Vampire flowers. How to recognize donor plants and vampire flowers.

Vampire flowers. How to recognize donor plants and vampire flowers.

The well-being and atmosphere in the house is largely determined by the colors that live with people. Having the ability to take and give energy, they can negatively or positively affect household members. Neutralizing plants. Tradescantia does not develop in conditions of unpleasant energy. It is an indicator of vampire flowers and any other energy disturbances in the house. Thus, if it turns yellow, you need to check what could be causing it.

Violet is neither a vampire nor a donor, since it is a space purifier.
Can balance your inner state, does not tolerate excessive passions and scandals. Extinguishes children's aggression. Plants are donors. Ficus lyre-shaped is necessary for people who tend to hold ideas within themselves for a long time, think and think about the same thing from all sides. Helps you think broadly and connect several thoughts together. Favorable for people of art or mental work, as well as for scientists. Geranium - refreshes the air in the room and relieves internal tension. Has the ability to create an invisible field against the evil eye and interference in the human energy-information space. It is a flower - a talisman. Cactus can not only remove negative energy, but also recycle it, and then return it to people. Due to this, cacti are good when working with a computer and during daytime sleep. They can begin to draw energy from the house only if the soil in the pot has dried out. Liana is an inexhaustible source of energy with which this plant will feed you. It always grows, even with unfavorable changes in the bioenergy component of your home. But she demands love for herself. Plants are vampires. Fern takes a colossal amount of energy, which means that to a certain extent it is contraindicated. But it can also absorb negative energy, so place it in an unfavorable zone, thus improving its bioenergy.

Rose - it can be bred by people who are donors. When caring for a rose, they will give part of their excess energy to it. If you lack your own strength, it is better to refuse roses. Orchid is also a vampire if it takes root in the house. Having fallen in love with her owners, she drains all the energy from them. It is strictly contraindicated for people with underdeveloped will and indecisive individuals. Monstera is one of the most common and beloved house flowers, but, nevertheless, it is a vampire. It is very unfavorable for the home because it takes up a large amount of energy.

Rules for keeping plants in the house according to Feng Shui

Using the beneficial energy of indoor plants is a simple and aesthetic way to improve your life. Choosing the right place for a flower helps to achieve a state of harmony in all areas of life.

Feng Shui teachings say:

  1. Fresh plants in the living room attract wealth and good fortune.
  2. According to Feng Shui, ideal areas for indoor vegetation in a room are niches and corners.
  3. In the bedroom, flowerpots are placed near the bed at a distance of 1 m.
  4. Dry or wilting specimens will spell trouble.
  5. Prickly varieties do not bring benefits to the apartment; it is advisable to plant the plants in the local area, away from the door.

Feng Shui experts raise the question: why should you avoid bushes and trees grown using bonsai technology? The reason is obvious: artificial growth arrest reduces the flow of positive energy into the house.

Plant shape

Upright crops and vines charge the room with health and vigor; vegetation with hanging stems attracts diseases and fatigue. Thorns and thorns are a sign of aggression and conflict. You should avoid planting individuals with leaves that resemble knives or needles.

Color scheme of cultures and feng shui:

  1. Orange and red colors awaken the passion and sensuality of a beloved man or woman.
  2. The pink hue evokes empathy and patience.
  3. White color stimulates spiritual development.
  4. The yellow tone evokes negative emotions and feelings.
  5. Blue inflorescences are a source of creative inspiration.

According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, sources of positive energy are geraniums, begonias, Chinese rose, camellia, the list will be successfully complemented by arrowroot and cyclamen.

The best flowers for the home according to Feng Shui

Interactions with human energy

Based on the interaction of flowers with humans at the energy level, indoor plants are divided into 3 groups:

  • Powerful protection (cacti, palms, dracaena, yucca). Holders of strong, pronounced “yang” energy are able to protect the home and make a person active and hardworking. It is advisable to install flowerpots in the hall and office, respectively. Placing crops in the bedroom or children's room will have a negative impact.
  • Warmth and care (begonia, camellia, hoya, aloe, azalea). The vegetation of the second group has soft “yin” energy. Cultures improve mood, give confidence, help overcome mental and physiological deficiencies, and improve the atmosphere in an unmarried woman’s apartment.
  • Space cleaning (ficus, vines, ivy, hibiscus). Plants of the group eliminate geopathogenic zones, remove energy stagnation and protect against the evil eye.

Interesting fact. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists proved the ability of plants to transmit information and emit light. It has been experimentally proven that flowers perceive verbal threats and promises. For example, Luther Burbank grew a cactus without thorns, guaranteeing the flower reliable protection. According to research, different individuals have different effects on the aura of a room or person.

Vampire flowers and donors. Energy of home flowers: donor plants and vampire flowers

The well-being and atmosphere in the house is largely determined by the colors that live with people. Having the ability to take and give energy, they can negatively or positively affect household members.

Neutralizing plants

Tradescantia does not develop in conditions of unpleasant energy. It is an indicator of vampire flowers and any other energy disturbances in the house. If it turns yellow, you need to check what could be causing it.

Violet is neither a vampire nor a donor, since it is a space purifier. Can balance your inner state, does not tolerate excessive passions and scandals. Extinguishes children's aggression.

Donor plants

Ficus lyre-shaped is necessary for people who tend to hold ideas within themselves for a long time, think and think about the same thing from all sides. Helps you think broadly and connect several thoughts together. Favorable for people of art or mental work, as well as for scientists.

Geranium - refreshes the air in the room and relieves internal tension. Has the ability to create an invisible field against the evil eye and interference in the human energy-information space. Is a flower-amulet.

Cactus can not only remove negative energy, but also recycle it, and then return it to people. Due to this, cacti are good when working with a computer and during daytime sleep. They can begin to draw energy from the house only if the soil in the pot has dried out.

Liana is an inexhaustible source of energy with which this plant will feed you. It always grows, even with unfavorable changes in the bioenergy component of your home. But she demands love for herself.

Vampire plants

Fern takes a colossal amount of energy, which means that to a certain extent it is contraindicated. But it can also absorb negative energy, so place it in an unfavorable zone, thus improving its bioenergy

Rose - it can be bred by people who are donors. When caring for a rose, they will give part of their excess energy to it. If you lack your own strength, it is better to refuse roses.

Orchid is also a vampire if it takes root in the house. Having fallen in love with her owners, she drains all the energy from them. It is strictly contraindicated for people with underdeveloped will and indecisive individuals.

Monstera is one of the most common and beloved house flowers, but, nevertheless, it is a vampire. It is very unfavorable for the home because it takes up a large amount of energy.


Scindapsus is a vampire plant, as it consumes energy coming from a person. As a result of the effects of this indoor flower, people feel empty and overwhelmed.

For calm and balanced people, scindapsus will be an ordinary vine decorating the room. But, if the owners of the house like to sort things out, then the epipremnum will grow, feeding on negative energy. Evil tongues call him a “husband,” but this is often a controversial accusation.

Indoor vampire flowers list. Vampire plants

But answer a simple question: why do we need this headache? Why do we, usually busy people, take on the additional burden of planting fresh flowers at home? After all, you need to water them, feed them, wipe the dust from the leaves, and take care of proper lighting... Of course, a room in which there are flowers looks much more attractive. In addition, it is easier to breathe in such a room. And that's all? No!

It turns out that every plant that we bring home immediately begins to work invisible to us - it changes the energy of the space according to its nature.

And now we notice that, despite the workload, we feel great at work, and on the weekends, sitting at home, we feel like a squeezed lemon. Or vice versa: we return home, barely dragging our feet from fatigue, but soon our strength returns and we are ready for exploits - both at work and on the personal front. What's the matter here?

And pay attention to what flowers are on your windowsills or in floor pots, hanging in flowerpots, or even just living out their days, cut and placed in a vase. These green friends of ours can be either donors or vampires. The former share their vitality with us, the latter, on the contrary, are fueled by our energy. How can you tell the difference between donors and vampires, and can donors suddenly become vampires or vice versa?


This plant came to our country from the swamps of Africa. Everyone has known about his vampire nature since ancient times.

In apartments, tsiperus is placed near household electrical appliances, in the hallway or in the kitchen. To neutralize the negative impact of this representative of the flora, a small fountain is placed next to it, which clears the space of negative energy.

A dried sprig of a flower, which is placed in a book, will help protect your home from dark forces and the machinations of witches or sorcerers.

Vampire orchid flowers. Orchid - an energy vampire, or where nonsense comes from

What a miracle it is to watch how, after a long hibernation, a beautiful orchid suddenly puts out new flower stalks.

The green sprout quickly gains strength, small buds open, which over time begin to swell and turn into amazing buds. And no less pleasure awaits the gardener when tender leaves begin to appear from small capsules. Just a little more - and now the entire stem is covered with stunningly beautiful flowers.

Is it true that an orchid is an energy vampire?

A plant is called this way if its owner feels that his mood or sensations are dependent on the state of the flower. Some gardeners complain that when there is such a specimen in their room, vitality seems to evaporate: they don’t want anything, despondency sets in. At this time, the plant seems to have absorbed all the energy of the owner - it blooms and smells. But listen: the orchid is an energy vampire. This definition does not fit in any way with a beautiful flower, whose delicate petals look so stunning in any room.

How then can we explain the depressive state and despondency of the owner of the flower? That's right. But listen, every person has difficult periods in life when you don’t want to be active. And this has nothing to do with the presence of an orchid nearby. Energy vampires are more like wilted plants, dried flowers that have lost their life. And there can be no question of artificial bouquets. That's who can really "take out the soul." If the plant is properly cared for and you give your all to it, then the flower will only make you happy. Any potted guest will give you warmth, including an orchid.

Energy vampire, or the inventions of lazy people

A person, being in a time of sadness, often cannot explain his condition to himself. So you have to find the reasons for a bad mood, and sometimes just laziness. A great excuse for not doing anything: “Oh, I’m so distracted today. And everything falls out of hand. Surely my orchid is an energy vampire!” Do you agree that it sounds stupid? A person creates his own mood, confidence, and readiness to act. Don't make excuses for yourself - it's stupid. No one is interested in what or why you didn’t do it. It’s much better to listen to what you achieved, what you were able to overcome. Any flowers can be harmful only in one case: if you are allergic to them.

Not just an orchid

Energy vampire - this label is often attached to many flowers. This list includes monstera, chlorophytum, cactus, asparagus, fern and many others. But, please, if the plant brings

you are happy and the eye rejoices, contemplating the delicate buds and petals, how can you think about vampirism?

Let's sum it up

Perhaps some comrades find it convenient to hide their laziness and reluctance to do anything under the guise of an eternally unhappy person whose energy is constantly stolen by plants. Or maybe this is how these members of our society attract attention? Well, people have this need - to always pull the blanket over themselves. Don’t feed them bread, just let them complain. Anything is possible, but beautiful orchids have absolutely nothing to do with it.


This flower is often used in educational institutions, clinics or offices. It has been popular for several seasons in both animate and inanimate form: its leaves are an extremely popular print, printed on textiles and wallpaper. Monstera acts on people and animals like an energy vampire. At night, it releases carbon dioxide and absorbs oxygen. People who are in the same room with a flower note general weakness and headache. It also produces negative energy that makes those around you feel restless and irritable.

Indoor vampire flowers. Feng Shui: which indoor flowers are energy vampires

There are a number of plants that affect the energy of the house. According to Feng Shui, all indoor flowers are divided into two categories. The first category of plants are donors. They have a positive effect on the energy of the home, attract good luck, love, and have a beneficial effect on health and financial condition. But there are also plants that have the opposite effect. These are vampire plants. Living in their environment is extremely difficult. They suck energy from all household members, attract troubles, quarrels and lack of money. Feng Shui experts advise getting rid of them, otherwise there will never be money, peace, health, or love in the house. So, what plants scare away luck in the house?

Monstera. According to Feng Shui, this flower is extremely unfavorable for people. Despite his external attractiveness, he takes a lot of positive energy. It is especially dangerous to keep a monstera in the bedroom, as a person will often suffer from insomnia and nightmares.

Ivy is a plant that should absolutely not be kept in the house. It is especially not recommended to have ivy for young women who want to get married. This plant repels all men. In addition, ivy is a powerful energy vampire. It quickly absorbs all the energy and weakens the human biofield.

Orchid is very dangerous in houses where weak-willed and passive people live. As a rule, this flower rarely takes root well at home. But if it grows quickly, becoming more and more beautiful every day, this means that it pumps energy from the owners of the house.

Roses are not recommended for people with a weak energy field. Those who constantly need energy will feel very bad next to this flower. Feng Shui experts say that a rose can cause irritability and anxiety in such people. And people who feel excess strength can use it to relieve excess energy. In this case, a rose will be useful.

Cacti have dual properties. On the one hand, they protect against radiation from computer monitors, and are also considered a magical talisman against robbers and scammers. But there is also a downside to this indoor plant. Cactus repels love, cools feelings, and negatively affects male potency and libido in women.

Begonia is a strong energy vampire. It is especially dangerous to keep it for people with chronic diseases and those who are already advanced in age. It is also not recommended for single people to keep begonia. This plant can be kept only in cases where a large number of guests constantly come to the house. According to Feng Shui, strangers who come into the house bring with them their own energy, which is often negative. Begonia will suck out the negative energy of strangers, thereby protecting the owners of the house.

Main conclusions

Vampire plants are sometimes bred specifically to absorb negative energy, so these flowers are not always contraindicated. Real and undeniable energy vampires are dried and diseased flowers, as well as dried flowers. It is advisable to get rid of them in time, as they take away positive energy at great speed and can easily attract troubles and a bad mood.

Indoor vampire plants are dangerous, but there is an opinion among scientists that chlorophytum and different types of ferns have a selective effect on humans and are quite suitable for some people.

Never place artificial flowers in your home. Even a bouquet that is just beginning to fade in a vase must be thrown away. You may not believe it, but even fresh, luxurious, recently cut flowers begin to take away the energy of the people living nearby only because they are left without roots. These are very dangerous vampire flowers.

Grow your favorite flowers! Enjoy their beauty and aroma! Here you can read about donor plants. Have a great mood everyone! I hope the article was useful and interesting. If so, subscribe to my blog, good luck everyone! With sincere respect to you, author of the online diary, Olga

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