Orchids in the interior of an apartment: photos of plants, care and features (30 photos)

Orchids, as well as Yartyshnikov plants (popularly called orchids) belong to the ancient family of the Late Cretaceous era. They grow on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. Wild species make up about 10% of all plants in the world. These flowers are abundant in the tropics, as they thrive in a climate with a short dry season and high rainfall throughout most of the year. Some of them are unpretentious and can be grown at home.

Beautiful varieties of orchids for apartments and houses

Orchids are traditionally grown in China and Japan. In these countries, they are considered real long-livers and are passed on by inheritance. Plants with somewhat strange, delightful flowers appeared in the greenhouses of Europeans, and then on the windowsills of city apartments. Some of the hardiest varieties that even a novice gardener can grow:

  • Dendrobium Nobile is a relatively short (up to 60 cm) plant with fragrant orange, white, red or purple flowers. For good growth, a lighted place is necessary, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Cattleya - in orchids of this genus from South America, the diameter and shape of flowers can vary, on average from 5 cm to 25 cm. In nature, they can be found both on tree trunks and branches, and in rock breaks. It has a sympodial structure and grows in breadth. The flowering period is autumn or winter, lasting about a month. National symbol of Colombia;
  • Oncidium, or tiger orchid. Small yellow or red-brown flowers. Easily adapts to home conditions. The optimal air temperature is 16-22°C. Blooms for 6-8 weeks. If the peduncle is removed, the plant will send out shoots and flowers will appear again.

Breeders annually develop new varieties that are easy to grow at home. Hobbyist orchids usually choose hybrids that do not have high temperature requirements.

Reproduction of Phalaenopsis at home

The flower consists of three to six wide leaves, they are very flexible and alternate with each other. A peduncle forms between them in the center. The color range of the flower is very diverse. You can find absolutely any color, even black.

Moths are very easy to breed at home. Even a person who has little experience.

The plant itself can be replanted when the flowers have completely faded. Usually from autumn to early summer. At this time, the flower has new roots and leaves.

It is important that this procedure can only be carried out once every three years.

Sometimes there are cases when a plant needs to be replanted without your desire. Main reasons:
  • the pot became quite small;
  • the flower has dead roots that must be removed;
  • so that the plant can reproduce better.

The growth form of this plant is monoplodial. What distinguishes it from all orchids. It lacks a pseudobulb, and the stalk grows from the upper rosette.

There are several types of reproduction of the Night Moth:

Reproduction occurs with the help of cuttings. After the flower has faded, the stem on which the flower itself was located is cut off. Cuttings are made from it, which are placed on moist soil. After this, be sure to cover it with film, creating a greenhouse effect.

The plant can be propagated using side shoots. They appear below near the roots. You need to wait until the leaves appear and grow a little. They are cut off only with the help of a special tool, which must be treated with alcohol in advance.

Rosette division is a rare method of propagation that few people use. Here the top of the plant is cut off, leaving a small number of leaves. The cut part is planted in a separate pot. With this propagation method, the flower will mature in about 3 years.

Please note that this type of orchid does not tolerate transplantation well. It is better to choose the method that will cause the least harm to him. Just move it to a larger pot.

Who is the orchid next to in the interior of the apartment?

There are no particular difficulties in determining suitable neighbors for orchids. The main thing is that the growing conditions for everyone are the same, the same:

  • demands on lighting;
  • temperature regime;
  • humidity level in the room.

You cannot place newly purchased orchids next to indoor roses, citrus fruits, or coffee trees. The purchased plant may be infested with mealybugs, spider mites or scale insects (these can be dangerous). You should create an incubation period for the orchid, carry out disinfection, and only then determine a place on the windowsill and choose neighbors.

It is generally accepted that these exquisite flowers do not grow well near citrus fruits and other aromatic plants. Thus, anthurium stops blooming in close proximity to orchids. Fruits lying in a vase can have an unfavorable effect on them. But a wide variety of indoor flowers and plants allows you to choose the best combination, exclude uncooperative ones and select companion plants.

We use photo wallpaper

If for some reason you cannot decorate your interior with fresh flowers, orchid wallpapers can be an excellent option. They will give the room a feeling of comfort and love. In the design of a room, photo wallpapers of orchids can be used as a regular element of decor or as the main and bright part of the entire interior, especially if in general it is quite calm and laconic. For example, a photo wallpaper with an orchid can be placed in a bedroom, office or living room. They will highlight your individuality and set a great style for the entire interior.

Another stylish solution can be special designer wallpaper with orchids. They are vinyl self-adhesive strips that depict an amazing flower on a long thin stem. The structure of such wallpaper fits well and evenly on the wall. In addition, they are quite reasonable in price. The choice of self-adhesive stickers is very large, you can choose any color and type. It is very easy to change such orchids in the interior; you just need to peel off the old strips and glue new ones. Such an unusual solution will delight you and surprise your guests.

You can decorate the interior with orchids in another way. Do it yourself or buy paintings with their image or an unusual panel with artificial flowers in the store. This will give your home elegance and some specialness. You can make a painting from fabric with your own hands, which will depict these delicate flowers.

Caring for an orchid at home

Depending on the variety, the requirements for creating optimal growing conditions may vary. But there are several general ones that are suitable for most species:

  • plants need to be provided with constant heat and light; the best temperature is considered to be from 18°C ​​to 22°C;
  • Most of them should be watered no more than once a week; sometimes, to water, you just need to immerse the pot in water for a short time;
  • it is necessary to exclude the possibility of drafts in the room with orchids;
  • do not place them near heating systems to avoid problems with the roots drying out;
  • fertilizing is carried out once a month or less often; for this, special fertilizer is added to the water when watering;
  • It is considered acceptable if the roots protrude outward.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during the flowering period orchids do not require increased nutrition or watering. The flower stalks are cut off after completion.

Where is the best place to place a plant in the house?

When choosing where to place an orchid at home, you need to take into account the varietal characteristics and preferences, as well as the general rules for the location of indoor flowers in the house.


Flowerpots with tropical inhabitants can be used to decorate bedside tables. In such cases, plants need to be illuminated. If there is no lamp nearby, then it is better for the orchid to find another place, for example, a dressing table or dressing table.

Can I keep it in the kitchen?

If you have an idea to transform your kitchen decor by adding an orchid, it is important to take into account its location relative to the stove and window. Hot steam, as well as frequent drafts, can destroy the flower.

The best choice is a dining table or bar counter, which are located near the window. Another option for summer placement is on the refrigerator. In this case, it is necessary to check more often how moist the soil is. In winter, it is better to move the orchid closer to the window.

In the bathroom

All orchids, which are native to tropical forests, love moist air. Therefore, the bathroom can become a comfortable living space for them, but under an important condition: there must be a natural source of light in the room. In other words, the bathtub should have a window. The flower looks beautiful on a shelf or on a countertop near the sink. And the subtle aroma of its buds makes staying in the room more comfortable.

Orchids in the interior of the apartment

This amazingly beautiful flower is surrounded by a whole veil of superstitions. It is believed that the orchid is a vampire plant; it is not recommended to keep it in the bedroom, as it draws life energy from other plants and humans. However, this is due to the fact that its pollen sometimes causes drowsiness and lethargy in humans, and the strong smell characteristic of some species can cause headaches.

Many people believe that this plant repels men, while at the same time they claim that it increases female attractiveness, energy and charm. According to Feng Shui, orchids attract good things into the home, help get rid of negativity and cope with problems.

Most often, plants are placed on the windowsill. However, the culture is very plastic, flowers can adapt to the characteristics of the environment, so the choice of possible location is unlimited. It is only important that the degree of illumination is acceptable for the flower, and strict adherence to temperature and humidity is also necessary. These plants look quite natural in an elegant setting, although they perfectly complement and decorate any interior (with the exception of rustic, rustic, Romanesque, ethno, punk).

We combine orchids with other flowers in a bouquet

One of the most fascinating and amazing flowers is the orchid. This flower always looks incredibly impressive, stylish and inspiring. There is a special mystery and mystery in the orchid that you want to unravel. A composition with these flowers makes any holiday especially bright, beautiful and unique.

One of the most amazing properties of the orchid is its hardiness. This flower can grow even from stone, and in a bouquet the orchid always remains fresh for a long time. That is why orchids are often added to wedding bouquets, which should look presentable throughout the celebration.

If you want to give a loved one something more original than a classic bouquet of roses, choose orchids. Any holiday with these flowers will be transformed in an instant and become more luxurious.

Breeders have already been able to develop more than 25 thousand varieties of orchids. Cymbidium is perhaps the most popular variety of orchid that can be found in bouquets. This is the most persistent variety of orchid, which can delight others with its beauty for the longest possible time. And the sophisticated aroma with sweetish notes makes the cymbidium orchid simply an adored flower for many people. The scent of this flower envelops you in tenderness, sophistication and solemnity.

Another fairly popular variety of orchid is phalaenopsis. The shape and arrangement of the petals in the bud of this flower resembles the wings of a butterfly, and this is a truly mesmerizing sight. Florists love this orchid variety for its versatility. A large number of shades of this flower allows you to create a composition for any occasion and in any style.

Some florists prefer the Vanda orchid variety. It can be distinguished by its typical shade - blue, purple, pink and lilac. Bouquets with these flowers look incredibly impressive and bright.

Whatever type of orchid is used in the bouquet, the composition will always be very stylish and interesting.

To impress your loved ones, you can give them a mono-bouquet of orchids, or you can create a mix composition, combining orchids with other flowers.

An orchid is a rather large and bright flower, so it is most often the center of the composition. It is important to find the right frame and addition for it so that the bouquet of flowers looks unique and beautiful . A sophisticated and delicate orchid can be combined with callas, carnations, roses and eustomas. These flowers will become a delicate and worthy frame for orchids and worthy companions. If you carefully consider creating a bouquet with an orchid and complement this flower with the right components, then the composition will be an unforgettable and bright gift for your loved ones.

You can give a nice gift to your loved ones using the FlowerBiz online store. On our website you will find the perfect composition for any occasion. To create stylish and sophisticated bouquets, we use only fresh and selected flowers that will bring a lot of joy and positive emotions. You will need just a few minutes to place an order and have flowers delivered to your home. We will do the rest for you. Florists will quickly create the perfect arrangement of fresh flowers taking into account your preferences, and the courier will deliver the flowers at the specified place and time. Your loved ones will be absolutely delighted with such a touching surprise. Even if you are thousands of kilometers away from your loved one, you will be able to tell him about your feelings and the warmest emotions at an important moment, even across thousands of kilometers. And we will be happy to help you with this!

Orchids in the living room and hall

Exotic orchid - beautiful and delicate. It is a symbol of rebirth and family cohesion. The flower inspires creative individuals and enhances the desire to achieve goals. In a living room decorated in any oriental style, as well as Japanese or Chinese, an orchid will emphasize sophistication and sophistication, attention to detail and decorative elements. A plant placed on a coffee table in the middle of the room automatically becomes the center of the composition; it is impossible to take your eyes off it.

The space near orchids should not be crowded. All details fade into the background. Even white flowers will not get lost in the monochrome interior of the room if there are no other plants or decorations nearby.

In a large living room you can create a specific area with flowers. They can be different - high and low, bushy or solitary. It’s good if it is possible to use stands, racks, and select appropriate gratings for the vines. To them you can add a few more “modest”, inconspicuous plants that will fade into the background or serve as a background. You can see in the photo how to decorate a wall with orchids. Wallpaper, as a rule, should be pastel shades to further demonstrate the beauty of lilac, violet and lilac flowers framed by green leaves. A white flowerpot next to an inconspicuous wall lamp looks original.

Just like alive

You can also use artificial orchids in the interior. Modern artificial flowers are very difficult to distinguish from real ones, both externally and to the touch. In addition, they require virtually no maintenance, are durable and resistant to external influences. You can choose a different combination of colors, shapes and sizes.

When choosing artificial orchids for the interior, you need to take into account the overall style of the room and its color scheme. For example, for a children's room you can choose a light and delicate composition.

Orchids in a classic style bedroom

Orchids in historical styles are very beautiful. They further enhance the severity of the lines and the richness of the classical direction. Expensive solid wood furniture and high quality finishes and fittings set the mood for the decorative design and flowers to be special.

If it is impossible to place live orchids in the bedroom, you should use artificial ones to decorate the interior, which are almost indistinguishable from real ones. It is also possible to combine them with other plants. It will immediately become easier to determine a place for flowers, because you will no longer have to comply with all the conditions for growing these capricious plants. A floor orchid in a large vase is distinguished by tall, showy flower stalks. And low, compact plants with small flowers are best placed on a dressing table, chest of drawers or on a bedside table. Depending on the room environment, you can determine the height of the orchid on the windowsill. But in any case, plants with peduncles of about 50 cm will be universal.

Orchid flowers often coincide in color with the main palette of the interior. But sometimes they stand out sharply against the general background - they serve as a kind of accent. Teaming up with others, they create certain points and lines in the bedroom that enliven the interior. An interesting solution is to use photo wallpaper with orchids, which can be placed not only at the head of the bed, on the wall, but also in a niche. Moreover, for the classical style, the appropriate design will be very important - gilded frames, stucco molding.

Selecting the color of the orchid and the pot

Having decided on the location of the plant, we select the color of the orchid and the pot in which your favorite will bloom. Gardeners are still working on creating new varieties and colors of orchids. For us, in turn, it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose the shade of a plant so that it fits perfectly into the interior design of the apartment, matching the color of the walls or sofa. There are basic principles by which designers recommend making a selection of colors.

An excellent option would be if the flower is a little richer in color than the main background of the interior. Then it will stand out in your room. It’s worth choosing a flower with a photo of your room in which you decided to place the beautiful orchid. Combinations of white with blue, azure, green, and red look harmonious in the interior. Purple-colored plants fit very beautifully and subtly into a room, especially if against their background there is a sea-green panel hanging on the wall. You probably saw in the photo how beautiful white flowers look against the background of a white interior. Also, a flower in colors such as burgundy or yellow will look ideal against a white background.

When choosing a pot for this type of flower, you need to take into account some points, since orchids have a root system of “aerial” development and they need something to cling to. In order for this flower to grow and develop properly at home, it is necessary to have a pot of the correct shape and crushed tree bark as soil - this can be seen in almost any photo.

If you have chosen a tall type plant, then it can be planted in an open-plan pot, where the root system will have absolutely free access to the soil.

When choosing a container for a plant, be sure to take into account that orchids love moisture, but there should be a moderate amount of it.

They can also survive without it. But if there is a lot of it, it has a very negative effect on the plant. Therefore, a system for draining excess water must be thought out in the pot.

Transparent ceramic pots were invented especially for this type of plant! Since their inner part has a rough surface, the roots of the plant cling to it, and the transparency of the container allows light to enter the root system, promoting the development of the plant.

Orchids that are correctly selected in color and type will fit very original into your interior design. Moreover, now you know how and where best to place the flower so as not to harm its health and so that it regularly pleases you with its flowering.

Orchids in the nursery on the window

Placing fresh flowers in a child's room is not always justified, since in this case special attention will have to be paid to safety precautions and compliance with a number of sanitary and hygienic standards. Let them first learn to care for the flowers growing in the living room or kitchen, under strict parental supervision. But younger schoolchildren are already quite capable of watering and monitoring the condition of plants on their own. You can put a pot with a plant on the window in their room. However, you need to take into account that the strong smell of an orchid can cause an allergic reaction in a child, so it is better to decorate the window sill in a child’s room with artificial analogues or other, less “fragrant” flowers. Orchids in the kitchen in a basket

Plants are very appropriate in the design of a modern kitchen. They will be an important detail at a romantic dinner. Their delicate scent will complement the aroma of tea or wine. Orchids look great in a low, stable basket placed on a windowsill or kitchen cabinet top. When decorating a festive table, we must also not forget about these plants, whose exquisite beauty will decorate any feast with the most expensive menu. Even in a Provence-style kitchen, orchids will not be out of place. The abundance of light and air, characteristic of French country, will organically merge with delicate pink or purple flowers.

The simple and strict lines of modernism and minimalism also do not interfere with the placement of orchids in the kitchen. On the contrary, thanks to the limited number of details and decorative elements, flowers acquire even greater significance and value for decoration.

In the bathroom, if there are windows and enough light, you can also place orchids. But if they cannot create comfortable conditions, you will have to limit yourself to images of these tropical beauties on ceramic tiles or mosaic panels.

Orchids in the interior of an apartment are a phenomenon that still remains extraordinary. Do you want to surprise guests or relatives? Invite them as the plants begin to bloom. It is unlikely that you will be able to see and experience so many positive emotions and admiration at any other time.

What determines the choice of location?

The main requirement of a tropical beauty for keeping at home is light. Therefore, keeping an orchid, for example, in a hallway where there are no windows, is a bad decision. Far from a natural light source, the plant will become weak and die. Therefore, the first thing to consider when choosing a location is whether the flower has enough light.

It is better to place the orchid on a windowsill or nearby, or on an insulated loggia or veranda. It is advisable that trees growing outside the window do not block the sun. At the same time, constant exposure to direct rays harms the plant.

Advice! If there is not enough natural light, you can solve the problem with a fluorescent lamp. Artificial lighting will provide photosynthesis and transform the interior.

Flower growers share their observations on which windows can create comfortable conditions for certain varieties of orchids:

  • Western and southeastern. They are liked by all representatives of the species. Dendrobiums and phalaenopsis generally feel good on such windows all year round, while Cattleyas and Vandas need artificial lighting in winter.
  • Southern and southwestern. Most suitable for Cattleya, Vanda, Dendrobium. In spring and summer, during solar activity, plants need to create shade, and in winter this arrangement is ideal for all tropical flowers.
  • Northern. If the windows are located above the third floor and are not blocked by buildings or trees, then shoes can be grown on them. Other varieties of orchids will feel uncomfortable.
  • Eastern and northwestern. Slippers can grow on them all year round, and phalaenopsis can grow on them in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, all plants need lighting. And it’s better not to place Cattleya and Wanda near such windows at all.

Advice! If the orchid has long peduncles, blooms profusely and needs support, you can take a decorative stand made of natural materials. It can become a window decoration if it harmoniously matches the material from which the window frame is made and the color of the flowerpot.

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