What do flowers mean in a bouquet: signs, symbols, etiquette

How to make a bouquet correctly

The holiday season is approaching, when it is customary to give bouquets of flowers. To express your attitude towards a person or tell him about love, it is important to know the language of flowers. It's not easy at all. It is different in different countries.

  • For example, lilies among the Ancient Romans were a sign of splendor and wealth; they can be seen on ancient coins.
  • The Egyptians placed lilies around the body of a dead girl.
  • In Germany there is a belief that such a flower grows only on the graves of suicides and those who died at the hands of murderers.
  • In France, lilies are depicted on the old coat of arms. If they give you this beauty, it means they show their respect.

We will not rely on signs in European countries, we will find out what bouquets the Slavs make up.

The snow-white lily is a symbol of innocence, girlhood, generosity, nobility.

A yellow lily symbolizes gratitude, but at the same time – extravagance, frivolity, capriciousness, even lies. When presenting a lily, keep in mind the meaning of the color.

The meaning of flowers familiar to everyone

Aster is a very beautiful flower. It is considered a symbol of love, sophistication, and grace. In some cases - memories. The white aster will “tell” a person about great love or “ask” a loved one to confess his feelings.

The poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods were often decorated with asters. In our churches, the festive icon standing in the center of the temple is also decorated with asters.

There is a legend that these plants were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked down from the sky, crying.


Carnation - fidelity, love, feminine charm, passion, honor. The meaning depends on the color:

  • White carnation - wishes for success in everything and fulfillment of desires. If you are presented with white carnations, then you are considered a charming, cheerful, bright person.
  • With a yellow carnation you can “ask” if this person is offended by you or wish that your loved one would be more caring.
  • Red means success, victory, leadership. You can give a bouquet of red carnations to a manager or director of an enterprise who enjoys authority.
  • For girls, red carnations are placed in a mixed bouquet.
  • A pink carnation will tell your lover that he or she is forever in your heart. Pink carnations can also be given on Mother's Day, since the delicate color is a symbol of maternal love.
  • If you were presented with carnations, then know that they are expressing gratitude to you and assuring you that you can always count on his help.

Meaning of colors

  • Gerbera means mystery, flirtation, optimism. If a person gives you gerberas, it means he likes you and is inviting you to flirt. In general, this flower conveys a positive mood. If you want to do something nice, convey an optimistic mood, give gerberas.
  • Delphinium blue - means modesty, unpretentiousness. The giver seems to say: “I am ready to be your shadow.”
  • It is commonly believed that cactus is not given as a gift because it is unpleasantly prickly. It turns out that it means determination and perseverance or “You and I are alike, aren’t you tired of loneliness?”
  • White lavender is protection and fulfillment of desires. Ordinary lavender - admiration, but also loneliness, as well as “I will never forget you” or “No one will replace you for me.”
  • Narcissist - strong feelings, chivalry, unrequited love, unfulfilled hopes.
  • Forget-me-not - memories, true love, constancy, unblemished loyalty, sincerity.
  • Marigolds - cruelty, sadness, jealousy. On the other hand, a bouquet of orange flowers means eternal love, innocence, and wedding.
  • Orchid - love, tenderness, grace, intimacy, and also beauty. An orchid is presented only to a deeply loved person.
  • Fern - charm, magic, grace, protection, trust. It is better to give a flower to an unusual, mysterious young lady in order to earn her trust.
  • Peonies mean a happy wedding, a cheerful life. In other words, you can put it this way: “I don’t even have anything else to dream about.”
  • Snowdrop - tenderness, youth, innocence. Giving snowdrops emphasizes your charm, fragility, and femininity.

The flower of eternal love is honeysuckle. Why is it attractive to a gardener?

Honeysuckle honeysuckle , a climbing shrub, comes from the genus Honeysuckle of the family of the same name. Its other names: fragrant honeysuckle, goat honeysuckle. The specific name comes from the Latin words for "goat" and "leaf".

Relatives of honeysuckle are ornamental plants that are well known to us: snowberry, valerian, weigela, scabiosa.

Under natural conditions, goat honeysuckle grows in southern Europe and the Caucasus. He likes to settle on moist soils, on the edges or in forests, choosing illuminated places in them. Without sufficient lighting, honeysuckle will grow well, but it will not please you with abundant flowering.

Photo: Depositphotos

Under favorable conditions, shoots rise to a height of up to six meters. Yellowish-white flowers are collected in whorls, flowering is long - from May to July. On the outside, the flowers often have a reddish tint, which enhances their decorative value.

Fragrant honeysuckle is especially fragrant in the evenings, bewitching and taking you to fabulous distances, evoking pleasant dreams.

Flower extract is widely used in the perfume industry and aromatherapy.

At the end of July and in August, honeysuckle is decorated with bright orange or red fruits. It should be remembered that berries, although beautiful to look at, are not edible .

Nowadays, breeders have developed enough varieties with flowers of different colors. But even the simplest, non-selective honeysuckle will not disappoint you.

Fragrant honeysuckle propagates by layering, cuttings, and seeds. The easiest way is by layering.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle, botanical illustration, 1891. Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

This plant does not require special care. It is enough to provide it with moisture and fertile soil, place it in a well-lit place and build a support along which it will quickly rise up - the growth per year is about a meter, and under favorable conditions, even more.

In addition, honeysuckle is practically not affected by diseases and pests and tolerates frosty winters well. Only young plants should be covered with spruce branches for the winter.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is considered by flower growers to be one of the most beautiful vine plants. There are many legends about her, in which flowers symbolize devoted love and fidelity.

So, according to the legend about Heloise, Abelard’s secret wife and student, fragrant honeysuckle entwined their tombstones, symbolizing eternal love. And the famous heroine of medieval novels, the beautiful Isolde, is often compared to a delicate honeysuckle flower.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle Photo: Depositphotos

Another type of honeysuckle - edible honeysuckle , originally from Asia, is loved by gardeners for the early ripening of its fruits, for their medicinal qualities and varied taste: there are soft-sweet fruits, sweet-sour ones, and tart-astringent ones.

Edible honeysuckle is a berry bush that grows up to a meter in height, preferring damp places. Unlike honeysuckle honeysuckle, its fruits are dark blue or almost black.

The berries are consumed fresh, dried, frozen, jam, preserves, compote are made, and wine is made. Since ancient times, berries have been used as a filling for pies.

The value of edible honeysuckle fruits is undeniable. First of all, these are one of the first berries to ripen in the garden and provide the summer-starved body with fresh vitamins and the necessary set of micro- and macroelements.

The fruits improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heal the cardiovascular system, and have a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Edible honeysuckle Photo: Depositphotos

The most popular varieties of edible honeysuckle:

  • Sweet fruit - the fruits are sweet and aromatic, the yield is high, the jam from such berries will turn out excellent;
  • Violet - bluish-blue berries have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, the fruits are larger than those of Slastena;
  • Bazhovskaya - large fruits have a sweet taste and exquisite aroma;
  • Long-fruited - large blue-violet fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste;
  • Leningradsky Giant - the largest fruits of all edible honeysuckle varieties, resistant to frost;
  • Morena is a jug-shaped, blue-blue fruit with a waxy coating that has a sweet and sour taste and a weak aroma.

The Chinese have known the healing properties of honeysuckle for a long time; this plant is popularly called the Golden-Silver Flower.

Blue honeysuckle Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

In China, there is a legend about twin sisters - the Golden Flower and the Silver Flower, who were so inseparable that when one of the sisters fell ill with an incurable contagious disease, the other, despite the danger of becoming infected, looked after her.

Both sisters died, and after a while a flowering plant with white and yellow flowers appeared on their grave. Subsequently, people learned the medicinal properties of the new plant and named it the Golden-Silver Flower in honor of the inseparable sisters.

Honeysuckle flowers are also valued by sorcerers; they use them in love spells. Knowledgeable people believe that honeysuckle flowers crushed and placed on the forehead can develop psychic abilities in a person.

Japanese honeysuckle Photo: Source

One type of honeysuckle, Japanese honeysuckle , can be grown indoors. This species is distinguished by its lush growth and long flowering, and has fragrant flowers. There are varieties with variegated leaves and varied flower colors.

As you can see, there are enough types and varieties of honeysuckle to choose a reliable herbal doctor according to your taste, giving us positivity, giving us peace and restful sleep.

Tags: ornamental plants, berry bushes, shrubs, honeysuckle, liana plants, gardeners, flowering plant

How to give roses

Rose is a special flower. It is customary to present it for any occasion. But you need to know the color of roses and their meaning in order to make the right choice.

  • White rose - purity, innocence, modesty, tenderness, and also mystery. The giver seems to say: “You are an angel and I will achieve you.”
  • An unopened rose or bud means an immaculate heart.
  • White bud - inexperience, youth, virginity. The giver is ready to wait as long as possible for an answer, because he does not want to lose the charming creature.
  • Red bud - love, purity, charm. If you were given a bouquet of red buds, then you are loved very much and more and more every day.
  • A yellow flower does not mean betrayal or separation. On the contrary, it is happiness, joy. The fan wants to express that you are real sunshine for him and all positive emotions. Therefore, accept the yellow bouquet and rejoice at the gift.
  • It's nice when an admirer puts together a bouquet of red and white roses. This composition means tenderness, passion, unity. He is so much in love that he wants to be together forever.
  • Cream rose is elegance, harmony, perfection, constancy.
  • Pink rose means happy love, the highest happiness.
  • Wedding rose - reciprocity. The one who gives it makes it clear that we are together forever.
  • Rose Grand Prix - generosity, respect, trust, all the most chivalrous feelings.
  • The black rose is a symbol of death; it is brought to funerals because it conveys grief better than others. If you see this flower in a bouquet, perhaps they are hinting at a break in your relationship.

And some people in this way try to tell about incredible devotion, as strong and rare as this unique specimen. Goths don't present a better gift.

If your enemy gave you this flower gift, then rest assured, he is ready for revenge. Therefore, you should not give this gift to a girl, otherwise you will ruin the entire relationship.

Carnation - the flower of dates and eternal love, the role of carnations in the history of Europe for your Garden

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Flower of Eternal Love

Another beautiful European state, Italy, is a place where carnations have also taken root well. During its flowering, there is not a single folk festival at which young Italian peasant women do not decorate their chests with flowers and pin its bright flowers in their black hair.

Here this flower has always been a talisman of love . Often, when passing by the image of the Madonna placed at a crossroads, you can see a village girl praying with carnation flowers in her hand. If you quietly listen to her whisper, you can hear that she is praying for a happy journey and the safe return of her lover, who will have to cross such dangerous mountains where bandits roam, and asks the Madonna to bless the flowers, which should serve as a talisman against all kinds of troubles . As soon as everything is ready to leave, she will pin these flowers on his chest and will be calm, because they will protect him from all evil.

In Bologna, , the carnation is considered the flower of the Apostle St. Peter, and on June 29, the day of his memory, all churches and the entire city are decorated with its flowers. On this day you will not meet here a single young woman, not a single young man who would not have this flower in their hands, on their chest, in their hair or in their buttonhole. On this day, even old people and soldiers wear it in their buttonhole.

The image of a carnation is found on the ancient coat of arms of the ancient Italian family of the Counts of Ronsecco. According to legend, Countess Margarita Ronsecco gave this flower to her fiancé, Count Orlando, for good luck, before on the eve of their wedding he had to urgently go to the Holy Land to take part in the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher from the Saracens. After that, he disappeared for a long time, but after a while, one of the crusaders brought tragic news to Margarita. He said that Orlando had fallen in battle, and gave her a lock of her blond hair found on him, which he took with him as a talisman, and along with the lock a completely withered carnation flower , which had turned from white to red from the blood that had soaked it. Examining the flower, Margarita noticed that seeds had formed in it, which may have already ripened. Then, in memory of her dear groom, she decided to sow them. The seeds sprouted and developed into a clove plant , which bloomed. But instead of white, like the flower Margarita gave to her lover, the flowers had a red spot in the middle, which had not been observed in local carnations before. These stains seemed to be a trace of Orlando's blood, recalling the great sacrifice he made - the sacrifice of the happiness of his entire life to the duty of a true believing Christian.

The compilers of the coat of arms took into account this great feat of his and added a flower stained with noble blood to the coat of arms of the one he remembered until the very last minute of his life.

Dating Flower

In another wonderful country, Spain, carnations played no less a role in the lives of young people than in Italy, especially in Valencia, where they were even artificially forced to bloom almost all year round.

It was especially valuable here in December, when gallant gentlemen shelled out a lot of money for one flower. Offering such a flower to a lovely girl at this time is considered the height of courtesy.

carnations , although all red, have, however, several different shades, which served as a way for Spaniards in love to negotiate and set a date. Leaving the church, the lovely dona, as if by chance, throws back the edge of her mantilla and shows her vigilantly watching gentleman a carnation , by the shade of which he recognizes the hour when they will meet.

This is what it is - a carnation , a flower of passion , romance, fidelity and eternal love, over which even death has no power!

Publication date: March 30, 2009


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The meaning of flowers from our flowerbed

  • Daisies—youth, romance. At the same time, they use it to tell fortunes, expressing distrust of their partner.
  • Lilac is beauty, the first exciting love. If a fan gives a white lilac, then he is in love for the first time. With a lilac bouquet he asks, do you love me? Pink lilac means a declaration of love. And purple proves that he is all yours.
  • Tulips are a sign of great happiness and pure love. It is also a symbol of glory, pride, harmony. In Holland, the tulip is the emblem of this country. If you were given red tulips, rest assured: they love you with all their hearts and wish you happiness.
  • What do yellow tulips mean? They do not mean separation. The fan is trying to explain that your smile warms him like the sun.
  • Variegated tulips confirm that life is beautiful and the giver is proud of you.
  • Violet - dignity, modesty, innocence, but also secret love. The blue violet is especially significant. This is a call for caution in love relationships, and white is a call to become happy together.
  • Chrysanthemum - relaxation, fun with a friend. Red - means a declaration of love. White - they are trying to tell you the truth. And yellow love is still very fragile.
  • Cyclamen means resignation.
  • Zinnia of any color has a positive meaning.

Is it possible to give hibiscus as a gift?

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, is a very beautiful and delicate flower. But for some reason the name was attached to it - “flower of death”. Superstitious people generally attribute incredible mystical properties to it.

Some signs about hibiscus have nothing to do with death; on the contrary, they foreshadow favorable turns of fate.

According to popular belief, if a rose blooms, someone will soon die. But this interpretation is associated only with some cases that people remember.

Trouble and disease are caused by wilting and shedding of leaves. If you notice this behavior of the plant, then pay attention to your health. Perhaps the disease develops somewhere inside.

And non-superstitious gardeners will simply feed the plant so that it does not draw energy from the people living here. Indeed, it has been noticed that if the plant withers, the apartment residents feel weak and unwell.

But there is another explanation. The Chinese rose collected all the negativity in the house, then began to wither, diverting some kind of misfortune from the owners, which they had no idea about.

Even or odd - the eternal question

The best gift for any celebration is flowers. Women especially love this gift. But when receiving a bouquet of delicate lilies or fragrant roses, they immediately pay attention to whether there is an even number or an odd number of flowers in the composition.

It is believed that an even number will bring misfortune or illness to the family, since this number of flowers is brought to a funeral or placed on a grave.

But such a rule has been established only in Russia and the CIS countries. Georgia and Germany like even numbers. A Georgian or German in love will give his beloved woman a composition of eight buds.

Russia adopted such a superstition from the pagans. They associated even numbers with the end of life's journey.

But an odd number, on the contrary, was considered forward movement. The pagans treated the number 2 especially poorly. Even those families where twins were born were considered cursed. It was also forbidden to light two candles in temples. It was believed that one candle was for the deceased, the second was his guide to the other world.

The following numbers are considered mourning: 2,4,6 and 8. And in European countries, wedding bouquets are made up of 6, 10, 12 copies. For married people, such a gift should bring family happiness.

If you were accidentally handed a composition of an even number, then place one flower in another vase, but not in the bedroom. The best place for a bad gift is the kitchen.

Esoterics vs science: flower symbol

In esoteric practice, the lotus flower eliminates negative vibrations. It is believed that a photo of a lotus or an art image of it can become a cleansing amulet. The plant can also be used instead of asparagus and marmalade can be made from its seeds.

And how many amazing jewelry there are with this ancient symbol

This divine symbol in various religions carries its sacred meaning about:

  • life and health
  • rebirth and oblivion
  • fertility
  • masculine and feminine
  • spiritual self-improvement
  • awakening, the beginning of a new cycle
  • love and compassion

These flowers of extraordinary beauty are always drawn to the light

A blooming lotus is a perennial plant; its diameter can reach 30 cm. In the photo you can see that its bud is always turned towards the sun. The lotus is listed in the Red Book, so it is already special. Science has confirmed that lotus preparations act as tonics, cardiotonics and general tonics.

"Pink Lily of the Nile" - a sacred and miraculous plant

Its geography covers the waters of America, Hawaii and other parts of the world (more details in the photo). The flowering plant is found in Asian countries, India and Australia. The most amazing Lotus Valley is located in Russia, on the Taman Peninsula. This is an ideal place for travel, wedding ceremonies, and unforgettable photo and video sessions.

The flower of paradise lives in lakes and reservoirs

Who said you can't get away with it? In some photos you can see a waxy coating on the petals and beautiful pearlescent tints. Water does not linger on their surface, but rolls off in drops.

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