
During the warm period, it is necessary to water abundantly, but rarely. The soil should dry well between waterings. Water the flower once every fourteen days . During the cold period, when the succulent is overwintering, it is moistened little and rarely.

Only in extreme heat is more frequent watering possible.

Water for irrigation requires settled water . Warm water is needed, which is only a few degrees higher than the air temperature in the room.

Do not water the plant with cold water, as hypothermia of the roots will cause the leaves to fall off.

Treatment of diseases

What is the reason that the flower does not grow, its leaves become soft and sluggish, and its trunk is thin? The reasons for the disease can be different:

  • oversaturation with mineral fertilizers;
  • insect pests;
  • bright lighting;
  • excessive watering;
  • overdried soil;
  • fungal or bacterial infections;
  • cold and hard water.
  1. Root rot . This problem occurs due to overwatering. Root rot leads to the death of the succulent. The flower stem is separated from the root system and the fat plant dies. The plant weakens, the leaves dry out and it is impossible to restore it. What to do in such a situation? You can revive it by cutting live cuttings. Then they need to be placed in water and when the roots sprout, then planted in the prepared soil.
  2. Silvery coating . If white dots or a silvery coating appears on the leaves, you will need to reduce watering and monitor the money tree. When the soil dries out, the Krasulla will come to life. There is nothing more you need to do. Further watering should be done without oversaturation with water.
  3. Stem rot . This is a disease in which the branches and trunk rot, and the tree itself falls. There is no effective treatment for the disease. To restore a succulent, you will need to cut off part of the stem and roots to the surviving living tissue. The upper part of the plant should be rooted in order to later admire the beautiful and healthy flower.

Pest Control

It is not only errors in care, temperature conditions or poor soil that lead to flower wilting. It can die from parasites - midges and insects.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most common insect pests.

  • Root mealybug . It settles on the roots of a tree. It can only be detected when the plant is transplanted into a new container. How to cure Crassula? You will need to rinse its roots well under warm water. Then treat with a special product “Aktellika”.
  • Mealybug . If a whitish coating appears on the stems, branches or trunk, then the money tree is affected by mealybugs. You can get rid of the pest by washing the wood with warm water. A garlic or vodka solution will also help. They need to treat pest infestation areas.
  • Shchitovka. This is a very small insect. The following measures will help save the fat woman:
      collect the bug using a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution;
  • wash the money tree thoroughly with soapy water;
  • rinse generously with warm water;
  • treat with an insecticide.
  • Spider mite. Dry air provokes the appearance of spider mites in rooms. Spraying Crassula will help. The fact that an insect has settled can be determined by yellow spots on the surface of the leaves. To help cope with the pest:
      removing all yellow leaves;
  • treatment with insecticidal preparations;
  • covering the flower with a bag, this will kill the tick;
  • treating foliage with soapy water.

By following not very complicated recommendations, it is possible to rid a beautiful plant of parasites and prolong its life.

In order for the money tree to please the gardener with a green and lush crown, a strong and elastic trunk, you need to carefully monitor it. The main thing is not to disturb the watering regime, protect it from scorching rays, and feed the succulent correctly and on time.

Why does the money tree turn yellow?

Crassula leaves come in different colors, sizes and shapes. They are quite fragile, so they are easy to break. A special feature of the money tree is that the lower leaves of the plant fall off naturally. Sometimes the fat plant begins to turn yellow, and gardeners try different methods to save the stem and its shoots.

Yellow leaves may appear due to lack of light

Crassula is quite unpretentious, although it reacts sharply to a lack or excess of care. The leaves tend to change color when there is a lack of sunlight. This problem often occurs among those who place the plant on windows that face north and northeast.

When buying a fat woman, you need to give it a separate place in the house, where there will be plenty of lighting and warmth. The most unpretentious plant in terms of cultivation is Crassula, the propagation of which does not require much effort. But sometimes the leaves can become wrinkled, the trunk can break, and the roots can rot. The problem can be solved without outside help if you figure out what is the cause of the poor condition and why the plant is sick.

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Slow growth:

Why does the crassula (money tree) not grow (stands in one place) or grows poorly and what to do? Since the money tree (crassula, crassula) is a semi-desert plant, for good growth it requires natural habitat conditions: bright, but not excessive lighting; adequate drainage; watering during the growth period; drying of the soil and coolness during a period of relative dormancy. If these conditions are met, you will not have to complain about the slow growth of the money tree. You can give it an attractive appearance by regularly pinching the shoots, which stimulates growth points and helps quickly grow the crown.

ATTENTION! In order for the Crassula to grow quickly, it is necessary to find the optimal lighting mode, the so-called “golden mean”. The money tree needs bright light, but the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

What to do to prevent leaves from falling

Strict adherence to the watering regime. In the summer, you need to water your indoor money tree flower daily, but in moderation. In the fall, watering is gradually reduced, reducing it to once a week by the beginning of winter.

This regime is maintained until the beginning of spring, when the plant resumes active growth. Then watering begins to gradually increase.

If the money tree is located near a south window, it needs shading on hot days. If you take it out into the open air in the summer, you need to choose a place so that after 11 o’clock it is in the shade.

To ensure that feeding of the fat plant does not turn out to be excessive, you need to carefully study the instructions for fertilizers and apply them in strict accordance with the instructions.

Water for watering the money tree should sit for at least a day and be at room temperature. The ideal water for irrigation is soft. It is better to boil tap water that is too hard.

To avoid sudden changes in daily temperature, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a location. The fat woman does not like drafts or heat from heating appliances. Situations often arise when one part of the pot is exposed to the cold from the window, and the other suffers from the heat of the radiators.

Important! If such situations cannot be avoided, it is necessary to provide protection from hot and cold air flows - light screens made of thick paper, cardboard or foam.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent the aging of the money tree. It is possible only at the first signs of its manifestation (falling leaves, cessation of flowering, softening of the trunk) to take measures to rejuvenate it.

general information

This succulent comes from South Africa, its arid regions. It is a modest-sized evergreen perennial tree with a short, thick trunk. In its natural environment it reaches a height of one and a half meters, however, the apartment version is much more compact than its wild counterpart.

The foliage of Crassula is round in shape, fleshy, the length of the leaves is 5–7 cm. The color is light gray or green, the plates are covered with a bluish waxy coating. Botanists note an interesting feature - each pair of leaves is located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the previous one.

Domestic vegetation is often shrouded in a mass of signs and superstitions, and the “money tree” is not left out. Having received its name because of the shape of the leaflets, it has turned into a symbol of material well-being and many gardeners note that the flower works! And followers of Feng Shui are confident that if Crassula grows well and has strong, healthy, round leaves, then its owners will not be left without money. Naturally, this is impossible without love, care and some tricks!

This is interesting! In order for a flower to become a talisman of good luck and prosperity, it is recommended to grow it yourself; in Feng Shui it is believed that a tree purchased by an adult will work “carelessly.” And to activate it, you need to place a coin in the ground, under a pot, or hang a red ribbon with coins on a branch.

Many gardeners are skeptical about such superstitions, however, they agree that the Crassula is an amazing plant! It is capable of actively reproducing and even from one leaf you can grow a whole tree. In addition, flower shoots can produce roots even in the air, turning into a completely independent succulent.

But what to do if your pet has lost its shine, and along with it its foliage? Why did the money tree tree begin to fall off its leaves and show other signs of disease? In this case, the flower needs help, and without it you can lose its exotic inhabitant.

Succulent pests

Succulent flowers are less likely to suffer from insect pests than their deciduous counterparts. But voracious pests - mealybugs, spider mites and others - can still attack these fleshy, stocky plants. How to identify them, and most importantly, save Crassula from them?


It is not difficult to detect this insect from the superfamily of scale insects on a flower: the leaf blade and stem are covered with light brown, yellowish tubercles or spots.

There are several varieties of these pests, but for all of them - adult insects and larvae - plant sap is their food. As a result of their activity, the leaves of the fat plant wither and fall off, the stem becomes bent, and flower growth slows down.

Ridding the money tree from the parasite is not difficult:

  • insects are collected by hand;
  • the flower is treated with a soap solution, and in case of severe damage it is better to use a special preparation, for example, Fitoverm;
  • To consolidate the result, it is recommended to carry out several procedures with a 5-7 day break.

Spider mite

If cobwebs are found on the plant, cotton-like growths appear, then another common pest is at work here - the spider mite. Despite their extremely modest size, these small gray or reddish moving dots can seriously harm a succulent. They suck out plant cell sap, injecting salivary fluid with enzymes that destroy the chloroplasts of flower cells.

As a rule, the foliage on the underside turns yellow, acquires a brown and then a reddish tint, dries out and falls off.

With minor damage, Crassula can be cured as follows:

  • first of all, you should remove the infected flower away from the rest of the home vegetation;
  • remove ticks with your hands;
  • wipe the leaves with a sponge soaked in soapy water;
  • spray the succulent with warm water from the shower, paying attention to the underside of the foliage;
  • cover the container with the flower with a transparent plastic bag, securing it over the pot, leaving for two to three days.

But how to revive the fat woman if the pest has managed to cause significant harm? In this case, preparations containing beneficial soil bacteria will help: Entobacterin, Fitoverm, Trichodermin, etc.

You can also resort to folk remedies and treat the tree with a 2–4% solution of green soap, tincture of garlic or red pepper, decoctions of alder, chamomile or black henbane.


These pests, also called hairy lice, are not without reason considered the most dangerous parasitic insects. They are so voracious that they draw out all the nutritious juices from the flower, secreting a sweetish liquid, which serves as an excellent medium for pathogenic fungi.

Therefore, if small whiskered bugs and a whitish powdery coating appear on the money tree, you should sound the alarm. Most of all they like to settle in the axils of leaves, although they do not disdain other areas.

If you miss the moment, the plant dies, so it is advisable to immediately begin treating the succulent:

  • the plant should be placed under the shower - the bug is washed off under running water;
  • then you need to soak a cotton pad or swab with an alcohol solution or garlic tincture and treat the leaves and trunk of the flower with it;
  • if the fat woman has suffered greatly from uninvited guests, then it is better to resort to the use of special drugs - Fufanon or Actellik.

Root mealybug

The name speaks for itself; this parasite settles in the root system of plants, so it is extremely difficult to notice it at an early stage of infection. Most often, gardeners discover root scale insects by transplanting the fat plant into another container. In addition, the following signs appear: the foliage loses turgor and becomes lethargic, and watering does not affect its condition in any way. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, and if the pest is severely affected, it can be found on the root neck.

It is possible to cure a succulent from this scourge, however, you will need a systematic approach and you should be prepared for the fact that the first drug used may be ineffective:

  • Such drugs as Dantop, Mospilan, Aktara cope well with this parasite. They are bred according to the instructions and the soil is watered at least three times at weekly intervals.
  • Insect larvae can be exterminated by soaking an earthen clod, which must be done many times.
  • You can enhance the effect by using Apploud powder; it is added to the soil with abundant watering or when transplanting the flower into new soil.
  • An excellent preventive measure against root bugs is hot baths for the root system. The rhizome of the fat plant is immersed in water heated to +55 degrees for a quarter of an hour, then it should be removed and dried. The soil in the pot should be replaced with fresh one, or even better, the succulent should be planted in a new container.

It is important! Scale insects adapt well to existing conditions and can quickly develop resistance to chemicals. Therefore, it may be necessary to increase the recommended dose if the composition does not work. And in some cases, flower growers have to change the drug to another.

Money tree pests and how to deal with them

There are a lot of pests that can cause damage to the money tree. However, they are reluctant to deal with a healthy plant. But if the tree is not cared for correctly, it can quickly become a victim of insects.

Most often, a weakened fat woman is attacked by:

  • mealybugs, mealybugs and rootbugs;
  • scale insects and false scale insects;
  • spider mite and greenhouse mite;
  • nematodes, thrips and aphids.

Mealybug, a sap-sucking insect, 3-5 mm in length, usually lives in the axils of leaves. It can also be recognized by its powdery white cocoon, in which the female lays eggs.

The usual method of control is to manually remove insects using a stream of warm water and then wipe the plant with a vodka infusion of garlic or calendula. You can also use chemical insecticides, Actellik or Fufanon. Treatment is carried out weekly for 5-6 weeks.

The root mealybug is a more dangerous parasite because it settles in the ground - on the roots and root collar. From one plant, a root mealybug can spread into neighboring pots, because with abundant watering, it crawls out of the pot through the drainage holes and looks for a new victim. Since it lives in the ground, it is difficult to detect.

Important! When replanting a money tree, you need to carefully inspect its roots in order to detect the presence of a pest in time.

The safest way to combat it is to rinse the roots of the plant under a strong stream of warm water. Treatment with Fufanon (0.1%) or Actellik (0.2%) is also suitable. To do this, every 5-7 days the soil is thoroughly watered with an insecticide solution. The procedure is carried out at least five times.

Scale insects and false scale insects are also sap-sucking pests. It is not easy to recognize them, since the color of their shield often matches the color of the trunk or leaf. The fight against scale insects is difficult, since their shield can withstand almost all chemicals.

Therefore, it is usually scraped off by hand, and then the plant is treated with vodka infusions of garlic, celandine, and pine needles. A good effect is obtained by washing the affected areas with kerosene, as well as laundry soap, zoo shampoos, and strong dishwashing detergents (such as Ferry Platinum).

In cases where home remedies do not help, use insecticides that are safe for use in enclosed spaces - Actellik, Fufanon, Arrivo, Karate. Treatment is carried out at least 6-7 times with an interval of 5-7 days.

Spider mites and greenhouse mites most often settle on young leaves and shoots, since they have thinner skin. The condition for their spread is increased dry air. Mites infect a plant very quickly, and in most cases “break” its decorative form.

If this pest is detected, you urgently need to increase the air humidity, spray well or pour cold water over the entire plant and its neighbors. Homemade, natural remedies that help get rid of ticks include infusions of yarrow or chamomile, garlic or onions, tobacco or potatoes. From chemical agents, preparations and means of combating scale insects are suitable.

Nematodes are filamentous worms that parasitize on roots, forming swellings on the latter - galls. Outwardly, damage by nematodes does not affect the plant, but their presence indicates a slowdown and sometimes cessation of tree growth.

If swelling on the roots is detected during transplantation of the money tree, the damaged roots are cut to the base. You can also use the medical anthelmintic drug Pirantel. Make a solution (250 grams per 10 liters of water) and water the affected plant generously twice with an interval of two weeks.

In advanced cases, it may be easier to re-cut the money tree.

Thrips, also classified as sap-sucking pests, are also capable of transmitting viral diseases, so they are currently considered the most dangerous of the pests. Typically, their massive accumulations occur during the flowering period, when they penetrate the buds. After the money tree blooms, they move to its lower parts.

Home remedies in the fight against thrips are in most cases useless, so you have to turn to chemicals for help: Actellik, Fufanon, Tsimbum, Karate. You can use Fitoverm.

Aphids usually end up on the property along with street soil or from neighbors, acquired second-hand. In places where aphids accumulate, the leaves and twigs of the fat plant usually wrinkle and bend, often dry out and fall off.

The best way to control aphids is to wash the plant with green soap or other strong detergents.

Directory of indoor plants

Why do the leaves of the Crassula shrivel?

Crassula is a familiar money tree for all of us. This tree is native to Africa and Madagascar. This explains the plant's affinity for dry conditions and dislike of excessive moisture. It is also worth emphasizing that the Crassula or money tree loves a lot of sunlight. The discrepancy between the conditions in our apartments and those in Africa sometimes causes problems with this flower. And most often, flower growers are faced with the problem of wrinkling or falling leaves.

Let's figure out what could be the reason for this behavior of the plant and find the answer to the question: “Why do the leaves of the fat plant wrinkle?”

As already mentioned, the fat plant loves light and does not like moisture. Watering must be correct. In the cold season, the plant needs to be watered occasionally, and in the summer – moderately. If you violate these rules, you will undoubtedly encounter a problem that will modify the leaves of your tree.

Therefore, we can assume the first cause of wilting is excessive watering, excess moisture. Wrinkled foliage may indicate that the root system has begun to rot.

The measures that need to be taken in this situation are to temporarily stop watering the flower and place it in a place where there is access to sunlight.

If this does not help, follow the following instructions. The tree needs to be replanted. Before replanting, be sure to dry out the entire root system. And if there are already rotten roots, cut them off. It is best to fertilize the cuttings with charcoal. To avoid this problem, place drainage in the new pot. The layer should be at least 2 cm. It will be useful to add soil containing a sufficient amount of sand. The soil composition that will promote the healthy growth of your Crassula is turf, leaf soil and charcoal.

There is a possibility that during replanting you discovered that the entire root system had rotted. In this case, you can resort to another method of transplantation - cuttings. A mandatory condition is that the cuttings must be healthy. After cutting the shoots, give them a chance to dry. This may take several hours. Rooting can be done in the easiest way - placing the shoots in water.

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